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In the present study, we have cloned the cDNA of ABCC13, a novel ABC transporter, from the cDNA library of adult human placenta. The ABCC13 gene spans approximately 70kb on human chromosome 21q11.2 and consists of 14 exons. The open reading frame of the ABCC13 cDNA encodes a peptide consisting of 325 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence corresponding to putative membrane-spanning domains was remarkably similar to ABCC1, ABCC2, ABCC3, and ABCC6. The ABCC13 gene was expressed in the fetal liver at the highest level among the organs studied. While ABCC13 was expressed in the bone marrow, its expression in peripheral blood leukocytes of adult humans was much lower and no detectable levels were observed in differentiated hematopoietic cells. The expression of ABCC13 in K562 cells decreased during cell differentiation induced by TPA. These results suggest that the expression of human ABCC13 is related with hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

Inflammation occurs in adipose tissue in obesity. We have examined whether IL-33, a recently identified IL-1 gene family member, and its associated receptors are expressed in human adipocytes. IL-33, IL-1RL1 and IL-1RAP gene expression was observed in human visceral white fat, in preadipocytes and in adipocytes (SGBS cells). Treatment with TNFα for 24 h induced a 6-fold increase in IL-33 mRNA level in preadipocytes and adipocytes. Time-course studies with adipocytes showed that the increase in IL-33 mRNA with TNFα was maximal (>55-fold) at 12 h. This response was markedly different to IL-1β (peak mRNA increase at 2 h; 5.4-fold) and 1L-18 (peak mRNA increase at 6 h; >1500-fold). Exposure of adipocytes to hypoxia (1% O2, 24 h) did not alter IL-33 mRNA level; in preadipocytes, however, there was a 3-fold increase. Human adipocytes and preadipocytes express IL-33, but the various IL-1 family members exhibit major differences in responsiveness to TNFα.  相似文献   

Ammonium transporters play a key functional role in nitrogen uptake and assimilation in microorganisms and plants; however, little is known about their structural counterpart in mammals. Here, we report the molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of Rh type B glycoproteins, human RhBG and mouse Rhbg, two new members of the Rh family with distinct tissue specificities. The RhBG orthologues possess a conserved 12-transmembrane topology and most resemble bacterial and archaeal ammonium transporters. Human RHBG resides at chromosome 1q21.3, which harbors candidate genes for medullary cystic kidney disease, whereas mouse Rhbg is syntenic on chromosome 3. Northern blot and in situ hybridization revealed that RHBG and Rhbg are predominantly expressed in liver, kidney, and skin, the specialized organs involving ammonia genesis, excretion, or secretion. Confocal microscopy showed that RhBG is located in the plasma membrane and in some intracellular granules. Western blots of membrane proteins from stable HEK293 cells and from mouse kidney and liver confirmed this distribution. N-Glycanase digestion showed that RhBG/Rhbg has a carbohydrate moiety probably attached at the NHS motif on exoloop 1. Phylogenetic clustering, tissue-specific expression, and plasma membrane location suggest that RhBG homologous proteins are the long sought major ammonium transporters in mammalians.  相似文献   

The zygotically active tailless (tll) gene plays a key role in the establishment of nonmetameric domains at the anterior and posterior poles of the Drosophila embryo. We have cloned the tll gene and show that it encodes a protein with striking similarity to steroid hormone receptors in both the DNA binding "finger" and ligand binding domains. tll RNA is initially expressed in embryos in two mirror-image symmetrical domains; this pattern then quickly resolves into a pattern consistent with the mutant phenotype: a posterior cap and an anterior dorsal stripe. That the tll gene may also play a role in the nervous system is suggested by its strong expression in the forming brain and transient expression in the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

We report the cloning, characterization, and chromosomal localization of two novel human members of the bicarbonate transporter superfamily, BTR1 (Bicarbonate Transporter Related protein-1) and AE4 (Anion Exchange protein 4). BTR1 is a novel mammalian protein. The BTR1 gene maps to chromosome 20p12 and encodes a 100 kDa protein predominantly expressed in the kidney, salivary glands, testis, thyroid glands, and trachea. The AE4 gene maps to chromosome 5q23-31 and encodes a 104 kDa protein expressed mainly in the kidney. Human AE4 shares 84% identity with the recently reported rabbit AE4, a sodium independent, Cl(-)/HCO(-)(3) exchanger located on the apical membrane of beta-intercalated kidney cells.  相似文献   

In a signal sequence trap screening of the murine brain, we identified a new member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily designated TROY. TROY is a type I membrane protein of 416 amino acids with characteristic cysteine-rich motifs in the extracellular domain and a tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) 2 binding sequence in the cytoplasmic domain of 223 amino acids. In fact, activation of nuclear factor kappaB was induced by the overexpression of TROY and inhibited by dominant negative forms of TRAF2, TRAF5, and TRAF6, indicating that TRAFs and nuclear factor kappaB are involved in the signal transduction of TROY. We also cloned a cDNA for a human counterpart, which showed a 75% homology with mouse TROY at the amino acid level. The extracellular domain of TROY exhibits an extensive homology with that of Edar, a receptor that specifies hair follicle fate. TROY mRNA is strongly expressed in brain and embryo and moderately expressed in the heart, lung, and liver but not the spleen. In the embryo, the expression level is particularly strong in the skin. Interestingly, in situ hybridization analysis of the embryo showed that TROY mRNA was exclusively expressed in the epithelium of many tissues. On the other hand, in neonatal mice, TROY is expressed in hair follicles like Edar as well as in the cerebrum, suggesting pleiotropic functions of TROY in development as well as in the adult mice. The Troy gene is located near the waved coat (Wc) locus, a mutant related to abnormalities in skin and hair.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins transport a diverse collection of substrates. It is presumed that these proteins couple ATP hydrolysis to substrate transport, yet ATPase activity has been demonstrated for only a few. To provide direct evidence for such activity in Ste6p, the yeast ABC protein required for the export of a-factor mating pheromone, we established conditions for purification of Ste6p in biochemical quantities from both yeast and Sf9 insect cells. The basal ATPase activity of purified and reconstituted Ste6p (V(max) = 18 nmol/mg/min; K(m) for MgATP = 0.2 mm) compares favorably with several other ABC proteins and was inhibited by orthovanadate in a profile diagnostic of ABC transporters (apparent K(I) = 12 microm). Modest stimulation (approximately 40%) was observed upon the addition of a-factor either synthetic or in native form. We also used an 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP binding and vanadate-trapping assay to examine the behavior of wild-type Ste6p and two different double mutants (G392V/G1087V and G509D/G1193D) shown previously to be mating-deficient in vivo. Both mutants displayed a diminished ability to hydrolyze ATP, with the latter uncoupled from pheromone transport. We conclude that Ste6p catalyzes ATP hydrolysis coupled to a-factor transport, which in turn promotes mating.  相似文献   

Members of the Pbx family are involved in a diverse range of developmental processes including axial patterning and organogenesis. Pbx functions are in part mediated by the interaction of Pbx proteins with members of the Hox and Meis/Prep families. We have identified a fourth mammalian Pbx family member. Pbx4 in the mouse and PBX4 in humans are located on chromosome 8 and chromosome 19, respectively. Pbx4 expression is confined to the testis, especially to spermatocytes in the pachytene stage of the first meiotic prophase.  相似文献   

gp49 is a Mr 49,000 glycoprotein expressed on the surface of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells, which are progenitors for the major in vivo mast cell subclasses, typified by intestinal mucosal mast cells and serosal mast cells. The amino-terminal amino acid sequence of gp49 was determined after isolation of the solubilized membrane protein by affinity chromatography with the B23.1 anti-gp49 monoclonal antibody. Redundant oligonucleotides were used to isolate a full-length 1.3-kilobase cDNA from a mouse mast cell library. The predicted amino acid sequence contains a signal peptide of 23 residues, an extracellular domain of 215 residues with three potential sites of N-linked glycosylation, a transmembrane domain of 23 residues, and a cytoplasmic tail of 42 residues. Hybridization of the gp49 cDNA was limited to mRNA extracted from those cell types that also bound the B23.1 monoclonal antibody as assessed by cytofluorographic analyses. The predicted extracellular domain of gp49 contains two regions of 48 and 51 amino acids, each flanked by cysteine residues. Both regions meet criteria for being C2-type domains of the immunoglobulin superfamily based upon the alignment of consensus amino acids and their predicted secondary structure organization. Thus, gp49, a membrane glycoprotein preferentially expressed by the progenitor mast cell population, is a new member of the immunoglobulin superfamily.  相似文献   

The sodium/iodide symporter mediates active iodide transport in both healthy and cancerous thyroid tissue. By exploiting this activity, radioiodide has been used for decades with considerable success in the detection and treatment of thyroid cancer. Here we show that a specialized form of the sodium/iodide symporter in the mammary gland mediates active iodide transport in healthy lactating (but not in nonlactating) mammary gland and in mammary tumors. In addition to characterizing the hormonal regulation of the mammary gland sodium/iodide symporter, we demonstrate by scintigraphy that mammary adenocarcinomas in transgenic mice bearing Ras or Neu oncogenes actively accumulate iodide by this symporter in vivo. Moreover, more than 80% of the human breast cancer samples we analyzed by immunohistochemistry expressed the symporter, compared with none of the normal (nonlactating) samples from reductive mammoplasties. These results indicate that the mammary gland sodium/iodide symporter may be an essential breast cancer marker and that radioiodide should be studied as a possible option in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

RTP/Drg1/Cap43/rit42/TDD5/Ndr1/NDRG1 (referred to as NDRG1 hereafter) is a cytoplasmic protein involved in stress responses, hormone responses, cell growth, and differentiation. Recently, the mutation of this gene was reported to be causative for hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy-Lom. Here, we cloned two human cDNAs encoding NDRG3 and NDRG4, which are homologous to NDRG1. These two genes, together with NDRG1 and a previously deposited cDNA (designated NDRG2), constitute the NDRG gene family. The four members share 57-65% amino acid identity. NDRG4 was further characterized because its mRNA expression was quite specific in brain and heart, in contrast to the relatively ubiquitous expression of the other three members. NDRG4 mRNA consists of three isoforms, NDRG4-B, NDRG4-B(var), and NDRG4-H. Northern and Western blot analyses showed that NDRG4-B was expressed only in the brain, whereas NDRG4-H was expressed in both brain and heart. NDRG4-B(var) was a minor product. NDRG4 expression was more abundant in adult than fetal brain and heart and was markedly decreased in the Alzheimer's diseased brain. In situ hybridization showed that NDRG4 was localized in neurons of the brain and spinal cord. The NDRG4 gene contains 17 exons. mRNA expression of the three NDRG4 isoforms is regulated by alternative splicing and possibly by alternative promoter usage. The finely tuned expression of the NDRG gene family members suggests that they have different specific functions.  相似文献   

In Sinorhizobium meliloti, choline is the direct precursor of phosphatidylcholine, a major lipid membrane component in the Rhizobiaceae family, and glycine betaine, an important osmoprotectant. Moreover, choline is an efficient energy source which supports growth. Using a PCR strategy, we identified three chromosomal genes (choXWV) which encode components of an ABC transporter: ChoX (binding protein), ChoW (permease), and ChoV (ATPase). Whereas the best homology scores were obtained with components of betaine ProU-like systems, Cho is not involved in betaine transport. Site-directed mutagenesis of choX strongly reduced (60 to 75%) the choline uptake activity, and purification of ChoX, together with analysis of the ligand-binding specificity, showed that ChoX binds choline with a high affinity (KD, 2.7 microM) and acetylcholine with a low affinity (KD, 145 microM) but binds none of the betaines. Uptake competition experiments also revealed that ectoine, various betaines, and choline derivatives were not effective competitors for Cho-mediated choline transport. Thus, Cho is a highly specific high-affinity choline transporter. Choline transport activity and ChoX expression were induced by choline but not by salt stress. Western blotting experiments with antibodies raised against ChoX demonstrated the presence of ChoX in bacteroids isolated from nitrogen-fixing nodules obtained from Medicago sativa roots. The choX mutation did not have an effect on growth under standard conditions, and neither Nod nor Fix phenotypes were impaired in the mutant, suggesting that the remaining choline uptake system(s) still present in the mutant strain can compensate for the lack of Cho transporter.  相似文献   

Screening of a rat brain cDNA library with a radiolabeled probe made from an alpha 3 cDNA (Boulter, J., Evans, K., Goldman, D., Martin, G., Treco, D., Heinemanns, S., and Patrick, J. (1986) Nature 319, 368-374) resulted in the isolation of a clone whose sequence encodes a protein, beta 3, which is homologous (40-55% amino acid sequence identity) to previously described neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits. The encoded protein has structural features found in other nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits. Two cysteine residues that correspond to cysteins 128 and 142 of the Torpedo nAChR alpha subunit are present in beta 3. Absent from beta 3 are 2 adjacent cysteine residues that correspond to cysteines 192 and 193 of the Torpedo subunit. In situ hybridization histochemistry, performed using probes derived from beta 3 cDNAs, demonstrated that the beta 3 gene is expressed in the brain. Thus, beta 3 is the fifth member of the nAChR gene family that is expressed in the brain. The pattern of beta 3 gene expression partially overlaps with that of the neuronal nAChR subunit genes alpha 3, alpha 4, or beta 2. These results lead us to propose that the beta 3 gene encodes a neuronal nAChR subunit.  相似文献   

Kallikreins are a subgroup of serine proteases that are involved in the posttranslational processing of polypeptide precursors. Growing evidence suggests that many kallikreins are implicated in carcinogenesis. In rodents, kallikreins are encoded by a large multigene family, but in humans, only three genes have been identified. By using the positional candidate approach, we were able to identify a new kallikrein-like gene, tentatively named KLK12 (for kallikrein gene 12). This new gene maps to chromosome 19q13.3-q13.4, is formed of five coding exons, and shows structural similarity to serine proteases and other known kallikreins. KLK12 is expressed in a variety of tissues including salivary gland, stomach, uterus, lung, thymus, prostate, colon, brain, breast, thyroid, and trachea. We identified three splicing forms of KLK12 that are expressed in many tissues. Our preliminary results indicate that the expression of KLK12 is down-regulated at the mRNA level in breast cancer tissues and is up-regulated by steroid hormones in breast and prostate cancer cell lines. This gene may be involved in the pathogenesis and/or progression of certain cancer types and may find applicability as a novel cancer biomarker.  相似文献   

STE6, the yeast a-factor transporter, is a member of the ATP binding cassette protein superfamily, which also includes the mammalian multidrug resistance protein and the cystic fibrosis gene product. These proteins contain two homologous halves, each with six membrane spanning segments and a predicted ATP nucleotide binding domain. To assess the importance of the two halves of STE6, and to examine the functional significance of residues conserved among members of the ATP binding cassette superfamily, we introduced mutations into the nucleotide binding domains of STE6. Our analysis demonstrates that both halves of STE6 are critical for function and that some, but not all, mutations analogous to those known to result in cystic fibrosis impair STE6 activity. To examine further the functional contribution of each half of the STE6 protein, we severed the STE6 coding sequence and expressed the two halves of the transporter as separate polypeptides. Whereas 'half-molecules' are unable to provide transport function individually, co-expression of both half-molecules in the same cell leads to functional reconstitution of STE6-mediated a-factor transport.  相似文献   

Rab family proteins are generally known as regulators of protein transport and trafficking. A number of Rab proteins have been implicated in cancer development and/or progression. Here we report the identification of a novel Rab-like protein, which we have named RBEL1 (Rab-like protein 1) for its higher similarity to the Rab subfamily members. We have characterized two isoforms of RBEL1 including the predominant RBEL1A and the less abundant RBEL1B that results from alternative splicing. Both isoforms harbor conserved N-terminal guanine trinucleotide phosphate (GTP) binding domains and, accordingly, are capable of binding to GTP. Both isoforms contain variable C termini and exhibit differential subcellular localization patterns. Unlike known Rabs that are mostly cytosolic, RBEL1B predominantly resides in the nucleus, whereas RBEL1A is localized primarily to the cytosol. Interestingly, a point mutation affecting RBEL1B GTP binding also alters the ability of mutant protein to accumulate in the nucleus, suggesting GTP binding potential to be important for RBEL1B nuclear localization. Our results also indicate that RBEL1A is overexpressed in about 67% of primary breast tumors. Thus, RBEL1A and RBEL1B are novel Rab-like proteins that localize in the nucleus and cytosol and may play an important role in breast tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

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