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Legionella pneumophila is a gram-negative pathogen that causes a severe pneumonia known as Legionnaires' disease. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that L. pneumophila infects and grows within cultured human endothelial cells. Endothelial infection may contribute to lung damage observed during Legionnaires' disease and to systemic spread of this organism.  相似文献   

NAIP and Ipaf control Legionella pneumophila replication in human cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In mice, different alleles of the mNAIP5 (murine neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein-5)/mBirc1e gene determine whether macrophages restrict or support intracellular replication of Legionella pneumophila, and whether a mouse is resistant or (moderately) susceptible to Legionella infection. In the resistant mice strains, the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (Nod)-like receptor (NLR) family member mNAIP5/mBirc1e, as well as the NLR protein mIpaf (murine ICE protease-activating factor), are involved in recognition of Legionella flagellin and in restriction of bacterial replication. Human macrophages and lung epithelial cells support L. pneumophila growth, and humans can develop severe pneumonia (Legionnaires disease) after Legionella infection. The role of human orthologs to mNAIP5/mBirc1e and mIpaf in this bacterial infection has not been elucidated. Herein we demonstrate that flagellin-deficient L. pneumophila replicate more efficiently in human THP-1 macrophages, primary monocyte-derived macrophages, and alveolar macrophages, and in A549 lung epithelial cells compared with wild-type bacteria. Additionally, we note expression of the mNAIP5 ortholog hNAIP in all cell types examined, and expression of hIpaf in human macrophages. Gene silencing of hNAIP or hIpaf in macrophages or of hNAIP in lung epithelial cells leads to an enhanced bacterial growth, and overexpression of both molecules strongly reduces Legionella replication. In contrast to experiments with wild-type L. pneumophila, hNAIP or hIpaf knock-down affects the (enhanced) replication of flagellin-deficient Legionella only marginally. In conclusion, hNAIP and hIpaf mediate innate intracellular defense against flagellated Legionella in human cells.  相似文献   

Human nucleotide oligomerization domain-like receptor family apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP) prevents apoptosis by inhibiting caspase-3, -7, and -9. Four functional Naip exist in the murine genome, each of which is equally similar to human NAIP. Among them, Naip5 induces pyroptosis by promoting caspase-1 activation in response to Legionella pneumophila infection in macrophages. However, the contribution of human NAIP to this response is unclear. To investigate the role of human NAIP in macrophage survival, we stably expressed human NAIP in RAW264.7 macrophages. Human NAIP inhibited camptothecin-induced apoptosis in macrophages; however, it promoted cytotoxicity in L. pneumophila-infected cells. This cytotoxicity was associated with caspase-1. In addition, human NAIP restricted the intracellular growth of L. pneumophila. L. pneumophila flagellin was required for cytotoxicity, caspase-1 activation, and restriction of intracellular bacterial growth. Expression of murine Naip5 produced comparable results. These data indicate that human NAIP regulates the host response to L. pneumophila infection in a manner similar to that of murine Naip5 and that human NAIP and murine Naip5 regulate cell survival by inhibiting apoptosis or by promoting pyroptosis in response to specific cellular signals.  相似文献   

Loss of RNase R induces competence development in Legionella pneumophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNase R is a processive 3′-5′ exoribonuclease with a high degree of conservation in prokaryotes. Although some bacteria possess additional hydrolytic 3′-5′ exoribonucleases such as RNase II, RNase R was found to be the only predicted one in the facultative intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila. This provided a unique opportunity to study the role of RNase R in the absence of an additional RNase with similar enzymatic activity. We investigated the role of RNase R in the biology of Legionella pneumophila under various conditions and performed gene expression profiling using microarrays. At optimal growth temperature, the loss of RNase R had no major consequence on bacterial growth and had a moderate impact on normal gene regulation. However, at a lower temperature, the loss of RNase R had a significant impact on bacterial growth and resulted in the accumulation of structured RNA degradation products. Concurrently, gene regulation was affected and specifically resulted in an increased expression of the competence regulon. Loss of the exoribonuclease activity of RNase R was sufficient to induce competence development, a genetically programmed process normally triggered as a response to environmental stimuli. The temperature-dependent expression of competence genes in the rnr mutant was found to be independent of previously identified competence regulators in Legionella pneumophila. We suggest that a physiological role of RNase R is to eliminate structured RNA molecules that are stabilized by low temperature, which in turn may affect regulatory networks, compromising adaptation to cold and thus resulting in decreased viability.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, is able to survive and multiply efficiently in a variety of mammalian cells. By using in vitro assays, the uptake of L. pneumophila into monocytes has shown to be mediated, at least in part, through attachment of complement-coated bacteria to complement receptors, but complement-independent phagocytosis could also be demonstrated. Since complement levels in the human lung are normally low, the role of complement-dependent phagocytosis in the pathogenesis of Legionnaires' disease is doubtful. However, the contribution of other potential phagocytosis-related host cell surface molecules to the phagocytosis of L. pneumophila has never been investigated. We therefore analyzed the role of complement receptors 1 (CD35) and 3 (CD11b/18), the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor (CD14), the beta(1)-integrin chain of the fibronectin receptor (CD29), the intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1, CD54) and the transferrin receptor (CD71) in the complement-independent uptake of L. pneumophila. To exclude any influence of culture conditions onto phagocytosis rates, we compared a fresh clinical isolate with an agar-adapted isolate of L. pneumophila. In addition, we used three different host cell types (MM6, HeLa and Jurkat cells) expressing different rates of complement receptors. We could show that both strains of L. pneumophila were phagocytized by the three host cell lines to the same extent, but intracellular multiplication was only found in MM6 and, although to a much lesser degree, in Jurkat cells. Preincubation of MM6 cells with monoclonal antibodies directed against the above cited phagocytosis-related receptors did not result in inhibition of L. pneumophila uptake. We therefore conclude that typical phagocytosis-related cell surface receptors are not involved in the complement-independent phagocytosis of L. pneumophila.  相似文献   

The etiological structure of acute pneumonia and acute respiratory diseases was studied with a view to establishing the proportion of L. pneumophila among other causative agents of such diseases. A total of 299 patients were examined over time. The etiological diagnosis based on the data of serological examination was made in 70.6% of the patients with acute pneumonia and in 65% of the patients with acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. In the etiology of pneumonia, the leading role was found to belong to influenza A (H3N2) and B viruses, as well as to adenovirus, while in the etiology of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, to influenza B virus, adenovirus and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. The importance of L. pneumophila in the etiology of acute pneumonia and acute respiratory diseases was shown. The proportion of L. pneumophila proved to be, on the average, 9.9% in acute pneumonia and 9.8% in acute respiratory diseases. L. pneumophila occurred most frequently in mixed infections in combination with adenovirus and influenza B virus. Diseases of Legionella etiology were found to have a seasonal character, occurring mostly in winter and spring.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila, a Gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterium, causes severe pneumonia (Legionnaires' disease). Type I interferons (IFNs) were so far associated with antiviral immunity, but recent studies also indicated a role of these cytokines in immune responses against (intracellular) bacteria. Here we show that wild-type L. pneumophila and flagellin-deficient Legionella, but not L. pneumophila lacking a functional type IV secretion system Dot/Icm, or heat-inactivated Legionella induced IFNbeta expression in human lung epithelial cells. We found that factor (IRF)-3 and NF-kappaB-p65 translocated into the nucleus and bound to the IFNbeta gene enhancer after L. pneumophila infection of lung epithelial cells. RNA interference demonstrated that in addition to IRF3, the caspase recruitment domain (CARD)-containing adapter molecule IPS-1 (interferon-beta promoter stimulator 1) is crucial for L. pneumophila-induced IFNbeta expression, whereas other CARD-possessing molecules, such as RIG-I (retinoic acid-inducible protein I), MDA5 (melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5), Nod27 (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain protein 27), and ASC (apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD) seemed not to be involved. Finally, bacterial multiplication assays in small interfering RNA-treated cells indicated that IPS-1, IRF3, and IFNbeta were essential for the control of intracellular replication of L. pneumophila in lung epithelial cells. In conclusion, we demonstrated a critical role of IPS-1, IRF3, and IFNbeta in Legionella infection of lung epithelium.  相似文献   

Fatal attraction of mammalian cells to Legionella pneumophila   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Legionella pneumophila is a protozoan parasite that causes Legionnaires' disease. Its ability to do so is dependent on its capacity to replicate intracellularly within a phagosome that is not trafficked through the endosomal-lysosomal pathway and is surrounded by the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Within this unique niche, the bacterium undergoes alterations in gene expression. In addition, many virulence-related phenotypes that are induced in vitro by starvation are expressed intracellularly as the bacteria exit the logarithmic growth phase. (p)ppGpp appears to signal expression of the virulence-related genes in L. pneumophila upon starvation. This growth phase-dependent phenotypical transition is concomitant with lysis of the host cell, in which both necrosis and apoptosis seem to play roles. Many genetic loci that are required for intracellular replication within mammalian and protozoan cells have been identified, and the majority of them are novel. Two secretion systems have been identified, one of which may be distantly related to type IV secretion systems. The other is a type II secretion system similar to the PilBCD piliation system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   

In view of the wide-spread existence of legionellae in cooling-tower and other environmental water, asymptomatic infection of this organism could occur. In order to verify the possibility of colonization of legionellae at lower respiratory tract of patients with various pulmonary diseases, a total of 22,036 sputum samples from in- and out-patients at National Sanyoso Hospital were examined during a five-year period from September, 1984 to August, 1989. Four (0.073%) out of 5,502 cases were culture-positive for L. pneumophila. L. pneumophila strains were isolated from expectorated, subsequently washed sputum samples of two male and two female patients with respiratory tract diseases. The identification of the isolates was genetically confirmed by the fluorometric microplate DNA-DNA hybridization method. The serogroup (SG) and viable counts of L. pneumophila per ml of sputum of each patient were as follows: 73 y/o female K.H., SG-6, 10(3) CFU; 75 y/o male H.J., SG-5, 10(4) CFU; 61 y/o female M.S., SG-5, 10(5) CFU; and 77 y/o male M.G., not-agglutinable against SG-1-6 antisera, 10(4) CFU. None of the four patients was clinically suspected of legionellosis and antibody titer of paired sera remained 1:64 or lower than 1:32. From these findings, we concluded that L. pneumophila can cause, though quite rarely, asymptomatic infection in human respiratory tract. None of the environmental samples obtained from in- and out-side of the Hospital was culture-positive for legionellae. Thus, the source of infection has remained unknown.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Legionella pneumophila evolved as a parasite of aquatic amoebae. To persist in the environment, the microbe must be proficient at both replication and transmission. In laboratory cultures, as nutrients become scarce a stringent response-like pathway coordinates exit from the exponential growth phase with induction of traits correlated with virulence, including motility. A screen for mutants that express the flagellin gene poorly identified five activators of virulence: LetA/LetS, a two-component regulator homologous to GacA/GacS of Pseudomonas and SirA/BarA of Salmonella; the stationary-phase sigma factor RpoS; the flagellar sigma factor FliA; and a new locus, letE. Unlike wild type, post-exponential-phase letA and letS mutants were not motile, cytotoxic, sodium sensitive or proficient at infecting macrophages. L. pneumophila also required fliA to become motile, cytotoxic and to infect macrophages efficiently and letE to express sodium sensitivity and maximal motility and cytotoxicity. When induced to express RelA, all of the strains exited the exponential phase, but only wild type converted to the fully virulent form. In contrast, intracellular replication was independent of letA, letS, letE or fliA. Together, the data indicate that, as the nutrient supply wanes, ppGpp triggers a regulatory cascade mediated by LetA/ LetS, RpoS, FliA and letE that coordinates differentiation of replicating L. pneumophila to a transmissible form.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is an ubiquitous opportunistic intracellular pathogen that replicates readily in thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages from genetically susceptible A/J mice. Treatment of macrophage cultures in vitro with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) induced resistance of the macrophages to infection by Legionella as compared with control macrophages treated with medium alone. Addition of small amounts of monoclonal antibody to TNF-alpha restored susceptibility of the macrophages. Furthermore, antibody to the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) alpha/beta increased resistance, but recombinant IL-1 had little effect. Such decreased susceptibility to Legionella growth in anti-IL-1 antibody-treated cultures corresponded with enhanced levels of TNF-alpha in the supernatants of the treated cells. An antibody to another proinflammatory cytokine with known immunoregulatory properties (i.e., IL-6) had little or no effect on the ability of the macrophages to be infected by Legionella and, furthermore, treatment with recombinant IL-6, similar to recombinant IL-1, did not modify the ability of the cells to be infected in vitro. These results indicate that TNF-alpha is important in controlling L. pneumophila replication, and IL-1 can regulate TNF-alpha levels, affecting susceptibility of macrophages to infection with an intracellular opportunistic pathogen like Legionella.  相似文献   

The airway epithelium is the initial barrier against airborne pathogens, and it plays many roles in host airway defense. Legionella pneumophila is an intracellular pathogen that causes rapidly advancing pneumonia and is sometimes life-threatening. Here, we evaluated the role of the airway epithelial cells in the defense against L.?pneumophila by examining mucus production in vitro. The production of MUC5AC, a major mucin protein, was not induced by formalin- or ultraviolet-killed L.?pneumophila, but it was induced by live L.?pneumophila. Similarly, nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) was activated only by live L.?pneumophila. Inhibitors of ERK and JNK, but not p38, dose-dependently inhibited the induction of MUC5AC by live L.?pneumophila. Inhibition of intracellular invasion by cytochalasin D did not affect MUC5AC production. Taken together, the results suggest that live L.?pneumophila induces MUC5AC production via the ERK-JNK and NF-κB pathways without internalization of bacteria and that the airway epithelium produces mucin as part of the immune response against L.?pneumophila.  相似文献   

Twitching motility is a form of bacterial translocation over solid or semi-solid surfaces mediated by the extension, tethering, and subsequent retraction of type IV pili. These pili are also known to be involved in virulence, biofilm formation, formation of fruiting bodies, horizontal gene transfer, and protein secretion. We have characterized the presence of twitching motility on agar plates in Legionella pneumophila , the etiological agent of Legionnaires' disease. By examining twitching motility zones, we have demonstrated that twitching motility was dependent on agar thickness/concentration, the chemical composition of the media, the presence of charcoal and cysteine, proximity to other bacteria, and temperature. A knockout mutant of the pilus subunit, pilE , exhibited a total loss of twitching motility at 37 °C, but not at 27 °C, suggesting either the existence of a compensating pilus subunit or of another twitching motility system in this organism.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1984,99(6):1936-1943
We used quantitative fluorescence microscopy to measure the pH of phagosomes in human monocytes that contain virulent Legionella pneumophila, a bacterial pathogen that multiplies intracellularly in these phagocytes. The mean pH of phagosomes that contain live L. pneumophila was 6.1 in 14 experiments. In the same experiments, the mean pH of phagosomes containing dead L. pneumophila averaged 0.8 pH units lower than the mean pH of phagosomes containing live L. pneumophila, a difference that was highly significant (P less than 0.01 in all 14 experiments). In contrast, the mean pH of phagosomes initially containing live E. coli, which were then killed by monocytes, was the same as for phagosomes initially containing dead E. coli. The mean pH of L. pneumophila phagosomes in activated monocytes, which inhibit L. pneumophila intracellular multiplication, was the same as in nonactivated monocytes. To simultaneously measure the pH of different phagosomes within the same monocyte, we digitized and analyzed fluorescence images of monocytes that contained both live L. pneumophila and sheep erythrocytes. Within the same monocyte, live L. pneumophila phagosomes had a pH of approximately 6.1 and sheep erythrocyte phagosomes had a pH of approximately 5.0 or below. This study demonstrates that L. pneumophila is capable of modifying the pH of its phagocytic vacuole. This capability may be critical to the intracellular survival and multiplication of this and other intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

Heat-shock response in Legionella pneumophila   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The heat-shock response of Legionella pneumophila was examined by radiolabelling bacterial cell proteins with [35S]methionine following a temperature shift from 30 to 42 degrees C. Five heat-shock proteins were identified as having molecular masses of 17, 60, 70, 78, and 85 kilodaltons (kDa). The 85- and 60-kDa proteins were equally distributed between supernatant and pellet fractions following ultracentrifugation at 100,000 x g, the 70- and 78-kDa proteins were found primarily in the supernatant, and the 17-kDa protein was found primarily in the pellet. Synthesis of subsets of the heat-shock proteins could be stimulated by novobiocin, patulin, or puromycin. Ethanol, an effector of the heat-shock response in other microorganisms, had little effect on L. pneumophila, even at the highest concentration tolerated by the bacterial cells (1.9%). Finally, the 60-kDa heat-shock protein of L. pneumophila was immunologically cross-reactive with a polyclonal antibody prepared to the Escherichia coli groEL protein. However, a mouse monoclonal antibody reactive with the 60-kDa protein of all legionellae tested did not cross-react with the E. coli groEL protein, suggesting that the Legionella 60-kDa protein contains common and unique epitopes.  相似文献   

This review describes the mechanisms of gene transfer in Legionella pneumophila. To date, conjugation and transformation have been reported for this organism. Recent reports indicate that an endogenous system of plasmid transfer appears to be required for the intracellular survival and multiplication of L. pneumophila in host cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: The nonculturable form of Legionella pneumophila in multiple-nutrient starvation culture was studied. During extended starvation, the total direct counts (TDC) of L. pneumophila did not change significantly, but no colonies were detected on day 50. Quantitative PCR detection of L. pneumophila DNA demonstrated that nonculturable cells retained PCR-detectable DNA even after starvation for 300 days, and part of the nonculturable population possessed nonspecific esterase activity. However, resuscitation trials of nonculturable L. pneumophila on day 100 of starvation recovered no colony-forming units, and electrophoresis of nucleic acids extracted from nonculturable cells revealed rRNA subunit (23S, 16S and 5S) degradation. When legionellae have lost the ability to multiply, at least some DNA and enzyme functions may be retained for prolonged periods.  相似文献   

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