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The rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) (isolate AST/89) RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase (3Dpol) coding region was expressed in Escherichia coli by using a glutathione S-transferase-based vector, which allowed milligram purification of a homogeneous enzyme with an expected molecular mass of about 58 kDa. The recombinant polypeptide exhibited rifampin- and actinomycin D-resistant, poly(A)-dependent poly(U) polymerase. The enzyme also showed RNA polymerase activity in in vitro reactions with synthetic RHDV subgenomic RNA in the presence or absence of an oligo(U) primer. Template-size products were synthesized in the oligo(U)-primed reactions, whereas in the absence of added primer, RNA products up to twice the length of the template were made. The double-length RNA products were double stranded and hybridized to both positive- and negative-sense probes.  相似文献   

PKR is well characterized for its function in antiviral immunity. Using Toxoplasma gondii, we examined if PKR promotes resistance to disease caused by a non-viral pathogen. PKR−/− mice infected with T. gondii exhibited higher parasite load and worsened histopathology in the eye and brain compared to wild-type controls. Susceptibility to toxoplasmosis was not due to defective expression of IFN-γ, TNF-α, NOS2 or IL-6 in the retina and brain, differences in IL-10 expression in these organs or to impaired induction of T. gondii-reactive T cells. While macrophages/microglia with defective PKR signaling exhibited unimpaired anti-T. gondii activity in response to IFN-γ/TNF-α, these cells were unable to kill the parasite in response to CD40 stimulation. The TRAF6 binding site of CD40, but not the TRAF2,3 binding sites, was required for PKR phosphorylation in response to CD40 ligation in macrophages. TRAF6 co-immunoprecipitated with PKR upon CD40 ligation. TRAF6-PKR interaction appeared to be indirect, since TRAF6 co-immunoprecipitated with TRAF2 and TRAF2 co-immunoprecipitated with PKR, and deficiency of TRAF2 inhibited TRAF6-PKR co-immunoprecipitation as well as PKR phosphorylation induced by CD40 ligation. PKR was required for stimulation of autophagy, accumulation the autophagy molecule LC3 around the parasite, vacuole-lysosomal fusion and killing of T. gondii in CD40-activated macrophages and microglia. Thus, our findings identified PKR as a mediator of anti-microbial activity and promoter of protection against disease caused by a non-viral pathogen, revealed that PKR is activated by CD40 via TRAF6 and TRAF2, and positioned PKR as a link between CD40-TRAF signaling and stimulation of the autophagy pathway.  相似文献   

At least eight conserved motifs are visible in the totivirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP). We have systematically altered each of these in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae double-stranded RNA virus ScVL1 by substituting the conserved motifs from a giardiavirus. The results help define the conserved regions of the RDRP involved in polymerase function and those essential for other reasons.  相似文献   

Nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) contains sequence motifs that are predictive of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity. We describe the expression and purification of the BVDV NS5B protein derived from an infectious cDNA clone of BVDV (NADL strain). BVDV NS5B protein was active in an in vitro RNA polymerase assay using homopolymeric RNA or BVDV minigenomic RNA templates. The major product was a covalently linked double-stranded molecule generated by a “copy-back” mechanism from the input template RNA. In addition, a nucleotide-nonspecific and template-independent terminal nucleotidyl transferase activity was observed with the BVDV NS5B preparation.  相似文献   

Borna disease virus (BDV) surface glycoprotein (GP) (p56) has a predicted molecular mass of 56 kDa. Due to extensive posttranslational glycosylation the protein migrates as a polypeptide of 84 kDa (gp84). The processing of gp84 by the cellular protease furin generates gp43, which corresponds to the C-terminal part of gp84. Both gp84 and gp43 have been implicated in viral entry involving receptor-mediated endocytosis and pH-dependent fusion. We have investigated the domains of BDV p56 involved in virus entry. For this, we used a pseudotype approach based on a recently developed recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) in which the gene for green fluorescent protein was substituted for the VSV G protein gene (VSV Delta G*). Complementation of VSV Delta G* with BDV p56 resulted in infectious VSV Delta G* pseudotypes that contained both BDV gp84 and gp43. BDV-VSV chimeric GPs that contained the N-terminal 244 amino acids of BDV p56 and amino acids 421 to 511 of VSV G protein were efficiently incorporated into VSV Delta G* particles, and the resulting pseudotype virions were neutralized by BDV-specific antiserum. These findings indicate that the N-terminal part of BDV p56 is sufficient for receptor recognition and virus entry.  相似文献   

RNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity was found in peparations of a mutant of Newcastle disease virus. The enzyme activity was not found in wild-type virus preparations.  相似文献   

Most viruses possess strategies to circumvent host immune responses. The measles virus (MV) nonstructural C protein suppresses the interferon response, thereby allowing efficient viral growth, but its detailed mechanism has been unknown. We identified Shc Src homology 2 domain-binding protein 1 (SHCBP1) as one of the host proteins interacting with the C protein. Knockdown of SHCBP1 using a short-hairpin RNA greatly reduced MV growth. SHCBP1 was found to be required for viral RNA synthesis in the minigenome assay and to bind to the MV phosphoprotein, a subunit of the viral RNA polymerase. A stretch of 12 amino acid residues in the C protein were sufficient for SHCBP1 binding, and the peptide containing these 12 residues could suppress MV RNA synthesis, like the full-length C protein. The central region of SHCBP1 was found to bind to the C protein, as well as the phosphoprotein, but the two viral proteins did not compete for SHCBP1 binding. Our results indicate that the C protein modulates MV RNA polymerase activity by binding to the host protein SHCBP1. SHCBP1 may be exploited as a target of antiviral compounds.  相似文献   

A characterization of the A45R gene from vaccinia virus (VV) strain Western Reserve is presented. The open reading frame is predicted to encode a 125-amino-acid protein (M(r), of 13,600) with 39% amino acid identity to copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn SOD). Sequencing of the A45R gene from other orthopoxviruses, here and by others, showed that the protein is highly conserved in all viruses sequenced, including 16 strains of VV, 2 strains of cowpox virus, camelpox virus, and 4 strains of variola virus. In all cases the protein lacks key residues involved in metal ion binding that are important for the catalytic activity. The A45R protein was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and tested for SOD activity, but neither enzymatic nor inhibitory SOD activity was detected. Additionally, no virus-encoded SOD activity was detected in infected cells or purified virions. A monoclonal antibody raised against the A45R protein expressed in E. coli identified the A45R gene product as a 13.5-kDa protein that is expressed late during VV infection. Confocal microscopy of VV-infected cells indicated that the A45R protein accumulated predominantly in cytoplasmic viral factories. Electron microscopy and biochemical analyses showed that the A45R protein is incorporated into the virion core. A deletion mutant lacking the majority of the A45R gene and a revertant virus in which the deleted gene was restored were constructed and characterized. The growth properties of the deletion mutant virus were indistinguishable from those of wild-type and revertant viruses in all cell lines tested, including macrophages. Additionally, the virulence and pathogenicity of the three viruses were also comparable in murine and rabbit models of infection. A45R is unusual in being the first VV core protein described that affects neither virus replication nor virulence.  相似文献   

Paramyxovirus genomes are ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes consisting of nucleoprotein (N)-encapsidated viral RNA. Measles virus (MeV) N features an amino-terminal RNA-binding core and a 125-residue tail domain, of which only the last 75 residues are considered fully mobile on the nucleocapsid surface. A molecular recognition element (MoRE) domain mediates binding of the viral phosphoprotein (P). This P N-tail interaction is considered instrumental for recruiting the polymerase complex to the template. We have engineered MeV N variants with tail truncations progressively eliminating the MoRE domain and upstream tail sections. Confirming previous reports, RNPs with N truncations lacking the carboxyl-terminal 43-residues harboring the MoRE domain cannot serve as polymerase template. Remarkably, further removal of all tail residues predicted to be surface-exposed significantly restores RNP bioactivity. Insertion of structurally dominant tags into the central N-tail section reduces bioactivity, but the negative regulatory effect of exposed N-tail stems is sequence-independent. Bioactive nucleocapsids lacking exposed N-tail sections are unable to sustain virus replication, because of weakened interaction of the advancing polymerase complex with the template. Deletion of the N-MoRE-binding domain in P abrogates polymerase recruitment to standard nucleocapsids, but polymerase activity is partially restored when N-tail truncated RNPs serve as template. Revising central elements of the current replication model, these data reveal that MeV polymerase is capable of productively docking directly to the nucleocapsid core. Dispensable for polymerase recruitment, N-MoRE binding to P-tail stabilizes the advancing polymerase-RNP complex and may rearrange unstructured central tail sections to facilitate polymerase access to the template.  相似文献   

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