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Aim We assessed the effects of latitude, altitude and climate on the alpha diversity of rain forest trees in the Western Ghats (WG) of India. We tested whether stem densities, dominance, the prevalence of rarity, and the proportion of understorey trees are significantly correlated with alpha diversity. Location The WG is a chain of mountains c. 1600 km in length, running parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula from above 8° N to almost 21° N latitude. Wet forests occur as a narrow strip in regions with heavy rainfall. Methods To assess tree diversity we used data from 40 small plots, < 1 ha in area, where all trees ≥ 3.18 cm d.b.h. had been inventoried. These plots were distributed across 7 latitudinal degrees and at elevations between 200 and 1550 m. Fisher's alpha was used as a measure of diversity. For each plot, the proportion of trees belonging to the understorey, the proportion of trees belonging to the most abundant species in the plot, as a measure of dominance, and the proportionate representation of singletons, as a measure of rarity, were estimated, and correlated with Fisher's alpha, elevation, rainfall and seasonality. Results Annual rainfall and seasonality increased towards the north, but were not significantly correlated. Tree diversity increased significantly with decreasing seasonality. Tree diversity was not significantly correlated with stem density or with the proportion of understorey tree species, but was significantly correlated with tree dominance and rarity. Dominance increased and rarity significantly decreased with increasing seasonality. Main conclusions This study demonstrates that seasonality influences rain forest tree diversity in the WG of India. The relationship between alpha diversity, dominance and rarity lends correlative support for the Janzen–Connell pest pressure hypothesis.  相似文献   

海南五指山热带山地雨林植物物种多样性研究   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
王指山热带山地雨林的物种种类十分丰富,在1hm^2样地中共出现54个科,100个属的乔木树种177种,1337个个体。区系地理分析表明属的分布区类型以热带分布型成分占优,为89.0%,充分体现了五指山山地雨林的热带性质。多样性指数分析结果为:样地1Margalef指数17.822,Shannon-Wiener指数5.621,均匀度0.823,Simpson指数0.050,均匀度6.775,表明五指  相似文献   

Aims With the aim of understanding why some of the world's forests exhibit higher tree beta diversity values than others, we asked: (1) what is the contribution of environmentally related variation versus pure spatial and local stochastic variation to tree beta diversity assessed at the forest plot scale; (2) at what resolution are these beta‐diversity components more apparent; and (3) what determines the variation in tree beta diversity observed across regions/continents? Location World‐wide. Methods We compiled an unprecedented data set of 10 large‐scale stem‐mapping forest plots differing in latitude, tree species richness and topographic variability. We assessed the tree beta diversity found within each forest plot separately. The non‐directional variation in tree species composition among cells of the plot was our measure of beta diversity. We compared the beta diversity of each plot with the value expected under a null model. We also apportioned the beta diversity into four components: pure topographic, spatially structured topographic, pure spatial and unexplained. We used linear mixed models to interpret the variation of beta diversity values across the plots. Results Total tree beta diversity within a forest plot decreased with increasing cell size, and increased with tree species richness and the amount of topographic variability of the plot. The topography‐related component of beta diversity was correlated with the amount of topographic variability but was unrelated to its species richness. The unexplained variation was correlated with the beta diversity expected under the null model and with species richness. Main conclusions Because different components of beta diversity have different determinants, comparisons of tree beta diversity across regions should quantify not only overall variation in species composition but also its components. Global‐scale patterns in tree beta diversity are largely coupled with changes in gamma richness due to the relationship between the latter and the variation generated by local stochastic assembly processes.  相似文献   

Vegetation structure and species composition of tropical ecosystems were studied through nine transects at Veerapuli and Kalamalai reserve forests in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Species diversity, dominance, species richness and evenness indices of plant communities and also population structure of woody plants were enumerated. A total of 244 species (183 genera and 76 families) were recorded. Species richness (number of species) were 82,142 and 96 species per 0.3 ha respectively for the study areas of low-elevation forest (LEF), mid-elevation forest (MEF) and high elevation forest (HEF). Species diversity indices were greater in MEF compared to the other two forests except juveniles. In contrast, greater dominance value indices were recorded in LEF than other forests. Density and basal area of the MEF were twice greater than the LEF, while HEF showed greater tree density and low basal area when compared to LEF. The stem density and species richness (number of species) decreased with increased size classes of trees observed in the present study indicated good regeneration status. Population structure of juveniles and seedlings also reflects good regeneration status. Terminalia paniculata (IVI of 99.9) and Hopea parviflora (IVI of 103.8) were dominant tree species respectively in LEF and MEF whereas in HEF Agrostistachys meeboldii (63.65), Cullenia excelsa (63.67) and Drypetes oblongifolia (39.67) share the dominance. Past damage (anthropogenic perturbation) may be one of the reasons for single species dominance in LEF and MEF. Occurrence of alien species such as Eupatorium odoratum and Ageratum conyzoides also indicated the past disturbance in LEF. The variations in plant diversity and population structure are largely due to anthropogenic perturbation and other abiotic factors.  相似文献   

Aims We analyze two continental data sets of forest communities from across the New World to examine the latitudinal gradients of beta diversity after accounting for gamma diversity and the latitudinal gradient of gamma diversity after accounting for beta diversity.Methods Correlation and regression analyses were used to relate beta and gamma diversity to latitude along two latitudinal gradients in the New World (one including 72 forest sites located south of the equator and the other including 79 forest sites located north of the equator).Important findings Beta diversity and gamma diversity were negatively correlated with latitude. Beta diversity was strongly and positively correlated with gamma diversity (Pearson's correlation coefficient: 0.783 for New World North and 0.848 for New World South). When beta diversity was regressed on latitude and gamma diversity, 69.8 and 85.7% of the variation in beta diversity were explained, respectively, for New World North and New World South. When gamma diversity was regressed on latitude and beta diversity, 81.8 and 84.3% of the variation in gamma diversity were explained, respectively, for New World North and New World South. After statistically removing the relationship between beta and gamma diversity, latitude has weak or no relationships with beta and gamma diversity. However, strong positive correlations between beta and gamma diversity may not be considered as evidence of one driving the other along a latitudinal gradient.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带山地雨林群落乔木树种多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
根据块样地资料对西双版纳热带山地雨林树种多样性特征进行了分析.结果表明,在2 500m2的样地上,随着起测胸径递增,各样地乔木个体数和树种丰富度均表现为依次递减;低海拔带上(850~1000 m)的山地雨林(1、2号样地)的各指数值无一定变化规律,较高海拔带上(1200~2000 m)的山地雨林(3~6号样地)的Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数均表现为依次递减,而Pielou均匀度指数则呈依次递增的趋势.较高海拔带上的山地雨林在较小乔木起测胸径(≥2 cm、≥5 cm、≥10 cm)的树种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数均要明显大于低海拔带上的山地雨林,而两者在较大乔木起测胸径(≥20 cm、≥30 cm、≥50 cm)的各指数值无明显差异.随着取样面积的递增,各样地树种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数在取样面积递增到2 000m2处均已趋于平缓.  相似文献   

Aims Spatial distribution patterns and formation mechanisms of species diversity are fundamental issues in community ecology. The objectives of this study are to assess the species diversity patterns at the different spatial scales in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China.
Methods Based on the dataset from the 60 hm2 plot in the tropical montane rain forest in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, the spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance, Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices were analyzed at six spatial scales, including 5 m × 5 m, 10 m × 10 m, 20 m × 20 m, 40 m × 40 m, 100 m × 100 m, and 200 m × 200 m, respectively.Important findings
Results showed that spatial distribution patterns of species richness, species abundance and Shannon-Wiener index were much more obviously changed with the spatial scales than Simpson and Pielou’s evenness indices. Change of variance of the species richness with the increase of spatial scales was unimodal, which had the maximum value at the 20 m × 20 m scale. Variance of the species abundance showed a linear relationship with the increase of spatial scales. The positive relationship between species richness and abundance gradually decreased and even disappeared with the increase of sampling scales, which may be correlated with the increase of habitat heterogeneity. The effects of spatial scales on Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, and Pielou’s evenness indices may be also correlated with the composition of rare species in the plot.  相似文献   

物种多样性的空间分布格局和维持机制是群落生态学的基本问题。为了探讨海南尖峰岭地区物种多样性空间分布格局的尺度效应, 以海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林60 hm2样地为研究对象, 分析了物种丰富度、物种多度、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数以及Pielou均匀度指数随6个空间取样尺度(5 m × 5 m、10 m × 10 m、20 m × 20 m、40 m × 40 m、100 m ×100 m、200 m × 200 m)的变化。结果表明: 相比Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数, 物种丰富度、多度以及Shannon-Wiener指数具有更为明显的空间尺度效应; 物种丰富度的方差随取样尺度增加呈现单峰分布特征, 并且在20 m × 20 m尺度上达到最大值, 而物种多度的方差随取样尺度的增加而增大; 物种丰富度和多度的正相关性随着取样尺度的增加逐渐减小甚至消失, 这可能与随取样尺度增加生境异质性增加有关; 取样尺度对3个物种多样性指数空间分布的影响可能与研究区域内稀有种的组成有关。  相似文献   

Many plant species exhibit strong association with topographic habitats at local scales. However, the historical biogeographic and physiological drivers of habitat specialization are still poorly understood, and there is a need for relatively easy‐to‐measure predictors of species habitat niche breadth. Here, we explore whether species geographic range, climatic envelope, or intraspecific variability in leaf traits is related to the degree of habitat specialization in a hyperdiverse tropical tree community in Amazonian Ecuador. Contrary to our expectations, we find no effect of the size of species geographic ranges, the diversity of climate a species experiences across its range, or intraspecific variability in leaf traits in predicting topographic habitat association in the ~300 most common tropical tree species in a 25‐ha tropical forest plot. In addition, there was no phylogenetic signal to habitat specialization. We conclude that species geographic range size, climatic niche breadth, and intraspecific variability in leaf traits fail to capture the habitat specialization patterns observed in this highly diverse tropical forest.  相似文献   

山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林种子雨的地形格局   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
沈泽昊  吕楠  赵俊 《生态学报》2004,24(9):1981-1987
种子雨是森林群落更新繁殖体的主要来源。而地形对植被空间格局异质性的影响机制之一 ,就是作用于种子雨的空间分布。为了在亚热带山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林群落中检验这一假设 ,在湖北宜昌市大老岭国家森林公园内、海拔 130 0~ 14 95 m之间的一片天然次生林内进行野外比较观测实验。选择 10个不同的地形部位 ,在每一点设置重复 (5个 )的种子雨收集器 ,在种子雨期间定期收集并记录种子雨的种类及数量。 2 0 0 1、2 0 0 2年的观测数据分析表明 :(1)种子雨密度和物种丰富度在不同地形坡位、坡形上差异显著 ,都沿山脊 -山坡 -山谷梯度和凸坡 -平坡 -凹坡梯度而减小 ;(2 )种子雨的密度和物种丰富度受坡向和坡度的影响不显著 ;(3)种子雨和乔木层物种构成的相似性与坡位和坡形呈显著的正相关 ;与坡度呈不显著的负相关 ,与坡向值间存在非线性关系 ;(4 )地形影响种子雨扩散的可能机制包括 ,影响不同种类母树的分布及其密度格局 ,影响不同坡位或坡形上分布的母树种子生产的强度和节律 ,影响风力的方向和大小的分布 ,从而形成水平方向种子流的源 -汇分化。  相似文献   

滇南热带雨林物种多样性的取样面积探讨   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
通过不同面积样方种数的比较、物种多样性指数等的计算和逐步扩大样地面积的调查, 本文研究了滇南热带雨林种数/面积关系、个体/种数关系、物种多样性及树种的频度分布规律, 认为滇南热带雨林群落学调查的最适取样(样方)面积是0.25 hm2, 这个面积接近该类型热带雨林理论上的群落最小表现面积。 为能体现一个具体森林(群落)类型的基本的植物区系组成, 需设置4~5个这样的样方(总面积累计1 hm2以上)。从与世界不同地区热带雨林的比较亦可见,云南热带雨林有类似的树种频度分布规律,单位面积上的物种多样性比典型的东南亚低地热带雨林稍低,但比非洲的热带雨林要高。  相似文献   

Phenological observations on tree species in tropical moist forest of Uttara Kannada district (13ℴ55′ to 15ℴ31′ N lat; 74ℴ9′ to 75ℴ10′ E long) during the years 1983–1985 revealed that there exists a strong seasonality for leaf flush, leaf drop and reproduction. Young leaves were produced in the pre-monsoon dry period with a peak in February, followed by the expansion of leaves which was completed in March. Abscission of leaves occurred in the post-monsoon winter period with a peak in December. There were two peaks for flowering (December and March), while fruit ripening had a single peak in May–June, preceding the monsoon rainfall. The duration of maturation of leaves was the shortest, while that of full ripening of fruits was the longest. Mature flowers of evergreen species lasted longer than those of deciduous species; in contrast the phenophase of ripe fruits of deciduous species was longer than that of evergreen species.  相似文献   

A permanent plot of 30 ha (600 × 500 m2) was established for long-term ecological research on biodiversity and forest functioning in a tropical evergreen forest at Varagalaiar, Anamalais, Western Ghats. This paper gives the results of the first census of trees in the 30 ha plot. All trees 30 cm gbh were permanently tagged with sequentially numbered aluminium tags and their girth measured. 148 tree species (in 120 genera and 49 families) were enumerated in a total sample of 13,393 individuals. Species diversity, density and dispersion patterns were determined. The mean species richness, density and basal area per hectare were 65 species, 446 stems and 36.26 m2 respectively. The Sorensen similarity index for thirty 1-ha subplots varied from 0.7 to 0.9, indicating the homogeneity in species composition of the stand. The pronounced species hierarchy has resulted in the dominance of four species that occupy four different forest storeys: Drypetes longifolia (lower storey) Reinwardtiodendron anamallayanum (middle storey), Poeciloneuron indicum (upper storey) and Dipterocarpus indicus (emergent). The forest was dominated by Euphorbiaceae in terms of richness (18 species) and abundance of species (3788 stems), and Dipterocarpaceae based on the contribution to basal area (18.4%). Species richness and density decreased with increasing girth-class. Girth class frequency of the stand exhibited an expanding population of trees. Twenty-nine tree species, analysed for spatial dispersion at 1-ha scale, exhibited both clumped and uniform patterns, except Vateria indica which was randomly distributed in one hectare. Repeat census scheduled for subsequent years, will elucidate the behaviour of the individual species and the population dynamics of the tree flora and will be useful for forest conservation and management. It will also help to monitor human activity within this forest.  相似文献   



To evaluate the extent to which ant species richness in Neotropical savannas varies with macrogeographic variables, and to identify the potential climatic drivers of such variation.


The Cerrado savanna biome of central Brazil, in a region spanning ca. 20° of latitude and 18°of longitude.


Standardized sampling of the arboreal and ground‐dwelling faunas was performed in 29 well‐preserved savanna sites using pitfall traps. Species were classified according to their habitat affinities: open‐savanna specialists, forest‐associated species or habitat generalists. We used generalized linear models to evaluate the importance of geographic (latitude, longitude and elevation) and climatic (mean temperature and three metrics of rainfall) variables as predictors of species richness.


The total number of species recorded at each site varied more than twofold (from 59 to 144), and latitude was the best geographic correlate of overall species richness. However, contrary to the expected pattern, more species were found at higher than lower latitudes. This reversed latitudinal pattern of diversity occurred for both the arboreal and ground‐dwelling faunas, and for the habitat generalists and forest specialists. The savanna specialists showed a mid‐latitudinal peak in diversity. Overall, there was a significant positive association between rainfall and species richness, but the strength of this relationship varied with ant habitat affinity.

Main conclusions

The Cerrado ant fauna shows a reverse latitudinal gradient in species diversity, and this can be explained by increasing rainfall during the warmest months of the year (and therefore in plant productivity) with increasing latitude. The sensitivity of Cerrado ant diversity to declining rainfall contrasts with the high resilience to aridity of the Australian savanna ant fauna, and this reflects the contrasting evolutionary histories of these faunas. Our findings highlight the importance of historical processes as drivers of intercontinental contrasts in macroecological patterns.  相似文献   

Herbaceous vascular epiphytes were screened in a total sample of 13 445 trees (in 153 species) and 348 lianas (in 30 species) 30 cm girth at breast height in a 30 ha plot of tropical evergreen forest at Varagalaiar, Indian Western Ghats. Of these, 4.3% of trees and 3.7% of lianas were infested with epiphytes. Epiphyte diversity totaled 26 species in 19 genera and 10 families. Sixteen species were angiosperms in three families (Orchidaceae 54%; Piperaceae and Araceae 8%) and 10 species (38%) were pteridophytes in seven families. The orchid, Pholidota pallida was most abundant and occurred on 178 (29.6%) stems. Asplenium nidus occurred on the maximum of 62 host species. The species richness estimators employed for species accumulation curves after 100 times randomization of sample order have stabilized the curve at 18th and 19th hectares respectively for Incidence-based Coverage Estimator and Chao2. A total of 588 trees and 13 liana stems lodged epiphytes, 74% of which were evergreen species and 26% deciduous. Epiphyte density was greater (56%) in deciduous species (Bischofia javanica 30% and Vitex altissima 8%). A significant positive relationship was found between trunk size and epiphyte association. Larger epiphyte species occurred mostly on middle and larger stems and smaller epiphyte species occurred on smaller stems. The majority of epiphytes (92%) were of autochorous dispersal type, bearing capsule or dust diaspores, while the remaining species with berries and nutlets are dispersed by small vertebrates.  相似文献   

The growth and physiological characteristics of canopy trees are expected to differ systematically from those of understory trees on the basis of size-dependent aspects of biomechanics, resource availability, and life history. Although such differences have previously been noted, there has been relatively little effort to quantify these in terms of interspecific allometric relationships. Asymptotic maximal height (Hmax) is advocated as a measure of the size of dicotyledonous woody plants for this purpose. Height diameter (H–D) relationships in 38 species within six genera of Malaysian rain forest trees are well described by an asymptotic model, and thus provide a basis for estimating Hmax using static observational data. Three important aspects of tree growth strategies are shown to be predictable on the basis of these values: average tree growth rates are positively related to Hmax, while wood density and the initial allometric slope of (species-specific) H–D relationships are negatively related to Hmax. These patterns may be explained by an association of low light levels with slow growth and high density wood in understory species; the latter property may in turn allow for relatively high allometric slopes of H–D relationships in saplings of small-statured species. Analyses that control for phylogenetic differences provide evidence that such interspecific allometric patterns are the product of convergent evolution. These results are consistent with the idea that much ecological variation within species-rich taxa of southeast Asian rain forest trees is related to differentiation along a vertical axis of tree size.  相似文献   

Mast fruiting is a distinctive reproductive trait in trees. This rain forest study, at a nutrient-poor site with a seasonal climate in tropical Africa, provides new insights into the causes of this mode of phenological patterning. At Korup, Cameroon, 150 trees of the large, ectomycorrhizal caesalp, Microberlinia bisulcata, were recorded almost monthly for leafing, flowering and fruiting during 1995-2000. The series was extended to 1988-2004 with less detailed data. Individual transitions in phenology were analysed. Masting occurred when the dry season before fruiting was drier, and the one before that was wetter, than average. Intervals between events were usually 2 or 3 yr. Masting was associated with early leaf exchange, followed by mass flowering, and was highly synchronous in the population. Trees at higher elevation showed more fruiting. Output declined between 1995 and 2000. Mast fruiting in M. bisulcata appears to be driven by climate variation and is regulated by internal tree processes. The resource-limitation hypothesis was supported. An 'alternative bearing' system seems to underlie masting. That ectomycorrhizal habit facilitates masting in trees is strongly implied.  相似文献   

Aiba  Shin-ichiro  Kitayama  Kanehiro 《Plant Ecology》1999,140(2):139-157
We studied forest structure, composition and tree species diversity of eight plots in an environmental matrix of four altitudes (700, 1700, 2700 and 3100 m) and two types of geological substrates (ultrabasic and non-ultrabasic rocks) on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. On both substrate series, forest stature, mean leaf area and tree species diversity (both 4.8 cm and 10 cm diameter at breast height [dbh]) decreased with altitude. The two forests on the different substrate series were similar at 700 m in structure, generic and familial composition and tree species diversity, but became dissimilar with increasing altitude. The decline in stature with altitude was steeper on the ultrabasic substrates than on the non-ultrabasic substrates, and tree species diversity was generally lower on ultrabasic substrates than on non-ultrabasic substrates at 1700 m. The forests on non-ultrabasic substrates at higher altitudes and those on ultrabasic substrates at the lower altitudes were similar in dbh versus tree height allometry, mean leaf area, and generic and familial composition at 1700 m. These contrasting patterns in forest structure and composition between the two substrate series suggested that altitudinal change was compressed on the ultrabasic substrates compared to the non-ultrabasic substrates. Tree species diversity was correlated with maximum tree height and estimated aboveground biomass, but was not with basal area, among the eight study sites. We suggest that forests with higher tree species diversity are characterized by greater biomass allocation to height growth relative to trunk diameter growth under more productive environment than forests with lower tree species diversity.  相似文献   

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