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Perturbation of the equilibrium between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and the infected host by administering antiretroviral agents has revealed the rapid turnover of both viral particles and productively infected cells. In this study, we used the infusion of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) particles into rhesus macaques to obtain a more accurate estimate of viral clearance in vivo. Consistently, exogenously infused virions were cleared from plasma with an extremely short half-life, on the order of minutes (a mean of 3.3 min). This new estimate is ~100-fold lower than the upper bound of 6 h previously reported for HIV-1 in infected humans. In select animals, multiple tissues were collected at the completion of each experiment to track the potential sites of virion clearance. Detectable levels of SIV RNA were found in lymph nodes, spleen, lungs, and liver, but not in other tissues examined. However, only ~1 to 10% or less of the infused virions were accounted for by the thorough tissue sampling, indicating that the vast majority of the infused particles must have been degraded over a short period of time. Should the rapid clearance of virions described here be applicable to infected patients, then HIV-1 production and thus the number of productively infected CD4+ T lymphocytes or the viral burst size must be proportionally higher than previous minimal estimates.  相似文献   

Two live attenuated single-deletion mutant simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) constructs, SIV239Δnef and SIVPBj6.6Δnef, were tested for their abilities to stimulate protective immunity in macaques. During the immunization period the animals were examined for specific immune responses and virus growth. Each construct generated high levels of specific immunity in all of the immunized animals. The SIV239Δnef construct was found to grow to high levels in all immunized animals, with some animals remaining positive for virus isolation and plasma RNA throughout the immunization period. The SIVPBj6.6Δnef was effectively controlled by all of the immunized animals, with virus mostly isolated only during the first few months following immunization and plasma RNA never detected. Following an extended period of immunization of over 80 weeks, the animals were challenged with a pathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) isolate, SIV89.6PD, by intravenous injection. All of the SIV239Δnef-immunized animals became infected with the SHIV isolate; two of five animals eventually controlled the challenge and three of five animals, which failed to check the immunizing virus, progressed to disease state before the unvaccinated controls. One of five animals immunized with SIVPBj6.6Δnef totally resisted infection by the challenge virus, while three others limited its growth and the remaining animal became persistently infected and eventually died of a pulmonary thrombus. These data indicate that vaccination with attenuated SIV can protect macaques from disease and in some cases from infection by a divergent SHIV. However, if animals are unable to control the immunizing virus, potential damage that can accelerate the disease course of a pathogenic challenge virus may occur.  相似文献   

We used the rhesus macaque model of heterosexual human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission to test the hypothesis that in vitro measures of macrophage tropism predict the ability of a primate lentivirus to initiate a systemic infection after intravaginal inoculation. A single atraumatic intravaginal inoculation with a T-cell-tropic molecular clone of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), SIVmac239, or a dualtropic recombinant molecular clone of SIV, SIVmac239/1A11/239, or uncloned dualtropic SIVmac251 or uncloned dualtropic simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) 89.6-PD produced systemic infection in all rhesus macaques tested. However, vaginal inoculation with a dualtropic molecular clone of SIV, SIVmac1A11, resulted in transient viremia in one of two rhesus macaques. It has previously been shown that 12 intravaginal inoculations with SIVmac1A11 resulted in infection of one of five rhesus macaques (M. L. Marthas, C. J. Miller, S. Sutjipto, J. Higgins, J. Torten, B. L. Lohman, R. E. Unger, H. Kiyono, J. R. McGhee, P. A. Marx, and N. C. Pedersen, J. Med. Primatol. 21:99–107, 1992). In addition, SHIV HXBc2, which replicates in monkey macrophages, does not infect rhesus macaques following multiple vaginal inoculations, while T-cell-tropic SHIV 89.6 does (Y. Lu, P. B. Brosio, M. Lafaile, J. Li, R. G. Collman, J. Sodroski, and C. J. Miller, J. Virol. 70:3045–3050, 1996). These results demonstrate that in vitro measures of macrophage tropism do not predict if a SIV or SHIV will produce systemic infection after intravaginal inoculation of rhesus macaques. However, we did find that the level to which these viruses replicate in vivo after intravenous inoculation predicts the outcome of intravaginal inoculation with each virus.  相似文献   

Here we provide the first report of protection against a vaginal challenge with a highly virulent simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) by using a vaccine vector. New poliovirus vectors based on Sabin 1 and 2 vaccine strain viruses were constructed, and these vectors were used to generate a series of new viruses containing SIV gag, pol, env, nef, and tat in overlapping fragments. Two cocktails of 20 transgenic polioviruses (SabRV1-SIV and SabRV2-SIV) were inoculated into seven cynomolgus macaques. All monkeys produced substantial anti-SIV serum and mucosal antibody responses. SIV-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses were detected in three of seven monkeys after vaccination. All 7 vaccinated macaques, as well as 12 control macaques, were challenged vaginally with pathogenic SIVmac251. Strikingly, four of the seven vaccinated animals exhibited substantial protection against the vaginal SIV challenge. All 12 control monkeys became SIV positive. In two of the seven SabRV-SIV-vaccinated monkeys we found no virological evidence of infection following challenge, indicating that these two monkeys were completely protected. Two additional SabRV-SIV-vaccinated monkeys exhibited a pronounced reduction in postacute viremia to <10(3) copies/ml, suggesting that the vaccine elicited an effective cellular immune response. Three of six control animals developed clinical AIDS by 48 weeks postchallenge. In contrast, all seven vaccinated monkeys remained healthy as judged by all clinical parameters. These results demonstrate the efficacy of SabRV as a potential human vaccine vector, and they show that the use of a vaccine vector cocktail expressing an array of defined antigenic sequences can be an effective vaccination strategy in an outbred population.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is characterized by immune activation, while chronic malaria is associated with elevated interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels. How these apparently antagonizing forces interact in the coinfected host is poorly understood. Using a rhesus macaque model of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-Plasmodium fragile coinfection, we evaluated how innate immune effector cells affect the balance between immune activation and regulation. In vitro Toll-like receptor (TLR) responses of peripheral blood myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) and monocytes were temporarily associated with acute parasitemic episodes and elevated plasma IL-10 levels. Prolonged infection resulted in a decline of mDC function. Monocytes maintained TLR responsiveness but, in addition to IL-12 and tumor necrosis factor alpha, also produced IL-10. Consistent with the role of spleen in the clearance of parasite-infected red blood cells, coinfected animals also had increased splenic IL-10 mRNA levels. The main cellular source of IL-10 in the spleens of coinfected animals, however, was not splenic macrophages but T cells, suggesting an impairment of adaptive immunity. In contrast to those in spleen, IL-10-positive cells in axillary lymph nodes of coinfected animals were predominantly mDC, reminiscent of the immunosuppressive phenotype of peripheral blood mDC. Concurrent with IL-10 induction, however, SIV infection promoted elevated systemic IL-12 levels. The continuously increasing ratio of plasma IL-12 to IL-10 suggested that the overall host response in SIV-P. fragile-coinfected animals was shifted toward immune activation versus immune regulation. Therefore, SIV-P. fragile coinfection might be characterized by earlier manifestation of immune dysfunction and exhaustion than that of single-pathogen infections. This could translate into increased morbidity in HIV-malaria-coinfected individuals.  相似文献   

Rare serotype and chimeric recombinant adenovirus (rAd) vectors that evade anti-Ad5 immunity are currently being evaluated as potential vaccine vectors for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and other pathogens. We have recently reported that a heterologous rAd prime-boost regimen expressing simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag afforded durable partial immune control of an SIV challenge in rhesus monkeys. However, single-shot immunization may ultimately be preferable for global vaccine delivery. We therefore evaluated the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a single immunization of chimeric rAd5 hexon hypervariable region 48 (rAd5HVR48) vectors expressing SIV Gag, Pol, Nef, and Env against a homologous SIV challenge in rhesus monkeys. Inclusion of Env resulted in improved control of peak and set point SIV RNA levels following challenge. In contrast, DNA vaccine priming did not further improve the protective efficacy of rAd5HVR48 vectors in this system.Heterologous prime-boost vaccine regimens have proven substantially more immunogenic than single vector immunizations in a variety of experimental models, but a single-shot vaccine would presumably be ideal for eventual global delivery. The potential utility of single-shot vaccines against pathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) challenges in rhesus monkeys has not been well characterized. We therefore evaluated the protective efficacy of a single immunization of recombinant chimeric adenovirus type 5 (rAd5) hexon hypervariable region 48 (rAd5HVR48) vectors (15) expressing SIV Gag, Pol, Nef, and Env against a pathogenic SIV challenge in rhesus monkeys. These vectors contain the HVRs of the rare Ad48 serotype and have been shown to evade dominant Ad5 hexon-specific neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) (15). We also assessed the potential utility of inclusion of Env as an immunogen (6, 7, 17) and the degree to which DNA vaccine priming would enhance the protective efficacy afforded by a single rAd5HVR48 immunization (2, 7, 18, 21).Thirty adult rhesus monkeys (n = 6/group) lacking the Mamu-A*01, Mamu-B*17, and Mamu-B*08 class I alleles were primed with plasmid DNA vaccines and boosted with rAd5HVR48 vectors as follows: (1) adjuvanted DNA prime, rAd5HVR48 boost; (2) DNA prime, rAd5HVR48 boost; (3) rAd5HVR48 alone; (4) rAd5HVR48 alone (excluding Env); and (5) sham controls. Monkeys in groups 1 to 3 received vectors expressing SIVmac239 Gag, Pol, Nef, and Env, whereas monkeys in group 4 received vectors expressing only Gag, Pol, and Nef. The DNA vaccine adjuvants in group 1 were plasmids expressing the rhesus chemokine MIP-1α and Flt3L, which have been shown to increase recruitment of dendritic cells and to improve DNA vaccine immunogenicity (20). Monkeys were primed intramuscularly with a total dose of 4 mg of DNA vaccines at weeks 0, 4, and 8. All animals then received a single intramuscular immunization of 4 × 1010 viral particles (vp) of rAd5HVR48 at week 24. At week 52, animals were challenged intravenously (i.v.) with 100 monkey infectious doses of SIVmac251 (7, 10).  相似文献   

Identification of transmitted/founder simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) envelope sequences responsible for infection may prove critical for understanding HIV/SIV mucosal transmission. We used single genome amplification and phylogenetic analyses to characterize transmitted/founder SIVs both in the inoculum and in immunized-infected rhesus monkeys. Single genome amplification of the SIVsmE660 inoculum revealed a maximum diversity of 1.4%. We also noted that the consensus sequence of the challenge stock differed from the vaccine construct in 10 amino acids including 3 changes in the V4 loop. Viral env was prepared from rhesus plasma in 3 groups of 6 immunized with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) vectors and boosted with Semliki forest virus (SFV) replicons expressing (a) SIVsmE660 gag-env (b) SIVsmE660 gag-env plus rhesus GM-CSF and (c) control influenza hemagglutinin protein. Macaques were immunized twice with VSV-vectors and once with SFV vector and challenged intrarectally with 4000 TCID50. Single genome amplification characterized the infections of 2 unprotected animals in the gag-env immunized group, both of which had reduced acute plasma viral loads that ended as transient infections indicating partial immune control. Four of 6 rhesus were infected in the gag-env + GM-CSF group which demonstrated that GM-CSF abrogated protection. All 6 animals from the control group were infected having high plasma viral loads. We obtained 246 full-length envelope sequences from SIVsmE660 infected macaques at the peak of infection and determined the number of transmitted/founder variants per animal. Our analysis found that 2 of 2 gag-env vaccinated but infected macaques exhibited single but distinct virus envelope lineages whereas rhesus vaccinated with gag-env-GM-CSF or HA control exhibited both single and multiple env lineages. Because there were only 2 infected animals in the gag-env vaccinated rhesus compared to 10 infected rhesus in the other 2 groups, the significance of finding single env variants in the gag-env vaccinated group could not be established.  相似文献   

Despite many efforts to develop AIDS vaccines eliciting virus-specific T-cell responses, whether induction of these memory T cells by vaccination before human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) exposure can actually contribute to effective T-cell responses postinfection remains unclear. In particular, induction of HIV-specific memory CD4+ T cells may increase the target cell pool for HIV infection because the virus preferentially infects HIV-specific CD4+ T cells. However, virus-specific CD4+ helper T-cell responses are thought to be important for functional CD8+ cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) induction in HIV infection, and it has remained unknown whether HIV-specific memory CD8+ T cells induced by vaccination without HIV-specific CD4+ T-cell help can exert effective responses after virus exposure. Here we show the impact of CD8+ T-cell memory induction without virus-specific CD4+ T-cell help on the control of a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) challenge in rhesus macaques. We developed a prophylactic vaccine by using a Sendai virus (SeV) vector expressing a single SIV Gag241-249 CTL epitope fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Vaccination resulted in induction of SeV-EGFP-specific CD4+ T-cell and Gag241-249-specific CD8+ T-cell responses. After a SIV challenge, the vaccinees showed dominant Gag241-249-specific CD8+ T-cell responses with higher effector memory frequencies in the acute phase and exhibited significantly reduced viral loads. These results demonstrate that virus-specific memory CD8+ T cells induced by vaccination without virus-specific CD4+ T-cell help could indeed facilitate SIV control after virus exposure, indicating the benefit of prophylactic vaccination eliciting virus-specific CTL memory with non-virus-specific CD4+ T-cell responses for HIV control.Virus-specific T-cell responses are crucial for controlling human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) replication (3, 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 37). Therefore, a great deal of effort has been exerted to develop AIDS vaccines eliciting virus-specific T-cell responses (23, 27, 30, 47), but whether this approach actually results in HIV control remains unclear (1, 6). It is important to determine which T-cell responses need to be induced by prophylactic vaccination for HIV control after virus exposure.Because HIV preferentially infects HIV-specific CD4+ T cells (5), induction of HIV-specific memory CD4+ T cells by vaccination may increase the target cell pool for HIV infection and could enhance viral replication (42). However, CD4+ helper T-cell responses are important for functional CD8+ cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) induction (11, 40, 43, 46), and it has remained unknown whether HIV-specific memory CD8+ T cells induced by vaccination with non-virus-specific CD4+ T-cell help (but without HIV-specific CD4+ T-cell help) can exert effective responses after virus exposure. Indeed, the real impact of prophylactic induction of CTL memory itself on HIV replication has not been well documented thus far.We previously developed a prophylactic AIDS vaccine consisting of DNA priming followed by boosting with a recombinant Sendai virus (SeV) vector expressing SIVmac239 Gag (26). Evaluation of this vaccine''s efficacy against a SIVmac239 challenge in Burmese rhesus macaques showed that some vaccinees contained SIV replication whereas unvaccinated animals developed AIDS (15, 27). In particular, vaccination consistently resulted in control of SIV replication in those animals possessing the major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) haplotype 90-120-Ia. Gag206-216 (IINEEAADWDL) and Gag241-249 (SSVDEQIQW) epitope-specific CD8+ T-cell responses were shown to be involved in SIV control in these vaccinated macaques (14, 16).In the present study, focusing on CD8+ T-cell responses directed against one of these epitopes, we have evaluated the efficacy of a vaccine expressing the Gag241-249 epitope fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) against a SIVmac239 challenge in 90-120-Ia-positive rhesus macaques. The animals exhibited this single-epitope-specific CD8+ T-cell response and SeV-EGFP-specific CD4+ T-cell responses after vaccination and showed rapid, dominant induction of potent secondary Gag241-249-specific CD8+ T-cell responses after a SIV challenge. Plasma viral loads in these vaccinees were significantly reduced compared to those of naive controls. These results indicate that induction of CD8+ T-cell memory without virus-specific CD4+ T-cell help by prophylactic vaccination can result in effective CD8+ T-cell responses after virus exposure.  相似文献   

Infection with attenuated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in rhesus macaques has been shown to raise antibodies capable of neutralizing an animal challenge stock of primary SIVmac251 in CEMx174 cells that correlate with resistance to infection after experimental challenge with this virulent virus (M. S. Wyand, K. H. Manson, M. Garcia-Moll, D. C. Montefiori, and R. C. Desrosiers, J. Virol. 70:3724–3733, 1996). Here we show that these neutralizing antibodies are not detected in human and rhesus peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). In addition, neutralization of primary SIVmac251 in human and rhesus PBMC was rarely detected with plasma samples from a similar group of animals that had been infected either with SIVmac239Δnef for 1.5 years or with SIVmac239Δ3 for 3.2 years, although low-level neutralization was detected in CEMx174 cells. Potent neutralization was detected in CEMx174 cells when the latter plasma samples were assessed with laboratory-adapted SIVmac251. In contrast to primary SIVmac251, laboratory-adapted SIVmac251 did not replicate in human and rhesus PBMC despite its ability to utilize CCR5, Bonzo/STRL33, and BOB/gpr15 as coreceptors for virus entry. These results illustrate the importance of virus passage history and the choice of indicator cells for making assessments of neutralizing antibodies to lentiviruses such as SIV. They also demonstrate that primary SIVmac251 is less sensitive to neutralization in human and rhesus PBMC than it is in established cell lines. Results obtained in PBMC did not support a role for neutralizing antibodies as a mechanism of protection in animals immunized with attenuated SIV and challenged with primary SIVmac251.  相似文献   

Sooty mangabeys naturally infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) do not develop immunodeficiency despite the presence of viral loads of 105 to 107 RNA copies/ml. To investigate the basis of apathogenic SIV infection in sooty mangabeys, three sooty mangabeys and three rhesus macaques were inoculated intravenously with SIVmac239 and evaluated longitudinally for 1 year. SIVmac239 infection of sooty mangabeys resulted in 2- to 4-log-lower viral loads than in macaques and did not reproduce the high viral loads observed in natural SIVsmm infection. During acute SIV infection, polyclonal cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activity coincident with decline in peak plasma viremia was observed in both macaques and mangabeys; 8 to 20 weeks later, CTL activity declined in the macaques but was sustained and broadly directed in the mangabeys. Neutralizing antibodies to SIVmac239 were detected in the macaques but not the mangabeys. Differences in expression of CD38 on CD8+ T lymphocytes or in the percentage of naive phenotype T cells expressing CD45RA and CD62L-selection did not correlate with development of AIDS in rhesus macaques. In macaques, the proportion of CD4+ T lymphocytes expressing CD25 declined during SIV infection, while in mangabeys, CD25-expressing CD4+ T lymphocytes increased. Longitudinal evaluation of cytokine secretion by flow cytometric analysis of unstimulated lymphocytes revealed elevation of interleukin-2 and gamma interferon in a macaque and only interleukin-10 in a concurrently infected mangabey during acute SIV infection. Differences in host responses following experimental SIVmac239 infection may be associated with the divergent outcome in sooty mangabeys and rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic, antigenic and structural changes that occur during HIV-1 infection in response to pre-existing immunity will facilitate current efforts to develop an HIV-1 vaccine. Much is known about HIV-1 variation at the population level but little with regard to specific changes occurring in the envelope glycoprotein within a host in response to immune pressure elicited by antibodies. The aim of this study was to track and map specific early genetic changes occurring in the viral envelope gene following vaccination using a highly controlled viral challenge setting in the SHIV macaque model. We generated 449 full-length env sequences from vaccinees, and 63 from the virus inoculum. Analysis revealed a different pattern in the distribution and frequency of mutations in the regions of the envelope gene targeted by the vaccine as well as different patterns of diversification between animals in the naïve control group and vaccinees. Given the high stringency of the model it is remarkable that we were able to identify genetic changes associated with the vaccination. This work provides insight into the characterization of breakthrough viral populations in less than fully efficacious vaccines and illustrates the value of HIV-1 Env SHIV challenge model in macaques to unravel the mechanisms driving HIV-1 envelope genetic diversity in the presence of vaccine induced-responses.  相似文献   

The nef gene of the human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV) is dispensable for viral replication in T-cell lines; however, it is essential for high virus loads and progression to simian AIDS (SAIDS) in SIV-infected adult rhesus macaques. Nef proteins from HIV type 1 (HIV-1), HIV-2, and SIV contain a proline-Xaa-Xaa-proline (PxxP) motif. The region of Nef with this motif is similar to the Src homology region 3 (SH3) ligand domain found in many cell signaling proteins. In virus-infected lymphoid cells, Nef interacts with a cellular serine/threonine kinase, designated Nef-associated kinase (NAK). In this study, analysis of viral clones containing point mutations in the nef gene of the pathogenic clone SIVmac239 revealed that several strictly conserved residues in the PxxP region were essential for Nef-NAK interaction. The results of this analysis of Nef mutations in in vitro kinase assays indicated that the PxxP region in SIV Nef was strikingly similar to the consensus sequence for SH3 ligand domains possessing the minus orientation. To test the significance of the PxxP motif of Nef for viral pathogenesis, each proline was mutated to an alanine to produce the viral clone SIVmac239-P104A/P107A. This clone, expressing Nef that does not associate with NAK, was inoculated into seven juvenile rhesus macaques. In vitro kinase assays were performed on virus recovered from each animal; the ability of Nef to associate with NAK was restored in five of these animals as early as 8 weeks after infection. Analysis of nef genes from these viruses revealed patterns of genotypic reversion in the mutated PxxP motif. These revertant genotypes, which included a second-site suppressor mutation, restored the ability of Nef to interact with NAK. Additionally, the proportion of revertant viruses increased progressively during the course of infection in these animals, and two of these animals developed fatal SAIDS. Taken together, these results demonstrated that in vivo selection for the ability of SIV Nef to associate with NAK was correlated with the induction of SAIDS. Accordingly, these studies implicate a role for the conserved SH3 ligand domain for Nef function in virally induced immunodeficiency.  相似文献   

Neutralizing antibodies may have critical importance in immunity against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. However, the amount of protective antibody needed at mucosal surfaces has not been fully established. Here, we evaluated systemic and mucosal pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of 2F5 IgG and 2F5 Fab fragments with respect to protection against vaginal challenge with simian-human immunodeficiency virus-BaL in macaques. Antibody assessment demonstrated that 2F5 IgG was more potent than polymeric forms (IgM and IgA) across a range of cellular and tissue models. Vaginal challenge studies demonstrated a dose-dependent protection for 2F5 IgG and no protection with 2F5 Fab despite higher vaginal Fab levels at the time of challenge. Animals receiving 50 or 25 mg/kg of body weight 2F5 IgG were completely protected, while 3/5 animals receiving 5 mg/kg were protected. In the control animals, infection was established by a minimum of 1 to 4 transmitted/founder (T/F) variants, similar to natural human infection by this mucosal route; in the two infected animals that had received 5 mg 2F5 IgG, infection was established by a single T/F variant. Serum levels of 2F5 IgG were more predictive of sterilizing protection than measured vaginal levels. Fc-mediated antiviral activity did not appear to influence infection of primary target cells in cervical explants. However, PK studies highlighted the importance of the Fc portion in tissue biodistribution. Data presented in this study may be important in modeling serum levels of neutralizing antibodies that need to be achieved by either vaccination or passive infusion to prevent mucosal acquisition of HIV-1 infection in humans.  相似文献   

Immunization of rhesus macaques with strains of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) that are limited to a single cycle of infection elicits T-cell responses to multiple viral gene products and antibodies capable of neutralizing lab-adapted SIV, but not neutralization-resistant primary isolates of SIV. In an effort to improve upon the antibody responses, we immunized rhesus macaques with three strains of single-cycle SIV (scSIV) that express envelope glycoproteins modified to lack structural features thought to interfere with the development of neutralizing antibodies. These envelope-modified strains of scSIV lacked either five potential N-linked glycosylation sites in gp120, three potential N-linked glycosylation sites in gp41, or 100 amino acids in the V1V2 region of gp120. Three doses consisting of a mixture of the three envelope-modified strains of scSIV were administered on weeks 0, 6, and 12, followed by two booster inoculations with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G trans-complemented scSIV on weeks 18 and 24. Although this immunization regimen did not elicit antibodies capable of detectably neutralizing SIVmac239 or SIVmac251UCD, neutralizing antibody titers to the envelope-modified strains were selectively enhanced. Virus-specific antibodies and T cells were observed in the vaginal mucosa. After 20 weeks of repeated, low-dose vaginal challenge with SIVmac251UCD, six of eight immunized animals versus six of six naïve controls became infected. Although immunization did not significantly reduce the likelihood of acquiring immunodeficiency virus infection, statistically significant reductions in peak and set point viral loads were observed in the immunized animals relative to the naïve control animals.Development of a safe and effective vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is an urgent public health priority, but remains a formidable scientific challenge. Passive transfer experiments in macaques demonstrate neutralizing antibodies can prevent infection by laboratory-engineered simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) strains (6, 33, 34, 53, 59). However, no current vaccine approach is capable of eliciting antibodies that neutralize primary isolates with neutralization-resistant envelope glycoproteins. Virus-specific T-cell responses can be elicited by prime-boost strategies utilizing recombinant DNA and/or viral vectors (3, 10, 11, 16, 36, 73, 77, 78), which confer containment of viral loads following challenge with SHIV89.6P (3, 13, 66, 68). Unfortunately, similar vaccine regimens are much less effective against SIVmac239 and SIVmac251 (12, 16, 31, 36, 73), which bear closer resemblance to most transmitted HIV-1 isolates in their inability to utilize CXCR4 as a coreceptor (18, 23, 24, 88) and inherent high degree of resistance to neutralization by antibodies or soluble CD4 (43, 55, 56). Live, attenuated SIV can provide apparent sterile protection against challenge with SIVmac239 and SIVmac251 or at least contain viral replication below the limit of detection (20, 22, 80). Due to the potential of the attenuated viruses themselves to cause disease in neonatal rhesus macaques (5, 7, 81) and to revert to a pathogenic phenotype through the accumulation of mutations over prolonged periods of replication in adult animals (2, 35, 76), attenuated HIV-1 is not under consideration for use in humans.As an experimental vaccine approach designed to retain many of the features of live, attenuated SIV, without the risk of reversion to a pathogenic phenotype, we and others devised genetic approaches for producing strains of SIV that are limited to a single cycle of infection (27, 28, 30, 38, 39, 45). In a previous study, immunization of rhesus macaques with single-cycle SIV (scSIV) trans-complemented with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G elicited potent virus-specific T-cell responses (39), which were comparable in magnitude to T-cell responses elicited by optimized prime-boost regimens based on recombinant DNA and viral vectors (3, 16, 36, 68, 73, 78). Antibodies were elicited that neutralized lab-adapted SIVmac251LA (39). However, despite the presentation of the native, trimeric SIV envelope glycoprotein (Env) on the surface of infected cells and virions, none of the scSIV-immunized macaques developed antibody responses that neutralized SIVmac239 (39). Therefore, we have now introduced Env modifications into scSIV that facilitate the development of neutralizing antibodies.Most primate lentiviral envelope glycoproteins are inherently resistant to neutralizing antibodies due to structural and thermodynamic properties that have evolved to enable persistent replication in the face of vigorous antibody responses (17, 46, 47, 64, 71, 75, 79, 83, 85). Among these, extensive N-linked glycosylation renders much of the Env surface inaccessible to antibodies (17, 48, 60, 63, 75). Removal of N-linked glycans from gp120 or gp41 by mutagenesis facilitates the induction of antibodies to epitopes that are occluded by these carbohydrates in the wild-type virus (64, 85). Consequently, antibodies from animals infected with glycan-deficient strains neutralize these strains better than antibodies from animals infected with the fully glycosylated SIVmac239 parental strain (64, 85). Most importantly with regard to immunogen design, animals infected with the glycan-deficient strains developed higher neutralizing antibody titers against wild-type SIVmac239 (64, 85). Additionally, the removal of a single N-linked glycan in gp120 enhanced the induction of neutralizing antibodies against SHIV89.6P and SHIVSF162 in a prime-boost strategy by 20-fold (50). These observations suggest that potential neutralization determinants accessible in the wild-type Env are poorly immunogenic unless specific N-linked glycans in gp120 and gp41 are eliminated by mutagenesis.The variable loop regions 1 and 2 (V1V2) of HIV-1 and SIV gp120 may also interfere with the development of neutralizing antibodies. Deletion of V1V2 from HIV-1 gp120 permitted neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to CD4-inducible epitopes to bind to gp120 in the absence of CD4, suggesting that V1V2 occludes potential neutralization determinants prior to the engagement of CD4 (82). A deletion in V2 of HIV-1 Env-exposed epitopes was conserved between clades (69), improved the ability of a secreted Env trimer to elicit neutralizing antibodies (9), and was present in a vaccine that conferred complete protection against SHIVSF162P4 (8). A deletion of 100 amino acids in V1V2 of SIVmac239 rendered the virus sensitive to monoclonal antibodies with various specificities (41). Furthermore, three of five macaques experimentally infected with SIVmac239 with V1V2 deleted resisted superinfection with wild-type SIVmac239 (51). Thus, occlusion of potential neutralization determinants by the V1V2 loop structure may contribute to the poor immunogenicity of the wild-type envelope glycoprotein.Here we tested the hypothesis that antibody responses to scSIV could be improved by immunizing macaques with strains of scSIV engineered to eliminate structural features that interfere with the development of neutralizing antibodies. Antibodies to Env-modified strains were selectively enhanced, but these did not neutralize the wild-type SIV strains. We then tested the hypothesis that immunization might prevent infection in a repeated, low-dose vaginal challenge model of heterosexual HIV-1 transmission. Indeed, while all six naïve control animals became infected, two of eight immunized animals remained uninfected after 20 weeks of repeated vaginal challenge. Relative to the naïve control group, reductions in peak and set point viral loads were statistically significant in the immunized animals that became infected.  相似文献   

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