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The structure of the lipid A component of lipopolysaccharides isolated from two wild-type strains (Fisher 2 and 7) and one rough mutant (PAC 605) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated using chemical analysis, methylation analysis, combined gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, laser-desorption mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. The lipid A backbone was found to consist of a pyranosidic beta 1,6-linked D-glucosamine disaccharide [beta-D-GlcpN-(1----6)-D-GlcpN], phosphorylated in positions 4' and 1. Position 6' of the beta-D-GlcpN-(1----6)-D-GlcpN disaccharide was identified as the attachment site of the core oligosaccharide and the hydroxyl group at C-4 was not substituted. Lipid A of the three P. aeruginosa strains expressed heterogeneity with regard to the degree of acylation: a hexaacyl as well as a pentaacyl component were structurally characterized. The hexaacyl lipid A contains two amide-bound 3-O-acylated (R)-3-hydroxydodecanoic acid groups [12:0(3-OH)] at positions 2 and 2' of the GlcN dissacharide and two ester-bound (R)-3-hydroxydecanoic acid groups [10:0(3-OH)] at positions 3 and 3'. The pentaacyl species, which represents the major lipid A component, lacks one 10:0(3-OH) residue, the hydroxyl group in position 3 of the reducing GlcN residue being free. In both hexa- and pentaacyl lipid A the 3-hydroxyl group of the two amide-linked 12:0(3-OH) residues are acylated by either dodecanoic (12:0) or (S)-2-hydroxydodecanoic acid [12:0(2-OH)], the lipid A species with two 12:0(2-OH) residues, however, being absent. The presence of only five acyl residues in the major lipid A fraction may account for the low endotoxic activity observed with P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

Studies of the lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas alcaligenes strain BR 1/2 were extended to the polysaccharide moiety. The crude polysaccharide, obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of the lipopolysaccharide, was fractionated by gel filtration. The major fraction was the phosphorylated polysaccharide, for which the approximate proportions of residues were; glucose (2), rhamnose (0.7), heptose (2-3), galactosamine (1), alanine (1), 3-deoxy-2-octulonic acid (1), phosphorus (5-6). The heptose was l-glycero-d-manno-heptose. The minor fractions from gel filtration contained free 3-deoxy-2-octulonic acid, P(i) and PP(i). The purified polysaccharide was studied by periodate oxidation, methylation analysis, partial hydrolysis, and dephosphorylation. All the rhamnose and part of the glucose and heptose occur as non-reducing terminal residues. Other glucose residues are 3-substituted, and most heptose residues are esterified with condensed phosphate residues, possibly in the C-4 position. Free heptose and a heptosylglucose were isolated from a partial hydrolysate of the polysaccharide. The location of galactosamine in the polysaccharide was not established, but either the C-3 or C-4 position appears to be substituted and a linkage to alanine was indicated. In its composition, the polysaccharide from Ps. alcaligenes resembles core polysaccharides from other pseudomonads: no possible side-chain polysaccharide was detected.  相似文献   

A polysaccharide isolated from the degraded lipopolysaccharides of P. aeruginosa serogroup O7 (Lányi--Bergan classification) was characterized by liquid chromatography, acid hydrolysis, and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. It has molecular mass 15,000 and represents mainly a rhamnan of the structure----2)-alpha-D-Rha-(1----3)-alpha-D-Rha-(1----3)-alpha-D-Rha-(1 ----, identical to the structure of O-specific polysaccharides of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pvs morsprunorum and cerasi. Some minor constituents, such as glucose, mannose, an unknown sugar, and phosphate, are found in the polysaccharide preparation as well. Distribution of the rhamnan in some other P. aeruginosa serogroups is discussed and its identity to the common polysaccharide antigen of P. aeruginosa is suggested.  相似文献   

Intact lipopolysaccharide antigens isolated from seven different immunotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been examined by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. These macromolecular complexes contain phosphorus covalently attached to the carbohydrate residues present in the lipid A moiety and the 'core' oligosaccharide region. The spectral signals for various ortho- and pyrophosphoric esters were observed. All phosphate groups appeared to be monoesterified. Certain shifts characteristic for phosphate diester groups, observed in lipopolysaccharide complexes from other Gram-negative bacteria, were absent. Furthermore, no evidence was found to indicate that phosphate groups are involved in the covalent linkage of individual lipopolysaccharide complexes to form dimers or trimers.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from smooth strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 503, PAZ1, PAO1715, PAO1716, and Z61 was fractionated by gel filtration chromatography. LPS samples from the first four strains, all PAO1 derivatives, separated into three major size populations, whereas LPS from strain Z61, a Pac K799/WT mutant strain, separated into two size populations. When column fractions were applied to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels in their order of elution, molecules of decreasing size were resolved, and the ladder of molecules with different-length O antigens formed a diagonal across the gel. The LPS from the PAO1 derivatives contained two distinct sets of bands, distinguished on the gels as two sets of diagonals. The set of bands with the faster mobility, the B bands, was found in column fractions comprising the three major amino sugar-containing peaks. In the sample from strain 503, a fourth minor peak which contained B bands was resolved. The slower-moving set of bands, the A bands, were recovered in a minor peak. LPS from strain Z61 contained only one set of bands, with the higher-molecular-weight molecules eluting from the column in a volume similar to that of the B bands of the PAO1 strains. Analysis of the fractions of LPS from all strains indicated that less than 8% of the LPS molecules had a long, attached O antigen. Analysis of the peak that contained mainly A bands indicated a lack of reactive amino sugar and phosphate, although heptose and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid were detected. Reaction of isolated fractions with monoclonal antibody specific for the PAO1 O-antigen side chain indicated that only the B bands from the PAO1 strains were antigenically reactive. The bands from strain Z61 showed no reactivity. The data suggest that the A and B bands from the PAO1 strains are antigenically distinct. We propose that PAO1 strains synthesize two types of molecules that are antigenically different.  相似文献   

Polycations, such as aminoglycoside and peptide antibiotics, and naturally occurring polyamines were found to bind to the lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and alter its packing arrangement. Binding of cations was measured by the displacement of a cationic spin probe from lipopolysaccharide into the aqueous environment upon addition of competitive cations. The level of probe displacement was dependent on the concentration and charge of the competing cation, with the more highly charged cations being more effective at displacing probe. The relative affinity of several antibiotics for lipopolysaccharide correlated with their ability to increase outer membrane permeability, while the relative affinity of several polyamines correlated with their ability to stabilize the outer membrane. Probe mobility within the lipopolysaccharide head group was shown to be decreased by cationic antibiotics and unaltered or increased by polyamines. We propose that antibiotic permeability and disruption of outer membrane integrity by polycationic antibiotics results from binding of the antibiotic to anionic groups on lipopolysaccharide with a consequent change in the conformation of lipopolysaccharide aggregate structure.  相似文献   

Two polymeric water-soluble fractions were isolated by gel filtration after mild acid hydrolysis of the lipopolysaccharide from Pseudomonas aeruginosa N.C.T.C. 1999. The fraction of higher molecular weight retained the O-antigenic specificity of the lipopolysaccharide and may be 'side-chain' material. This fraction was rich in N (about 10%) and gave several basic amino compounds on acid hydrolysis; fucosamine (at least 2.8% w/w) was the only specifc component identified. The fraction of lower molecular weight was a phosphorylated polysaccharide apparently corresponding to 'core' material. The major components of this fraction and their approximate molar proportions were: glucose (3-4); rhamnose (1); heptose (2); 3-deoxy-2-octulonic acid (1); galactosamine (1); alanine (1-1.5); phosphorus (6-7). In the intact lipopolysaccharide this fraction was probably linked to lipid A via a second residue of 3-deoxy-2-octulonic acid, and probably also contained additional phosphate residues and ethanolamine. The residues of 3-deoxy-2-octulonic acid were apparently substituted in the C-4 or C-5 position, and the phosphorylated heptose residues in the C-3 position. The rhamnose was mainly 2-substituted, though a little 3-substitution was detected. The glucose residues were either unsubstituted or 6-substituted. Four neutral oligosaccharides were produced by partial acid hydrolysis and were characterized by chemical, enzymic, chromatographic and mass-spectrometric methods of analysis. The structures assigned were: Glcpalpha1-6Glc; Glcpbeta1-2Rha; Rhapalpha1-6Glc; Glcpbeta1-2Rhapalpha1-6Glc. The galactosamine was substituted in the C-3 or C-4 position, the attachment of alanine was indicated, and evidence that the amino sugar linked the glucose-rhamnose region to the 'inner core' was obtained.  相似文献   

【目的】克隆产碱假单胞菌的脂肪酶基因,实现其在大肠杆菌中异源表达并进行酶学性质研究。【方法】通过基因文库构建和PCR,获得脂肪酶基因,并以pET30a(+)为表达载体、E.coli BL21(DE3)为宿主菌,在大肠杆菌中进行异源表达,表达产物经HisTrapTM亲和层析柱纯化后进行酶学性质研究。【结果】从产碱假单胞菌中克隆得到一个脂肪酶基因,大小为1 575 bp(GenBank登录号为JN674069)。该酶分子量为55 kD,最适底物为p-NPO,最适反应温度和pH分别为35°C、pH 9.0。重组酶经1 mmol/L的Cu2+处理30 min可使酶活提高至156%。在最适反应条件下重组酶的比活力为275 U/mg,Km和Vmax分别为80μmol/L和290 mmol/(min.g protein)。【结论】产碱假单胞菌脂肪酶基因的克隆与表达不仅积累了脂肪酶基因的资源,并为其在手性拆分中的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

Abstract Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were studied by the mouse active, cross-protection test. The primary structure of O-specific polysaccharides (O-repeating units) of different chemotypes was determined and their cross-protective activity demonstrated. Low doses of LPS (0.1–1 μg) stimulated chemotype-specific protection against P. aeruginosa in mice. This immunity was associated with the primary structure of the LPS and it lasted for 14 days after the first or second immunization. High doses of LPS (10–100 μg) induced cross-protection against P. aeruginosa in mice. The cross-protective capacity was caused evidently by the secondary structure or conformation of LPS molecule, i.e. by the common conformational protective determinant. This cross-protection lasted for only 5 days after the first or second immunization.  相似文献   

A site-specific endonuclease from Pseudomonas aeruginosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pael, a new restriction endonuclease from Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strain was isolated and characterized. It recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5-GCATGC-3 generating DNA fragments with 3-tetranucleotide sticky ends. DNAs of pBR322, SV40 and bacteriophage have one, two and six Pael recognition sites, respectively.Seventytwo strains of Pseudomonas, Clostridium, Escherichia coli, Shigella, Proteus and Saccharomyces were screened for the presence of site-specific endonucleases. Here we describe the Pael restriction enzyme found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa; other data will be published elsewhere.Earlier Hinkle and Miller isolated from P. aeruginosa a PaeR7 restriction endonuclease recognizing and cleaving a sequence 5-CTCGAG-3 (1). Sequence analysis of DNAs cleaved by PaeI shows that the enzyme is the isoschizomer of SphI (2).  相似文献   

Three spontaneously arising rough mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been isolated by selection for resistance to virulent lipopolysaccharide (LPS) specific bacteriophages. In addition, the first phages specific for rough mutants of P. aeruginosa were isolated. Using these phage and autoagglutination patterns in 4% NaCl and acriflavine, these mutants could be clearly distinguished from the wild-type strain and each other. Chemical analysis of the LPS together with chromatographic resolution of the polysaccharide moieties showed alterations in both O-specific side chains and core regions.  相似文献   

Exotoxin A from Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been crystallized in a form suitable for high resolution diffraction analysis. The crystals, grown in the presence of high concentrations of polyethylene glycol (20%, w/v) and of NaCl (1.5 m), are monoclinic and contain one monomeric toxin molecule per asymmetric unit. The space group is P21, with a = 60.6 A?, b = 100.2 A?, c = 59.8 A?, β = 98.6 °.  相似文献   

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