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The yeast-to-hypha transition is a key feature in the cell biology of the dimorphic human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton is required for this dimorphic switch in Candida. We show that C. albicans WAL1 mutants with both copies of the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) homolog deleted do not form hyphae under all inducing conditions tested. Growth of the wild-type and wal1 mutant strains was monitored by in vivo time-lapse microscopy both during yeast-like growth and under hypha-inducing conditions. Isotropic bud growth produced round wal1 cells and unusual mother cell growth. Defects in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton resulted in the random localization of actin patches. Furthermore, wal1 cells exhibited defects in the endocytosis of the lipophilic dye FM4-64, contained increased numbers of vacuoles compared to the wild type, and showed defects in bud site selection. Under hypha-inducing conditions wal1 cells were able to initiate polarized morphogenesis, which, however, resulted in the formation of pseudohyphal cells. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Wal1p showed patch-like localization in emerging daughter cells during the yeast growth phase and at the hyphal tips under hypha-inducing conditions. Wal1p-GFP localization largely overlapped with that of actin. Our results demonstrate that Wal1p is required for the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and hyphal morphogenesis in C. albicans as well as for endocytosis and vacuole morphology.  相似文献   

The RHO1 gene encodes a yeast homolog of the mammalian RhoA protein. Rho1p is localized to the growth sites and is required for bud formation. We have recently shown that Bni1p is one of the potential downstream target molecules of Rho1p. The BNI1 gene is implicated in cytokinesis and the establishment of cell polarity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but is not essential for cell viability. In this study, we screened for mutations that were synthetically lethal in combination with a bni1 mutation and isolated two genes. They were the previously identified PAC1 and NIP100 genes, both of which are implicated in nuclear migration in S. cerevisiae. Pac1p is a homolog of human LIS1, which is required for brain development, whereas Nip100p is a homolog of rat p150(Glued), a component of the dynein-activated dynactin complex. Disruption of BNI1 in either the pac1 or nip100 mutant resulted in an enhanced defect in nuclear migration, leading to the formation of binucleate mother cells. The arp1 bni1 mutant showed a synthetic lethal phenotype while the cin8 bni1 mutant did not, suggesting that Bni1p functions in a kinesin pathway but not in the dynein pathway. Cells of the pac1 bni1 and nip100 bni1 mutants exhibited a random distribution of cortical actin patches. Cells of the pac1 act1-4 mutant showed temperature-sensitive growth and a nuclear migration defect. These results indicate that Bni1p regulates microtubule-dependent nuclear migration through the actin cytoskeleton. Bni1p lacking the Rho-binding region did not suppress the pac1 bni1 growth defect, suggesting a requirement for the Rho1p-Bni1p interaction in microtubule function.  相似文献   

Candida albicans, the most prevalent fungal pathogen of humans, causes superficial mycoses, invasive mucosal infections, and disseminated systemic disease. Many studies have shown an intriguing association between C. albicans morphogenesis and the pathogenesis process. For example, hyphal cells have been observed to penetrate host epithelial cells at sites of wounds and between cell junctions. Ras- and Rho-type GTPases regulate many morphogenetic processes in eukaryotes, including polarity establishment, cell proliferation, and directed growth in response to extracellular stimuli. We found that the C. albicans Ras-like GTPase Rsr1p and its predicted GTPase-activating protein Bud2p localized to the cell cortex, at sites of incipient daughter cell growth, and provided landmarks for the positioning of daughter yeast cells and hyphal cell branches, similar to the paradigm in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, in contrast to S. cerevisiae, CaRsr1p and CaBud2p were important for morphogenesis: C. albicans strains lacking Rsr1p or Bud2p had abnormal yeast and hyphal cell shapes and frequent bends and promiscuous branching along the hypha and were unable to invade agar. These defects were associated with abnormal actin patch polarization, unstable polarisome localization at hyphal tips, and mislocalized septin rings, consistent with the idea that GTP cycling of Rsr1p stabilizes the axis of polarity primarily to a single focus, thus ensuring normal cell shape and a focused direction of polarized growth. We conclude that the Rsr1p GTPase functions as a polarity landmark for hyphal guidance and may be an important mediator of extracellular signals during processes such as host invasion.  相似文献   

Fission yeast Cdc42 regulates polarized growth and is involved in For3 formin activation and actin cable assembly. We show here that a thermosensitive strain carrying the cdc42L160S allele has membrane traffic defects independent of the actin cable defects. This strain has decreased acid phosphatase (AP) secretion, intracellular accumulation of vesicles and fragmentation of vacuoles. In addition, the exocyst is not localized to the tips of these cells. Overproduction of the scaffold protein Pob1 suppressed cdc42L160S thermosensitive growth and restored exocyst localization and AP secretion. The GTPase Rho3 also suppressed cdc42L160S thermosensitivity, restored exocyst localization and AP secretion. However, Rho3 did not restore the actin cables in these cells as Pob1 does. Similarly, overexpression of psy1(+) , coding a syntaxin (t-SNARE) homolog, or of ypt2(+) , coding an SEC4 homolog in fission yeast, rescued growth at high temperature but did not restore actin cables, nor the exocyst-polarized localization. cdc42L160S cells also have defects in vacuole formation that were rescued by Pob1, Rho3 and Psy1. All together, we propose that Cdc42 and the scaffold Pob1 are required for membrane trafficking and fusion, contributing to polarized secretion, endosome recycling, vacuole formation and growth.  相似文献   

The Candida albicans INT1 gene is important for hyphal morphogenesis, adherence, and virulence (C. Gale, C. Bendel, M. McClellan, M. Hauser, J. M. Becker, J. Berman, and M. Hostetter, Science 279:1355-1358, 1998). The ability to switch between yeast and hyphal morphologies is an important virulence factor in this fungal pathogen. When INT1 is expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cells grow with a filamentous morphology that we exploited to gain insights into how C. albicans regulates hyphal growth. In S. cerevisiae, INT1-induced filamentous growth was affected by a small subset of actin mutations and a limited set of actin-interacting proteins including Sla2p, an S. cerevisiae protein with similarity in its C terminus to mouse talin. Interestingly, while SLA2 was required for INT1-induced filamentous growth, it was not required for polarized growth in response to several other conditions, suggesting that Sla2p is not required for polarized growth per se. The morphogenesis checkpoint, mediated by Swe1p, contributes to INT1-induced filamentous growth; however, epistasis analysis suggests that Sla2p and Swe1p contribute to INT1-induced filamentous growth through independent pathways. The C. albicans SLA2 homolog (CaSLA2) complements S. cerevisiae sla2Delta mutants for growth at 37 degrees C and INT1-induced filamentous growth. Furthermore, in a C. albicans Casla2/Casla2 strain, hyphal growth did not occur in response to either nutrient deprivation or to potent stimuli, such as mammalian serum. Thus, through analysis of INT1-induced filamentous growth in S. cerevisiae, we have identified a C. albicans gene, SLA2, that is required for hyphal growth in C. albicans.  相似文献   

A formin Bni1p nucleates actin to assemble actin cables, which guide the polarized transport of secretory vesicles in budding yeast. We identified mutations that suppressed both the lethality and the excessive actin cable formation caused by overexpression of a truncated Bni1p (BNI1DeltaN). Two recessive mutations, act1-301 in the actin gene and sla2-82 in a gene involved in cortical actin patch assembly, were identified. The isolation of sla2-82 was unexpected, because cortical actin patches are required for the internalization step of endocytosis. Both act1-301 and sla2-82 exhibited synthetic growth defects with bni1Delta. act1-301, which resulted in an E117K substitution, interacted genetically with mutations in profilin (PFY1) and BUD6, suggesting that Act1-301p was not fully functional in formin-mediated polymerization. sla2-82 also interacted genetically with genes involved in actin cable assembly. Some experiments, however, suggested that the effects of sla2-82 were caused by depletion of actin monomers, because the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of the bni1Delta sla2-82 mutant was suppressed by increased expression of ACT1. The isolation of suppressors of the BNI1DeltaN phenotype may provide a useful system for identification of actin amino-acid residues that are important for formin-mediated actin polymerization and mutations that affect the availability of actin monomers.  相似文献   

The RHO1 gene encodes a homolog of mammalian RhoA small GTP binding protein in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rho1p is localized at the growth sites, including the bud tip and the cytokinesis site, and is required for bud formation. We have recently shown that Pkc1p, a yeast homolog of mammalian protein kinase C, and glucan synthase are targets of Rho1p. Using the two-hybrid screening system, we cloned a gene encoding a protein which interacted with the GTP-bound form of Rho1p. This gene was identified as BNI1, known to be implicated in cytokinesis or establishment of cell polarity in S.cerevisiae. Bni1p shares homologous domains (FH1 and FH2 domains) with proteins involved in cytokinesis or establishment of cell polarity, including formin of mouse, capu and dia of Drosophila and FigA of Aspergillus. A temperature-sensitive mutation in which the RHO1 gene was replaced by the mammalian RhoA gene showed a synthetically lethal interaction with the bni1 mutation and the RhoA bni1 mutant accumulated cells with a deficiency in cytokinesis. Furthermore, this synthetic lethality was caused by the incapability of RhoA to activate Pkc1p, but not glucan synthase. These results suggest that Rho1p regulates cytoskeletal reorganization at least through Bni1p and Pkc1p.  相似文献   

The ability to switch between yeast and hyphal morphologies is an important virulence factor for the opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans. Although the kinetics of appearance of the filamentous ring that forms at the incipient septum differ in yeast and cells forming hyphae (germ tubes) (), the molecular mechanisms that regulate this difference are not known. Int1p, a C. albicans gene product with similarity in its C terminus to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bud4p, has a role in hyphal morphogenesis. Here we report that in S. cerevisiae, Int1p expression results in the growth of highly polarized cells with delocalized chitin and defects in cytokinesis and bud-site selection patterns, phenotypes that are also seen in S. cerevisiae septin mutant strains. Expression of high levels of Int1p in S. cerevisiae generated elaborate spiral-like structures at the periphery of the polarized cells that contained septins and Int1p. In addition, Int1p coimmunoprecipitated with the Cdc11p and Cdc12p septins, and Cdc12p is required for the establishment and maintenance of these Int1p/septin spirals. Although Swe1p kinase contributes to INT1-induced filamentous growth in S. cerevisiae, it is not required for the formation of ectopic Int1p/septin structures. In C. albicans, Int1p was important for the axial budding pattern and colocalized with Cdc3p septin in a ring at the mother-bud neck of yeast and pseudohyphal cells. Under conditions that induce hyphae, both Cdc3p and Int1p localized to a ring distal to the junction of the mother cell and germ tube. Thus, placement of the Int1p/septin ring with respect to the mother-daughter cell junction distinguishes yeast/pseudohyphal growth from hyphal growth in C. albicans.  相似文献   

Polarity is achieved partly through the localized assembly of the cytoskeleton. During growth in budding yeast, the bud cortex and neck localized formins Bni1p and Bnr1p nucleate and assemble actin cables that extend along the bud-mother axis, providing tracks for secretory vesicle delivery. Localized formins are believed to determine the location and polarity of cables, hence growth. However, yeast expressing the nonlocalized actin nucleating/assembly formin homology (FH) 1-FH2 domains of Bnr1p or Bni1p as the sole formin grow well. Although cables are significantly disorganized, analysis of directed transport of secretory vesicles is still biased toward the bud, reflecting a bias in correctly oriented cables, thereby permitting polarized growth. Myosin II, localized at the bud neck, contributes to polarized growth as a mutant unable to interact with F-actin further compromises growth in cells with an unlocalized formin but not with a localized formin. Our results show that multiple mechanisms contribute to cable orientation and polarized growth, with localized formins and myosin II being two major contributors.  相似文献   

During mating, budding yeast cells reorient growth toward the highest concentration of pheromone. Bni1p, a formin homologue, is required for this polarized growth by facilitating cortical actin cable assembly. Fus3p, a pheromone-activated MAP kinase, is required for pheromone signaling and cell fusion. We show that Fus3p phosphorylates Bni1p in vitro, and phosphorylation of Bni1p in vivo during the pheromone response is dependent on Fus3p. fus3 mutants exhibited multiple phenotypes similar to bni1 mutants, including defects in actin and cell polarization, as well as Kar9p and cytoplasmic microtubule localization. Disruption of the interaction between Fus3p and the receptor-associated Galpha subunit caused similar mutant phenotypes. After pheromone treatment, Bni1p-GFP and Spa2p failed to localize to the cortex of fus3 mutants, and cell wall growth became completely unpolarized. Bni1p overexpression suppressed the actin assembly, cell polarization, and cell fusion defects. These data suggest a model wherein activated Fus3p is recruited back to the cortex, where it activates Bni1p to promote polarization and cell fusion.  相似文献   

Zheng XD  Lee RT  Wang YM  Lin QS  Wang Y 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(16):3760-3769
Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) control yeast morphogenesis, although how they regulate the polarity machinery remains unclear. The dimorphic fungus Candida albicans uses Cdc28/Hgc1, a CDK/cyclin complex, to promote persistent actin polarization for hyphal growth. Here, we report that Rga2, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) of the central polarity regulator Cdc42, undergoes Hgc1-dependent hyperphosphorylation. Using the analog-sensitive Cdc28as mutant, we confirmed that Cdc28 controls Rga2 phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. Deleting RGA2 produced elongated yeast cells without apparent effect on hyphal morphogenesis. However, deleting it or inactivating its GAP activity restored hyphal growth in hgc1Delta mutants, suggesting that Rga2 represses hyphal development and Cdc28/Hgc1 inactivates it upon hyphal induction. We provide evidence that Cdc28/Hgc1 may act to prevent Rga2 from localizing to hyphal tips, leading to localized Cdc42 activation for hyphal extension. Rga2 also undergoes transient Cdc28-dependent hyperphosphorylation at bud emergence, suggesting that regulating a GAP(s) of Cdc42 by CDKs may play an important role in governing different forms of polarized morphogenesis in yeast. This study reveals a direct molecular link between CDKs and the polarity machinery.  相似文献   

Rapid and long-distance secretion of membrane components is critical for hyphal formation in filamentous fungi, but the mechanisms responsible for polarized trafficking are not well understood. Here, we demonstrate that in Candida albicans, the majority of the Golgi complex is redistributed to the distal region during hyphal formation. Randomly distributed Golgi puncta in yeast cells cluster toward the growing tip during hyphal formation, remain associated with the distal portion of the filament during its extension, and are almost absent from the cell body. This restricted Golgi localization pattern is distinct from other organelles, including the endoplasmic reticulum, vacuole and mitochondria, which remain distributed throughout the cell body and hypha. Hyphal-induced positioning of the Golgi and the maintenance of its structural integrity requires actin cytoskeleton, but not microtubules. Absence of the formin Bni1 causes a hyphal-specific dispersal of the Golgi into a haze of finely dispersed vesicles with a sedimentation density no different from that of normal Golgi. These results demonstrate the existence of a hyphal-specific, Bni1-dependent cue for Golgi integrity and positioning at the distal portion of the hyphal tip, and suggest that filamentous fungi have evolved a novel strategy for polarized secretion, involving a redistribution of the Golgi to the growing tip.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Spa2p is a component of polarisome that controls cell polarity. Here, we have characterized the role of its homologue, CaSpa2p, in the polarized growth in Candida albicans. During yeast growth, GFP-tagged CaSpa2p localized to distinct growth sites in a cell cycle-dependent manner, while during hyphal growth it persistently localized to hyphal tips throughout the cell cycle. Persistent tip localization of the protein was also observed in Catup1Delta and Canrg1Delta, mutants constitutive for filamentous growth. Caspa2Delta exhibited defects in polarity establishment and maintenance, such as random budding and failure to confine growth to a small surface area leading to round cells with wide, elongated bud necks and markedly thicker hyphae. It was also defective in nuclear positioning, presumably a result of defective interactions between cytoplasmic microtubules with certain polarity determinants. The highly conserved SHD-I and SHD-V domains were found to be important and responsible for different aspects of CaSpa2p function. Caspa2Delta exhibited no virulence in the mouse systemic candidiasis model. Because of the existence of distinct growth forms and the easy control of the switch between them in vitro, C. albicans may serve as a useful model in cell polarity research.  相似文献   

The plus ends of microtubules have been speculated to regulate the actin cytoskeleton for the proper positioning of sites of cell polarization and cytokinesis. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, interphase microtubules and the kelch repeat protein tea1p regulate polarized cell growth. Here, we show that tea1p is directly deposited at cell tips by microtubule plus ends. Tea1p associates in large "polarisome" complexes with bud6p and for3p, a formin that assembles actin cables. Tea1p also interacts in a separate complex with the CLIP-170 protein tip1p, a microtubule plus end-binding protein that anchors tea1p to the microtubule plus end. Localization experiments suggest that tea1p and bud6p regulate formin distribution and actin cable assembly. Although single mutants still polarize, for3Deltabud6Deltatea1Delta triple-mutant cells lack polarity, indicating that these proteins contribute overlapping functions in cell polarization. Thus, these experiments begin to elucidate how microtubules contribute to the proper spatial regulation of actin assembly and polarized cell growth.  相似文献   

Bud6p is a component of a polarisome that controls cell polarity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we investigated the role of the Candida albicans Bud6 protein (CaBud6p) in cell polarity and hyphal development. CaBud6p, which consists of 703 amino acids, had 37% amino-acid sequence identity with the Bud6 protein of S. cerevisiae. The homozygous knock-out of CaBUD6 resulted in several abnormal phenotypes, such as a round and enlarged cells, widened bud necks, and a random budding pattern. In hypha-inducing media, the mutant cells had markedly swollen tips and a reduced ability to switch from yeast to hypha. In addition, a yeast two-hybrid analysis showed a physical interaction between CaBud6p and CaAct1p, which suggests that CaBud6p may be involved in actin cable organization, like Bud6p in S. cerevisiae. Taken together, these results indicate that CaBud6 plays an important role in the polarized growth of C. albicans.  相似文献   

Directional growth is a function of polarized cells such as neurites, pollen tubes, and fungal hyphae. Correct orientation of the extending cell tip depends on signaling pathways and effectors that mediate asymmetric responses to specific environmental cues. In the hyphal form of the eukaryotic fungal pathogen Candida albicans, these responses include thigmotropism and galvanotropism (hyphal turning in response to changes in substrate topography and imposed electrical fields, respectively) and penetration into semisolid substrates. During vegetative growth in C. albicans, as in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Ras-like GTPase Rsr1 mediates internal cellular cues to position new buds in a prespecified pattern on the mother cell cortex. Here, we demonstrate that Rsr1 is also important for hyphal tip orientation in response to the external environmental cues that induce thigmotropic and galvanotropic growth. In addition, Rsr1 is involved in hyphal interactions with epithelial cells in vitro and its deletion diminishes the hyphal invasion of kidney tissue during systemic infection. Thus, Rsr1, an internal polarity landmark in yeast, is also involved in polarized growth responses to asymmetric environmental signals, a paradigm that is different from that described for the homologous protein in S. cerevisiae. Rsr1 may thereby contribute to the pathogenesis of C. albicans infections by influencing hyphal tip responses triggered by interaction with host tissues.  相似文献   

Osmotic stress causes actin cytoskeleton disassembly, a cell cycle arrest, and activation of the high osmolarity growth mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. A previous study showed that Ssk2p, a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase of the high osmolarity growth pathway, promotes actin cytoskeleton recovery to the neck of late cell cycle, osmotically stressed yeast cells. Data presented herein examined the role of Ssk2p in actin recovery early in the cell cycle. We found that actin recovery at all stages of the cell cycle is not controlled by Ssk1p, the known activator of Ssk2p, but required a polarized distribution of Ssk2p as well as its actin-interacting and kinase activity. Stress-induced localization of Ssk2p to the neck required the septin Shs1p, whereas localization to the bud cortex depended on the polarity scaffold protein Spa2p. spa2delta cells, like ssk2delta cells, were defective for actin recovery from osmotic stress. These spa2delta defects could be suppressed by overexpression of catalytically active Ssk2p. Furthermore, Spa2p could be precipitated by GST-Ssk2p from extracts of osmotically stressed cells. The Ssk2p mediated actin recovery pathway seems to be conserved; MTK1, a human mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase of the p38 stress response pathway and Ssk2p homolog, was also able to localize at polarized growth sites, form a complex with actin and Spa2p, and complement actin recovery defects in osmotically stressed ssk2delta and spa2delta yeast cells. We hypothesize that osmotic stress-induced actin disassembly leads to the formation of an Ssk2p-actin complex and the polarized localization of Ssk2p. Polarized Ssk2p associates with the scaffold protein Spa2p in the bud and Shs1p in the neck, allowing Ssk2p to regulate substrates involved in polarized actin assembly.  相似文献   

The Aspergillus nidulans proteome possesses a single formin, SepA, which is required for actin ring formation at septation sites and also plays a role in polarized morphogenesis. Previous observations imply that complex regulatory mechanisms control the function of SepA and ensure its correct localization within hyphal tip cells. To characterize these mechanisms, we undertook a screen for mutations that enhance sepA defects. Of the mutants recovered, mesA1 causes the most dramatic defect in polarity establishment when SepA function is compromised. In a wild-type background, mesA1 mutants undergo aberrant hyphal morphogenesis, whereas septum formation remains unaffected. Molecular characterization revealed that MesA is a novel fungal protein that contains predicted transmembrane domains and localizes to hyphal tips. We show that MesA promotes the localized assembly of actin cables at polarization sites by facilitating the stable recruitment of SepA. We also provide evidence that MesA may regulate the formation or distribution of sterol-rich membrane domains. Our results suggest that these domains may be part of novel mechanism that directs SepA to hyphal tips.  相似文献   

Unlike most other cells, hyphae of filamentous fungi permanently elongate and lack nonpolar growth phases. We identified AgBoi1/2p in the filamentous ascomycete Ashbya gossypii as a component required to prevent nonpolar growth at hyphal tips. Strains lacking AgBoi1/2p frequently show spherical enlargement at hyphal tips with concomitant depolarization of actin patches and loss of tip-located actin cables. These enlarged tips can repolarize and resume hyphal tip extension in the previous polarity axis. AgBoi1/2p permanently localizes to hyphal tips and transiently to sites of septation. Only the tip localization is important for sustained elongation of hyphae. In a yeast two-hybrid experiment, we identified the Rho-type GTPase AgRho3p as an interactor of AgBoi1/2p. AgRho3p is also required to prevent nonpolar growth at hyphal tips, and strains deleted for both AgBOI1/2 and AgRHO3 phenocopied the respective single-deletion strains, demonstrating that AgBoi1/2p and AgRho3p function in a common pathway. Monitoring the polarisome of growing hyphae using AgSpa2p fused to the green fluorescent protein as a marker, we found that polarisome disassembly precedes the onset of nonpolar growth in strains lacking AgBoi1/2p or AgRho3p. AgRho3p locked in its GTP-bound form interacts with the Rho-binding domain of the polarisome-associated formin AgBni1p, implying that AgRho3p has the capacity to directly activate formin-driven actin cable nucleation. We conclude that AgBoi1/2p and AgRho3p support polarisome-mediated actin cable formation at hyphal tips, thereby ensuring permanent polar tip growth.  相似文献   

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