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Most mitochondrial proteins have to be imported from the cytosol through both mitochondrial membranes to their final localization. A dedicated translocation machinery is responsible for the specific recognition and the membrane transport of mitochondrial precursor proteins. Protein translocase complexes integrated into both mitochondrial membranes cooperate closely with receptor proteins at the surface and provide aqueous transport channels through the membranes. Energy for the membrane insertion is provided by the electric potential across the mitochondrial inner membrane. However, full translocation of the polypeptide chain requires ATP hydrolysis in the matrix. The responsible ATPase enzyme is a member of an ubiquitous family of molecular chaperones, the mitochondrial heat shock protein of 70 kDa (mtHsp70). A physical and functional interaction with a set of cofactors is indispensable for the translocation function of mtHsp70. By a specific and nucleotide-dependent binding to the inner membrane translocase component Tim44, the soluble chaperone mtHsp70 is anchored directly at the site of preprotein membrane insertion. The nucleotide exchange factor Mge1 enhances the ATPase activity of mtHsp70 and is required for the preprotein import reaction. Two novel proteins, Pam18 and Pam16, members of the inner membrane translocation channel, are required to couple the ATPase activity of mtHsp70 to the preprotein import reaction. We have collected experimental evidence indicating that mtHsp70 generates an inward directed translocation force on the polypeptide chain in transit by an ATP-regulated direct interaction with the precursor protein. The force generation results in the movement and active unfolding of the preprotein domains during the translocation process. Taken together, the chaperone mtHsp70 with its accessory proteine forms an import motor complex for mitochondrial preproteins that is driven by the hydrolysis of ATP.  相似文献   

Recent insight into the biochemical mechanism of protein translocation in Escherichia coli indicates that SecA ATPase is required both for the initial binding of preproteins to the inner membrane as well as subsequent translocation across this structure. SecA appears to promote these events by direct recognition of the preprotein or preprotein-SecB complex, binding to inner-membrane anionic phospholipids, insertion into the membrane biiayer and association with the preprotein translocator, SecY/SecE. ATP binding appears to control the affinity of SecA for the various components of the system and ATP hydrolysis promotes cycling between its different biochemical states. As a component likely to catalyse a rate-determining step in protein secretion, SecA synthesis is co-ordinated with the activity of the protein export pathway. This form of negative reguiation appears to rely on SecA protein binding to its mRNA and repressing translation if conditions of rapid protein secretion prevail within the cell. A precise biochemical scheme for SecA-dependent catalysis of protein export and the details of secA regulation appear to be close at hand. The evolutionary conservation of SecA protein among eubacteria as well as the general requirement for translocation ATPases in other protein secretion systems argues for a mechanistic commonality of all prokaryotic protein export pathways.  相似文献   

The Sec complex forms the core of a conserved machinery transporting proteins across or into membranes. In Escherichia coli SecYEG is active as an oligomer, but the structure predicts that the protein-conducting channel is formed by the monomer. A homology model of the E.coli complex was built using the atomic structure of Methanococcus jannaschii SecYEbeta. Another structure of the membrane-bound dimer was then determined by fitting the homology model to an 8A map of SecYEG determined by electron microscopy. We found that the substrate-binding site of the dimer has opened slightly and the plug domain moved toward the outside. This new position retains the channel in a closed state. These differences partially reflect the movements that have been proposed to occur during channel gating. Further opening of the substrate-binding pocket to bind and release bound substrate and displacement of the plug during secretion, presumably rely on the action of the partner proteins. The contacts arising at the dimer interface in the environment of the lipid bilayer may have activated the assembly.  相似文献   

The protein transport machinery of the inner mitochondrial membrane contains three essential Tim proteins. Tim17 and Tim23 are thought to build a preprotein translocation channel, while Tim44 transiently interacts with the matrix heat shock protein Hsp70 to form an ATP-driven import motor. For this report we characterized the biogenesis and interactions of Tim proteins. (i) Import of the precursor of Tim44 into the inner membrane requires mtHsp70, whereas import and inner membrane integration of the precursors of Tim17 and Tim23 are independent of functional mtHsp70. (ii) Tim17 efficiently associates with Tim23 and mtHsp70, but only weakly with Tim44. (iii) Depletion of Tim44 does not affect the co-precipitation of Tim17 with antibodies directed against mtHsp70. (iv) Tim23 associates with both Tim44 and Tim17, suggesting the presence of two Tim23 pools in the inner membrane, a Tim44-Tim23-containing sub-complex and a Tim23-Tim17-containing sub-complex. (v) The association of mtHsp70 with the Tim23-Tim17 sub-complex is ATP sensitive and can be distinguished from the mtHsp70-Tim44 interaction by the differential influence of an amino acid substitution in mtHsp70. (vi) Genetic evidence, suppression of the protein import defect of a tim17 yeast mutant by overexpression of mtHsp70 and synthetic lethality of conditional mutants in the genes of Tim17 and mtHsp70, supports a functional interaction of mtHsp70 with Tim17. We conclude that the protein transport machinery of the mitochondrial inner membrane consists of dynamically interacting sub-complexes, each of which transiently binds mtHsp70.  相似文献   

Leader peptidase of Escherichia coli spans the plasma membrane twice with its amino terminus on the periplasmic surface of the membrane and its large carboxyl-terminal domain protruding into the periplasm. To monitor the transfer of the amino terminus of leader peptidase to the periplasm, we have constructed a fusion protein between the 18-residue amino-terminal periplasmic domain of Pf3 bacteriophage coat protein and the beginning of leader peptidase. We find that neither the SecA or SecY proteins nor a transmembrane electrochemical potential is required for insertion of the amino terminus, while the transfer of the carboxyl-terminal domain of leader peptidase has these requirements. The first 35 residues of leader peptidase, which include the first hydrophobic domain and the carboxyl-terminal positively charged cluster, are sufficient to insert the amino terminus. When positively charged residues are introduced before the first transmembrane segment, translocation of the amino terminus is abolished. These studies in protein membrane topogenesis, showing that there are different requirements for amino and carboxyl termini insertion, indicate that multiple mechanisms exist even within the same protein.  相似文献   

TheE. coli secY (prlA) gene, located in the operator-distal part of thespec ribosomal protein operon, codes for an integral membrane protein, SecY. The phenotypes of temperature-sensitive and cold-sensitive mutations insecY suggest that the SecY protein plays an essential rolein vivo to facilitate protein translocation, whereas theprlA mutations in this gene suggest that SecY may interact with the signal sequence of translocating polypeptides. SecY contains most probably six cytoplasmic and five periplasmic domains, as well as 10 transmembrane segments. Such membrane-embedded structure may confer the SecY protein a translocator function, in which it provides a proteinaceous pathway for passage of secreted as well as membrane proteins. Results obtained byin vitro analyses of the translocation reactions, as well as some new phenotypes of thesecY mutants, are consistent with this notion. Possible interaction of SecY with other secretion and chaperone-like factors is also discussed.  相似文献   

Translocase mediates preprotein translocation across the Escherichia coli inner membrane. It consists of the SecYEG integral membrane protein complex and the peripheral ATPase SecA. Here we show by functional assays, negative-stain electron microscopy and mass measurements with the scanning transmission microscope that SecA recruits SecYEG complexes to form the active translocation channel. The active assembly of SecYEG has a side length of 10.5 nm and exhibits an approximately 5 nm central cavity. The mass and structure of this SecYEG as well as the subunit stoichiometry of SecA and SecY in a soluble translocase-precursor complex reveal that translocase consists of the SecA homodimer and four SecYEG complexes.  相似文献   

Recent studies identified YidC as a novel membrane factor that may play a key role in membrane insertion of inner membrane proteins (IMPs), both in conjunction with the Sec-translocase and as a separate entity. Here, we show that the type II IMP FtsQ requires both the translocase and, to a lesser extent, YidC in vivo. Using photo-crosslinking we demonstrate that the transmembrane (TM) domain of the nascent IMP FtsQ inserts into the membrane close to SecY and lipids, and moves to a combined YidC/lipid environment upon elongation. These data are consistent with a crucial role for YidC in the lateral transfer of TM domains from the Sec translocase into the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are dynamic organelles whose functional integrity requires a coordinated supply of proteins and phospholipids. Defined functions of specific phospholipids, like the mitochondrial signature lipid cardiolipin, are emerging in diverse processes, ranging from protein biogenesis and energy production to membrane fusion and apoptosis. The accumulation of phospholipids within mitochondria depends on interorganellar lipid transport between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria as well as intramitochondrial lipid trafficking. The discovery of proteins that regulate mitochondrial membrane lipid composition and of a multiprotein complex tethering ER to mitochondrial membranes has unveiled novel mechanisms of mitochondrial membrane biogenesis.  相似文献   

C de Vitry  O Vallon 《Biochimie》1999,81(6):631-643
The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a model system for the study of photosynthesis and chloroplast biogenesis. C. reinhardtii has a photosynthesis apparatus similar to that of higher plants and it grows at rapid rate (generation time about 8 h). It is a facultative phototroph, which allows the isolation of mutants unable to perform photosynthesis and its sexual cycle allows a variety of genetic studies. Transformation of the nucleus and chloroplast genomes is easily performed. Gene transformation occurs mainly by homologous recombination in the chloroplast and heterologous recombination in the nucleus. Mutants are precious tools for studies of thylakoid membrane structure, photosynthetic function and assembly. Photosynthesis mutants affected in the biogenesis of a subunit of a protein complex usually lack the entire complex; this pleiotropic effect has been used in the identification of the other subunits, in the attribution of spectroscopic signals and also as a 'genetic cleaning' process which facilitates both protein complex purification, absorption spectroscopy studies or freeze-fracture analysis. The cytochrome b6f complex is not required for the growth of C. reinhardtii, unlike the case of photosynthetic prokaryotes in which the cytochrome complex is also part of the respiratory chain, and can be uniquely studied in Chlamydomonas by genetic approaches. We describe in greater detail the use of Chlamydomonas mutants in the study of this complex.  相似文献   

All living organisms, no matter how simple or complex, possess the ability to translocate proteins across biological membranes and into different cellular compartments. Although a range of membrane transport processes exist, the major pathway used to translocate proteins across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane or the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum membrane is conserved and is known as the Sec or Sec61 pathway, respectively. Over the past two decades the Sec and Sec61 pathways have been studied extensively and are well characterised at the genetic and biochemical levels. However, it is only now with the recent structural determination of a number of the key elements of the pathways that the translocation complex is beginning to give up its secrets in exquisite molecular detail. This article will focus on the routes of Sec- and Sec61-dependent membrane targeting and the nature of the translocation channel in bacteria and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Thylakoidal proteins of plant chloroplasts are transported to thylakoids via several different pathways, including the DeltapH-dependent and the Sec-dependent pathways. In this study, we asked if these two pathways utilize a common translocation pore. A fusion protein consisting of a 23-kDa subunit of the oxygen evolving complex and Escherichia coli biotin carboxyl carrier protein was biotinylated in E. coli cells and purified. When incubated with isolated pea thylakoids in the absence of avidin, the purified fusion protein was imported into the thylakoids via the DeltapH-dependent pathway. However in the presence of avidin, the fusion protein became lodged in the thylakoid membranes, with its N terminus reaching the thylakoidal lumen, while its C-terminal segment complexed with avidin exposed on the thylakoidal surface. The translocation intermediate of the fusion protein inhibited the import of authentic 23-kDa subunit, suggesting that it occupies a putative translocation pore for the DeltapH-dependent pathway. However the intermediate did not block import of the 33-kDa subunit of the oxygen evolving complex, which is a substrate for the Sec-dependent pathway. These results provide evidence against the possibility of a common translocation pore shared by the Sec-dependent pathway and the DeltapH-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Alice Robson 《FEBS letters》2009,583(1):207-212
A short helix in the centre of the SecY subunit serves as a ‘plug’ blocking the protein channel. This site must be vacated if the channel is to open and accommodate translocating protein. We have synthesised a peptide mimic of this plug, and show that it binds to E. coli SecYEG, identifying a distinct and peripheral binding site. We propose that during active translocation the plug moves to this second discrete site and chart its position. Deletion of the plug in SecY increases the stoichiometry of the peptide-SecYEG interaction by also exposing the location it occupies in the channel. Binding of the plug peptide to the channel is unaffected by SecA.  相似文献   

Although the transport of model proteins across the mammalian ER can be reconstituted with purified Sec61p complex, TRAM, and signal recognition particle receptor, some substrates, such as the prion protein (PrP), are inefficiently or improperly translocated using only these components. Here, we purify a factor needed for proper translocation of PrP and identify it as the translocon-associated protein (TRAP) complex. Surprisingly, TRAP also stimulates vectorial transport of many, but not all, other substrates in a manner influenced by their signal sequences. Comparative analyses of several natural signal sequences suggest that a dependence on TRAP for translocation is not due to any single physical parameter, such as hydrophobicity of the signal sequence. Instead, a functional property of the signal, efficiency of its post-targeting role in initiating substrate translocation, correlates inversely with TRAP dependence. Thus, maximal translocation independent of TRAP can only be achieved with a signal sequence, such as the one from prolactin, whose strong interaction with the translocon mediates translocon gating shortly after targeting. These results identify the TRAP complex as a functional component of the translocon and demonstrate that it acts in a substrate-specific manner to facilitate the initiation of protein translocation.  相似文献   

SecA is an essential component of the Sec-dependent protein translocation pathway across cytoplasmic membranes in bacteria. Escherichia coli SecA binds to cytoplasmic membranes at SecYEG high affinity sites and at phospholipid low affinity sites. It has been widely viewed that SecYEG functions as the essential protein-conducting channel through which precursors cross the membranes in bacterial Sec-dependent pathways, and that SecA functions as a motor to hydrolyze ATP in translocating precursors through SecYEG channels. We have now found that SecA alone can promote precursor translocation into phospholiposomes. Moreover, SecA-liposomes elicit ionic currents in Xenopus oocytes. Patch-clamp recordings further show that SecA alone promotes signal peptide- or precursor-dependent single channel activity. These activities were observed with the functional SecA at about 1-2 μM. The results show that SecA alone is sufficient to promote protein translocation into liposomes and to elicit ionic channel activity at the phospholipids low affinity binding sites, thus indicating that SecA is able to form the protein-conducting channels. Even so, such SecA-liposomes are less efficient than those with a full complement of Sec proteins, and lose the signal-peptide proofreading function, resembling the effects of PrlA mutations. Addition of purified SecYEG restores the signal peptide specificity and increases protein translocation and ion channel activities. These data show that SecA can promote protein translocation and ion channel activities both when it is bound to lipids at low affinity sites and when it is bound to SecYEG with high affinity. The latter of the two interactions confers high efficiency and specificity.  相似文献   

The role of nucleotides in providing energy for polypeptide transfer across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane is still unknown. To address this question, we treated ER-derived mammalian microsomal vesicles with a photoactivatable analogue of ATP, 8-N3ATP. This treatment resulted in a progressive inhibition of translocation activity. Approximately 20 microsomal membrane proteins were labeled by [alpha 32P]8-N3ATP. Two of these were identified as proteins with putative roles in translocation, alpha signal sequence receptor (SSR), the 35-kDa subunit of the signal sequence receptor complex, and ER-p180, a putative ribosome receptor. We found that there was a positive correlation between inactivation of translocation activity and photolabeling of alpha SSR. In contrast, our data demonstrate that the ATP-binding domain of ER-p180 is dispensable for translocation activity and does not contribute to the observed 8-N3ATP sensitivity of the microsomal vesicles.  相似文献   

We have analysed the structural organization of the TIM17.23 complex, the preprotein translocase of the mitochondrial inner membrane specific for protein targeting to the matrix. The components Tim17, Tim23 and Tim44 are present in this complex in equimolar amounts. A sub-complex containing Tim23 and Tim44 but no Tim17, or a sub-complex containing Tim23 and Tim17 but no Tim44 was not detected. Tim44 is peripherally associated at the matrix side. Tim44 forms dimers which recruit two molecules of mt-Hsp70 to the sites of protein import. A sequential, hand-over-hand mode of interaction of these two mt-Hsp70.Tim44 complexes with a translocating polypeptide chain is proposed.  相似文献   

The fungal vacuole: composition, function, and biogenesis.   总被引:86,自引:4,他引:82  
The fungal vacuole is an extremely complex organelle that is involved in a wide variety of functions. The vacuole not only carries out degradative processes, the role most often ascribed to it, but also is the primary storage site for certain small molecules and biosynthetic precursors such as basic amino acids and polyphosphate, plays a role in osmoregulation, and is involved in the precise homeostatic regulation of cytosolic ion and basic amino acid concentration and intracellular pH. These many functions necessitate an intricate interaction between the vacuole and the rest of the cell; the vacuole is part of both the secretory and endocytic pathways and is also directly accessible from the cytosol. Because of the various roles and properties of the vacuole, it has been possible to isolate mutants which are defective in various vacuolar functions including the storage and uptake of metabolites, regulation of pH, sorting and processing of vacuolar proteins, and vacuole biogenesis. These mutants show a remarkable degree of genetic overlap, suggesting that these functions are not individual, discrete properties of the vacuole but, rather, are closely interrelated.  相似文献   

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