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Blood samples from 4 Down's syndrome (DS) patients with a 47,XY,21 + karyotype and from 4 normal male probands were cultured for 72 h in the presence of BrdU and lymphocytes analysed at their first mitosis for chromosomal aberrations. The frequencies of spontaneous aberrations and the proportions of cells in the first or later mitoses in culture were not different between the groups. Treatment with various doses of bleomycin in vitro resulted in similar delays in cell development for both DS and normal lymphocytes and dose-dependent increases in the incidence of chromosome-type aberrations. However, the induction of both dicentric aberrations and acentric fragments was significantly enhanced in DS cells relative to cells of normal karyotype.  相似文献   



Bloom''s syndrome, an autosomal recessive inherited disorder, belongs to the group of chromosomal breakage syndromes. The clinical diagnosis of BS is confirmed cytogenetically. Its frequency in the general population is unknown but it is common in eastern European Ashkenazi Jews.


A 12-year-old girl was referred to us because of short stature. She was the second child of the first cousin marriage. She had a slender body frame, short stature, and microcephaly. Her face was long and narrow with prominent nose, and malar and mandibular hypoplasia. The spots of hyper and hypo pigmentation were observed in the trunk and limbs. Telangectasia spots were observed in some areas of the trunk. Additionally, generalized hirsutism was present in the whole body. Cytogenetic findings revealed an abnormality in the structural chromosome.


This is the first BS case that has been reported in Iranian female population.  相似文献   

Summary Cytogenetic studies of an 8-year-old caucasian girl with typical but mild manifestation of Bloom's syndrome showed a characteristic increase of homologous chromatid translocations and prematurely condensed chromosomes. The average frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in lymphocytes with 133 was much higher than in skin fibroblasts with 49. The inter- and intrachromosomal distributions of SCE in lymphocytes were analyzed.Prof. Dr. H.-R. Wiedemann to his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Homozygotes for six autosomal paracentric inversions, an inserted paracentric inversion, an autosomal translocation, and two X-chromosome-chromosome 3 translocations in Anopheles stephensi are described. Three of these aberrations are being maintained in pure strains without the necessity of selection.  相似文献   

The relationship between relative rates of DNA synthesis and DNA content in Bloom's syndrome fibroblasts (BS cells) was investigated by flow cytometry. The cells were pulse labelled with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU). The BrdU content and cellular DNA content of individual BS cells were simultaneously measured by flow cytometry in which the cells were double-stained by a FITC-conjugated anti BrdU monoclonal antibody (mAb) for the BrdU content (green) and by PI (propidium iodide) (red) for total DNA content. Their red fluorescence histograms were analysed by a microcomputer to evaluate the cell fractions of each S compartment. The BrdU uptake in the early S phase of BS cells was lower than that of normal cells (fibroblasts from skin of a normal human), whereas the uptake in the middle and late S phase was essentially the same as that of normal cells. The early S phase in BS cells accounted for over 50% of the S phase cells. These findings suggest that, in comparison with normal cells, the rate of DNA synthesis in the early S phase of BS cells is lower, but is identical to controls in the middle and late S phases.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon defining those factors which may contribute to the pathogenesis of cancer. The molecular basis of tumour etiology is discussed with reference to cancer predisposing syndromes, and in particular to the human inherited disease, Bloom's syndrome. In Bloom's syndrome, patients are predisposed to a wide variety of malignant disease. We propose a model in which overexpression of the ubiquitous c-myc proto-oncogene contributes to this process.  相似文献   

Chromosomal aberrations are a common cause of multiple anomaly syndromes that include developmental and growth retardation. Current microscopic techniques are useful for the detection of such aberrations but have a limit of resolution that is above the threshold for phenotypic effect. We hypothesized that a genomewide microsatellite screen could detect chromosomal aberrations that were not detected by standard cytogenetic techniques in a portion of these individuals. To test this hypothesis, we performed a genomewide microsatellite screen of patients, by use of a currently available genetic-marker panel that was originally designed for meiotic mapping of Mendelian traits. We genotyped approximately 400 markers on 17 pairs of parents and their children who had normal karyotypes. By using this approach, we detected and confirmed two cases of segmental aneusomy among 11 children with multiple congenital anomalies. These data demonstrate that a genomewide microsatellite scan can be used to detect chromosomal aberrations that are not detected by microscopic techniques.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationship between relative rates of DNA synthesis and DNA content in Bloom's syndrome fibroblasts (BS cells) was investigated by flow cytometry. The cells were pulse labelled with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU). The BrdU content and cellular DNA content of individual BS cells were simultaneously measured by flow cytometry in which the cells were double-stained by a FITC-conjugated anti BrdU monoclonal antibody (mAb) for the BrdU content (green) and by PI (propidium iodide) (red) for total DNA content. Their red fluorescence histograms were analysed by a microcomputer to evaluate the cell fractions of each S compartment. The BrdU uptake in the early S phase of BS cells was lower than that of normal cells (fibroblasts from skin of a normal human), whereas the uptake in the middle and late S phase was essentially the same as that of normal cells. The early S phase in BS cells accounted for over 50% of the S phase cells. These findings suggest that, in comparison with normal cells, the rate of DNA synthesis in the early S phase of BS cells is lower, but is identical to controls in the middle and late S phases.  相似文献   

Genomic instability is observed in tumors and in a large fraction of the progeny surviving irradiation. One of the best-characterized phenotypic manifestations of genomic instability is delayed chromosome aberrations. Our working hypothesis for the current study was that if genomic instability is in part attributable to cis mechanisms, we should observe a non-random distribution of chromosomes or sites involved in instability-associated rearrangements, regardless of radiation quality, dose, or trans factor expression. We report here the karyotypic examination of 296 instability-associated chromosomal rearrangement breaksites (IACRB) from 118 unstable TK6 human B lymphoblast, and isogenic derivative, clones. When we tested whether IACRB were distributed across the chromosomes based on target size, a significant non-random distribution was evident (p < 0.00001), and three IACRB hotspots (chromosomes 11, 12, and 22) and one IACRB coldspot (chromosome 2) were identified. Statistical analysis at the chromosomal band-level identified four IACRB hotspots accounting for 20% of all instability-associated breaks, two of which account for over 14% of all IACRB. Further, analysis of independent clones provided evidence within 14 individual clones of IACRB clustering at the chromosomal band level, suggesting a predisposition for further breaks after an initial break at some chromosomal bands. All of these events, independently, or when taken together, were highly unlikely to have occurred by chance (p < 0.000001). These IACRB band-level cluster hotspots were observed independent of radiation quality, dose, or cellular p53 status. The non-random distribution of instability-associated chromosomal rearrangements described here significantly differs from the distribution that was observed in a first-division post-irradiation metaphase analysis (p = 0.0004). Taken together, these results suggest that genomic instability may be in part driven by chromosomal cis mechanisms.  相似文献   

The incidence of in vivo urethane-induced chromosomal aberrations was examined in H-2 congenic strains of mice with B10 and A backgrounds. Chromosome analysis of bone-marrow cells could divide 7 lines of A.H-2 congenic strains into 2 groups: one with a higher frequency of chromosomal aberrations such as in A/Wy (haplotype H-2a), A/J (H-2a), A.AL (H-2al) and A.TL (H-2tl), and the other consisting of A.TH (H-2t2), A.CA (H-2f), A.BY (H-2b) and A.SW (H-2s). The same tendency was also observed in the spleen cells. Among B10.H-2 congenic mice, B10.A (H-2a), B10.BR (H-2k), B10.A(3R) (H-2i3), B10.A(5R) (H-2i5) and B10.S(9R) (H-2t4) exhibited significantly higher rates of induced chromosomal aberrations than those in B10 (H-2b), B10.S (H-2s), B10.A(2R) (H-2h2), B10.A(4R) (H-2h4) and B10.S(7R) (H-2t2). To determine the effect on non-H-2 genetic backgrounds on urethane-induced chromosomal aberrations, 4 pairs of strains which have the same H-2 haplotypes, such as in B10 vs. A.BY (H-2b), B10.A vs. A/Wy (H-2a), B10.S vs. A.SW (H-2s), and B10.S(7R) vs. A.TH (H-2t2), were compared. The strains with a B10 background exhibited significantly higher frequencies of deletions and lower frequencies of exchanges than the strains with an A background. These data suggested that at least two genes are involved in the regulation of urethane-induced chromosomal aberrations in mice, one of which is mapped between the S and D regions in the H-2 complex, and another not belonging to H-2.  相似文献   

On the formation of chromosomal aberrations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Experimental evidence is presented for the involvement of DNA double-strand breaks in the formation of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations. When X-irradiated cells were post-treated with single-strand specific Neurospora crassa endonuclease (NE), the frequencies of all classes of aberration increased by about a factor 2. Under these conditions, the frequencies of DNA double-strand breaks induced by X-rays (as determined by neutral sucrose-gradient centrifugation), also increased by a factor of 2. The frequency of chromosomal aberrations induced by fast neutrons (which predominantly induce DNA double-strand breaks) was not influenced by post-treatment with NE. Inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, an enzyme that uses DNA with double-strand breaks as an optimal template, by 3-aminobenzamide also increased the frequencies of X-ray-induced chromosomal aberrations, which supports the idea that DNA double-strand breaks are important lesions for the production of chromosomal aberrations induced by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Several primary and transformed human cell lines derived from cancer prone patients are employed routinely for biochemical and DNA repair studies. Since transformation leads to some chromosomal instability a cytogenetic analysis of spontaneous chromosome aberrations in fibroblast cell lines derived from patients with Fanconi anaemia (FA), ataxia telangiectasia (AT), and in lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from patients with Bloom's syndrome (BS), was undertaken. Unstable aberrations were analysed in Giemsa stained preparations and the chromosome painting technique was used for evaluating the frequencies of stable aberrations (translocations). In addition, the frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) was determined in differentially stained metaphases. The SV40-transformed fibroblasts from these cell lines have higher frequencies of unstable aberrations than the primary fibroblasts. In the four lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from BS patients higher frequencies of spontaneously occurring chromosomal aberrations in comparison to normal TK6wt cells were also evident. The frequency of spontaneously occurring chromosome translocations was determined with fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and using DNA libraries specific for chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 14, 19, 20 and X. The translocation levels were found to be elevated for primary FA fibroblasts and lymphoblastoid cells derived from BS patients in comparison with control cell lines, hetero- and homozygote BS cell lines not differing in this respect. The SV40-transformed cell lines showed very high frequencies of translocations independent of their origin and almost every cell contained at least one translocation. In addition, clonal translocations were found in transformed control TK6wt and AT cell lines for chromosomes 20 and 14, respectively. The spontaneous frequencies of SCEs were similar in transformed fibroblasts derived from normal individuals and AT patients, whereas in SV40-transformed FA cells these were higher (4-fold). Among cell lines derived from BS patients, heterozygote lines behaved like control, whereas in homozygote cell lines very high frequencies of SCEs (about 12-fold) were evident.  相似文献   

Most females have random X-chromosome inactivation (XCI), defined as an equal likelihood for inactivation of the maternally- or paternally-derived X chromosome in each cell. Several X-linked disorders have been associated with a higher prevalence of non-random XCI patterns, but previous studies on XCI patterns in Aicardi syndrome were limited by small numbers and older methodologies, and have yielded conflicting results. We studied XCI patterns in DNA extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes of 35 girls with typical Aicardi syndrome (AIC) from 0.25 to 16.42 years of age, using the human androgen receptor assay. Data on 33 informative samples showed non-random XCI in 11 (33%), defined as a >80:20% skewed ratio of one versus the other X chromosome being active. In six (18%) of these, there was a >95:5% extremely skewed ratio of one versus the other X chromosome being active. XCI patterns on maternal samples were not excessively skewed. The prevalence of non-random XCI in Aicardi syndrome is significantly different from that in the general population (p < 0.0001) and provides additional support for the hypothesis that Aicardi syndrome is an X-linked disorder. We also investigated the correlation between X-inactivation patterns and clinical severity and found that non-random XCI is associated with a high neurological composite severity score. Conversely, a statistically significant association was found between random XCI and the skeletal composite score. Correlations between X-inactivation patterns and individual features were made and we found a significant association between vertebral anomalies and random XCI.  相似文献   

The existence of a high frequency of spontaneous sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in Bloom syndrome (BS) has thus far been supported by data on a small number of BS cell lines. To examine the cause of baseline SCEs more broadly, the frequencies of SCEs, as well as chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in 4 additional BS fibroblast strains were compared, under different assay and cell culture conditions, with those of normal cells in the range of approximately 0.9-90% 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) substitution into template DNA. SCEs at low levels of BrdUrd substitution were detected by an extremely sensitive immunofluorescent technique. From approximately 0.9% to 4.5% BrdUrd substitution, the SCE frequency in BS cells remained constant, at a level (40/cell) 8 times higher than that of normal cells. As BrdUrd substitution increased further, the SCE frequency in BS cells increased almost linearly, reaching 70-100 per cell at approximately 90% substitution, while the SCE increment in control fibroblasts was less than 5 per cell. Analysis of SCEs in 3 successive replication cycles similarly revealed that the SCE increment in BS cells depended on BrdUrd only at a high BrdUrd substitution level. In contrast to data on SCEs, CA induction by incorporated BrdUrd in BS cells was only slightly higher than that in normal cells. Thus, BS cells are extremely sensitive to BrdUrd for SCE induction, but much less so for CA induction.  相似文献   

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