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用荧光光谱方法研究了皖南尖吻蝮蛇蛇毒中纤溶组分。研究了Acr对FP内源发光的影响,结果表明,每个FP分子含有多个Trp残基,这些Trp残基约有83%可被Acr所淬灭,而且这些Trp残基位于FP分子的较疏水环境中。  相似文献   

利用原子吸收法和荧光探针法了皖南尖吻蝮蛇蛇毒纤溶组分每分子中含有一个含,以Tb^3+作荧光探针测得Tb^3+与FP中色氨酸残基之间的距离约为0.375nm。  相似文献   

姜桂荣  吴丹  李佐刚 《生物技术》2004,14(Z1):13-14
目的探讨蝮蛇蛇毒纤溶酶对实验性动物血栓形成的影响.方法采用Chandler氏体外法形成大白鼠体外血栓和家兔半体内血栓,给药组和对照组分别注射蛇毒纤溶酶及相同体积的生理盐水,分别测定两组动物体外形成的血栓重量和长度.结果给药组动物形成的血栓明显小于对照组.结论蝮蛇蛇毒纤溶酶具有抑制血栓形成的作用.  相似文献   

李佐刚  丁浩涵  王展 《生物技术》2004,14(Z1):16-18
目的研究蛇毒纤溶酶在体内过程及药代动力学.方法以125I-蛇毒纤溶酶作示踪剂进行研究.结果静脉注射后,体内血药浓度时程曲线为二房室模型,大鼠体内T1/2β分别为6.1h(低剂量)、6.3h(中剂量)、5.6h(高剂量)、小鼠尾静脉注射后3h,各脏器中放射性活性达到峰值,其值(%)大小顺序为肾(1.34)>肺(1.09)>肝(0.90)=脾(0.90)>心(0.51)>肌肉(0.45)>脑(0.29),125I-蛇毒纤溶酶静脉注射后72h内,尿排泄率为85.6%,粪排泄率为5.4%,胆汗排泄率为12%.结论蛇毒纤溶酶静脉注射后,体内血药浓度时程曲线为二房室模型,主要从尿排泄.  相似文献   

李佐刚  王晨  雷兰  战祥友 《生物技术》2004,14(Z1):19-20
目的为保证临床用药安全,对蛇毒纤溶酶进行毒理学研究.方法急性毒性实验小鼠iv给药后,统计LD50及死亡率.亚慢性毒理学实验小鼠ip给药,家兔iv给药,观察动物的一般状态、死亡率、肝功能及血常规.结果LD50为19.30±1.77u/10g,急性毒性实验中,小鼠死亡时间在24~48h.亚慢性毒理学实验动物各项指标均正常.结论蛇毒纤溶酶的临床用量是安全的.  相似文献   

目的:研究蛇毒纤溶酶Fibrolase的最佳复性方法。方法:使用透析和凝胶色谱法对Fibrolase复性进行研究,比较2种复性方法的相对复性率及蛋白质回收率。结果:2种复性方法的复性率分别为20%、25%,蛋白质回收率分别为16%、5%。结论:凝胶过滤色谱复性优于透析法复性,凝胶过滤色谱复性使蛋白质的复性与纯化同步进行,简化了操作程序,提高了产品回收率。  相似文献   

  用热变性蚯蚓纤溶酶(earthworm fibrinolitic enzyme,EFE)组分EfP-0-2、EfP-Ⅰ-1、EfP-Ⅱ-1, 以及重组蛋白EfP-Ⅲ-2为抗原,免疫家兔获得了抗血清,利用获得的抗血清对部分组分的免疫学同一性进行了验证.EfP-0、EfP-Ⅰ、EfP-Ⅱ的免疫双扩散反应表明,EfP-Ⅰ和EfP-Ⅱ具有部分免疫学同一性. 利用DNAMAN软件对获得的EfP-0、EfP-Ⅰ、EfP-Ⅱ、EfP -Ⅲ的蛋白质序列进行了初步分析,包括整个序列相似性比对、氨基酸组成、蛋白酶消化、抗原肽、疏水性和亲水性轮廓等,并对N端氨基酸序列进行了分析.结果表明,EfP-Ⅰ和EfP- Ⅱ具有部分免疫学同一性是由它们蛋白质序列的组成和结构决定的.  相似文献   

利用荧光光谱学对BPLA2和Ca2+相互作用的研究表明,Ca2+在BPLA2中十分重要.在Ca2+存在时,底物与BPLA2的结合使酶中色氨酸残基周围的环境变得较为疏水,荧光发射谱蓝移达9nm,而无Ca2+存在时却无此现象发生;实验证明BPLA2分子中有一较强的疏水区,Ca2+可明显增强这一区域的疏水性;另外,我们还发现Ca2+与酶的结合与酶中唯一的His残基有关.  相似文献   

用正常人胎肺细胞体外培养,从其培养液中分离纤溶酶原活化物(PA),通过CM-SephadexC-50层析,硫酸铵沉淀和Fibrin-Sepharose,Lysine-Sepharose亲和层析及SephadexG-50凝胶过滤等步骤,从10.5l条件培养液中分离纯化得到两种类型的纤溶酶原活化物,t-PA90μg,u-PA800μg.在还原条件下SDS-PAGE均显示单带,分子量t-PA为72kD,u-PA为54kD,纤溶比活分别为156000IU/mg蛋白和106000IU/mg蛋白.  相似文献   

目的:对海洋来源的具有产纤溶酶能力的枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)LC6-1进行紫外诱变,得到高产且稳定的突变株PW6-3,对该突变株发酵产酶的条件进行优化。方法:采用单因素和正交试验进行发酵培养基组分和培养条件的优化。结果:突变株PW6-3的酶活力为(6 960.21 ± 85.51)U/mL,较原始菌株提高了30.48%。以PW6-3为出发菌株,采用单因素及正交试验的方法对菌株进行发酵培养基组分与培养条件优化,最终得到的最佳培养基组分是:玉米淀粉30 g/L,玉米浆干粉40 g/L,CaCl2 3 g/L;最佳发酵培养条件是:32℃,转速200 r/min,接种量3%,pH 6.5,种龄18 h,发酵培养时间66 h,最终菌株的酶活力稳定在(9 203.63 ± 67.85)U/mL。结论:发酵工艺优化后,菌株PW6-3纤溶酶产量较诱变之前的菌株LC6-1提高72.53%,且发酵工艺成本较低,具有较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

A new bacterial cloning vector, pGreenLD, derived from the triple substitution mutated Aequorea v/ctor/a green fluorescent protein(GFP-S65A, V68L, S72A), when expressed in E. coli produced colonies which showed yellow-green colour under daylight and strong green fluorescence under long-wave ultraviolet light. It can be a useful vector for selecting foreign DNA fragment which was inserted into multiple cloning site based on the loss of the yellow-green color/green fluorescence of E. coli cells attributable to the insertional inactivation of GFP production.  相似文献   

本文以异硫氰基荧光素(FITC)作为荧光探针标记于金属硫蛋白分子上,用荧光光谱研究了Cd^2+及Ag^+离子与ZnMT2-FITC进行金属交换及与ApoMT2-FITC进行金属重组时的构象变化。结果表明,标记后MT与Cd^2+离子进行金属交换及金属重组时不具有明显的结构域特征,而Ag^+离子进行金属交换及金属重组时,分别在Ag6MT、Ag12MT及Ag18MT处具有明显的结构域形成特征。此外高温下  相似文献   

Cell-surface engineering (Ueda et al., 2000) has been applied to develop a novel technique to visualize yeast in bread dough. Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was bonded to the surface of yeast cells, and 0.5% EGFP yeasts were mixed into the dough samples at four different mixing stages. The samples were placed on a cryostat at ?30 °C and sliced at 10 μm. The sliced samples were observed at an excitation wavelength of 480 nm and a fluorescent wavelength of 520 nm. The results indicated that the combination of the EGFP-displayed yeasts, rapid freezing, and cryo-sectioning made it possible to visualize 2-D distribution of yeast in bread dough to the extent that the EGFP yeasts could be clearly distinguished from the auto-fluorescent background of bread dough.  相似文献   

Based on the fluorescence quenching of Terbium (III)‐sodium hexametaphosphate (Tb/SHMP) chelates in the presence chromate (III), a sensitive fluorimetric method was developed for the determination of trace amounts of chromium (III) in aqueous solutions. Under the optimum conditions, the linear calibration graph was obtained (R = 0.996). The linear range and detection limit of Cr (III) were 7.69 × 10?7 to 1.15 × 10?4 mol L?1 and 4.50 × 10?7 mol L?1, respectively. The proposed method had a wider linear range and was proved to be very sensitive, rapid and simple. The method was applied successfully to the determination of chromium (III) in the synthetic samples and real water samples. Moreover, the reaction mechanism was discussed through the fluorescence lifetime and proved to be dynamic quenching behavior. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Müller cells are the principal glial cells of the retina. Their end-feet form the limits of the retina at the outer and inner limiting membranes (ILM), and in conjunction with astrocytes, pericytes and endothelial cells they establish the blood-retinal barrier (BRB). BRB limits material transport between the bloodstream and the retina while the ILM acts as a basement membrane that defines histologically the border between the retina and the vitreous cavity. Labeling Müller cells is particularly relevant to study the physical state of the retinal barriers, as these cells are an integral part of the BRB and ILM. Both BRB and ILM are frequently altered in retinal disease and are responsible for disease symptoms.There are several well-established methods to study the integrity of the BRB, such as the Evans blue assay or fluorescein angiography. However these methods do not provide information on the extent of BRB permeability to larger molecules, in nanometer range. Furthermore, they do not provide information on the state of other retinal barriers such as the ILM. To study BRB permeability alongside retinal ILM, we used an AAV based method that provides information on permeability of BRB to larger molecules while indicating the state of the ILM and extracellular matrix proteins in disease states. Two AAV variants are useful for such study: AAV5 and ShH10. AAV5 has a natural tropism for photoreceptors but it cannot get across to the outer retina when administered into the vitreous when the ILM is intact (i.e., in wild-type retinas). ShH10 has a strong tropism towards glial cells and will selectively label Müller glia in both healthy and diseased retinas. ShH10 provides more efficient gene delivery in retinas where ILM is compromised. These viral tools coupled with immunohistochemistry and blood-DNA analysis shed light onto the state of retinal barriers in disease.  相似文献   

A large fluorescence enhancement of 2-p-toluidinylnaphthalene-6-suIfonate (TNS) caused by amylose decreases as the substrate is degraded by amylases. This property was used to follow the enzymatic hydrolysis of amylose and analyze the action pattern of six kinds of amylases. This method can substitute the conventional blue value method, and is more sensitive for short chain amylodextrins. The advantage of the new method over the blue value method is that it is useful to monitor the hydrolysis of maltooligosaccharides to which the blue value method cannot be applicable, and that it enables continuous monitoring of the enzyme reactions.  相似文献   

Imaging probes targeting type 2 cannabinoid receptor (CB2R) overexpressed in pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma (PDAC) tissue have the potential to improve early detection and surgical outcome of PDAC. The aim of our study was to evaluate the molecular imaging potential of a CB2R-targeted near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent probe (NIR760-XLP6) for PDAC. CB2R overexpression was observed in both PDAC patient tissues and various pancreatic cancer cell lines. In vitro fluorescence imaging indicated specific binding of NIR760-XLP6 to CB2R in human PDAC PANC-1 cells. In a xenograft mouse tumor model, NIR760-XLP6 showed remarkable 50- (ex vivo) and 3.2-fold (in vivo) tumor to normal contrast enhancement with minimal liver and kidney uptake. In a PDAC lymph node metastasis model, significant signal contrast was observed in bilateral axillary lymph nodes with PDAC metastasis after injection of the probe. In conclusion, NIR760-XLP6 exhibits promising characteristics for imaging PDAC, and CB2R appears to be an attractive target for PDAC imaging.  相似文献   

利用锌特异性探针HL~1示踪植物细胞外Zn~(2+)的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)和谷子(Setaria italic)为研究材料,利用锌特异性探针HL1,使用荧光分光光度仪、等温滴定热量测定仪(ITC200)和倒置荧光显微镜等仪器探究了该化学探针的特性以及植物细胞外游离Zn~(2+)的分布。结果表明,当HL1与不同元素溶液混合时,只与Zn~(2+)特异性结合,在紫外光(UV)激发下,发射出波长为500 nm的蓝色荧光;生成物的平衡解离常数KD=7.02×10–4 mol·L–1,具有很好的稳定性。拟南芥叶片中的Zn~(2+)分布于细胞间隙及叶表皮毛的外周和表层,且叶表皮毛的荧光强度具有明显的浓度依赖性;谷子叶片中的Zn~(2+)分布在细胞间隙以及维管组织。拟南芥根中的Zn~(2+)分布于根的伸长区,且荧光强度也明显地表现出与浓度相关。由此推断,根伸长区与Zn~(2+)运输有关,叶的维管组织是植物细胞外运输Zn~(2+)的主要途径,细胞间隙和叶表皮毛是植物储存Zn~(2+)的主要区域。HL1适用于检测细胞外Zn~(2+)的分布。  相似文献   

One strong fluorescent Bodipy‐containing derivative was synthesized and characterized using 1H NMR, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. Its electrochemical and photophysical properties were investigated. In addition, the Bodipy derivative could be used as an on–off fluorescent probe for the detection of Fe3+ ions based on the inner filter effect because the absorption band of the Fe3+ ion overlaps the excitation band of Bodipy very well upon irradiation with UV light. Furthermore, the Bodipy‐based sensor has obvious advantages including simplicity, rapid response, high selectivity, sensitivity and a detection limit of 1.2 μmol/L, and has been demonstrated in real water samples including tap water, mineral water and water from Lake Tai. Moreover, the fluorescent probe could also be used as a probe for the determination of Fe3+ in cellular and bacterial imaging. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Currently, the fluorescent probe is an important method for detecting heavy metal ions, especially mercury ion (Hg2+), which is harmful to the health of humans and the environment due to its toxicity and extensive use. In this paper, we designed and synthesized a colorimetric and long‐wavelength fluorescent probe Hg‐P with high sensitivity and excellent selectivity, which could detect Hg2+ by the changes of visual color, fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy. With the addition of Hg2+ to probe Hg‐P solution, its color changed from yellow to pink, and showed a 171 nm red‐shifted absorption spectrum. Probe Hg‐P was used in real water and soil solution samples to detect Hg2+, and the result is satisfactory. Therefore, this new probe shows great value and application in detecting Hg2+ in the environment.  相似文献   

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