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The activity of the substance(s) which are contained in the cephalic endocrine organs of the locust which induce egg diapause in Bombyx mori was examined by implantation and injection of saline extracts of these organs. Extracts from the median and lateral neurosecretory parts of the locust brain were not effective in inducing egg diapause. Extracts of the corpora cardiaca, corpora allata, and suboesophageal ganglion of the locust induced diapause eggs in Bombyx pharate adults from which the suboesophageal ganglion had been removed. The first two extracts could induce egg diapause even in isolated abdomens of pharate adults of Bombyx. In the locust corpora cardiaca, the activity was present only in the glandular lobe and not in the nervous region. This activity decreased when the nervi corporis cardiaci I and II and of nervi corporis allati I were cut. Allatectomy also brought about a decrease in the activity in the glandular lobe which could not be restored by the injection of juvenile hormone. The activity in the corpora allata was enhanced slightly by the disconnection though not significantly.From these results, it is assumed that the corpora cardiaca, corpora allata and suboesophageal ganglion of the locust contain and active principle(s) capable of inducing egg diapause in Bombyx mori. The nervous connections between the brain, corpora cardiaca, and corpora allata are essential for the accumulation of the active substance(s) in the glandular lobes of the corpora cardiaca.  相似文献   

Re-investigation of the role of the corpora cardiaca in the reproductive behaviour of the giant silkmoths, Hyalophora cecropia and Antheraea polyphemus, showed that this pair of glands plays no essential role, either in “calling” behaviour by virgin females or in increased oviposition due to mating. Removal of corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complexes, either from diapausing pupae or from freshly eclosed adult females, had no effect on the calling behaviour or on its timing in either species. Moreover after mating, these operated females laid eggs in the typical mated oviposition pattern. Furthermore, females in which there was only a nervous connection between the brain and the abdomen but no haemolymph circulation called normally and oviposited after mating.Although the corpora cardiaca were not essential for calling behaviour, hormogenates of corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complexes and blood from calling or ovipositing females induced a typical “calling” response in 30–60% of the isolated virgin H. cecropia abdomens tested. This activity was not species-specific as it was also found in Manduca sexta, but the restriction of major activity to corpora cardiaca extracts and haemolymph suggested that a neurosecretory factor may modulate the normal neural control of calling behaviour.  相似文献   

Assay conditions for the short-term, radiochemical, in vitro determination of the spontaneous rate of juvenile biosynthesis by isolated corpora allata from Leptinotarsa decemlineata have been further improved, permitting the measurement of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by individual pairs of corpora allata. The final incubation product has been identified as juvenile hormone III with the aid of High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and juvenile hormone esterase degradation. Using the new assay conditions, the activities of adult corpora allata during maturation were found to be significantly higher in reproductive, long-day animals than in pre-diapause, short-day beetles. During diapause no activity was detectable, whereas corpora allata from post-diapause beetles were reactivated totally after 5 days. Simultaneous determination of the in vitro rates of juvenile hormone biosynthesis and corpus allatum volumes revealed no clear correlation although the results suggest that the volume may be indicative of the maximal capacity for juvenile hormone production. Corpora allata from a population of beetles did not display any synchronous diurnal rhythmicity.  相似文献   

Oögenesis and the physiological activity of the corpora allata were studied in adult females of the Egyptian locust (Anacridium aegyptium), in ovarian diapause, after electrical stimulation in vivo of the pars intercerebralis. This stimulation provokes (1) a decrease in the quantity of fuchsinophilic material present in the median neurosecretory cell bodies and in the internal cardiac tract, (2) an increase in the physiological activity of the corpora allata (measured by its chromatropic effect on larvae of Locusta), and (3) rupture of the ovarian diapause (advance of maturation of the oöcytes and oviposition by 5 months, and initiation of the ovarian cycle).In the control animals, the same electrical stimulations of various regions of the central nervous system (tritocerebrum, first ganglion of the abdominal cord) have no effect on these phenomena.In allatectomized females, electrical stimulations of the pars intercerebralis are followed by a slight growth of oöcytes, without a deposit of yellow vitellus. The diapause is not broken. Section of the allatocardiac nerves or rupture of the allatocardiac and allato-suboesophageal nervous connexions do not change the physiological state of the corpora allata. In the case of females in which the corpora allata have been disconnected, electrical stimulations of the pars intercerebralis succeed in activating the corpora allata and breaking the ovarian diapause. The aggregate of these results confirms that in locusts the control of the brain over the physiological activity of the corpora allata is above all neuroendocrine.  相似文献   

The Egyptian locust, Anacridium aegyptium, has four protocerebral neurosecretory centres: the A to B neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis (the A cells are rich in fuchsinophil material and the B cells are devoid of fuchsinophil neurosecretion), the voluminous C neurosecretory cells poor in neurosecretion, and the median sub-ocellar neurosecretory cells.From September to the beginning of January, imaginal diapause is characterized by an accumulation of the median neurosecretion in the pars intercerebralis-corpora cardiaca system, by small corpora allata, and, in the female, by a stop in oöcyte development although the male's sexual activity is still not altered. Allatectomy suppresses neither the male's sexual behaviour nor its fecundity. From January, the increase of the photoperiod causes a release of the median neurosecretion in both sexes, an increase of the volume of the corpora allata, and breaks ovarian diapause.In autumn, the implantation of the male's or female's corpora allata of Anacridium does not stimulate ovarian growth of diapausing females. On the contrary, the implantation of corpora allata or of pars intercerebralis or of corpora cardiaca of Locusta migratoria migratorioides (locust without diapause) causes ovarian development of the diapausing females of Anacridium. Thus, in the two sexes of the Egyptian locust, the corpora allata are inactive during the female ovarian diapause. The imaginal diapause of Anacridium affects both sexes (stocking of median neurosecretion, arrest of the corpora allata). If diapause does not seem to affect the male's development, it is because its sexual activity is free from the pars intercerebralis and corpora allata.The corpora allata of Anacridium show a sexual dimorphism in the active adult: they are smaller in the male and have more mitosis in the female. An explanation of this dimorphism is advanced.  相似文献   

Diapause egg production was examined in non-diapause egg producers by implantation of various cephalic organs into pharate adults 4 days after larval-pupal ecdysis. The implantation of five pairs of corpora cardiaca or corpora allata induced a great amount of egg diapause. Implantation of these organs was effective in inducing egg diapause even when the suboesophageal ganglion of the recipients had been removed, although the effect of the corpora allata decreased moderately. The injection of juvenile hormone into 4-day-old pharate adults did not greatly increase production of diapause eggs.  相似文献   

Prior to the first oviposition, a receptivity centre, perhaps neurosecretory cells in the brain, controls the female's acceptance of courting males. In L. maderae this centre is affected by starvation. A brief exposure to food can induce mating but is inadequate for oöcyte development. Before the first ovulation starvation has no effect on receptivity in N. cinerea.

In N. cinerea mechanical stimulation caused by the firm insertion of the spermatophore in the bursa copulatrix releases stimuli via the nerve cord to the brain which render the female unreceptive and, at the same time, increases the activity of the corpora allata resulting in rapid development of the oöcytes.

The mechanical presence of the oötheca in the uterus also has two principal effects. Like spermatophore insertion, it inhibits mating. But its effect on the corpora allata is inhibitory, rather than stimulatory, and, consequently, the oöcytes remain underveloped for almost the entire gestation period. The effectiveness of inhibitory stimulation from the stretched uterus depends upon the period in the reproductive cycle in which it occurs-i.e. on the physiological state of the female. In N. cinerea uterine stretching inhibits mating and oöcyte development after oviposition or during gestation but is not effective when exerted during the first pre-oviposition period. In P. surinamensis, uterine stretching does not inhibit the corpora allata prior to the first ovulation but does prevent oöcyte development during gestation.

In fed L. maderae and N. cinerea there appears to be a synergistic action of nutrition and mating in controlling the rate of oöcyte development. Mating (mechanical) and feeding (chemical) stimuli are both usually required for activating the corpora allata to their fullest extent so that the oöcytes mature at their maximum rate. There is some indication that mating stimuli in N. cinerea and L. maderae are effective in further stimulating the corpora allata only if the corpora allata have reached a certain level of activity, if activating stimuli have begun to occur in the brain, or if the mating stimulus occurs in combination with nutritional factors. Thus, the corpora allata in starved virgin females of N. cinerea become sufficiently active so that some yolk is deposited in the oöcytes but these oöcytes do not mature; mating is effective in further stimulating the endocrine glands in these starved females and oviposition occurs in about the normal period. In starved virgins of L. maderae the corpora allata are virtually inactive and yolk is not deposited in the oöcytes; mating has no effect on oöcyte development in starved females. D. punctata differs from both the above species in that the corpora allata in the virgin female usually remain inactive whether she feeds or starves. Mating stimuli alone can activate the corpora allata, in fed or starved females, and consequently the oöcytes mature.  相似文献   

Environmental cues, mostly photoperiod and temperature, mediated by effects on the neuroendocrine system, control reproductive diapause in female insects. Arrest of oocyte development characterizes female reproductive diapause, which has two major adaptive functions: It improves chances of survival during unfavorable season(s), and/or it confines oviposition to that period of the year that is optimal for survival of the eggs and progeny. Although reproductive diapause is less well studied in male insects, there may be no sex-dependent differences in regard to the first of these functions. The second one, however, is not valid for the male; instead, selection pressure directs the male's reproductive strategy toward maximum chances of fertilization of the female's eggs with minimum waste of energy. Therefore, in species with female reproductive diapause, the males may or may not exhibit diapause, but if they do, their diapause must be adapted to that existing in conspecific females. Male reproductive diapause is defined as a reversible state of inability of the male to inseminate receptive females. In relation to reproductive diapause, there are several patterns of coadaptations between male reproductive strategy and timing of female receptivity, (a) In some insects, the females are receptive in the early part of their diapause; mating occurs during this period and there is no diapause in the male. The male dies shortly after copulation and the female stores the sperms to fertilize the eggs that develop after termination of the female's diapause, (b) In some species, as in the grasshopper Anacridium aegyptium, females are receptive during diapause; though oocyte development is arrested, copulation occurs and the stored sperms fertilize the eggs when the female's diapause ends. Males were claimed to have no diapause, but recent studies have revealed the presence of a reproductive diapause in a proportion of the males. This and other cases show that female receptivity during reproductive diapause may or may not be accompanied by male reproductive diapause. If there is a reproductive diapause in the male, it is controlled by the same endocrine mechanism, the corpora allata (CA), as in the females, (c) In many species females are refractory during their diapause. In these cases, males exhibit reproductive diapause, which may be light, as in the beetle Oulema melanopus, or well established, as in certain grasshoppers, butterflies, and beetles. In the latter cases, male diapause is controlled by similar environmental cues (photoperiod, temperature) and by the same intrinsic mechanism (neuroendocrine system, especially CA) as female diapause. Nevertheless, male diapause is less intense; the environmental cues leading to its termination are less complex and/or less extreme, so male diapause terminates before that of the females. Presumably, male diapause is under two antagonistic selection pressures: A male should not waste energy by courting dia-pausing refractory females, but he should be ready to copulate as soon as the females become receptive, otherwise he may lose in the competition between males for females. Some further strategies, which do not seem to fit the above patterns, are also outlined.  相似文献   

The effect of hormone treatments on larvae of the southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella, was examined to explore endocrine interactions which regulate its mature larval diapause. This species is especially suitable for investigating the endocrine control of larval diapause because it ecdyses from a spotted to an immaculate morph at the onset of diapause, and the immaculate morph may undergo up to three stationary ecdyses during diapause. The response of prediapause larvae to a β-ecdysone injection showed that the larvae have the potential to transform into the immaculate morph early in the final larval instar, but under normal conditions this ecdysis occurs after larvae reach maturity. Since a high rate of pupation occurred among early diapause larvae which received a head ligature, followed 17 days later by a β-ecdysone injection, diapause larvae retain active corpora allata. Since a head ligature prevented diapause larvae from responding to repeated topical applications of a juvenile hormone (JH) mimic or JH 1, the intermediate titer of JH associated with larval diapause may inhibit the synthesis or transport of ecdysiotropin, or its release from the corpora cardiaca. Current results suggest, therefore, that an interaction between the cerebral neurosecretory system and the corpora allata regulates the initiation, maintenance, and termination of this larval diapause.  相似文献   

Environmental cues, mostly photoperiod and temperature, mediated by effects on the neuroendocrine system, control reproductive diapause in female insects. Arrest of oocyte development characterizes female reproductive diapause, which has two major adaptive functions: It improves chances of survival during unfavorable season(s), and/or it confines oviposition to that period of the year that is optimal for survival of the eggs and progeny. Although reproductive diapause is less well studied in male insects, there may be no sex-dependent differences in regard to the first of these functions. The second one, however, is not valid for the male; instead, selection pressure directs the male's reproductive strategy toward maximum chances of fertilization of the female's eggs with minimum waste of energy. Therefore, in species with female reproductive diapause, the males may or may not exhibit diapause, but if they do, their diapause must be adapted to that existing in conspecific females. Male reproductive diapause is defined as a reversible state of inability of the male to inseminate receptive females. In relation to reproductive diapause, there are several patterns of coadaptations between male reproductive strategy and timing of female receptivity, (a) In some insects, the females are receptive in the early part of their diapause; mating occurs during this period and there is no diapause in the male. The male dies shortly after copulation and the female stores the sperms to fertilize the eggs that develop after termination of the female's diapause, (b) In some species, as in the grasshopper Anacridium aegyptium, females are receptive during diapause; though oocyte development is arrested, copulation occurs and the stored sperms fertilize the eggs when the female's diapause ends. Males were claimed to have no diapause, but recent studies have revealed the presence of a reproductive diapause in a proportion of the males. This and other cases show that female receptivity during reproductive diapause may or may not be accompanied by male reproductive diapause. If there is a reproductive diapause in the male, it is controlled by the same endocrine mechanism, the corpora allata (CA), as in the females, (c) In many species females are refractory during their diapause. In these cases, males exhibit reproductive diapause, which may be light, as in the beetle Oulema melanopus, or well established, as in certain grasshoppers, butterflies, and beetles. In the latter cases, male diapause is controlled by similar environmental cues (photoperiod, temperature) and by the same intrinsic mechanism (neuroendocrine system, especially CA) as female diapause. Nevertheless, male diapause is less intense; the environmental cues leading to its termination are less complex and/or less extreme, so male diapause terminates before that of the females. Presumably, male diapause is under two antagonistic selection pressures: A male should not waste energy by courting dia-pausing refractory females, but he should be ready to copulate as soon as the females become receptive, otherwise he may lose in the competition between males for females. Some further strategies, which do not seem to fit the above patterns, are also outlined.  相似文献   

Abstract Female Caloptilia fraxinella exhibit a prolonged reproductive diapause immediately post adult emergence in mid‐summer until the next spring when mating, egg development and oviposition on fresh Fraxinus spp. leaflets occur. Factors that effect the termination of reproductive diapause are investigated in this species. Caloptilia fraxinella diapausing adults held in overwintering conditions (2 °C, LD 0 : 24 h) for 24 weeks terminate diapause after placement for 2 weeks in simulated summer conditions (24 °C, LD 16 : 8 h) only if they are provided with 10% sugar water. Exogenous application of the Juvenile Hormone (JH) analogue methoprene to moths in both early‐ (summer) and mid‐ (autumn) reproductive diapause demonstrates that JH affects diapause termination but a carbohydrate nutrition source also mediates mating and vitellogenesis. Mating between moth pairs early in diapause occurs only after treatment with methoprene and provision with sugar water. However, there is no impact of mating on the propensity of females to produce vitellogenic oöcytes. Moths collected in the autumn in mid‐diapause respond in a dose‐dependent fashion to methoprene treatment and the response is greater than that of moths early in diapause collected in the summer. Treatment with methoprene and access to sugar water results in vitellogenic oöcytes in 18.75% of females from mid‐diapause moth pairs treated with 0.01 μg methoprene per insect and in all females from pairs treated at the two highest doses of methoprene (0.1 and 1 μg per insect). Mating occurs only between moths in mid‐diapause treated with the two highest doses of methoprene and these doses induce 91% and 100% mating, respectively. Both control and methoprene‐treated males in mid‐diapause held under summer conditions mate successfully and pass a spermatophore to their methoprene‐treated female partner. These data demonstrate that female C. fraxinella undergo a prolonged reproductive diapause in which termination is dependent on JH and further mediated by a carbohydrate nutrition source. The production of vitellogenic oöcytes is independent of mating. These data also provide evidence that response of moths in diapause to exogenous applications of methoprene differs throughout the diapause period and between male and female C. fraxinella.  相似文献   

In adult female cockroaches, the ovary greatly affects the synthesis of Juvenile Hormone (JH) by the corpora allata, and in females of some cockroach species, removal of the ovaries results in a permanent depression of JH synthesis. We report that the corpora allata in ovariectomised, adult virgins of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), increase and then decrease in activity, as they do in intact females. Moreover, the distal tubules in the left colleterial glands of ovariectomised females accumulate abundant protein, the production of which is regulated by JH. In both ovariectomised and sham‐operated females, the activity of the corpora allata more than tripled between days 1 and 4 of adulthood, during which the oöcytes of sham‐operated females grew considerably in length. The corpora allata of sham‐operated females produced even more JH on day 7, but very little on day 10, by which time all females had oviposited. The glands of ovariectomised females, by constrast, produced a similar amount of JH on day 7 as on day 4, but much less on day 10. Beginning on day 13, the activity of the corpora allata increased again in ovariectomised females, an increase that did not occur until day 22 in sham‐operated females. Mating of ovariectomised females on day 6 resulted in a significant increase in the activity of the corpora allata by day 10. We conclude that both the ovary and mating stimulate the synthesis of JH early in the reproductive cycle, but that neither is needed for the occurrence of a complete cycle of JH synthesis.  相似文献   

The cessation of juvenile hormone (JH) production is a key endocrine event that halts ovarian development and hence initiates diapause in females of the mosquito, Culex pipiens. The shutdown in endocrine activity of the corpora allata (CA), the source of JH, was manifested in the smaller size of CA in females reared under short daylengths (diapause) compared to those reared under long daylengths (nondiapause), as well as in low expression of the mRNA encoding allatotropin, the neuropeptide that promotes JH biosynthesis in the CA. Genes encoding both allatotropin and allatostatin were identified in C. pipiens, but only expression levels of allatotropin differed in the two types of females. Knockdown of allatotropin mRNA using RNA interference in females programmed for nondiapause resulted in a cessation of ovarian development akin to diapause. This arrest in development could be reversed with an application of JH. Our results thus suggest that suppression of allatotropin is a critical link in regulating the shutdown of the CA during diapause.  相似文献   

By use of a bivoltine silkworm race which shows a long-day photoperiodic response after induction during the last (5th) instar, we tried to programme photoperiodic induction in the isolated brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex in vivo and in vitro. A pair of the complexes from a newly ecdysed 5th-instar female was transplanted into the abdomen of a late 5th-instar larva and exposed to long-day (20 h light: 4 h dark) or short-day (8 h light: 16 h dark) conditions for 3 cycles. The short-day-exposed complexes elicited the production of diapause eggs in the recipient silkworms destined to become non-diapause egg producers, whereas the long-day-exposed brain complexes produced non-diapause eggs. Transplant experiments of the brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex using isolated abdomens showed a similar result. The brain complexes from newly ecdysed females of the 5th-instar were cultured in Grace's insect medium under 20 h light: 4 h dark or 8 h light: 16 h dark for 4 cycles, respectively. After in vitro culture, a pair of complexes was implanted into the abdomen of a late 5th-instar larva destined to become a non-diapause egg producer, and the diapause incidence in the resultant moths was examined. The brain complexes which received the short-day cycles induced a large portion of diapause eggs, whereas those which received the long-day conditions induced non-diapause eggs. The connection of corpora cardiaca and corpora allata with the brain complex had no influence on the result. Suboesophageal ganglia which had been cultured in vitro and implanted elicited a remarkable production of diapause eggs, but cultured brains were ineffective in producing diapause eggs, regardless of the photoperiod experienced. These results demonstrate that photoperiodic induction of the silkworm can be programmed in in vivo and in vitro culture systems, and that components of the photoperiodic clock (photoreceptor, clock, and counter system) are located in the brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex, possibly in the brain itself.  相似文献   

Abstract To understand the adaptive strategies of the overwintering adults of Stenocatantops splendens, the mechanism of maintenance and termination of the reproductive diapause, the variation in mortality between overwintering females and males, and the mating strategy of the males were investigated. The results indicated that the adult reproductive diapause in natural conditions was mainly regulated by photoperiod in the fall – long photoperiods promoted reproductive development and short photoperiods maintained reproductive diapause, and the sensitivity of the overwintering adults to photoperiod was over before the end of the winter. When transferred from natural conditions to controlled laboratory conditions on dates from September through February, pre‐oviposition became increasingly shorter with increasingly deferred transfer dates regardless of photoperiod conditions. The adults treated with low temperature for 30 days in September through November had significantly shorter pre‐oviposition, suggesting that low temperatures in winter had an important role in the termination of reproductive diapause. The female had a significantly lower supercooling point than the male, which was related to their lower mortality after winter. In addition, observations of wild populations of the species indicated that mating behavior prior to winter and the duration of pre‐mating period were not affected by photoperiod; mating and sperm transfer were mostly completed by November. Compared with females only mating before winter, females mating in the spring had shorter life span, longer pre‐oviposition, lower hatching rate and laid fewer egg pods while showing no significant difference with regard to ovipositional interval, per pod number of eggs and nymph dry weight.  相似文献   

Induction of egg diapause in the silkworm, Bombyx mori by some cephalo-thoracic organs of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana was examined. All tissues tested such as brain, corpora cardiaca, corpora allata, suboesophageal and thoracic ganglia and nerve cords between thoracic ganglia were able to produce diapause eggs in non-diapause egg producers both by transplantation and injection of their crude homogenates. The homogenate of thoracic ganglia was effective even in pharate adults with the suboesophageal ganglion removed or in isolated abdomens of pharate adults.From these results, it was surmised that some endocrine organs, as well as the central nervous system in the cephalo-thorax of Periplaneta americana, contained the active principle responsible for egg diapause in Bombyx mori.  相似文献   

The role of the brain in inhibiting the action of corpora allata in diapausing short-day females was investigated by transplantation experiments. The function of the transplanted glands was evaluated by oviposition. Active glands from long-day females remained active for a long period of time after transplantation into short-day females, although in situ corpora allata were inhibited shortly after the transfer of females from long to short day. Moreover, inactive glands from short-day females became active after transplantation into other short-day females. In contrast, corpora allata remained inhibited when transplanted together with the brain in the neuroendocrine complex (brain-corpora cardiaca-corpus allatum) where the nervous connections between the brain and corpus allatum remained intact. It is therefore suggested that short-day conditions inhibit corpora allata via nervous connections with the brain.  相似文献   

Abstract. The role of Juvenile Hormone (JH) during reproductive development and diapause was investigated in the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). JH sythesized by corpora allata (CA) in vitro of A.grandis was identified as JH-UJ by high-performance liquid chromatography and by conversion to the methoxyhydrin. Optimal conditions for the use of a short-term assay in vitro were established to examine profiles of CA activity. In addition, rates of JH degradation by JH-specific esterase were determined. Patterns of CA and JH-esterase activity during reproductive development and the diapause state were established with laboratory-reared reproductive weevils and diapausing weevils collected as larvae and pupae in the field after the cotton-growing season. The results indicate that JH production is elevated in reproductive females whereas males and winter field-collected females show no CA activity. Vitellogenin concentrations in haemolymph and rates of oviposition were studied in relation to CA activity and JH degradation. An attempt to induce diapause in the laboratory failed.  相似文献   

Corpora allata from Diploptera punctata females at adult ecdysis or at the end of the last-larval stadium, when implanted into decapitated females, underwent a cycle of juvenile hormone synthesis similar in timing and magnitude to that of glands implanted into control animals which had been starved and allatectomized. Starvation did not alter the cycle in rates of juvenile hormone synthesis of sham-operated animals.Decapitation of ovariectomized animals resulted in no cycle in rates of juvenile hormone synthesis by implanted adult corpora allata; however, implantation of an ovary along with the corpora allata into decapitated, ovariectomized hosts resulted in a cycle of juvenile hormone synthesis. In control animals, which retained their heads but were starved and allatectomized as well as ovariectomized, the implanted corpora allata showed a cycle of juvenile hormone synthesis only when implanted with an ovary. The maximal rates of juvenile hormone synthesis by the corpora allata in both experimental and control conditions were lower than normal, likely due to the repeated trauma of surgery. However, at no time from eclosion to the end of the first gonotrophic period was the brain necessary for the cyclic response of the corpora allata to the presence of the ovary.  相似文献   

In the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus, allatectomy suppressed reproduction in adults reared under nondiapause-inducing long-day conditions, and transection of the nervi corporis allati induced reproduction in adults reared under diapause-inducing short-day conditions. These effects of allatectomy and denervation were observed both in the morphology of reproductive organs and in the electrophoresis pattern of hemolymph proteins in both sexes. These results indicate that, in diapause adults, the brain suppresses the activity of the corpus allatum to secrete juvenile hormone through nervous pathways. The removal of the corpora cardiaca–corpus allatum complex in females not only inhibited ovarian development, as allatectomy did, but also prevented mature eggs in the oviduct from being laid. Therefore, it is assumed that the corpora cardiaca release an oviposition-stimulating substance. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 35:347–355, 1997.© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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