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The H19 imprinted gene locus is regulated by an upstream 2 kb imprinting control region (ICR) that influences allele-specific expression, DNA methylation, and replication timing. This ICR becomes de novo methylated during late spermatogenesis in the male but emerges from oogenesis in an unmethylated form, and this allele-specific pattern is then maintained throughout early development and in all tissues of the mouse. We have used a genetic approach involving transfection into embryonic stem (ES) cells in order to decipher how the maternal allele is protected from de novo methylation at the time of implantation. Our studies show that CCCTC binding factor (CTCF) boundary elements within the ICR have the ability to prevent de novo methylation on the maternal allele. Since CTCF does not recognize its binding sequence when methylated, this reaction does not occur on the paternal allele, thus preserving the gamete-derived, allele-specific pattern. These results suggest that CTCF may play a general role in the maintenance of differential methylation patterns in vivo.  相似文献   

The monoallelic expression of imprinted genes is controlled by epigenetic factors including DNA methylation and histone modifications. In mouse, the imprinted gene Gtl2 is associated with two differentially methylated regions: the IG-DMR, which serves as a gametic imprinting mark at which paternal allele-specific DNA methylation is inherited from sperm, and the Gtl2-DMR, which acquires DNA methylation on the paternal allele after fertilization. The timeframe during which DNA methylation is acquired at secondary DMRs during post-fertilization development and the relationship between secondary DMRs and imprinted expression have not been well established. In order to better understand the role of secondary DMRs in imprinting, we examined the methylation status of the Gtl2-DMR in pre- and post-implantation embryos. Paternal allele-specific DNA methylation of this region correlates with imprinted expression of Gtl2 during post-implantation development but is not required to implement imprinted expression during pre-implantation development, suggesting that this secondary DMR may play a role in maintaining imprinted expression. Furthermore, our developmental profile of DNA methylation patterns at the Cdkn1c- and Gtl2-DMRs illustrates that the temporal acquisition of DNA methylation at imprinted genes during post-fertilization development is not universally controlled.  相似文献   

The monoallelic expression of imprinted genes is controlled by epigenetic factors including DNA methylation and histone modifications. In mouse, the imprinted gene Gtl2 is associated with two differentially methylated regions: the IG-DMR, which serves as a gametic imprinting mark at which paternal allele-specific DNA methylation is inherited from sperm, and the Gtl2-DMR, which acquires DNA methylation on the paternal allele after fertilization. The timeframe during which DNA methylation is acquired at secondary DMRs during post-fertilization development and the relationship between secondary DMRs and imprinted expression have not been well established. In order to better understand the role of secondary DMRs in imprinting, we examined the methylation status of the Gtl2-DMR in pre- and post-implantation embryos. Paternal allele-specific DNA methylation of this region correlates with imprinted expression of Gtl2 during post-implantation development but is not required to implement imprinted expression during pre-implantation development, suggesting that this secondary DMR may play a role in maintaining imprinted expression. Furthermore, our developmental profile of DNA methylation patterns at the Cdkn1c- and Gtl2-DMRs illustrates that the temporal acquisition of DNA methylation at imprinted genes during post-fertilization development is not universally controlled.Key words: genomic imprinting, DNA methylation, Gtl2, secondary DMR, epigenetics  相似文献   

Imprinting of the mouse insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) and H19 genes is regulated by an imprinting control region (ICR). The hypomethylated maternal copy functions as a chromatin insulator through the binding of CTCF and prevents Igf2 activation in cis, while hypermethylation of the paternal copy inactivates insulator function and leads to inactivation of H19 in cis. The specificity of the ICR sequence for mediating imprinting and chromatin insulation was investigated by substituting it for two copies of the chicken beta-globin insulator element, (Ch beta GI)(2), in mice. This introduced sequence resembles the ICR in size, and in containing CTCF-binding sites and CpGs, but otherwise lacks homology. On maternal inheritance, the (Ch beta GI)(2) was hypomethylated and displayed full chromatin insulator activity. Monoallelic expression of Igf2 and H19 was retained and mice were of normal size. These results suggest that the ICR sequence, aside from CTCF-binding sites, is not uniquely specialized for chromatin insulation at the Igf2/H19 region. On paternal inheritance, the (Ch beta GI)(2) was also hypomethylated and displayed strong insulator activity--fetuses possessed very low levels of Igf2 RNA and were greatly reduced in size, being as small as Igf2-null mutants. Furthermore, the paternal H19 allele was active. These results suggest that differential ICR methylation in the female and male germ lines is not acquired through differential binding of CTCF. Rather, it is likely to be acquired through a separate or downstream process.  相似文献   

Parent-of-origin-specific expression of the mouse insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) gene and the closely linked H19 gene are regulated by an intervening 2 kb imprinting control region (ICR), which displays parentspecific differential DNA methylation [1] [2]. Four 21 bp repeats are embedded within the ICR and are conserved in the putative ICR of human and rat Igf2 and H19, suggesting that the repeats have a function [3] [4]. Here, we report that prominent DNA footprints were found in vivo on the unmethylated maternal ICR at all four 21 bp repeats, demonstrating the presence of protein binding. The methylated paternal ICR displayed no footprints. Significantly, the maternal-specific footprints were localized to putative binding sites for CTCF, a highly conserved zinc-finger DNA-binding protein with multiple roles in gene regulation including that of chromatin insulator function [5] [6]. These results strongly suggest that the maternal ICR functions as an insulator element in regulating mutually exclusive expression of Igf2 and H19 in cis.  相似文献   

Allele specific timing of replication is believed to be a hallmark of imprinted genes, however recent evidence suggests that this might not be the case for the insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) and H19 locus. In this report, we assayed the timing of replication of Igf2 and H19 in two mouse embryonic cell lines expressing both H19 and Igf2, and one cell line maternally disomic for the Igf2/H19 mouse locus which expresses H19 but not Igf2. In all cell lines, Igf2 and H19 were replicated early in the S phase of the cell cycle, and both alleles replicated at the same time. This indicates that any differences in the timing of replication at the Igf2/H19 locus are of a lesser magnitude than those found in other imprinted regions. Dev Genet 20:29–35, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The DNA methylation state of the H19/Igf2 imprinting control region (ICR) is differentially set during gametogenesis. To identify factors responsible for the paternally specific DNA methylation of the ICR, germ line and somatic extracts were screened for proteins that bind to the ICR in a germ line-specific manner. A specific DNA binding activity that was restricted to the male germ line and enriched in neonatal testis was identified. Its three binding sites within the ICR are very similar to the consensus sequence for nuclear receptor extended half sites. To determine if these binding sites are required for establishment of the paternal epigenetic state, a mouse strain in which the three sites were mutated was generated. The mutated ICR was able to establish a male-specific epigenetic state in sperm that was indistinguishable from that established by the wild-type ICR, indicating that these sequences are either redundant or have no function. An analysis of the methylated state of the mutant ICR in the soma revealed no differences from the wild-type ICR but did uncover in both mutant and wild-type chromosomes a significant relaxation in the stringency of the methylated state of the paternal allele and the unmethylated state of the maternal allele in neonatal and adult tissues.  相似文献   

A approximately 2.4-kb imprinting control region (ICR) regulates somatic monoallelic expression of the Igf2 and H19 genes. This is achieved through DNA methylation-dependent chromatin insulator and promoter silencing activities on the maternal and paternal chromosomes, respectively. In somatic cells, the hypomethylated maternally inherited ICR binds the insulator protein CTCF at four sites and blocks activity of the proximal Igf2 promoter by insulating it from its distal enhancers. CTCF binding is thought to play a direct role in inhibiting methylation of the ICR in female germ cells and in somatic cells and, therefore, in establishing and maintaining imprinting of the Igf2/H19 region. Here, we report on the effects of eliminating ICR CTCF binding by severely mutating all four sites in mice. We found that in the female and male germ lines, the mutant ICR remained hypomethylated and hypermethylated, respectively, showing that the CTCF binding sites are dispensable for imprinting establishment. Postfertilization, the maternal mutant ICR acquired methylation, which could be explained by loss of methylation inhibition, which is normally provided by CTCF binding. Adjacent regions in cis-the H19 promoter and gene-also acquired methylation, accompanied by downregulation of H19. This could be the result of a silencing effect of the methylated maternal ICR.  相似文献   

The 5' region of the H19 gene harbors a methylation-sensitive chromatin insulator within an imprinting control region (ICR). Insertional mutagenesis in combination with episomal assays identified nucleosome positioning sequences (NPSs) that set the stage for the remarkably precise distribution of the four target sites for the chromatin insulator protein CTCF to nucleosome linker sequences in the H19 ICR. Changing positions of the NPSs resulted in loss of both CTCF target site occupancy and insulator function, suggesting that the NPSs optimize the fidelity of the insulator function. We propose that the NPSs ensure the fidelity of the repressed status of the maternal Igf2 allele during development by constitutively maintaining availability of the CTCF target sites.  相似文献   

Expression of imprinted genes is restricted to a single parental allele as a result of epigenetic regulation—DNA methylation and histone modifications. Igf2/H19 is a reciprocally imprinted locus exhibiting paternal Igf2 and maternal H19 expression. Their expression is regulated by a paternally methylated imprinting control region (ICR) located between the two genes. Although the de novo DNA methyltransferases have been shown to be necessary for the establishment of ICR methylation, the mechanism by which they are targeted to the region remains unknown. We demonstrate that CTCFL/BORIS, a paralog of CTCF, is an ICR-binding protein expressed during embryonic male germ cell development, coinciding with the timing of ICR methylation. PRMT7, a protein arginine methyltransferase with which CTCFL interacts, is also expressed during embryonic testis development. Symmetrical dimethyl arginine 3 of histone H4, a modification catalyzed by PRMT7, accumulates in germ cells during this developmental period. This modified histone is also found enriched in both H19 ICR and Gtl2 differentially methylated region (DMR) chromatin of testis by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis. In vitro studies demonstrate that CTCFL stimulates the histone-methyltransferase activity of PRMT7 via interactions with both histones and PRMT7. Finally, H19 ICR methylation is demonstrated by nuclear co-injection of expression vectors encoding CTCFL, PRMT7, and the de novo DNA methyltransferases, Dnmt3a, -b and -L, in Xenopus oocytes. These results suggest that CTCFL and PRMT7 may play a role in male germline imprinted gene methylation.  相似文献   

Allele‐specific association of histone modification is observed at the regulatory region of imprinted genes and has been suggested to work as an epigenetic marker for monoallelic gene expression, along with the allelic CpG methylation of DNA. Although the parent‐origin‐specific epigenetic status in imprinted genes is thought to be established during preimplantation development, little is known about the allelic specificity of histone modifications during this period because of the limited volume of material available for analysis. In this study, we first revealed the allelic enrichment of histone modifications and variant histones at the imprinting control regions (ICRs) of four‐cell to blastocyst stage preimplantation embryos by using carrier chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequence polymorphism analysis of immunoprecipitated DNA. We found relative enrichment of histone H3 lysine 9 dimethylation at the imprinted alleles of ICRs and obtained the results suggesting that histone modifications at ICRs are established during a late preimplantation stage. genesis, 47:611–616, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Parent-of-origin-specific expression of the mouse insulin-like growth factor 2 gene (Igf2) and the closely linked H19 gene located on distal chromosome 7 is regulated by a 2.4-kb imprinting control region (ICR) located upstream of the H19 gene. In somatic cells, the maternally and paternally derived ICRs are hypo- and hypermethylated, respectively, with the former binding the insulator protein CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) and acting to block access of enhancers to the Igf2 promoter. Here we report on a detailed in vivo footprinting analysis-using ligation-mediated PCR combined with in vivo dimethyl sulfate, DNase I, or UV treatment-of ICR sequences located outside of the CTCF binding domains. In mouse primary embryo fibroblasts carrying only maternal or paternal copies of distal chromosome 7, we have identified five prominent footprints specific to the maternal ICR. Each of the five footprinted areas contains at least two nuclear hormone receptor hexad binding sites arranged with irregular spacing. When combined with fibroblast nuclear extracts, these sequences interact with complexes containing retinoic X receptor alpha and estrogen receptor beta. More significantly, the footprint sequences bind nuclear hormone receptor complexes in male, but not female, germ cell extracts purified from fetuses at a developmental stage corresponding to the time of establishment of differential ICR methylation. These data are consistent with the possibility that nuclear hormone receptor complexes participate in the establishment of differential ICR methylation imprinting in the germ line.  相似文献   

Genomic imprints-parental allele-specific DNA methylation marks at the differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of imprinted genes-are erased and reestablished in germ cells according to the individual's sex. Imprint establishment at paternally methylated germ line DMRs occurs in fetal male germ cells. In prospermatogonia, the two unmethylated alleles exhibit different rates of de novo methylation at the H19/Igf2 imprinting control region (ICR) depending on parental origin. We investigated the nature of this epigenetic memory using bisulfite sequencing and allele-specific ChIP-SNuPE assays. We found that the chromatin composition in fetal germ cells was biased at the ICR between the two alleles with the maternally inherited allele exhibiting more H3K4me3 and less H3K9me3 than the paternally inherited allele. We determined genetically that the chromatin bias, and also the delayed methylation establishment in the maternal allele, depended on functional CTCF insulator binding sites in the ICR. Our data suggest that, in primordial germ cells, maternally inherited allele-specific CTCF binding sets up allele-specific chromatin differences at the ICR. The erasure of these allele-specific chromatin marks is not complete before the process of de novo methylation imprint establishment begins. CTCF-dependent allele-specific chromatin composition imposes a maternal allele-specific delay on de novo methylation imprint establishment at the H19/Igf2 ICR in prospermatogonia.  相似文献   

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