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Abstract— Myelin was isolated from the brains of mice at various ages by a procedure involving a final purification on a continuous CsCl gradient. Myelin protein accumulated throughout development, increasing from 0.25 mg of protein/brain at 8 days of postnatal age to 3.5 mg of protein/brain at 300 days, although the rate of accumulation was greatest at about 21 days of age. Quantitative studies of the protein composition of these samples were carried out, utilizing discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in buffers containing sodium lauryl sulphate. Mouse brain myelin, contained (in order of increasing molecular weight) two basic proteins, an uncharacterized doublet, proteolipid protein, and a group of high molecular weight proteins. There were marked changes in the quantitative distribution of these proteins with increasing postnatal age. The basic protein fraction of total myelin protein increased from about 18 per cent at 8 days to 30 per cent at 300 days of age. Proteolipid protein increased even more dramatically, from 7 to 27 per cent in the same time interval. These chemical studies were correlated with ultrastructural investigations, both of the developing myelin sheath in situ and the isolated myelin obtained from mice of various ages. A hypothesis, relating the observed changes in protein composition of myelin during development to its mode of formation, is developed. Another subcellular fraction, separated from myelin, by virtue of its greater density in a CsCl gradient, was also studied. It was a vesicular, membranous fraction present at a level of 0.35 mg of protein/brain at all ages and was related to myelin in terms of protein composition.  相似文献   

The differentiating mouse oviduct has been used for the study of centriole morphogenesis because its epithelium is extensively ciliated and centriole formation occurs in a brief period after birth. Proliferative elements, consisting of an extensive fibrillar meshwork encrusted with 75 mµ granules, were encountered at all ages, but were the only centriole precursors present in younger animals (2–3 days). These large aggregates were found either physically associated with a mature centriole or alone, but never associated with procentrioles. It is likely, therefore, that although proliferative elements may be derived from preexisting centrioles, they do not directly produce new centrioles. An intermediate structure, the condensation form, found primarily in older animals (4–6 days), and produced by the packing of the proliferative element material, gives rise to daughter procentrioles. This association of procentriole and condensation form has been called a generative complex. Condensation forms undergo various stages of depletion, producing hollow spheres with thin walls or small osmiophilic aggregates as procentrioles grow in length and assemble their microtubules. From these observations it is concluded that synthesis of microtubular precursor protein is mediated by the mature centriole and that this protein is packaged into many condensation forms in order to allow the rapid assembly of a large number of centrioles in a brief period of time.  相似文献   

肥胖蛋白在小鼠组织的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究应用放射免疫技术定量测定了小鼠脑、脂肪、肝、肌肉组织及血浆肥胖蛋白[OP-(57-92)]的含量。结果显示:小鼠脑组织OP含量最高,为13.14±0.8pg/mg;脂肪组织中OP含量为2.99±0.54pg/mgl肝脏及肌肉组织中则未检测出OP。雌性小鼠脂肪组织中OP含量明显低于雄性(1.97±0.28vs4.02±0.92pg/mg)。小鼠的血浆中OP含量为2257.8±171.9pg/ml。  相似文献   

多细胞生物体发育的实质是基因的选择性表达,表达蛋白的成熟有赖于分子伴侣的协助,但迄今分子伴侣特别是内质网分子伴侣在脑发育过程中的作用尚不清楚。本文应用RT-PCR、蛋白质免疫印迹和免疫组织化学的方法研究了小鼠发育不同阶段的脑组织中GRP78的表达和定位分布随时间变化的情况。结果发现GRP78在小鼠脑发育过程中呈时空性表达:胚胎早期表达较高,胚胎发育末期逐渐下降,出生后逐渐升高,至生后一周时达到成年鼠的水平;在胚胎期GRP78蛋白在脑组织的表达呈现从端脑到后脑逐渐降低的趋势。研究结果还表明GRP78蛋白的免疫染色阳性产物在神经细胞中出现的时间早于神经胶质细胞。这些首次观察到的结果提示GRP78与脑的早期发生和形态建成有一定的关系。  相似文献   

The measurement of protein turnover involves the product of the rates of protein synthesis and degradation. It is the dynamic balance between these two components that determines the measured net rate of protein synthesis. The data reported here show that brain cells from newborn animals incorporate arginine-14C into acid-insoluble protein at a rate 10-fold greater than the rate for brain cells obtained from 15-day old animals. This difference in incorporation occurred even though the rate of arginine accumulation and the resulting pool size of radioactive precursor were similar for both ages. The measurement of protein turnover in brain cell suspensions prepared from 1-day old animals was shown to be complex and to exhibit a cyclic phenomenon in regard to arginine-14C incorporation into and release from protein. The variation in half-life calculations (0.5–3.5 hr) due to this cyclic phenomenon is discussed. Although puromycin was added in an attempt to amplify the rate of degradation by preventing the synthesis of new protein, it was found that degradation was inhibited as well, suggesting a relationship between protein synthesis and degradation.  相似文献   

Abstract— By means of crossed Immunoelectrophoresis the concentrations of 7 brain-specific antigens have been investigated during the ontogenic development of normal and Quaking mice. Two proteins, the glial fibrillary acidic protein and the brain-specific membrane protein D5 were found to be strongly increased in mutant brains. The synaptosomal antigen synaptin (Cl), the 14-3-2 protein of neuronal cytoplasm, and the neuronal membrane antigens D1, D2 and D3 were all present at normal levels in mutant brains.  相似文献   

动情周期中大鼠输卵管上皮凝集素受体的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大鼠动情周期包括动情前期(PE)、动情期(E)、动脉后期(ME)和动情间期(DE)。采用生物素标记的5种凝集素(ConA、PNA、RCA、UEA-I以及WGA)对大鼠动情周期中输卵管上皮细胞的凝集素受体进行了研究,发现在大鼠动情周期中输卵管粘膜上皮细胞凝集素受体均有不同程度的变化:其中,ConA的阳性反应以PE组最强,DE组最弱(P<0.01);PNA的阳性反应以E组最强,DE组为阴性;RCA的阳性反应强度以PE和E组最强,DE组最弱(P<0.01);UEA-Ⅰ的阳性反应颗粒可见于动情周期各期,但以PE组为强(P<0.01),其它各期间的反应强度差异无显著性(P>0.05);WGA的阳性反应以DE组最强,与其它各组比较,差异有高度显著性(P<0.01),其它各组之间阳性反应强度差异无显著性(P>0.05)。说明输卵管上皮细胞的糖组分在动情周期中发生了某些变化。推测这些变化有利于输卵管功能活动的进行  相似文献   

—Cell-free homogenates were employed to study the nature of the mechanism that is responsible for the rapid decrement in protein synthesis during early neural development. There was a progressive loss of polypeptide synthesis in post-mitochondrial fractions that were isolated from increasingly older tissue. By the time the animals were approximately 17 days old, the rate of amino acid incorporation had decreased to the rate that was measured in adult brain preparations. This decrement in synthetic activity was similar to that previously measured in developing intact brain cells. The loss in protein synthesis was demonstrated to be independent of cellular membrane permeability and under the influence of intracellular control mechanisms. Although the nature of the control mechanism is still not clear, a lack of template RNA to direct protein synthesis was not the limiting factor in the decreased synthesis of the older brain preparations.  相似文献   

用微管免疫荧光方法观察了黄蝉花生殖细胞在花粉管中进行有丝分裂时的微管动态。微管在不同分裂期的分布情形很不一样。当生殖细胞由花粉进入花粉管后,细胞便立刻开始分裂进入早前期,在这阶段微管以一个紧密微管网笼子形式存在生殖细胞内。之后,细胞进入中前期,在此阶段细胞核扩大,染色体变粗,而存在细胞内的微管网逐渐变为疏松散漫状,跟着细胞进入晚前期,而微管笼子则由网状变为纵向排列状。分裂进入早中期微管变细并呈波浪状,微管由笼子结构过渡到纺锤体结构。进入中期,纺锤体全部形成,在纺锤体内可以清楚地看到两种不同类型的微管束,一种附着在染色体上,而另一种则从一极延伸至另一极。跟着细胞进入早后期,在这一阶段姊妹染色体分开并分别移向两极,在赤道板位置微管明显减少。之后,细胞进入晚后期,姊妹染色体集中在两极,极端有新微管出现。在两个染色体团之间又汇集了许多类似成膜体微管的微管。细胞进入分裂末期,存在赤道板位置的微管又再次减少,而在中央部位则新形成一“成膜体联接区”,把两个新形成的精子连接着。  相似文献   


These experiments examined the effect of a diet limited only in protein (4% by weight) on haemopoietic stem cells in mice. This diet places severe restrictions on growth and cell proliferation and this was reflected in lower numbers of colony forming units (CFUs) and in vitro colony forming cells (CFCs). Differences were apparent in the response of different organs to this stress; for instance, the incidence of spleen CFUs fell sharply from around 40/mg spleen tissue to 1 -4/mg spleen tissue after 3 weeks on a low protein diet. This selective loss did not occur in bone marrow where total CFUs remained proportional to cellular content. Yet a third pattern was shown by thymus CFUs–although the numbers were low these increased from 16/thymus in normal mice to 132/thymus in deprived mice. This was the only organ examined which showed an increase. The effects of a return to a high protein (18 %) diet showed that the spleen was the most responsive organ. By day 5 after the return to 18% protein the spleen contained as many CFUs per million cells as the bone marrow. During this time the content of CFU in the spleen had increased some 50-fold whereas bone marrow CFUs only doubled. The spleen assumes the major reconstitutive role during the refeeding process.  相似文献   

用透射电镜的方法,对朱顶红(Am aryllisvittata Ait.)花粉管中生殖细胞的分裂过程中微管分布和结构形态变化进行了观察,获得如下主要的结果:有丝分裂前期,微管的数量较分裂前减少并变短,靠近细胞核分布。分裂前中期,微管出现于原来的核区并与染色体发生联系,形成着丝点微管。分裂中期,染色体排列于赤道面上形成赤道板,微管构成纺锤体。分裂后期,染色体分成两群,被缩短的着丝点微管拉向两极。在纺锤体两极的微管汇聚。后期的晚期,当极的微管尚未消失时,在赤道区域出现丰富的成膜体微管,在成膜体中央,细胞板前体物聚集。分裂末期,极微管和着丝点微管消失,成膜体微管在新形成的核膜和细胞板间扩展并穿过细胞板  相似文献   

The effect of a single electroconvulsive shock on protein synthesis in mouse brain cortex was studied by observing the incorporation into protein of intraperitoneally injected [3H]- or [14C]leucine. When the precursor was injected immediately after the electroshock there was a 50 per cent inhibition of the incorporation which was not seen with injections at times later than 10 min. To investigate a possible specificity, the cerebral cortices of experimental and sham control animals which had been injected with different isotopes were homogenized together and fractionated by differential centrifugation. Cell fractions were then separately extracted with phosphate buffer and with Triton X-100. The ratio of 3H to 14C in each fraction was compared with that of the total homogenate to reveal any specific effects due to the electroconvulsive shock. The treatment produced a slight inhibition of the incorporation of the isotope into the heavier particulate fractions (i.e. nuclei, mitochondria, synaptosomes) relative to that in the microsome and cell sap fractions. A possible explanation of these results is given with a discussion of the limitations of the technique.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Mg- and Ca-ATPase activities in a brain tubulin preparation have been measured. The activity of the microtubule protein (MTP) preparation was optimal, 3-4.5 nmol Pi/mg protein/min, at pH 8.0 in the presence of 1-2 m m -Mg2+ or Ca2+, with a half maximal stimulation at about 0.3 m m concentration of either of the divalent ions.
Phosphocellulose (PC) purified tubulin exhibited no or very low activity (0-2 nmol Pi/mg protein/min).
The majority of ATPase activity was found in the microtubule associated proteins (MAP) fraction. It was stimulated by Mg2+ and Ca2+, inhibited by NaF or high ionic strength but unaffected by vanadate at 10−4 m . In decreasing order of effectiveness ATP, GTP, UTP, CTP and ADP were hydrolyzed. p -Npp was a poor substrate. Vmax values for Mg- and Ca-ATPase activities were about 15 and 10 nmol Pi/mg protein/min, respectively with a Km value of about 25 μ m . However, double reciprocal plots disclosed more complicated kinetics, which were not fully resolved.
The activity was largely confined to 30-36S material (i.e.'rings'and 'spirals'). The protein responsible for the ATPase activity is possibly the smaller one of the two (or three) high molecular weight (HMW) proteins of mol wt over 200,000.
There are similarities between this enzyme and both flagellar dynein and myosin. However, the present ATPase differs from myosin in several important aspects (i.e. ionic requirements). Furthermore, no peptides of the myosin type were found upon electrophoretic analysis of the MAP fraction.  相似文献   

北京鸭产卵期输卵管管状腺细胞超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用电子显徽镜对北京鸭输卵管管状腺细胞进行观察。鸭输卵管由五部分组成:漏斗、蛋白分泌部、峡部、壳腺和阴道。蛋白分泌部的管状腺细胞有四种类型。A型细胞有电子密度深色颗粒;B型细胞充满了无定型低电子密度物质;C型细胞具有非常明显的粗面内质网和高尔基复合体;D型细胞是由致密的颗粒和低电子密度的颗粒所组成,腔内充满分泌颗粒。我们在这篇文章中分析了蛋白分泌周期的四个不同阶段。  相似文献   

The pattern of ribonucleic acid synthesis during germ cell development, from the stem cell to the mature spermatid, was studied in the mouse testis, by using uridine-H3 or cytidine-H3 labeling and autoradiography. Incorporation of tritiated precursors into the RNA occurs in spermatogonia, resting primary spermatocytes (RPS), throughout the second half of pachytene stage up to early diplotene, and in the Sertoli cells. Cells in leptotene, zygotene, and in the first half of pachytene stage do not synthesize RNA. No RNA synthesis was detected in meiotic stages later than diplotene, with the exception of a very low rate of incorporation in a fraction of secondary spermatocytes and very early spermatids. At long intervals after administration of the tracer, as labeled cells develop to more mature stages, late stages of spermatogenesis also become labeled. The last structures to become labeled are the residual bodies of Regaud. Thus, the RNA synthesized during the active meiotic stages is partially retained within the cell during further development. The rate of RNA synthesis declines gradually with the maturation from type A to intermediate to type B spermatogonia and to resting primary spermatocytes. "Dormant" type A spermatogonia synthesize little or no RNA. The incorporation of RNA precursors occurs exclusively within the nucleus: at later postinjection intervals the cytoplasm also becomes labeled. In spermatogonia all mitotic stages, except metaphase and anaphase, were shown to incorporate uridine-H3. RNA synthesis is then a continuous process throughout the cell division cycle in spermatogonia (generation time about 30 hours), and stops only for a very short interval (1 hour) during metaphase and anaphase.  相似文献   

小白鼠发育过程中胃和大肠蛋白酶活性的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用活性电泳方法对小白鼠发育过程中胃和大肠蛋白酶活尾进行了研究。结果发现:(1)出生前、胃和大肠蛋白酶种类少、活性弱,出生后,胃和大肠蛋白酶的种类多,活性增加;(2)胃肠蛋白酶可能与其结构的构建和功能建立有密切关系;(3)食物 刺激可能对胃肠蛋白酶有显著影响。  相似文献   

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