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Stimulation with live dengue virus of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a dengue virus type 4-immune donor generated virus-specific, serotype-cross-reactive, CD8+, class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) capable of lysing dengue virus-infected cells and cells pulsed with dengue virus antigens of all four serotypes. These CTL lysed autologous fibroblasts infected with vaccinia virus-dengue virus recombinant viruses containing the E gene or several nonstructural dengue virus type 4 genes. These results demonstrate that both dengue virus structural and nonstructural proteins are targets for the cytotoxic T-cell-mediated immune response to dengue virus and suggest that serotype-cross-reactive CD8+ CTL may be important mediators of viral clearance and of virus-induced immunopathology during secondary dengue virus infections.  相似文献   

Distinct functional CD8+ T-cell populations have been observed during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. One of these functions is the inhibition of viral replication by a noncytotoxic mechanism, which was shown to be mediated by the CD8+CD28+ subpopulation. On the other hand, CD8+ T cells exert an HIV-specific cytotoxic activity. The present study shows that CD8+CD28- lymphocytes display this HIV-specific cytotoxic activity, which is detectable immediately after the cells are purified from peripheral blood. The CD28- population is also able to proliferate and to retain its cytotoxic activity after in vitro restimulation with autologous blast cells. Finally, HIV-specific cytotoxic T cells can be obtained in vitro from the CD8+CD28+ population.  相似文献   

Circulating CD8+ CD28- T cells were found to be expanded more in patients with ankylosing spondylitis than in an age-matched healthy population (41.2 ± 17.7% versus 18.6 ± 7.6%). The level of CD8+CD28- T cells was dependent on the disease status, but was independent of age. Most of the CD8+ CD28- T cells produced perforin after stimulation in vitro, in contrast to their CD8+CD28+ counterparts. From the clinical perspective, the percentage of the cytotoxic CD8+ CD28- T cells reflected a more severe course of disease, as it correlated with distinct movement restrictions, as well as the metrology score summarizing cervical rotation (in sitting position), chin-to-jugulum distance, thoracic Schober, chest expansion, and fingers-to-floor distance (P = 0.032).  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in humans.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Stimulation of human vaccinia virus immune peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro from vaccinia virus-immune donors with live vaccinia virus-infected autologous cells generated vaccinia virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) capable of lysing vaccinia virus-infected cells. We generated vaccinia virus-specific CD8+ clones and CD4+ CTL lines by limiting dilution from two donors by using peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained 2 months or 4 years postrevaccination with vaccinia virus. These results demonstrate that vaccinia virus-specific CTL are generated as a result of immunization of humans with vaccinia virus and that both CD8(+)- and CD4(+)-specific T cells are maintained as memory cells.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has shown that cloned, murine CTL cell lines are resistant to the cytotoxic components of the toxic granules they release upon specific interaction with their target cells. Inasmuch as the resistance might be due to selection in culture over many months by repeated exposure to these cytolytic components (which are released repeatedly as a result of the cultured CTL being periodically stimulated by target cells), we asked whether primary CTL are also resistant. The primary CTL were elicited in vivo by i.p. injection of allogeneic tumor cells or in vitro by 5- to 6-day MLC or by 48-h exposure to the lectin Con A. The responding cells were separated into purified CD8+ (i.e., CD4-, CD8+) and purified CD4+ (i.e., CD4+, CD8-) T cell populations that were analyzed for cytolytic activity and for resistance to lysis by toxic secretory granules derived from cloned CTL cell lines. The CD8+ T cells were highly cytolytic and relatively resistant; they retained their cytolytic activity and were lysed to a minimal extent (0 to 10%) by quantities of isolated granules that lysed 80 to 90% of the P815 tumor cell line (tested as a representative standard cell line). The CD4+ T cells, in contrast, had only minimal cytolytic activity and were far more susceptible to granule-mediated lysis. Although the resistance of primary CD8+ T cells is impressive, it is not as pronounced as the resistance of the cloned CTL cell lines, indicating that during long-term culture there is some selection for increased resistance to granule-mediated lysis. In contrast to T cells (especially CD8+ T cells), Ia+ macrophages, isolated from primary immune peritoneal exudates, were highly susceptible to granule-mediated lysis.  相似文献   

Murine CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes lyse Toxoplasma gondii-infected cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Studies were performed to determine whether CTL against Toxoplasma gondii-infected cells could be induced in a murine model of T. gondii infection in which CD8+ T lymphocytes have been shown to play a major role in resistance against this parasite. In 51Cr release assays, nylon wool nonadherent spleen cells from BALB/c (H-2d) mice immunized with the temperature-sensitive (ts-4) mutant strain of T. gondii were cytotoxic for T. gondii-infected P815 (H-2d) mastocytoma cells but not for uninfected cells. This cytotoxic activity was remarkably increased after in vitro stimulation with T. gondii-infected syngeneic spleen cells. The effector cells were shown to be CD8+ T lymphocytes, because the cytotoxicity was significantly inhibited by depletion of CD8+ T lymphocytes but not by depletion of CD4+ T lymphocytes. This cytotoxic activity was genetically restricted. Spleen cells from T. gondii-immune BALB/c mice were not cytotoxic for T. gondii-infected EL4 (H-2b) thymoma cells, whereas spleen cells from T. gondii-immune C57B1/6 (H-2b) mice were cytotoxic for T. gondii-infected EL4 cells but not for T. gondii-infected P815 cells. The cytolytic activity of CD8+ T lymphocytes against T. gondii-infected cells might be a mechanism whereby these cells confer resistance against T. gondii.  相似文献   

Human T lymphocytes can be numerically expanded in vitro only to a limited extent. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16(INK4a) is essential in the control of cellular proliferation, and its expression, in epithelial cells, is associated with irreversible growth arrest. Using long-term cultured CD8+ T lymphocytes, we have investigated the role of the p16/pRb pathway in the regulation of T cell proliferation and senescence. In this study, we describe at least two mechanisms that cause replicative growth arrest in cultured lymphocytes. The first one depends on the expression of p16(INK4a) and is directly responsible for the exit of a significant proportion of CD8+ T cells from the proliferative population. This induced p16 expression pattern is observed during each round of mitogen stimulation and is not related to activation-induced cell death. Importantly, knocking down p16(INK4a) expression allows increased proliferation of T cells. The second one is a phenomenon that resembles human fibroblast senescence, but is independent of p16(INK4a) and of telomere attrition. Interestingly, virtually all pRb proteins in the senescent population are found in the active form. Our data indicate that newly synthesized p16(INK4a) limits the proliferation of T lymphocytes that respond to mitogen, but is not required for the loss of mitogen responsiveness called senescence.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the differential activation of CD4+ and CD8+ HSV-specific CTL, we compared the characteristics of CTL generated by different methods of in vitro HSV stimulation by treatment of effectors with anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 mAb and C after the elimination of nonspecific cytotoxic effector cells. Cell-free HSV mainly activated CD4+ CTL precursors, whereas HSV-infected fibroblasts were more effective in activating CD8+ CTL precursors than CD4+ CTL precursors. In addition, limiting dilution analyses with enriched T cells from two HSV-seropositive donors revealed that the frequency of HSV-specific CD4+ CTL precursors responsive to stimulation with free HSV was approximately 1/4,000 to 6,000 CD4+ T cells, whereas that of precursors responsive to stimulation with HSV-infected fibroblasts was approximately 1/19,000 to 22,000 CD4+ T cells. Conversely, the frequency of CD8+ CTL precursors in peripheral blood responsive to stimulation with free HSV was approximately 1/28,000 to 30,000 CD8+ T cells, whereas that of precursors responsive to stimulation with HSV-infected fibroblasts was approximately 1/10,000 to 11,000 CD8+ T cells. The present data suggest that generalized viral infection due to cell-free viruses is fought mainly by CD4+ CTL, which have previously been reported to possess both cytotoxicity and helper function, and that localized viral infection on HLA class II-negative fibroblasts is prevented from spreading to adjacent cells mainly by CD8+ CTL. Such differential activation of CD4+ and CD8+ CTL seems probable when considering the protective mechanisms against viral infection.  相似文献   

A CD8+ alpha beta TCR+ T cell clone (A35) was isolated from the synovial fluid of a patient with post-enteric reactive arthritis caused by Yersinia enterocolitica. This clone efficiently killed autologous and allogeneic target cells that had been preincubated with live but not with heat-killed bacteria. There was no restriction by polymorphic parts of HLA-A, -B, or -C molecules and a HLA class II-deficient mutant cell line was lysed as efficiently as its normal counterpart, whereas infected HLA class I-deficient cells (Daudi cells) were not. The clone showed crossreaction between Yersinia enterocolitica, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Streptococcus pyogenes, but did not lyse target cells preincubated with Staphylococcus epidermidis. MAb to CD2, CD3, and CD8 efficiently blocked A35, whereas the addition of mAb to HLA class II or to HLA class I did not. This clone apparently represents a novel effector mechanism against bacteria-infected or -modified cells that could be involved in the immunopathology of reactive arthritis.  相似文献   

PBMC from healthy adult individuals seropositive for measles virus (MV) were tested for their capacity to proliferate to UV-inactivated MV (UV-MV) or to autologous MV-infected EBV-transformed B cell lines (EBV-BC). MV-specific T cell responses were observed in 11 of 15 donors tested (stimulation index greater than 2), when optimal doses of UV-MV were used in proliferative assays. T cell clones were generated from PBMC of three donors responding to MV, by using either UV-MV or MV-infected autologous EBV-BC as APC. Stimulation with UV-MV generated exclusively CD3+ CD4+ CD8- MV-specific T cells, whereas after stimulation of PBMC with MV-infected EBV-BC, both CD3+ CD4+ CD8- and CD3+ CD4- CD8+ MV-specific T cell clones were obtained. Of 19 CD4+ T cell clones tested so far, 7 clones reacted specifically with purified fusion protein and 1 with purified hemagglutinin protein. Seven clones proliferated in response to the internal proteins of MV. Three clones reacted to whole virus but not to one of the purified proteins, whereas one clone seemed to recognize more than one polypeptide. Some of the T cell clones, generated from in vitro stimulation of PBMC with UV-MV, failed to recognize MV Ag when MV-infected EBV-BC were used as APC instead of UV-MV and PBMC. CD3+ CD4+ CD8- T cell clones recognized MV in association with HLA class II Ag (HLA-DQ or -DR), and most of them displayed CTL activity to autologous MV-infected EBV-BC. All CD4+ HLA class II-restricted CTL clones thus far tested were capable of assisting B lymphocytes for the production of MV-specific antibody. The CD4- CD8+ T cell clone MARO 1 recognized MV in association with HLA class I molecules and displayed cytotoxic activity toward MV-infected EBV-BC.  相似文献   

CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are preferred immune cells for targeting cancer. During cancer progression, CTLs encounter dysfunction and exhaustion due to immunerelated tolerance and immunosuppression within the tumor microenvironment (TME), with all favor adaptive immune-resistance. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), macrophage type 2 (M2) cells, and regulatory T cells (Tregs) could make immunologic barriers against CD8 + T cell-mediated antitumor immune responses. Thus, CD8 + T cells are needed to be primed and activated toward effector CTLs in a process called tumor immunity cycle for making durable and efficient antitumor immune responses. The CD8 + T cell priming is directed essentially as a corroboration work between cells of innate immunity including dendritic cells (DCs) and natural killer (NK) cells with CD4 + T cells in adoptive immunity. Upon activation, effector CTLs infiltrate to the core or invading site of the tumor (so-called infiltrated–inflamed [I–I] TME) and take essential roles for killing cancer cells. Exogenous reactivation and/or priming of CD8 + T cells can be possible using rational immunotherapy strategies. The increase of the ratio for costimulatory to coinhibitory mediators using immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) approach. Programmed death-1 receptor (PD-1)–ligand (PD-L1) and CTL-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) are checkpoint receptors that can be targeted for relieving exhaustion of CD8 + T cells and renewing their priming, respectively, and thereby eliminating antigen-expressing cancer cells. Due to a diverse relation between CTLs with Tregs, the Treg activity could be dampened for increasing the number and rescuing the functional potential of CTLs to induce immunosensitivity of cancer cells.  相似文献   

The function of the T cell differentiation antigens CD4 (Leu-3/T4) and CD8 (Leu-2/T8) on human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) is presently seen only in conjugate formation between CTL and target cell via class II or class I MHC antigens rather than in the later killing steps. In this study, human CD4+ and CD8+ CTL clones were used to investigate the effects of monoclonal antibodies against these differentiation antigens on nonspecific triggering of cytotoxicity. Cytotoxicity was induced either by antibodies against the CD3 (T3) antigen or by the lectins Con A and PHA. Anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 antibodies specifically inhibited all types of cytotoxicity of CD4+ or CD8+ CTL, respectively, regardless of the specificity of the CTL for class I or class II HLA antigens and regardless of whether target cells expressed class I or class II antigens. These results are incompatible with an exclusive role of the CD4 and CD8 molecules in MHC class recognition and are discussed with respect to a function as negative signal receptors for these molecules on CTL.  相似文献   

Artificial APCs (aAPCs) genetically modified to express selective costimulatory molecules provide a reproducible, cost-effective, and convenient method for polyclonal and Ag-specific expansion of human T cells for adoptive immunotherapy. Among the variety of aAPCs that have been studied, acellular beads expressing anti-CD3/anti-CD28 efficiently expand CD4+ cells, but not CD8+ T cells. Cell-based aAPCs can effectively expand cytolytic CD8+ cells, but optimal costimulatory signals have not been defined. 4-1BB, a costimulatory molecule expressed by a minority of resting CD8+ T cells, is transiently up-regulated by all CD8+ T cells following activation. We compared expansion of human cytolytic CD8+ T cells using cell-based aAPCs providing costimulation via 4-1BB vs CD28. Whereas anti-CD3/anti-CD28 aAPCs mostly expand naive cells, anti-CD3/4-1BBL aAPCs preferentially expand memory cells, resulting in superior enrichment of Ag-reactive T cells which recognize previously primed Ags and efficient expansion of electronically sorted CD8+ populations reactive toward viral or self-Ags. Using HLA-A2-Fc fusion proteins linked to 4-1BBL aAPCs, 3-log expansion of Ag-specific CD8+ CTL was induced over 14 days, whereas similar Ag-specific CD8+ T cell expansion did not occur using HLA-A2-Fc/anti-CD28 aAPCs. Furthermore, when compared with cytolytic T cells expanded using CD28 costimulation, CTL expanded using 4-1BB costimulation mediate enhanced cytolytic capacity due, in part, to NKG2D up-regulation. These results demonstrate that 4-1BB costimulation is essential for expanding memory CD8+ T cells ex vivo and is superior to CD28 costimulation for generating Ag-specific products for adoptive cell therapy.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic cells specific for Toxoplasma gondii-infected cells were detected in the peripheral blood leukocytes from a patient with acute toxoplasmosis. The cytotoxicity was mediated by CD5+, CD4-, CD8+ cells. The cytotoxic T cells lysed Toxoplasma-infected target cells with HLA class I restriction. Two types of T cell clones were established from peripheral blood leukocytes of a patient with chronic toxoplasmosis; one was a CD5+, CD4-, CD8+ cytotoxic cell specific for Toxoplasma-infected cells, and the other was a CD5+, CD4+, CD8- proliferative cell that responded to Toxoplasma antigen. Toxoplasma-infected cell-specific cytotoxic cloned T cells recognize the infected target cells in the context of the HLA class I molecules, and the CD8 molecule was involved in the cytotoxicity. Toxoplasma antigen-specific proliferative cloned T cells were stimulated by Toxoplasma antigen-pulsed or Toxoplasma-infected cells in conjunction with HLA-DR molecule on the target cells. Thus, antigen presentation by Toxoplasma-infected cells for activation of both cytotoxic and proliferative T cells has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus saimiri (HVS) was used to infect and transform human CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), and the phenotypic and functional consequences of HVS infection of CD8+ T lymphocytes were investigated. HVS-transformed CTL no longer require antigen restimulation yet maintain their phenotype and HLA-restricted cytolytic function and specificity. The ability of HVS to transform CTL may have an important role in the functional analysis of human antigen-specific CTL.  相似文献   

The immunoregulatory functions of human T8 cell subpopulations defined by mAb to the CD45RA molecule (2H4) were examined. Both CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells that had been treated with mitomycin C provided help for the production of immunoglobulins by B cells in cultures stimulated with immobilized mAb to CD3 (64.1). In contrast, both CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells that had not been treated with mitomycin C suppressed B cell responses in anti-CD3-stimulated cultures, although CD45RA+ T8 cells were more effective in this regard. Interleukin 2 (IL2) enhanced suppression by anti-CD3-activated CD45RA- T8 cells, whereas suppression by CD45RA+ T8 cells was almost maximal and not as much increased by IL2. The differentiation into suppressor-effector cells in this system appeared to involve the production of IL2, but not the production of interferon (INF)-gamma. Thus, CD45RA+ T8 cells produced higher amounts of IL2 but lower amounts of IFN-gamma than CD45RA- T8 cells in anti-CD3-stimulated cultures. Moreover, addition of mAb to the p55 component of IL2 receptor (anti-Tac) inhibited the generation of suppressor activity from CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells. The pattern and magnitude of suppression of B cell responses by CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T4 cells were similar to that by CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells in this system. Finally, preactivated CD45RA+ T8 cells that had lost CD45RA expression suppressed the B cell responses as effectively as fresh CD45RA+ T8 cells. The results indicate that both CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells can help or suppress B cell responses. More importantly, the data suggest that the suppressor-effector function of human T cells may rather be related with the stages of the post-thymic differentiation as evidenced by the expression of the CD45RA molecule than represent the fully differentiated T cell subsets, such as T4 and T8 cells. In addition, the CD45RA molecule appeared not to be involved in the suppressor-effector function, but to determine the stage of post-thymic differentiation.  相似文献   

To characterize the anti-melanoma reactivity of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from choroidal melanoma patients, CTL clones were isolated from the peripheral blood of three patients after mixed lymphocyte/tumor cell culture (MLTC). Clones were derived from lymphocytes stimulated by allogeneic (OCM-1, A24, A28) or autologous (OCM-3, Al, A30) melanoma cells. Their reactivity against a panel of HLA-typed melanoma and nonmelanoma cells was assessed, to determine whether a single CTL clone could recognize and lyse a variety of allogeneic melanoma cell lines. While proportionately more clones derived from autologous MLTC were melanoma-specific than allogeneic MLTC (42% versus 14%), melanoma-specific CTL were recovered from both. Notably, a novel melanoma specificity was identified. These CTL clones were termed non-fastidious because they were capable of lysing melanoma cells with which they had no HLA class I alleles in common. Nonetheless, lysis was mediated by the HLA class I molecule. Since lysis was specific for melanoma cells, these CTL appeared to recognize a shared melanoma peptide(s). Because of their prevalence, we propose that non-fastidious CTL are integral to human anti-melanoma T cell immunity. This reinforces clinical findings that allogeneic melanomas can substitute for autologous tumors in active specific immunotherapy. By circumventing the need for autologous melanoma, it is possible to treat patients after removal of the primary choroidal melanoma in an attempt to prevent metastasis.Supported by USPHS grants EY-09031 and EY-09427, and the Lucy Adams Choroidal Melanoma Research Fund to J. K.-M.  相似文献   

Experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) resulting from Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection involves T lymphocytes. However, the mechanisms of T cell-mediated pathogenesis remain unknown. We found that, in contrast to ECM-susceptible C57BL6 mice, perforin-deficient (PFP-KO) mice were resistant to ECM in the absence of brain lesions, whereas cytoadherence of parasitized erythrocytes and massive accumulation of activated/effector CD8 lymphocytes were observed in both groups of mice. ECM is induced in PFP-KO mice after adoptive transfer of cytotoxic CD8+ cells from infected C57BL6 mice, which were directed to the brain of PFP-KO mice. This specific recruitment might involve chemokine/chemokine receptors, since their expression was up-regulated on activated CD8 cells, and susceptibility to ECM was delayed in CCR5-KO mice. Thus, lymphocyte cytotoxicity and cell trafficking are key players in ECM pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells (T(R)) play a critical role in the inhibition of self-reactive immune responses and as such have been implicated in the suppression of tumor-reactive effector T cells. In this study, we demonstrate that follicular lymphoma (FL)-infiltrating CD8+ and CD4+ T cells are hyporesponsive to CD3/CD28 costimulation. We further identify a population of FL-infiltrating CD4+CD25+GITR+ T(R) that are significantly overrepresented within FL nodes (FLN) compared with that seen in normal (nonmalignant, nonlymphoid hyperplastic) or reactive (nonmalignant, lymphoid hyperplastic) nodes. These T(R) actively suppress both the proliferation of autologous nodal CD8+CD25- and CD4+CD25- T cells, as well as cytokine production (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-2), after CD3/CD28 costimulation. Removal of these cells in vitro by CD25+ magnetic bead depletion restores both the proliferation and cytokine production of the remaining T cells, demonstrating that FLN T cell hyporesponsiveness is reversible. In addition to suppressing autologous nodal T cells, these T(R) are also capable of suppressing the proliferation of allogeneic CD8+CD25- and CD4+CD25- T cells from normal lymph nodes as well as normal donor PBL, regardless of very robust stimulation of the target cells with plate-bound anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 Abs. The allogeneic suppression is not reciprocal, as equivalent numbers of CD25+FOXP3+ cells derived from either normal lymph nodes or PBL are not capable of suppressing allogeneic CD8+CD25- and CD4+CD25- T cells, suggesting that FLN T(R) are more suppressive than those derived from nonmalignant sources. Lastly, we demonstrate that inhibition of TGF-beta signaling partially restores FLN T cell proliferation suggesting a mechanistic role for TGF-beta in FLN T(R)-mediated suppression.  相似文献   

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