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Heme oxygenase (HO) catalyzes the oxidation of heme to carbon monoxide (CO), biliverdin, and iron and is thought to play a role in protecting tissues from oxidative damage. There are three isoforms of HO: HO-1 (inducible), HO-2 (constitutive), and HO-3 (unknown function). Preeclampsia is characterized by an inadequately perfused placenta and areas of tissue damage. We hypothesized that damaged areas of placentas from women with PE and uncomplicated pregnancies are associated with an alteration in HO expression. Compared with microsomes isolated from morphologically normal and peri-infarct chorionic villi of pathological placentas, microsomes from infarcted chorionic villi from the same placentas had decreased HO activity measured under optimized assay conditions. There was no correlation between microsomal HO levels and activity and tissue damage in uncomplicated pregnancies. Whereas there was no significant difference in HO-1 protein levels across all regions of uncomplicated and mildly preeclamptic pregnancies, HO-2 protein levels were decreased (P < 0.05) in peri-infarct regions and infarcted chorionic villi of mildly preeclamptic pregnancies. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed an apparent decrease in both HO-1 and HO-2 protein expression in damaged tissues. HO-1 and HO-2 were immunolocalized in the syncytiotrophoblast layer of the chorionic villi, the underlying cytotrophoblast, and in the vascular endothelium. This study suggests that the ability of the chorionic villi to oxidize heme to CO, biliverdin, and iron may be compromised in areas of tissue damage in the placenta of women with preeclampsia.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Cat liver microsomes contain the multifunctional enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase.
  • 2.2. High specificity was shown for the phosphohydrolase as well as for the transferase activity.
  • 3.3. Both activities have high Vmax values determined in optimized conditions.
  • 4.4. The phosphate transfer with carbamyl-phosphate as a phosphoryl donor and d-glucose as acceptor is consistent with a random mechanism in which the binding of one substrate decreases the enzyme's affinity for the second substrate.

To determine the cytochemical localization of glucose-6-phosphatase in the human hepatocyte, lead - based and cerium - based media were used. By studying the effects of systematic variation of the incubation medium components, the optimal experimental conditions were determined. The exclusive localization of the cytochemical reaction in the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope, together with the results of control experiments ensured that these findings could be correlated with the phosphohydrolase activity of the multicomponent glucose-6-phosphatase system.  相似文献   

Identification of the human hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme protein of the human hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase system was identified as a 36.5 kDa polypeptide. The 36.5 kDa glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme protein was shown to be absent in the microsomes isolated from a patient previously diagnosed as having a type 1a glycogen storage disease.  相似文献   

R Demir  T Erbengi 《Acta anatomica》1984,119(1):18-26
The cytological structure of the Hofbauer cells was investigated in human placentas of the first and second trimesters of gestation. These cells are found in the stromal channel system of the chorionic villi core. Their walls, which are supported by collagen fiber bundles, are produced by reticulum cells and fibroblasts. The cytoplasmic processes of the Hofbauer cells are in contact with the walls of the channels without being associated with them by desmosomal complexes. Some of these cells have features in common with macrophages, such as cytoplasmic processes, larger vacuoles, many pinocytotic vesicles and intracytoplasmic granules. This system of vacuoles and vesicles enables micropinocytotic activity and phagocytosis. This type of Hofbauer cell resembles the typical macrophages. These cells may play a role in the regulation of stromal water content, transportation of ions and the flow of interstitial fluid. The most original finding of this study are long tubes observed in some Hofbauer cells and extending between the nucleus and the extracellular ground substance through the cytoplasm. One of these tubular formations resembles a cilium in structure with three limiting membranes and is filled with a slightly electron-dense substance. This type of Hofbauer cell may transport information between the nucleus and the extracellular ground substance by means of these tubular structures.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to determine the cellular localisation of glucose-6-phosphatase in developing human kidney using monospecific antiserum and a standard immunohistochemical method (peroxidase-antiperoxidase, PAP) on formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue. In embryonic and early fetal development of the metanephric kidney, glucose-6-phosphatase is located primarily in derivatives of the ureteric bud such as the pelvis, calyxes and collecting ducts. In mid-fetal life as nephrons evolve and develop they become increasingly immunoreactive to glucose-6-phosphatase, such that in mature metanephric kidney the proximal tubules are highly reactive for glucose-6-phosphatase with other elements of the nephron also immunopositive albeit at lower reactivities. In addition the parietal layer of Bowman's capsule and some cells of the visceral layer are immunopositive. Only with the development of nephrons does the early predominance of glucose-6-phosphatase immunoreactivity to ureteric bud derivatives change: in mature kidney the reactivity in the collecting ducts is a small proportion of the total. In proximal tubular cells the distribution of glucose-6-phosphatase immunoreactivity is relatively uniform throughout development in contrast to collecting ducts where in fetal life this reactivity is displaced to the apices and basal areas by intracellular glycogen deposits. The mesonephric kidney has a similar pattern of glucose-6-phosphatase immunoreactivity to that of metanephric kidney. The availability of monospecific antiserum to glucose-6-phosphatase and immunohistochemical methods now allows an alternative approach to cellular localisation. Many of the difficulties in the fixation of tissue and assay of glucose-6-phosphatase activity inherent in conventional histochemical methods are avoided by such methods.  相似文献   

The secretion in vitro of HCG and proteins was studied in fragments of placenta from women in the first trimester of pregnancy by a pulse-chase system. A 10-min pulse with [3H]leucine was used. It was concluded that the approximate half-time of release of HCG was 150 min. Proteins precipitable with trichloroacetic acid had a bi-exponential pattern, the half-times of release being 100 and 270 min. These rates of release indicate that the HCG produced by the early placenta was rapidly passed into the circulation rather than stored.  相似文献   

Summary Glucose-6-phosphatase is an endoplasmic reticulum system which is found primarily in liver and kidney. Recently, it has become clear that it is also present in lower amounts in a variety of other tissues. Previous histochemical studies of glucose-6-phosphate hydrolysis in trachea have given equivocal results and only one study on adult oesophagus has shown glucose-6-phosphatase, enzymatic activity but without cellular localization. We have now shown, using microassay techniques, that microsomes isolated from human foetal trachea and oesophagus both contain low levels of specific glucose-6-phosphatase activity (mean= 0.9 and 1.5 nmol min−1 mg−1 microsomal protein, respectively) which are less than 10% of the levels in microsomes of human foetal liver of similar age. In the developing trachea, glucose-6-phosphatase immunoreactivity has been found, using a monospecific antibody to the catalytic subunit of the glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme, to be first present at 10–11 weeks' gestation, and thereafter in foetal life, predominantly present in ciliated cells, with smaller amounts in non-ciliated secretory cells, duct lining cells, and occasional basal cells. The foetal oesophageal epithelium is transiently ciliated from 10 to 11 weeks' gestation, but ciliated cells are gradually replaced by squamous cells from 14 to 16 weeks onwards. Glucose-6-phosphatase immunoreactivity in human foetal oesophagus is predominantly confined to ciliated cells, but non-ciliated luminal cells are also reactive, as are occasional basal cells. Mucus secretory cells in foetal trachea and oesophagus are immunonegative, as is the entire epithelium of both organs in the embryo (up to 56 postovulatory days).  相似文献   

The glucose-6-phosphatase activity of periportal and perivenous human hepatocytes was studied with a quantitative method. The results obtained with histogram of light intensity distributions indicate that the enzyme reaction was 1.3 to 2.5 fold higher in periportal zone than in perivenous zone. The profiles of light intensity along portal----hepatic venous distances show a progressive decrease of enzyme activity with highest values in periportal hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem cells are currently being studied extensively because of their capability for self-renewal and differentiation to various connective tissues, which makes them attractive as cell sources for regenerative medicine. Herein we report the isolation of human placenta-derived mesenchymal cells (hPDMCs) that have the potential to differentiate into various lineages to explore the possibility of using these cells for regeneration of cartilage. We first evaluated the chondrogenesis of hPDMCs in vitro and then embedded the hPDMCs into an atelocollagen gel to make a cartilage-like tissue with chondrogenic induction media. For in vivo assay, preinduced hPDMCs embedded in collagen sponges were subcutaneously implanted into nude mice and also into nude rats with osteochondral defect. The results of these in vivo and in vitro studies suggested that hPDMCs can be one of the possible allogeneic cell sources for tissue engineering of cartilage.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of glucose-6-phosphatase (D-glucose-6-phosphate phosphohydrolase EC was studied in rat liver and kidney microsomal fractions. Arrhenius plots were non-linear and showed four distinct discontinuities in enzyme activity over the temperature range 2-41 degrees C. The discontinuities occurred at approx. 39, 30, 20 and 12 degrees C in the liver and were similar to this in the kidney. Changes in the energy of activation for the enzyme were noted at approx. 20 degrees C in both tissues. The multiple discontinuities in glucose-6-phosphatase activity are viewed as a reflection of complex reorganization and/or change in physical state of the membrane components, primarily lipid.  相似文献   

The liver endoplasmic reticulum glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit (G6PC1) catalyses glucose 6-phosphate hydrolysis during gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. The highest glucose-6-phosphatase activities are found in the liver and the kidney; there have been many reports of glucose 6-phosphate hydrolysis in other tissues. We cloned a new G6Pase isoform (G6PC3) from human brain encoded by a six-exon gene (chromosome 17q21). G6PC3 protein was able to hydrolyse glucose 6-phosphate in transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells. The optimal pH for glucose 6-phosphate hydrolysis was lower and the K(m) higher relative to G6PC1. G6PC3 preferentially hydrolyzed other substrates including pNPP and 2-deoxy-glucose-6-phosphate compared to the liver enzyme.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphatase, an enzyme of the microsomal fraction, is a major intermediate in the mobilization of glucose from liver cells. Lack of a purified preparation of this enzyme has hampered efforts to understand the molecular details of Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia (von Gierke's disease). The present study was undertaken to purify this membrane-bound enzyme from human placenta and liver using Sepharose affinity chromatography with glucose-6-phosphate as the bound ligand. Of the two tissues tested, the placenta gave the better results, perhaps because the purification began with fresh tissue. Protein eluting from the affinity column for a placental preparation gave three peaks of specific activity representing 45-, 33-, and 600-fold purification with a yield of about 2%. Specific activity determined for liver tissue was far more variable and represented a purification of about 5-fold. SDS-PAGE of protein from both tissues indicated only three bands in the range of 58–64,000 molecular weight. Although not purified to homogeneity, the scheme reported here represents a significant advance in the purification of functional G6Pase from human sources.  相似文献   

H F Teutsch 《Histochemistry》1978,57(2):107-117
Methodological studies on the histochemical technique for the demonstration of G6Pase activity showed that the occurrence of common artifacts: morphological destruction, extracellular precipitation of reaction product and nuclear staining are dependent on the concentration of lead nitrate, buffer and substrate. By studying the effects of systematic variation of the incubation media on the histochemical reaction optimal concentrations of either of these components were determined. An improved medium containing 3.6 mM lead nitrate, 40 mM tris-maleate buffer, pH 6.5, 10 mM G6P and 300 mM sucrose was used for the study of G6Pase distribution patterns in liver acini of juvenile and adult rats of both sexes and in those of starved adult female rats. The results obtained indicate sex dependent differences in the functional organization of the liver acinus and furthermore demonstrate the rapid functional adaptability of liver parenchyma to changes of the nutritional situation.  相似文献   

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