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Twenty-six individuals of the sporophytic self-incompatible (SSI) weed, Senecio squalidus were crossed in a full diallel to determine the number and frequency of S alleles in an Oxford population. Incompatibility phenotypes were determined by fruit-set results and the mating patterns observed fitted a SSI model that allowed us to identify six S alleles. Standard population S allele number estimators were modified to deal with S allele data from a species with SSI. These modified estimators predicted a total number of approximately six S alleles for the entire Oxford population of S. squalidus. This estimate of S allele number is low compared to other estimates of S allele diversity in species with SSI. Low S allele diversity in S. squalidus is expected to have arisen as a consequence of a disturbed population history since its introduction and subsequent colonisation of the British Isles. Other features of the SSI system in S. squalidus were also investigated: (a) the strength of self-incompatibility response; (b) the nature of S allele dominance interactions; and (c) the relative frequencies of S phenotypes. These are discussed in view of the low S allele diversity estimates and the known population history of S. squalidus.  相似文献   

Senecio squalidus L. (Asteraceae) has been the subject of several ecological and population genetic studies due to its well-documented history of introduction, establishment and spread throughout Britain in the past 300 years. Our recent studies have focused on identifying and quantifying factors associated with the sporophytic self-incompatibility (SSI) system of S. squalidus that may have contributed to its success as a colonist. These findings are of general biological interest because they provide important insights into the short-term evolutionary dynamics of a plant mating system. The number of S-alleles in populations and their dominance interactions were investigated in eight wild British populations using cross-diallel studies. The numbers of S-alleles in British S. squalidus populations are typically low (average of 5.3 S-alleles) and the entire British population is estimated to possess no more than 7-11 S-alleles. Such low numbers of S-alleles are most probably a consequence of population bottlenecks associated with introduction and colonization. Potential evolutionary impacts on SSI caused by a paucity of S-alleles, such as restricted mate availability, are discussed, and we suggest that increased dominance interactions between S-alleles may be an important short-term means of increasing mate availability when S-allele numbers are low.  相似文献   

Senecio squalidus (Oxford Ragwort) is being used as a model species to study the genetics and molecular genetics of self-incompatibility (SI) in the Asteraceae. S. squalidus has a strong system of sporophytic SI (SSI) and populations within the UK contain very few S alleles probably due to a population bottleneck experienced on its introduction to the UK. The genetic control of SSI in S. squalidus is complex and may involve a second locus epistatic to S. Progress towards identifying the female determinant of SSI in S. squalidus is reviewed here. Research is focused on plants carrying two defined S alleles, S(1) and S(2). S(2) is dominant to S(1) in pollen and stigma. RT-PCR was used to amplify three SRK-like cDNAs from stigmas of S(1)S(2) heterozygotes, but the expression patterns of these cDNAs suggest that they are unlikely to be directly involved in SI or pollen-stigma interactions in contrast to SSI in the Brassicaceae. Stigma-specific proteins associated with the S(1) allele and the S(2) allele have been identified using isoelectric focusing and these proteins have been designated SSP1 (Stigma S-associated Protein 1) and SSP2. SSP1 and SSP2 cDNAs have been cloned by 3' and 5' RACE and shown to be allelic forms of the same gene, SSP. The expression of SSP and its linkage to the S locus are currently being investigated. Initial results show SSP to be expressed exclusively in stigmas and developmentally regulated, with maximal expression occurring at and just before anthesis when SI is fully functional, SSP expression being undetectable in immature buds. Together these data suggest that SSP is a strong candidate for a Senecio S-gene.  相似文献   

Sporophytic self-incompatibility (SSI) was studied in 11 British Senecio squalidus populations to quantify mating system variation and determine how its recent colonization of the United Kingdom has influenced its mating behavior. S allele number, frequency, and dominance interactions in populations were assessed using full diallels of controlled pollinations. A mean of 5.1 S alleles per population was observed, and no population contained more than six S alleles. Numbers of S alleles within populations of S. squalidus declined with increasing distance from the center of its introduction (Oxford). Cross-classification of S alleles allowed an estimate of approximately seven and no more than 11 S alleles for the entire British S. squalidus population. The low number of S alleles observed in British S. squalidus compared to other SI species is consistent with the population bottleneck associated with S. squalidus' introduction to the Oxford Botanic Garden and subsequent colonization of Britain. Extensive S allele dominance interactions were observed to be a feature of the S. squalidus SSI system and may represent an adaptive response to improve limited mate availability imposed by the presence of so few S alleles. Multilocus allozyme genotypes were also identified for individuals in all populations and geographic patterns of S locus and allozyme loci variation investigated. Less interpopulation structure was observed for the S locus than for allozyme diversity--a finding indicative of the effects of negative frequency-dependent selection at the S locus maintaining equal S phenotypes within populations and enhancing effective migration between populations.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic mechanisms of self-incompatibility (SI) and how they evolve is central to understanding the mating behaviour of most outbreeding angiosperms. Sporophytic SI (SSI) is controlled by a single multi-allelic locus, S, which is expressed in the diploid (sporophyte) plant to determine the SI phenotype of its haploid (gametophyte) pollen. This allows complex patterns of independent S allele dominance interactions in male (pollen) and female (pistil) reproductive tissues. Senecio squalidus is a useful model for studying the genetic regulation and evolution of SSI because of its population history as an alien invasive species in the UK. S. squalidus maintains a small number of S alleles (7–11) with a high frequency of dominance interactions. Some S. squalidus individuals also show partial selfing and/or greater levels of cross-compatibility than expected under SSI. We previously speculated that these might be adaptations to invasiveness. Here we describe a detailed characterization of the regulation of SSI in S. squalidus. Controlled crosses were used to determine the S allele dominance hierarchy of six S alleles and effects of modifiers on cross-compatibility and partial selfing. Complex dominance interactions among S alleles were found with at least three levels of dominance and tissue-specific codominance. Evidence for S gene modifiers that increase selfing and/or cross-compatibility was also found. These empirical findings are discussed in the context of theoretical predictions for maintenance of S allele dominance interactions, and the role of modifier loci in the evolution of SI.  相似文献   

Senecio cambrensis (Welsh groundsel) is a new allohexaploid species, which originated in Wales, UK, in the early part of the 20th century following hybridization between the native tetraploid groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) and the introduced diploid Oxford ragwort (Senecio squalidus). A survey of the number of populations and flowering individuals per population of S. cambrensis in Wales was conducted at peak flowering time in June 2002, 2003 and 2004. The results show a dramatic decrease in both population number and population size of the species since the 1980s when the last population census was conducted. A survey of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) variation showed that this decline has occurred despite the fact that S. cambrensis contains a high level of genetic diversity with each individual screened possessing a unique multilocus phenotype. The level of variance within the species was similar to that found in one parent (S. vulgaris) and slightly greater than that among samples of the other parent (S. squalidus). Only a small proportion (5%) of AFLP diversity was partitioned among populations indicating a lack of population structure and possibly high levels of gene flow via seed dispersal in what is predominantly a selfing species. Senecio cambrensis showed closer similarity in AFLP phenotype to S. vulgaris than to S. squalidus. Possible causes of this and also the high level of AFLP diversity found in S. cambrensis are discussed. It is suggested that intergenomic recombination following occasional multivalent formation during meiosis in S. cambrensis is likely to be an important cause of both phenomena, although other causes are not ruled out.  相似文献   

Sesquiterpenoids are important characteristic compounds in Asteraceae plants. These compounds have been proposed to be potential chemotaxonomic markers, but this application has not been comprehensively investigated. In this paper, sesquiterpenoids from 149 species of the genus Senecio were investigated to assess their taxonomic utility. The presence and absence were encoded as binary taxonomic characteristics and subsequently utilised in a clustering analysis. The previously biosynthesis pathway of sesquiterpenoids was taken into account to explore the relationship among these species contained different sesquiterpenoid types. In addition, the DNA phylogeny was also considered to explore the distribution and evolution of sesquiterpenoids in genus Senecio further. As a result, seven chemical major sections within the Senecio were recognised based on the chemical character. Although with several exceptions, the biosynthesis pathway, molecular phylogeny and the geographical origin of these sesquiterpenoid were found to be related to the chemical sections, which largely confirmed the validity of our chemo-classification for genus Senecio. In conclusion, we suggest that the sesquiterpenoid character in Senecio has some value for the genus taxonomy but should be analysed carefully and critically.  相似文献   

The Mexican and Central American complex of Senecio, s.l., and Cacalia, s.l., is divided into eleven informal groups, with several subgroups, in order to define more or less natural assemblages for detailed revisionary studies. The groups are separated by a key. The discussion accounts for the disposition of the segragate genera recognized by H. Robinson and co-workers, as well as the subgenera employed by Greenman.  相似文献   

Original material of the four Senecio taxa described by A. Bertoloni has been examined, and the typification of their names is discussed. A specimen from the Monti Herbarium (kept in BOLO) and iconographies from Bonanni and Bertoloni are designated as lectotypes, whereas another specimen from the Monti Herbarium is selected as neotype. The nomenclature of the names Senecio erucifolius L., Senecio tenuifolius Jacq., Senecio delphinifolius Vahl and Senecio rupestris Waldst. & Kit. is also analysed. The names S. crinitus Bertol. and S. laciniatus Bertol. belong to S. delphinifolius [now Jacobaea delphinifolia (Vahl) Pelser & Veldkamp] and S. rupestris [now Senecio squalidus subsp. rupestris (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter], respectively, whereas S. erraticus Bertol. and S. praealtus Bertol. are accepted as separate taxa as Jacobaea erratica (Bertol.) Fourr. and Jacobaea erucifolia subsp. praealta (Bertol.) Greuter & B.Nord., respectively.  相似文献   

High-density genetic maps were constructed for loci involved in nuclear male sterility (NMS1-locus) and sporophytic self-incompatibility (S-locus) in chicory (Cichorium intybus L.). The mapping population consisted of 389 F1′ individuals derived from a cross between two plants, K28 (male-sterile) and K59 (pollen-fertile), both heterozygous at the S-locus. This F1′ mapping population segregated for both male sterility (MS) and strong self-incompatibility (SI) phenotypes. Phenotyping F1′ individuals for MS allowed us to map the NMS1-locus to linkage group (LG) 5, while controlled diallel and factorial crosses to identify compatible/incompatible phenotypes mapped the S-locus to LG2. To increase the density of markers around these loci, bulked segregant analysis was used. Bulks and parental plants K28 and K59 were screened using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, with a complete set of 256 primer combinations of EcoRI-ANN and MseI-CNN. A total of 31,000 fragments were generated, of which 2,350 showed polymorphism between K59 and K28. Thirteen AFLP markers were identified close to the NMS1-locus and six in the vicinity of the S-locus. From these AFLP markers, eight were transformed into sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers and of these five showed co-dominant polymorphism. The chromosomal regions containing the NMS1-locus and the S-locus were each confined to a region of 0.8 cM. In addition, we mapped genes encoding proteins similar to S-receptor kinase, the female determinant of sporophytic SI in the Brasicaceae, and also markers in the vicinity of the putative S-locus of sunflower, but none of these genes or markers mapped close to the chicory S-locus.  相似文献   

Continuous variation in the expression of self-incompatibility, from complete self-incompatibility to self-compatibility, was observed among plants of the spring turnip rape cultivar Arlo. Significance of the variation between inbred progenies of plants from the base population suggested that a polygenic system had some influence on the expression of self-compatibility. The responses to one generation of selection within some of these progenies supported this conclusion. Further evidence of the operation of some polygenic modifying complex was provided by an analysis of a diallel cross among seven of the inbred lines. The analysis detected significant additive genetic variation among the parental lines, considerable non-allelic interaction and some dominance of an ambi-directional type.Significant seasonal variation in the expression of self-compatibility was observed in Arlo, the level of self-compatibility being substantially higher in summer than in winter. Under controlled environments, an increase in temperature from 25°C to 30°C resulted in a significant increase in the level of self-compatibility. The extent to which self-compatibility was affected by temperature differed among lines which were homozygous for a specific S allele.  相似文献   

While the molecular basis of sporophytic self-incompatibility (SSI) has been investigated extensively in the Brassicaceae, almost nothing is known about the molecular regulation of SSI in other families, such as the Asteraceae. In species of Brassica and in Arabidopsis lyrata, a stigma-specific serine-threonine receptor kinase (SRK) and its cognate ligand, a pollen coating-borne cysteine-rich protein (SCR/SP11), determine the female and male sides of the SSI response, respectively. Here we have used RT-PCR with degenerate primers to conserved regions of SRK to amplify three SRK-like gene fragments expressed in stigmas of Senecio squalidus (Asteraceae). The Senecio S-receptor-like kinase (SSRLK) sequences share ~43% amino acid sequence identity with Brassica SRK3 but higher amino acid sequence identity (~50%) with two Solanum bulbocastanum receptor-like kinase genes of unknown function. Despite expression in stigmas, all three SSRLKs were expressed at varying levels in floral and vegetative tissues. No allelic polymorphism was detected for the three SSRLKs in two S homozygous lines of S. squalidus or three other lines of S. squalidus carrying different S alleles. A full-length cDNA clone was obtained for SSRLK1 and its predicted amino acid sequence revealed significant structural differences to Brassica SRKs, most notably a major N-terminal truncation of 169 amino acids and the presence of just 8 conserved cysteine residues within the putative receptor domain instead of 12. Together, the sequence characteristics and expression characteristics of SSRLKs suggest that they are unlikely to be directly involved in the SSI response of S. squalidus. These findings are discussed in terms of the evolution of the SRK multigene family and the molecular basis of SSI in S. squalidus and the Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) enables flowering plants to discriminate between self- and non-self-pollen. In Brassica, SI is controlled by the highly polymorphic S locus. The recently identified male determinant, termed SP11 or SCR, is thought to be the ligand of S receptor kinase, the female determinant. To examine functional and evolutionary properties of SP11, we cloned 14 alleles from class-I S haplotypes of Brassica campestris and carried out sequence analyses. The sequences of mature SP11 proteins are highly divergent, except for the presence of conserved cysteines. The phylogenetic trees suggest possible co-evolution of the genes encoding the male and female determinants.  相似文献   

The possible applicability of (un)targeted metabolomics (volatile metabolites) for revealing taxonomic/evolutionary relationships among Senecio L. species (Asteraceae; tribe Senecioneae) was explored. Essential‐oil compositional data of selected Senecio/Senecioneae/Asteraceae taxa (93 samples in total) were mutually compared by means of multivariate statistical analysis (MVA), i.e., agglomerative hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis. The MVA input data set included the very first compositional data on the essential oil extracted from the aerial parts of S. viscosus L. as well as on four different Serbian populations of S. vernalis Waldst . & Kit . (oils from aerial parts and roots; eight samples in total). This metabolomic screening of Senecio/Senecioneae/Asteraceae species (herein presented results and data from the literature) pointed to short‐chain alk‐1‐enes (e.g., oct‐1‐ene, non‐1‐ene, and undec‐1‐ene), with up to now restricted general occurrence in Plantae, as characteristic chemotaxonomic markers/targets for future metabolomic studies of Senecio/Senecioneae taxa. The MVA additionally showed that the evolution of the terpene metabolism (volatile mono‐ and sesquiterpenoids) within the Asteraceae tribe Senecioneae was not genera specific. However, the MVA did confirm plant‐organ specific production/accumulation of volatiles within S. vernalis and suggested the existence of at least two volatile chemotypes for this species.  相似文献   

I examined how extirpations of various parts of the reproductive system affected the mating behaviour of Helix pomatia. The integration of the sequence of activities in the mating behaviour was not affected by any of the extirpations performed. It is concluded that the sequence is mainly controlled centrally. The simultaneousness of the performance of dart shooting behaviour and the initiation of a new bout of mating activity was found to be independent of the presence of the dart. The mating activity was decreased by mechanical stimulation of the duct of the bursa copulatrix and increased by extirpation of the digitiform glands. It is concluded that the mating behaviour cycle is caused partly by mechanical effects of dart shooting and copulation.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic structure in two closely related perennial plants that occur in isolated wetlands: Sagittaria isoetiformis, restricted to the southeastern Coastal Plain of North America, and S. teres, endemic to the northeastern Coastal Plain. Using horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis, we screened 527 individuals from 11 populations of S. isoetiformis and 367 individuals from seven populations of S. teres. A high proportion of the 16 loci were polymorphic (%P(S) = 93.8% in S. isoetiformis and %P(S) = 75.0% in S. teres), with higher mean numbers of alleles per polymorphic locus and effective alleles per locus in S. isoetiformis (AP = 3.27, A(E) = 1.90) than in S. teres (AP = 2.58, A(E) = 1.30). Species- and population-level expected heterozygosities were higher in S. isoetiformis (H(ES) = 0.399, H(EP) = 0.218) than in S. teres (H(ES) = 0.177, H(EP) = 0.101). Jackknife estimates of F statistics indicated moderate levels of inbreeding in S. teres (F(IS) = 23.1%). Strong differentiation characterized these geographically isolated populations (G(ST) = 39.9% in S. isoetiformis, and G(ST) = 26.1% in S. teres). Genetic identities varied substantially within (ī = 75%, range = 0.558-0.963 in S. isoetiformis; ī = 89%, range = 0.776-0.963 in S. teres) and among species (ī = 81%, range = 0.506-0.882), leading to the discrimination of four regional population clusters using nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). It appears that S. isoetiformis and S. teres are a progenitor-derivative species pair.  相似文献   

Tsetse flies (genus Glossina) are the only vector for the parasitic trypanosomes responsible for sleeping sickness and nagana across sub‐Saharan Africa. In Uganda, the tsetse fly Glossina fuscipes fuscipes is responsible for transmission of the parasite in 90% of sleeping sickness cases, and co‐occurrence of both forms of human‐infective trypanosomes makes vector control a priority. We use population genetic data from 38 samples from northern Uganda in a novel methodological pipeline that integrates genetic data, remotely sensed environmental data, and hundreds of field‐survey observations. This methodological pipeline identifies isolated habitat by first identifying environmental parameters correlated with genetic differentiation, second, predicting spatial connectivity using field‐survey observations and the most predictive environmental parameter(s), and third, overlaying the connectivity surface onto a habitat suitability map. Results from this pipeline indicated that net photosynthesis was the strongest predictor of genetic differentiation in G. f. fuscipes in northern Uganda. The resulting connectivity surface identified a large area of well‐connected habitat in northwestern Uganda, and twenty‐four isolated patches on the northeastern margin of the G. f. fuscipes distribution. We tested this novel methodological pipeline by completing an ad hoc sample and genetic screen of G. f. fuscipes samples from a model‐predicted isolated patch, and evaluated whether the ad hoc sample was in fact as genetically isolated as predicted. Results indicated that genetic isolation of the ad hoc sample was as genetically isolated as predicted, with differentiation well above estimates made in samples from within well‐connected habitat separated by similar geographic distances. This work has important practical implications for the control of tsetse and other disease vectors, because it provides a way to identify isolated populations where it will be safer and easier to implement vector control and that should be prioritized as study sites during the development and improvement of vector control methods.  相似文献   

The cuticular oesophagus is a simple expansion of the dorsal pharyngeal wall of the mastax. The ciliary oesophagus is the cellular anterior wall of the stomach lumen, but seems to have the same embryological origin as the pharynx.In Brachionus calyciflorus, its cilia are surrounded by cuticular velums which have the same myelin-like structure and the same function as the buccal velum of Philodina roseola. In all cases, the oesophagus prevents the return of food particles from the stomach to the mastax lumen.  相似文献   

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