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Seven different limb malformations types were defined in 544 affected newborns, apparently free from other anomalies, obtained from a series of 297,299 livebirths. These seven malformation types were: polydactyly, limb reduction, brachydactyly, symphalangy, syndactyly and split hand/foot. One anomaly type was present in 472 newborns (1.58/1,000) and two or three in 72 (0.24/1,000). The observed combinations of two or three limb malformation types cannot be explained as chance association. Therefore, a common etiopathogenic mechanism has to be considered when two or more limb malformation types are combined in a given individual. The most frequent observed combinations were: reduction-brachydactyly, reduction-syndactyly, brachydactyly-syndactyly, polydactyly-syndactyly, and reduction-brachydactyly-syndactyly. Based on affected limb distribution, sex ratio, and familial recurrence rates, it is suggest that a reduction anomaly is the primary component in all tested combinations while syndactyly tends to be a secondary one when combined with any other limb anomaly type.  相似文献   

Roberts syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder (MIM 268300). It is characterized by pre and postnatal growth retardation, severe shortening of limbs with radial defects, oligodactyly and characteristic facial features. The present study reports 4 new cases of Roberts syndrome from 3 families presenting variable phenotypes. Patients were thoroughly investigated clinically and cytogenetically. By reviewing literature, we compared our cases to those previously reported. The rating severity system proposed by Van den Berg and Francke (30) was applied to correlate the phenotypic and cytogenetics changes. We observed more severe reduction defects in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs. While the main reduction defects in the upper limbs involved the thumb and radius ranging to phocomelia, absent or severely hypoplastic fibula was the main lower limb involvement. We emphasize this finding in the present investigation. Heterochromatin repulsion of chromosomes derived from Roberts syndrome patients is a characteristic cytogenetic abnormality. It was a constant finding in our studied patients demonstrated by DABI stain which supports the possibility that mutations in Roberts syndrome lie in centromere related proteins which may also play a role in body patterning. This was proved recently by Vega et al. (31). Application of the clinical rating score and its correlation with cytogenetic changes showed negative results. Cytogenetic studies in normal obligatory heterozygotes parents showed no changes. Phenotypic variability within the same family as well as between different families was observed. The ascertainment of 4 cases with Roberts syndrome from 3 Egyptian consanguineous families during one year in our department may indicate a high frequency of the Roberts syndrome allele among Egyptians. This confirms the need for molecular studies for early and accurate prenatal diagnosis to prevent such dramatic malformation syndrome.  相似文献   

The mammalian inner ear is a complex organ that develops from a surface ectoderm into distinct auditory and vestibular components. Congenital malformation of these two components resulting from single or multiple gene defects is a common clinical occurrence and is observed in patients with split hand/split foot malformation, a malformation which is phenocopied by Dlx5/6 null mice. Analysis of mice lacking Dlx5 and Dlx6 homeobox genes identified their restricted and combined expression in the otic epithelium as a crucial regulator of vestibular cell fates. Otic induction initiates without incident in Dlx5/6(-/-) embryos, but dorsal otic derivatives including the semicircular ducts, utricle, saccule, and endolymphatic duct fail to form. Dlx5 and Dlx6 seem to influence vestibular cell fates by restricting Pax2 and activating Gbx2 and Bmp4 expression domains. Given their proximity to the disease locus and the observed phenotype in Dlx5/6 null mice, Dlx5/6 are likely candidates to mediate the inner ear defects observed in patients with split hand/split foot malformation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: At least five distinct loci have been implicated in split hand foot malformation (SHFM). Establishing genotype/phenotype correlations at the chromosomal level may elucidate responsible developmental genes and improve patient management. In our analysis of previously published genetically mapped SHFM cases, preaxial hand involvement was a significant discriminating variable, most commonly seen at the SHFM3 locus (OMIM 600095) at 10q24. Of the 47 SHFM3 patients analyzed, 15 (31.9%) had triphalangeal thumb (TPT), a limb finding not reported at any other locus. METHODS: The association of TPT/split foot, in particular, prompted us to review the literature for similar cases. RESULTS: We ascertained a number of unmapped familial and sporadic cases with TPT/split foot, including a group of patients with triphalangeal thumb-brachyectrodactyly syndrome. Certain trends were similar in both SHFM3 and these unmapped literature cases. With respect to gender, 7/12 (58%) of mapped SHFM3 cases with TPT/split foot were male whereas 5/12 (42%) were female, compared with 22/50 (44%) males and 28/50 (56%) females among unmapped cases (P=0.3715). Individuals in both groups usually had bilateral involvement, with 67 and 60% showing bilateral TPT among mapped and literature cases, respectively (P=0.6714). Bilateral involvement of the feet was even more striking (83% of SHFM3 patients and 96% of literature cases; P=0.0808). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with TPT/split foot may in fact represent SHFM3 cases and should be evaluated for genomic rearrangements at 10q24. TPT may be identified only by radiographic analysis, emphasizing the importance of imaging these patients and their family members.  相似文献   

Severe injury to the middle finger often compromises both the appearance and function of the hand. This report discusses the use of total middle ray amputation at the time of primary trauma surgery to avoid predictable problems that arise when the ray, or part of it, is retained. Primary ray amputation eliminates the defective middle finger, avoids a gap hand, and reunites the dissociated radial and ulnar segments of the hand to create a useful, three-fingered hand.  相似文献   

Newly recognized ectrodactyly/deafness syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 7-year-old non-Ashkenazi Jewish girl is described having asymmetrical ectrodactyly (split hand and foot deformity), short stature, mental retardation, sensorineural deafness, and abnormal facies. Because this constellation of findings has not been reported previously, the authors believe that this represents a new congenital malformation syndrome, most probably of genetic etiology.  相似文献   

This study identifies genes expressed early in 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced skin carcinogenesis in genetically initiated Tg.AC v-Ha-ras transgenic mice. Keratinocyte progenitor cells from TPA-treated Tg.AC mice were isolated with fluorescence-activated cell sorting and expression was analyzed using cDNA microarray technology. Eleven genes were identified whose expression changed significantly in response to carcinogen treatment. Deleted in split hand/split foot 1 (Dss1) is a gene associated with a heterogeneous limb developmental disorder called split hand/split foot malformation. cDNA microarray expression analysis showed that the mouse homologue of Dss1 is induced by TPA. Dss1 overexpression was detected by Northern blot analysis in early TPA-treated hyperplastic skins and in JB6 Cl 41-5a epidermal cells. Interestingly, Dss1 expression was also shown to be elevated in skin papillomas relative to normal skins, and further increased in squamous cell malignancies. Functional studies by ectopically constitutive expression of Dss1 in JB6 Cl 41-5a preneoplastic cells strongly increased focus formation and proliferation of these cells and enhanced efficiency of neoplastic transformation of the cells in soft agar. These results strongly suggest that Dss1 is a TPA-inducible gene that may play an important role in the early stages of skin carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

We report on a large Dutch family with a syndrome characterized by severe hand and/or foot anomalies, and hypoplasia/aplasia of the mammary gland and nipple. Less frequent findings include lacrimal-duct atresia, nail dysplasia, hypohydrosis, hypodontia, and cleft palate with or without bifid uvula. This combination of symptoms has not been reported previously, although there is overlap with the ulnar mammary syndrome (UMS) and with ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and clefting syndrome. Allelism with UMS and other related syndromes was excluded by linkage studies with markers from the relevant chromosomal regions. A genomewide screening with polymorphic markers allowed the localization of the genetic defect to the subtelomeric region of chromosome 3q. Haplotype analysis reduced the critical region to a 3-cM interval of chromosome 3q27. This chromosomal segment has not been implicated previously in disorders with defective development of limbs and/or mammary tissue. Therefore, we propose to call this apparently new disorder "limb mammary syndrome" (LMS). The SOX2 gene at 3q27 might be considered an excellent candidate gene for LMS because the corresponding protein stimulates expression of FGF4, an important signaling molecule during limb outgrowth and development. However, no mutations were found in the SOX2 open reading frame, thus excluding its involvement in LMS.  相似文献   

Congenital malformation of limbs is found in many troops of the Japanese monkey. The author morphologically examined more than ten monkeys with such malformations by means of palpation and Röntgenographing. Anatomical dissection was performed on two of these monkeys. Malformation manifests a considerable variety of forms, from the reduction or absence of fingers to almost total lack of limbs, and is prone to occur in the region of the third finger, the center of malformation, occasionally showing a “split” or “cleft” hand or foot. The latter tendency is more conspicuous in the hand than in the foot. In a word, most of the malformations are characterized by congenital amputation, though the degree varies considerably. The occurrence of supernumerary digits was not found and fusion between fingers was rare. One of the most interesting anatomical results found may be the continuation or fusion between muscles which are normally opposed to each other in action. The occurrence of malformation is more frequent in the male than in the female, and in the hand than in the foot. Little is known about the causes of such malformations, except that they do not occur, at least, according to dominant inheritance.  相似文献   

Split hand/foot malformation type I (SHFM1) disease locus maps to chromosome 7q21.3-q22, a region that includes the distal-less-related (dll) genes DLX5 and DLX6. However, incomplete penetrance, variable expressivity, segregation distortion, and syndromic association with other anomalies have so far prevented the identification of the SHFM1 gene(s) in man. Here we show that the targeted double inactivation of Dlx5 and Dlx6 in the mouse causes in homozygous mutant animals bilateral ectrodactyly with a severe defect of the central ray of the hindlimbs, a malformation typical of SHFM1. This is the first evidence that the role of dll/Dlx genes in appendage development is conserved from insects to mammals and proves their involvement in SHFM1.  相似文献   

Brachydactyly ("short digits") is a general term that refers to disproportionately short fingers and toes, and forms part of the group of limb malformations characterized by bone dysostosis. The various types of isolated brachydactyly are rare, except for types A3 and D. Brachydactyly can occur either as an isolated malformation or as a part of a complex malformation syndrome. To date, many different forms of brachydactyly have been identified. Some forms also result in short stature. In isolated brachydactyly, subtle changes elsewhere may be present. Brachydactyly may also be accompanied by other hand malformations, such as syndactyly, polydactyly, reduction defects, or symphalangism. For the majority of isolated brachydactylies and some syndromic forms of brachydactyly, the causative gene defect has been identified. In isolated brachydactyly, the inheritance is mostly autosomal dominant with variable expressivity and penetrtance. Diagnosis is clinical, anthropometric and radiological. Prenatal diagnosis is usually not indicated for isolated forms of brachydactyly, but may be appropriate in syndromic forms. Molecular studies of chorionic villus samples at 11 weeks of gestation and by amniocentesis after the 14th week of gestation can provide antenatal diagnosis if the causative mutation in the family is known. The nature of genetic counseling depends both on the pattern of inheritance of the type of brachydactyly present in the family and on the presence or absence of accompanying symptoms. There is no specific management or treatment that is applicable to all forms of brachydactyly. Plastic surgery is only indicated if the brachydactyly affects hand function or for cosmetic reasons, but is typically not needed. Physical therapy and ergotherapy may ameliorate hand function. Prognosis for the brachydactylies is strongly dependent on the nature of the brachydactyly, and may vary from excellent to severely influencing hand function. If brachydactyly forms part of a syndromic entity, prognosis often depends on the nature of the associated anomalies.  相似文献   

The etiology of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is unclear and its pathogenesis is controversial. Because previous reports have inconsistently noted the type and frequency of malformations associated with CDH, we assessed these associated malformations ascertained between 1979 and 2003 in 334,262 consecutive births. Of the 115 patients with the most common type of CDH, the posterolateral, or Bochdalek-type hernia, 70 (60.8%) had associated malformations. These included: chromosomal abnormalities (n = 21, 30.0%); non-chromosomal syndromes (Fryns syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, De Lange syndrome, CHARGE syndrome, Fraser syndrome, Goldenhar syndrome, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, multiple pterygium syndrome, Noonan syndrome, and spondylocostal dysostosis); malformation sequences (laterality sequence, ectopia cordis); malformation complexes (limb body wall complex) and non syndromic multiple congenital anomalies (MCA) (n = 30, 42.9%). Malformations of the cardiovascular system (n = 42, 27.5%), urogenital system (n = 27, 17.7%), musculoskeletal system (n = 24, 15.7%), and central nervous system (n = 15, 9.8%) were the most common other congenital malformations. We observed specific patterns of malformations associated with CDH which emphasizes the need to evaluate all patients with CDH for possible associated malformations. Geneticists and pediatricians should be aware that the malformations associated with CDH can often be classified into a recognizable malformation syndrome or pattern (57.1%).  相似文献   

To have a better understanding of classification of congenital hand anomalies, clinical features and teratogenic mechanisms of congenital absence of digits including ulnar and radial deficiencies, cleft hand, symbrachydactyly and constriction band were reviewed. There seemed to be four different teratogenic mechanisms of congenital absence of digits. Ulnar and radial deficiencies have the same clinical features and the cause of these deficiencies is closely related to a deficit of mesenchymal cells in the limb-bud due to impairment before the formation of the limb-bud. Cleft hand, central polydactyly and osseous syndactyly were induced by the same treatment at the same developmental stage in rats. Roentgenograms of the clinical cases and skeletal changes of the anomalies in rats appear to demonstrate that cleft hand formation proceeds from osseous syndactylies and central polydactylies. The teratogenic mechanism of a cleft hand seemed to be failure of induction of digital rays in the hand plate. The sequence of anomalies from brachysyndactyly, or the atypical cleft hand, to the congenital amputation, can be regarded as equivalent to the category of transverse deficiency that is bony dysplasia of the hand. Congenital constriction ring syndrome appears after the formation of the digital rays.  相似文献   

Summary A Pakistani kindred comprising seven generations and 36 members with the split-hand/split-foot anomaly is described. The full expression of the trait, monodactylous or split hand and split foot, mainly of the lobster-claw type, was present in 33 males and 3 females. Other females showed a distinctly milder expression of the trait, usually in the form of partial syndactyly, metacarpal and phalangeal hypoplasia, and malformation. The distribution of the affected members in the pedigree is compatible with X-chromosomal inheritance. Hemizygous males and presumably homozygous females exhibit the typical split-hand/split-foot anomaly, whereas only a part of the obligatory heterozygous females show the milder expression. There were no associated anomalies, such as ectodermal dysplasia, cleft lip/palate, macular degeneration, malformations of the long bones or internal organs, and overt mental retardation.  相似文献   

In this report we present another family with oligosymptomatic expression of the EEC syndrome. A mother with complete absence of the permanent teeth had two children with split hand/split foot deformity, as typically seen in the EEC syndrome. Cleft lip/cleft palate was also present in one of them. The great variability in expression of this autosomal dominant syndrome is discussed and the difficulties in genetic counseling are emphasized.  相似文献   

Split-hand/split-foot malformation (SHFM), a limb malformation involving the central rays of the autopod and presenting with syndactyly, median clefts of the hands and feet, and aplasia and/or hypoplasia of the phalanges, metacarpals, and metatarsals, is phenotypically analogous to the naturally occurring murine Dactylaplasia mutant (Dac). Results of recent studies have shown that, in heterozygous Dac embryos, the central segment of the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) degenerates, leaving the anterior and posterior segments intact; this finding suggests that localized failure of ridge maintenance activity is the fundamental developmental defect in Dac and, by inference, in SHFM. Results of gene-targeting studies have demonstrated that p63, a homologue of the cell-cycle regulator TP53, plays a critically important role in regulation of the formation and differentiation of the AER. Two missense mutations, 724A-->G, which predicts amino acid substitution K194E, and 982T-->C, which predicts amino acid substitution R280C, were identified in exons 5 and 7, respectively, of the p63 gene in two families with SHFM. Two additional mutations (279R-->H and 304R-->Q) were identified in families with EEC (ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and facial cleft) syndrome. All four mutations are found in exons that fall within the DNA-binding domain of p63. The two amino acids mutated in the families with SHFM appear to be primarily involved in maintenance of the overall structure of the domain, in contrast to the p63 mutations responsible for EEC syndrome, which reside in amino acid residues that directly interact with the DNA.  相似文献   

The clinical manifestations of 88 children with congenital constriction band syndrome involvement of the hand were reviewed. Seventy-five of these children had evidence of digital or limb amputations, with 235 upper limb amputations and 138 lower limb amputations. In the hand, digital amputations were most common in the index, middle, and ring fingers, whereas in the foot, amputations of the hallux were most often noted. Band indentation was often present at multiple levels. Proximal bands may be associated with neural compression. Syndactyly was invariably associated with a proximal interdigital sinus or cleft and was frequently associated with distal amputation. Examination of a 27-week gestation stillborn specimen having manifestations of congenital constriction band syndrome demonstrated the intrauterine biologic response to band constriction. The variable clinical manifestations of congenital constriction band syndrome can best be explained as the response of the growing, embryologically defined limb to intrauterine deformation or band-induced compression and ischemia.  相似文献   

Embryotoxicity and teratogenicity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and modulation of its effect by the depletors of glutathione (GSH) were evaluated in mice. Pregnant ICR mice were intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected with 25 mg/kg of 5-FU on day 11 of gestation (vaginal plug = day 0). Mice were pretreated i.p. with 250 mg/kg of phorone, a GSH depleting agent and/or 200 mg/kg of buthionine sulfoximine (BSO, an inhibitor of GSH biosynthesis) 4 hours before dosing with 5-FU. Dams were killed on day 17 of gestation. Fetuses were examined for external malformations, especially limb malformations. Pretreatment with phorone or BSO decreased fetal weight and increased the frequency and severity of oligodactyly induced by 5-FU, as well as the reduction of maternal GSH levels. Combined use of 125 mg/kg phorone and 100 mg/kg BSO i.p. augmented growth retardation induced with 5-FU. Cotreatment with exogenous GSH, at a dose of 300 mg/kg injected intravenously, could not suppress the augmentative effects of phorone and/or BSO on 5-FU teratogenicity under these experimental conditions. These results indicate that the level of endogenous GSH is one of the factors which significantly affects teratogenicity of 5-FU.  相似文献   

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