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When the gastrocnemius-plantaris muscle group of the dog is stimulated to contract repetitively for 30 min at frequencies high enough to generate VO2 levels at or near VO2 max, VO2 and mechanical performance decline with time. This decline with time is fatigue, and it occurs during twitch and tetanic contractions that are isometric or isotonic. There is oxidation of the mitochondrial electron transport system, and net lactic acid output is transient, ending after 20 min of contractions. Energy and substrate stores and intracellular pH are only moderately changed and do not appear to be well correlated with the development of fatigue. Blood flow through the muscle is well correlated with the development of fatigue and decreases as fatigue develops in a manner that keeps the blood arteriovenous O2 difference nearly constant. Changing the blood flow alters the rate of development of fatigue as an inverse relation, and this response does not appear to be related to changes in the availability of O2 in the mitochondria. Nerve-muscle transmission of excitation does not seem to be involved in the development of fatigue. Excitation-contraction coupling is well accepted to be at least part of the genesis of the development of fatigue. Metabolic limitations and control may affect excitation-contraction coupling by one or more changes in the internal environment. Blood flow affects this system by an unknown mechanism. The role of blood flow in fatigue deserves further consideration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the contractile response of skeletal muscle in situ when stimulation results in an unfused tetanic contraction. The left gastrocnemius-plantaris muscle group of anesthetized (pentobarbital sodium) dogs (n = 16) was connected to an isometric lever and stimulated indirectly for 30 min. During 10-Hz stimulation, total tension (the peak of each oscillation in tension) increased during the first 2 min of stimulation (staircase), then decreased during the remaining 28 min of stimulation. Since relaxation was incomplete at this rate of stimulation, the developed tension, the difference between peak tension and the lowest tension between successive contractions, did not follow the same pattern of staircase and fatigue as the peak tension did. Developed tension (delta T) decreased during the staircase response then increased from 2 to 10 min before finally decreasing again during the last 20 min, ending at 56 +/- 15 (mean +/- SE) % of the initial (first contraction) delta T. At 2 min of 10-Hz contractions, half-relaxation time (1/2 RT) was too long to measure (insufficient relaxation between contractions), but later, 1/2 RT decreased from greater than 65 ms to less than 40 ms. Increased 1/2 RT has been associated with reduced energy availability. If an increased 1/2 RT is an indication of insufficient energy, then it can be concluded that fatigue continued in spite of a recovery of energy supplies. This suggests a possible dissociation of fatigue and energy availability.  相似文献   

Numerical models of contracting muscle offer a powerful tool to study local mechanical load. For validation of these models, the spatial and temporal distribution of strain was quantified in fixed-end contracting rat tibialis anterior muscle in situ at optimal muscle length (L(o)) and at 120 degrees plantar flexion as well as at 125 and 33Hz stimulation frequency. We studied the hypothesis that after termination of stimulation in situ muscle segments near the motor endplates elongate while segments away from the endplates shorten. We show that both spatial and temporal inhomogeneities in muscle deformation occurred during contraction. Muscle plateau shortening strain equalled 4.1%. Maximal plateau shortening of a muscle segment was much larger (9.6%) and occurred distally (at 0.26 of the scaled length of the muscle). Manipulating torque levels by decreasing the stimulation frequency at the same muscle length induced a decrease in torque ( approximately 20%) with a smaller effect on the level and no effect on the pattern of muscle deformation. During relaxation, distal segments actively shortened at the expense of proximal muscle segments, which elongated. The segments undergoing lengthening were nearer to motor endplates than segments undergoing shortening.In conclusion, the present study provides experimental data on magnitude of contraction-induced deformation needed for validation of numerical models. Local muscle deformation is heterogeneous both temporally and spatially and may be related to proximity to the motor endplates.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for obtaining records and identifying curves of isotonic and isometric contractions (both tetanic and twitch) of the gastrocnemius muscle of the rabbit in situ. The experimental conditions have made it possible to follow the above mentioned phenomena and to measure further parameters in series at sequentially altered muscle lengths and loads acting in the course of isotonic contractions.  相似文献   

One of the main problems in motor-control research is the muscle load sharing problem, which originates from the fact that the number of muscles spanning a joint exceeds the number of degrees of freedom of the joint. As a consequence, many different possibilities exist for the activation of muscles in order to produce a desired joint torque. Several models describing muscle activation have been hypothesized over the last few decades to solve this problem. This study presents theoretical analyses of the various models and compares the predictions of these models with new data on muscle activation patterns for isometric contractions in various directions. None of the existing models fitted the experimental data in all aspects. The best fit was obtained by models based on minimization of the squared sum of muscle forces (∑ m φ2 m , which is almost equivalent to the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse solution), muscle stress σ (∑ m σ m 2) or muscle activation α (∑ m α m 2). Since muscle activation patterns are different for isometric contractions and for movements, it could well be that other models or optimization criteria are better suited to describe muscle activation patterns for movements. The results of our simulations demonstrate that the predicted muscle activation patterns do not depend critically on the parameters in the model. This may explain why muscle activation patterns are highly stereotyped for all subjects irrespective of differences between subjects in many neuro-anatomical aspects, such as, for example, in the physiological cross-sectional area of muscle. Received: 24 September 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 1 March 1999  相似文献   

Studies of the effect of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis inhibition were performed in the isometrically contracting blood-perfused canine gastrocnemius-plantaris muscle group. Muscle blood flow (Q) was controlled with a pump during continuous NO blockade produced with either 1 mM L-argininosuccinic acid (L-ArgSA) or N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) during repetitive tetanic contractions (50-Hz trains, 200-ms duration, 1/s). Pump Q was set to match maximal spontaneous Q (1.3-1.4 ml. min(-1). g(-1)) measured in prior, brief (3-5 min) control contraction trials in each muscle. Active tension and oxygen uptake were 500-600 g/g and 200-230 microl. min(-1). g(-1), respectively, under these conditions. Within 3 min of L-ArgSA infusion, vascular resistance across the muscle (R(v)) increased significantly (from approximately 100 to 300 peripheral resistance units; P < 0.05), whereas R(v) increased to a lesser extent with L-NAME (from approximately 100 to 175 peripheral resistance units; P < 0.05). The increase in R(v) with L-ArgSA was unchanged by simultaneous infusion of 0.5-10 mM L-arginine but was reduced with 1-3 microg/ml sodium nitroprusside (41-54%). The increase in R(v) with L-NAME was reversed with 1 mM of L-arginine. Increased fatigue occurred with infusion of L-ArgSA; active tension and intramuscular pressure decreased by 62 and 66%, whereas passive tension and baseline intramuscular pressure increased by 80 and 30%, respectively. These data indicate a possible role for NO in the control of R(v) and contractility within the canine gastrocnemius-plantaris muscle during repetitive tetanic contractions.  相似文献   

1. Mouse ventricle strips provide a good model system for studying cellular damage in mammalian cardiac muscle. 2. Anoxia rapidly causes destruction of the myofilament apparatus that is characteristic of calcium-triggered damage in muscle cells, and it is suggested that anoxia promotes release of calcium from the mitochondria. 3. Oxygen exacerbates this damage which is independent of extracellular calcium; it is suggested that it initiates myofilament damage by activation at an intracellular site, probably the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The HMK model (Hunter et al. in Prog Biophys Mol Biol 69:289–331, 1998) proposes mechanobiological equations for the influence of intracellular calcium concentration \(\hbox {Ca}_\mathrm{i}\) on the evolution of bound calcium concentration \(\hbox {Ca}_\mathrm{b}\) and the tropomyosin kinetics parameter z, which model processes in the active component of the tension in cardiac muscle. The inelastic response due to actin-myosin crossbridge kinetics is modeled in the HMK model with a function Q that depends on the history of the rate of total stretch of the muscle fiber. Here, an alternative model is proposed which models the active component of the muscle fiber as a viscoplastic material. In particular, an evolution equation is proposed for the elastic stretch \(\lambda _\mathrm{a} \) in the active component. Specific forms of the constitutive equations are proposed and used to match experimental data. The proposed viscoplastic formulation allows for separate modeling of three processes: the high rate deactivation of crossbridges causing rapid reduction in active tension; the high but lower rate reactivation of crossbridges causing recovery of active tension; and the low rate relaxation effects characterizing the Hill model of muscles.  相似文献   

Muscle specific maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) are commonly used to elicit reference amplitudes to normalize electromyographic signals (EMG). It has been questioned whether this is appropriate for normalizing EMG from dynamic contractions. This study compares EMG amplitude when shoulder muscle activity from dynamic contractions is normalized to isometric and isokinetic maximal excitation as well as a hybrid approach currently used in our laboratory. Anterior, middle and posterior deltoid, upper and lower trapezius, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and infraspinatus were monitored during (1) manually resisted MVICs, and (2) maximum voluntary dynamic concentric contractions (MVDC) on an isokinetic dynamometer. Dynamic contractions were performed (a) at 30°/s about the longitudinal, frontal and sagittal axes of the shoulder, and (b) during manual bi-rotation of a tilted wheel at 120°/s. EMG from the wheel task was normalized to the maximum excitation from (i) the muscle specific MVIC, (ii) from any MVIC (MVICALL), (iii) for any MVDC, (iv) from any exertion (maximum experimental excitation, MEE). Mean EMG from the wheel task was up to 45% greater when normalized to muscle specific isometric contractions (method i) than when normalized to MEE (method iv). Seventy-five percent of MEE’s occurred during MVDCs. This study presents an 20 useful and effective process for obtaining the greatest excitation from the shoulder muscles when normalizing dynamic efforts.  相似文献   

An extract was prepared from rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes after treatment with potassium chloride as described previously (Miller, Hamada, Yang, Cohen & Schweet, 1967). The participation of the extract in cell-free protein synthesis was studied. Purified polyribosomes were isolated and converted into monoribosomes by incubation in the cell-free protein-synthesis system. The monoribosomes were isolated and found to be unable to synthesize protein in the cell-free system. The addition of the ribosomal extract to the system stimulated protein synthesis. This was accompanied by the conversion of some of the monoribosomes into polyribosomes. The active component or components of the extract were shown to be protein.  相似文献   

Quantifying mechanical output is fundamental to understanding metabolism that fuels muscle contraction and more recent attempts to understand signal transduction and gene regulation. The latter requires long-term application of exercise protocols that result in large amounts of data on muscle performance. The purpose of this study was to develop software for automated quantification of skeletal muscle contractions. An in situ mouse sciatic nerve stimulation model was used to produce contractions over a broad range of frequencies and recorded as both digital and analog signals using a PC analog to digital converter board and chart recorder, respectively. Spectral analysis of the noise components formed the basis for designing a smoothing Chebyshev filter. Algorithms implemented in custom software identified twitches and estimated baseline levels from the smoothed signal. The time to peak force, peak force, tension-time integral, and half-relaxation time were determined for each twitch after baseline correction. The automated results were compared to those obtained from manual measurements of the analog signal. Bland–Altman analysis of the parameters computed from digital signals compared with the corresponding measurements by manual planometry demonstrates the agreement of the digital processing algorithm with planometry over a wide range of twitch characteristics. This program may also be used to study the mechanics of other preparations from isolated muscles, human proximal limb performance, and other digital physiologic signals. Adaptation of the filter function is required to apply the analysis to another experimental apparatus with differing noise characteristics. A full version of the program and instructions for its use are available for download at www.rad.msu.edu.  相似文献   

S Hinuma  M Hazama  A Mayumi  Y Fujisawa 《FEBS letters》1991,288(1-2):138-142
Interleukin 2 (IL-2) is a lymphokine promoting immune response and therefore has been investigated as an immunological adjuvant. In order to enhance the immunogenicity of recombinant viral protein, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein D (gD), we genetically created a fusion protein consisting of gD and human IL-2. The fusion protein, without any other adjuvants, induced high antibody responses and cell-mediated immunity to HSV-1 in mice. Mice immunized with the fusion protein were protected against HSV-1 infection. The results indicate that IL-2-fusing can provide a means for converting a weak immunogenic protein into a high immunogenic antigen, and the strategy would be widely applicable to the other antigens for pathogens.  相似文献   

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