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Primate societies are characterized by bonded social relationships of a kind that are rare in other mammal taxa. These bonded relationships, which provide the basis for coalitions, are underpinned by an endorphin mechanism mediated by social grooming. However, bonded relationships of this kind impose constraints on the size of social groups that are possible. When ecological pressures have demanded larger groups, primates have had to evolve new mechanisms to facilitate bonding. This has involved increasing the size of vocal and visual communication repertoires, increasing the time devoted to social interaction and developing a capacity to manage two-tier social relationships (strong and weak ties). I consider the implications of these constraints for the evolution of human social communities and argue that laughter was an early evolutionary innovation that helped bridge the bonding gap between the group sizes characteristic of chimpanzees and australopithecines and those in later hominins.  相似文献   

Researchers consider group size in primates to be determined by complex relationships among numerous ecological forces. Antipredator benefits and better resource defense are the primary pressures for large groups. Conversely, intragroup limited food availability, can result in greater intragroup feeding competition and individual energy expenditure in larger groups, creating energetic advantages for individuals in small groups and placing an upper limit group size. However, the extent to which food availability constrains group size remains unclear for many species, including black howlers (Alouatta pigra), which ubiquitously live in small social groups (≤10 individuals). We studied the relationship between group size and 2 key indices of feeding competition—day journey length and activity budgets—in 3 groups of wild Alouatta pigra at a hurricane-damaged site in Belize, Central America. We controlled for differences in food availability between home ranges (food tree density) and compared both indicators of feeding competition directly with temporal variation in food availability for each group. Our results show no consistent association between resource availability, group size, and either index of competition, indicating that feeding competition does not limit group size at the site—i.e., that larger groups can form without increased costs of feeding competition. The results support the search for other explanations, possibly social ones, for small group size in the primates, and we conclude with suggestions and evidence for such alternative explanations.  相似文献   

In social animals, fission is a common mode of group proliferation and dispersion and may be affected by genetic or other social factors. Sociality implies preserving relationships between group members. An increase in group size and/or in competition for food within the group can result in decrease certain social interactions between members, and the group may split irreversibly as a consequence. One individual may try to maintain bonds with a maximum of group members in order to keep group cohesion, i.e. proximity and stable relationships. However, this strategy needs time and time is often limited. In addition, previous studies have shown that whatever the group size, an individual interacts only with certain grooming partners. There, we develop a computational model to assess how dynamics of group cohesion are related to group size and to the structure of grooming relationships. Groups’ sizes after simulated fission are compared to observed sizes of 40 groups of primates. Results showed that the relationship between grooming time and group size is dependent on how each individual attributes grooming time to its social partners, i.e. grooming a few number of preferred partners or grooming equally or not all partners. The number of partners seemed to be more important for the group cohesion than the grooming time itself. This structural constraint has important consequences on group sociality, as it gives the possibility of competition for grooming partners, attraction for high-ranking individuals as found in primates’ groups. It could, however, also have implications when considering the cognitive capacities of primates.  相似文献   

Nymphs of Agriosphodrus dohrniSignoret (Reduviidae) have a strong gregariousness and show group predatory behavior. This study was conducted to clarify adaptive significance of group predation of this species, including laboratory observations and 6-year field surveys. In the laboratory, observations on both solitary and group attacking against armyworms were made at varying prey size classes to compare the capture success rate by solitary predators with that by groups. The efficiency in capturing the prey was significantly higher in group attacking at any prey size class compared. Data obtained from the field surveys indicated the tnedency for searching nymphs to feed in group and to increase the number of predators feeding per prey item with increasing prey size. Average sizes of prey captured were also larger in group feeding throughout the nymphal stage. In particular, it was remarkable that, when prey were “creeping” types, the upper size limit of prey eaten was dramatically increased.  相似文献   

The number of group members in an animal society can have a major influence on group members’ life history, survival, and reproductive success. Identifying the factors that limit group size is therefore fundamental for a complete understanding of social behavior. Here, I examined the relationships between resource availability, social conflict, and group size in the coral‐dwelling fish, Paragobiogon xanthosomus (Gobiidae). The size of the largest (breeding) female and the minimum size difference required for hierarchy stability strongly but not perfectly predicted maximum group size, suggesting that social conflicts and hierarchy structure set the upper limit on group size. Deviations in group size around the predicted maximum were explained by variation in average body size ratios but not by variation in coral size, suggesting that coral size does not directly influence group size. In contrast, coral size was a significant predictor of body size ratios, and possible explanations for this relationship are discussed. Group size may be limited by the social conflicts that characterize size‐based dominance hierarchies. Ecological factors, namely coral size, may in turn play an indirect role via an effect on body size ratios.  相似文献   

Most explanations for humor neglect important types of humor, such as tickling and word play; or raise difficult evolutionary theoretical problems, such as group selection, dubious fitness benefits, and excessive complexity of design; or ignore the data on humor and laughter. The present theory was based on the following observations. Tickling entails a mock attack at vulnerable body spots, and may provide youngsters with practice in defending themselves. The child's laughter is pleasant and encourages the tickler to persist. Similarly, juvenile primates including children encourage roughhousing by laughter and other emotional expressions. We also laugh at humorous content that provides striking counter-examples (incongruities), as in word play, or that informs us about fitness-relevant topics such as sexual, aggressive, and social poise scenarios. The present theory is that the pleasure of humor motivates us to seek out poignant, fitness- enhancing input of this sort. Laughter evolved to allow us to continue to recieve amusement. Laughter is a pleasant social signal that prompts the humorist to persist in providing this edifying stimulation. In response to true wit, laughter conveys appreciation and gratitude—an intention to reciprocate for having received a stimulating idea. Thus, humor benefits both humorist and laughter. This theory and others are evaluated in the light of evolutionary principles and relevant data.  相似文献   

Although laughter forms an important part of human non-verbal communication, it has received rather less attention than it deserves in both the experimental and the observational literatures. Relaxed social (Duchenne) laughter is associated with feelings of wellbeing and heightened affect, a proximate explanation for which might be the release of endorphins. We tested this hypothesis in a series of six experimental studies in both the laboratory (watching videos) and naturalistic contexts (watching stage performances), using change in pain threshold as an assay for endorphin release. The results show that pain thresholds are significantly higher after laughter than in the control condition. This pain-tolerance effect is due to laughter itself and not simply due to a change in positive affect. We suggest that laughter, through an endorphin-mediated opiate effect, may play a crucial role in social bonding.  相似文献   

The majority of studies in ethnoprimatology focus on areas of sympatry where humans and nonhuman primates (hereafter, primates) naturally coexist. We argue that much can be gained by extending the field’s scope to incorporate settings where humans manage most aspects of primates’ lives, such as zoos, laboratories, sanctuaries, and rehabilitation centers (hereafter, managed settings). We suggest that the mixed-methods approach of ethnoprimatology, which facilitates examination of both humans’ and primates’ responses to one another, can reveal not only how humans’ ideas about primates shape management strategies, but also how those management strategies affect primates’ lives. Furthermore, we note that a greater focus on managed settings will strengthen links between ethnoprimatology and primate rights/welfare approaches, and will introduce new questions into discussions of ethics in primatology. For example, managed settings raise questions about when it might be justifiable to restrict primates’ freedom for a “greater good,” and the desirability of making primates’ lives more “natural” even if this would decrease their well-being. Finally, we propose that because ethnoprimatology is premised on challenging false dichotomies between categories of field site—specifically, between “natural” and “unnatural” free-ranging populations—it makes sense for ethnoprimatologists to examine settings in which humans exert considerable control over primates’ lives, given that the distinction between “wild” and “captive” is similarly unclear.  相似文献   

Our ability to perceive person identity from other human voices has been described as prodigious. However, emerging evidence points to limitations in this skill. In this study, we investigated the recent and striking finding that identity perception from spontaneous laughter - a frequently occurring and important social signal in human vocal communication - is significantly impaired relative to identity perception from volitional (acted) laughter. We report the findings of an experiment in which listeners made speaker discrimination judgements from pairs of volitional and spontaneous laughter samples. The experimental design employed a range of different conditions, designed to disentangle the effects of laughter production mode versus perceptual features on the extraction of speaker identity. We find that the major driving factor of reduced accuracy for spontaneous laughter is not its perceived emotional quality but rather its distinct production mode, which is phylogenetically homologous with other primates. These results suggest that identity-related information is less successfully encoded in spontaneously produced (laughter) vocalisations. We therefore propose that claims for a limitless human capacity to process identity-related information from voices may be linked to the evolution of volitional vocal control and the emergence of articulate speech.  相似文献   

Clearing of invasive alien plants (IAPs) is a necessary but expensive exercise. Typically, insufficient resources are available to clear all areas simultaneously. Consequently areas need to be prioritized for clearing. The financial resources available determine the extent of the area which can be cleared, while the prioritization identifies the location of the areas to be cleared. We investigate the following questions: (1) How does a change in the budget impact on the efficiency of the clearing operations over time? (2) How does this differ for different sites? (3) Can we identify pattern which make it possible for managers to determine if their budget is sufficient to achieve a management goal (e.g. clearing 95% of the area of IAPs) in a given time? (4) Can we draw general rules about how the time needed of achieving a management goal is changing when increasing the budget? We use a spatio-temporal explicit simulation model (SpreadSim) to simulate the spread of major woody IAPs over time, using a random prioritization strategy as a null model. This strategy requires no understanding or assumptions about the factors influencing spread; it is thus a reasonable baseline prioritization strategy. Our results confirm that a reduction of the budget increases the time needed to reach a management goal of 95% non-invaded areas and simultaneously increases the overall budget needed to achieve this goal. In addition, for each site, we can identify three values. Firstly, a “lower critical limit” of the budget, below which the IAP spread is only slowed down and management does not result in a reduction of the area invaded by IAPs, which is independent of the management goal. Secondly, the “critical budget”, at which we have a chance of more than 50% of achieving our management goal in a given time. Thirdly, an “upper critical limit” for the budget, above which no substantial change in the time needed to reach the management goal can be observed. For all our three sites, the “upper critical limit” is located at approximately 1.7 times the “critical budget”. The variability of the temporal trajectories of the area covered by IAPs for different simulations for the same input parameter and highly non-linear change in IAP cover over time indicate that an identification of the “critical budget” based on few years of IAP management is nearly impossible and that the use of simulation models is imperative. Nevertheless, the general pattern observed can be generalized to other prioritization strategies and provide important guidance for budget allocations.  相似文献   

It is genuinely difficult to sustain a casual conversation that includes more than four speakers. Add a fifth speaker, and the conversation often quickly fissions into smaller groups. Termed ‘the dinner party problem,’ this four-person conversation size limit is believed to be caused by evolved cognitive constraints on human mentalizing capacities. In this view, people can mentally manage three other minds at any one time, leading to four-person conversations. But whereas existing work has posited and empirically tested alternative accounts of what drives the conversation size constraint, to our knowledge, no work has explored the question of why this capacity is specifically four? In this theoretical paper, we (a) review research demonstrating this cognitive constraint in sociality, (b) review the relevant working memory literature, which has explored the “why four” question at some length, and (c) we begin to pose possible answers to our specific social “why four” question. Using simple mathematical models of small-scale sociality, which we imbue with evolutionarily-relevant content, we present one novel possible explanation for the four-person conversation size constraint.  相似文献   

The social brain hypothesis argues that large brains have arisen over evolutionary time as a response to the social and ecological conflicts inherent in group living. We test predictions arising from the hypothesis using comparative data from birds and four mammalian orders (Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Chiroptera and Primates) and show that, across all non-primate taxa, relative brain size is principally related to pairbonding, but with enduring stable relationships in primates. We argue that this reflects the cognitive demands of the behavioural coordination and synchrony that is necessary to maintain stable pairbonded relationships. However, primates differ from the other taxa in that they also exhibit a strong effect of group size on brain size. We use data from two behavioural indices of social intensity (enduring bonds between group members and time devoted to social activities) to show that primate relationships differ significantly from those of other taxa. We suggest that, among vertebrates in general, pairbonding represents a qualitative shift from loose aggregations of individuals to complex negotiated relationships, and that these bonded relationships have been generalized to all social partners in only a few taxa (such as anthropoid primates).  相似文献   

Amendments made to the Animal Welfare Act in 1985 require primate researchers to provide "a physical environment adequate to promote the psychological well-being of primates". Regulations have not yet been promulgated, in part because "the psychological well-being" of primates is extremely difficult to define. Ideally, those regulations would be based upon observable changes in behavior rather than assumed psychological changes. Regardless, new primate care regulations pertaining to social environment, cage size, exercise and other forms of environmental enrichment are anticipated. A review of the literature suggests that there is little scientific data to support changing existing regulations. For instance, although it is clear that total social isolation in very young primates can be behaviorally devastating in terms of normal social behaviors, there are few, if any, demonstrable adverse effects of individual housing in adult primates. On the other hand, group housing, particularly with groups changing frequently in composition, increases aggression, trauma and disease transmission. In addition, existing research suggests there are important species differences in terms of social preferences. It is impossible to justify an increase in cage size based upon the available literature. An additional practical consideration is that any change in cage size requirements will necessitate replacement of current primate housing on a national level, an enormously expensive proposition. Regarding environmental enrichment, research suggests that providing a naturalistic environment is not as critical as arranging dynamic events that are contingent upon behavior. However, new research is necessary to specify the types of environmental enrichment that are valuable and appropriate before useless, even damaging, and expensive changes are mandated.  相似文献   

Ethnoprimatology is an important and growing discipline, studying the diverse relationships between humans and primates. However there is a danger that too great a focus on primates as important to humans may obscure the importance of other animal groups to local people. The Waorani of Amazonian Ecuador were described by Sponsel [Sponsel (1997) New World Primates: Ecology, evolution and behavior. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. p 143–165] as the “natural place” for ethnoprimatology, because of their close relationship to primates, including primates forming a substantial part of their diet. Therefore they are an ideal group in which to examine contemporary perceptions of primates in comparison to other types of animal. We examine how Waorani living in Yasuní National Park name and categorize primates and other common mammals. Although there is some evidence that the Waorani consider primates a unique group, the non‐primate kinkajou and olingo are also included as part of the group “monkeys,” and no evidence was found that primates were more important than other mammals to Waorani culture. Instead, a small number of key species, in particular the woolly monkey (Lagothrix poeppigii) and white‐lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), were found to be both important in the diet and highly culturally salient. These results have implications for both ethnoprimatologists and those working with local communities towards broader conservation goals. Firstly, researchers should ensure that they and local communities are referring to the same animals when they use broad terms such as “monkey,” and secondly the results caution ethnoprimatologists against imposing western taxonomic groups on indigenous peoples, rather than allowing them to define themselves which species are important. Am. J. Primatol. 75:1117–1128, 2013. © 2013 The Authors. American Journal of Primatology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the main challenges when integrating biological and social perspectives in primatology is overcoming interdisciplinary barriers. Unfamiliarity with subject-specific theory and language, distinct disciplinary-bound approaches to research, and academic boundaries aimed at “preserving the integrity” of subject disciplines can hinder developments in interdisciplinary research. With growing interest in how humans and other primates share landscapes, and recognition of the importance of combining biological and social information to do this effectively, the disparate use of terminology is becoming more evident. To tackle this problem, we dissect the meaning of what the biological sciences term studies in “human–wildlife conflict” or more recently “human–wildlife interactions” and compare it to what anthropology terms “multispecies ethnography.” In the biological sciences, human–wildlife interactions are the actions resulting from people and wild animals sharing landscapes and resources, with outcomes ranging from being beneficial or harmful to one or both species. In the social sciences, human–nonhuman relationships have been explored on a philosophical, analytical, and empirical level. Building on previous work, we advocate viewing landscapes through an interdisciplinary “multispecies lens” in which humans are observed as one of multiple organisms that interact with other species to shape and create environments. To illustrate these interconnections we use the case study of coexistence between people of the Nalu ethnic group and Critically Endangered western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Cantanhez National Park in Guinea-Bissau, to demonstrate how biological and social research approaches can be complementary and can inform conservation initiatives at the human–primate interface. Finally, we discuss how combining perspectives from ethnoprimatology with those from multispecies ethnography can advance the study of ethnoprimatology to aid productive discourse and enhance future interdisciplinary research.  相似文献   

Laughter is a universally produced vocal signal that plays an important role in human social interaction. Researchers have distinguished between spontaneous and volitional laughter, but no empirical work has explored possible acoustic and perceptual differences. If spontaneous laughter is an honest signal of cooperative intent (e.g., derived from play breathing patterns), then the ability to mimic these sounds volitionally could have shaped perceptual systems to be attuned to aspects of spontaneous laughs that are harder to fake—features associated with phylogenetically older vocal control mechanisms. We extracted spontaneous laughs from conversations between friends and volitional laughs elicited by instruction without other provocation. In three perception experiments we found that, 1) participants could distinguish between spontaneous and volitional laughter, 2) when laugh speed was increased (duration decreased 33% and pitch held constant), all laughs were judged as more “real,” with judgment accuracy increasing for spontaneous laughter and decreasing for volitional laughter, and 3) when the laughs were slowed down (duration increased 260% and pitch altered proportionally), participants could not distinguish spontaneous laughs from nonhuman vocalizations but could identify volitional laughs as human-made. These findings and acoustic data suggest that spontaneous and volitional laughs are produced by different vocal systems, and that spontaneous laughter might share features with nonhuman animal vocalizations that volitional laughter does not.  相似文献   

Recent comparative evidence suggests that anthropoid primates are the only vertebrates to exhibit a quantitative relationship between relative brain size and social group size. In this paper, I attempt to explain this pattern with regard to facial expressivity and social bonding. I hypothesize that facial motor control increases as a secondary consequence of neocortical expansion owing to cortical innervation of the facial motor nucleus. This is supported by new analyses demonstrating correlated evolution between relative neocortex size and relative facial nucleus size. I also hypothesize that increased facial motor control correlates with enhanced emotional expressivity, which provides the opportunity for individuals to better gauge the trustworthiness of group members. This is supported by previous evidence from human psychology, as well as new analyses demonstrating a positive relationship between allogrooming and facial nucleus volume. I suggest new approaches to the study of primate facial expressivity in light of these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Attempts to explain differences in the size and structure of primate groups have argued that they are a consequence of variation in the intensity of feeding competition caused by contrasts in food distribution. However, although feeding competition can limit the size of female groups, many other factors affect the costs and the benefits of sociality to females and contribute to differences in group size. Moreover, interspecific differences in social relationships between females, in female philopatry, and in kinship between group members appear to be more closely associated with variation in life‐history parameters, reproductive strategies, and phylogeny than with contrasts in food distribution or feeding competition. The mismatch between predictions of socioecological theory and observed variation in primate social behavior has led to protracted arguments about the future of primate socioecology. We argue that future attempts to understand the diversity of primate societies need to be based on an approach that explores separate explanations for different components of social organization, combines ecological and phylogenetic information, and integrates research on primates with similar studies of other groups of mammals. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Neocortex size predicts deception rate in primates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Human brain organization is built upon a more ancient adaptation, the large brain of simian primates: on average, monkeys and apes have brains twice as large as expected for mammals of their size, principally as a result of neocortical enlargement. Testing the adaptive benefit of this evolutionary specialization depends on finding an association between brain size and function in primates. However, most cognitive capacities have been assessed in only a restricted range of species under laboratory conditions. Deception of conspecifics in social circumstances is an exception, because a corpus of field data is available that encompasses all major lines of the primate radiation. We show that the use of deception within the primates is well predicted by the neocortical volume, when observer effort is controlled for; by contrast, neither the size of the rest of the brain nor the group size exert significant effects. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that neocortical expansion has been driven by social challenges among the primates. Complex social manipulations such as deception are thought to be based upon rapid learning and extensive social knowledge; thus, learning in social contexts may be constrained by neocortical size.  相似文献   

Recently Sillén-Tullberg & Leimar (1988) modelled a general explanation for the evolution of gregariousness in prey organisms that live exposed, have no means of escape when discovered by a predator, and are small in relation to a potential predator (who thus can sample many prey individuals in one encounter). The model predicts that gregarious prey organisms of that type ought to be distasteful, and that the evolution of gregariousness will be favoured by aposematic coloration facilitating avoidance learning in a predator. Obviously, any protective power of grouping depends on group size. According to the Sillén-Tullberg & Leimar model, (1) “members of small groups may have a higher rate of death from predation than solitary individuals, but above a certain minimum group size, group members do better than solitary individuals; … as group size increases above the minimum value, group members suffer fewer and fewer deaths from predation”. They benefit from the “decreased risk of predator attack on any particular individual”, called dilution effect. (2) “The more prey specimens that the predator needs to sample during avoidance learning, the larger an aggregation needs to be in order for gregariousness to be advantageous”. It is further explained that (3) selection resulting from predation favours increase in group size until it “acts like a predator-satiation mechanism”.  相似文献   

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