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Sandalwood, Santalum album (Santalaceae) is a small hemi-parasitic tropical tree of great economic value. Sandalwood timber contains resins and essential oils, particularly the santalols, santalenes and dozens of other minor sesquiterpenoids. These sesquiterpenoids provide the unique sandalwood fragrance. The research described in this paper set out to identify genes involved in essential oil biosynthesis, particularly terpene synthases (TPS) in S. album, with the long-term aim of better understanding heartwood oil production. Degenerate TPS primers amplified two genomic TPS fragments from S. album, one of which enabled the isolation of two TPS cDNAs, SamonoTPS1 (1731 bp) and SasesquiTPS1 (1680 bp). Both translated protein sequences shared highest similarity with known TPS from grapevine (Vitis vinifera). Heterologous expression in Escherichia coli produced catalytically active proteins. SamonoTPS1 was identified as a monoterpene synthase which produced a mixture of (+)-α-terpineol and (−)-limonene, along with small quantities of linalool, myrcene, (−)-α-pinene, (+)-sabinene and geraniol when assayed with geranyl diphosphate. Sesquiterpene synthase SasesquiTPS1 produced the monocyclic sesquiterpene alcohol germacrene D-4-ol and helminthogermacrene, when incubated with farnesyl diphosphate. Also present were α-bulnesene, γ-muurolene, α- and β-selinenes, as well as several other minor bicyclic compounds. Although these sesquiterpenes are present in only minute quantities in the distilled sandalwood oil, the genes and their encoded enzymes described here represent the first TPS isolated and characterised from a member of the Santalaceae plant family and they may enable the future discovery of additional TPS genes in sandalwood.  相似文献   

Fresh aerial parts of Angelica glauca, growing wild in Kashmir valley in higher Himalaya (Jammu and Kashmir, India), collected at flowering stage from different locations, on hydro-distillation provided a refreshing light pale coloured essential oil with characteristic floral woody flavour. The oil was found to be a complex mixture of mono- and sesquiterpenes and 34 compounds accounting for nearly 97.4% of the oil were characterized with the help of capillary GC, GC-MS, and NMR. Major compounds of the oil were characterized as alpha-phellandrene (13.5%), trans-carveol (12.0%), beta-pinene (11.7%), thujene (7.5%), beta-caryophyllene oxide (7.2%), beta-caryophyllene (7.0%), gamma-terpinene (6.7%), nerolidol (6.5%), beta-bisabolene (5.2%) and germacrene D (4.5%). It is the first report to exploit the essential oil from Himalayan A. glauca herb collected at flowering stage.  相似文献   

The genus Pteronia consists of approximately 80 species which are widely distributed in southern Africa. The essential oils isolated from the aerial parts of eleven species, analyzed by GC-MS varied both qualitatively and quantitatively. In Pteronia pallens, Pteronia empetrifolia and Pteronia flexicaulis uncommon sesquiterpenes such as presilphiperfolol-7-ene, 7-α-(H)-silphiperfol-5-ene, 7-β-(H)-silphiperfol-5-ene, α-campholene aldehyde, silphiperfol-5-ene, cameroonan-7-α-ol, silphiperfol-7-β-ol, presilphiperfolan-9-α-ol and presilphiperfolan-8-ol (a major compound in P. pallens) were identified. Cluster analysis based of the chemical composition of the oils revealed that individual plants of Pteronia camphorata collected in the same population had similar oil profiles with a high correlation coefficient (Scorr ≈ 0.98). Similarly, the essential oil composition of P. pallens collected from two distinct localities also showed high levels of congruency (Scorr ≈ 0.99).  相似文献   

Steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs) are potentially harmful specialty metabolites found in Solanaceous plants. Two tri-glycosylated alkaloids, alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanine accumulate in potato tubers. Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were identified in the available database by searching for protein homology to the Sgt1 (SOLtu:Sgt1) steriodalalkaloid galactosyltransferase. The EST sequence data was used to isolate Sgt3 cDNA sequences by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from a wounded potato tuber cDNA library. The resulting 1515bp open reading frame of Sgt3, encodes a predicted SGT3 amino acid sequence that is 18 residues longer than, 45% identical to, and 58% homologous to the SGT1 protein. The amino-terminal region of the Sgt3 cDNA was used to create an antisense transgene under control of the granule bound starch synthase, GBSS6, promoter and the ubiquitin, Ubi3, polyadenylation signal. Analysis of SGA metabolites in selected transgenic tubers revealed a dramatic decrease in the accumulation of alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanine. This decrease was compensated by an increase in beta-solanine and beta-chaconine with minor accumulation of alpha-SGAs. These results allowed the identification of the function for SGT3 as the beta-solanine/beta-chaconine rhamnosyl transferase, the terminal step in formation of the potato glycoalkaloid triose side chains.  相似文献   

Structures of glycoconjugate N-glycans and glycolipids of invertebrates show significant differences from those of vertebrates. These differences are due largely to the vertebrate beta1,4-galactosyltransferase-1 (beta4Gal-T1), which is found as a beta1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (beta4GalNAc-T1) in invertebrates. Mutation of Tyr285 to Ile or Leu in human beta4Gal-T1 converts the enzyme into an equally efficient beta4GalNAc-T1. A comparison of all the human beta4Gal-T1 ortholog enzymes shows that this Tyr285 residue in human beta4Gal-T1 is conserved either as Tyr or Phe in all vertebrate enzymes, while in all invertebrate enzymes it is conserved as an Ile or Leu. We find that mutation of the corresponding Ile residue to Tyr in Drosophila beta4GalNAc-T1 converts the enzyme to a beta4Gal-T1 by reducing its N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity by nearly 1000-fold, while enhancing its galactosyltransferase activity by 80-fold. Furthermore, we find that, similar to the vertebrate/mammalian beta4Gal-T1 enzymes, the wild-type Drosophila beta4GalNAc-T1 enzyme binds to a mammary gland-specific protein, alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA). Thus, it would seem that, during the evolution of vertebrates from invertebrates over 500 million years ago, beta4Gal-T1 appeared as a result of the single amino acid substitution of Tyr or Phe for Leu or Ile in the invertebrate beta4GalNAc-T1. Subsequently, the pre-existing alpha-LA-binding site was utilized during mammalian evolution to synthesize lactose in the mammary gland during lactation.  相似文献   

Binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR) isolate (232-C6) is an effective biocontrol agent for protection of potato from Rhizoctonia canker, a disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Production of hydrolytic enzymes is one of the best known inducible defense responses following microbial infection. We isolated and characterized a cell wall alpha-glucan from BNR, which induces beta-1,3 glucanase activities in potato sprouts, the primary site of infection by R. solani. An autoclaving method, previously reported for isolation of oligosaccharide elicitors was used, and the glucan purified by chromatographic techniques. Maximal induction of beta-1,3 glucanase activity in potato sprouts was obtained with 250 microg of the alpha-glucan elicitor after 6 days from inoculation time. Both, BNR mycelium and the alpha-glucan produced a similar kinetic response of beta-1,3 glucanase. However, the alpha-glucan did not induce phytoalexin accumulation, previously correlated with the defense response. Uronic acids (approximately 10% with respect to total neutral sugars) were determined and identified as glucuronic acid by high-pH anion-exchange chromatography. Methylation analysis showed that the glucan consists of (1-->3) and (1-->4)-linked glucose units with preponderance of the first ones. Some of the (1-->4) linkages were branched at position 6. The glucan was partially degraded with amyloglucosidase. This, together with the NMR spectra data and the high optical rotation of the original (+195 degrees ) and degraded glucans (+175 degrees ) proved the alpha configuration. Further methylation of the amyloglucosidase degraded glucans indicated that they consist of (1-->3)-linked glucoses. The present study is the first report on the isolation and characterization of an alpha-glucan from Rhizoctonia, that may be important as a biocontrol factor.  相似文献   

Various approaches have been developed to define conservation units for plant and animal species. In this study we combined nuclear microsatellites (from a previous published study) and chloroplast microsatellites (assessed in the present study), leaf and seed morphology traits and abiotic variables (climate and soil) to define evolutionary significant units (ESU) of Santalum austrocaledonicum, a tree species growing in New Caledonia. Results for chloroplast microsatellites showed that the total population heterozygosity was␣high, (H cp = 0.84) but varied between islands. Differentiation was strong in the total population (F stcp = 0.66) but also within the main island Grande Terre (F stcp = 0.73) and within Iles Loyauté (F stcp = 0.52), highlighting a limited gene flow between populations. These results confirmed those obtained with nuclear microsatellites. The cluster analysis on molecular markers discriminated two main groups constituted by the populations of Grande Terre and the populations of Iles Loyauté. A principal component analysis of leaf and seed morphology traits singled out the populations of Iles Loyauté and the western populations of Grande Terre. Quantitative genetic analyses showed that the variation between populations was under genetic control (broad sense heritability close to 80%). A high correlation between rainfall and morphological traits suggested an impact of climate on this variation. The integration of these results allows to define two ESUs, one corresponding to Grande Terre and Ile des Pins and the other the Iles Loyauté archipelago. This study stresses the need to restore some populations of Grande Terre that are currently threatened by their small size.  相似文献   

The leaf essential oils of 10 species of Ocotea (Lauraceae) from Monteverde, Costa Rica (Ocotea floribunda, Ocotea holdridgeana, Ocotea meziana, Ocotea sinuata, Ocotea tonduzii, Ocotea valeriana, Ocotea veraguensis, Ocotea whitei, and two undescribed species, Ocotea new species “los llanos”, and Ocotea new species “small leaf”) have been obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC–MS in order to discern the differences and similarities between the volatile chemical compositions of these species. The principal common constituents of the 10 species of Ocotea were α-pinene, β-pinene, β-caryophyllene, and germacrene-D.  相似文献   

Volatile oil from the rhizomes of Zingiber nimmonii (J. Graham) Dalzell was isolated, characterized by analytical gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Sixty-five constituents accounting for 97.5% of the oil were identified. Z. nimmonii rhizome oil is a unique caryophyllene-rich natural source with isomeric caryophyllenes, beta-caryophyllene (42.2%) and alpha-humulene (alpha-caryophyllene, 27.7%), as its major constituents along with traces of isocaryophyllene. The rhizome oil contained 71.2% sesquiterpenes, 14.2% oxygenated sesquiterpenes, 8.9% monoterpenes, 1.9% oxygenated monoterpenes and 1.3% non-terpenoid constituents. The antimicrobial activity of the oil was tested against human and plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The oil showed significant inhibitory activity against the fungi, Candida glabrata, C. albicans and Aspergillus niger and the bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. No activity was observed against the fungus Fusarium oxysporum.  相似文献   

The essential oil composition of Calendula arvensis was established for the first time using GC and GC/MS. Eighty-five essential oil components were identified, which accounted for 90.3 g/100 g of essential oil. The oil contained a high concentration of sesquiterpenes, of which δ-cadinene and α-cadinol were the main components. The chemical composition of 25 Corsican C. arvensis oils was analyzed to determine intraspecies variation in essential oil composition. A matrix linking essential oil composition to sample location was composed to identify relationships between concentrations of volatile samples and the geographical origins of samples. Two main groups of compounds were identified according to the amount of sesquiterpenic compounds (hydrocarbons and alcohols) and soil characteristics. Seasonal variation (winter vs. spring) in the concentrations of two major compounds during the flowering period was observed.  相似文献   

The bean aphid, Megoura crassicauda Mordvilko, feeds selectively on plants belonging to the genus Vicia (Fabaceae). However, it never infests the tiny vetch, V. hirsuta (L.) Gray. The aphid appeared to discriminate between host and non-host plants by tasting specific chemicals during penetration of its stylet into the plant tissues. The aphid, after being stimulated by specific probing stimulants, deposited characteristic proteinous stylet sheaths through a parafilm membrane, which has one side in contact with an extract solution of Vicia angustifolia. However, an addition of a V. hirsuta extract to the medium strongly inhibited the salivary sheath formation. A specific probing deterrent was isolated from a V. hirsuta extract by monitoring the inhibitory effect, and identified as (E)-2-methyl-2-butene-1,4-diol 4-O-beta-d-glucopyranoside. A mixture of the glycoside and the stimulatory V. angustifolia fraction in the same equivalency found in plants significantly decreased the probing activity in M. crassicauda. Since the stylet insertion process is a crucial step for the aphid's settlement on a plant, the glycoside seems to act as an effective chemical barrier for V. hirsuta.  相似文献   

Cha TS  Chen JW  Goh EG  Aziz A  Loh SH 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(22):10633-10640
This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of different nitrate concentrations in culture medium on oil content and fatty acid composition of Chlorella vulgaris (UMT-M1) and Chlorella sorokiniana (KS-MB2). Results showed that both species produced significant higher (p<0.05) oil content at nitrate ranging from 0.18 to 0.66 mM with C. vulgaris produced 10.20-11.34% dw, while C. sorokiniana produced 15.44-17.32% dw. The major fatty acids detected include C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3. It is interesting to note that both species displayed differentially regulated fatty acid accumulation patterns in response to nitrate treatments at early stationary growth phase. Their potential use for biodiesel application could be enhanced by exploring the concept of binary blending of the two microalgae oils using developed mathematical equations to calculate the oil mass blending ratio and simultaneously estimated the weight percentage (wt.%) of desirable fatty acid compositions.  相似文献   

Eleven flavonoids including a new flavone glycoside, 7,3′-dihydroxy-4′-methoxyflavone-7-O-β-glucopyranoside, and a quinolizidine alkaloid, lupanine, were isolated from the seeds of two Ammopiptanthus (Leguminosae) species, Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and Ammopiptanthus nanus. 7,3′-Dihydroxy-4′-methoxyflavone and lupanine were the major constituents in the seeds of both species. The patterns of seed flavonoids presented a clear systematic relationship between the two species. The simple seed alkaloid composition was presumed to be responsible for the weak defense capability of the seeds to insect pests in both species.  相似文献   

A model isopropyl alpha-glycoside of the beta-d-ManNAc-(1-->4)-d-Glc disaccharide has been prepared from lactose, avoiding the beta-mannosaminylation step. Three complementary approaches involving first the preparation and then the glycosidation of beta-thiophenyl donors of the protected disaccharides, (a) beta-d-ManNAc-(1-->4)-d-Glc, (b) beta-d-TalNAc-(1-->4)-d-Glc and (c) lactose, were compared. The best results were obtained employing a suitably protected lactose donor, and submitting its alpha-isopropyl glycoside to an amination with inversion in position 2' followed by an epimerization at C-4'.  相似文献   

The transglycosylation reactions catalyzed by beta-1,3-D-glucanases (laminaranases) were used to synthesize a number of 4-methylumbelliferyl (MeUmb) (1-->3)-beta-D-gluco-oligosaccharides having the common structure [beta-D-Glcp-(1-->3)](n)-beta-D-Glcp-MeUmb, where n=1-5. The beta-1,3-D-glucanases used were purified from the culture liquid of Oerskovia sp. and from a homogenate of the marine mollusc Spisula sachalinensis. Laminaran and curdlan were used as (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan donor substrates, while MeUmb-beta-D-glucoside (MeUmbGlcp) was employed as a transglycosylation acceptor. Modification of [beta-D-Glcp-(1-->3)](2)-beta-D-Glcp-MeUmb (MeUmbG(3)) gives 4,6-O-benzylidene-D-glucopyranosyl or 4,6-O-ethylidene-D-glucopyranosyl groups at the non-reducing end of artificial oligosaccharides. The structures of all oligosaccharides obtained were solved by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. The synthetic oligosaccharides were shown to be substrates for a beta-1,3-1,4-D-glucanase from Rhodothermus marinus, which releases MeUmb from beta-di- and beta-triglucosides and from acetal-protected beta-triglucosides. When acting upon substrates with d.p.>3, the enzyme exhibits an endolytic activity, primarily cleaving off MeUmbGlcp and MeUmbG(2).  相似文献   

Geosmithia is a genus of mitosporic filamentous fungi typically associated with phloeophagous bark beetles world-wide. During this study, the fungal associates of ambrosia beetles Cnesinus lecontei, Eupagiocerus dentipes, and Microcorthylus sp. from Costa Rica, were studied using morphology and DNA sequences. Fungal associates belonged to four undescribed Geosmithia species. Geosmithia eupagioceri sp. nov. and G. microcorthyli sp. nov. are evidently primary ambrosia fungi of their respective vectors E. dentipes and Microcorthylus species. They both have convergently evolved distinct morphological adaptations including the production of large, solitary and globose conidia, and yeast-like cells. Tunnels of C. lecontei contained an undescribed Geosmithia species, but its nutritional importance for its vector is unclear. An auxiliary ambrosia fungus, Geosmithia rufescens sp. nov., was found associated with both G. eupagioceri and the Geosmithia species associated with C. lecontei. G. microcorthyli is genetically quite similar to the phloem-associated Geosmithia sp. 8 from Europe. Large differences in morphology between these two species suggest the rapid co-evolution resulting from the close symbiosis of the former with its beetle host. The ITS rDNA sequences of G. microcorthyli and Geosmithia sp. 8 were not diagnostic, suggesting that alternative markers such as EF-1α, IGS rDNA or β-tubulin should be used, together with morphological and ecological data, for species delimitation in this genus. The primary ambrosia fungi described here are derived from phloem-associated ancestors, and represent two independent lineages of ambrosia fungi in the Hypocreales and a new ecological strategy within Geosmithia.  相似文献   

Trehalose is the main haemolymph sugar in most insects including the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, and is potentially a prime target for an invading pathogenic fungus. There was considerably more trehalose-hydrolysing activity in the haemolymph of caterpillars infected with Metarhizium anisopliae than in controls. This appeared to be due primarily to additional isoforms; one of which could also hydrolyse maltose and was designated an alpha-glucosidase. A comparable isoform was identified in in vitro culture of the fungus, supporting a fungal origin for the in vivo enzyme. The in vitro fungal enzyme, alpha-glucosidase-1 (alpha-gluc-1), was purified to homogeneity and partially characterised. A study with the trehalase inhibitor trehazolin and C14 trehalose suggested that extracellular hydrolysis is important for fungal mobilisation of trehalose. Haemolymph glucose increases significantly during mycosis of tobacco hornworm larvae by M. anisopliae, consistent with the hydrolysis of trehalose by extracellular fungal enzymes. The implications for the host insect are discussed.  相似文献   

Using anion-exchange chromatography on Source 15Q followed by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on Source 15 Isopropyl, a lichenase-like endo-(1→4)-β-glucanase (BG, 28 kDa, pI 4.1) was isolated from a culture filtrate of Aspergillus japonicus. The enzyme was highly active against barley β-glucan and lichenan (263 and 267 U/mg protein) and had much lower activity toward carboxymethylcellulose (3.9 U/mg). The mode of action of the BG on barley β-glucan and lichenan was studied in comparison with that of Bacillus subtilis lichenase and endo-(1→4)-β-glucanases (EG I, II, and III) of Trichoderma reesei. The BG behaved very similar to the bacterial lichenase, except the tri- and tetrasaccharides formed as the end products of β-glucan hydrolysis with the BG contained the β-(1→3)-glucoside linkage at the non-reducing end, while the lichenase-derived oligosaccharides had the β-(1→3)-linkage at the reducing end. The BG was characterized by a high amino acid sequence identity to the EG of Aspergillus kawachii (UniProt entry Q12679) from a family 12 of glycoside hydrolases (96% in 162 identified aa residues out of total 223 residues) and also showed lower sequence similarity to the EglA of Aspergillus niger (O74705).  相似文献   

The hydroxyl group stereochemistry of complexation of sodium vanadate(V) with Me alpha-Manp, Me alpha- and beta-Galp and selected O-methyl derivatives in D(2)O was determined by 51V, 1D and 2D 13C NMR spectroscopy at pD 7.8. The 51V approach served to show the extent of complexation and the minimum number of esters formed. That of Me alpha-Manp gave rise mainly to a 51V signal at delta -515, identical with that of its 4,6-di-O-methyl derivative, which had only a 2,3-cis-diol exposed. The 13C NMR spectra contained much weaker signals of the complexes, but both glycosides showed strong C-2 and C-3 alpha-shifts of +17.3 and +10.8 ppm, respectively. As expected, Me 2,3-Me(2)-alpha-Manp, which contains a 4,6-diol, did not complex. Me Galp anomers and their derivatives showed more diversity in the structure of its oxyvanadium derivatives. Me alpha-Galp, with its 3,4-cis-diol, complexed to give rise to 51V signals at delta -495 (9%), -508 (10%), and -534 (4%). These shifts and proportions were maintained with Me beta-Galp and Me 6Me-alpha-Galp. 51V NMR spectroscopy showed that Me 3Me-beta-Galp, with its possibly available 4,6-diol, did not complex. Similarly, Me alpha-Galp+vanadate gave a 13C DEPT spectrum that did not contain an inverted signal at delta >71.4, as would be expected of a C-6 resonance suffering a strong downfield alpha-shift. Me 2,6-Me(2)-alpha-Galp, with a 3,4-cis-diol group, gave rise to two 51V signals of complexes at delta -492 (9%) and -508 (9%), showing more than one structure of oxyvanadium derivatives.  相似文献   

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