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高校是培养高素质创新创业人才的基地,大学生的法律素养成为高校素质教育的重要组成部分。培养大学生法制观念和法律意识,需要多渠道、多层次、多模式地渗透到专业课程的教学中。微生物学是一门涉及法律法规较多的学科,在微生物学的教学过程中,采用生动的语言、真实的案例和情境讨论将相关法律法规渗透于专业知识中,使学生对日常生活及专业相关的法律法规产生具体形象的认识;基于考核方法改革,引导学生设计微生物产品并撰写项目可行性报告,全面考虑产品及行业相关法律法规,提高项目执行力;结合实习、实践活动,了解企业运行法律法规框架,从企业可持续发展的高度认识法律法规的重要性。促使学生从自身实际出发,思考并运用法律法规为自己的人生规划服务,切实有效地推动大学生的综合素质教育,为创新创业人才培养奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To examine the content of hospital obstetric vocational training for general practice, the beliefs of general practitioner trainees about this training, and their perceived competence at practical obstetric procedures and the effect of training. DESIGN--Confidential postal questionnaire. SUBJECTS--A random one in four sample of all general practitioner trainees in the United Kingdom on vocational training schemes or in training practices in Autumn 1990. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Trainees'' competence and beliefs on Likert scale, numbers of procedures witnessed and performed, type of maternity care trainees intended to provide. RESULTS--Of 1019 trainees sent questionnaires, 765 (75.1%) replied; 517 had done some hospital obstetric training. After six months as a senior house officer 232/367 (63%) believed they were competent to perform a normal delivery unaided, 228 (62%) to manage a severe postpartum haemorrhage, and 227 (62%) to resuscitate a newborn infant. 272 (35.6%) trainees intended to provide intrapartum care and 56 (7.5%) to book home deliveries in the future. Hospital training increased confidence in performing most obstetric procedures in all trainees. However, a greater proportion of trainees who intended to provide full care than shared care felt competent at performing a normal vaginal delivery (63% (170/272) full v 45% (215/473) shared), low forceps delivery (38% (103) v 17% (79)), manual removal of placenta (24% (65) v 17% (82)), and intubating a neonate (42% (114) v 34% (161)). Trainees who had done any obstetric training were less likely to think that training encouraged future provision of intrapartum care (113/509 (22%) training v 65/213 (31%) no training). CONCLUSION--Hospital vocational obstetric training increases the perceived competence of trainees but fails to encourage them to use obstetric skills.  相似文献   

The unprecedented progress in bio-medical sciences and technology during the last few decades has resulted in great transformations in the concepts of health and disease, health systems and healthcare organisation and practices. Those changes have been accompanied by the emergence of a broad range of ethical dilemmas that confront health professionals more frequently. The classical Hippocratic ethical principles, though still retaining their relevance and validity, have become insufficiently adequate in an increasing range of problems and situations. Healthcare that has been practised for centuries on the basis of a direct doctor-patient relationship has been increasingly transformed into a more complex process integrating the health-team, the patient (healthcare seeker) and the community. Systematic review of the specialised literatures revealed that Healthcare Ethics education has become a basic requirement for any training programme for health professionals, and should cover the different stages of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education. Both theoretical foundations and practical skills are required for the appropriate ethical reasoning, ethical attitude and decision-making abilities. There is growing evidence that physicians' professional and moral development is not only determined by the formal curriculum of ethics; rather more, it is determined by the moral environment of the professional practice, the 'hidden curriculum' which deserves serious consideration by medical education.  相似文献   

Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) are used extensively as undergraduate science lab instructors at universities, yet they often have having minimal instructional training and little is known about effective training methods. This blind randomized control trial study assessed the impact of two training regimens on GTA teaching effectiveness. GTAs teaching undergraduate biology labs (n = 52) completed five hours of training in either inquiry-based learning pedagogy or general instructional “best practices”. GTA teaching effectiveness was evaluated using: (1) a nine-factor student evaluation of educational quality; (2) a six-factor questionnaire for student learning; and (3) course grades. Ratings from both GTAs and undergraduates indicated that indicated that the inquiry-based learning pedagogy training has a positive effect on GTA teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

One context for the papers arising from INTECOL VII in this special issue is the debate over the social construction of science. Some fear that advocates for the social or cultural construction of ecology will undermine attempts to defend nature. But resources are made available in a mediating position of social construal, particularly alerting ecologists to the social and ethical dimensions of the conducting of their work. When speaking, ecologists will use living and dead metaphors and these carry connotations which in turn raise ethical questions. Different political interest groups may use a word like biodiversity for different ethical purposes. The position of any one speaker is limited, and so greater knowledge is achieved if scientists listen to the situated knowledges of other, diverse people. Even Nature herself, or creatures, may have aspects of personhood. The good ecologist will listen with empathy as a naturalist to what is being said, giving Nature the respect she deserves. These are some of the ethical implications in the very doing of ecology.  相似文献   

With the rapidly increasing number of health care professionals seeking international research experience, comes an urgent need for enhanced capacity of host country institutional review boards (IRB) to review research proposals and ensure research activities are both ethical and relevant to the host country customs and needs. A successful combination of distance learning, interactive courses and expert course instructors has been applied in Peru since 2004 through collaborations between the U.S. Naval Medical Research Center Detachment, the University of Washington and the Department of Clinical Bioethics of the National Institutes of Health to provide training in ethical conduct of research to IRB members and researchers from Peru and other Latin American countries. All training activities were conducted under the auspices of the Peruvian National Institute of Health (INS), Ministry of Health. To date, 927 people from 12 different Latin American countries have participated in several of these training activities. In this article we describe our training model.  相似文献   

The role of general practice in medical education is increasing both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. There is a paucity of evidence as to the level of involvement of GP registrars and their training to teach. Two hundred and forty one GP trainees in the Peninsula Deanery were surveyed as to their current level of involvement in teaching and their training to provide it. Seventy eight completed surveys were returned and these revealed that 62% were regularly involved in teaching but only 41% had ever received any training in this area. There was a strong feeling that teaching was an important skill for GPs with 92% of trainees wanting further training in this area. There is clearly a need for further research in this area both to identity whether this sample is representative of the situation nationally and to determine how best to equip trainees in their roles as educators now and in the future.  相似文献   

The need to coordinate patterning and growth has been appreciated for many years. The logic that enables seamless integration of the relevant inputs is beginning to be elucidated, particularly in wing imaginal discs of Drosophila. In this tissue, multiple regulatory layers involving the two morphogens Wingless and Dpp, the wing-specific determinant, Vestigial, and the Hippo pathway, converge to regulate growth. Intricate cross-regulation between these components may explain why, at the local level, there is no direct correlation between growth and the graded signalling activity of Wingless and Dpp, despite the requirement of these two pathways for growth.  相似文献   

改革微生物实验教学 强化技能训练   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为了提高学生的微生物实验技能,通过实验教学研究,对高职微生物实验教学进行了改革探讨。采用逻辑连贯性实验设计、加强基础实验教学、开设综合性实验强化实验技能训练。创新实验教学方法,运用多媒体展示、讲练融合增强实践动手能力。推行徒手练习、加强实验指导与严格规范操作,建立较完善的综合考核机制以调动学生实验的积极性和主动性,促进学生实验技能的提升与实验教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

在讲授医学微生物学知识的同时,对医学生进行医学人文教育,将有助于培养德才兼备的医学人才。本文提出了在医学微生物学课程中可融入人文教育的几项知识点,希望对该课程的医学人文教育有所启示。  相似文献   

Report of a Working Party on the Teaching of Medical Ethics, Edited by K.M. Boyd.
Well and Good: Case Studies in Biomedical Ethics, by John E. Thomas and Wilfred J. Waluchow  相似文献   

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