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Mammals with more rapid and agile locomotion have larger semicircular canals relative to body mass than species that move more slowly. Measurements of semicircular canals in extant mammals with known locomotor behaviours can provide a basis for testing hypotheses about locomotion in fossil primates that is independent of postcranial remains, and a means of reconstructing locomotor behaviour in species known only from cranial material. Semicircular canal radii were measured using ultra high resolution X-ray CT data for 9 stem primates (“plesiadapiforms”; n = 11), 7 adapoids (n = 12), 4 omomyoids (n = 5), and the possible omomyoid Rooneyia viejaensis (n = 1). These were compared with a modern sample (210 species including 91 primates) with known locomotor behaviours. The predicted locomotor agilities for extinct primates generally follow expectations based on known postcrania for those taxa. “Plesiadapiforms” and adapids have relatively small semicircular canals, suggesting they practiced less agile locomotion than other fossil primates in the sample, which is consistent with reconstructions of them as less specialized for leaping. The derived notharctid adapoids (excluding Cantius) and all omomyoids sampled have relatively larger semicircular canals, suggesting that they were more agile, with Microchoerus in particular being reconstructed as having had very jerky locomotion with relatively high magnitude accelerations of the head. Rooneyia viejaensis is reconstructed as having been similarly agile to omomyids and derived notharctid adapoids, which suggests that when postcranial material is found for this species it will exhibit features for some leaping behaviour, or for a locomotor mode requiring a similar degree of agility.  相似文献   

The degree of canine size sexual dimorphism and relative canine size, which have been related to levels of agonistic behaviour amongst living anthropoid primates, together with relative molar size, are evaluated in the fossil hominoid Oreopithecus bambolii from the Late Miocene of Italy. Although Oreopithecus displays a significant degree of canine height sexual dimorphism, using allometric techniques and body mass estimates for fossil species, it is shown that Oreopithecus males are microdont (smaller postcanine as well as canine teeth than expected) when compared to most living hominoids and its putative ancestor Dryopithecus. Canine reduction in Oreopithecus includes both crown height and, especially, basal area, and most closely resembles the condition found in the pygmy chimpanzee Pan paniscus. Interestingly, it had been previously proposed that Oreopithecus displays, like pygmy chimpanzees, a paedomorphic cranial morphology resulting in a reduction of facial prognathism, which could be related to microdontia in both taxa. Independent canine reduction in several anthropoid lineages (including hominids and P. paniscus) has been related to a relaxation of the selection pressure favouring canine use as a weapon. Although changes in socio-sexual behaviour, as documented in P. paniscus, cannot be currently discarded in Oreopithecus, canine reduction could be also alternatively (although not exclusively) interpreted as an aspect of generalized microdontia. The latter is best considered an adaptive readjustment required by the paedomorphic reduction of prognathism and the resulting lack of space to accommodate the adult dentition. This mechanism of canine reduction highlights the significance of developmental constraints in evolution and had not been previously suggested for any anthropoid primate.  相似文献   

Paleontologists reconstruct the locomotor and postural behavior of extinct species by analogy with living forms and biomechanical analyses. In rare cases, behavioral evidence such as footprints can be used to confirm fossil‐based reconstructions for predominantly terrestrial orders of mammals. For instance, the chalicothere prints from Laetoli show that these perissodactyls supported their body weight on the metacarpals, as previously reconstructed. 1 Unfortunately, primates are mostly arboreal and rarely leave footprints. The cercopithecid and hominin prints at Laetoli are a rare exception. We have recently shown that the semicircular canal system can be used to test and augment locomotor reconstructions based on postcranial material or to provide first estimations of locomotor behavior for taxa not known from the postcranium. Using a sample of modern primates, we have been able to demonstrate that the radii of curvature of the semicircular canals are significantly correlated with both body mass and agility of locomotion. 2 This paper reviews those results and examines the relationship between semicircular canal morphology and other evidence in efforts to reconstruct locomotor behavior in subfossil lemurs from the Holocene of Madagascar and fossil lorisoids from the Miocene of Africa.  相似文献   

The glenohumeral joint, the most mobile joint in the body of hominoids, is involved in the locomotion of all extant primates apart from humans. Over the last few decades, our knowledge of how variation in its morphological characteristics relates to different locomotor behaviors within extant primates has greatly improved, including features of the proximal humerus and the glenoid cavity of the scapula, as well as the muscles that function to move the joint (the rotator cuff muscles). The glenohumeral joint is a region with a strong morphofunctional signal, and hence, its study can shed light on the locomotor behaviors of crucial ancestral nodes in the evolutionary history of hominoids (e.g., the last common ancestor between humans and chimpanzees). Hominoids, in particular, are distinct in showing round and relatively big proximal humeri with lowered tubercles and flattened and oval glenoid cavities, morphology suited to engage in a wide range of motions, which enables the use of locomotor behaviors such as suspension. The comparison with extant taxa has enabled more informed functional interpretations of morphology in extinct primates, including hominoids, from the Early Miocene through to the emergence of hominins. Here, I review our current understanding of glenohumeral joint functional morphology and its evolution throughout the Miocene and Pleistocene, as well as highlighting the areas where a deeper study of this joint is still needed.  相似文献   

灵长类近节指趾骨的弯曲程度被认为是树栖性和悬垂位移行为的一个重要指标。几何形态测量学—多项式曲线拟合法(GM-PCF)提供了一种更加精准的指趾骨弯曲程度的定量化指标,以剔除指趾骨大小因素之后的标准化曲线高度(NPCH)作为其弯曲程度的指标,配合指趾骨的曲线长度,可以更加全面地定量分析灵长类指趾骨弯曲程度与位移行为的对应关系。尤其是涵盖灵长类大部分位移行为方式的15个类群、328个个体、5000余件指趾骨的参考样本,基本可以满足各种化石灵长类指趾骨弯曲程度分析和位移行为方式重建的需求。本文总结了发现有完整第II-V近节指趾骨化石材料的人猿超科成员的颅后骨骼形态适应及位移行为的重建,并运用GM-PCF对这些指趾骨化石的弯曲程度进行了对比分析,以通过指趾骨弯曲程度重建人猿超科成员的位移行为适应,并可为这些人猿超科成员位移行为的完整演化图景增加新的认识。  相似文献   

Evolution of hominoid locomotion is a traditional topic in primate evolution. Views have changed during the last decade because a number of crucial differences between early and advanced hominoid morphologies have been demonstrated. Increasing evidence on primate behaviour and ecology show that any direct analogies between living and fossil hominoids must be made extremely carefully. The necessity of synthesizing data on primate behaviour, locomotion, morphology and ecology and simultaneously defining the framework in which the data should be interpreted are explained. Results of our studies of ontogeny of locomotor and behavioural patterns (LBP) are presented that could help identify the main features of early hominoid locomotor patterns (LP) and the mechanisms of their changes. The early hominoid LP was different from those of pronograde monkeys and specialized antipronograde living apes. Some similar features could be expected between early hominoid LP and the LP of ceboid monkeys. Analogous mechanisms of change of LBP exist in all groups of living higher primates. Crucial early mechanisms of change are the ontogenetic shifts in LBP connected with ethoecological changes. Analysis of fossil evidence has shown that Miocene hominoids differ morphologically from any group of living primates. Certain features present in Miocene hominoids could be found in Atelinae and living Asian apes but they are limited to some functional regions of the postcrania only. Consequently the early hominoid general LP can not be strictly analogous either to that of any monkey group or to the LP of apes. We suppose that certain pronograde adaptations, such as climbing, bipedality, limited suspensory activity and sitting constituted the main part of their LP.  相似文献   

长久以来,指骨弯曲程度都被用来推断化石灵长类移动行为方式。此前已有一些方法被提出并用于定量化比较指骨弯曲程度,包括半径弯曲程度法(radius of curvature)、夹角法(included angle, IA)、标准化矩臂弯曲程度法(normalized curvature moment arm, NCMA)以及高精度多项式曲线拟合法(high-resolution polynomial curve fitting, HR-PCF)。然而,在对指骨弯曲程度进行定量化的过程中,这些方法都显示出了理论或技术上的局限性。因此,在运用这些方法之前,应当谨慎考虑其适用性和精确程度对分析结果所产生的影响。鉴于此,为了避免先前方法中存在的问题并更加精确地定量描述指骨弯曲程度,本文介绍了一种新方法作为替代。该方法基于对指骨侧视图背侧轮廓曲线几何形态测量学标志点数据的四阶多项式曲线拟合,称为几何形态测量学—多项式曲线拟合法(4th order polynomial curve fitting on geometric morphometric landmark data, GM-PCF)。它以标准化指骨曲线高度(normalized phalangeal curve height, NPCH)作为指骨弯曲程度的定量指标,并且可以将平均标准化指骨曲线进行可视化以用于其弯曲程度的直观对比。此外,它还可以提供在解释指骨弯曲程度的功能意义中非常关键的指骨(背侧轮廓曲线)长度比例信息。GM-PCF还能够分析化石中常见的不完整的指骨。为了检验新方法的适用性,我们从现生类人猿(anthropoids)中选取了15个涵盖灵长类大部分移动行为方式的类群作为参考样本,采用GM-PCF方法对其指骨弯曲程度进行了定量分析,结果表明标准化指骨曲线高度(NPCH)对灵长类移动行为方式有很好的指示意义,配合指骨曲线长度,还可以更进一步了解树栖四足行走(arboreal quadrupedalism)、悬垂(suspension)与摆荡(brachiation)等行为与灵长类体型大小的关系。作为个案,我们采用新方法对中国中新世的两种禄丰古猿(禄丰禄丰古猿Lufengpithecus lufengensis和蝴蝶禄丰古猿Lufengpithecus hudienensis)的指骨弯曲程度与参考样本进行了对比,并根据对比结果对其最为可能的移动行为方式偏好进行了推断。  相似文献   

Pedal phalanges of living anthropoids and several Miocene fossil hominoid taxa were studied to reveal functional adaptations of living anthropoid feet and to infer positional behavior of fossil hominoids. Among the examined living anthropoids, Pan has a very developed (long and robust) hallux. Proconsul and Nacholapithecus, a large hominoid from Nachola, northern Kenya, display a moderately long hallux like Alouatta and Cebus, suggesting the well-developed capability of a hallux-assisted power grip. Allometric analyses revealed that the Miocene hominoids examined (mainly from East Africa) as a whole displayed a different scaling pattern about the width of the proximal articular surface of the hallucial terminal phalanx from that of living anthropoids. Larger-sized hominoids display a wider articular surface than comparable-sized living anthropoids while smaller-sized fossil hominoids do the reverse. Such a difference was less marked for the height of the articular surface. These results may suggest that positional adaptations of Miocene hominoids are not merely resultants of a common body size function that is observed in living anthropods. The wide articular surface of fossil hominoid hallucial terminal phalanges suggests an adaptation for vertical climbing and clinging, in which the hallux is kept perpendicularly to the long axis of the vertical support.  相似文献   

Recent Miocene fossil discoveries of large hominoids resemble orangutans. Since the evolution of large body size was functionally related to a powerful masticatory system in Miocene ape radiations, a better understanding of adaptations in extant orangutans will be informative of hominoid evolution. It is suggested here, based on the behavioral ecology of extant orangutans, that foraging energetics and large body size are tied to a dietary shift that provided access to and utilization of resources not generally available to other primates.  相似文献   

We document the morphology of the bony labyrinth of Chilecebus carrascoensis, one of the best preserved early platyrrhines known, based on high resolution CT scanning and 3D digital reconstruction. The cochlea is low and conical in form, as in other anthropoids, but has only 2.5 spiral turns. When the allometric relationship with body mass is considered, cochlear size is similar to that in extant primates. The relative size of the semicircular canals, which is well within the range of other primates, indicates that Chilecebus carrascoensis was probably not as agile in its locomotion as other small-bodied platyrrhines such as Leontopithecus rosalia, Saguinus oedipus, and Callithrix jacchus, but it probably was not a suspensory acrobat or a slow climber. The proportion, shape, and orientation of the semicircular canals in Chilecebus carrascoensis also mirror that typically seen in extant primates. However, no single variable can be used for predicting the locomotor pattern in Chilecebus carrascoensis. Based on Principle Component Analysis (PCA) scores we calculated rescaled Euclidean distances for various taxa; primates with similar locomotor patterns tend to share shorter distances. Results for Chilecebus carrascoensis underscore its general resemblance to living quadrupedal primate taxa, but it is not positioned especially near any single living taxon.  相似文献   

Recent survey of the fossiliferous variegated mudstones of the PK1 locality (Sabapondaung) in the late middle Eocene Pondaung Formation (central Myanmar) has led to the recovery of a partial right innominate of a relatively large-bodied primate. Given its size and provenance, this bone probably belongs to the same individual represented by the NMMP 20 primate partial skeleton described previously from the same locality. The new fossil, which preserves the region around the acetabulum and the adjacent part of the ilium, clearly exhibits strepsirrhine rather than anthropoid affinities. This addition to our knowledge of the NMMP 20 partial skeleton allows us to reassess the different locomotor interpretations that have been proposed for this specimen. Aspects of pelvic morphology suggest that the NMMP 20 partial skeleton documents a primate that probably engaged in active arboreal quadrupedalism similar to that practiced by medium-sized Malagasy lemurids rather than lorislike slow moving and climbing. Given the conflicting phylogenetic signals provided by NMMP 39 (a talus showing anthropoid affinities) and NMMP 20 (a partial skeleton bearing adapiform affinities), it appears that two higher-level taxonomic groups of relatively large-bodied primates are documented in the Pondaung Formation. The recent discovery of two taxa of sivaladapid adapiforms from the Pondaung Formation indicates that the assumption that the NMMP 20 partial skeleton belongs to an amphipithecid can no longer be sustained. Instead, this specimen apparently documents a third large-bodied sivaladapid species in the Pondaung Formation.  相似文献   

New World primates comprise a diverse group of neotropical mammals that suddenly appeared in the Late Oligocene deposits of South America at around 26 million years ago (MYA). Platyrrhines seem to have separated from Old World anthropoids ca. 35 MYA, and their subsequent diversfication is not well documented in the fossil record. Therefore, molecular clock studies were conducted to unveil the temporal scenario for the evolution of the group. In this study, divergence times of all splits within platyrrhines until the generic level were investigated, using two different gene data sets under relaxed molecular clocks. Special attention was paid to the basal diversification of living platyrrhines and to the basal split of the modern Cebidae family, since these nodes were reported to be phylogenetically difficult to resolve. The results showed that analyses from various genomic regions are similar to estimates obtained by early single-gene studies. Living New World primates are descendants of ancestors that lived in the Early Miocene, at around 20 MYA, and modern Cebidae and Pitheciidae appeared ca. 16.9 and 15.6 MYA, respectively. The last common ancestor of living Atelidae is 12.4 million years old, making this clade the youngest New World primate family; at approximately the same time, modern Callitrichinae was evolving (11.8 MYA). The gap between the Platyrrhini/Catarrhini separation and the last common ancestor of living Platyrrhini may be as big as 20 million years. Paleontological and geoclimatological evidence corroborates that the sudden appearance of modern families may be a consequence of environmental changes during the Miocene.  相似文献   

Afropithecus turkanensis, a 17-17.5 million year old large-bodied hominoid from Kenya, has previously been reported to be the oldest known thick-enamelled Miocene ape. Most investigations of enamel thickness in Miocene apes have been limited to opportunistic or destructive studies of small samples. Recently, more comprehensive studies of enamel thickness and microstructure in Proconsul, Lufengpithecus, and Dryopithecus, as well as extant apes and fossil humans, have provided information on rates and patterns of dental development, including crown formation time, and have begun to provide a comparative context for interpretation of the evolution of these characters throughout the past 20 million years of hominoid evolution. In this study, enamel thickness and aspects of the enamel microstructure in two A. turkanensis second molars were quantified and provide insight into rates of enamel apposition, numbers of cells actively secreting enamel, and the time required to form regions of the crown. The average value for relative enamel thickness in the two molars is 21.4, which is a lower value than a previous analysis of this species, but which is still relatively thick compared to extant apes. This value is similar to those of several Miocene hominoids, a fossil hominid, and modern humans. Certain aspects of the enamel microstructure are similar to Proconsul nyanzae, Dryopithecus laietanus, Lufengpithecus lufengensis, Graecopithecus freybergi and Pongo pygmaeus, while other features differ from extant and fossil hominoids. Crown formation times for the two teeth are 2.4-2.6 years and 2.9-3.1 years respectively. These times are similar to a number of extant and fossil hominoids, some of which appear to show additional developmental similarities, including thick enamel. Although thick enamel may be formed through several developmental pathways, most Miocene hominoids and fossil hominids with relatively thick enamel are characterized by a relatively long period of cuspal enamel formation and a rapid rate of enamel secretion throughout the whole cusp, but a shorter total crown formation time than thinner-enamelled extant apes.  相似文献   

Three partial femora from Quarries I and M of the early Oligocene Jebel Qatrani Formation in the Fayum of Egypt are attributed to Aegyptopithecus zeuxis on the basis of their appropriate size and anthropoid morphology. Compared with extant catarrhines, Aegyptopithecus is unusual in having a distinct gluteal tuberosity (third trochanter) and a relatively deep distal femoral articulation. In the estimated neck angle, Aegyptopithecus resembles arboreal quadrupeds rather than either leaping or suspensory primates. It seems likely that the femur of this species was relatively robust and short for its body mass. In aspects of its femoral anatomy, Aegyptopithecus is quite different from the parapithecid Apidium and more similar to Catopithecus from late Eocene deposits of the Fayum, and also to small hominoids from the Miocene of East Africa. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:413–424, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The relationship between locomotor behavior and long bone structural proportions is examined in 179 individuals and 13 species of hominoids and cercopithecoids. Articular surface areas, estimated from linear caliper measurements, and diaphyseal section moduli (strengths), determined from CT scans, were obtained for the femur, tibia, humerus, radius, and ulna. Both within-bone (articular to shaft) and between-bone (forelimb to hindlimb) proportions were calculated and compared between taxa. It was hypothesized that: 1) species emphasizing slow, cautious movement and/or more varied limb positioning (i.e., greater joint excursion) would exhibit larger articular to cross-sectional shaft proportions, and 2) species with more forelimb suspensory behavior would have relatively stronger/larger forelimbs, while those with more leaping would have relatively stronger/larger hindlimbs. The results of the analysis generally confirm both hypotheses. Several partial exceptions can be explained on the basis of more detailed structural-functional considerations. Associations between locomotion and structural proportions can be demonstrated both across major groupings (hominoids and cercopithecoids) and between relatively closely related taxa, e.g., mountain and lowland gorillas, siamangs and gibbons, and Trachypithecus and other colobines. Furthermore, structure and function do not always covary with taxonomy. For example, compared to cercopithecoids, mountain gorillas have relatively larger joints, like other hominoids, but do not have relatively stronger forelimbs, unlike other hominoids. This is consistent with a locomotor repertoire emphasizing relatively slow movement but with very little forelimb suspension. Proportions of Proconsul nyanzae, Proconsul heseloni, Morotopithecus bishopi, and Theropithecus oswaldi are compared with modern distributions to illustrate the application of the techniques to fossil taxa.  相似文献   

Studies have reported an empirical link between the size of the semicircular canals and locomotor agility across adult primates. In this paper, we investigate the possibility that this relationship does not follow from the function of the semicircular canals to sense head rotations, but rather reflects spatial constraints imposed by the subarcuate fossa. The latter sits among the three canals and contains the petrosal lobule of the cerebellar paraflocculus, a structure involved in neural processing of locomotion-related eye movements. Hence, it is feasible that agility-related variations of lobule and fossa size affect the arc size of the surrounding semicircular canals. The present study tests such hypothetical correlations by evaluating canal size, fossa size, and agility among extant adult primates. Phylogenetically informed multivariate regression analyses show that, after controlling for body mass, the size of the subarcuate fossa has a significant positive effect on the overall size of the anterior canal and the width of the posterior canal. Multivariate regressions involving the height of the posterior canal and overall size of the lateral canal are not significant. Further bivariate analyses confirm that fossa size is unlikely to play a role in the previously reported link between agility and the size of the posterior and lateral canals. However, fossa size, especially its opening though the arc of the anterior canal, cannot be excluded as a factor that influences the size of the anterior canal more than agility. The findings show that the most reliable functional signals pertaining to locomotion in species that possess a patent subarcuate fossa are likely to come from the lateral canal and are least likely to come from the anterior canal.  相似文献   

Currently restricted to Southeast Asia and Africa, extant hominoids are the remnants of a group that was much more diverse during the Miocene. Apes initially diversified in Africa during the early Miocene, but by the middle Miocene they extended their geographical range into Eurasia, where they experienced an impressive evolutionary radiation. Understanding the role of Eurasian hominoids in the origin and evolution of the great‐ape‐and‐human clade (Hominidae) is partly hampered by phylogenetic uncertainties, the scarcity and incompleteness of fossil remains, the current restricted diversity of the group, and pervasive homoplasy. Nevertheless, scientific knowledge of the Eurasian hominoid radiation has significantly improved during the last decade. In the case of Western Europe, this has been due to the discovery of new remains from the Vallès‐Penedès Basin (Catalonia, Spain). Here, I review the fossil record of Vallès‐Penedès apes and consider its implications. Although significant disagreements persist among scholars, some important lessons can be learned regarding the evolutionary history of the closest living relatives of humans. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The subarcuate fossa of the petrosal bone houses the petrosal lobule of the cerebellar paraflocculus. Although the subarcuate fossa can be extensive, little is known about its relative size and distribution in primates. Studies indicate parafloccular involvement with cerebellar areas coordinating vestibular, visual, auditory, and locomotor systems. Hypotheses have proposed a role for the paraflocculus in vestibular-oculomotor integration, caudal muscle control, autonomic function, and visual-manual predation. This study examines the morphology and relative extent of the subarcuate fossa/petrosal lobule in a range of living primates. Methods include study of postmortem specimens representing nine mammalian orders, and qualification of the volume of the subarcuate fossa and endocranial cavity in 155 dry primate crania of 36 genera. Results show that, in mammals, the size and morphology of the petrosal lobule is directly related to that of the subarcuate fossa. Craniometric analysis shows that the ratio of subarcuate fossa volume to endocranial volume is largest in lemuriforms. The largest ratio is in Microcebus and Hapalemur. Lorisids show a significant reduction in the size of the subarcuate fossa to almost 50% below the lemuriform mean. Tarsius is near the lemuriform mean. Among platyrrhines, the ratio is high, but significantly reduced compared to lemuiforms. The highest platyrrhine ratio is seen in Ateles, the lowest in Saimiri and Alouatta. Atelids are significantly elevated compared to cebids. In cercopithecids, the fossa is significantly reduced compared to platyrrhines. The trend toward reduction of the cercopithecid fossa is most pronounced in Theropithecus and least evident in Presbytis. In hominoids, the fossa is present only in Hylobates. In great apes and humans, other than Gorilla, the petromastoid canal occupies a similar location to the subarcuate fossa of other primates, but is not homologous to it. Neither the subarcuate fossa nor the petromastoid canal are present in Gorilla. A graded reduction of the subarcuate fossa/petrosal lobule is evident among primates which evolved later in time. The relative size of this cerebellar lobule within primates may reflect size-related factors and/or degree of neocortical evolution as these relate to usage of a specific sensory-mediated locomotor behavior. The subarcuate fossa may serve as an indicator to the differentiation of the petrosal lobule of the paraflocculus in fossil forms.  相似文献   

The extinct dryopithecine Hispanopithecus (Primates: Hominidae), from the Late Miocene of Europe, is the oldest fossil great ape displaying an orthograde body plan coupled with unambiguous suspensory adaptations. On the basis of hand morphology, Hispanopithecus laietanus has been considered to primitively retain adaptations to above-branch quadrupedalism-thus displaying a locomotor repertoire unknown among extant or fossil hominoids, which has been considered unlikely by some researchers. Here we describe a partial skeleton of H. laietanus from the Vallesian (MN9) locality of Can Feu 1 (Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula), with an estimated age of 10.0-9.7 Ma. It includes dentognathic and postcranial remains of a single, female adult individual, with an estimated body mass of 22-25 kg. The postcranial remains of the rib cage, shoulder girdle and forelimb show a mixture of monkey-like and modern-hominoid-like features. In turn, the proximal morphology of the ulna-most completely preserved in the Can Feu skeleton than among previously-available remains-indicates the possession of an elbow complex suitable for preserving stability along the full range of flexion/extension and enabling a broad range of pronation/supination. Such features, suitable for suspensory behaviors, are however combined with an olecranon morphology that is functionally related to quadrupedalism. Overall, when all the available postcranial evidence for H. laietanus is considered, it emerges that this taxon displayed a locomotor repertoire currently unknown among other apes (extant or extinct alike), uniquely combining suspensory-related features with primitively-retained adaptations to above-branch palmigrady. Despite phylogenetic uncertainties, Hispanopithecus is invariably considered an extinct member of the great-ape-and-human clade. Therefore, the combination of quadrupedal and suspensory adaptations in this Miocene crown hominoid clearly evidences the mosaic nature of locomotor evolution in the Hominoidea, as well as the impossibility to reconstruct the ancestral locomotor repertoires for crown hominoid subclades on the basis of extant taxa alone.  相似文献   

The relationship between femoral neck superior and inferior cortical thickness in primates is related to locomotor behavior. This relationship has been employed to infer bipedalism in fossil hominins, although bipeds share the same pattern of generalized quadrupeds, where the superior cortex is thinner than the inferior one. In contrast, knuckle‐walkers and specialized suspensory taxa display a more homogeneous distribution of cortical bone. These different patterns, probably related to the range of movement at the hip joint and concomitant differences in the load stresses at the femoral neck, are very promising for making locomotor inferences in extinct primates. To evaluate the utility of this feature in the fossil record, we relied on computed tomography applied to the femur of the Late Miocene hominoid Hispanopithecus laietanus as a test‐case study. Both an orthograde body plan and orang‐like suspensory adaptations had been previously documented for this taxon on different anatomical grounds, leading to the hypothesis that this fossil ape should display a modern ape‐like distribution of femoral neck cortical thickness. This is confirmed by the results of this study, leading to the conclusion that Hispanopithecus represents the oldest evidence of a homogeneous cortical bone distribution in the hominoid fossil record. Our results therefore strengthen the utility of femoral neck cortical thickness for making paleobiological inferences on the locomotor repertoire of fossil primates. This feature would be particularly useful for assessing the degree of orthograde arboreal locomotor behaviors vs. terrestrial bipedalism in putative early hominins. Am J PhyAnthropol 2012. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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