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Abstract: The ontogenetic expression of myelin basic protein (arginine) methyltransferase in myelinogenic cultures of cells dissociated from embryonic mouse brain is highly dependent on the presence of thyroid hormone. Restoration of myelin basic protein methyltransferase to normal activities occurred 16 h after the addition of 100 n M l -3,5,3'-triiodothyronine to hypothyroid medium. These data demonstrate that thyroid hormone can regulate a posttranslational event. On the other hand, histone (arginine) methyltransferase has a different temporal activity pattern, which is not coordinated with myelination, and is not influenced by the lack of thyroid hormone. These data, which suggest the existence of two methyltransferases, were substantiated by demonstrating that the total amount of methylation of added myelin basic protein and histone is the same whether they are incubated together or separately. The requirement of thyroid hormone for the expression of the myelin basic protein methyltransferase and not for histone methyltransferase suggests that thyroid hormone preferentially regulates myelin-associated events in these cultures.  相似文献   

In Vivo Methylation of an Arginine in Chicken Myelin Basic Protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: The amino acid sequence around the sole methylarginine residue in chicken myelin basic protein was determined and was found to be similar to that previously reported for mammalian myelin basic protein. The ratio N G, N 'G-dimethylarginine: N G-monomethylarginine:arginine was approximately 1.3:0.9:1.0. No N G, N G-dimethylarginine was detected in the protein. The in vivo incorporation of methyl groups from [methyl-3H]methionine into methylarginines in myelin was found to occur readily in 2-day-old chickens. Radioactively labelled N G, N 'G-dimeth-ylarginine and N G-monomethylarginine in myelin were derived solely from myelin basic protein. Radioactivity was also incorporated into N G, N G-dimeth-ylarginine, although this was not derived from myelin basic protein. As N G-monomethylarginine was easily separated from the dimethylarginines, and as it was derived from myelin basic protein, it may be a good marker for myelin basic protein turnover in vivo. A time course study of the incorporation showed that radioactivity was incorporated into N G-monomethylarginine up to 6 h after injection, and decayed slowly, with an apparent half-life of about 40 days.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic immunocytochemical studies were carried out to localize myelin basic protein and myelin proteolipid protein during the active period of myelination in the developing rat brain using antisera to purified rat brain myelin proteolipid protein and large basic protein. The anti-large basic protein serum was shown by the immunoblot technique to cross-react with all five forms of basic protein present in the myelin of 8-day-old rat brain. Basic protein was localized diffusely in oligodendrocytes and their processes at very early stages in myelination. The immunostaining for basic protein was not specifically associated with any subcellular structures or organelles. The ultrastructural localization of basic protein suggests that it may be involved in fusion of the cytoplasmic faces of the oligodendrocyte processes during compaction of myelin. Immunoreactivity in the oligodendrocyte and myelin due to proteolipid protein appeared at a later stage of myelination than did that due to basic protein. Staining for proteolipid protein in the oligodendrocyte was restricted to the membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and apparent Golgi vesicles. The early, uncompacted periaxonal wrappings of oligodendrocyte processes were well stained with antiserum to large basic protein whereas staining for proteolipid protein was visible only after the compaction of myelin sheaths had begun. Our evidence indicates that basic protein and proteolipid protein are processed differently by the oligodendrocytes with regard to their subcellular localization and their time of appearance in the developing myelin sheath.  相似文献   

Abstract: An enzyme immunoassay using a double-antibody solid-phase technique for myelin basic protein (MBP) has been developed. Antisera were prepared by immunizing rabbits with the purified MBP from chick brain. The conjugation of MBP with horseradish peroxidase was performed by the periodate oxidation method in triethanolamine-acetate buffer (pH 8.5). The sample, antiserum, and conjugate were incubated at 4°C for 16 h, after which the insoluble second antibody was added and the reaction mixture was incubated at 4°C for 3 h. The peroxidase activity of the insoluble conjugate was assayed fluorometrically with hydrogen peroxide and 3-( p -hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid as substrates. The method had an analytical range from 50 pg to 1 ng (from 2.3 × 10−15 to 4.5 × 10−14 mol). The within-assay coefficient of variation (CV) was between 4 and 11% and the between-assay CV for 200 and 400 pg of MBP was 5.5 and 7.1%, respectively. A weak cross-reactivity was observed between chick MBP and bovine MBP, while no reactivity was shown with calf thymus histone. The MBP content of the brain during development increased markedly from the 3rd embryonic week to the 3rd post-hatch week (from 0.01 to 2.4 mg/g of fresh tissue), and the adult level was 3.2 mg/g of fresh tissue.  相似文献   

Brain and spinal cord of female mice heterozygous for the jimpy gene were analyzed during development for activity of ceramide galactosyl transferase (CGT) and for levels of myelin basic protein (MBP). CGT activity was low at 13-14 days in brains of heterozygous jimpy females but showed normal levels by 31-36 days, in agreement with our earlier study of this enzyme. In cord, CGT activity was normal or slightly above normal at all ages studied, from 13-14 days into adulthood. In both brain and cord, decreased levels of MBP were observed at 13 days; by 100 days, amounts of MBP approached normal levels. Proven female carriers of the jimpy gene also showed normal levels of CGT activity, MBP, and isolated myelin at 200-250 days of age in both brain and cord. These biochemical findings agree with previous morphologic measurements in cord demonstrating deficits in myelin at early ages but compensation by 100 days. Our results show that compensation occurs earlier in cord than in brain and that levels of MBP show a closer correlation than CGT activity with amounts of myelin, as measured by either morphometric analysis or direct isolation.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) is a major constituent in the myelin of the CNS. In mice, five forms of MBPs (14 kDa, two types of 17 kDa, 18.5 kDa, and 21.5 kDa) encoded by separate mRNAs have been identified based on cDNA cloning studies. These mRNAs are considered to be produced by alternative splicing from a single gene composed of seven exons. Here we report the existence of two novel MBP mRNAs encoding 19.7-kDa and 21-kDa MBPs identified by cDNA cloning using the polymerase chain reaction. Both of these MBPs contain a sequence of a previously unidentified exon of 66 nucleotides, which was mapped to be just 5' of exon 5 in the MBP gene. MBP mRNAs containing this novel exon (exon 5a) belong to a minor population in the whole brain and PNS and are somewhat enriched in the spinal cord. Exon 5a encodes a very hydrophobic segment rich in valine residues, which presumably forms a beta-pleated sheet.  相似文献   

Abstract: Myelin-deficient ( mld ) is a complex mutation affecting the myelin basic protein (MBP) locus of the mouse. It consists of duplication and partial inversion of the MBP gene and results in a dysfunctional MBP locus. The mutant phenotype is reversed, both in vivo and in vitro, in ∼5% of mld oligodendrocytes. One possible mechanism for the somatic reversion is recombination between homologous sequences of the duplicated gene copies to reconstitute a functional MBP locus. There are several possible recombination events that could reconstitute a functional MBP locus by DNA rearrangement. Two of these would result in reinversion and circularization of specific MBP gene sequences, respectively. In this work polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to detect both reinverted and circularized MBP gene sequences in mld mouse tissues, indicating that DNA rearrangement at the MBP locus does occur. Analysis of individually harvested cells showed that in revertant MBP-positive mld oligodendrocytes DNA rearrangement at the MBP locus was correlated with reactivation of the MBP gene. Fluctuation analysis showed that reactivation of the MBP locus is a stochastic event occurring with a frequency of ∼1.4 × 10−6 per cell per cell cycle during oligodendrocyte development. The frequency of rearrangement and reactivation of the MBP locus was comparable in double mutant ( mld/mld , scid/scid ) and single mutant ( mld/mld , + scid /+ scid ) mice, indicating that the scid factor is not required for MBP gene reactivation in mld . The significance of DNA rearrangement in mammalian development is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: A comprehensive study was carried out to clarify the chemical compositions of spinal cord, cord myelin, and myelin subfractions of multiple sclerosis (MS). The protein compositions of normal-appearing cerebral white matter and cerebral plaque and periplaque tissues were also analyzed for comparison. MS whole cord samples were found to contain higher amounts of water compared with normal samples. The total lipid contents were below normal. Among the individual lipids, cholesterol content remained unchanged, whereas cholesteryl esters appeared increased in MS cords. The acidic phospholipid concentrations were found to be lower than normal. Glycolipids, such as cerebrosides GM4, GM1, and GD1b, which are abundant in myelin, were all decreased. However, the concentrations of GM3 and GD3, which are more characteristic of reactive astrocytes, were highly elevated. The total protein content of MS cord samples was decreased, and the decrease was attributable to the loss of myelin proteins as evidenced by the low recovery of myelin. The concentrations of myelin-specific proteins, such as proteolipid protein and myelin basic protein, were significantly reduced. Other changes in the protein compositions included the accretion of two low molecular weight proteins of approximately 11,000 and 12,000, and the appearance of a periodic acid-Schiff-positive protein with the same electrophoretic mobility as the P0 protein. Analysis of the isolated myelin indicated that it had a grossly normal protein composition. However, the two low molecular weight proteins and the P0 protein appeared to be enriched in an upper-phase cord subtraction. We attribute the appearance of the two low molecular weight proteins to the breakdown of proteolipid protein and/or myelin basic protein as a result of demyelination, and the appearance of P0 to the involvement of PNS myelin. The latter finding provides the first biochemical evidence that in MS cord, remyelination can be achieved in part by invading Schwann cells and/or by the small number of Schwann cells that may be present in the cord.  相似文献   

ADP-Ribosylation of Human Myelin Basic Protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: When isolated myelin membranes were ADP-ribosylated by [32P]NAD+ either in the absence of toxin (by the membrane ADP-ribosyltransferase) or in the presence of cholera toxin, the same proteins were ADP-ribosylated in both cases and myelin basic protein (MBP) was the major radioactive product. Therefore, cholera toxin was considered a good model for ADP-ribosylation of myelin proteins. Although purified human MBP migrates as a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with a molecular mass of 20 kDa, the microheterogeneity that is masked under these conditions can be clearly demonstrated on alkaline-urea gels at pH 10.6. At this pH, MBP is resolved into several components that differ one from the other by a single charge (charge isomers). These charge isomers can be resolved on CM52 columns at pH 10.6, and several can be ADP-ribosylated. Component 1 (C-1), the most cationic charge isomer, incorporated 1.79 mol of ADP-ribose/mol of protein. C-2 and C-3 (which differ from C-1 by the loss of one and two positive charges, respectively) incorporated slightly less at 1.67 and 1.63 mol of ADP-ribose/mol of protein, respectively, whereas C-8, the least cationic, incorporated less than 0.11 mol/mol of protein. In the presence of neutral hydroxylamine, the ADP-ribosyl bond was shown to have a half-life of about 80 min, suggesting an N-glycosidic linkage between ADP-ribose and an arginyl residue of the protein. As MBP contains several components that are ADP-ribosylated to different specific activities, the use of MBP, ADP-ribosylated in the natural membrane, to identify the sites involved would yield a mixture of peptides difficult to resolve. Therefore, to identify the sites ADP-ribosylated, an endoproteinase Lys-C digest of C-1 ADP-ribosylated by cholera toxin was prepared. Two radioactive peptides were isolated by reversed-phase HPLC. Amino acid and sequence analyses identified the radioactive peptides as residues 5–13 and 54–58 of the human sequence (sp. act., 0.89 and 0.62 nmol of ADP-ribose/nmol of peptide, respectively). The ADP-ribosylated residues were identified as Arg9 and Arg54 by automated and manual Edman sequencing. Taken together with our previous observation that MBP binds GTP at a single site, these data suggest that MBP functions as part of a signal transduction system in myelin.  相似文献   

The charge isoforms (C1-C5) of bovine myelin basic protein (MBP) were used as substrates for the rat brain enzyme protein carboxylmethyltransferase (PM II). The objective of these experiments was to ascertain whether the kinetic behavior of the MBP isoforms reflected differences in the structures of this molecular family. Initial velocity plots as a function of the MBP-isoform concentration showed significant differences (p less than 0.05) among the assayed isoforms except for isoforms C2 and C4. Under the conditions of our experiment all the curves exhibited a consistent sigmoidicity. The kinetic data were best fitted by a model, previously described for the enzyme D-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, in which two independent sites must be randomly occupied before any catalytic activity can occur. This mechanism is substantially different from that proposed by other investigators for similar PM II enzymes and other substrates. The differences in the rates of isoform carboxylmethylation are largely accounted for by the different apparent dissociation constants Ks and is explained on the basis of inherent structural differences among the charge isoforms.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) and P2 protein are small positively charged proteins found in oligodendrocytes of rabbit spinal cord. Both proteins become incorporated into compact myelin. We have begun investigations into the mechanisms by which MBP and P2 become incorporated into the myelin membrane. We find that P2, like the MBPs, is synthesized on free polysomes in rabbit spinal cord. Cell fractionation experiments reveal that rabbit MBP mRNAs are preferentially segregated to the peripheral myelinating regions whereas P2 mRNAs are predominantly localized within the perikaryon of the cell. In vitro synthesized rabbit MBP readily associates with membranes added to translation mixtures, whereas P2 protein does not. It is possible that P2 requires a "receptor" molecule, perhaps a membrane-anchored protein, for association with the cytoplasmic face of the myelin membrane.  相似文献   

Direct treatment of brain myelin with freezing/thawing in 0.2 M 2-mercaptoethanol stimulated the endogenous myelin phosphatase activity manyfold when 32P-labeled phosphorylase a was used as a substrate, a result indicating that an endogenous myelin phosphatase is a latent protein phosphatase. When myelin was treated with Triton X-100, this endogenous latent phosphatase activity was further stimulated 2.5-fold. Diethylaminoethyl-cellulose and Sephadex G-200 chromatography of solubilized myelin revealed a pronounced peak of protein phosphatase activity stimulated by freezing/thawing in 0.2 M 2-mercaptoethanol and with a molecular weight of 350,000, which is characteristic of latent phosphatase 2, as previously reported. Moreover, endogenous phosphorylation of myelin basic protein (MBP) in brain myelin was completely reversed by a homogeneous preparation of exogenous latent phosphatase 2. By contrast, under the same conditions, endogenous phosphorylation of brain myelin was entirely unaffected by ATP X Mg-dependent phosphatase and latent phosphatase 1, although both enzymes are potent MBP phosphatases. Together, these findings clearly indicate that a high-molecular-weight latent phosphatase, termed latent phosphatase 2, is the most predominant phosphatase responsible for dephosphorylation of brain myelin.  相似文献   

Myelin isolated from goldfish brain shows a multilamellar structure with a major dense line and two intraperiod lines. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis revealed that the protein profile of goldfish brain myelin is distinctly different from that of rat brain myelin. No protein migrating to the position of proteolipid protein or DM-20 was seen in goldfish myelin. Goldfish acclimated to 5 degrees, 15 degrees, and 30 degrees C showed no qualitative differences in myelin proteins. The 13.5 kD protein in goldfish brain myelin and brain homogenate was intensely immunostained with the antiserum to human basic protein by the immunoblot technique. In contrast, none of the proteins of goldfish myelin were immunostained with antiproteolipid protein serum; however, both proteolipid protein and DM-20 of rat brain myelin were immunostained. The significance of the synthesis of myelin proteins by astrocytes in the goldfish brain is discussed.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure for purification of myelin basic protein has been developed. White matter is delipidated with 2-butanol, and the residue is extracted at pH 7.5 and 8.5. Myelin basic protein is solubilized by extraction in acetate buffer, pH 4.5. The entire procedure requires less than 4 h, and gives homogeneous protein essentially free of protease activity. This procedure can be scaled down to process milligram amounts of white matter; thus it can be very useful for purification of myelin basic protein from very limited amounts of human white matter obtained during surgery.  相似文献   

Tsang  D.  Tsang  Y. S.  Ho  W. K. K.  Wong  R. N. S. 《Neurochemical research》1997,22(7):811-819
The zinc-binding proteins (ZnBPs) in porcine brain were characterized by the radioactive zinc-blot technique. Three ZnBPs of molecular weights about 53 kDa, 42 kDa, and 21 kDa were identified. The 53 kDa and 42 kDa ZnBPs were found in all subcellular fractions while the 21 kDa ZnBP was mainly associated with particulate fractions. This 21 kDa ZnBP was identified by internal protein sequence data as the myelin basic protein. Further characterization of its electrophoretic properties and cyanogen bromide cleavage pattern with the authentic protein confirmed its identity. The zinc binding properties of myelin basic protein are metal specific, concentration dependent and pH dependent. The zinc binding property is conferred by the histidine residues since modification of these residues by diethyl-pyrocarbonate would abolish this activity. Furthermore, zinc ion was found to potentiate myelin basic protein-induced phospholipid vesicle aggregation. It is likely that zinc plays an important role in myelin compaction by interacting with myelin basic protein.  相似文献   

Abstract: Myelin basic protein (MBP), a major protein of myelin, is thought to play an important role in myelination, which occurs postnatally in mouse. Here we report that the MBP gene is expressed from the 12th embryonic day in mouse brain and that most of the predominant embryonic isoforms are not those reported previously. These isoforms have a deletion of a sequence encoded by exon 5 from the well-known isoforms. These isoforms show a unique developmental profile, i.e., they peak in the embryonic stage and decrease thereafter. In jimpy, a dysmyelinating mutant, the level of these isoforms remains high even in the older ages. These results suggest that MBPs have heretofore unknown functions unrelated to myelination before myelinogenesis begins. The possible presence of 18 isoforms of MBP mRNA, which are classified into at least three groups with different developmental profiles, is also reported here.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) dissociated from brain myelin membranes when they were incubated (37 degrees C; pH 7.4) at physiological ionic strength. Zinc ions inhibited, and calcium promoted, this process. Protease activity in the membrane preparations cleaved the dissociated MBP into both small (less than 4 kilodaltons) and large (greater than 8 kilodaltons) fragments. The latter were detected, together with intact MBP, by gel electrophoresis of incubation media. Zinc ions appeared to act in two distinct processes. In the presence or absence of added CaCl2, zinc ions in the range 0.1-1 mM inhibited MBP-membrane dissociation. This process was relatively insensitive to heat and Zn2+ could be substituted by either copper (II) or cobalt (II) ions. A second effect was evident only in the presence of added calcium ions, when lower concentrations of Zn2+ (less than 0.1 mM) inhibited MBP-membrane dissociation and the accumulation of intact MBP in incubation media. This process was heat sensitive and only copper (II), but not cobalt (II), ions could replace Zn2+. To determine whether endogenous zinc in myelin membranes is bound to MBP, preparations were solubilised in buffers containing Triton X-100/2 mM CaCl2 and subjected to gel filtration. Endogenous zinc, as indicated by a dithizone-binding method, eluted with fractions containing both MBP and proteolipid protein (PLP). Thus, one means whereby zinc stabilises association of MBP with brain myelin membranes may be by promoting its binding to PLP.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although the specificity of multiple sclerosis (MS) brain immunoglobulins (lgs) remains unknown, the incubation of these lgs with human myelin can lead to myelin basic protein (MBP) degradation mediated by neutral proteases. In this study, we demonstrate that monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to myelin components such as the CNS-specific myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and galactocerebroside (GalC) are found to induce a significant loss of MBP mediated by neutral proteases in myelin. By contrast, antibodies to periaxonal and structural components of myelin, such as MBP and myelin-associated glycoprotein, are ineffective in inducing such MBP degradation. Among the 11 different anti-MOG mAbs directed to externally located epitopes of MOG, only two were found to induce a significant degradation of MBP, suggesting that antibody-induced MBP degradation is not only antigen specific but also epitope specific. Based on the inhibition of MBP degradation in the presence of EGTA and the analysis of the degradation products obtained following incubation of myelin with mAbs to GalC and MOG (8-18C5), the neutral protease involved in this antibody-induced degradation of MBP could be calcium-activated neutral protease. Taken together, these results suggest that antibodies to GalC and MOG can play a major role in destabilizing myelin through MBP breakdown mediated by neutral proteases and thus have an important role to play in the pathogenesis of MS.  相似文献   

To identify functionally important parts of the 18.5-kDa myelin basic protein (MBP), the amino acid sequences from 10 species ranging from shark to human were aligned using the SEQHP computer program. The residues that are invariant or very conservatively substituted (Arg/Lys, Ser/Thr, Ile/Leu, Asp/Glu) among all 10 proteins were scored. Of the 72 conserved residues in the 170-residue human protein (42% conserved), 32 are found within the five beta-strands previously predicted (45 residues, 71% conserved), 23 within the small-loops region (42 residues, 55% conserved), but only 17 within the large-loops region (83 residues, 20% conserved). Of the 22 hydrophobic residues within the predicted beta-sheet of human MBP, 20 hydrophobic residues remain in the shark protein, 19 of them in the same positions. In contrast, there are 10 hydrophobic residues elsewhere in the human protein, but only 7 remain in the shark protein and only 1 of them is in the same position. The triprolyl sequence found in all mammalian MBPs and in the chicken MBP is not conserved in the shark protein. The four alternately spliced forms of mouse MBP can be accommodated by the beta-structural model, but not the 17-kDa human MBP, which lacks exon 5. These findings confirm the crucial role of the hydrophobic residues in the predicted beta-sheet for the structure and function of the protein. It seems likely that the conserved portions of the protein make an important contribution to the highly ordered lamellar structure of myelin.  相似文献   

Abstract: An immunosorbent column specific for the myelin basic protein (BP) was prepared by coupling purified anti-BP antibodies to cyanogen bromide (BrCN)-activated Sepharose 4B. The BP-immunosorbent column bound BP between pH 4.5 and pH 6.8. In its working range the column bound approximately 400-475 μg of BP at pH 6.8 and 250 μg at pH 4.5 with recoveries of 72-77%. The BP-immunosorbent column could effectively separate BP from simple mixtures of BP and proteins of similar size and charge and from acid extracts of bovine brain. The results indicate that the BP-immunosorbent column can be used to isolate BP from a mixture of proteins and may be adapted for use in the small-scale purification of the myelin basic proteins involving a minimum number of steps.  相似文献   

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