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Since parathyroid hormone (PTH) increased FGF2 mRNA and protein expression in osteoblasts, and serum FGF-2 was increased in osteoporotic patients treated with PTH, we assessed whether the anabolic effect of PTH was impaired in Fgf2-/- mice. Eight-week-old Fgf2+/+ and Fgf2-/- male mice were treated with rhPTH 1-34 (80mug/kg) for 4 weeks. Micro-CT and histomorphometry demonstrated that PTH significantly increased parameters of bone formation in femurs from Fgf2+/+ mice but the changes were smaller and not significant in Fgf2-/- mice. IGF-1 was significantly reduced in serum from PTH-treated Fgf2-/- mice. DEXA analysis of femurs from Fgf2+/+, Fgf2+/-, and Fgf2-/- mice treated with rhPTH (160mug/kg) for 10 days showed that PTH significantly increased femoral BMD in Fgf2+/+ by 18%; by only 3% in Fgf2+/- mice and reduced by 3% in Fgf2-/- mice. We conclude that endogenous Fgf2 is important for maximum bone anabolic effect of PTH in mice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To determine if the fetus was affected by maternal antibodies to BMP‐2, the antibody response and developmental effects in fetuses from does immunized against recombinant human BMP‐2 were evaluated. METHODS: Female New Zealand White rabbits received four intramuscular injections (on premating days 1, 8, 22, and 43 [3 days before mating]) of saline and adjuvant (TiterMax® Gold [control]) or recombinant human BMP‐2 (2 mg/dose) and adjuvant (treated). On GD 29, fetuses were examined, and maternal and fetal anti‐BMP‐2 titer levels and neutralizing activity were assessed. RESULTS: Anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies were detected in 17 of 18 treated does (127 of 151 fetuses), and low levels were detected in 2 of 16 control does (no fetal exposure observed). In general, levels of fetal anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies were similar to those in the does, and pregnancy did not boost the immune response to BMP‐2. There were no effects of immunization or anti‐BMP‐2 antibody titer levels on embryo–fetal viability, fetal weight, or fetal external, visceral, or skeletal development. Only a small number of fetuses (n = 4) displayed detectable neutralizing anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies, but there were no treatment‐related effects in those fetuses. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of embryo–fetal effects may be due to dosage effects of neutralizing anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies, timing of exposure (stage and duration) to neutralizing anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies, and/or redundancy of effects of the various BMPs. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 92:543–552, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

目的运用CRISR/Cas9技术敲除小鼠基因组中Bmp9基因片段,构建Bmp9基因敲除小鼠。方法根据Bmp9基因的外显子序列,设计一段sgRNA并合成。sgRNA体外转录后和Cas9mRNA混合后显微注射受精卵细胞,注射后的受精卵细胞移植至受体动物获得子代小鼠。提取子代小鼠基因组DNA测序鉴定其基因型。基因型鉴定正确的小鼠与野生型交配后筛选纯合子小鼠。同时取纯合子小鼠心脏、肝、脾、肺、肾,匀浆后提取总RNA和总蛋白,通过qPCR、WB和免疫组化检测BMP9在各组织中的表达。结果设计并合成20bp的sgRNA并进行体外转录,显微注射并回植后得到基因突变小鼠,连续交配后得F2代纯合子。测序结果显示,突变小鼠存在两种基因型,一种为5bp缺失突变,另一种为13bp缺失并伴有1bp插入突变。与野生型C57BL/6相比,qPCR、WB和免疫组化结果均表明基因敲除小鼠肝中BMP9表达显著降低。结论利用CRISPR/Cas9技术成功构建出了BMP9基因敲除小鼠。  相似文献   

Functions of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are initiated by signaling through specific type I and type II serine/threonine kinase receptors. In previous studies, we have demonstrated that the type IB BMP receptor (BMPR-IB) plays an essential and specific role in osteoblast commitment and differentiation. To determine the role of BMP receptor signaling in bone formation in vivo, we generated transgenic mice, which express a truncated dominant-negative BMPR-IB targeted to osteoblasts using the type I collagen promoter. The mice are viable and fertile. Tissue-specific expression of the truncated BMPR-IB was demonstrated. Characterization of the phenotype of these transgenic mice showed impairment of postnatal bone formation in 1-mo-old homozygous transgenic mice. Bone mineral density, bone volume, and bone formation rates were severely reduced, but osteoblast and osteoclast numbers were not significantly changed in the transgenic mice. To determine whether osteoblast differentiation is impaired, we used primary osteoblasts isolated from the transgenic mice and showed that BMP signaling is blocked and BMP2-induced mineralized bone matrix formation was inhibited. These studies show the effects of alterations in BMP receptor function targeted to the osteoblast lineage and demonstrate a necessary role of BMP receptor signaling in postnatal bone growth and bone formation in vivo.  相似文献   

The heart is the first organ to form and function during vertebrate embryogenesis. Using a secreted protein, noggin, which specifically antagonizes bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 and -4, we examined the role played by BMP during the initial myofibrillogenesis in chick cultured precardiac mesoendoderm (mesoderm + endoderm; ME). Conditioned medium from COS7 cells transfected with Xenopus noggin cDNA inhibited the expression of sarcomeric proteins (such as sarcomeric alpha-actinin, Z-line titin, and sarcomeric myosin), and so myofibrillogenesis was perturbed in cultured stage 4 precardiac ME; however, it did not inhibit the expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin (the first isoform of alpha-actin expressed during cardiogenesis). In cultured stage 5 precardiac ME, noggin did not inhibit either the formation of I-Z-I components or the expression of sarcomeric myosin, but it did inhibit the formation of A-bands. Although BMP4 was required to induce expressions of sarcomeric alpha-actinin, titin, and sarcomeric myosin in cultured stage 6 posterolateral mesoderm (noncardiogenic mesoderm), smooth muscle alpha-actin was expressed without the addition of BMP4. Interestingly, in cultured stage 6 posterolateral mesoderm, BMP2 induced the expressions of sarcomeric alpha-actinin and titin, but not of sarcomeric myosin. These results suggest that (1) BMP4 function lies upstream of the initial formation of I-Z-I components and A-bands separately in a stage-dependent manner, and (2) at least two signaling pathways are involved in the initial cardiac myofibrillogenesis: one is an unknown pathway responsible for the expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin; the other is BMP signaling, which is involved in the expression of sarcomeric alpha-actinin, titin, and sarcomeric myosin.  相似文献   

FK506 is an immunosuppressant that is used widely in organ transplantation, and it has recently been recognized as effective for promoting the growth of bone grafts [J. Bone Miner. Res. 15 (2000) 1147]. In this study, we evaluated the influence of FK506 on osteoinduction by recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) using atelopeptide type I collagen as a carrier. We administered FK506 (1 mg/kg/day intramuscularly) on days -2 to 0, -2 to 7, and -2 to sacrifice. rhBMP-2 was implanted into the calf muscle of Wistar rats (thirty per group) and the implant was sampled on days 7, 14, and 21. Radiographic evaluation, histological examination, and biochemical analysis were performed. It was found that FK506 promoted the early stage of osteoinduction after short-term administration. However, long-term administration of this agent accelerated both bone formation and bone resorption. In order to use FK506 effectively for promoting bone growth, we must further examine the appropriate dose, method, and period of administration.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage is a specialized connective tissue containing chondrocytes embedded in a network of extracellular macromolecules such as type II collagen and presents poor capacity to self-repair. Autologous chondrocyte transplantation (ACT) is worldwide used for treatment of focal damage to articular cartilage. However, dedifferentiation of chondrocytes occurs during the long term culture necessary for mass cell production. The aim of this study was to investigate if addition of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2, a strong inducer of chondrogenic expression, to human chondrocytes immediately after their isolation from cartilage, could help to maintain their chondrogenic phenotype in long-term culture conditions. Human articular chondrocytes were cultured according to the procedure used for ACT. Real-time PCR and Western blotting were performed to evaluate the cellular phenotype. Exogenous BMP-2 dramatically improves the chondrogenic character of knee articular chondrocytes amplified over two passages, as assessed by the BMP-2 stimulation on type II procollagen expression and synthesis. This study reveals that BMP-2 could potentially serve as a therapeutic agent for supporting the chondrogenic phenotype of human articular chondrocytes expanded in the conditions generally used for ACT.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that human bone cells express bone morphogenetic protein receptor-IB (BMPR-IB). However, little is known about the precise role of this receptor in the response of osteoblastic genes to the BMP in these cells. To determine BMPR-IB-dependent osteoblastic gene expression, the present study examined the effects of BMPR-IB knockdown on BMP-induced osteoblast-associated genes. BMPR-IB mRNA and protein were markedly suppressed by transfection of cells with BMPR-IB siRNA. Using three different bone cell samples, BMP-2 stimulation of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteocalcin (OC), distal-less homeobox-5 (Dlx5) and core binding factor alpha-1 (Cbfa1) was found to be specifically and significantly reduced in the BMPR-IB siRNA-transfected cultures compared with that of control cultures. Our study has provided evidence that BMPR-IB-dependent signaling plays a crucial role in BMP-2 up-regulation of the ALP, OC, Dlx5 and Cbfa1 genes in bone cells, suggesting a pivotal role of this receptor in BMP-2-induced osteoblast differentiation in vitro. These findings thus suggest the possibility that BMPR-IB could be a therapeutic target for enhancing bone regeneration in vivo.  相似文献   

Transformation of endocardial endothelial cells into invasive mesenchyme is a critical antecedent of cardiac cushion tissue formation. The message for bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 is known to be expressed in myocardial cells in a manner consistent with the segmental pattern of cushion formation [Development 109(1990) 833]. In the present work, we localized BMP-2 protein in atrioventricular (AV) myocardium in mice at embryonic day (ED) 8.5 (12 somite stage) before the onset of AV mesenchymal cell formation at ED 9.5. BMP-2 protein expression was absent from ventricular myocardium throughout the stages examined. After cellularization of the AV cushion at ED 10.5, myocardial BMP-2 protein expression was diminished in AV myocardium, whereas cushion mesenchymal cells started expressing BMP protein. Expression of BMP-2 in cushion mesenchyme persisted during later stages of development, ED 13.5-16, during valuvulogenesis. Intense expression of BMP-2 persisted in the valve tissue in adult mice. Based on the expression pattern, we performed a series of experiments to test the hypothesis that BMP-2 mediates myocardial regulation of cardiac cushion tissue formation in mice. When BMP-2 protein was added to the 16-18 somite stage (ED 9.25) AV endocardial endothelium in culture, cushion mesenchymal cells were formed in the absence of AV myocardium, which invaded into collagen gels and expressed the mesenchymal marker, smooth muscle (SM) alpha-actin; whereas the endothelial marker, PECAM-1, was lost from the invaded cells. In contrast, when noggin, a specific antagonist to BMPs, was applied together with BMP-2 to the culture medium, AV endothelial cells remained as an epithelial monolayer with little expression of SM alpha-actin, and expression of PECAM-1 was retained in the endocardial cells. When noggin was added to AV endothelial cells cocultured with associated myocardium, it blocked endothelial transformation to mesenchyme. AV endothelium treated with BMP-2 expressed elevated levels of TGFbeta-2 in the absence of myocardium, as observed in the endothelium cocultured with myocardium. BMP-2-supported elevation of TGFbeta-2 expression in endocardial cells was abolished by noggin treatment. These data indicated that BMP signaling is required in and BMP-2 is sufficient for myocardial segmental regulation of AV endocardial cushion mesenchymal cell formation in mice.  相似文献   

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