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A simple and rapid method for determining the cellobiase activity in purified enzyme preparations was developed. It is based on a series of consecutive enzymatic reactions, i. e. hydrolysis of cellobiose by cellobiase, oxidation of the forming glucose by glucose oxidase, and formation of a dyed product under peroxidase action in the same reaction system. The dyed product is recorded spectrophotometrically at 460 nm. One measurement takes from 2-3 to 7-10 min depending on a particular method of the activity determining. The reagent which is used for the activity determining can be obtained in the yophylized form and used repeatedly. The relative deviation of the method is 5-7%.  相似文献   

A method for antiprotease activity measurement based on the use of luminous bacteria luciferase as protein substrate of proteases is suggested. Antiprotease is incubated with protease for 1 to 2 min at 30 degrees C and then it is added to the reaction mixture containing luciferase, NADH: FMN-oxidoreductase and their substrates--myristic aldehyde, FMN and NADH. Biofluorescence is measured in a temperature-controlled cuvette for 1 min. The total time of the measurement is 3 min. The method can be applied both in fine biochemical assays and in medical rapid diagnosis.  相似文献   

A modification of a known quantitative solidphase microtiter plate lectin assay elaborated by Hatakeyama and coauthors developed with biotinylated lectins and ExtrAvidin--alkaline phosphatase conjugate was proposed. The modification was performed in order to use a broad spectra of lectin ligands, including glycopeptides, peptides, etc. The optimal concentrations of the reagents and time of the reagents incubation were selected. Being known from the literature Kdiss for Concanavalin A and monosaccharides: methyl-Man, Man, Glc and Gal were determined in a model experiments. The results were in agreement with the range of monosaccharides specificity for the Concanavalin A. The modification described is relatively simple and sensitive.  相似文献   

Enzymic method for determining the specific activity of glucose   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Conditions for activity of glutaminase in kidney mitochondria   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1. Rat kidney mitochondria oxidize glutamate very slowly. Addition of glutamine stimulates this respiration two- to three-fold. Addition of glutamate also stimulates respiration in the presence of glutamine. 2. By measuring mitochondrial swelling in iso-osmotic solutions of glutamine or of ammonium glutamate it was shown that glutamine penetrates the mitochondrial membrane rapidly whereas ammonium glutamate penetrates very slowly. 3. Experiments in which reduction of NAD(P)+ was measured in preparations of intact and broken mitochondria indicated that glutamate dehydrogenase shows the phenomenon of `latency'. On the addition of glutamine rapid reduction of nicotinamide nucleotides in intact mitochondria was obtained. 4. During the action of glutaminase there is an accumulation of glutamate inside the mitochondria. 5. When the mitochondria were suspended in a medium containing glutamine, Pi and rotenone the rate of production of ammonia was stimulated by the addition of a substrate, e.g. succinate. Addition of an uncoupler or antimycin A abolished this stimulation. 6. The effects of succinate and uncoupler were especially pronounced in the presence of glutamate, which is an inhibitor of glutaminase activity by competition with Pi. 7. Determination of the enzyme activity in media at different pH values showed that the optimum pH for glutaminase activity in the preparation of broken mitochondria was 8, whereas for intact mitochondria it was dependent on the energy state. In the presence of succinate as an energy source it was pH 8.5, but in the presence of uncoupler or antimycin A it was 9. This displacement of the pH optimum to a higher value was especially pronounced in the presence of both glutamate and uncoupler. 8. If nigericin was present in potassium chloride medium the pH optimum for enzyme activity in intact non-respiring mitochondria was nearly the same as in the preparation of broken mitochondria; however, its presence in K+-free medium displaced the pH optimum for glutaminase activity to a very high value. 9. It is postulated that because of low permeability of the kidney mitochondrial membrane to glutamate the latter accumulates inside the mitochondria, and that this leads to the inhibition of the enzyme by competition with Pi and also by lowering the pH of the intramitochondrial space. With succinate as substrate for respiration there is an outward translocation of H+ ions, which together with accumulation of Pi increases glutaminase activity. Translocation of K+ ions inward increases the enzyme activity, perhaps by increasing the pH of the internal spaces and causing an accumulation of Pi. 10. The importance of the location of the enzyme in the mitochondria in relation to its biological function and conditions for activity is discussed.  相似文献   

An ultraviolet absorbance method for quantitation of acetylsalicylic acid esterase (hydrolase) activity has been developed and validated. The sensitivity of the method was found to be 2.8 nmol/ml-min in the assay cuvette. Linearity of the reaction with enzyme concentration and time has been demonstrated. The product of the enzymatic reaction, salicylic acid, has been identified by thin-layer chromatography using acetyl-[14C]salicylic acid. The quantities of salicylic acid produced in 5, 10, and 15 min of incubation were equal when assayed by the spectrophotometric method and by the acetyl-[14C]salicylic acid thin-layer chromatographic method. The time required for assay by ultraviolet absorbance is approximately 3 min/sample.  相似文献   

A method is suggested for determining the activity of pyruvate kinase (ATP: pyruvate-phosphotransferase). The method is based on evaluation of the amount of ATP formed in the course of phosphoenolpyruvic-to-pyruvic acid transformation in the presence of ADP and magnesium ions. The ATP amount in the reaction medium is determined by paper electrophoresis with subsequent spectrophotometry.  相似文献   

Direct assay method for inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rapid microassay method for the accurate measurement of the activity of inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase in crude tissue extracts was described. [8-14C]IMP and the radioactive products were separated by high-voltage electrophoresis in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, for 45 min. This separation method provides an analysis of the possible interfering reactions such as the metabolic conversion of the substrate IMP to inosine and adenylosuccinate, and the loss of the product XMP to xanthosine or GMP and to other metabolites. Low blank values were consistently obtained with this method because the XMP spot moves faster than the IMP spot. The major advantages of this assay method are direct measurement of IMP dehydrogenase activity in crude extracts, high sensitivity (with a limit of detection of 5 pmol of XMP production), high reproducibility (less than +/- 3.6%), low blank values (60-80 cpm), speed (2 h per 30 assays), and capability to measure activity in small amounts of tissue (10-50 mg wet wt).  相似文献   

A new simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method is suggested for determining the catecholase activity of diphenoloxidase. The method is based on the enzymatic oxidation of pyrocatechol to 1,2-benzoquinone (BQ) in the presence of the excess of ethylenediamine sulphate (EDA). The condensation product (products) of BQ and EDA (P365) is stable in the solution and possesses strong absorption in the range of 365 nm. The molar absorption factor, E365 (under condition that the molar reaction ratio of catechol to P365 is 1:1) is 15500 M-1 cm-1 on the average. Optimal reaction conditions (pH 7.0, T=25-30 degrees C, [EDA]o = 5 mg/ml) are determined. The advantages and restrictions of the suggested technique in comparison with the methods described earlier are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous cellular metabolites such as glutamine, glutamate, phosphate, calcium, ammonia and acetyl derivatives are known to affect the phosphate-activated glutaminase activity in whole cell homogenates or extracts. Since measurements in extracts under non-physiological conditions may obscure the actual intracellular metabolic flux, the functional intracellular phosphate-activated glutaminase activity was measured by the formation of3H2O froml-[2-3H]glutamine (Anal. Biochem. 127:134–142, 1982) in cultures of intact astrocytes, untreated and treated with dibutyryl c-AMP (DiBcAMP), in the presence of several potential effectors. These values were compared with enzyme levels determined in extracts from identical cells. The rate of14CO2 release froml-[1-14C]glutamine was also measured in both untreated and DiBcAMP treated astrocytes. The intracellular activity of glutaminase for untreated cells assayed in MEM medium with 1mM radioactive glutamine was 88 nmol/mg protein/h and in DiBcAMP treated cells the rate was 153 nmol/mg protein/h. However, the enzymatic activity measured under optimal conditions in extracts from both untreated and treated cells was much higher, but essentially the same, about 1,750 nmol/mg protein/h. The rate of14CO2 release froml-[1-14C]glutamine was 74 and 133 nmol/mg protein/h in untreated and DiBcAMP treated cells, respectively. This represents approximately 85% of the intracellular glutaminase activity. Furthermore, increasing the concentration of glutamine in the medium from 1 to 6.4 mM increased glutaminase intracellular activity about 3 fold in both untreated and treated cells. Addition of 250 M glutamate to the medium inhibited intracellular glutaminase activity by 70% under both treatment conditions. Deletion of glucose stimulated glutaminase activity. In contrast the removal of fetal bovine serum decreased activity by 35%. The addition of 10 mM phosphate and the alpha keto acids of isoleucine and valine marginally increased intracellular glutaminase activity. The addition of 0.4 mM ammonium chloride to the medium had no effect. An increase in media pH from 6.8 to 7.7 increased intracellular glutaminase activity almost 2 fold. These results provide evidence that phosphate-activated glutaminase activity in vivo is regulated by cellular metabolites, that its functional activity is 5–9% of the rate obtained using extracts, and this functional activity is sufficient to account for the rate of glutamine oxidation.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Elling Kvamme  相似文献   

A sensitive and simple micromethod for the accurate measurement of GMP reductase (EC activity in crude extracts is described. The reaction product of [8-14C]IMP was separated from the substrate [8-14C]GMP by descending chromatography on Whatman DE81 ion-exchange paper. This separation method provides an analysis of the possible interfering reactions, such as the metabolic conversion of the substrate GMP to GDP, GTP, and/or guanosine, and guanine and the loss of the product IMP to inosine, hypoxanthine, and other metabolites. Low blank values (70-90 cpm) were obtained consistently with this assay because the IMP spot moves faster than the GMP spot. The major advantages of this method are direct measurement of GMP reductase activity in crude extracts, high sensitivity (with a limit of detection of < 10 pmol of IMP production), high reproducibility (< +/- 5%), and capability to measure activity in small samples (9 micrograms protein).  相似文献   

A new colorimetric method for determining the isomerization activity of sucrose isomerase was developed. This colorimetric method is based on the enzymatic reactions of invertase and glucose oxidase-peroxidase (GOD-POD). The main scheme for assaying sucrose isomerase activity is to degrade sucrose in the reaction mixture to glucose and fructose by invertase and to detect the concentration of glucose generated using GOD-POD. The concentrations of trehalulose and isomaltulose, reaction products of sucrose isomerase, are calculated from the concentration of glucose. This method allows rapid and accurate determination of the isomerization activity of sucrose isomerase without inhibition by hydrolysis activity.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for estimating specificB-naphthyl esterase enzyme content and activity in small amounts of crude tissue extract is described. Esterase activity is determined by quantitative densitometry of histochemically stained acrylamide gels. Activity measured this way is linear with the extract volume applied. Esterase content is determined by isotopic labeling with a stoichiometric covalently binding enzyme inhibitor, diisopropylfluorophosphate; followed by electrophoresis and gel slice counting.  相似文献   

We describe a sensitive and reproducible lipase assay based on the binding of 63Ni to fatty acid. This method can detect down to 1 nmol of fatty acid per milliliter of solution. It has been adapted for measuring low concentrations of lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triacylglycerol lipase. Furthermore, in the presence of tritiated triolein, the method is insensitive to radiolabel interference, even when the fatty acid is labeled.  相似文献   

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