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The adiabatic compressibility (beta s) was determined, by means of the precise sound velocity and density measurements, for a series of single amino acid substituted mutant enzymes of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT). Interestingly, the beta s values of both DHFR and AspAT were influenced markedly by the mutations at glycine-121 and valine-39, respectively, in which the magnitude of the change was proportional to the enzyme activity. This result demonstrates that the local change of the primary structure plays an important role in atomic packing and protein dynamics, which leads to the modified stability and enzymatic function. This is the first report on the compressibility of mutant proteins.  相似文献   

D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) is of considerable practical importance, such as bioconversion and enzymatic assay. In this study, we succeeded in obtaining a thermostable mutant DAO from porcine kidney by a single amino acid substitution. This mutant enzyme, F42C, was stable at 55 degrees C, while the wild-type enzyme was stable only up to 45 degrees C. The Km values of F42C for D-amino acids was about half of those of the wild-type enzyme. This mutant DAO with improved stability and affinity for its substrates is advantageous for the determination of D-amino acids.  相似文献   

The origin of rolling circle replication in filamentous coliphage consists of a core origin that is absolutely required and an adjacent replication enhancer sequence that increases in vivo replication 30 to 100-fold. The core origin binds the initiator protein (gpII) which either nicks or relaxes negatively superhelical replicative form DNA (RFI). Nicking at the origin, but not relaxation, leads to initiation of DNA replication. Our results indicate that the ratio of nicking to relaxation (nicking-closing) in vitro depends on the superhelical density of the substrate. We have studied the effect of a single amino acid substitution in gpII, which allows wild-type levels of replication in the absence of the enhancer, on origin nicking and binding. The enhancer-independent mutation yields more nicking and less relaxation of RFI, compared to the wild-type protein. The mutant gpII also shows a reduced requirement for superhelicity of the substrate in the nicking reaction. At the same time, the mutant gpII increases the cooperativity of protein-protein interactions in origin binding. We propose that the relaxation activity of gpII negatively regulates replication initiation, and that both increase in the negative superhelicity of the substrate and action of the replication enhancer may antagonize the relaxation activity.  相似文献   

A new phytase (APPA) with optimum pH 2.5—substantially lower than that of most of microbial phytases (pH 4.5–6.0)—was cloned from Yersinia frederiksenii and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. Containing the highly conserved motifs typical of histidine acid phosphatases, APPA has the highest identity (84%) to the Yersinia intermedia phytase (optimal pH 4.5), a member of histidine acid phosphatase family. Based on sequence alignment and molecular modeling of APPA and related phytases, APPA has only one divergent residue, Ser51, in close proximity to the catalytic site. To understand the acidic adaptation of APPA, five mutants (S51A, S51T, S51D, S51K, and S51I) were constructed by site‐directed mutagenesis, expressed in E. coli, purified, and characterized. Mutants S51T and S51I exhibited a shift in the optimal pH from 2.5 to 4.5 and 5.0, respectively, confirming the role of Ser51 in defining the optimal pH. Thus, a previously unrecognized factor other than electrostatics—presumably the side‐chain structure near the active site—contributes to the optimal pH for APPA activity. Compared with wild‐type APPA, mutant S51T showed higher specific activity, greater activity over pH 2.0–5.5, and increased thermal and acid stability. These properties make S51T a better candidate than the wild‐type APPA for use in animal feed. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 857–864. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



The rapid accumulation of data on non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs, also called SAPs) should allow us to further our understanding of the underlying disease-associated mechanisms. Here, we use complex networks to study the role of an amino acid in both local and global structures and determine the extent to which disease-associated and polymorphic SAPs differ in terms of their interactions to other residues.  相似文献   

Begomoviruses of the Geminiviridae are usually transmitted by whiteflies and rarely by mechanical inoculation. We used tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), a bipartite begomovirus, to address this issue. Most ToLCNDV isolates are not mechanically transmissible to their natural hosts. The ToLCNDV-OM isolate, originally identified from a diseased oriental melon plant, is mechanically transmissible, while the ToLCNDV-CB isolate, from a diseased cucumber plant, is not. Genetic swapping and pathological tests were performed to identify the molecular determinants involved in mechanical transmission. Various viral infectious clones were constructed and successfully introduced into Nicotiana benthamiana, oriental melon, and cucumber plants by Agrobacterium-mediated inoculation. Mechanical transmissibility was assessed via direct rub inoculation with sap prepared from infected N. benthamiana. The presence or absence of viral DNA in plants was validated by PCR, Southern blotting, and in situ hybridization. The results reveal that mechanical transmissibility is associated with the movement protein (MP) of viral DNA-B in ToLCNDV-OM. However, the nuclear shuttle protein of DNA-B plays no role in mechanical transmission. Analyses of infectious clones carrying a single amino acid substitution reveal that the glutamate at amino acid position 19 of MP in ToLCNDV-OM is critical for mechanical transmissibility. The substitution of glutamate with glycine at this position in the MP of ToLCNDV-OM abolishes mechanical transmissibility. In contrast, the substitution of glycine with glutamate at the 19th amino acid position in the MP of ToLCNDV-CB enables mechanical transmission. This is the first time that a specific geminiviral movement protein has been identified as a determinant of mechanical transmissibility.  相似文献   

The replication initiator protein pi of plasmid R6K binds seven 22 bp direct repeats (DR) in the gamma origin. The pi protein also binds to an inverted repeat (IR) in the operator of its own gene, pir, which lies outside the gamma origin sequences. A genetic system was devised to select for pi protein mutants which discriminate between IR and DR (York et al., Gene (Amst.) 116, 7-12, 1992; York and Filutowicz, J. Biol. Chem. 268, 21854-21861, 1993). From this selection the mutant pi S87N protein was isolated which is deficient in repressing the pir gene's expression because it cannot bind to IR at the pir gene operator. Remarkably, we discovered that pi S87N binds to DR cooperatively under conditions where wt pi binds independently. Moreover, the pi S87N is more active as a replication initiator in vivo when supplied at the same level as wt pi. Quantitative binding assays showed that both wt pi and pi S87N bind a DNA fragment containing a single DR unit with a similar affinity (Kd = 0.3 x 10(-12) M). Thus, cooperativity of pi S87N is most likely achieved through altered interactions between promoters bound at adjacent DR units.  相似文献   

Cucumber mosaic virus infection leads to mosaic symptoms on a broad range of crop plants. Mutation at positions 129 in the coat protein of virus causes alterations in the severity of symptoms caused by the viral infection. In our investigation, we performed long term molecular dynamics simulations to elucidate the effect of different amino acid substitutes (infectious and non-infectious) at position 129 in the coat protein of Cucumber mosaic virus using various structural parameters. We found that the contagious mutants displayed more flexibility at loops βE-αEF (129–136) and βF-βG loop (155–163) as compared to the non-infectious and native structures. This specific study at the atomic level yields innovative ideas for designing new therapeutic agents against the pathogen, which would further pave the path for researchers to control this devastating plant virus.  相似文献   

Random mutagenesis of the gene encoding family 11 xylanase was used to obtain alkalophilic mutants. The catalytic domain of the chimeric enzyme Stx15, which was constructed from Streptomyces lividans xylanase B and Thermobifida fusca xylanase A, was mutated using error-prone PCR and screened for halo formation on dye-linked xylan plates and activity toward soluble xylan. A positive mutant, M1011, was isolated, and it was found that mutation A49V was responsible for the alkalophilicity of the mutant. Mutation A49V increased the specific activity at pH 9.1 and the stability of mutant A49V was not significantly different from that of Stx15 at 60 degrees C. Both enzymes retained more than 90% of their relative activity from pH 4.7 to 9.1 after 1 h of incubation at 60 degrees C. Analysis of the kinetic parameters at various pH values showed that the A49V mutation reduced the Km in the alkaline pH range, resulting in the higher specific activity of the A49V mutant enzyme.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide is one of the antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis in most eukaryotic cells. We have found that a yeast, Candida maltosa, is resistant to the drug because it possesses a cycloheximide-resistant ribosome, and we have isolated the gene responsible for this. In this study, we sequenced this gene and found that the gene encodes a protein homologous to the L41 ribosomal protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whose amino acid sequence has already been reported. Two genes for L41 protein, named L41a and L41b, independently present in the genome of S. cerevisiae, were isolated. L41-related genes were also isolated from a few other yeast species. Each of these genes has an intron at the same site of the open reading frame. Comparison of their deduced amino acid sequences and their ability to confer cycloheximide resistance to S. cerevisiae, when introduced in a high-copy-number plasmid, suggested that the 56th amino acid residue of the L41 protein determines the sensitivity of the ribosome to cycloheximide; the amino acid is glutamine in the resistant ribosome, whereas that in the sensitive ribosome is proline. This was confirmed by constructing a cycloheximide-resistant strain of S. cerevisiae having a disrupted L41a gene and an L41b gene with a substitution of the glutamine codon for the proline codon.  相似文献   

Legume lectins are considered to be antinutritional factors (ANF) in the animal feeding industry. Inactivation of ANF is an important element in processing of food. In our study on the stability ofPisum sativum L. lectin (PSL), a conserved hydrophobic amino acid (Val103) in a surface loop was replaced with alanine. The mutant lectin, PSL V103A, showed a decrease in unfolding temperature (T m ) by some 10 °C in comparison with wild-type (wt) PSL, and the denaturation energy (H) is only about 55% of that of wt PSL. Replacement of an adjacent amino acid (Phe104) with alanine did not result in a significant difference in stability in comparison with wt PSL. Both mutations did not change the sugarbinding properties of the lectin, as compared with wt PSL and with PSL from pea seeds, at ambient temperatures. The double mutant, PSL V103A/F104A, was produced inEscherichia coli, but could not be isolated in an active (i.e. sugar-binding) form. Interestingly, the mutation in PSL V103A reversibly affected sugar-binding at 37 °C, as judged from haemagglutination assays. These results open the possibility of production of lectins that are activein planta at ambient temperatures, but are inactive and possibly non-toxic at 37 °C in the intestines of mammals.  相似文献   

We created a novel mutated form of human interleukin-13 (IL-13) in which a positively charged arginine (R) at position 112 was substituted to a negatively charged aspartic acid (D). This mutant, termed IL-13R112D, was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to near homogeneity. IL-13R112D was found to be a potent IL-13 agonist with 5-10-fold improved binding affinity to IL-13 receptors compared with wild-type IL-13 (wtIL-13). The conclusion of IL-13 agonist activity was drawn on the basis of approximately 10-fold improved activity over wtIL-13 in several assays: (a) inhibition of CD14 expression in primary monocytes; (b) proliferation of TF-1 and B9 cell lines; and (c) activation of STAT6 in Epstein-Barr virus-immortalized B cells, primary monocytes, and THP-1 monocytic cell line. Furthermore, mutant IL-13R112D neutralized the cytotoxic activity of a chimeric fusion protein composed of wtIL-13 and a Pseudomonas exotoxin A (IL-13-PE38) approximately 10 times better than wtIL-13. Based on these results, it was concluded that IL-13R112D interacts with much stronger affinity than wtIL-13 on all cell types tested and that Arg-112 plays an important role in the interaction with its receptors (IL-13R). Thus, these results suggest that IL-13R112D may be a useful ligand for the study of IL-13 interaction with its receptors or, alternatively, in designing specific targeted agents for IL-13R-positive malignancies.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor is a ligand-activated tyrosine kinase composed of two alpha and two beta subunits. A single transmembrane domain composed of 23 hydrophobic residues is contained in each beta subunit. We examined the role of the transmembrane domain in regulating insulin receptor signaling by inserting a negatively charged amino acid (Asp) for Val938 (V938D). Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were stably transfected with a plasmid containing both the neomycin-resistance gene and either the wild-type or the mutant (V938D) insulin receptor cDNA. Insulin binding increased similarly in CHO cells stably transfected with the wild-type and the V938D-mutant insulin receptor cDNA. Insulin stimulated glucose transport and cell growth in cells expressing the normal insulin receptor. By contrast, in the absence of insulin, glucose transport and cell growth in CHO-V938D cells were as high as in insulin-stimulated control cells and no longer responsive to insulin stimulation. Phosphorylation of the beta subunit of the insulin receptor was also increased in CHO-V938D cells not exposed to insulin. These results support an essential role of the transmembrane domain of the insulin receptor in the transduction of insulin signaling.  相似文献   

Chorismate mutase, a branch-point enzyme in the aromatic amino acid pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and also a mutant chorismate mutase with a single amino acid substitution in the C-terminal part of the protein have been purified approximately 20-fold and 64-fold from overproducing strains, respectively. The wild-type enzyme is activated by tryptophan and subject to feedback inhibition by tyrosine, whereas the mutant enzyme does not respond to activation by tryptophan nor inhibition by tyrosine. Both enzymes are dimers consisting of two identical subunits of Mr 30,000, each one capable of binding one substrate and one activator molecule. Each subunit of the wild-type enzyme also binds one inhibitor molecule, whereas the mutant enzyme lost this ability. The enzyme reaction was observed by 1H NMR and shows a direct and irreversible conversion of chorismate to prephenate without the accumulation of any enzyme-free intermediates. The kinetic data of the wild-type chorismate mutase show positive cooperativity toward the substrate with a Hill coefficient of 1.71 and a [S]0.5 value of 4.0 mM. In the presence of the activator tryptophan, the cooperativity is lost. The enzyme has an [S]0.5 value of 1.2 mM in the presence of 10 microM tryptophan and an increased [S]0.5 value of 8.6 mM in the presence of 300 microM tyrosine. In the mutant enzyme, a loss of cooperativity was observed, and [S]0.5 was reduced to 1.0 mM. This enzyme is therefore locked in the activated state by a single amino acid substitution.  相似文献   

A gene expression plasmid, pMALU7, for coding a fusion protein between protein A (SpA) and mutated firefly luciferase (Luc), was constructed. The fused gene was expressed in Escherichia coli and the resulting protein (SpA-LucTS) was purified with affinity chromatography. By changing a single amino acid, from Glu to Lys at the position 354 in the luciferase moiety, the thermostability of luciferase was improved.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding DJ-1 have been identified in patients with familial Parkinson's disease (PD) and are thought to inactivate a neuroprotective function. Oxidation of the sulfhydryl group to a sulfinic acid on cysteine residue C106 of DJ-1 yields the "2O " form, a variant of the protein with enhanced neuroprotective function. We hypothesized that some familial mutations disrupt DJ-1 activity by interfering with conversion of the protein to the 2O form. To address this hypothesis, we developed a novel quantitative mass spectrometry approach to measure relative changes in oxidation at specific sites in mutant DJ-1 as compared with the wild-type protein. Treatment of recombinant wild-type DJ-1 with a 10-fold molar excess of H(2)O(2) resulted in a robust oxidation of C106 to the sulfinic acid, whereas this modification was not detected in a sample of the familial PD mutant M26I exposed to identical conditions. Methionine oxidized isoforms of wild-type DJ-1 were depleted, presumably as a result of misfolding and aggregation, under conditions that normally promote conversion of the protein to the 2O form. These data suggest that the M26I familial substitution and methionine oxidation characteristic of sporadic PD may disrupt DJ-1 function by disfavoring a site-specific modification required for optimal neuroprotective activity. Our findings indicate that a single amino acid substitution can markedly alter a protein's ability to undergo oxidative modification, and they imply that stimulating the conversion of DJ-1 to the 2O form may be therapeutically beneficial in familial or sporadic PD.  相似文献   

A single amino acid substitution causes loss of expression of a MICA allele   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Li Z  Groh V  Strong RK  Spies T 《Immunogenetics》2000,51(3):246-248

Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (HsNDK) from an extremely halophilic archaea, Halobacterium salinarum, is composed of a homo hexamer, assembled as a trimer of basic dimeric units. It requires >2 M NaCl for refolding, although it does not require NaCl for stability or enzymatic activity below 30 °C. A HisN111L mutant with an N-terminal extension sequence containing hexa-His tag, in which Asn111 was replaced with Leu, was designed to be less stable between basic dimeric units. This mutant can lose between 6 and 12 hydrogen bonds between basic dimeric units in the hexamer structure. The HisN111L mutant had enhanced salt requirements for enzymatic activity and refolding even though the secondary structure of the HisN111L mutant was confirmed to be similar to the control, HisNDK, in low and high salt solutions using circular dichroism. We reported previously that G114R and D148C mutants, which had enhanced interactions between basic dimeric units, showed facilitated refolding and stabilization in low salt solution. The results of this study help to elucidate the process for engineering industrial enzymes by controlling subunit–subunit interactions through mutations.  相似文献   

Protein L11 has been isolated from the large subunit of the E. coli ribosome under non-denaturing conditions and studied by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, limited proteolysis, and fluorescence and UV spectroscopy. The protein consists of two domains, a tightly-folded N-terminal part and a C-terminal half with an extended and loosely folded conformation. It is likely that the N-terminal domain is located on the surface of the subunit whereas the C-terminal part is buried within the ribosomal structure. The two tyrosines in the N-terminal region behave as solvent-exposed residues, in good agreement with iodination studies on L11 in situ. It appears probable that the central region of L11, in which the protease cleavages occur, plays an important part in structural and functional aspects.  相似文献   

In contrast to the homologous bacterial and mitochondrial enzymes the chloroplast F(1)-ATPase (CF(1)) is strongly affected by the phytopathogenic inhibitor tentoxin. Based on structural information obtained from crystals of a CF(1)-tentoxin co-complex (Groth, G. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99, 3464-3468) we have replaced residues betaSer(66) and alphaArg(132) in the alpha(3)beta(3)gamma subcomplex of the thermophilic F(1)-ATPase from Bacillus PS3 by the corresponding residues of the chloroplast ATPase to confer tentoxin sensitivity to the thermophilic enzyme. The mutation alphaArg(132) --> Pro, proposed to relieve steric constraints on tentoxin binding, did not have any significant effect. However, mutation betaSer(66) --> Ala, predicted to provide a crucial hydrogen bond with the inhibitor, resulted in tentoxin inhibition of ATP hydrolysis comparable with the situation found with the chloroplast enzyme.  相似文献   

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