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The European shore crab Carcinus maenas and the common hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus are members of the sister taxa Brachyura and Anomura (together forming the taxon Meiura) respectively. Both species share similar coastal marine habitats and thus are confronted with similar environmental conditions. This study sets out to explore variations of general brain architecture of species that live in seemingly similar habitats but belong to different major malacostracan taxa and to understand possible differences of sensory systems and related brain compartments. We examined the brains of Carcinus maenas, Pagurus bernhardus, and three other hermit crab species with immunohistochemistry against tyrosinated tubulin, f-actin, synaptic proteins, RF-amides and allatostatin. Our comparison showed that their optic neuropils within the eyestalks display strong resemblance in gross morphology as well as in detailed organization, suggesting a rather similar potential of processing visual input. Besides the well-developed visual system, the olfactory neuropils are distinct components in the brain of both C. maenas and P. bernhardus as well as the other hermit crabs, suggesting that close integration of olfactory and visual information may be useful in turbid marine environments with low visibility, as is typical for many habitats such as, e.g., the Baltic and the North Sea. Comparing the shape of the olfactory glomeruli in the anomurans showed some variations, ranging from a wedge shape to an elongate morphology. Furthermore, the tritocerebrum and the organization of the second antennae associated with the tritocerebrum seem to differ markedly in C. maenas and P. bernhardus, indicating better mechanosensory abilities in the latter close to those of other Decapoda with long second antennae, such as Astacida, Homarida, or Achelata. This aspect may also represent an adaptation to the “hermit lifestyle” in which competition for shells is a major aspect of their life history. The shore crab C. maenas, on the other hand seems to rely much less on mechanosensory information mediated by the second antennae but in water, the visual and the olfactory senses seem to be the most important modalities.  相似文献   

Corals are an essential and threatened habitat for a diverse range of reef-associated animals. Episodes of coral bleaching are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity over coming decades, yet the effects of coral-host bleaching on the associated animal communities remain poorly understood. The present study investigated the effects of host-colony bleaching on the obligate coral-dwelling crab, Trapezia cymodoce, during a natural bleaching event in the lagoon of Lizard Island, Australia. Branching corals, which harbour the highest diversity of coral associates, comprised 13% of live coral cover at the study site, with 83% affected by bleaching. Crabs on healthy and bleached colonies of Pocillopora damicornis were monitored over a 5-week period to determine whether coral bleaching affected crab density and movement patterns. All coral colonies initially contained one breeding pair of crabs. There was a significant decline in crab density on bleached corals after 5 weeks, with many corals losing one or both crabs, yet all healthy colonies retained a mating pair. Fecundity of crabs collected from bleached and healthy colonies of P. damicornis was also compared. The size of egg clutches of crabs collected from bleached hosts was 40% smaller than those from healthy hosts, indicating a significant reduction in fecundity. A laboratory experiment on movement patterns found that host-colony bleaching also prompted crabs to emigrate in search of more suitable colonies. Emigrant crabs engaged in aggressive interactions with occupants of healthy hosts, with larger crabs always usurping occupants of a smaller size. Decreased densities and clutch sizes, along with increased competitive interactions, could potentially result in a population decline of these important coral associates with cascading effects on coral health.  相似文献   

The lady crab (Ovalipes ocellatus) is one of the most common native species of swimming crab (Portunidae) of the Atlantic Coast of North America but most populations occur south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. There is a disjunct population in Northumberland Strait (southern Gulf of St Lawrence), which was the focus of this study. Adult lady crabs were collected by trawling in water >4 m deep from May to October 1999 to 2005 to determine abundance, distribution, and diet. Lady crab occurred only in a small area (about 2,500 km2) in the central part of Northumberland Strait where bottom water temperature was >18°C during summer, and the substrate was mainly sand or sandy gravel. Male lady crab attained a maximum carapace width (CW) of 112 mm compared to 92 mm CW for females. The summer and autumn diet consisted mainly of infauna. The principal prey (each >5% of diet by weight) were: small bivalve molluscs (primarily Atlantic razor clam Siliqua costata and Macoma sp.; 43%), small rock crab (Cancer irroratus; 13%), polychaetes (11%), fish remains (9%), and small lady crab (9%). All stomachs collected during May (water temperature ≤10°C) were empty. There was little evidence of any difference in feeding intensity between 0700 h and 1900 h.  相似文献   

Coral-crab association: a compact domain of a multilevel trophic system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Rinkevich  B.  Wolodarsky  Z.  Loya  Y. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):279-284
Colonies of the Red Sea branching coral Stylophora pistillata were incubated in situ with radioactive carbon and Trapezia cymodoce crabs were introduced to the colonies, for one month each, up to 7 months after coral labelling. Zooxanthellar photosynthetic products were translocated to the crabs via host coral tissue. Based upon crab/coral tissue conversion from 53 crab samples, crabs possessed radioactive material equal to that recorded in 320–770 mm2 of coral tissue (up to 2257 mm2). This material was translocated mainly by direct grazing on coral tissue rather than mucus collection. Ovigerous female crabs (39 specimens) accumulated significantly more labelled carbon than males, and up to 53 % of their radioactivity was concentrated in their reproductive organs. A pair of crabs dwelling in a coral colony consumed ca 130 cm2 of host tissue per month (40–45 cm length of coral branches). This system represents a compact, obligatory multilevel trophic domain which also radiates horizontally by allocation of energy derived from algal photosynthesis into planula and zooea larva production, permitting the development of long trophic chains and a complex food web.  相似文献   

Protozoan and hydrozoan epibionts on the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus and its shell, collected near Cumbrae Island (Scotland) were studied. The epibionts found were the following: (1) protozoans: the suctorian ciliates Ephelota plana, Acineta compressa, Conchacineta constricta, Corynophrya anisostyla; the peritrich ciliates Cothurnia mobiusi and Zoothamnium plumula; the chonotrich ciliate Chilodochona quennerstedti; and (2) hydrozoans: the species Leuckartiara sp. and Clytia sp. The morphological characteristics of the epibionts were analysed, as well as their taxonomic position. The distribution of epibionts on the crab surface and its shell was studied, and the density and biomass of epibionts were calculated on each anatomic unit. There was a differential distribution according to the type of epibiont: hydrozoans dominated in biovolume and were present mainly on the shell, meanwhile protozoans represented the highest fraction of density and they were found exclusively on the crab (principally on eyes, antennulae, antennae, maxillipeds, pereopods and uropods). The anterior area of the cephalothorax was the most colonized. On this area, the maxillipeds and second pereopods showed the highest densities. The location of each epibiont species was described. There was a correlation between the length of the crab and the total number of hydrozoans. There was a significant correlation between the right and the left units of the crab, taking into consideration the mean densities of epibionts on each anatomical unit. The shell was colonized by the same species of hydrozoa that appeared on the crab, although in a much higher density (mean 3024.38 per shell; 6.9 per crab). There was a significant difference between both species of hydrozoan epibionts with respect to the mean densities on the different areas of the shell. The zone of the shell more occupied by Clytia sp. was the apical zone of the shell, while the highest densities of Leuckartiara sp. were registered near the aperture of the shell. The hydrozoan and protozoan epibiont species found on P. bernhardus in this study represent the first mention of their presence on this hermit crab.  相似文献   

L. D. Coen 《Oecologia》1988,75(2):198-203
Summary A short-term experiment was conducted to examine the relationships among the branching coral Porites porites, algal epibionts, and a facultative crab associate Mithrax sculptus in Belize, Central America. Initial field observations suggested that coral colonies supporting resident crabs generally had lower algal cover than colonies without crabs. The hypothesis was tested that Mithrax significantly depresses host coral algal cover and thereby indirectly affects host survivorship and growth. Crab accessibility to an array of coral colonies, similarly covered with algal epibionts, was manipulated in three treatments. Results strongly support the hypothesis, with significant differences in algal cover (primarily Dictyota spp.) noted among treatments after only one month. Caged heads with crabs included and uncaged natural controls allowing crabs free access averaged less than 10% cover, whereas mean algal cover exceeded 75% where crabs were excluded. The uncaged treatment, in which crabs were allowed free access to Porites heads was not significantly different from the crab inclusion treatment. Collectively, these results demonstrate that under natural conditions, crabs can have pronounced effects on host corals by reducing fouling algal epibionts. Furthermore, these facultative coral associates may have more important, albeit localized effects on Caribbean corals than has been suggested previously.  相似文献   

Variability in salinity is an environmental stressor that crab megalopae encounter as they are carried by tides and currents throughout Chincoteague Bay. We exposed blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and fiddler crab (Uca spp.) megalopae to abrupt salinity changes from 10 to 31 ppt and measured their oxygen usage. It was hypothesized that the megalopae would cope with the changes in a manner reflective of the documented abilities and tolerances of adult crabs. It was also hypothesized that lower salinities would have a particularly detrimental effect on the megalopae reflected by both increased oxygen usage and mortality. The megalopae of both species did exhibit an increase in oxygen use at lower salinities, although the effect was more pronounced during the initial transition and decreased during acclimation. The megalopae mirrored the adult responses, with blue crab larvae consuming more oxygen per mg of wet weight at lower salinities, whereas fiddler crab larval oxygen consumption was relatively uniform at all salinities. Mortality of some blue crab postlarvae was observed at 10 ppt while all larval fiddler crabs survived. Coupled with the introduction of additional fresh water into the global water system, these results indicate that further investigation into this subject is necessary.  相似文献   

The xanthid subfamily Chlorodiellinae is one of the most ubiquitous coral reef crab taxa in the Indo‐West Pacific region. Many species are common in coral rubble and rocky shores from Hawaii to eastern Africa, often dominating reef cryptofauna in terms of biomass. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial (COX1, 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA) and nuclear (histone H3) gene sequences of 202 specimens indicate that the Chlorodiellinae is polyphyletic as presently defined. Three genera, Pilodius, Cyclodius and Chlorodiella, and two previously undescribed lineages were recovered as a well‐supported clade. In combination with morphological data, the subfamily is redefined and restricted to this clade. Two new genera, Soliella gen. n., and Luniella gen. n., are described based on features of the carapace, male thoracic sternum and male gonopods. The remaining chlorodielline genera and members of the Etisinae, a subfamily with supposedly close morphological affinities to the Chlorodiellinae, were recovered at various positions throughout the xanthid phylogeny, although with relatively low support values. These results reiterate the unresolved status of xanthid subfamilial relationships, but nevertheless provide progress for xanthid systematics.  相似文献   

The role of antennae and maxillary palps in mediating food preferences by Manduca sexta (Johan.) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) was examined. Fifth‐instar larvae, having different chemosensory organs remaining after microsurgery, were tested in two‐choice feeding assays using three solanaceous host species Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill.), Datura innoxia (Mill.), and Solanum pseudocapsicum (L.), an acceptable non‐host Raphanus sativus (L.) (Cruciferae), and an unacceptable non‐host Pelargonium hortorum (L.H. Bailey) (Geraniaceae). Larvae had a choice between leaf discs of two plant species or between one species and moist filter paper discs (water). The antennae are fully competent in mediating normal (unimpaired) food preferences for S. pseudocapsicum vs. water and P. hortorum vs. water. Thus, the antennae alone can mediate both acceptance and rejection behaviour. The latter is the first report of such a function in M. sexta. The antennae are partly competent (reduced preference) for S. pseudocapsicum vs. P. hortorum. No antennal competence could be demonstrated using the other plant species tested. The antennae alone are either partly needed (R. sativus vs. water) or not necessary to elicit normal food preferences for the plant species tested. The maxillary palps are fully competent in mediating normal food preference for S. pseudocapsicum vs. water, and D. innoxia vs. water. The palps are partly competent for S. pseudocapsicum vs. P. hortorum and incompetent for the other plant species tested. Thus, the maxillary palps alone could only mediate acceptance behaviour in this study. The need of the maxillary palps in normal food preferences could not be demonstrated. Interestingly, the maxillary palps alone can mediate food preferences for two normally rejected plants, R. sativus and P. hortorum. Similar results are reported for two other non‐host plant species, Vigna unguiculata (Walp.) (Leguminosae) and Vinca rosea (L.) (Apocynaceae). Perhaps, the maxillary palps inform M. sexta mostly about feeding stimulatory chemicals common to most plant species.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the respiratory system of the savanna-zone African freshwater crab, Sudanonautes (Convexonautes) aubryi monodi [Balss, 1929], has been examined and has been found to be adapted for both aerial and aquatic gas exchange. The activities of the scaphognathites and the directions of flow of the ventilatory stream have been recorded in stressed, active and resting specimens during their exposure to a wide range of conditions from deep water to dry land.Ventilation of the branchial chambers during aquatic gas exchange in Sudanonautes kept in deep water is shown to consist of a rapid, predominantly forward water flow similar to that of fully-aquatic species. Ventilation of the branchial chambers during aerial gas exchange in Sudanonautes on land is shown to consist of a relatively slow forward air flow. This flow is continuous in post-operative crabs, pulsatile in active crabs and completely immobile in resting crabs.A second method of ventilation of the branchial chambers during aerial gas exchange is shown to consist of a pulsatile reversed air flow. This occurs (1) when Sudanonautes is kept in very shallow water and active or stressed; (2) when it has recently moved on to land; and (3) when it is completely immersed and exhibiting aerial gas exchange under water. The unusual phenomenon of aerial gas exchange under water is reported here for the first time in any species of crab.Bimodal ventilation of the branchial chambers occurs in stressed or active crabs partly immersed in shallow water. This consists of an alternation between forward water flow and reversed air flow.The morphology of the branchial chambers in Sudanonautes, and observational data on the patterns of ventilation of the branchial chambers, are discussed in relation to those described for other air-breathing decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   

Summary Coral assemblages in northern Safaga Bay, Red Sea, Egypt, are qualitatively described. Nine distinct assemblages were found, which correspond to quantitatively defined community types previously described from the area off Hurghada, northern Red Sea. Their distribution within northern Safaga Bay was mapped. Strong gradient and/or steep relief assemblages were:Acropora assemblage on windward (exposed) reefs,Porites assemblage on leeward (sheltered) reefs,Millepora assemblage on current exposed reefs,Stylophora assemblage on reef flats. Low gradient and/or low relief assemblages were:Acropora dominated coral patches in areas of good circulation to a depth of 15 m,Stylophora/Acropora coral patch assemblages in shallow sheltered environments, faviid carpet in low relief areas between 10 and 25 m which with increasing turbidity turns into a depauperate faviid carpet,Porites carpet in low relief areas between 5 and 15 m with clearest water,Sarcophyton carpet in low relief areas with high suspension load, platy scleractinian assemblage in deeper water (>25 m) with low light intensity. The distribution of coral assemblages depends basically on 1) topography 2) hydrodynamics 3) light and 4) suspension load.  相似文献   

Predation on coral spawn by planktivorous fish   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The stomach contents of three species of coral reef fish were examined for changes in diet during the annual mass spawning of scleractinian corals on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Acanthochromis polyacanthus, Abudefduf bengalensis (Pomacentridae), and Caesio cuning (Caesionidae) were collected before and immediately after the coral spawning to determine whether the composition of the diet changed after the mass coral spawning. The diet of Caesio cuning did not change. The stomach contents of Acanthochromis and Abudefduf showed that these fish: (1) switched from an omnivorous diet to one consisting predominantly of coral spawn, and (2) that they appeared satiated with stomachs >90% full when coral spawn was present in the water column. Fish predation during coral spawning may be an important source of larval coral mortality.  相似文献   

The intertidal hermit crab, Pagurus longicarpus, apparently utilizes material found in detrital foam floating on the surface of the water. In surface feeding, this species employs a behavior pattern quite different from its normal mode of feeding. This behavior, in conjunction with a highly opportunistic foraging strategy, enables the hermit crabs quickly to locate and utilize this unpredictable resource.  相似文献   

The method of mounting split lamellae of crab gills in modified Ussing chambers offers the advantage that active ion transport can be measured as short-circuit current and/or flux of radioactive tracers in relation to the epithelial surface. Moreover, further modern techniques like microelectrode impalements and current-noise analysis can be applied. The epithelium of posterior gills of Chinese crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) acclimated to fresh water actively absorbs Na+ and Cl independent of each other. The epithelium of the gills of shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) acclimated to brackish water actively absorbs NaCl in a coupled mode. The different osmotic gradients maintained by the two crab species are reflected in the characteristics of their gill epithelia. Chinese crabs, migrating to fresh water, have a tight gill epithelium. The gill epithelium of shore crabs, living in brackish water of at least 6–8‰ salinity, is an intermediate between tight and leaky. Regulation of NaCl absorption across the gill epithelium of Chinese crabs is achieved in a hormone-independent way by the haemolymph side osmolarity (autoregulation). Moreover, NaCl absorption is regulated by a hormonal factor of so far unknown chemical nature in the eyestalk extract which stimulates the transport rates via a cAMP-dependent signal transduction pathway, activating apical V-ATPase activity and increasing the number of open apical Na+ channels.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral mounds on both margins of the Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic Ocean) have a strongly different morphology. Single, isolated mounds occur on the SE margin and are mainly found on the upper slope between 900 and 650 m water depth, while large mound clusters are found on the SW margin in water depths between 600 and 1,000 m, in a narrow zone almost parallel to the slope. Sedimentation rates on the mounds are higher than on the surrounding seabed as a result of baffling of biogenic carbonate debris and siliciclastic particles by the coral framework covering the mounds. This is confirmed by 210Pb measurements. The individual coral growth rate can be three times higher then the vertical growth rate of the coral cover (±10 mm year−1) which in turn is more than an order of magnitude higher then the present-day overall mound growth rate (±0.25 mm year−1). The presence of extensive hardgrounds and firmgrounds and the three-dimensional coral framework are considered to be responsible for the stability of the relatively steep slopes of the mounds. High current velocities in the intramound areas result in local non-sedimentation and erosion, as is shown by the presence of IRD (ice-rafted debris) lag deposits on the seabed and moats around some of the mounds. The morphology and sedimentology of cold-water coral-covered (mainly Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) mounds on the southern Rockall Trough margins (NE Atlantic Ocean) is discussed and a model describing the development of these mounds is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract. The behaviour of larvae of Melampophylax mucoreus (Limnephilidae; Trichoptera) is studied to test their capacity for food detection over long distances by olfaction. In aquaria experiments with stagnant water, the larvae rapidly accumulate on a biofilm-covered stone (offered food patch) but not on control stones without biofilm-cover. Larvae in an artificial flow channel (flume), with uni-directional flow between an arrangement of stones covered with biofilm and stones without biofilm, can find food patches upstream from their location more rapidly than downstream. Stimuli transported towards the larvae by the water current might assist food location. However, no significant differences could be found in the movement of larvae with intact antennae compared with larvae without antennae. The results lead to the conclusion that the larvae of M. mucoreus find food patches mainly by random movement, which is assisted by their high mobility. Long-distance olfactory orientation towards food patches, mediated by antennae, can be precluded. Gustatory stimuli appear to play an important role in contact-chemoreception to identify biofilm patches on stone surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy studies of the larval head reveal that the antennae of M. mucoreus are small pegs (50 µm in length) with an apical plate (15 µm in diameter). The mouthparts of the larvae, especially the maxillary palps, show a variety of different sensilla types that are possibly used for contact-chemoreception. These sensilla also could be responsible for the orientation towards a food resource upstream of the larvae.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of temperature on the survival, food intake, oxygen consumption and growth during long-term live holding of captive male snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) (average?=?0.7?kg). The crabs were held at three different temperatures, 3, 6 and 9°C. The trials were done using groups of snow crabs held in nine land-based holding tanks (three replicates per temperature treatment). The results showed that temperature had a significant effect on survival. The survival rate at 3°C (61%) was significantly higher than at 6°C (33%) and at 9°C (28%). Specific oxygen consumption rates of unfed crab at 6°C were significantly higher than at 9°C and 3°C. In summary, the current study shows that the Barents Sea snow crab have a narrow temperature range in which they thrive compared with the Barents Sea red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). Barents Sea snow crab has similar metabolic and physiological attributes to other major snow crab populations. In conditions when ambient temperatures are approximately 6°C, it may prove beneficial for animal welfare and also be financially advantageous to reduce ambient water temperatures in live snow crab holding facilities on boat or on land.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted along the reefs off west Maui, Hawaii, during the summer of 2003 to monitor the spawning of the reef-building coral Montipora capitata and to determine the role of ocean currents in dispersing the larvae from the natal reef. Instruments documented the environmental forcing during the coral spawning season; drifters were deployed on three successive nights following direct observations of coral spawning. Both the timing and relative magnitude of the coral spawning were identifiable in acoustic backscatter data and correlated to plankton tow data. Each drifter track showed that the surface water containing coral eggs and planula larvae were transported rapidly offshore and not locally retained. Wind and current patterns during the previous year and during subsequent coral spawning events later in the summer were similar to those observed during the drifter releases. This suggests that the trajectories observed during the focused experiment are representative of the general pattern of larval dispersal off west Maui. These findings demonstrate the application of acoustic profilers for remotely imaging coral spawning and predicting their initial dispersal patterns.  相似文献   

Invertebrate and ciliate protozoan epibionts of velvet swimming crabs collected near Millport (Scotland) were analysed. The ecdysis peak for male crabs was at the time of collection while that for female crabs was 2 months later. The epibionts were: the polychaetes Pomatoceros triqueter and Hydroides norvegica, the cirriped Balanus crenatus, the entoproct Barentsia matsushimana, the hydroids Leuckartiara sp. and Clytia sp., and the ciliate protozoans Ephelota plana, Ephelota gemmipara, Chilodochona quennerstedti and Cothurnia longipes. The polychaetes, cirripeds, entoprocts and hydroids, all of them with comparatively larger size, were distributed on the carapace, ventral surface of the cephalothorax and the pereiopods; meanwhile the protozoans, with smaller size, were attached also on pleopods, antennae, eyes and buccal appendages. Chilodochona quennerstedti was the epibiont most abundant on the crab, followed by Ephelota plana. Cothurnia longipes was, in contrast, the least abundant epibiont, followed by Barentsia matsushimana. The anatomical unit most colonized was the left third maxilliped, followed by the left first maxilliped and the ventral surface. The less colonized anatomical units were the left antenna and the ocular orbits. Epibionts on this crab have not been described before. Statistical analyses of the epibiont distribution on the crab were carried out. There were significant correlations between right and left appendages in 66.67% of the cases. Males and females differed significantly with respect to the distribution of epibionts on their anatomical units. The comparison analysis indicated a significant differential distribution of each epibiont species on the anatomical units of the crab. Principal component analysis grouped the epibiont species according to their colonization pattern in three clusters: (1) Ephelota plana, Ephelota gemmipara and Chilodochona quennerstedti; (2) Leuckartiara sp., Clytia sp., Barentsia matsushimana and Cothurnia longipes; and (3) Pomatoceros triqueter, Balanus crenatus and Hydroides norvegica. The hierarchical cluster analysis grouped the anatomical units of the crab in relation to their colonization in five clusters.  相似文献   

Benthic cover, current strengths, and fish abundance and diversity were examined on 150 lagoonal patch reefs and mapped to determine their distribution, inter-relationships, and relationship to the fisheries closure in Glovers Reef Atoll. Current strength was highest at both the northern and southern ends of the atoll and largely controlled by local wind and weakly by tidal forcing. Benthic functional group distributions varied throughout the atoll and had distinct areas of dominance. In contrast, dominance of coral species was weaker, reflecting the lost cover and zonation of Acropora, Porites, and Montastraea that were reported in the 1970s. Hard and soft corals dominated the windward rim, while the central and leeward lagoon had lower current strengths and sea grass and fleshy green algae were relatively more abundant. Brown erect algae were relatively more common in the north and calcifying green and red algae the southern ends of the atoll. Only Montastraea-Agaricia agaricites distributions were similar to reports from the 1970s with high relative dominance in the southern and northeast atoll. The central-northern zone, which was described as an Acropora zone in the 1970s, was not recognizable, and Porites porites, P. astreoides, Millepora alcicornis, and Favia fragum were the most abundant species during this survey. Hard and soft coral cover abundance declined away from the reef rim and tidal channels and was associated with fast seawater turnover and high surgeonfish abundance. Consequently, the windward rim area has retained the most original and persistent hard-soft coral and surgeonfish community and is considered a priority for future management, if the goal is to protect coral from fishing impacts.  相似文献   

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