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C S Raman  R Jemmerson  B T Nall  M J Allen 《Biochemistry》1992,31(42):10370-10379
The kinetic and spectroscopic changes accompanying the binding of two monoclonal antibodies to the oxidized form of horse heart cytochrome c have been investigated. The two epitopes recognized by the antibodies are distinct and noninteracting: antibody 2B5 binds to native cytochrome c near a type II turn (residue 44) while antibody 5F8 binds on the opposite face of the protein near the amino terminus of an alpha-helical segment (residue 60). Antibody-cytochrome c binding obeys a simple bimolecular reaction mechanism with second-order rate constants approaching those expected for diffusion-limited protein-protein interactions. The association rate constants have small activation enthalpies and are inversely dependent on solvent viscosity, as expected for diffusion-controlled reactions. There is a moderate ionic strength dependence of the rate of association between the 2B5 antibody and cytochrome c, with the rate constant increasing about 4-fold as the ionic strength is varied between 0.14 and 0 M. Comparison of the rates for antibody-cytochrome c complex formation for binding to the reduced-native, oxidized-native, and alkaline conformations shows that for MAb 2B5 the forward rate constant depends slightly on cytochrome c conformation. Investigation of the pH-induced transition between the native and alkaline conformational states for free cytochrome c and for antibody-cytochrome c complexes shows that antibody binding stabilizes the native form of the protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Five mouse hybridoma cell lines secreting SA, SB, SC, SD, and SE monoclonal antibodies (McAb) to cytochrome c have been produced. From the cross-reactivities of these McAb with various vertebrate cytochromes c, the antigenic sites for SA and SB McAb were proposed to be at Thr(89)-Glu(92)-Ala(96) and Asn(103), respectively. The binding site for other McAb have not been determined. Cross-reactivity studies based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and dot immunobinding assays indicated that SA, SB, and SC McAb did not bind to apo-cytochrome c nor to any of the three CNBr-peptide fragments. This observation suggests that (i) the antigenic specificity of these McAb is dependent on the conformatiuon of the antigenic site which is inherent to the native holoprotein molecule and (ii) the ordered conformation in the C-terminal regions of holo-cytochrome c is destroyed during CNBr-peptide fragmentation. On the other hand, the lack of binding of SD and SE McAb to apo-cytochrome c indicates that these McAb are also specific for conformational sites. The binding of SD and SE McAb to the heme-containing A-peptide fragment (residues 1-65) suggests that the conformation around the heme, as possible antigenic sites, are stable because of the thioether linkages by the Cys residues.  相似文献   

C/57 black mice were immunized with beef heart cytochrome c oxidase, generating 48 hybrid cell lines that secrete antibodies against the different subunits of the enzyme. Immunoblot analysis showed reactions with 7 of the 13 subunits. Among the monoclonal antibodies produced, only those to subunit II gave significant inhibition; these inhibited the enzyme activity completely and prevented cytochrome c binding to the enzyme. Epitope mapping studies indicate that a peptide including residues 200-227 reacts with the antibody, suggesting that the C-terminus of the protein is essential for the binding of this antibody. The carboxyl modifying reagent 1-ethyl-3-[3-(trimethylammonio)propyl]carbodiimide (ETC) was chosen to investigate further the relationship between antibody and cytochrome c binding domains. ETC caused 50% inhibition of the enzyme activity with a first-order time during the first 20 min; a slower reaction over 3 h resulted in 90% inhibition. Cytochrome c binding to the oxidase was inhibited to a similar extent as cytochrome c oxidation, and protection against both effects was afforded by the presence of cytochrome c during ETC modification. Anion-exchange of FPLC of the modified forms of cytochrome oxidase revealed extensive inhomogeneity, indicating random derivatization of a number of different carboxyls even during the first-order reaction, and precluding identification of carboxyl residues related to a specific phase of the reaction. Cytochrome c and the subunit II-specific antibody protected against radioactive labeling of subunit II by ETC in the presence of [14C]glycine ethyl ester, demonstrating that the antibody and cytochrome c occupy significant and overlapping areas on the subunit II surface.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cytochrome c was chemically coupled to cytochrome c oxidase using the reagent 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) which couples amine groups to carboxyl residues. The products of this reaction were analyzed on 2.5–27% polyacrylamide gradient gels electrophoretically. Since cytochrome c binds to cytochrome oxidase electrostatically in an attraction between certain of its lysine residues and carboxyl residues on the oxidase surface, EDC is an especially appropriate reagent probe for binding-subunit studies. Coupling of polylysine to cytochrome oxidase using EDC was also performed, and the products of this reaction indicate that polylysine, an inhibitor of the cytochrome c reaction with oxidase, binds to the same oxidase subunit as does cytochrome c, subunit IV in the gel system used.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that amino acid substitutions outside a protein antigenic site have no effect on the reactivity of a protein variant with antibodies, especially monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Substitutions that exert an effect on the reactivity of a protein variant with mAbs are frequently considered to be within the antigenic site of the mAb. To test this assumption, two mAbs [IgGl(k) and IgG2a (k)] were prepared by immunization with a synthetic peptide corresponding to region 63–78 of the chain of human hemoglobin (Hb). The peptide was used as an immunogen in its free form (i.e., without conjugation to a carrier), so that the results will not be made ambiguous by peptide modification nor by an immune response to sites spanning peptide and protein carrier. In addition to their reaction with human Hb, the mAbs were also studied with four primate Hbs which had no substitutions within region 63–78 and only a limited number of substitutions which occurred outside of, and at considerable distances in three-dimensional (3D) structure from, this region. Inhibition studies revealed substantial differences in the binding affinities of some of the primate Hbs, relative to human Hb. Some of the substitutions caused major decreases in binding, although they were at considerable distances in the 3D structure from the indicated site residues. It is concluded that substitutions in a protein, even when distant from an antigenic site, can exert major influences on the protein's reactivity with anti-site mAbs.  相似文献   

The primary sequences of five monoclonal antibodies (mAbs A-E) which bind with various affinities (Kd = 4-810 nM) to the D-2 dopaminergic antagonist, haloperidol, have been determined. Immunoglobulin light and heavy chain mRNA was isolated and gene sequence determined by primer extension in the presence of dideoxynucleotides. The pattern of insertions and deletions found within the hypervariable regions produce loops which differ in length from one antibody to another, and are directly responsible for establishing the gross architecture of the combining site. Two of the anti-haloperidol mAbs have long hypervariable loops which form a pocket-shaped combining site. Three other mAbs have deletions of 3 or 4 amino acids in the third heavy chain complementarity producing region which result in a groove-like combining site as determined by computer based molecular modeling. A discussion of the probable mechanism by which the given sequences were generated from various gene segments is also presented.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c is known as an electron-carrying protein in the respiratory chain of mitochondria. Over the last 20 years, however, alternative functions of this very versatile protein have become the focus of research interests. Upon binding to anionic lipids such as cardiolipin, the protein acquires peroxidase activity. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that this requires a conformational change of the protein which involves partial unfolding of its tertiary structure. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge of how cytochrome c interacts with cardiolipin-containing surfaces and how this affects its structure and function. In this context, we delineate partially conflicting results regarding the affinity of cytochrome c binding to cardiolipin-containing liposomes of different size and its influence on the structure of the protein and the morphology of the membrane.  相似文献   

Second derivative absorption spectroscopy has been used to assess the effects of complex formation between cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase on the conformation of the cytochrome a cofactor. When ferrocytochrome c is complexed to the cyanide-inhibited reduced or mixed valence enzyme, the conformation of ferrocytochrome a is affected. The second derivative spectrum of these enzyme forms displays two electronic transitions at 443 and 451 nm before complex formation, but only the 443-nm transition after cytochrome c is bound. This effect is not induced by poly-L-lysine, a homopolypeptide which is known to bind to the cytochrome c binding domain of cytochrome c oxidase. The effect is limited to cyanide-inhibited forms of the enzyme; no effect was observed for the fully reduced unliganded or fully reduced carbon monoxide-inhibited enzyme. The spectral signatures of these changes and the fact that they are exclusively associated with the cyanide-inhibited enzyme are both reminiscent of the effects of low pH on the conformation of cytochrome a (Ishibe, N., Lynch, S., and Copeland, R. A. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 23916-23920). These results are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms of communication between the cytochrome c binding site, cytochrome a, and the oxygen binding site within the cytochrome c oxidase molecule.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of the complexes formed between cytochrome c peroxidase and cyanide, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, and fluoride have been determined and refined to 1.85 A. In all four complexes significant changes occur in the distal heme pocket due to movement of Arg-48, His-52, and a rearrangement of active site water molecules. In the cyanide, nitric oxide, and carbon monoxide complexes, Arg-48 moves away from the ligand while in the fluoride complex Arg-48 moves in toward the ligand to form a hydrogen bond or ion pair with the fluoride. More subtle changes occur on the proximal side of the heme. In an earlier study at lower resolution (Edwards, S. L., Kraut, J., and Poulos, T. L. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 8074-8081), we found that nitric oxide binding causes perturbations in the proximal domain involving Trp-191 which has been confirmed by the present study. Trp-191 is stacked parallel to and in contact with the proximal ligand, His-175. Nitric oxide binding results in a slight movement of Trp-191 away from His-175 and a large increase in crystallographic temperature factors indicating increased mobility of these residues on the proximal side of the heme. These proximal-side changes are unique to nitric oxide and are not related strictly to spin-state or oxidation state of the iron atom since similar changes were not observed in the cyanide (low-spin ferric), carbon monoxide (low-spin ferrous), or fluoride (high-spin ferric) complexes.  相似文献   

Mapping of the cytochrome c binding site on cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The interactions of yeast iso-1 cytochrome c with bovine cytochrome c oxidase were studied using cytochrome c variants in which lysines of the binding domain were substituted by alanines. Resonance Raman spectra of the fully oxidized complexes of both proteins reveal structural changes of both the heme c and the hemes a and a3. The structural changes in cytochrome c are the same as those observed upon binding to phospholipid vesicles where the bound protein exists in two conformers, B1 and B2. Whereas the structure of B1 is the same as that of the unbound cytochrome c, the formation of B2 is associated with substantial alterations of the heme pocket. In cytochrome c oxidase, the structural changes in both hemes refer to more subtle perturbations of the immediate protein environment and may be a result of a conformational equilibrium involving two states. These changes are qualitatively different to those observed for cytochrome c oxidase upon poly-l-lysine binding. The resonance Raman spectra of the various cytochrome c/cytochrome c oxidase complexes were analyzed quantitatively. The spectroscopic studies were paralleled by steady-state kinetic measurements of the same protein combinations. The results of the spectra analysis and the kinetic studies were used to determine the stability of the complexes and the conformational equilibria B2/B1 for all cytochrome c variants. The complex stability decreases in the order: wild-type WT > J72K > K79A > K73A > K87A > J72A > K86A > K73A/K79A (where J is the natural trimethyl lysine). This order is not exhibited by the conformational equilibria. The electrostatic control of state B2 formation does not depend on individual intermolecular salt bridges, but on the charge distribution in a specific region of the front surface of cytochrome c that is defined by the lysyl residues at positions 72, 73 and 79. On the other hand, the conformational changes in cytochrome c oxidase were found to be independent of the identity of the bound cytochrome c variant. The maximum rate constants determined from steady-state kinetic measurements could be related to the conformational equilibria of the bound cytochrome c using a simple model that assumes that the conformational transitions are faster than product formation. Within this model, the data analysis leads to the conclusion that the interprotein electron transfer rate constant is around two times higher in state B2 than in B1. These results can be interpreted in terms of an increase of the driving force in state B2 as a result of the large negative shift of the reduction potential.  相似文献   

Complex formation between horse heart ferricytochrome c and large three-dimensional polyanions has been investigated, in order to study the influence of surface electrostatic interactions on the structural and redox properties of cytochrome c. Cytochrome c binds the large heteropolytungstates (NaSb9W21O86)18- and (KAs4W40O140)27- with a 1/1 polyanion/cytochrome c ratio, and the smaller ion (SiW11O39)8- with a 2/1 ratio. Upon complexation, cytochrome c undergoes structural changes that are dependent on the size and charge of the polyanion, and on the pH and ionic strength of the medium. Three different forms of complexed cytochrome c have been characterized by optical and EPR spectroscopies, in the pH range 6.5-8: an N form, close to the native structure, an A form, analogous to cytochrome c in acidic medium, and a novel B form in which the heme pocket is open but the iron remains low-spin. The redox potential of cytochrome c is lowered to 250-220 mV (vs. NHE) in the N form, and to 80 mV in the B form.  相似文献   

The binding characteristics of the cytochrome c iron.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A comparison of the binding properties of myoglobin and cytochrome c shows that the latter, in the reduced state, has an unusually large affinity for ligands, including thioethers. This explains the outstanding stability of the methionine-iron bond of ferrous cytochrome c, and results from the intrinsic ability of the cytochrome c iron to delocalize its electrons into orbitals of the sixth axial ligand.  相似文献   

Cells producing neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to a serotype 3 human neonatal rotavirus strain RV-3 were derived by fusion of hyperimmunized mouse spleen cells with mouse myeloma cells. As ascites fluid, three rotavirus-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies were characterized by hemagglutination inhibition and reacted with 17 cultivable mammalian rotaviruses representing five virus serotypes, by fluorescent focus neutralization and enzyme immunoassay. Two antibodies, Mab RV-3:1 and Mab RV-3:2, reacted with the seven serotype 3 rotaviruses only. Mab RV-3:1 was shown to bind to the outer capsid glycoprotein gp34 of rotavirus when variants of SA 11 rotavirus were used, and it therefore appears to react with the major neutralization epitope of serotype 3 rotaviruses. The antibody Mab RV-3:3 was specific for an epitope of RV-3 rotavirus not present on any other rotavirus of any serotype tested, including another neonatal isolate of identical RNA electropherotype isolated from the same ward of the same hospital as RV-3 3 months earlier. These two viruses were also distinguishable by fluorescent focus neutralization, using antiserum to RV-3 virus. Western blot analysis showed binding of Mab RV-3:3 to the trypsin cleavage product of the outer capsid protein p86 of RV-3. This suggests that antigenic drift may have occurred among neonatal rotaviruses in Melbourne. These monoclonal antibodies will be useful in serotyping assays of rotaviruses directly in stool samples, and in further analysis of antigenic variation within the serotype.  相似文献   

《Journal of lipid research》2017,58(6):1044-1054
Cholesterol-protein interactions are essential for the architectural organization of cell membranes and for lipid metabolism. While cholesterol-sensing motifs in transmembrane proteins have been identified, little is known about cholesterol recognition by soluble proteins. We reviewed the structural characteristics of binding sites for cholesterol and cholesterol sulfate from crystallographic structures available in the Protein Data Bank. This analysis unveiled key features of cholesterol-binding sites that are present in either all or the majority of sites: i) the cholesterol molecule is generally positioned between protein domains that have an organized secondary structure; ii) the cholesterol hydroxyl/sulfo group is often partnered by Asn, Gln, and/or Tyr, while the hydrophobic part of cholesterol interacts with Leu, Ile, Val, and/or Phe; iii) cholesterol hydrogen-bonding partners are often found on α-helices, while amino acids that interact with cholesterol's hydrophobic core have a slight preference for β-strands and secondary structure-lacking protein areas; iv) the steroid's C21 and C26 constitute the “hot spots” most often seen for steroid-protein hydrophobic interactions; v) common “cold spots” are C8–C10, C13, and C17, at which contacts with the proteins were not detected. Several common features we identified for soluble protein-steroid interaction appear evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

The reagent 1-ethyl-3-(3-[14C]trimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (ETC) was used to identify specific carboxyl groups on the cytochrome bc1 complex (ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, EC involved in binding cytochrome c. Treatment of the cytochrome bc1 complex with 2 mM ETC led to inhibition of the electron transfer activity with cytochrome c. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that both the cytochrome c1 heme peptide and the Mr = 9175 "hinge" peptide were radiolabeled by ETC. In addition, a new band appeared at a position consistent with a 1:1 cross-linked cytochrome c1-hinge peptide species. Treatment of a 1:1 cytochrome bc1-cytochrome c complex with ETC led to the same inhibition of electron transfer activity observed with the uncomplexed cytochrome bc1, but to decreased radiolabeling of the cytochrome c1 heme peptide. Two new cross-linked species corresponding to cytochrome c-hinge peptide and cytochrome c-cytochrome c1 were formed in place of the cytochrome c1-hinge peptide species. In order to identify the specific carboxyl groups labeled by ETC, a purified cytochrome c1 preparation containing both the heme peptide and the hinge peptide was dimethylated at all the lysines to prevent internal cross-linking. The methylated cytochrome c1 preparation was treated with ETC and digested with trypsin and chymotrypsin, and the resulting peptides were separated by high pressure liquid chromatography. ETC was found to label the cytochrome c1 peptides 63-81, 121-128, and 153-179 and the hinge peptides 1-17 and 48-65. All of these peptides are highly acidic and contain one or more regions of adjacent carboxyl groups. The only peptide consistently protected from labeling by cytochrome c binding was 63-81, demonstrating that the carboxyl groups at residues 66, 67, 76, and 77 are involved in binding cytochrome c. These residues are relatively close to the heme-binding cysteine residues 37 and 40 and indicate a possible site for electron transfer from cytochrome c1 to cytochrome c.  相似文献   

The specificity of the IgG fraction of the sera of several rabbits hyperimmunized with glutaraldehyde-polymerized pigeon cytochrome c was examined by fluorescence-quenching titration and a sensitive competitive plate-binding radioimmunoassay developed for the analysis of small amounts of antiserum. Four pigeon cytochrome c-specific Fab fragments were found to bind simultaneously to the immunogen. Competition assays, using an extensive set of naturally occurring, chemically prepared hybrid and enzymically modified cytochromes c, implicated in antibody binding all seven amino acid residues at which the immunogen differs from the homologous rabbit cytochrome c. Thus, rabbits produce small amounts of three antibody populations directed against the regions of serine 15, alanine 44, and glycine 89, respectively, on pigeon cytochrome c, and a large amount of the population which binds to an assembled topographic determinant composed of isoleucine 3, glutamine 100, alanine 103, and lysine 104. The latter four residues are from the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal alpha-helices, and cluster where the two helices cross each other on the back surface of the molecule. Antibodies against native pigeon cytochrome c reacted very poorly with the several cyanogen bromide-cleaved fragments of the molecule, consisting of residues 1 to 65, 1 to 80, 66 to 104, and 81 to 104.  相似文献   

Large peptide fragments of human leucocyte interferon-alpha 2 (INF-alpha 2) were obtained by limited proteolysis with trypsin, pepsin, thermolysine and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens intracellular serine proteinase. The ability of the fragments to bind murine monoclonal antibodies NK2 raised against INF-alpha 2 was studied by the immunoblotting technique. The region of sequence 110-149 is the most sensitive to proteolytic attack, being probably exposed on the surface of the INF-alpha 2 molecule. INF-alpha 2 fragments 1-139, 1-147, 1-149 are capable of binding antibodies, whereas fragments 1-109 and 1-112 do not bind antibodies NK2. A comparison of the primary structure of human leucocyte and murine leucocyte INF families in the region of sequence 110-139 and an analysis of the ability of human INF differing in amino acid sequences to bind antibodies NK2 demonstrated that the antigenic determinant for antibodies NK2 is the sequence Glu114-Asp115-Ser116-Ile117 of the INF-alpha 2 molecule.  相似文献   

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