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A limited amount of research has been done on the body mass index values of 19th century Americans. This paper uses Texas prison records to demonstrate that, in contrast to today's distributions, most BMI values were in the normal range. Only 21.5% and 1.2% of the population was overweight or obese, while today comparable figures are 36% and 23%. There was also little change in BMI values between 1876 and 1919. Farmers were consistently heavier than non-farmers, while Southwestern men had lower BMI values than their counterparts from other regions of the US. BMI values indicate that 19th century African-Americans, and whites populations were well fed in spite of large expenditures on energy.  相似文献   

Vigorous physical activity (running) has been shown to attenuate the association between diet and body weight. Walking is the most popular physical activity, but is a moderate-intensity physical activity because it requires less than sixfold the energy expenditure of sitting at rest. We therefore examined whether reported distance walked per week affected the relationship of diet to BMI and circumferences of the waist, hip, and chest in 30,014 female and 7,133 male participants of the National Walkers' Health Study. Reported meat and fruit intakes served as indicators of high-risk diets for weight gain. The analyses showed that higher meat and lower fruit intake were significantly and consistently associated with greater BMI and waist circumference at all activity levels. Longer usual walking distance significantly attenuated the concordant relationships of diet with women's BMIs (P < 10(-8)), men's BMIs (P = 0.04), and women's waist (P < 10(-6)), hip (P = 0.0001), and chest circumferences (P < 10(-5)). Compared to walkers who averaged <1.5 km/day, the association of diet with adiposity in subjects who walked ≥1.5 km/day was reduced 21% in women and 31% in men for BMI; 20% in women and 27% in men for waist circumference; 19% for women's hip circumference; and 26% for women's chest circumference. Thus we conclude that diets characterized by high-meat/low-fruit intake were significantly associated with greater BMI, and this association was attenuated by moderate physical activity. The weaker results in men than women probably related to the smaller sample size, and reduced statistical power of the men.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine whether school context influences the BMI of adolescent males and females. Methods and Procedures: Our sample was 17,007 adolescents (aged 12–19) from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). We used gender‐stratified multilevel modeling to examine the contribution of schools to the overall variance in adolescent BMIs, calculated from self‐reported weight and height. We then examined the associations of individual attributes with BMI after controlling for the average BMI of the school and the association of two school‐level variables with BMI. Results: Participants attended schools that were segregated by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status (SES). In females, when controlling only for individual‐level attributes, individual household income was inversely associated (β = ?0.043, P = 0.01) while Hispanic (β = 0.89, P < 0.001) and black (β = 1.61, P < 0.001) race/ethnicity were positively associated with BMI. In males, Hispanic (β = 0.67, P < 0.001) race/ethnicity was positively associated with BMI; there was no difference in the BMIs of blacks compared with whites (β = 0.24, P = 0.085). After controlling for the school racial/ethnic makeup and the school level median household income, the relationship between individual race/ethnicity and BMI was attenuated in both male and female adolescents. Higher school level median household income was associated with lower individual BMIs in adolescent girls (γ = ?0.37, P < 0.001) and boys (γ = ?0.29, P < 0.001) suggesting a contextual effect of the school. Discussion: Male and female adolescents attending schools with higher median household incomes have on average lower BMIs. Resources available to or cultural norms within schools may constitute critical mechanisms through which schools impact the BMI of their students.  相似文献   

Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that results in substantial morbidity. The disease may be preventable in some instances by reducing risk factors associated with the disease. We undertook a study to determine whether being overweight or obese, a health risk that applies to younger and older age groups, is commonly associated with hip joint OA. The body mass indices (BMIs) of 1021 males and females ranging in age from 23 to 94 years and requiring surgery for end-stage hip joint OA were analyzed to find the prevalence of high body weights at the time of surgery. Being overweight was defined as having a BMI of 25-29.9 kg/m2 and being obese as having a BMI >30 kg/m2. BMIs indicative of overweight were recorded for 68% of the patients surveyed. Of 35 patients aged 30-39 years, 53.3% had BMIs >25, with a mean of 28.8, which nearly reaches the lower limit defined for obesity. On average, patients who had had previous surgery and complications warranting reimplantation of new surgical devices had BMIs in the obese range. Our findings suggest that a high percentage of patients with end-stage hip OA are overweight, including younger adults and those with symptoms of 3-6 months' duration. Moreover, patients whose BMIs are in the obese range may be at increased risk for removal and reimplantation of their prosthesis.  相似文献   

We explore relationships among BMI variation, wealth, and inequality in the 19th century US. There was an inverse relationship between BMI and average state-level wealth and a small, inverse relationship with wealth inequality. After controlling for wealth and inequality, farmers had greater BMI values than workers in other occupations, and blacks had greater BMI values because of nutritional deprivation in utero.  相似文献   

The body mass index (BMI) is often used as a predictor of overweight and obesity. There is, however, an important debate among international specialists as to what the risk limits should be, and where the cut-off points should be located. In the United States, for instance, adults with a BMI between 25 and 30 are considered overweight, while adults with a BMI of 30 or higher are considered obese. Nevertheless some researchers, especially in developing countries, claim that the limits established for the US are too permissive, and that the threshold to define obese adults should be set lower for other nationalities and ethnicities. This paper analyzes the mortality risks for different BMI levels of two populations of American adult men. The first population lived during the last quarter of the 19th century and the early 20th century. These men were drawn from a random sample of Union Army veterans who fought during the American Civil War (1861-1865). A contemporary sample of men was drawn from the first wave of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) conducted between 1971 and 1975. The results indicate that the frontier of overweight and obesity are expanding over time, such that the potential risk is nowadays associated with higher levels of BMI. The finding may imply that differences in BMI cut-off points are not only cross ethnic, but also occur for similar ethnicities across time.  相似文献   

As body composition in Asian populations is largely different from Western populations, a healthy BMI could also differ between the two populations. Thus, further study is needed to determine whether a healthy BMI in Asians should be lower than Western populations, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). We investigated the relationship between BMI and mortality in a sample of 8,924 Japanese men and women without stroke or heart disease. During 19 years of follow-up, 1,718 deaths were observed. We found a U-shaped relationship between BMI and fatal events. Risk of total mortality was highest in participants with BMI <18.5 kg/m(2) and lowest in participants with BMI 23.0-24.9 kg/m(2). These findings persisted even after excluding the first 5 years of follow-up with a focus on healthy participants who never smoked, were aged <70 years, and had total cholesterol (TC) levels >or=4.1 mmol/l (N=3712). For both the full sample and healthy participants, all-cause mortality risk did not differ between BMI ranges 21.0-22.9 and 23.0-24.9 kg/m(2). Our findings do not support the recent WHO implications that BMIs <23.0 kg/m(2) is healthy for Asians. Therefore, further studies are needed to identify an optimal BMI range for Asia.  相似文献   

Patients who had received obesity surgery (n=144) and comparison adults (n=72) selected the most attractive male and female size and the samesex size they most wanted to look like from an array of 15 outline drawings. Subjects also reported their height, and current and desired weights (transformed into body mass index units [BMI]). There was a remarkable consensus on the sizes considered most attractive: Two male sizes were chosen by 78% of all subjects, and two female sizes by 83%. The hypothesis that adults who had obesity surgery would idealize thin sizes and, therefore, select thinner sizes and lower weights than comparison adults was not supported. Not only did patients and comparison adults selecte the same desired size, but women patients desired significantly larger BMIs than comparison women. There was a large range of desired BMIs associated with each desired size; the correlation between desired BMI and desired size was significant for women but not for men. It was speculated that subjects' desired size reflected cultural norms while subjects' desired BMI was a function of their current weight. Health professionals working in weight loss and/or physical fitness areas need to help clients understand weight-size relationships so that clients can have both realistic weight and realistic size goals.  相似文献   

Objective: The primary purposes of our study were to establish age‐ and gender‐specific BMIs in terms of lowest mortality (risk nadir BMIs) for the Japanese population, and to then compare those to (i) BMIs for whites as determined by similar studies and to (ii) the official BMI guidelines. Methods and Procedures: A total of 32,060 men and 61,916 women aged 40–79 years underwent health check‐ups in Ibaraki prefecture, Japan, in 1993 and were followed through 2003. To determine the age‐ and gender‐specific risk nadir BMIs, coefficients and the lowest point from a quadratic model with transformed BMI were calculated by a Cox proportional hazard model. This included the quadratic term of 1/BMI and adjusted values (age, alcohol intake, and smoking status). Results: For both age and both gender categories, the relationship between all‐cause mortality risk and BMI categories are illustrated as U‐shaped curves. The risk nadir BMIs for men in the age groups of 40–59 and 60–79 years were 23.4 and 25.3 kg/m2, respectively. Similarly, in women, the risk nadir BMIs were 21.6 and 23.4 kg/m2, respectively. Discussion: Among the general Japanese population, the risk nadir BMI for the age group of 60–79 years was higher compared to the age group of 40–59 years, which was similar to the study for whites, and the age‐dependent risk nadir BMI differed from the official guidelines criteria. Our findings underscore the importance of weight control following appropriate indicators of body weight according to age.  相似文献   

Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that results in substantial morbidity. The disease may be preventable in some instances by reducing risk factors associated with the disease. We undertook a study to determine whether being overweight or obese, a health risk that applies to younger and older age groups, is commonly associated with hip joint OA. The body mass indices (BMIs) of 1021 males and females ranging in age from 23 to 94 years and requiring surgery for end-stage hip joint OA were analyzed to find the prevalence of high body weights at the time of surgery. Being overweight was defined as having a BMI of 25–29.9 kg/m2 and being obese as having a BMI >30 kg/m2. BMIs indicative of overweight were recorded for 68% of the patients surveyed. Of 35 patients aged 30–39 years, 53.3% had BMIs >25, with a mean of 28.8, which nearly reaches the lower limit defined for obesity. On average, patients who had had previous surgery and complications warranting reimplantation of new surgical devices had BMIs in the obese range. Our findings suggest that a high percentage of patients with end-stage hip OA are overweight, including younger adults and those with symptoms of 3–6 months' duration. Moreover, patients whose BMIs are in the obese range may be at increased risk for removal and reimplantation of their prosthesis.  相似文献   

The BMI values of inmates in the McNeil Island Penitentiary in Washington State declined between the 1860s and the 1910s birth cohorts by 1.44. Furthermore, those who were imprisoned in the 1930s had significantly lower BMI values (by between 0.72 and 1.01) than those who were incarcerated at the end of the 19th century. This corresponds to a decrease in weight of some 2.25 kg (4.95 lbs) for a man of average height of 173.86 cm (68.5 inches). The diminution in nutritional status among this lower-class sample is hardly surprising, given the high level of unemployment at the time but has not been verified until now. In marked contrast, the BMI values of Citadel cadets increased by 1.5 units in the 1930s. This divergence in BMI values is most likely due to the different social status, to the different regional origins of the two samples or to both.  相似文献   

The body mass index (BMI) of the Japanese is significantly lower than is found in other high-income countries. Moreover, the average BMI of Japanese women is lower than that of Japanese men, and the age-specific BMI of Japanese women has decreased over time. The average BMI of Japanese women at age 25 decreased from 21.8 in 1948 to 20.4 in 2010 whereas that of men increased from 21.4 to 22.3 over the same period. We examine the long-term BMI trend in Japan by combining several historical data sources spanning eleven decades, from 1901 to 2012, to determine not only when but also how the BMI decline among women began: whether its inception was period-specific or cohort-specific. Our nonparametric regression analysis generated five findings. First, the BMI of Japanese women peaked with the 1930s birth cohort. This means that the trend is cohort-specific. Second, the BMI of men outpaced that of women in the next cohort. Third, the BMI of Japanese children, boys and girls alike, increased steadily throughout the 20th century. Fourth, the gender difference in the BMI trend is due to a gender difference in the weight trend, not the height trend. Fifth, these BMI trends are observed in urban and rural populations alike. We conclude that the BMI decline among Japanese women began with those who were in their late teens shortly after World War II.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between BMI and several health conditions among Union Army veterans who had medical examinations between 1891 and 1905. We find that BMI, when used as a proxy of nutrition, helps to explain morbidity and mortality differentials among veterans.There is evidence suggesting that among Union Army veterans extremely low or high BMIs were both associated with poor health, as indicated by a higher level of disability rating, higher risk of developing certain diseases, and higher mortality risk than those associated with having normal weight. Compared to veterans with normal weight, underweight veterans were more likely to be diagnosed with cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases, but were less likely to be diagnosed with rheumatic and musculo-skeletal conditions at the first examination. High BMI levels are also associated with a higher risk of developing cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases, and higher mortality in the 20 years after the first examination.We performed a longitudinal analysis to study the association between earlier BMI as well as weight change and later development of diseases. The results suggest that, as a predictor of diseases, the explanatory power of BMI becomes lower the farther into the future we try to predict. Compared with those who maintained the same weight, veterans who gained weight were associated with a lower risk of being diagnosed with gastrointestinal diseases at their second examination.  相似文献   

We have examined the relationships between percentage of body fat (PBF) and risk factors for cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance and how good body mass index (BMI) and other anthropometric measures are as indices of obesity. High PBF levels were associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance. The World Health Organization BMI of 30 kg/m(2) for obesity has low sensitivity, 6.7% and 13.4% for men and women, respectively. For every obese man and woman identified, 6.7 and 1.76 times nonobese men and women, respectively, will be misclassified as obese. With the locally established BMI cutoff point for obesity of 27 kg/m(2) for men and 25 kg/m(2) for women, the sensitivity was improved to 46.7% and 60.8%, respectively. For every obese man and woman identified, 3.76 and 1.64 times nonobese men and women, respectively, will be misclassified as obese. None of the other anthropometric indices was better than the locally established BMIs. We showed that the BMIs for obesity for our local men and women are different. These BMIs were most precise among all indices studied. However, they still lead to high false-positive rates. For more effective management of the problem of obesity, we need to develop more precise, simple, and cost-effective methods for the measurement of PBF.  相似文献   

Atmospheric CO2 concentrations are now 1.7 times higher than the preindustrial values. Although photosynthetic rates are hypothesized to increase in response to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, results from in situ experiments are inconsistent in supporting a CO2 fertilization effect of tree growth. Tree‐ring data provide a historical record of tree‐level productivity that can be used to evaluate long‐term responses of tree growth. We use tree‐ring data from old‐growth, subalpine forests of western Canada that have not had a stand‐replacing disturbance for hundreds of years to determine if growth has increased over 19th and 20th centuries. Our sample consisted of 5,858 trees belonging to five species distributed over two sites in the coastal zone and two in the continental climate of the interior. We calculated annual increments in tree basal area, adjusted these increments for tree size and age, and tested whether there was a detectable temporal trend in tree growth over the 19th and 20th centuries. We found a similar pattern in 20th century growth trends among all species at all sites. Growth during the 19th century was mostly stable or increasing, with the exception of one of the coastal sites, where tree growth was slightly decreasing; whereas growth during the 20th century consistently decreased. The unexpected decrease in growth during the 20th century indicates that there was no CO2 fertilization effect on photosynthesis. We compared the growth trends from our four sites to the trends simulated by seven Earth System Models, and saw that most of the models did not predict these growth declines. Overall, our results indicate that these old‐growth forests are unlikely to increase their carbon storage capacity in response to rising atmospheric CO2, and thus are unlikely to contribute substantially to offsetting future carbon emissions.  相似文献   

In some chronic disease studies, distinctions have been made regarding the importance of body mass index (BMI) as a risk factor in younger versus older men and women. In order to determine the significance of these differences in BMI-disease associations, we determined the extent of age-dependent variations in the relation of BMIs to body composition in large probability samples of U.S. men and women from the First and Second U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES I and II). BMIs are more highly correlated with estimates of body fat in younger than in older men and women, and with muscle mass in older than in younger adults. Caution should be exercised in interpreting the significance of BMI as a risk factor for chronic disease, particularly in comparison of age groups.  相似文献   

Objectives: To establish BMI percentiles and cutoffs for underweight, overweight, and obesity in South Korean schoolgirls. Research Methods and Procedures: A total of 1229 South Korean schoolgirls aged 8 to 18 years were randomly selected to complete a self‐administered questionnaire. BMI charts and cutoffs were constructed after analyzing data from 1107 subjects. Percentile curves were established by the modified LMS method. Results: The percentiles for underweight, overweight, and obesity corresponding to BMI of 18.5, 23.0, and 25.0 kg/m2 at age 18 were the 13.0th percentile, the 77.8th percentile, and the 91.2nd percentile, respectively. The corresponding prevalences of underweight, overweight, and obesity were 12.1, 12.5, and 9.8%, respectively. Discussion: We established for the first time, to our knowledge, new BMI cutoffs for ages 8 to 18 that corresponded to BMIs of 18.5, 23.0, and 25.0 kg/m2 for Asian adults designated by the International Obesity Task Force. These newly established BMI cutoffs might help to estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Asian children.  相似文献   

During the mid-19th century, the United States acquired Texas and large parts of Mexican territory with the vast Mexican-born population. This paper considers the biological standard of living of the part of this population that was incarcerated in American prisons. We use their physical stature as a proxy for their biological welfare. These data confirm earlier results which showed that adult heights tended to stagnate in Mexico during the late-19th century despite considerable social and political turmoil. While there is some evidence of a decline in height among youth, the decline is slight (<1 cm). As in other 19th century samples, farmers were the tallest. Americans were taller than Mexican prisoners by about 2 cm.  相似文献   

To study natural polymorphism, pollen grains should be collected from ecologically clean sites. Taking the ecological conditions at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century as more favorable than the modern state, herbarium material (LE) was examined. In addition to typical (normally developed) pollen grains, we found two more morphological types within the range of natural polymorphism of pollen grains of Acer tataricum L. that were produced at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century.  相似文献   

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