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Localization of Kex2 protease (Kex2p) to the yeast trans-Golgi network (TGN) requires a TGN localization signal (TLS) in the Kex2p C-terminal cytosolic tail. Mutation of the TLS accelerates transport of Kex2p to the vacuole by an intracellular (SEC1-independent) pathway. In contrast, inactivation of the clathrin heavy-chain gene CHC1 results in transport of Kex2p and other Golgi membrane proteins to the cell surface. Here, the relationship of the two localization defects was assessed by examining the effects of a temperature-sensitive CHC1 allele on trafficking of wild-type (WT) and TLS mutant forms of Kex2p. Inactivation of clathrin by shifting chc1-ts cells to 37 degrees C caused WT and TLS mutant forms of Kex2p to behave identically. All forms of Kex2p appeared at the plasma membrane within 30-60 min of the temperature shift. TLS mutant forms of Kex2p were stabilized, their half-lives increasing to that of wild-type Kex2p. After inactivation of clathrin heavy chain, vacuolar protease-dependent degradation of all forms of Kex2p was blocked by a sec1 mutation, which is required for secretory vesicle fusion to the plasma membrane, indicating that transport to the cell surface was required for degradation by vacuolar proteolysis. Finally, after clathrin inactivation, all forms of Kex2p were degraded in part by a vacuolar protease-independent pathway. After inactivation of both chc1-ts and sec1-ts, Kex2 was degraded exclusively by this pathway. We conclude that the effects of clathrin inactivation on Kex2p localization are independent of the Kex2p C-terminal cytosolic tail. Although these results neither prove nor rule out a direct interaction between the Kex2 TLS and a clathrin-dependent structure, they do imply that clathrin is required for the intracellular transport of Kex2p TLS mutants to the vacuole.  相似文献   

This study addressed whether phosphorylation regulates trafficking of yeast membrane proteins that cycle between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and endosomal system. The TGN membrane proteins A-ALP, a model protein containing the Ste13p cytosolic domain fused to alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and Kex2p were found to be phosphorylated in vivo. Mutation of the S13 residue on the cytosolic domain of A-ALP to Ala was found to block trafficking to the prevacuolar compartment (PVC), whereas a S13D mutation generated to mimic phosphorylation accelerated trafficking into the PVC. The S13 residue was shown by mass spectrometry to be phosphorylated. The rate of endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi transport of newly synthesized A(S13A)-ALP was indistinguishable from wild-type, indicating that the lack of transport of A(S13A)-ALP to the PVC was instead due to differences in Golgi/endosomal trafficking. The A(S13A)-ALP protein exhibited a TGN-like localization similar to that of wild-type A-ALP. Similarly, the S13A mutation in endogenous Ste13p did not reduce the extent of or longevity of its localization to the TGN as shown by alpha-factor processing assays. These results indicate that S13 phosphorylation is required for TGN-to-PVC trafficking of A-ALP and imply that phosphorylation of S13 may regulate recognition of A-ALP by vesicular trafficking machinery.  相似文献   

The Mdm2 protein is the major regulator of the tumor suppressor protein p53. We show that the p53 protein associates both with the N-terminal and with the central domain of Mdm2. The central p53-binding site of Mdm2 encompasses amino acids 235-300. Binding of p53 to the central domain is significantly enhanced after phosphorylation of the central domain of Mdm2. The N-terminal and central domains of Mdm2 act synergistically in binding to p53. p53 mutants that have mutations in the tetramerization domain and that fail to oligomerize do not show such an enhancement of binding in the presence of the other binding site.  相似文献   

Kex2 protease processes pro-alpha-factor in a late Golgi compartment in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The first approximately 30 residues of the 115 amino acid CO2H-terminal cytosolic tail (C-tail) of the Kex2 protein (Kex2p) contain a Golgi retention signal that resembles coated-pit localization signals in mammalian cell surface receptors. Mutation of one (Tyr713) of two tyrosine residues in the C-tail or deletion of sequences adjacent to Tyr713 results in loss of normal Golgi localization. Surprisingly, loss of the Golgi retention signal resulted in transport of C-tail mutant Kex2p to the vacuole (yeast lysosome), as judged by kinetics of degradation and by indirect immunofluorescence. Analysis of the loss of Kex2 function in vivo after shutting off expression of wild-type or mutant forms proved that mutations that cause rapid vacuolar turnover do so by increasing the rate of exit of the enzyme from the pro-alpha-factor processing compartment. The most likely explanation for these results is that mutation of the Golgi retention signal in the C-tail results in transport of Kex2p to the vacuole by default. Wild-type Kex2p also was transported to the vacuole at an increased rate when overproduced, although apparently not due to saturation of a Golgi-retention mechanism. Instead, the wild-type and C-tail mutant forms of Kex2p may follow distinct paths to the vacuole.  相似文献   

Sortilin belongs to a growing family of multiligand type-1 receptors with homology to the yeast receptor Vps10p. Based on structural features and sortilin's intracellular predominance, we have proposed it to be a sorting receptor for ligands in the synthetic pathway as well as on the cell membrane. To test this hypothesis we examine here the cellular trafficking of chimeric receptors containing constructs of the sortilin tail. We report that sorting signals conforming to YXX and dileucine motifs mediate rapid endocytosis of sortilin chimeras, which subsequently travel to the trans-Golgi network, showing little or no recycling. Furthermore, we found that cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (MPR300)-sortilin chimeras, expressed in mannose 6-phosphate receptor knockout cells, were almost as efficient as MPR300 itself for transport of newly synthesized beta-hexosaminidase and beta-glucuronidase to lysosomes, and established that the sortilin tail contains potent signals for Golgi-endosome sorting. Finally, we provide evidence suggesting that sortilin is the first example of a mammalian receptor targeted by the recently described GGA family of cytosolic sorting proteins, which condition the Vps10p-mediated sorting of yeast carboxypeptidase Y.  相似文献   

The DNA damage-responsive protein kinases ATM and ATR phosphorylate SQ/TQ motifs that lie in clusters in most of their in vivo targets. Budding yeast Cdc13p contains two clusters of SQ/TQ motifs, suggesting that it might be a target of Mec1p/Tel1p (yeast ATR/ATM). Here we demonstrated that the telomerase recruitment domain of Cdc13p is phosphorylated by Mec1p and Tel1p. Gel analysis showed that Cdc13p contains a Mec1/Tel1-dependent post-translational modification. Using an immunoprecipitate (IP)-kinase assay, we showed that Mec1p phosphorylates Cdc13p on serine 225, 249, 255 and 306, and Tel1p phosphorylates Cdc13p on serine 225, 249 and 255 in vitro. Phenotypic analysis in vivo revealed that the mutations in the Cdc13p SQ motifs phosphorylated by Mec1p and Tel1p caused multiple telomere and growth defects. In addition, normal telomere length and growth could be restored by expressing a Cdc13–Est1p hybrid protein. These results demonstrate the telomerase recruitment domain of Cdc13p as an important new telomere-specific target of Mec1p/Tel1p.  相似文献   

Delivery of proteins to the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires the function of the endosomal syntaxin, Pep12p. Many vacuolar proteins, such as the soluble vacuolar hydrolase, carboxypeptidase Y (CPY), traverse the prevacuolar compartment (PVC) en route to the vacuole. Here we show that deletion of the carboxy-terminal transmembrane domain of Pep12p results in a temperature-conditional block in transport of CPY to the PVC. The PVC also receives traffic from the early endosome and the vacuole, and mutation in PEP12 also blocks these other trafficking pathways into the PVC. Therefore, Pep12p is a multifunctional syntaxin that is required for all known trafficking pathways into the yeast PVC. Finally, we found that the internalized pheromone receptor, Ste3p, can cycle out of the PVC in a VPS27 -independent fashion.  相似文献   

The phospholipid-binding annexin A2 (AnxA2) is known to play a role in the regulation of membrane and actin dynamics, in particular in the endocytic pathway. The protein is present on early endosomes, where it regulates membrane traffic, including the biogenesis of multivesicular transport intermediates destined for late endosomes. AnxA2 membrane association depends on the protein N terminus and membrane cholesterol but does not involve the AnxA2 ligand p11/S100A10. However, the precise mechanisms that control AnxA2 membrane association and function are not clear. In the present study, we have investigated the role of AnxA2 N-terminal phosphorylation in controlling association to endosomal membranes and functions. We found that endosomal AnxA2 was partially tyrosine-phosphorylated and that mutation of Tyr-23 to Ala (AnxA2Y23A), but not of Ser-25 to Ala, impaired AnxA2 endosome association. We then found that the AnxA2Y23A mutant was unable to bind endosomes in vivo, whereas a phospho-mimicking AnxA2 mutant (Y23D) showed efficient endosome binding capacity. Similarly, we found that AnxA2Y23D interacted more efficiently with liposomes in vitro when compared with AnxA2Y23A. To investigate the role of Tyr-23 in vivo, AnxA2 was knocked down with small interfering RNAs, and then cells were recomplemented with RNA interference-resistant forms of the protein. Using this strategy, we could show that AnxA2Y23D, but not AnxA2Y23A, could restore early-to-late endosome transport after AnxA2 depletion. We conclude that phosphorylation of Tyr-23 is essential for proper endosomal association and function of AnxA2, perhaps because it stabilizes membrane-associated protein via a conformational change.  相似文献   

Huang R  Li L  Guo H  Wang CL 《Biochemistry》2003,42(9):2513-2523
Smooth muscle caldesmon (CaD) binds F-actin and inhibits actomyosin ATPase activity. The inhibition is reversed by Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM). CaD is also phosphorylated upon stimulation at sites specific for mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). Because of these properties, CaD is thought to be involved in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. The molecular mechanism of the reversal of inhibition is not well understood. We have expressed His6-tagged fragments containing the sequence of the C-terminal region of human (from M563 to V793) and chicken (from M563 to P771) CaD as well as a variant of the chicken isoform with a Q766C point mutation. By cleavages with proteases, followed by high-speed cosedimentation with F-actin and mass spectrometry, we found that within the C-terminal region of CaD there are multiple actin contact points forming two clusters. Intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer between probes attached to cysteine residues (the endogenous C595 and the engineered C766) located in these two clusters revealed that the C-terminal region of CaD is elongated, but it becomes more compact when bound to actin. Binding of CaM restores the elongated conformation and facilitates dissociation of the C-terminal CaD fragment from F-actin. When the CaD fragment was phosphorylated with a MAPK, only one of the two actin-binding clusters dissociated from F-actin, whereas the other remained bound. Taken together, these results demonstrate that while both Ca2+/CaM and MAPK phosphorylation govern CaD's function via a conformational change, the regulatory mechanisms are different.  相似文献   

Wächter A  Schwappach B 《FEBS letters》2005,579(5):1149-1153
CLC chloride channels are a family of channel proteins mediating chloride transport across the plasma membrane and intracellular membranes. The single yeast CLC protein Gef1p is localized to the Golgi and endosomal system. Investigating epitope-tagged variants of Gef1p, we found that the channel is proteolytically processed in the secretory pathway. Proteolytic cleavage occurs in the first extracellular loop of the protein at residues KR136/137 and is carried out by the Kex2p protease. Fragments mimicking the N- and C-terminal products of the cleavage reaction are non-functional when expressed alone. However, functional channels can assemble when the two fragments are co-expressed.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-independent or novel protein kinase Cs (nPKCs) contain an N-terminal C2 domain of unknown function. Removal of the C2 domain of the Aplysia nPKC Apl II allows activation of the enzyme at lower concentrations of phosphatidylserine, suggesting an inhibitory role for the C2 domain in enzyme activation. However, the mechanism for C2 domain-mediated inhibition is not known. Mapping of the autophosphorylation sites for protein kinase C (PKC) Apl II reveals four phosphopeptides in the regulatory domain of PKC Apl II, two of which are in the C2 domain at serine 2 and serine 36. Unlike most PKC autophosphorylation sites, these serines could be phosphorylated in trans. Interestingly, phosphorylation of serine 36 increased binding of the C2 domain to phosphatidylserine membranes in vitro. In cells, PKC Apl II phosphorylation at serine 36 was increased by PKC activators, and PKC phosphorylated at this position translocated more efficiently to membranes. Moreover, mutation of serine 36 to alanine significantly reduced membrane translocation of PKC Apl II. We suggest that translocation of nPKCs is regulated by phosphorylation of the C2 domain.  相似文献   

The Kex2 protein of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a membrane-bound, Ca2(+)-dependent serine protease that cleaves the precursors of the mating pheromone alpha-factor and the M1 killer toxin at pairs of basic residues during their transport through the secretory pathway. To begin to characterize the intracellular locus of Kex2-dependent proteolytic processing, we have examined the subcellular distribution of Kex2 protein in yeast by indirect immunofluorescence. Kex2 protein is located at multiple, discrete sites within wild-type yeast cells (average, 3.0 +/- 1.7/mother cell). Qualitatively similar fluorescence patterns are observed at elevated levels of expression, but no signal is found in cells lacking the KEX2 gene. Structures containing Kex2 protein are not concentrated at a perinuclear location, but are distributed throughout the cytoplasm at all phases of the cell cycle. Kex2-containing structures appear in the bud at an early, premitotic stage. Analysis of conditional secretory (sec) mutants demonstrates that Kex2 protein ordinarily progresses from the ER to the Golgi but is not incorporated into secretory vesicles, consistent with the proposed localization of Kex2 protein to the yeast Golgi complex.  相似文献   

Cadherins are a family of transmembrane glycoproteins responsible for Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion. Their amino acid sequences are highly conserved in the cytoplasmic domain. To study the role of the cytoplasmic domain in the function of cadherins, we constructed expression vectors with cDNAs encoding the deletion mutants of E-cadherin polypeptides, in which the carboxy terminus was truncated at various lengths. These vectors were introduced into L cells by transfection, and cell lines expressing the mutant E-cadherin molecules were isolated. In all transfectants obtained, the extracellular domain of the mutant E-cadherins was exposed on the cell surface, and had normal Ca2+-sensitivity and molecular size. However, these cells did not show any Ca2+-dependent aggregation, indicating that the mutant molecules cannot mediate cell-cell binding. The mutant E-cadherin molecules could be released from cells by nonionic detergents, whereas a fraction of normal E-cadherin molecules could not be extracted with the detergent and appeared to be anchored to the cytoskeleton at cell-cell junctions. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic domain regulates the cell-cell binding function of the extracellular domain of E-cadherin, possibly through interaction with some cytoskeletal components.  相似文献   

The Ste20/p21-activated kinase homolog Shk1 is essential for viability and required for normal morphology, mating, and cell cycle control in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Shk1 is regulated by the p21 G protein Cdc42, which has been shown to form a complex with the SH3 domain protein Scd2 (also called Ral3). In this study, we investigated whether Scd2 plays a role in regulating Shk1 function. We found that recombinant Scd2 and Shk1 interact directly in vitro and that they interact in vivo, as determined by the two-hybrid assay and genetic analyses in fission yeast. The second of two N-terminal SH3 domains of Scd2 is both necessary and sufficient for interaction with Shk1. While full-length Scd2 interacted with only the R1 N-terminal regulatory subdomain of Shk1, a C-terminal deletion mutant of Scd2 interacted with both the R1 and R3 subdomains of Shk1, suggesting that the non-SH3 C-terminal domain of Scd2 may be involved in defining specificity in SH3 binding domain recognition. Overexpression of Scd2 stimulated the autophosphorylation activity of wild-type Shk1 in fission yeast but, consistent with results of genetic analyses, did not stimulate the activity of a Shk1 protein lacking the R1 subdomain. Results of additional two-hybrid experiments suggest that Scd2 may stimulate Shk1 catalytic function, at least in part, by positively modulating protein-protein interaction between Cdc42 and Shk1. We propose that Scd2 functions as an organizing center, or scaffold, for the Cdc42 complex in fission yeast and that it acts in concert with Cdc42 to positively regulate Shk1 function.  相似文献   

The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R) and brain spectrin, a protein that links membrane proteins to the actin cytoskeleton, are major components of post-synaptic densities (PSDs). Since the activity of the NMDA-R channel is dependent on the integrity of actin and leads to calpain-mediated spectrin breakdown, we have investigated whether the actin-binding spectrin may interact directly with NMDA-Rs. Spectrin is reported here to interact selectively in vitro with the C-terminal cytoplasmic domains of the NR1a, NR2A and NR2B subunits of the NMDA-R but not with that of the AMPA receptor GluR1. Spectrin binds at NR2B sites distinct from those of alpha-actinin-2 and members of the PSD95/SAP90 family. The spectrin-NR2B interactions are antagonized by Ca2+ and fyn-mediated NR2B phosphorylation, but not by Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM) or by Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II-mediated NR2B phosphorylation. The spectrin-NR1 interactions are unaffected by Ca2+ but inhibited by CaM and by protein kinase A- and C-mediated phosphorylations of NR1. Finally, in rat synaptosomes, both spectrin and NR2B are loosened from membranes upon addition of physiological concentrations of calcium ions. The highly regulated linkage of the NMDA-R to spectrin may underlie the morphological changes that occur in neuronal dendrites concurrently with synaptic activity and plasticity.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein complex-1 (AP-1) sorts and packages membrane proteins into clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) at the TGN and endosomes. Here we show that this process is highly regulated by phosphorylation of AP-1 subunits. Cell fractionation studies revealed that membrane-associated AP-1 differs from cytosolic AP-1 in the phosphorylation status of its beta1 and mu1 subunits. AP-1 recruitment onto the membrane is associated with protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)-mediated dephosphorylation of its beta1 subunit, which enables clathrin assembly. This Golgi-associated isoform of PP2A exhibits specificity for phosphorylated beta1 compared with phosphorylated mu1. Once on the membrane, the mu1 subunit undergoes phosphorylation, which results in a conformation change, as revealed by increased sensitivity to trypsin. This conformational change is associated with increased binding to sorting signals on the cytoplasmic tails of cargo molecules. Dephosphorylation of mu1 (and mu2) by another PP2A-like phosphatase reversed the effect and resulted in adaptor release from CCVs. Immunodepletion and okadaic acid inhibition studies demonstrate that PP2A is the cytosolic cofactor for Hsc-70-mediated adaptor uncoating. A model is proposed where cyclical phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the subunits of AP-1 regulate its function from membrane recruitment until its release into cytosol.  相似文献   

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