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The sensory transduction pathways between the transducing proteins and the switch on the flagellar motors have been investigated in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. ATP, not GTP, is required for normal chemotaxis. A site of ATP action appears to be the conversion of an inactive form of the CheY protein to an active form, designated CheY*, that binds to the motor switch and initiates clockwise rotation. The methylation-dependent and methylation-independent pathways for chemotaxis have a common requirement for the CheA, CheW, and CheY proteins in addition to the switch and flagellar motor. It is concluded that the receptor/transducing proteins and the adaptation mechanism differ in the two types of pathway, but that other components of the transduction pathway are common to the methylation-dependent and methylation-independent pathways.  相似文献   

Role of Methionine in Bacterial Chemotaxis   总被引:23,自引:10,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of methionine starvation on the motility and behavior of normal and nonchemotactic mutants of Salmonella typhimurium was investigated. Methionine starvation eliminates tumbling in the wild type, but fails to do so in an uncoordinated (frequent tumbling) mutant. In the mutant, methionine starvation significantly extends the period of smooth motility that follows a sharp temporal increase of attractant. These results suggest that methionine metabolism is not tightly coupled to the generation of tumbles, but rather is necessary for the return of some tumble-regulating parameter to a steady-state level.  相似文献   

The bacterial strategy of chemotaxis relies on temporal comparisons of chemical concentrations, where the probability of maintaining the current direction of swimming is modulated by changes in stimulation experienced during the recent past. A short-term memory required for such comparisons is provided by the adaptation system, which operates through the activity-dependent methylation of chemotaxis receptors. Previous theoretical studies have suggested that efficient navigation in gradients requires a well-defined adaptation rate, because the memory time scale needs to match the duration of straight runs made by bacteria. Here we demonstrate that the chemotaxis pathway of Escherichia coli does indeed exhibit a universal relation between the response magnitude and adaptation time which does not depend on the type of chemical ligand. Our results suggest that this alignment of adaptation rates for different ligands is achieved through cooperative interactions among chemoreceptors rather than through fine-tuning of methylation rates for individual receptors. This observation illustrates a yet-unrecognized function of receptor clustering in bacterial chemotaxis.  相似文献   

In bacterial chemotaxis, transmembrane chemoreceptors, the CheA histidine kinase, and the CheW coupling protein assemble into signaling complexes that allow bacteria to modulate their swimming behavior in response to environmental stimuli. Among the protein-protein interactions in the ternary complex, CheA-CheW and CheW-receptor interactions were studied previously, whereas CheA-receptor interaction has been less investigated. Here, we characterize the CheA-receptor interaction in Thermotoga maritima by NMR spectroscopy and validate the identified receptor binding site of CheA in Escherichia coli chemotaxis. We find that CheA interacts with a chemoreceptor in a manner similar to that of CheW, and the receptor binding site of CheA's regulatory domain is homologous to that of CheW. Collectively, the receptor binding sites in the CheA-CheW complex suggest that conformational changes in CheA are required for assembly of the CheA-CheW-receptor ternary complex and CheA activation.  相似文献   

Chamber for Bacterial Chemotaxis Experiments   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
A design for a chemotaxis chamber and its use in bacterial chemotaxis experiments are described. Some of the advantages of the new design are discussed.  相似文献   

Quantitative Analysis of Bacterial Migration in Chemotaxis   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
THERE are a number of parallels between the chemotactic response of bacteria and the process of chemoreception in higher organisms1, 2. Because of this analogy, the chemotactic response presents an unusual opportunity in a simple system for delineating some of the features of a receptor system. Adler and co-workers3–5, for example, have made particularly important advances in studies on Escherichia coli which indicate that (a) the galactose binding protein6, 7 is the receptor which triggers the chemotactic response5 and (b) the response occurs with non-metabolizableanalogues of galactose3.  相似文献   

Inputs to signaling pathways can have complex statistics that depend on the environment and on the behavioral response to previous stimuli. Such behavioral feedback is particularly important in navigation. Successful navigation relies on proper coupling between sensors, which gather information during motion, and actuators, which control behavior. Because reorientation conditions future inputs, behavioral feedback can place sensors and actuators in an operational regime different from the resting state. How then can organisms maintain proper information transfer through the pathway while navigating diverse environments? In bacterial chemotaxis, robust performance is often attributed to the zero integral feedback control of the sensor, which guarantees that activity returns to resting state when the input remains constant. While this property provides sensitivity over a wide range of signal intensities, it remains unclear how other parameters such as adaptation rate and adapted activity affect chemotactic performance, especially when considering that the swimming behavior of the cell determines the input signal. We examine this issue using analytical models and simulations that incorporate recent experimental evidences about behavioral feedback and flagellar motor adaptation. By focusing on how sensory information carried by the response regulator is best utilized by the motor, we identify an operational regime that maximizes drift velocity along chemical concentration gradients for a wide range of environments and sensor adaptation rates. This optimal regime is outside the dynamic range of the motor response, but maximizes the contrast between run duration up and down gradients. In steep gradients, the feedback from chemotactic drift can push the system through a bifurcation. This creates a non-chemotactic state that traps cells unless the motor is allowed to adapt. Although motor adaptation helps, we find that as the strength of the feedback increases individual phenotypes cannot maintain the optimal operational regime in all environments, suggesting that diversity could be beneficial.  相似文献   

A Mathematical Model for Bacterial Chemotaxis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A differential equation describing the chemotactic migration of a bacterial population in a fixed exponential gradient of attractant has been integrated using the appropriate boundary conditions. The solution predicts an initial bacterial accumulation at the concentration “knee” with the final distribution of bacteria approaching a time-independent state. Specific additional experiments to obtain further data for a rigorous test of the theory are suggested.  相似文献   

An in vitro approach to study bacterial motility and chemotaxis is described. The approach is based on a preparation of flagellated cell envelopes. The envelopes are prepared from bacteria by a penicillin treatment and subsequent osmotic lysis. When the envelopes are energized, their flagella rotate. The direction of rotation in wild type envelopes is counterclockwise. Inclusion of the CheY protein within the envelopes may restore clockwise rotation. The advantages and disadvantages of this approach are pointed out.  相似文献   

Zaval'skii  L. Yu.  Marchenko  A. I.  Borovik  R. V. 《Microbiology》2003,72(3):363-368
The chemotaxis of two pseudomonads,Pseudomonas putida AZ (Naph+) and P. putida AZ (Naph), differing in their ability to metabolize naphthalene was studied by the known capillary method of Adler and the densitometric method devised in our laboratory. The migration of P. putida AZ (Naph+) cells toward increasing levels of naphthalene was accompanied by the formation of a migrating front of converted naphthalene. P. putida AZ (Naph) cells also exhibited positive chemotaxis to naphthalene, but they did not form the front of converted naphthalene. The analysis of experimental data in terms of a kinetic model of bacterial chemotaxis showed that the densitometric method is a potential tool for studying bacterial chemotaxis to hydrophobic organic substances.  相似文献   

A new in vitro method of measuring the chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear leucocytes from peripheral blood has been used to calculate a chemotactic index. The mean chemotactic index in 15 patients with bacterial infection (434) was significantly less (P <0·0005) than in 15 normal controls (553) matched for age and sex. The reduction in chemotaxis could be correlated with the duration of the infection, with the greatest impairment being found in those patients with the shortest duration of infection. In five patients studied before and after appropriate therapy the chemotactic index returned to normal values with clearing of the infection. It is suggested that the impairment in chemotaxis may be due to prior phagocytosis of antibody-antigen complexes by the polymorphonuclear leucocytes.  相似文献   

Summary: Intuitively, it may seem that from the perspective of an individual bacterium the ocean is a vast, dilute, and largely homogeneous environment. Microbial oceanographers have typically considered the ocean from this point of view. In reality, marine bacteria inhabit a chemical seascape that is highly heterogeneous down to the microscale, owing to ubiquitous nutrient patches, plumes, and gradients. Exudation and excretion of dissolved matter by larger organisms, lysis events, particles, animal surfaces, and fluxes from the sediment-water interface all contribute to create strong and pervasive heterogeneity, where chemotaxis may provide a significant fitness advantage to bacteria. The dynamic nature of the ocean imposes strong selective pressures on bacterial foraging strategies, and many marine bacteria indeed display adaptations that characterize their chemotactic motility as “high performance” compared to that of enteric model organisms. Fast swimming speeds, strongly directional responses, and effective turning and steering strategies ensure that marine bacteria can successfully use chemotaxis to very rapidly respond to chemical gradients in the ocean. These fast responses are advantageous in a broad range of ecological processes, including attaching to particles, exploiting particle plumes, retaining position close to phytoplankton cells, colonizing host animals, and hovering at a preferred height above the sediment-water interface. At larger scales, these responses can impact ocean biogeochemistry by increasing the rates of chemical transformation, influencing the flux of sinking material, and potentially altering the balance of biomass incorporation versus respiration. This review highlights the physical and ecological processes underpinning bacterial motility and chemotaxis in the ocean, describes the current state of knowledge of chemotaxis in marine bacteria, and summarizes our understanding of how these microscale dynamics scale up to affect ecosystem-scale processes in the sea.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP utilizes the human-made s-triazine herbicide atrazine as the sole nitrogen source. The results reported here demonstrate that atrazine and the atrazine degradation intermediates N-isopropylammelide and cyanuric acid are chemoattractants for strain ADP. In addition, the nonmetabolized s-triazine ametryn was also an attractant. The chemotactic response to these s-triazines was not specifically induced during growth with atrazine, and atrazine metabolism was not required for the chemotactic response. A cured variant of strain ADP (ADP M13-2) was attracted to s-triazines, indicating that the atrazine catabolic plasmid pADP-1 is not necessary for the chemotactic response and that atrazine degradation and chemotaxis are not genetically linked. These results indicate that atrazine and related s-triazines are detected by one or more chromosomally encoded chemoreceptors in Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP. We demonstrated that Escherichia coli is attracted to the s-triazine compounds N-isopropylammelide and cyanuric acid, and an E. coli mutant lacking Tap (the pyrimidine chemoreceptor) was unable to respond to s-triazines. These data indicate that pyrimidines and triazines are detected by the same chemoreceptor (Tap) in E. coli. We showed that Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP is attracted to pyrimidines, which are the naturally occurring structures closest to triazines, and propose that chemotaxis toward s-triazines may be due to fortuitous recognition by a pyrimidine chemoreceptor in Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP. In competition assays, the presence of atrazine inhibited chemotaxis of Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP to cytosine, and cytosine inhibited chemotaxis to atrazine, suggesting that pyrimidines and s-triazines are detected by the same chemoreceptor.Atrazine [2-chloro-4-(N-ethylamino)-6-(N-isopropylamino)-1,3,5-s-triazine] is a human-made herbicide that is used worldwide to control broadleaf and grassy weeds. As one of the most heavily used herbicides in the United States, atrazine can be present in parts per million in agricultural runoffs (3), which exceeds the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency''s maximum allowable contaminant level of 3 ppb in ground and surface waters (13). Atrazine is persistent in soil (34) and was once considered nontoxic to animals. However, recent studies have shown that atrazine causes sexual abnormalities in frogs (21, 22, 50), reduced testosterone production in rats (53), and elevated levels of prostate cancer in workers at an atrazine-manufacturing factory (45). These studies suggest that there is cause for concern about atrazine residues in soil, groundwater, and surface waters.Several bacterial strains capable of mineralizing atrazine have been isolated (4, 27, 41, 49, 51, 52, 58). The best-studied atrazine-degrading strain, Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP (atrazine degrading pseudomonad), was isolated from an atrazine spill site in Minnesota (27). Strain ADP utilizes atrazine as a sole nitrogen source and mineralizes it in the process (27). The pathway of atrazine degradation in strain ADP has been characterized in detail (Fig. (Fig.1),1), and the genes encoding the six enzymes required for atrazine degradation have been cloned and sequenced (5, 7, 9, 10, 29, 42). The six genes are located in four distant locations on the atrazine catabolic plasmid (pADP-1) present in strain ADP (10, 29). atzA, atzB, and atzC, which encode the first three enzymes of the pathway, are constitutively expressed and highly conserved in atrazine-degrading bacteria isolated from geographically distinct locations (8, 11). Products of the atzDEF gene cluster catalyze the last three steps of atrazine degradation. This operon is divergently transcribed from atzR, the product of which has high homology to LysR-type regulatory proteins (29). AtzR and the inducer cyanuric acid are required for the expression of the atzDEF operon (14), and the operon is also subject to nitrogen control (15).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Pathway of atrazine degradation in Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP (reviewed in reference 55).In a study investigating the bioavailability of atrazine, Park et al. provided evidence that two atrazine-degrading strains, Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP and Agrobacterium radiobacter J14a, were chemotactically attracted to atrazine (38). Chemotaxis, the ability of motile bacteria to detect and respond to specific chemicals, can help bacteria find an optimal niche for their survival and growth and may play a role in the efficient degradation of pollutants in the environment (33, 37). Chemotaxis has been shown to enhance naphthalene biodegradation in both a heterogeneous aqueous system (30) and a non-aqueous-phase liquid system (24). In addition, a chemotactic naphthalene-degrading strain caused a higher rate of naphthalene desorption than was observed with nonchemotactic and nonmotile strains (24). Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP and recombinant strains expressing atz genes have been used to remove atrazine from soil in laboratory and field scale experiments (32, 48). If chemotaxis can enhance bioavailability in environments where the chemicals are sorbed to particles, the use of a motile chemotactic strain for bioremediation would be advantageous. Aside from the practical implications of atrazine chemotaxis, we are interested in understanding the evolution of a chemotactic response to a human-made chemical that was initially synthesized just 50 years ago (23). The results reported here indicate that Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP is chemotactically attracted to atrazine, atrazine metabolites, and the nonmetabolizable structural analog ametryn. The chemotactic response is not induced during growth with atrazine in strain ADP and does not require atrazine metabolism. We demonstrated that a single chemoreceptor (Tap) mediates chemotaxis to s-triazines and structurally similar pyrimidines in Escherichia coli. Additionally, we found that Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP is attracted to pyrimidines. In competition assays, cytosine inhibited atrazine chemotaxis, and vice versa. We therefore concluded that pyrimidines and s-triazines are detected by a single chemoreceptor in Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP.  相似文献   

Bacterial chemotaxis may have a significant impact on the structure and function of bacterial communities. Quantification of chemotactic motion is necessary to identify chemoeffectors and to determine the bacterial transport parameters used in predictive models of chemotaxis. When the chemotactic bacteria consume the chemoeffector, the chemoeffector gradient to which the bacteria respond may be significantly perturbed by the consumption. Therefore, consumption of the chemoeffector can confound chemotaxis measurements if it is not accounted for. Current methods of quantifying chemotaxis use bacterial concentrations that are too high to preclude chemoeffector consumption or involve ill-defined conditions that make quantifying chemotaxis difficult. We developed a method of quantifying bacterial chemotaxis at low cell concentrations (~105 CFU/ml), so metabolism of the chemoeffector is minimized. The method facilitates quantification of bacterial-transport parameters by providing well-defined boundary conditions and can be used with volatile and semivolatile chemoeffectors.  相似文献   

We studied the response of swimming Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria in a comprehensive set of well-controlled chemical concentration gradients using a newly developed microfluidic device and cell tracking imaging technique. In parallel, we carried out a multi-scale theoretical modeling of bacterial chemotaxis taking into account the relevant internal signaling pathway dynamics, and predicted bacterial chemotactic responses at the cellular level. By measuring the E. coli cell density profiles across the microfluidic channel at various spatial gradients of ligand concentration grad[L] and the average ligand concentration near the peak chemotactic response region, we demonstrated unambiguously in both experiments and model simulation that the mean chemotactic drift velocity of E. coli cells increased monotonically with grad [L]/ or ∼grad(log[L])—that is E. coli cells sense the spatial gradient of the logarithmic ligand concentration. The exact range of the log-sensing regime was determined. The agreements between the experiments and the multi-scale model simulation verify the validity of the theoretical model, and revealed that the key microscopic mechanism for logarithmic sensing in bacterial chemotaxis is the adaptation kinetics, in contrast to explanations based directly on ligand occupancy.  相似文献   

Microrobots is playing more and more important roles for medical applications,such as targeting tumoral lesions for therapeutic purposes,Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) and highly localized drug delivery.However,energy efficient propulsion system poses significant challenges for the implementation of such mobile robots.Flagellated chemotactic bacteria can be used as an effective integrated propulsion system for microrobots.In this paper,we proposed a new type of propulsion method that is inspired by the motility mechanism of flagellated chemotactic bacteria in different pH gradients.The pH gradient field was established in solution through electrolysis method.The distribution of the pH values in solution was measured with pH indicator and analyzed with image processing technology,and the mechanism by which the pH values changed was also discussed.The swimming speed and direction of the bacteria were studied experimentally.Through analyzing the key parameters,such as stabilization time and electrode voltage,the optimal design of propulsion mechanism based on bacteria motion in the pH gradient field was proven.  相似文献   

This research investigates the effect of bacterial chemotaxis on biodegradation rate in an experimental model for in situ bioremediation. The novel experimental methodology of this work has provided for the systematic evaluation of the effect of the chemotaxis phenomenon in a saturated porous medium. The methodology has been developed to measure enhancement of degradation rate of serine, a simulated contaminant and chemoattractant. Escherichia coli RP437 was used as a representative, chemotactic, in situ bacterium, whereas E. coli RP5700, a tsr? mutant strain of RP437 that lacks the serine chemoreceptor, was used as the specifically nonchemotactic control strain. These two strains were highly characterized for this work. Swimming speeds, run lengths, and turn angles were compared using a tracking microscope and were statistically similar, as were serine uptake rates, making this pair of strains an excellent choice for chemotaxis studies. For these experiments, a model aquifer introduces bacteria to serine in saturated sand via a sharp gradient. The aquifer successfully achieved biodegradation at an 18% level; however, the degradation rate of serine was similar for both strains over 21 h, indicating that chemotaxis enhancement did not occur. This result is in agreement with certain prior works which did not detect enhanced chemotactic migration.  相似文献   

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