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The nucleus of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae has to move to the bud neck during mitosis in order for proper DNA segregation to take place. This movement is mediated by spindle and astral microtubules, and it relies on forces generated by microtubule-associated motor proteins. When budding yeast cells express the non-cleavable cohesin subunit, Scc1-RRDD, sister chromatid separation is blocked, preventing the spindle from elongating. Thus, in the presence of Scc1-RRDD nuclear positioning is mediated solely by forces acting through astral microtubules. We have previously shown that under these conditions cells exit mitosis with the nucleus in the mother cells, and that the position of the nucleus is determined, at least in part, by the FEAR pathway, which regulates various aspects of mitotic exit. When the FEAR pathway is inactivated, cells expressing Scc1-RRDD exit mitosis with the nucleus in the daughter cells (referred to as a “daughterly phenotype”). In order to find additional proteins that participate in nuclear positioning, we screened a series of mutant strains for those that displayed a daughterly phenotype when Scc1-RRDD was expressed. The most prominent defects were seen in ase1Δ and cin8Δ mutant cells. Both Ase1p and Cin8p were previously shown to be nuclear and to be involved in spindle function. We show here that deletion of ASE1 or CIN8 causes a defect in SPB separation and leads to an abnormal number of astral microtubules and a change in their orientation within the cell. Taken together, these results suggest that in budding yeast Ase1p and Cin8p affect nuclear positioning through astral microtubule-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae kinesin-related motor Kar3p, though known to be required for karyogamy, plays a poorly defined, nonessential role during vegetative growth. We have found evidence suggesting that Kar3p functions to limit the number and length of cytoplasmic microtubules in a cell cycle–specific manner. Deletion of KAR3 leads to a dramatic increase in cytoplasmic microtubules, a phenotype which is most pronounced from START through the onset of anaphase but less so during late anaphase in synchronized cultures. We have immunolocalized HA-tagged Kar3p to the spindle pole body region, and fittingly, Kar3p was not detected by late anaphase. A microtubule depolymerizing activity may be the major vegetative role for Kar3p. Addition of the microtubule polymerization inhibitors nocodazol or benomyl to the medium or deletion of the nonessential α-tubulin TUB3 gene can mostly correct the abnormal microtubule arrays and other growth defects of kar3 mutants, suggesting that these phenotypes result from excessive microtubule polymerization. Microtubule depolymerization may also be the mechanism by which Kar3p acts in opposition to the anaphase B motors Cin8p and Kip1p. A preanaphase spindle collapse phenotype of cin8 kip1 mutants, previously shown to involve Kar3p, is markedly delayed when microtubule depolymerization is inhibited by the tub2-150 mutation. These results suggest that the Kar3p motor may act to regulate the length and number of microtubules in the preanaphase spindle.  相似文献   

In the multinucleate fungus Ashbya gossypii, cytoplasmic microtubules (cMTs) emerge from the spindle pole body outer plaque (OP) in perpendicular and tangential directions. To elucidate the role of cMTs in forward/backward movements (oscillations) and bypassing of nuclei, we constructed mutants potentially affecting cMT nucleation or stability. Hyphae lacking the OP components AgSpc72, AgNud1, AgCnm67, or the microtubule-stabilizing factor AgStu2 grew like wild- type but showed substantial alterations in the number, length, and/or nucleation sites of cMTs. These mutants differently influenced nuclear oscillation and bypassing. In Agspc72Δ, only long cMTs were observed, which emanate tangentially from reduced OPs; nuclei mainly moved with the cytoplasmic stream but some performed rapid bypassing. Agnud1Δ and Agcnm67Δ lack OPs; short and long cMTs emerged from the spindle pole body bridge/half-bridge structures, explaining nuclear oscillation and bypassing in these mutants. In Agstu2Δ only very short cMTs emanated from structurally intact OPs; all nuclei moved with the cytoplasmic stream. Therefore, long tangential cMTs promote nuclear bypassing and short cMTs are important for nuclear oscillation. Our electron microscopy ultrastructural analysis also indicated that assembly of the OP occurs in a stepwise manner, starting with AgCnm67, followed by AgNud1 and lastly AgSpc72.  相似文献   

Liakopoulos D  Kusch J  Grava S  Vogel J  Barral Y 《Cell》2003,112(4):561-574
Spindle alignment is the process in which the two spindle poles are directed toward preselected and opposite cell ends. In budding yeast, the APC-related molecule Kar9 is required for proper alignment of the spindle with the mother-bud axis. We find that Kar9 localizes to the prospective daughter cell spindle pole. Kar9 is transferred from the pole to cytoplasmic microtubules, which are then guided in a myosin-dependent manner to the bud. Clb4/Cdc28 kinase phosphorylates Kar9 and accumulates on the pole destined to the mother cell. Mutations that block phosphorylation at Cdc28 consensus sites result in localization of Kar9 to both poles and target them both to the bud. Thus, Clb4/Cdc28 prevents Kar9 loading on the mother bound pole. In turn, asymmetric distribution of Kar9 ensures that only one pole orients toward the bud. Our results indicate that Cdk1-dependent spindle asymmetry ensures proper alignment of the mitotic spindle with the cell division axis.  相似文献   

Accurate positioning of the mitotic spindle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is coordinated with the asymmetry of the two poles and requires the microtubule-to-actin linker Kar9p. The asymmetric localization of Kar9p to one spindle pole body (SPB) and microtubule (MT) plus ends requires Cdc28p. Here, we show that the CLIP-170 homologue Bik1p binds directly to Kar9p. In the absence of Bik1p, Kar9p localization is not restricted to the daughter-bound SPB, but it is instead found on both SPBs. Kar9p is hypophosphorylated in bik1delta mutants, and Bik1p binds to both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated isoforms of Kar9p. Furthermore, the two-hybrid interaction between full-length KAR9 and the cyclin CLB5 requires BIK1. The binding site of Clb5p on Kar9p maps to a short region within the basic domain of Kar9p that contains a conserved phosphorylation site, serine 496. Consistent with this, Kar9p is found on both SPBs in clb5delta mutants at a frequency comparable with that seen in kar9-S496A strains. Together, these data suggest that Bik1p promotes the phosphorylation of Kar9p on serine 496, which affects its asymmetric localization to one SPB and associated cytoplasmic MTs. These findings provide further insight into a mechanism for directing centrosomal inheritance.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, positioning of the mitotic spindle depends on the interaction of cytoplasmic microtubules with the cell cortex. In this process, cortical Kar9p in the bud acts as a link between the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. To identify Kar9p-interacting proteins, a two-hybrid screen was conducted with the use of full-length Kar9p as bait, and three genes were identified: BIM1, STU2, and KAR9 itself. STU2 encodes a component of the spindle pole body. Bim1p is the yeast homologue of the human microtubule-binding protein EB1, which is a binding partner to the adenomatous polyposis coli protein involved in colon cancer. Eighty-nine amino acids within the third quarter of Bim1p was sufficient to confer interaction with Kar9p. The two-hybrid interactions were confirmed with the use of coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Genetic analysis placed Bim1p in the Kar9p pathway for nuclear migration. Bim1p was not required for Kar9p's cortical or spindle pole body localization. However, deletion of BIM1 eliminated Kar9p localization along cytoplasmic microtubules. Furthermore, in the bim1 mutants, the cytoplasmic microtubules no longer intersected the cortical dot of Green Fluorescent Protein-Kar9p. These experiments demonstrate that the interaction of cytoplasmic microtubules with the Kar9p cortical attachment site requires the microtubule-binding protein Bim1p.  相似文献   

Lamin B is a component of the membranous spindle matrix isolated from Xenopus egg extracts, and it is required for proper spindle morphogenesis. Besides lamin B, the spindle matrix contains spindle assembly factors (SAFs) such as Eg5 and dynein which are known to regulate microtubule organization and SAFs known to promote microtubule assembly such as Maskin and XMAP215. Because lamin B does not bind directly to microtubules, it must affect spindle morphogenesis indirectly by influencing the function of spindle matrix-associated SAFs. Using different assays in Xenopus egg extracts, we found that depleting lamin B caused formation of elongated and multipolar spindles, which could be reversed by partially inhibiting the kinesin Eg5, revealing an antagonistic relationship between Eg5 and lamin B. However, lamin B only very weakly antagonizes Eg5 in mediating poleward microtubule-flux based on fluorescence speckle microscopy. Depleting lamin B led to a very small but statistically significant increase in flux. Furthermore, flux reduction caused by partial Eg5 inhibition is only slightly reversed by removing lamin B. Because lamin B does not bind to Eg5, our studies suggest two nonexclusive mechanisms by which lamin B can indirectly antagonize Eg5. It could function in a network that restricts Eg5-driven microtubule sliding only when microtubules come into transient contact with the network. Lamin B could also function to sequester microtubule polymerization activities within the spindle. Without lamin B, increased microtubule assembly caused by the released SAFs would lead to excessive microtubule sliding that results in formation of elongated and multipolar spindles.  相似文献   

During mitosis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kar9p directs one spindle pole body (SPB) toward the incipient daughter cell by linking the associated set of cytoplasmic microtubules (cMTs) to the polarized actin network on the bud cortex. The asymmetric localization of Kar9p to one SPB and attached cMTs is dependent on its interactions with microtubule-associated proteins and is regulated by the yeast Cdk1 Cdc28p. Two phosphorylation sites in Kar9p were previously identified. Here, we propose that the two sites are likely to govern Kar9p function through separate mechanisms, each involving a distinct cyclin. In the first mechanism, phosphorylation at serine 496 recruits Kar9p to one SPB. A phosphomimetic mutation at serine 496 bypasses the requirement of BIK1 and CLB5 in generating Kar9p asymmetry. In the second mechanism, Clb4p may target serine 197 of Kar9p for phosphorylation. This modification is required for Kar9p to direct cMTs to the bud. Two-hybrid analysis suggests that this phosphorylation may attenuate the interaction between Kar9p and the XMAP215-homologue Stu2p. We propose that phosphorylation at serine 197 regulates the release of Kar9p from Stu2p at the SPB, either to clear it from the mother-SPB or to allow it to travel to the plus end.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, spindle orientation is controlled by a temporal and spatial program of microtubule (MT)-cortex interactions. This program requires Bud6p/Aip3p to direct the old pole to the bud and confine the new pole to the mother cell. Bud6p function has been linked to Kar9p, a protein guiding MTs along actin cables. Here, we show that Kar9p does not mediate Bud6p functions in spindle orientation. Based on live microscopy analysis, kar9Delta cells maintained Bud6p-dependent MT capture. Conversely, bud6Delta cells supported Kar9p-associated MT delivery to the bud. Moreover, additive phenotypes in bud6Delta kar9Delta or bud6Delta dyn1Delta mutants underscored the separate contributions of Bud6p, Kar9p, and dynein to spindle positioning. Finally, tub2C354S, a mutation decreasing MT dynamics, suppressed a kar9Delta mutation in a BUD6-dependent manner. Thus, Kar9p-independent capture at Bud6p sites can effect spindle orientation provided MT turnover is reduced. Together, these results demonstrate Bud6p function in MT capture at the cell cortex, independent of Kar9p-mediated MT delivery along actin cables.  相似文献   

Previous data suggested that anastral spindles, morphologically similar to those found in oocytes, can assemble in a centrosome-independent manner in cells that contain centrosomes. It is assumed that the microtubules that build these acentrosomal spindles originate over the chromatin. However, the actual processes of centrosome-independent microtubule nucleation, polymerisation, and sorting have not been documented in centrosome-containing cells. We have identified two experimental conditions in which centrosomes are kept close to the plasma membrane, away from the nuclear region, throughout meiosis I in Drosophila spermatocytes. Time-lapse confocal microscopy of these cells labelled with fluorescent chimeras reveals centrosome-independent microtubule nucleation, growth, and sorting into a bipolar spindle array over the nuclear region, away from the asters. The onset of noncentrosomal microtubule nucleation is significantly delayed with respect to nuclear envelope breakdown and coincides with the end of chromosome condensation. It takes place in foci that are close to the membranes that ensheath the nuclear region, not over the condensed chromosomes. Metaphase plates are formed in these spindles, and, in a fraction of them, some degree of polewards chromosome segregation takes place. In these cells that contain both membrane-bound asters and an anastral spindle, the orientation of the cytokinesis furrow correlates with the position of the asters and is independent of the orientation of the spindle. We conclude that the fenestrated nuclear envelope may significantly contribute to the normal process of spindle assembly in Drosophila spermatocytes. We also conclude that the anastral spindles that we have observed are not likely to provide a robust back-up able to ensure successful cell division. We propose that these anastral microtubule arrays could be a constitutive component of wild-type spindles, normally masked by the abundance of centrosome-derived microtubules and revealed when asters are kept away. These observations are consistent with a model in which centrosomal and noncentrosomal microtubules contribute to the assembly and are required for the robustness of the cell division spindle in cells that contain centrosomes.  相似文献   

Accurate positioning of the mitotic spindle is important for the genetic material to be distributed evenly in dividing cells, but little is known about the mechanisms that regulate this process. Here we report that two microtubule-associated proteins important for spindle positioning interact with several proteins in the sumoylation pathway. By two-hybrid analysis, Kar9p and Bim1p interact with the yeast SUMO Smt3p, the E2 enzyme Ubc9p, an E3 Nfi1p, as well as Wss1p, a weak suppressor of a temperature-sensitive smt3 allele. The physical interaction between Kar9p and Ubc9p was confirmed by in vitro binding assays. A single-amino-acid substitution in Kar9p, L304P disrupted its two-hybrid interaction with proteins in the sumoylation pathway, but retained its interactions with the spindle positioning proteins Bim1p, Stu2p, Bik1p, and Myo2p. The kar9-L304P mutant showed defects in positioning the mitotic spindle, with the spindle located more distally than normal. Whereas wild-type Kar9p-3GFP normally localizes to only the bud-directed spindle pole body (SPB), Kar9p-L304P-3GFP was mislocalized to both SPBs. Using a reconstitution assay, Kar9p was sumoylated in vitro. We propose a model in which sumoylation regulates spindle positioning by restricting Kar9p to one SPB. These findings raise the possibility that sumoylation could regulate other microtubule-dependent processes.  相似文献   

Previously we isolated tub2-423, a cold-sensitive allele of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene encoding β-tubulin that confers a defect in mitotic spindle function. In an attempt to identify additional proteins that are important for spindle function, we screened for suppressors of the cold sensitivity of tub2-423 and obtained two alleles of a novel gene, STU2. STU2 is an essential gene and encodes a protein whose sequence is similar to proteins identified in a variety of organisms. Stu2p localizes primarily to the spindle pole body (SPB) and to a lesser extent along spindle microtubules. Localization to the SPB is not dependent on the presence of microtubules, indicating that Stu2p is an integral component of the SPB. Stu2p also binds microtubules in vitro. We have localized the microtubule-binding domain of Stu2p to a highly basic 100-amino acid region. This region contains two imperfect repeats; both repeats appear to contribute to microtubule binding to similar extents. These results suggest that Stu2p may play a role in the attachment, organization, and/or dynamics of microtubule ends at the SPB.  相似文献   

The central coiled coil of the essential spindle pole component Spc110p spans the distance between the central and inner plaques of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae spindle pole body (SPB). The carboxy terminus of Spc110p, which binds calmodulin, resides at the central plaque, and the amino terminus resides at the inner plaque from which nuclear microtubules originate. To dissect the functions of Spc110p, we created temperature-sensitive mutations in the amino and carboxy termini. Analysis of the temperature-sensitive spc110 mutations and intragenic complementation analysis of the spc110 alleles defined three functional regions of Spc110p. Region I is located at the amino terminus. Region II is located at the carboxy-terminal end of the coiled coil, and region III is the previously defined calmodulin-binding site. Overexpression of SPC98 suppresses the temperature sensitivity conferred by mutations in region I but not the phenotypes conferred by mutations in the other two regions, suggesting that the amino terminus of Spc110p is involved in an interaction with the γ-tubulin complex composed of Spc97p, Spc98p, and Tub4p. Mutations in region II lead to loss of SPB integrity during mitosis, suggesting that this region is required for the stable attachment of Spc110p to the central plaque. Our results strongly argue that Spc110p links the γ-tubulin complex to the central plaque of the SPB.  相似文献   

The precise temporal and spatial concentration of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) within the cell is fundamental to ensure chromosome segregation and correct spindle positioning. MAPs form an intricate web of interactions among each other and compete for binding sites on microtubules. Therefore, when assessing cellular phenotypes upon MAP up- or downregulation, it is important to consider the protein interaction network between individual MAPs. Here, we show that changes in the amounts of the spindle positioning factor Kar9 specifically affect the distribution of yeast EB1 on spindle microtubules, without influencing other microtubule-associated interacting partners of Kar9, i.e. yeast XMAP215 and CLIP-170. Alterations in the distribution of yeast EB1 explain chromosome segregation defects upon knockout, overexpression or stabilization of Kar9 and provide an example for non-linear effects on MAP behavior after perturbation of their equilibrium.  相似文献   

γ-Tubulin is a universal component of microtubule organizing centers where it is believed to play an important role in the nucleation of microtubule polymerization. γ-Tubulin also exists as part of a cytoplasmic complex whose size and complexity varies in different organisms. To investigate the composition of the cytoplasmic γ-tubulin complex in mammalian cells, cell lines stably expressing epitope-tagged versions of human γ-tubulin were made. The epitope-tagged γ-tubulins expressed in these cells localize to the centrosome and are incorporated into the cytoplasmic γ-tubulin complex. Immunoprecipitation of this complex identifies at least seven proteins, with calculated molecular weights of 48, 71, 76, 100, 101, 128, and 211 kD. We have identified the 100- and 101-kD components of the γ-tubulin complex as homologues of the yeast spindle pole body proteins Spc97p and Spc98p, and named the corresponding human proteins hGCP2 and hGCP3. Sequence analysis revealed that these proteins are not only related to their respective homologues, but are also related to each other. GCP2 and GCP3 colocalize with γ-tubulin at the centrosome, cosediment with γ-tubulin in sucrose gradients, and coimmunoprecipitate with γ-tubulin, indicating that they are part of the γ-tubulin complex. The conservation of a complex involving γ-tubulin, GCP2, and GCP3 from yeast to mammals suggests that structurally diverse microtubule organizing centers such as the yeast spindle pole body and the animal centrosome share a common molecular mechanism for microtubule nucleation.  相似文献   

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