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Lamin A/C is a major constituent of the nuclear lamina, a thin filamentous protein layer that lies beneath the nuclear envelope. Here we show that lamin A/C deficiency in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (Lmna(-/-) MEFs) diminishes the ability of these cells to polarize at the edge of a wound and significantly reduces cell migration speed into the wound. Moreover, lamin A/C deficiency induces significant separation of the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) from the nuclear envelope. Investigations using ballistic intracellular nanorheology reveal that lamin A/C deficiency also dramatically affects the micromechanical properties of the cytoplasm. Both the elasticity (stretchiness) and the viscosity (propensity of a material to flow) of the cytoplasm in Lmna(-/-) MEFs are significantly reduced. Disassembly of either the actin filament or microtubule networks in Lmna(+/+) MEFs results in decrease of cytoplasmic elasticity and viscosity down to levels found in Lmna(-/-) MEFs. Together these results show that both the mechanical properties of the cytoskeleton and cytoskeleton-based processes, including cell motility, coupled MTOC and nucleus dynamics, and cell polarization, depend critically on the integrity of the nuclear lamina, which suggest the existence of a functional mechanical connection between the nucleus and the cytoskeleton. These results also suggest that cell polarization during cell migration requires tight mechanical coupling between MTOC and nucleus, which is mediated by lamin A/C.  相似文献   

Migrating cells generate traction forces to counteract the movement-resisting forces arising from cell-internal stresses and matrix adhesions. In the case of collective migration in a cell colony, or in the case of 3-dimensional migration through connective tissue, movement-resisting forces arise also from external stresses. Although the deformation of a stiffer cell or matrix causes larger movement-resisting forces, at the same time a larger stiffness can also promote cell migration due to a feedback between forces, deformations, and deformation speed that is mediated by the acto-myosin contractile machinery of cells. This mechanical feedback is also important for stiffness sensing, durotaxis, plithotaxis, and collective migration in cell colonies.  相似文献   

Nuclear and cell migration during pollen development in rice were studied using semi-thin section light microscopy, differential interference contrast microscopy and epifluorescence microscopy. Four migrations of nuclei and cells were observed and described in detail here. The first nuclear migration occurs at the uninucleate microspore stage, when the nucleus of the microspore migrates from the center to the periphery of the cell, and then to the wall opposite the pollen aperture where pollen mitosis I takes place. The second migration occurs at the early bicellular pollen stage, with the vegetative nucleus migrating three-quarters of the circumference of the pollen wall, finally locating at the periphery of the wall where the microspore cell nucleus is positioned. The third migration occurs at the late bicellular pollen stage, with the vegetative nucleus migrating from the periphery of the cell to the central part of the pollen and the generative cell migrating from the opposite side of the aperture to a position between the aperture and the vegetative nucleus where pollen mitosis II takes place. The fourth migration appears at the mature pollen stage when the two sperm cells and the vegetative nucleus migrate to the opposite side of the aperture, finally becoming positioned in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell distal to the aperture where the male germ unit forms. Cytological observations of pollen abortion resulting from allelic interaction at the S-a, S-b and S-c loci show that abnormalities in the first or second nuclear migration result in the formation of empty abortive pollen, whereas abnormalities in the third or fourth migrations cause production of stainable abortive pollen.  相似文献   

Mesodermal cell migration during Xenopus gastrulation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The adhesive glycoprotein fibronectin (FN), which is a component of the network of extracellular matrix fibrils on the inner surface of the blastocoel roof (BCR), has been proposed to play a major role in directing mesodermal cell migration during amphibian gastrulation. In the first part of this paper, the adhesion of Xenopus mesodermal cells to FN in vitro is examined. Cells from several mesoderm regions, which differ in developmental fate and morphogenetic activity, are able to bind specifically to the RGD cell-binding site of FN. Dorsal mesodermal cell adhesion to FN varies along the anterior-posterior (a-p) axis: adhesion is strongest in the anterior head mesoderm, and gradually decreases posteriorly. This a-p gradient of mesodermal adhesiveness to FN does not change during mesodermal involution, and is reflected in the morphology of mesodermal explants on FN. An a-p strip of mesoderm develops a spreading, leading anterior margin and a compact, retracting posterior end, thus moving slowly and directionally over the FN substrate at about 0.8 micron/min. Although dissociated cells from all levels of the dorsal mesodermal axis adhere to FN, only the anterior, leading prospective head mesoderm cells migrate as single cells on a FN substrate in vitro. Locomotion by means of lamelliform protrusions occurs at an average rate of about 1.5 micron/min. Cells of the more posterior axial mesoderm merely shift position at random without substantial net translocation, and preinvolution mesoderm cells are completely stationary. On the BCR, the in vivo substrate for mesodermal cell migration, dissociated prospective head mesoderm cells spread and migrate as on FN in vitro, at 2.2 microns/min. In the presence of an RGD peptide which inhibits cell-FN interaction, cells remain globular and do not spread. They are still motile, but change direction frequently, which leads to less efficient net translocation. Apparently, interaction with the RGD cell-binding site of FN and concomitant spreading of head mesoderm cells is required for the stabilization of cell locomotion. In contrast to the directional migration of the mesoderm cell population toward the animal pole in the embryo, the pathways of dissociated cells on the BCR are randomly oriented. Coherent explants of migratory mesoderm do not move at all on the BCR, although they translocate on FN in vitro.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Significant progress has been achieved toward elucidating the molecular mechanisms that underlie breast cancer progression; yet, much less is known about the associated cellular biophysical traits. To this end, we use time-lapsed confocal microscopy to investigate the interplay among cell motility, three-dimensional (3D) matrix stiffness, matrix architecture, and transforming potential in a mammary epithelial cell (MEC) cancer progression series. We use a well characterized breast cancer progression model where human-derived MCF10A MECs overexpress either ErbB2, 14-3-3ζ, or both ErbB2 and 14-3-3ζ, with empty vector as a control. Cell motility assays showed that MECs overexpressing ErbB2 alone exhibited notably high migration speeds when cultured atop two-dimensional (2D) matrices, while overexpression of 14-3-3ζ alone most suppressed migration atop 2D matrices (as compared to non-transformed MECs). Our results also suggest that co-overexpression of the 14-3-3ζ and ErbB2 proteins facilitates cell migratory capacity in 3D matrices, as reflected in cell migration speed. Additionally, 3D matrices of sufficient stiffness can significantly hinder the migratory ability of partially transformed cells, but increased 3D matrix stiffness has a lesser effect on the aggressive migratory behavior exhibited by fully transformed cells that co-overexpress both ErbB2 and 14-3-3ζ. Finally, this study shows that for MECs possessing partial or full transforming potential, those overexpressing ErbB2 alone show the greatest sensitivity of cell migration speed to matrix architecture, while those overexpressing 14-3-3ζ alone exhibit the least sensitivity to matrix architecture. Given the current knowledge of breast cancer mechanobiology, these findings overall suggest that cell motility is governed by a complex interplay between matrix mechanics and transforming potential.  相似文献   

A nuclear pore complex (NPC) is a large protein assembly that mediates the nucleocytoplasmic exchange of molecules. During the cell cycle, NPCs assemble, disassemble, and dynamically change their distribution on assembled nuclear envelope (NE), whereas in post-mitosis, NPCs are extremely stable. Extensive studies on its components, structure, and building blocks allow the study of its assembly and disassembly at the molecular level. Depending on the location that the initial components of this structure are built (e.g. chromatin versus double lipid bilayers of the nuclear envelope), the regulation and the mechanism of the assembly differ. Moreover, cell cycle dynamics of NPC are linked with INM proteins, lamins, lipid membranes, and the cell cycle signal, which show that NPC dynamics are highly regulated processes.  相似文献   

Metastasis requires tumor cell dissemination to different organs from the primary tumor. Dissemination is a complex cell motility phenomenon that requires the molecular coordination of the protrusion, chemotaxis, invasion and contractility activities of tumor cells to achieve directed cell migration. Recent studies of the spatial and temporal activities of the small GTPases have begun to elucidate how this coordination is achieved. The direct visualization of the pathways involved in actin polymerization, invasion and directed migration in dissemination competent tumor cells will help identify the molecular basis of dissemination and allow the design and testing of more specific and selective drugs to block metastasis.  相似文献   

The nucleus is by far one of the stiffest organelles within cells of higher eukaryotes. Its mechanical properties are determined by contributions from the nuclear lamina and chromatin. Together they allow a viscoelastic response of the nucleus to applied stresses, where the lamina is thought to behave as an elastic shell, while the nucleoplasm contributes as a largely viscous material. Nuclear mechanics changes during differentiation and development. Altered nuclear mechanics reflects but might also influence global re-arrangements in chromatin architecture, which take place when cells commit themselves into distinct lineages. Thus it is likely that the mechanical characteristics of nuclei significantly contribute to proper differentiation.  相似文献   

Subcellular targeting of oxidants during endothelial cell migration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endogenous oxidants participate in endothelial cell migration, suggesting that the enzymatic source of oxidants, like other proteins controlling cell migration, requires precise subcellular localization for spatial confinement of signaling effects. We found that the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced (NADPH) oxidase adaptor p47(phox) and its binding partner TRAF4 were sequestered within nascent, focal complexlike structures in the lamellae of motile endothelial cells. TRAF4 directly associated with the focal contact scaffold Hic-5, and the knockdown of either protein, disruption of the complex, or oxidant scavenging blocked cell migration. An active mutant of TRAF4 activated the NADPH oxidase downstream of the Rho GTPases and p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) and oxidatively modified the focal contact phosphatase PTP-PEST. The oxidase also functioned upstream of Rac1 activation, suggesting its participation in a positive feedback loop. Active TRAF4 initiated robust membrane ruffling through Rac1, PAK1, and the oxidase, whereas the knockdown of PTP-PEST increased ruffling independent of oxidase activation. Our data suggest that TRAF4 specifies a molecular address within focal complexes that is targeted for oxidative modification during cell migration.  相似文献   

Nuclear migration advances in fungi   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Nuclear migration encompasses three areas: separation of daughter nuclei during mitosis, congress of parental nuclei before they fuse during fertilization, and positioning of nuclei in interphase cells. This review deals primarily with interphase nuclear migration, which is crucial for events as disparate as vertebrate embryonic development and growth of fungal mycelia. Mutants of Aspergillus nidulans, Neurospora crassa and Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been particularly informative, and a detailed molecular analysis of this process is now well under way.  相似文献   

The mammalian secondary palate forms from two shelves of mesenchyme sheathed in a single-layered epithelium. These shelves meet during embryogenesis to form the midline epithelial seam (MES). Failure of MES degradation prevents mesenchymal confluence and results in a cleft palate. Previous studies indicated that MES cells undergo features of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and may become migratory as part of the fusion mechanism. To detect MES cell movement over the course of fusion, we imaged the midline of fusing embryonic ephrin-B2/GFP mouse palates in real time using two-photon microscopy. These mice express an ephrin-B2-driven green fluorescent protein (GFP) that labels the palatal epithelium nuclei and persists in those cells through the time window necessary for fusion. We observed collective migration of MES cells toward the oral surface of the palatal shelf over 48 hr of imaging, and we confirmed histologically that the imaged palates had fused by the end of the imaged period. We previously reported that ephrin reverse signaling in the MES is required for palatal fusion. We therefore added recombinant EphA4/Fc protein to block this signaling in imaged palates. The blockage inhibited fusion, as expected, but did not change the observed migration of GFP-labeled cells. Thus, we uncoupled migration and fusion. Our data reveal that palatal MES cells undergo a collective, unidirectional movement during palatal fusion and that ephrin reverse signaling, though required for fusion, controls aspects of the fusion mechanism independent of migration.  相似文献   



Paxillin acts as an adaptor protein that localizes to focal adhesion. This protein is regulated during cell migration by phosphorylation on tyrosine, serine and threonine residues. Most of these phosphorylations have been implicated in the regulation of different steps of cell migration. The two major phosphorylation sites of paxillin in response to adhesion to an extracellular matrix are serines 188 and 190. However, the function of this phosphorylation event remains unknown. The purpose of this work was to determine the role of paxillin phosphorylation on residues S188 and S190 in the regulation of cell migration.


We used NBT-II epithelial cells that can be induced to migrate when plated on collagen. To examine the role of paxillin serines 188/190 in cell migration, we constructed an EGFP-tagged paxillin mutant in which S188/S190 were mutated into unphosphorylatable alanine residues. We provide evidence that paxillin is regulated by proteasomal degradation following polyubiquitylation of the protein. During active cell migration on collagen, paxillin is protected from proteasome-dependent degradation. We demonstrate that phosphorylation of serines 188/190 is necessary for the protective effect of collagen. In an effort to understand the physiological relevance of paxillin protection from degradation, we show that cells expressing the paxillin S188/190A interfering mutant spread less, have reduced protrusive activity but migrate more actively.


Our data demonstrate for the first time that serine-regulated degradation of paxillin plays a key role in the modulation of membrane dynamics and consequently, in the control of cell motility.  相似文献   

Migration of mammalian blood and tissue cells over adhesive surfaces is apparently mediated by specific reversible reactions between cell membrane adhesion receptors and complementary ligands attached to the substratum. Although in a number of systems these receptors and ligand molecules have been isolated and identified, a theory capable of predicting the effects of their properties on cell migration behavior currently does not exist. We present a simple mathematical model for elucidating the dependence of cell speed on adhesion-receptor/ligand binding and cell mechanical properties. Our model can be applied to propose answers to questions such as: does an optimal adhesiveness exist for cell movement? How might changes in receptor and ligand density and/or affinity affect the rate of migration? Can cell rheological properties influence movement speed? This model incorporates cytoskeletal force generation, cell polarization, and dynamic adhesion as requirements for persistent cell movement. A critical feature is the proposed existence of an asymmetry in some cell adhesion-receptor property, correlated with cell polarity. We consider two major alternative mechanisms underlying this asymmetry: (a) a spatial distribution of adhesion-receptor number due to polarized endocytic trafficking and (b) a spatial variation in adhesion-receptor/ligand bond strength. Applying a viscoelastic-solid model for cell mechanics allows us to represent one-dimensional locomotion with a system of differential equations describing cell deformation and displacement along with adhesion-receptor dynamics. In this paper, we solve these equations under the simplifying assumption that receptor dynamics are at a quasi-steady state relative to cell locomotion. Thus, our results are strictly valid for sufficiently slow cell movement, as typically observed for tissue cells such as fibroblasts. Numerical examples relevant to experimental systems are provided. Our results predict how cell speed might vary with intracellular contractile force, cell rheology, receptor/ligand kinetics, and receptor/ligand number densities. A biphasic dependence is shown to be possible with respect to some of the system parameters, with position of the maxima essentially governed by a balance between transmitted contractile force and adhesiveness. We demonstrate that predictions for the two alternative asymmetry mechanisms can be distinguished and could be experimentally tested using cell populations possessing different adhesion-receptor numbers.  相似文献   

tT cells migrate to lymphoid organs to become activated through specific contacts with antigen-presenting cells bearing foreign antigens. During migration and activation, T lymphocytes are exposed not only to diverse biochemical inputs, but also to different mechanical conditions. Passage from the blood or lymph to solid tissues involves lymphocyte rolling, firm arrest and diapedesis through endothelial monolayers. Throughout this process, cells are subjected to diverse fluid flow regimes. After extravasation, T lymphocytes crawl through viscoelastic media of different biochemical and mechanical properties and geometries. In lymph nodes, T cell contact with antigen-presenting cells is guided by rigidity cues and ligand-receptor interactions. T lymphocyte adaptation to diverse mechanical regimes involves multiple signaling and morphological modifications, many of which enable the conversion of mechanical forces into biochemical signals and vice-versa. These components enable T lymphocyte survival, homing and activation. Here, we review the mechanisms that enable T lymphocytes to survive and thrive under the different mechanical conditions they encounter during their life cycle. These processes require the integration of diverse signaling networks that convert extracellular mechano-chemical cues into force, movement and activation.  相似文献   

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