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A diverse array of birds apparently make mechanical sounds (called sonations) with their feathers. Few studies have established that these sounds are non-vocal, and the mechanics of how these sounds are produced remains poorly studied. The loud, high-frequency chirp emitted by a male Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna) during his display dive is a debated example. Production of the sound was originally attributed to the tail, but a more recent study argued that the sound is vocal. Here, we use high-speed video of diving birds, experimental manipulations on wild birds and laboratory experiments on individual feathers to show that the dive sound is made by tail feathers. High-speed video shows that fluttering of the trailing vane of the outermost tail feathers produces the sound. The mechanism is not a whistle, and we propose a flag model to explain the feather's fluttering and accompanying sound. The flag hypothesis predicts that subtle changes in feather shape will tune the frequency of sound produced by feathers. Many kinds of birds are reported to create aerodynamic sounds with their wings or tail, and this model may explain a wide diversity of non-vocal sounds produced by birds.  相似文献   

Singing with the wings – instrumental sound production in birds Bird wing and tail feathers are able to produce sound in flight and during related movements. Noisy sound is produced primarily as an epiphenomenon to the movements. The sound can, however, also include tonal or harmonic structures and can gain signal value when used in social situations. In a similar way, birds can produce sounds by clattering their keratin covered beaks. For the first time, in this article, the acoustic properties of instrumental bird sounds are analyzed using sonograms. Up to now the biological meaning of instrumental sounds in birds is inferred mainly out of the situations observed.  相似文献   

The geometry of feather barbs (barb length and barb angle) determines feather vane asymmetry and vane rigidity, which are both critical to a feather''s aerodynamic performance. Here, we describe the relationship between barb geometry and aerodynamic function across the evolutionary history of asymmetrical flight feathers, from Mesozoic taxa outside of modern avian diversity (Microraptor, Archaeopteryx, Sapeornis, Confuciusornis and the enantiornithine Eopengornis) to an extensive sample of modern birds. Contrary to previous assumptions, we find that barb angle is not related to vane-width asymmetry; instead barb angle varies with vane function, whereas barb length variation determines vane asymmetry. We demonstrate that barb geometry significantly differs among functionally distinct portions of flight feather vanes, and that cutting-edge leading vanes occupy a distinct region of morphospace characterized by small barb angles. This cutting-edge vane morphology is ubiquitous across a phylogenetically and functionally diverse sample of modern birds and Mesozoic stem birds, revealing a fundamental aerodynamic adaptation that has persisted from the Late Jurassic. However, in Mesozoic taxa stemward of Ornithurae and Enantiornithes, trailing vane barb geometry is distinctly different from that of modern birds. In both modern birds and enantiornithines, trailing vanes have larger barb angles than in comparatively stemward taxa like Archaeopteryx, which exhibit small trailing vane barb angles. This discovery reveals a previously unrecognized evolutionary transition in flight feather morphology, which has important implications for the flight capacity of early feathered theropods such as Archaeopteryx and Microraptor. Our findings suggest that the fully modern avian flight feather, and possibly a modern capacity for powered flight, evolved crownward of Confuciusornis, long after the origin of asymmetrical flight feathers, and much later than previously recognized.  相似文献   

In order to attract females, male golden-collared manakins gather in leks and perform a complex display consisting of acrobatics accompanied by loud "wingsnapping". During this display, males show off their yellow beard and yellow, black, and green plumage that is striking in comparison to the dull green plumage of young males and females. We investigated the role of testosterone (T) in activating the display of manakins and in stimulating the growth of the adult male plumage. T regulates song, copulation, and territorial aggression in temperate species. In tropical species, however, T levels can be relatively low year round, which has raised questions about the involvement of T in courtship display and male aggression in these species. In neither temperate nor tropical species has the role of hormones in the shift from juvenile to adult plumage been well studied. Therefore, we implanted green-plumaged birds and adult males with either a T pellet or an inert pellet (controls) and observed the display behaviors of these birds in the field and in captivity. In captive birds, we also plucked feathers from sexually dimorphic regions and observed color and regeneration rate of new feathers. We found that birds implanted with T increased several display behaviors compared to controls. All plucked feathers grew back the same color as prior to treatment; however, we observed some differences in feather growth rate between T-treated birds and controls.  相似文献   

Male Club-winged Manakins, Machaeropterus deliciosus (Aves: Pipridae), produce a sustained tonal sound with specialized wing feathers. The fundamental frequency of the sound produced in nature is approximately 1500 Hz and is hypothesized to result from excitation of resonance in the feathers'' hypertrophied shafts. We used laser Doppler vibrometry to determine the resonant properties of male Club-winged Manakin''s wing feathers, as well as those of two unspecialized manakin species. The modified wing feathers exhibit a response peak near 1500 Hz, and unusually high Q-values (a measure of resonant tuning) for biological objects (Q up to 27). The unmodified wing feathers of the Club-winged Manakin do not exhibit strong resonant properties when measured in isolation. However, when measured still attached to the modified feathers (nine feathers held adjacent by an intact ligament), they resonate together as a unit near 1500 Hz, and the wing produces a second harmonic of similar or greater amplitude than the fundamental. The feathers of the control species also exhibit resonant peaks around 1500 Hz, but these are significantly weaker, the wing does not resonate as a unit and no harmonics are produced. These results lend critical support to the resonant stridulation hypothesis of sound production in M. deliciosus.  相似文献   

Feather holes are small (0.5–1?mm in diameter) deformities that appear on the vanes of flight feathers. Such deformities were found in many bird species, including galliforms and passerines. Holey flight feathers may be more permeable to air, which could have a negative effect on their ability to generate aerodynamic forces. However, to date the effects of feather holes on flight performance in birds remained unclear. In this study we investigated the relationship between the number of feather holes occurring in the wing or tail feathers and short term flight performance traits – aerial manoeuvrability, maximum velocity and maximum acceleration – in barns swallows, which are long distance migrating aerial foragers. We measured short-term flight performance of barn swallows in a standardized manner in flight tunnels. We found that acceleration and velocity were significantly negatively associated with the number of holes in the wing flight feathers, but not with those in the tail feathers. In the case of acceleration the negative relationship was sex specific – while acceleration significantly decreased with the number of feather holes in females, there was no such significant association in males. Manoeuvrability was not significantly associated with the number of feather holes. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that feather holes are costly in terms of impaired flight. We discuss alternative scenarios that could explain the observed relationships. We also suggest directions for future studies that could investigate the exact mechanism behind the negative association between the number of feather holes and flight characteristics.  相似文献   

The primary feathers of birds are subject to cyclical forces in flight causing their shafts (rachises) to bend. The amount the feathers deflect during flight is dependent upon the flexural stiffness of the rachises. By quantifying scaling relationships between body mass and feather linear dimensions in a large data set of living birds, we show that both feather length and feather diameter scale much closer to predictions for geometric similarity than they do to elastic similarity. Scaling allometry also indicates that the primary feathers of larger birds are relatively shorter and their rachises relatively narrower, compared to those of smaller birds. Two-point bending tests indicated that larger birds have more flexible feathers than smaller species. Discriminant functional analyses (DFA) showed that body mass, primary feather length and rachis diameter can be used to differentiate between different magnitudes of feather bending stiffness, with primary feather length explaining 63% of variance in rachis stiffness. Adding fossil measurement data to our DFA showed that Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis do not overlap with extant birds. This strongly suggests that the bending stiffness of their primary feathers was different to extant birds and provides further evidence for distinctive flight styles and likely limited flight ability in Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis.  相似文献   

Zhang SL  Yang SH  Li B  Xu YC  Ma JH  Xu JF  Zhang XG 《Zoo biology》2011,30(3):342-348
Flight restraint is important for zoos, safaris, and breeding centers for large birds. Currently used techniques for flight restraint include both surgical and non-surgical approaches. Surgical approaches usually cause permanent change to or removal of tendon, patagial membrane, or wing bones, and can cause pain and inflammation. Non-surgical approaches such as clipping or trimming feathers often alter the bird's appearance, and can damage growing blood feathers in fledglings or cause joint stiffness. We observed microstructure of primary feathers of the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) and found that the width of barbs is a determinative factor influencing vane stiffness and geometric parameters. We hypothesized that partial longitudinal excision of barbs on the ventral surface of the primary feathers would reduce the stiffness of the vane and render the feathers unable to support the crane's body weight during flight. Furthermore, we hypothesized that this modification of barbs would also change the aerodynamic performance of feathers such that they could not generate sufficient lift and thrust during flapping to enable the bird to fly. We tested this hypothesis on a red-crowned crane that had normal flight capability by excising the ventral margin of barbs on all 10 primaries on the left wing. The bird was unable to take off until the modified feathers were replaced by new ones. Removal of barbs proved to be a simple, non-invasive, low-cost and reversible method for flight restraint. It is potentially applicable to other large birds with similar structural characteristics of primary feathers.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic Context for the Origin of Feathers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of hypotheses have been suggested for the origin ofbirds and feathers. Although distributions of functional complexeshave frequently been used to test phylogenetic hypotheses, analysisof the origin of feathers remains hampered by the incompletefossil record of these unmineralized structures. It is alsocomplicated by approaches that confuse the origins of birds,feathers, and flight without first demonstrating that theserelate to the same historical event. Functional speculationregarding the origin of feathers usually focuses on three possiblealternatives: (1) flight; (2) thermal insulation; or (3) display.Recent fossil finds of Late Cretaceous feathered dinosaurs inChina have demonstrated that feathers appear to have originatedin taxa that retained a significant number of primitive nonavianfeatures. Current evidence strongly suggests that birds aretheropod dinosaurs, and that the most primitive known feathersare found on non-flying animals. This further suggests thatfeathers did not evolve as flight structures. Thermoregulatory,display, and biomechanical support functions remain possibleexplanations for the origin of feathers. As the earliest functionof feathers was probably not for aerial locomotion, it may bespeculated that the transitional animals represented by theChinese fossils possessed skin with the tensile properties ofreptiles and combined it with the apomorphic characteristicsof feathers.  相似文献   

Potential mechanistic mediators of Darwinian fitness, such as stress hormones or sex hormones, have been the focus of many studies. An inverse relationship between fitness and stress or sex hormone concentrations has been widely assumed, although empirical evidence is scarce. Feathers gradually accumulate hormones during their growth and provide a novel way to measure hormone concentrations integrated over time. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we measured testosterone, corticosterone and cortisol in the feathers of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in a wild population which is the subject of a long-term study. Although corticosterone is considered the dominant avian glucocorticoid, we unambiguously identified cortisol in feathers. In addition, we found that feathers grown during the post-nuptial moult in autumn contained testosterone, corticosterone and cortisol levels that were significantly higher in birds that subsequently died over the following winter than in birds that survived. Thus, feather steroids are candidate prospective biomarkers to predict the future survival of individuals in the wild.  相似文献   

Avian wing elements have been shown to experience both dorsoventral bending and torsional loads during flapping flight. However, not all birds use continuous flapping as a primary flight strategy. The pelecaniforms exhibit extraordinary diversity in flight mode, utilizing flapping, flap‐gliding, and soaring. Here we (1) characterize the cross‐sectional geometry of the three main wing bone (humerus, ulna, carpometacarpus), (2) use elements of beam theory to estimate resistance to loading, and (3) examine patterns of variation in hypothesized loading resistance relative to flight and diving mode in 16 species of pelecaniform birds. Patterns emerge that are common to all species, as well as some characteristics that are flight‐ and diving‐mode specific. In all birds examined, the distal most wing segment (carpometacarpus) is the most elliptical (relatively high Imax/Imin) at mid‐shaft, suggesting a shape optimized to resist bending loads in a dorsoventral direction. As primary flight feathers attach at an oblique angle relative to the long axis of the carpometacarpus, they are likely responsible for inducing bending of this element during flight. Moreover, among flight modes examined the flapping group (cormorants) exhibits more elliptical humeri and carpometacarpi than other flight modes, perhaps pertaining to the higher frequency of bending loads in these elements. The soaring birds (pelicans and gannets) exhibit wing elements with near‐circular cross‐sections and higher polar moments of area than in the flap and flap‐gliding birds, suggesting shapes optimized to offer increased resistance to torsional loads. This analysis of cross‐sectional geometry has enhanced our interpretation of how the wing elements are being loaded and ultimately how they are being used during normal activities. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss,Inc.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Avian age‐class discrimination is typically based on the completeness of the first prebasic molt. In several calidrid sandpiper species, juvenal flight feathers grown on Arctic breeding grounds are retained through the first three migrations. Thereafter, flight feathers are grown annually at temperate migratory stopover sites during the fall or on the subtropical wintering grounds. Standard methods for distinguishing age classes of sandpipers rely on a combination of traits, including body plumage, coloration of protected inner median covert edges, and extent of flight feather wear. We tested the ability of stable hydrogen isotope ratios in flight feathers (δDf) to distinguish young birds in their first winter through second fall from older adults in three calidrid sandpiper species, Western (Calidris mauri), Least (C. minutilla), and Semipalmated (C. pusilla) sandpipers. We compared the apparent reliability of the isotope approach to that of plumage‐based aging. The large expected differences in δDf values of flight feathers grown at Arctic versus non‐Arctic latitudes enabled use of this technique to discriminate between age‐classes. We determined δDf values of known Arctic‐grown feathers from juveniles that grew their flight feathers on the breeding grounds. Flight feather δDf values of southward‐migrating adults showed bimodal distributions for all three species. Negative values overlapped with species‐specific juvenile values, identifying putative second fall birds with high‐latitude grown juvenal feathers retained from the previous year. The more positive values identified older adults who grew their feathers at mid‐ and low latitudes. Importantly, δDf analysis successfully identified first‐winter and second‐fall birds not detected by plumage‐based aging. Flight feather wear alone was a poor basis for age classification because scores overlapped extensively between putative second fall birds and older adults. Flight feather hydrogen isotope analysis enables more definitive assignment of age classes when standard plumage methods are unreliable.  相似文献   

Birds encompass a large range of body sizes, yet the importance of body size on feather morphology and mechanical properties has not been characterized. In this study, I examined the scaling relationships of primary flight feathers within a phylogenetically diverse sample of avian species varying in body size by nearly three orders of magnitude. I measured the scaling relationships between body mass and feather linear dimensions as well as feather flexural stiffness. The resnlts of an independent contrasts analysis to test the effects of phylogenetic history on the characters measured had no effect on the scaling relationships observed. There was slight, but not significant, positive allometry in the scaling of shaft diameter with respect to feather length across a range of body masses. The scaling of feather length and diameter against body mass was not significantly different from isometry. Flexural stiffness, however, exhibited strong negative allometry. Therefore, larger birds have relatively more flexible feathers than smaller birds. The more flexible primary feathers of large birds may reduce stresses on the wing skeleton during take-off and landing and also make these feathers less susceptible to mechanical failure. Conversely, the greater flexibility of these feathers may also reduce their capacity to generate aerodynamic lift.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters are assumed to be costly to produce and maintain, and this will select for morphological modifications that reduce the magnitude of such costs. Here we test whether a feather ornament, the sexually exaggerated outermost tail feathers of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a trait currently subject to a directional female mate preference, and other aspects of the morphology used for flight have been modified to increase aerodynamic performance. This was done by making comparisons among sexes within populations, among individuals varying in tail length within populations, and among populations from different parts of Europe. Male barn swallows experienced reduced drag from their elongated tail feathers by morphological modifications of the ornamental feathers as compared to females. Morphological features of the outermost tail feathers were unrelated to tail length in both males and females within populations. Wing and tail morphology (length of central tail feathers and wings, wing span, wing area, wing loading, and aspect ratio) was modified in males compared to females. Barn swallows with long tails had morphological tail and wing modifications that reduced the cost of a large ornament, and similar modifications were seen among populations. The costs of the exaggerated secondary sexual character were therefore reduced by the presence of cost-reducing morphological modifications. The assumptions of reliable signalling theory, that signals should be costly, but more so to low than to high quality individuals, were not violated because long-tailed male barn swallows had the largest cost-reducing morphological characters.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(7):936-947
Wing tip slots are a distinct morphological trait broadly expressed across the avian clade, but are generally perceived to be unique to soaring raptors. These slots are the result of emarginations on the distal leading and trailing edges of primary feathers, and allow the feathers to behave as individual airfoils. Research suggests these emarginate feathers are an adaptation to increase glide efficiency by mitigating induced drag in a manner similar to aircraft winglets. If so, we might expect birds known for gliding and soaring to exhibit emarginate feather morphology; however, that is not always the case. Here, we explore emargination across the avian clade, and examine associations between emargination and ecological and morphological variables. Pelagic birds exhibit pointed, high‐aspect ratio wings without slots, whereas soaring terrestrial birds exhibit prominent wing‐tip slots. Thus, we formed four hypotheses: (1) Emargination is segregated according to habitat (terrestrial, coastal/freshwater, pelagic). (2) Emargination is positively correlated with mass. (3) Emargination varies inversely with aspect ratio and directly with wing loading and disc loading. (4) Emargination varies according to flight style, foraging style, and diet. We found that emargination falls along a continuum that varies with habitat: Pelagic species tend to have zero emargination, coastal/freshwater birds have some emargination, and terrestrial species have a high degree of emargination. Among terrestrial and coastal/freshwater species, the degree of emargination is positively correlated with mass. We infer this may be the result of selection to mitigate induced power requirements during slow flight that otherwise scale adversely with increasing body size. Since induced power output is greatest during slow flight, we hypothesize that emargination may be an adaptation to assist vertical take‐off and landing rather than glide efficiency as previously hypothesized.  相似文献   

Phenotypic flexibility of organs in migratory birds has been documented for a variety of species of different genera during the migratory period. However, very little is known about phenotypic mass changes of organs with respect to other events within the annual cycle. This seems particularly interesting when birds face different physiological challenges in quick succession. We investigated mass changes of 13 organs from garden warblers (Sylvia borin) during the transition from moult to migration. These long-distance migratory birds perform a complete moult within their wintering area just shortly before the onset of spring migration. Birds were sampled in three successive stages according to their moult status: group I consisted of birds with growing primary or secondary wing feathers, group II consisted of birds with completed wing moult but with still moulting body feathers, and group III consisted of birds that had completed wing moult and body moult. Size-corrected flight muscle, kidney mass, and pancreas mass differed significantly among the three groups. Flight muscle was heaviest in birds that were about to leave their wintering area (group III) compared with birds still in body moult (group II). Kidney and pancreas showed a pattern similar to each other, with the heaviest mass occurring in birds with moulting wing feathers (group I) and significantly reduced mass in birds that had completed wing moult (group II) or both wing and body moult (group III). Mass reductions of kidney and pancreas during the transition from moult to migration are considered to be related to the demands of moult, while increased flight muscle may be due to moult, migration, or both. Phenotypic mass changes of organs in birds occur during their migration, but they also occur during the transition between other phases of the annual cycle such as moult and migration and are not restricted to the flight muscle.  相似文献   

Individual variation in the degree of feather wear is potentially a useful marker of individual quality or fitness, but next to nothing is known about causes and fitness consequences of feather wear in birds. We studied the effects of sex, age, year and experimental manipulation of brood size on primary feather wear in Collared Flycatchers Ficedula albicollis , and related variation in degree of feather wear to differences in fitness (viz. recruitment, survival). At the end of the breeding period, females and young birds had more worn flight feathers than males and adult birds, and the sexual difference in the degree of feather wear was particularly pronounced in one of the two study years. Experimental reduction of brood size reduced the degree of primary feather wear, whereas experimental enlargement of brood size did not lead to increased feather wear. In both sexes, there was a clear tendency for very old (>5 years old) birds to have more worn feathers than middle aged birds. The individual differences in the degree of feather wear were not correlated with individual differences in recruitment rate of young, but survival probability to the next breeding season increased with increasing degree of feather wear.  相似文献   

Because many species of large birds must remain capable of flight during moult and breeding, complete replacement of all flight feathers often takes two or more years, with the result that their plumage normally includes many faded, worn and sometimes even broken feathers. It seems adaptive for such birds to have the ability to quickly replace severely damaged feathers. In search of such a feather replacement mechanism, we cut rectrices on a captive Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos and found that feathers cut in their first year of use were replaced, on average, after 11.4 months, whereas uncut feathers before and during the experiment were moulted, on average, after 24 months of use. Feather cutting advanced moult, on average, in excess of a year and thereby demonstrates the existence of a previously undescribed neurophysiological mechanism for preferentially replacing damaged feathers.  相似文献   

We investigated how exogenous and endogenous glucocorticoids affect feather replacement in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) after approximately 56% of flight feathers were removed. We hypothesized that corticosterone would retard feather regrowth and decrease feather quality. After feather regrowth began, birds were treated with exogenous corticosterone or sham implants, or endogenous corticosterone by applying psychological or physical (food restriction) stressors. Exogenous corticosterone had no impact on feather length and vane area, but rectrices were lighter than controls. Exogenous corticosterone also decreased inter-barb distance for all feathers and increased barbule number for secondaries and rectrices. Although exogenous corticosterone had no affect on rachis tensile strength and stiffness, barbicel hooking strength was reduced. Finally, exogenous corticosterone did not alter the ability of Bacillus licheniformis to degrade feathers or affect the number of feathers that failed to regrow. In contrast, endogenous corticosterone via food restriction resulted in greater inter-barb distances in primaries and secondaries, and acute and chronic stress resulted in greater inter-barb distances in rectrices. Food-restricted birds had significantly fewer barbules in primaries than chronic stress birds and weaker feathers compared to controls. We conclude that, although exogenous and endogenous corticosterone had slightly different effects, some flight feathers grown in the presence of high circulating corticosterone are lighter, potentially weaker, and with altered feather micro-structure.  相似文献   

Lekking males compete for females within and among leks, yet female choice is expected to work differently at each of these spatial scales. We used paternity analyses to examine how lek versus male attributes influence mate choice in the blue-crowned manakin Lepidothrix coronata. We tested the hypotheses that females prefer (i) to mate at larger leks where a larger number of potential mates can be assessed, (ii) to mate with unrelated or highly heterozygous males expected to produce high-quality offspring, (iii) to mate with males that display at higher rates, and that (iv) display honestly reflects male genetic quality. Our results show that (i) males at larger leks are not more likely to sire young, although females nesting close to small leks travel further to reach larger leks, (ii) siring males are not less related to females or more heterozygous than expected, (iii) within a lek, high-display males are more likely to sire young, and (iv) both male heterozygosity and display rate increased with lek size, and as a result display does not reliably reflect male genetic quality across leks. We suggest that female mate choice in this species is probably driven by a Fisherian process rather than adaptive genetic benefits.  相似文献   

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