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Cognitive neuroscience approaches to memory attempt to elucidate the brain processes and systems that are involved in different forms of memory and learning. This paper examines recent research from brain-damaged patients and neuroimaging studies that bears on the distinction between explicit and implicit forms of memory. Explicit memory refers to conscious recollection of previous experiences, whereas implicit memory refers to the non-conscious effects of past experiences on subsequent performance and behaviour. Converging evidence suggests that an implicit form of memory known as priming is associated with changes in posterior cortical regions that are involved in perceptual processing; some of the same regions may contribute to explicit memory. The hippocampal formation and prefrontal cortex also play important roles in explicit memory. Evidence is presented from recent PET scanning studies that suggests that frontal regions are associated with intentional strategic efforts to retrieve recent experiences, whereas the hippocampal formation is associated with some aspect of the actual recollection of an event.  相似文献   

Vaccination tourism (whereby citizens of one nation travel to a different, usually more developed nation to receive a vaccine unavailable or with little availability at home) during the COVID pandemic raises a host of moral issues and is usually met with criticism. From the perspective of the society of origin, the criticism is that those who use their socio-economic privileges to go abroad and receive the vaccine ahead of other citizens instead of ‘making the line’ act objectionably because in doing so they use their purchasing power to obtain a benefit that should not be distributed like any other product in the market. From the perspective of the society of destination, the criticism is that citizens and residents should receive the vaccines first; after all, their government purchased vaccines (with their taxes) to immunize the local population. The paper calls into question both objections to vaccination tourism. There might be other reasons to oppose it, but this pair of objections cannot ground a moral criticism of the practice.  相似文献   

Experiments using behavioural, lesion, functional imaging and single neuron methods are considered in the context of a neuropsychological model of visual attention. According to this model, inputs compete for representation in multiple visually responsive brain systems, sensory and motor, cortical and subcortical. Competition is biased by advance priming of neurons responsive to current behavioural targets. Across systems competition is integrated such that the same, selected object tends to become dominant throughout. The behavioural studies reviewed concern divided attention within and between modalities. They implicate within-modality competition as one main restriction on concurrent stimulus identification. In contrast to the conventional association of lateral attentional focus with parietal lobe function, the lesion studies show attentional bias to be a widespread consequence of unilateral cortical damage. Although the clinical syndrome of unilateral neglect may indeed be associated with parietal lesions, this probably reflects an assortment of further deficits accompanying a simple attentional imbalance. The functional imaging studies show joint involvement of lateral prefrontal and occipital cortex in lateral attentional focus and competition. The single unit studies suggest how competition in several regions of extrastriate cortex is biased by advance priming of neurons responsive to current behavioural targets. Together, the concepts of competition, priming and integration allow a unified theoretical approach to findings from behavioural to single neuron levels.  相似文献   

为了迎接21世纪的挑战,推动我国神经科学基础研究的快速发展,中国科学院于1999年底在上海成立了中国科学院神经科学研究所(下简称上海神经所).经过十余年的发展,上海神经所取得了突出的成就,跻身国际水平研究所行列,为我国神经科学发展做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) trained with machine learning techniques on cognitive tasks have become a widely accepted tool for neuroscientists. In this short opinion piece, we discuss fundamental challenges faced by the early work of this approach and recent steps to overcome such challenges and build next-generation RNN models for cognition. We propose several essential questions that practitioners of this approach should address to continue to build future generations of RNN models.  相似文献   

Haggard P 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(20):R884-R886
Humans can perceive the shape of objects by touch alone, by extracting geometric features such as edges. Recently recorded responses of single neurons in the secondary somatosensory cortex of monkeys suggest how the brain integrates tactile shape information across different regions of skin and builds up a representation of tactile objects.  相似文献   

The neural bases of cognitive conflict and control in moral judgment   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Traditional theories of moral psychology emphasize reasoning and "higher cognition," while more recent work emphasizes the role of emotion. The present fMRI data support a theory of moral judgment according to which both "cognitive" and emotional processes play crucial and sometimes mutually competitive roles. The present results indicate that brain regions associated with abstract reasoning and cognitive control (including dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex) are recruited to resolve difficult personal moral dilemmas in which utilitarian values require "personal" moral violations, violations that have previously been associated with increased activity in emotion-related brain regions. Several regions of frontal and parietal cortex predict intertrial differences in moral judgment behavior, exhibiting greater activity for utilitarian judgments. We speculate that the controversy surrounding utilitarian moral philosophy reflects an underlying tension between competing subsystems in the brain.  相似文献   

Episodic memory is widely conceived as a fundamentally constructive, rather than reproductive, process that is prone to various kinds of errors and illusions. With a view towards examining the functions served by a constructive episodic memory system, we consider recent neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies indicating that some types of memory distortions reflect the operation of adaptive processes. An important function of a constructive episodic memory is to allow individuals to simulate or imagine future episodes, happenings and scenarios. Since the future is not an exact repetition of the past, simulation of future episodes requires a system that can draw on the past in a manner that flexibly extracts and recombines elements of previous experiences. Consistent with this constructive episodic simulation hypothesis, we consider cognitive, neuropsychological and neuroimaging evidence showing that there is considerable overlap in the psychological and neural processes involved in remembering the past and imagining the future.  相似文献   

The authors present here mathematical models in which levels of subjective alertness and cognitive throughput are predicted by three components that interact with one another in a nonlinear manner. These components are (1) a homeostatic component (H) that falls in a sigmoidal manner during wake and rises in a saturating exponential manner at a rate that is determined by circadian phase during sleep; (2) a circadian component (C) that is a function of the output of our mathematical model of the effect of light on the circadian pacemaker, with the amplitude further regulated by the level of H; and (3) a sleep inertia component (W) that rises in a saturating exponential manner after waketime. The authors first construct initial models of subjective alertness and cognitive throughput based on the results of sleep inertia studies, sleep deprivation studies initiated across all circadian phases, 28-h forced desynchrony studies, and alertness and performance dose response curves to sleep. These initial models are then refined using data from nearly one hundred fifty 30- to 50-h sleep deprivation studies in which subjects woke at their habitual times. The interactive three-component models presented here are able to predict even the fine details of neurobehavioral data from sleep deprivation studies and, after further validation, may provide a powerful tool for the design of safe shift work and travel schedules, including those in which people are exposed to unusual patterns of light.  相似文献   

Creativity is defined quite simply as "the ability to create" in most lexicons, but, in reality, this is a complex and heterogeneous construct about which there is much to be discovered. The cognitive approach to investigating creativity recognizes and seeks to understand this complexity by investigating the component processes involved in creative thinking. The cognitive neuroscience approach, which has only limitedly been applied in the study of creativity, should ideally build on these ideas in uncovering the neural substrates of these processes. Following an introduction into the early experimental ideas and the cognitive approach to creativity, we discuss the theoretical background and behavioral methods for testing various processes of creative cognition, including conceptual expansion, the constraining influence of examples, creative imagery and insight. The complex relations between the underlying component processes of originality and relevance across these tasks are presented thereafter. We then outline how some of these conceptual distinctions can be evaluated by neuroscientific evidence and elaborate on the neuropsychological approach in the study of creativity. Given the current state of affairs, our recommendation is that despite methodological difficulties that are associated with investigating creativity, adopting the cognitive neuroscience perspective is a highly promising framework for validating and expanding on the critical issues that have been raised in this paper.  相似文献   

Theoretical neuroscience, which characterizes neural mechanisms using mathematical and computational models, is highly relevant to central problems in the philosophy of psychiatry. These models can help to solve the explanation problem of causally connecting neural processes with the behaviors and experiences found in mental illnesses. Such explanations will also be useful for generating better classifications and treatments of psychiatric disorders. The result should help to eliminate concerns that mental illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia are not objectively real. A philosophical approach to mental illness based on neuroscience need not neglect the inherently social and historical nature of mental phenomena.  相似文献   

In addition to causing distress and disability to the individual, neuropsychiatric disorders are also extremely expensive to society and governments. These disorders are both common and debilitating and impact on cognition, functionality and wellbeing. Cognitive enhancing drugs, such as cholinesterase inhibitors and methylphenidate, are used to treat cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer''s disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, respectively. Other cognitive enhancers include specific computerized cognitive training and devices. An example of a novel form of cognitive enhancement using the technological advancement of a game on an iPad that also acts to increase motivation is presented. Cognitive enhancing drugs, such as methylphenidate and modafinil, which were developed as treatments, are increasingly being used by healthy people. Modafinil not only affects ‘cold’ cognition, but also improves ‘hot’ cognition, such as emotion recognition and task-related motivation. The lifestyle use of ‘smart drugs'' raises both safety concerns as well as ethical issues, including coercion and increasing disparity in society. As a society, we need to consider which forms of cognitive enhancement (e.g. pharmacological, exercise, lifelong learning) are acceptable and for which groups (e.g. military, doctors) under what conditions (e.g. war, shift work) and by what methods we would wish to improve and flourish.  相似文献   

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