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The freshwater sardine Clupeichthys aesarnensis is a zooplanktivore like many clupeids. In Ubolratana reservoir, Thailand, it feeds selectively on larger zooplankters, especially Cladocera and to a lesser extent on Copepoda. Other zooplankters are also consumed together with both living and dead insects and occasionally its own young. It feeds during the day. Our results indicate that the slight seasonal differences in food consumed probably reflects differences in availability at different seasons and sites. The fish grows in weight, as expected, at a higher rate than the cube of its length. The condition factor is the same for males and females and shows some seasonal variation. Data on fecundity and gonadosomatic index mark this fish as highly fecund and a year-round spawner. Its short life span, favourable growth and high fecundity make it a valuable source of cheap protein. In 1990, 17% (about 300 tons) of the fish catch from Ubolratana came from this fish.  相似文献   

Alan Klima 《Ethnos》2013,78(4):445-464
Since the crash of the Thai baht in 1997, Buddhist mass rituals of money and passion in Thailand are addressing the emotional predicaments of globalization with technologies of community that refigure the nation – from a geo-spatial body into a monetary spirit. Buddhist donation ceremonies, intended to shore up the national currency reserves, as well as mass rites staged to aid the spirit of the nation's leader, represent emerging practices of money, love, and identity in Thailand. This might suggest that the study of emotion should shift emphasis from the interpretation of numerous cultural systems toward addressing a shared global situation of subjection to international financial integration and uncertainty.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins in maize and peanuts remain a major cause of liver cancer and other human and animal health issues. The principal causal fungi are Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. Relatively little attention has been paid to reducing aflatoxin formation before harvest. The most promising approach is biocontrol by competitive exclusion. This project aimed to demonstrate the efficacy of locally isolated strains of A. flavus for biocontrol of aflatoxin in maize in Thailand. After a rigorous process utilising molecular methods was used to select non-toxigenic A. flavus strains, field inoculum was produced by using hulled rice coated with A. flavus spores in molasses. Field experiments were conducted over two years in two districts, one of light sandy soil (Chokchai), the other a heavy, close textured, soil (Pakchong). Postharvest treatments representative of local practice were also undertaken. Crops 1 and 2 were not significantly contaminated with aflatoxin at the time of harvest, so any impact of biocontrol could not be assessed. However, wet shelling plus storage before drying resulted in increased aflatoxin contamination; biocontrol had no impact on this increase. In crops 3 and 4, biocontrol had a beneficial impact in some freshly harvested maize. Biocontrol treatments also significantly reduced aflatoxin contamination in samples from some treatments stored for two or four days after shelling, but had minimal effect in others. These experiments demonstrated that biocontrol can be highly effective in reducing aflatoxin contamination in maize in Thailand, both at harvest and during poor postharvest crop handling. However, results were inconsistent.  相似文献   

Mart Bax 《Ethnos》2013,78(3):317-340
The recent importance of sports competitions and cultural displays among highland ethnic minorities in Thailand suggests a growing resonance of national forms of sociability and presentability. A national contact zone simultaneously provides a context for unprecedented ethnic mobilization and identification among the country's minorities. Taking the case of Thailand's Mien (Yao), I explore the restructuring of social life that emerges with this ethnic mobilization for sports and culture. These activities produce an identity effect that defines Mien in national terms. The ability and need to organize in relation to the nation facilitates the position of a select few Mien villages as the bearers of social life and cultural traditions, and imports new forms of inequality into local life.  相似文献   

This article discusses some effects of migration politics on asylum seekers and refugees and on the Swiss health services. It is based on multisited ethnographic research that tracked interpretative concepts of the refugee experience. Following a grounded theory approach, it identifies imaginaries of trauma and trust as key categories in the field of transnational migration and health. The psychiatric concept of trauma and a more popularized discourse of traumatic memory are strongly emphasized in all of the investigated field sites: the providers of primary health care and psychosocial services and representatives of social welfare agencies and law-making bodies use this "diagnosis" extensively. This leads refugees to develop tactics of a) identifying with the trauma discourse in order to become "good refugees" and achieve legal status in Switzerland; b) struggling with the ascribed pathologies and suffering from retraumatizing effects of these predominant trauma policies; and c) trying to refuse or subvert them by emphasizing the existence of structural violence in the receiving countries. An analysis of the interactions of health providers and refugees shows that it takes place in an environment of social and economic insecurity and in a shared imaginary of (mis)trust, putting at stake the moral economy of recent migration politics and the refugee experience.  相似文献   

印度-太平洋史前学会第15届大会在泰国召开新年伊始,来自20多个国家和地区的200多名代表云集泰国北部名城清迈,出席1994年1月5-12日举行的印度一太平洋史前学会第15届大会.在这次四年一度的学术盛会上,学者们就本区早期人类及文化、早期农业及商品...  相似文献   

Lecane superaculeata. n. sp. is described from three localities in Thailand. It resembles the small, cosmopolitan L. aculeata (Jakubski, 1912) but is distinguished by its larger size and conspicuous anterolateral spines. Additional records of some recently described Thai Lecane species and comments on Oriental endemics are presented L. eswari Dhanapathi is newly recorded for the country.  相似文献   

Diospyros species distributed widely in Thailand were classified into four ecotypes, according to their habitat; constantly humid area, alternately dry and wet area, mountainous cool area and all area. Some of them inhabit near dwelling areas or in the paddy field in the village. The young fruit is covered with dense pubescence in most species. The size, shape, and color of mature fruit greatly vary greatly with the species. In most species, the mature fruit has a soft pulp and hard skin. The fruit of six species has been used for dying. Four species produce edible fruits, with color and flavor favorable for breeding of edibleDiospyros species. The fruit of some species contains some chemicals useful as fish poisoning or of medicines, although the active components have not yet been identified. The edible fruit contained many tannin cells, but the fruit used as fish poisoning and medicines had only a few.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize short- and long-term risk for consumers associated with dietary intake of pesticide residues in fruits, vegetables, and other foodstuffs available on the Polish market based on 2010–2013 official surveillance results. Among 779 samples collected from 2010 to 2013 no pesticide residue was found in 39.7% samples while 58.5% contained residues at or below the EU Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs). Non-compliances (residues above the respective MRLs) were found in 14 samples (1.8%). Most of the estimated daily intakes were well below 1% of respective acceptable daily intake (ADI) values. The highest intake for children and adults was about 7% and 1.5% of ADI, respectively. For non-compliant results acute risk was characterized. Predicted short-term intakes for children and adults ranged from 0.7% to 425%, and from 0.2% to 100% of respective acute reference dose, respectively. Results of chronic risk characterization show that consumers in Poland are adequately protected; however, incidental cases where residue levels may potentially pose a threat to consumers’ health due to acute exposure cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The toxic benthic dinoflagellate genus Ostreopsis has been connected to the production of palytoxin and its analogs in many tropical and temperate areas. Although the type species, O. siamensis, was originally described from the Gulf of Thailand in 1901, little is known about the species composition and distribution of the genus Ostreopsis in Thailand. In this study, a total of 64 Ostreopsis strains isolated from the Andaman Sea as well as the Gulf of Thailand were investigated by analyzing the nucleotide sequences of the LSU rDNA D1/D2, D8/D10 and ITS-5.8S rDNA regions. Phylogenetic analyses (BI and ML) resulted in some of the strains being assigned to previously described clades, O. cf. ovata and Ostreopsis sp. 6, and revealed the existence of a novel clade named Ostreopsis sp. 7, which exhibited large genetic distances from the other clades. Among O. cf. ovata, several strains from Thailand were formed into a new subclade, the Thailand subclade, whereas a few strains belonged to the South China Sea subclade. Morphometric characteristics such as the cell sizes of the two O. cf. ovata subclades and those of Ostreopsis sp. 7 were not significantly different from each other (p > 0.05). Their characteristics were similar but slightly different from those of O. ovata and were significantly different from those of Ostreopsis sp. 6 (p < 0.05). Toxicities of Ostreopsis from Thailand were evaluated using mouse bioassay. Strains of Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7 tested were highly toxic, while the two subclades of O. cf. ovata strains seemed to be nontoxic. This study suggests that toxic Ostreopsis sp. 7 is distributed in the Andaman Sea, whereas the two subclades of O. cf. ovata and toxic Ostreopsis sp. 6 are distributed in the Gulf of Thailand.  相似文献   

Aims To produce representative aggregate maps of plant collection locations in Thailand and discuss their impact on biogeographical studies in Thailand and the surrounding region. Location Thailand. Methods A representative data set comprising 6593 plant specimen records for Thailand has been assembled. The data set contains ± all known collections for fifteen representative plant families and further records for another 104. All records are localized to Changwat (province), 6441 to at least quarter degree square. Results Analysis shows that the spread of collecting activity in Thailand is markedly uneven; 20% of collections come from a single Changwat (Chiang Mai) and 53% of Changwat have fifty or fewer collections. The distribution of collections by Changwat and by quarter degree square is erratic with most squares and Changwat having few collections, both in proportionate and absolute terms. Some of the most densely forested Changwats and squares appear undercollected. Distribution maps for common, easily recognized tree species in the genus Syzygium show distributional gaps. Conclusions Thailand is defined as an undercollected country. Even within the few well‐collected quarter degree squares the spread of collecting is still poor; almost all collections being localized to one of three mountain ranges or their foothills. There are many gaps in collecting activity which make impossible a straightforward interpretation of biogeographical pattern. It is argued that targeted collecting activity is needed, that assembly of this type of data set is therefore essential and that our data set and its interpretation is a model for all countries in the region.  相似文献   

Tissue banking started in Thailand in 1979. Five years after this, the Bangkok Biomaterial Centre (BBC) was established in the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, with the support of the IAEA program. The objective of the Centre was to provide sterile bones and tissues for clinical use. Through the passage of time, the Bangkok Biomaterial Centre has gained confidence from the end user and by 2007 has processed 33,872 allografts from 491 deceased donors and 4,035 live donors were used in medical treatment in 3,596 patients in more than 79 different hospitals. More than 305 surgeons from Thailand used the tissue produced in the BBC. At the beginning of its work the BBC concentrate its activities on the production of the following tissues: freeze dried bone, freeze dried dura mater and freeze dried fascia lata. All of these tissues were sterilised using ethylene oxide gas until the end of year 1984. Since 1985 the BBC sterilise tissue using ionising radiation. The BBC is now producing deep-frozen; bone tendon, cartilage, trachea and soft tissue; freeze-dried; bone, fascia lata, dura mater, amniotic membrane, bone hydroxyapatite, bone tablet and fresh preserved amniotic membrane Yongyudh Vajaradul is a Founder of Bangkok Biomaterial Centre and also a President of TATB, Bangkok, Thailand. Jorge Morales Pedraza is a former IAEA Interregional Project Manager, Vienna, Austria.  相似文献   

Setting priorities in biodiversity conservation requires that explicit, efficient and appropriate methods are developed and made available to conservation managers. The principle of complementarity is fundamental to the most efficient of these methods. Given a goal of only a single representation of each taxon, complementarity analysis of data sets of owls, hawkmoths and tiger beetles in Thailand yields near-minimum sets of 6, 14 and 34 areas, respectively. The consensus of these sets comprises 48 areas. However, when the data are combined into a single data set, complementarity analysis gives a more efficient solution of 46 areas. Over 90% of the owls, hawkmoths and tiger beetles are already represented as a minimum of one population within the current protected areas network of Thailand. However, an additional 18 areas are still required for complete representation. Several of these additional areas are discussed and their potential contribution to biodiversity conservation in Thailand examined. Khao Pok Yo and Doi Pa Hom Pok are noted as being of particular importance. The case of Sanpatong emphasizes the need to remain aware of the biology and ecology of the species under study.  相似文献   

The impact of the wildlife trade has been accentuated in the Internet age where social media platforms have offered accessible and consumer-friendly avenues in the way species are legally and illegally traded. We explored the exotic pet trade on a social media platform, Facebook, in Thailand. Over the 18-month period, we recorded 761 posts of primates and carnivores’ species, totalling 1190 individuals from 42 species.Using Generalised Linear Models, we developed hypotheses to explain price dynamics. Variables include, species’ native status (if species are found in Thailand), domestic protection (if species are protected under Thai wildlife laws), international regulation (species CITES listing) and species threatened status (species IUCN Red Listing). Overall, we found evidence of an anthropogenic Allee effect where exotic imports from South America and Africa were significantly more expensive than native species (Wald χ2 = 969.72, df = 13, p < 0.05). Trade in these legally imported non-native wildlife species contributed to 11% of posts. Illegal trade of native species contributed to 66% of posts. When considering only native species, trends toward an anthropogenic Allee effect were observed where protected illegal species called for higher prices than legal species.Illegal wildlife trade on Facebook was blatant, easily accessible and unchecked. Discrepancies in current domestic wildlife legislation lead to intentional evasion of laws and a lack of enforcement. Disproportionate desire for rare or protected species encourages a cycle of exploitation that threatens species to extinction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Background. Thailand is at the cultural cross roads between East and South Asia. It has been suggested that this is also the region where the predominant Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) genotype changes from East Asian to South Asian. Methods. We compared the molecular epidemiology and outcome of H. pylori infections among different ethnic groups in Thailand (Thai, Thai-Chinese and Chinese). H. pylori isolates were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction based on cagA, cag right end junction and vacA genotypes. Results. Ninety-eight isolates from 38 ethnic Thai, 20 ethnic Chinese and 40 Thai-Chinese were categorized into East Asian (45%), South/Central Asian (26%), Western (1%) or mixed type (29%). The East Asian genotype was the most common among Chinese (85%) and Thai-Chinese (55%) (p <.01 compared to ethnic Thai). The ethnicity of the mother among mixed Thai-Chinese marriages predicted the genotype of the child's H. pylori (e.g. when the mother was Chinese, 84% had East Asian type vs. 29% when the mother was Thai) (p <.001). Gastric cancer was common among ethnic Chinese with East Asian genotype (e.g. all Chinese with gastric cancer or peptic ulcer disease had East Asian genotype, whereas only 40% of Chinese with gastritis had this genotype). Conclusions. Immigration, intermarriage and the variety of H. pylori genotypes in Thailand suggest that Thailand is an ideal site for epidemiological studies attempting to relate H. pylori genotypes and host factors to outcome. Our data also support the hypothesis that the primary caretaker of the children is most likely the source of the infection.  相似文献   

Seventy-two cladoceran species from southern Thailand include eleven first records. Species accumulation curves were used to estimate the total number of species present, and Chaos estimator was used to extrapolate the species number observed in 212 samples to the total number present. This S*max amounted to 76.06 species, with a low ratio of variance/estimator. Cladoceran faunas were compared by a complementarity index at three levels: between habitat types, between different zones of Thailand, and between Thailand and other countries. The geographical gradient was quite strong, but because not all areas have been studied to the same degree and with the same taxonomic accuracy, some comparisons are robust while others are not.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of two new primates from the late Eocene Krabi Basin, southern Thailand. One isolated upper molar displays morphological features (protocone united with hypocone by the prehypocrista, postprotocrista extended distobuccally) suggesting possible phylogenetic relationships with Amphipithecidae, while an isolated lower molar is tentatively referred to as a new tarsiiform, mainly on the basis of its paraconid and entoconid morphology. Although very scarce, these remains expand the record of Paleogene primates in Southeast Asia, and testify to their successful radiation in that area.  相似文献   

阐述了基因工程的技术溯源,论述了基因工程在食品工业方面的应用,提出与生产实践相结合的实例;详细介绍了基因工程食品的由来,展望了基因工程技术在食品工业领域中的美好发展前景.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Leptolalax is described from Doi Saket, Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: 1) adult size large(male SVL 45.8-52.5 mm); 2) tympanum distinct; 3) skin of dorsal surface mostly smooth, with distinct tubercles on dorsal and lateral parts of the body; 4) ventrolateral glandular ridge distinct and complete; 5) lateral body and groin covered with dark brown or black spots; 6) throat, chest, and belly nearly immaculate white; and 7) bi-colored iris, upper onethird golden, and lower two-thirds gray. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial 16S rRNA further distinguishes it from its congeners for which sequences are available.  相似文献   

Major viral diseases of the black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) in Thailand   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
There are five different viruses which are currently being studied for their impact on commercial farming of the black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) in Thailand. Some of these viruses cause disease in other penaeid shrimp species and even other crustacean species. Some occur not only in cultivated shrimp in other Asian countries, but also in those from Australia and the western hemisphere. In descending order from greatest to least economic impact on the Thai shrimp industry, the five viruses are: white-spot baculovirus, yellow-head virus, hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus, infectious hypodermal and hematopoeitic necrosis virus and monodon baculovirus. The purpose of this review is to summarize recent work on these viruses and to suggest future directions of research that may be useful in the effort to develop a sustainable shrimp industry.  相似文献   

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