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Protected areas are considered as an essential strategy to halt the decline of biodiversity. Ecological representation in protected areas is crucial for assessment on the progress toward conservation targets. Although China has established a large number of protected areas since the 1950s, ecological representation of protected areas is poorly understood. Here, we performed the complementarity analysis to evaluate ecological representation of protected areas in China. We used a database of the geographical distribution for 10,396 woody plant species, 2,305 fern species, 406 amphibian species, 460 reptile species, 1,364 bird species, and 590 mammal species from 2,376 counties across China. We identified complementary sets of counties for all species or threatened species of plant and vertebrate species using a complementarity algorithm. We evaluated ecological representation of 3,627 protected areas and discerned conservation gaps by comparing the distribution of protected areas with complementary sets. The results show that the spatially representative and complementary sites for biodiversity are poorly covered, and a fairly large proportion of protected areas is not designed to efficiently represent biodiversity at the national scale. Our methodology can serve as a generic framework for assessment on ecological representation of protected areas at the national scale.  相似文献   

Land snails are an important yet often neglected component of Australia's biological diversity. Despite high levels of diversity within this group and the identification of many narrow range endemic species as being of conservation concern, there have been few detailed studies that document the ecology and conservation requirements of the group. A range of threats has been suggested, yet relatively few have been rigorously assessed. Whilst factors such as land clearing are readily apparent and have resulted in extinctions, other threats such as climate change are not well understood. This paper reviews studies conducted on terrestrial molluscs in Australia and highlights the need for further targeted ecological research, given the likely level of on-going threats. We urge researchers to apply rigorous approaches to data collection that will enable a deeper understanding of the factors governing distribution and abundance. Approaches used in other areas of conservation biology offer considerable scope for application to land snails and for the development of appropriate conservation strategies.  相似文献   

GIS和遥感技术在生态安全评价与生物多样性保护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文杰  张时煌 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6674-6681
综合近年来国内外生态安全评价和生物多样性保护领域的研究成果:简要总结了地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)技术在生态学热点领域的应用研究现状和特点;归纳论述了GIS和RS在生态安全评价和生物多样性保护研究中存在的不足;在此基础上,尝试性地提出了可扩展的集成研究框架——"生产线"框架;最后探讨了GIS和RS技术与生态学集成研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

川滇生态屏障区景观生态风险评价及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探究重点生态功能区景观生态风险时空演变特征,揭示人类活动对景观生态风险恶化的潜在影响,对防范和化解景观生态风险、促进区域可持续发展具有重要意义.以2000、2010、2020年土地覆被数据为基础,运用ArcGIS 10.8和Fragstats 4.2等软件,基于景观格局指数和脆弱度指数构建景观生态风险评价模型,借助空间...  相似文献   

Risk assessment has become a popular tool to help solve ecological problems. The basic concept is not new and has been applied to diverse decision problems. The application to ecological problems, especially complex ecological problems, is fairly recent and controversial. The fundamental and most important elements of the controversy revolve around two key points: (1) a person's implicit “world view;”; and (2) the assumption of who (or what) receives the benefits and who (or what) pays the costs for ecological “decisions.”; A person's attitude toward risk assessment is, at least implicitly, defined by a world view. It is this world view that defines how each of us reacts to risk assessment applied to ecological problems. How the question of benefits and costs is defined also defines the appropriate use, if any, of ecological risk assessment. The future of ecological risk assessment will almost certainly follow the course of other analytical tools: enthusiastic support, rapid, widespread adoption and use; then disillusionment and rapid replacement with newer approaches, but with continued use for a greatly constrained set of ecological issues.  相似文献   

Systematic conservation planning has become a standard approach globally, but prioritization of conservation efforts hardly considers species traits in decision making. This can be important for species persistence and thus adequacy of the conservation plan. Here, we developed and validated a novel approach of incorporating trophic information into a systematic conservation planning framework. We demonstrate the benefits of this approach using fish data from Europe's second largest river, the Danube. Our results show that adding trophic information leads to a different spatial configuration of priority areas at no additional cost. This can enhance identification of priority refugia for species in the lower position of the trophic web while simultaneously identifying areas that represent a more diverse species pool. Our methodological approach to incorporating species traits into systematic conservation planning is generally applicable, irrespective of realm, geographical area, and species composition and can potentially lead to more adequate conservation plans.  相似文献   

We review the conservation status and threats to the endemic vascular flora of the Cape Verde islands, mostly based on the past two decades of collecting, literature review and herbarium specimens. The application of IUCN Red List criteria and categories using RAMAS software reveals that 78% of the endemic plants are threatened (29.3% Critically Endangered, 41.3% Endangered, 7.6% Vulnerable). Most of these endemics have a limited geographical range, and half of them have Areas of Occupancy and Extents of Occurrence of < 20 and 200 km2, respectively. Our data show that, over the last two decades, the Cape Verde vascular plants have become more threatened and their conservation status has declined, mostly as a consequence of the increase in exotic species, habitat degradation and human disturbance. This paper presents the first comprehensive IUCN Red List data review for the plants endemic to Cape Verde, thus providing an important step towards the recognition and conservation of its threatened endemic flora at the national and global level. It also fills a knowledge gap, as it represents the first thorough assessment of the conservation status of the entire endemic flora of a Macaronesian archipelago.  相似文献   

滇西北地区优先保护的植物群落类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定优先保护的地区和群落类型对生物多样性保护尤为重要.为评价滇西北地区优先保护的植物群落类型,针对植物群落在维持栖息地稳定及生物多样性保护方面的功能,依据科学性、层次性及可操作性等原则,构建了由3个层次6个指标构成的评价指标体系.6个与群落相关的指标分别是:物种多样性、珍稀濒危植物物种种数、保护植物级别、群落稀有性、特有植物物种种数和群落特有性.通过对滇西北地区现有资料的收集整理,共选出有样地数据的群落61个,归入13个植被亚型.根据数据的分布特征,利用等级赋值的方法制定了各个指标的评分标准.运用层次分析法与专家咨询法相结合确定权重,采用综合指数法对各群落及植被亚型进行评价,再进行重分类,划分出一级、二级、三级和一般保护类型.利用ArcGIS9.3软件制作不同保护级别的植被亚型的分布图,划分出优先保护的区域.综合评价划分出一级保护群落4类,二级31类,三级23类,一般3类;一级保护植被亚型1类,二级6类,三级6类.这些优先保护类型中,一级保护类型少量,分布在贡山县西南部和泸水县西南部的高黎贡山;二级保护类型较为集中地分布在研究区西北部高海拔地区各大山系及东南部高山地区;三级保护类型主要分布在研究区东南部海拔较低的区域以及独龙江、怒江、澜沧江和金沙江流域的河谷地段.  相似文献   

To address the global extinction crisis, both efficient use of existing conservation funding and new sources of funding are vital. Private sponsorship of charismatic ‘flagship’ species conservation represents an important source of new funding, but has been criticized as being inefficient. However, the ancillary benefits of privately sponsored flagship species conservation via actions benefiting other species have not been quantified, nor have the benefits of incorporating such sponsorship into objective prioritization protocols. Here, we use a comprehensive dataset of conservation actions for the 700 most threatened species in New Zealand to examine the potential biodiversity gains from national private flagship species sponsorship programmes. We find that private funding for flagship species can clearly result in additional species and phylogenetic diversity conserved, via conservation actions shared with other species. When private flagship species funding is incorporated into a prioritization protocol to preferentially sponsor shared actions, expected gains can be more than doubled. However, these gains are consistently smaller than expected gains in a hypothetical scenario where private funding could be optimally allocated among all threatened species. We recommend integrating private sponsorship of flagship species into objective prioritization protocols to sponsor efficient actions that maximize biodiversity gains, or wherever possible, encouraging private donations for broader biodiversity goals.  相似文献   

Limiting climate change to less than 2°C is the focus of international policy under the climate convention (UNFCCC), and is essential to preventing extinctions, a focus of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The post-2020 biodiversity framework drafted by the CBD proposes conserving 30% of both land and oceans by 2030. However, the combined impact on extinction risk of species from limiting climate change and increasing the extent of protected and conserved areas has not been assessed. Here we create conservation spatial plans to minimize extinction risk in the tropics using data on 289 219 species and modeling two future greenhouse gas concentration pathways (RCP2.6 and 8.5) while varying the extent of terrestrial protected land and conserved areas from <17% to 50%. We find that limiting climate change to 2°C and conserving 30% of terrestrial area could more than halve aggregate extinction risk compared with uncontrolled climate change and no increase in conserved area.  相似文献   

系统保护规划的理论、方法及关键问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张路  欧阳志云  徐卫华 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1284-1295
为了减缓生物多样性丧失的趋势、将有限的保护资源用于关键区域,Margules等提出了系统保护规划(Systematic Conservation Planning)概念和方法,目前该方法已成为国际主流保护规划方法。与传统基于专家决策的保护体系规划方法不同,系统保护规划拥有量化的保护目标、保护成本,并综合考虑保护体系连通性、人为干扰因素,使用优化算法计算,从而获得空间明晰的生物多样性保护体系。在阐述规划理念、规划流程与方法的基础上,重点评述了生物多样性替代指标的选择、保护规划成本的计算、保护目标的设置、规划结果的可靠性评估等关键问题,并结合我国的具体情况,探讨了该方法在我国的应用前景,以期为推进我国生物多样性与生态服务功能的保护做出贡献。  相似文献   

中国生物多样性保护优先区域生物多样性调查和评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高度重视生物多样性保护,而开展本底调查是生物多样性保护的基础。但以往研究对苔藓、生物多样性相关传统知识等关注不够,而且调查大部分集中在生物多样性丰富区域。随着我国社会经济的快速发展,全国土地利用格局和生态环境发生了巨大变化,已有的部分调查成果数据与实际情况不符,难以满足我国生物多样性保护管理需求,因此亟待组织开展全国生物多样性调查与评估工作。在整理历史和现有生物多样性调查技术的基础上,推荐采用网格法开展全国生物多样性调查,按照10 km×10 km分辨率,将全国划分为97109个调查网格;制定了陆生高等植物、植被、陆生哺乳动物、鸟类、两栖类和爬行类、昆虫、大型真菌、内陆鱼类、内陆浮游生物、内陆大型底栖无脊椎动物、内陆周丛藻类以及生物多样性相关传统知识12个类群县域生物多样性调查评估技术规定;建立了全国统一、动态更新、信息共享的生物多样性数据库和信息化管理平台。从调查内容规范、评估指标体系和技术要求等方面探讨了陆域生态系统与物种调查、重点河流水生生物调查、重点物种调查、生物多样性相关传统知识调查技术方法,并构建生物多样性综合评估指标体系,规范了生物多样性保护优先区域生物多样性调查和评估。技术方法在横断山南、武陵山、太行山、西双版纳等生物多样性保护优先区域得到应用,同时北京、江苏、浙江和湖北等省份和祁连山、武夷山等区域也采用该技术体系开展调查,网格法得到逐步推广,并获得大量的生物多样性基础数据,为我国生物多样性保护和可持续利用、生物多样性公约履约等提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

指示种、伞护种和旗舰种等的运用常常可以作为解决保护生物学问题的捷径。指示种被用来评价环境中人为干扰因素的程度,监测其他物种的种群动态,或用于确定生物多样性较高的区域;伞护种则常用来确定需保护生境的类型和面积;而旗舰种被用于引起公众对保护行为的关注。本文试图对上述术语和概念在使用上加以明确区分,并对其应用提出一些指导性原则。认为针对上述不同类型的代理种,使用的目的和选择的标准应有所不同,彼此不能混淆使用。  相似文献   

This paper establishes a framework within which a rapid and pragmatic assessment of river ecosystems can be undertaken at a broad, subcontinental scale, highlighting some implications for achieving conservation of river biodiversity in water‐limited countries. The status of river ecosystems associated with main rivers in South Africa was assessed based on the extent to which each ecosystem had been altered from its natural condition. This requires consistent data on river integrity for the entire country, which was only available for main rivers; tributaries were thus excluded from the analyses. The state of main river ecosystems in South Africa is dire: 84% of the ecosystems are threatened, with a disturbing 54% critically endangered, 18% endangered, and 12% vulnerable. Protection levels were measured as the proportion of conservation target achieved within protected areas, where the conservation target was set as 20% of the total length of each river ecosystem. Sixteen of the 112 main river ecosystems are moderately to well represented within protected areas; the majority of the ecosystems have very low levels of representation, or are not represented at all within protected areas. Only 50% of rivers within protected areas are intact, but this is a higher proportion compared to rivers outside (28%), providing some of the first quantitative data on the positive role protected areas can play in conserving river ecosystems. This is also the first assessment of river ecosystems in South Africa to apply a similar approach to parallel assessments of terrestrial, marine, and estuarine ecosystems, and it revealed that main river ecosystems are in a critical state, far worse than terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystem status is likely to differ with the inclusion of tributaries, since options may well exist for conserving critically endangered ecosystems in intact tributaries, which are generally less regulated than main rivers. This study highlights the importance of healthy tributaries for achieving river conservation targets, and the need for managing main rivers as conduits across the landscape to support ecological processes that depend on connectivity. We also highlight the need for a paradigm shift in the way protected areas are designated, as well as the need for integrated river basin management plans to include explicit conservation visions, targets, and strategies to ensure the conservation of freshwater ecosystems and the services they provide.  相似文献   

Summary   The Lord Howe Island Biodiversity Management Plan targeted significant species for the Lord Howe Island Group and formed the recovery plan for 30 threatened species and one endangered ecological community. The plan addressed threats and management actions relevant to the Lord Howe Island Group's overall biodiversity, with a particular focus on rare and significant species and communities. The Biodiversity Management Plan approach enabled holistic and cost-effective planning for the management of biodiversity on Lord Howe Island. We describe the approach, as applied to Lord Howe Island, including the utilization of expert and community knowledge, species research data and GIS innovations.  相似文献   

A global strategy is necessary to achieve the level of coordination, synergy and therefore optimization of resources to achieve the broad goal of conserving mammals worldwide. Key elements for the development of such a strategy include: an institutional subject that owns the strategy; broad conservation goals, quantitative targets derived from them and appropriate indicators; data on the distribution of species, their threats, the cost-effectiveness of conservation actions; and a set of methods for the identification of conservation priorities. Previous global mammal research investigated phylogeny, extinction risk, and the species and areas that should be regarded as global conservation priorities. This theme issue presents new key elements: an updated Red List Index, a new list of evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered species, new high-resolution mammal distribution models, a global connectivity analysis and scenarios of future mammal distribution based on climate and land-cover change. Area prioritization schemes account for mammalian phylogeny, governance and cost-benefit of measures to abate habitat loss. Three discussion papers lay the foundations for the development of a global unifying mammal conservation strategy, which should not be further deterred by the knowledge gaps still existing.  相似文献   

周韩洁  杨入瑄  李嵘 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1694-1702
全球气候变化与人为活动等因素导致的生物多样性丧失,引起了全球各界对生物多样性保护的高度关注。传统生物多样性保护主要对物种、特有种、受威胁物种的种类组成及其分布模式开展研究,忽视了进化历史在生物多样性保护中的作用。云南是全球生物多样性热点地区的交汇区,生物多样性的保护历来受到广泛关注,为了更好地探讨云南生物多样性的保护措施,该研究以云南被子植物菊类分支物种为研究对象,基于物种间的演化关系,结合其地理分布,从进化历史的角度探讨物种、特有种、受威胁物种的种类组成及系统发育组成的分布格局,并整合自然保护地的空间分布,识别生物多样性的重点保护区域。结果表明:云南被子植物菊类分支的物种、特有种及受威胁物种的物种密度与系统发育多样性均显著正相关;通过零模型分析发现,由南向北标准化系统发育多样性逐渐降低;云南南部、东南部、西北部是云南被子植物菊类分支的重点保护区域,加强这些区域的保护,将最大化地保护生物多样性的进化历史和进化潜能。由此可见,融合进化历史信息的植物多样性格局分析不仅有助于更加深入地理解植物多样性的形成与演变,也为生物多样性保护策略的制定提供更多的思路。  相似文献   

The South African grassland biome is one of the most threatened biomes in South Africa. Approximately 45% of the grassland biome area is transformed, degraded or severely invaded by alien plants and the remaining natural areas are highly fragmented. In this fragmented landscape, the connectivity between habitat patches is very important to maintain viable populations. In this study we aimed to quantify connectivity of the grassland biome in Mpumalanga using graph theory in order to identify conservation priorities and to direct conservation efforts. Graph theory‐based connectivity indices have the ability to combine spatially explicit habitat data with species specific dispersal data and can quantify structural and functional connectivity over large landscapes. We used these indices to quantify the overall connectivity of the study area, to determine the influence of abandoned croplands on overall connectivity, and to identify the habitat patches and vegetation types most in need of maintaining overall connectivity. Natural areas were identified using 2008 land cover data for Mpumalanga. Connectivity within the grassland biome of Mpumalanga was analysed for grassland species with dispersal distances ranging from 50 to 1000 m. The grassland habitat patches were mostly well connected, with 99.6% of the total habitat area connected in a single component at a threshold distance of 1000 m. The inclusion of abandoned croplands resulted in a 33% increase in connectivity at a threshold distance of 500 m. The habitat patches most important for maintaining overall connectivity were the large patches of continuous habitat in the upper and lower centres of the study area and the most important vegetation types were the Wakkerstroom Montane Grassland and the Eastern Temperate Freshwater Wetlands. These results can be used to inform management decisions and reserve design to improve and maintain connectivity in this biome.  相似文献   

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