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Rough lemon seedlings were root dip-inoculated in Fries liquid cultures of two Fusarium solani isolates, one from California and one from Florida. Plants were potted and placed in soil temperature tanks at 15, 21, 27, and 33 C. Plant height, trunk diameter, and fresh weight of inoculated plants significantly differed from the control at 15 and 21 C. Plant height was the only growth parameter significantly affected by inoculation at 27 and 33 C. Height of plants inoculated with the California isolate was significantly less than the control at 27 but not at 33 C. Height of plants inoculated with the Florida isolate did not differ from the controls at 27 and 33 C. Significantly more root rot occurred on inoculated plants at 15 and 21 C, but not at 27 and 33 C. Formerly at the University of Florida, IFAS, Agricultural Research and Education Center, P.O. Box 1088, Lake Alfred, FL 33850, USA  相似文献   

Fourteen citrus species were screened for their resistance against dry root rot under artificial inoculation conditions and classified as resistant (RHRL-122, RHRL-124, Australian sour, Sour dig, Balaji, Rangpurlime), moderately resistant (PKM-1, AL-Srirampur, Rough lemon), Susceptible (TAL 95/1, TAL 95/2, TAL 95/3, Nalgonda selection) and highly susceptible (TAL 94/13). The higher polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity was observed in all infected leaves and roots of citrus species when compared to healthy leaves and roots at 15 and 30 days after inoculation (DAI). Higher PPO activity was observed in Balaji, Australian sour and Rangpurlime whereas lowest PPO activity was observed in TAL 94/13. In the case of leaf Peroxidase (PEO) isozyme profile an additional band which was darker and thicker was observed at an Em value of 0.24 in the case of Australia sour, Balaji and AL-Srirampur. In roots the PEO isozyme profile has the induction of single thick and darker additional band with an Em value of 0.47 was observed in Australian sour and Balaji. The banding profiles of estarase in leaves showed the induction of an extra band in the ase of Australian sour at Em 0.1, and at Em 0.53 in the case of Rangpurlime and Sourdig when compared to other species. The banding profile of esterase in roots was well expressed in Australian sour, PKM-1, Rough lemon, TAL-95/3, Rangpurlime and Sour dig. However, a minor band at Em 0.27 in Australian sour, TAL 95/1 and at Em 0.33 in Balaji was observed.  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted in 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 to test 235 barley lines plus two varieties Giza 127 and Giza 128 for resistance and susceptibility to Fusarium graminearum. All screened barley lines showed varied significant degrees of infestation to root rot pathogen. A screening system is described for identifying barley lines which are effective in controlling resistant or susceptible lines. By detecting small but consistent differences in root rot severity, the bioassay proved effective in large-scale screening for partial resistance: already 335 barley lines and two varieties have been screened. We found five groups (7.12%), 22 barley lines and both varieties are resistant (R) (8.31%); 28 barley lines are moderately resistant (MR) (19.29%); 65 barley lines are moderately susceptible (MS) (27.89%); 94 barley lines are susceptible (S) and (37.39%) 126 barley lines are highly susceptible (HS). The high degree of precision makes this an invaluable tool in the understanding of pathogen aggressiveness, host specialisation and parasitic fitness. Disease scale was strongly negative and had moderate correlation with germination (?0.309?? and ?0.649??) under normal and disease treatment. The correlation between yield and normal and disease treatment during two seasons was strong and negative (?0.834?? and ?0.847??, respectively were detected).  相似文献   

The effect of four bio-inoculants namely, Glomus aggregatum, Streptomyces sp., Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma harzianum and a fungicide, Ridomil-mancozeb was evaluated on the biomass production and control of root rot and wilt disease under glasshouse conditions. Results showed that 21-day- prior inoculation with G. aggregatum was most effective where none of the treated plants produced disease symptoms and interestingly their growth was increased by 39.4%. The colonisation by G. aggregatum (>80%) also increased P concentration in shoot. While, similar treatment with Streptomyces sp., B. subtilis, T. harzianum and Ridomil-mancozeb individually failed to produce any significant effect over Rhizoctonia solani inoculated control, where all inoculated plant died, prematurely. The simultaneous and 3-day-post treatments of G. aggregatum were non-effective but simultaneous treatment with Streptomyces sp. produced 70% disease control, while B. subtilis and T. harzianum individually provided 50% control. Their effects were either better or at par when compared with the simultaneous treatment of Ridomil-mancozeb. In 3-day-post treatment, Streptomyces, B. subtilis and Ridomil-mancozeb individually provided 50% disease control, whereas T. harzianum was least effective as it could protect only 25% plants against infection. The results reveals that 15 days prior treatment of G. aggregatum can significantly controls the root rot and wilt disease of pyrethrum. Further, treatment of Streptomyces can also serve the next effective post infection control method.  相似文献   

大豆种质对疫霉根腐病抗性特点研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对1027份中国和国外引进的大豆种质进行了大豆疫霉(Phytophthora sojae)根腐病的抗病性鉴定评价.结果表明,中国大豆种质的抗病性高于国外引进种质;中国南方的大豆种质抗病性较北方种质强,长江流域大豆中抗病种质比率最高,其次为黄淮海流域种质,而东北地区抗病种质较少;不同省份大豆种质的总体抗病性差异明显;育成品系的抗性好于改良品种和农家种,但不同省份来源的农家种、品系和品种抗性存在差异,黑龙江材料抗病性最低,这也是该省大豆疫霉根腐病严重发生的重要原因之一;在大豆籽粒脐色为黄色和褐色的材料中,抗病种质较多.  相似文献   


The efficiency of two biocontrol agents (Trichoderma harzianum NB and Bacillus subtilis NB) and two commercial biocides (Plant Guard and Rhizo-N) in controlling Fusarium root rot disease on some citrus rootstocks was evaluated under artificially infested soil in green house.

Fusrium root rot on citrus rootstocks seedlings i.e. sour orange (SO), volkamer lime (VL), rangpur lime (RP) and cleopatra mandarin (CL) was successfully controlled by dipping the root system of such seedlings in water suspensions of each biological treatment i.e. Trichoderma harzianum (spore suspension 5×106 spore/ml), Bacillus subtilis (cell suspension 8×107 cell/ml), Plant Guard (3 g/l) and Rhizo-N (4 g/l), then transplanted into artificially infested soil with Fusarium solani and drenched with enough water suspension of such biological treatments. Plant Guard (3 g/l) and Rhizo-N (4 g/l) were highly effective treatments in decreasing infection and severity of the disease, Fusarium density in rhizosphere soil and colonization of Fusarium solani in the roots of all tested seedlings.

Meanwhile, root dipping or soil drenching with the same treatments individually gave the least effect in reducing root rot incidenceon all tested rootstocks compared with application of the two methods together.

It should be noted that using biocontrol agents and commercial biocides could be successfully used in controlling root rot pathogens on citrus in commercial greenhouses or under field conditions before transplanting in new reclaimed lands in the desert.  相似文献   

A laboratory and green house experiment was carried out on the comparative antagonistic performance of four different bioagents (Aspergillus sp., Gliocladium virens, Trichoderma harzianum and T. viride) isolated from soil against Rhizoctonia solani. Under laboratory conditions, T. harzianum exhibited maximum (75.55%) mycelial growth inhibition of R. solani This was followed by T. viride, which showed 65.93 per cent mycelial growth inhibition of the pathogen. Gliocladium virens was also found to be effective antagonists, which exhibited 57.77 per cent mycelial growth inhibition. While Aspergillus sp exhibited minimum growth inhibition (45.74%) in comparison to other bioagents. Under green house conditions, T. harzianum gave maximum protection of the disease (72.72%) followed by T. viride, which exhibited 54.54 per cent disease control. However, G. virens and Aspergillus sp were found least effective in controlling root rot of mungbean.  相似文献   

Eight fungicides (benodanil, carboxin, cyproconazole, fenpropimorph, fur-mecyclox, iprodione, pencycuron and tolclofos-methyl) were evaluated, under growth chamber conditions, as seed treatments against pre-emergence damping-off and post-emergence seedling root rot in six Brassica species. Five cultivars of B. rapa, four cultivars of B. juncea, four cultivars of B. napus and one cultivar/ strain from each of B. carinata, B. nigra and B. oleracea were grown in soilless mix infested with an isolate of Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-1. B. nigra and B. juncea were considerably less susceptible to R. solani than the four other species. Cyproconazole at 0.05-0.1 g a.i./kg seed and the other fungicides at 2–4 g a.i./ kg seed provided almost complete control of pre-emergence damping-off in most Brassica species and their cultivars. Their efficacy varied against the post-emergence seedling root rot. Furmecyclox, iprodione, tolclofos-methyl and pencycuron consistently gave good control of seedling root rot in all Brassica species and their cultivars. Benodanil and fenpropimorph provided moderate control, and carboxin and cyproconazole gave poor control against root rot. Efficacy of carboxin, cyproconazole, benodanil and fenopropimorph against seedling root rot varied significantly (P ≤ 0.05) among cultivars within a Brassica species.  相似文献   

Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) plants were affected by a severe root rot disease caused by Phytophthora drechsleri and Fusarium solani in Isfahan province of Iran during 2005–2007. Disease incidence was more than 30% in severely infected fields. Twenty-one safflower genotypes, including six local cultivars and 15 internal pure lines were evaluated for their resistance to root rot disease in laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Safflower seedlings were evaluated for lesion length on infected roots in laboratory, as well percentage of live seedlings in greenhouse. The results indicated a high negative correlation between lesion length on roots and percentage of live seedlings. The most resistant and susceptible genotypes to P. drechsleri were identified as pure line Karaj row 12 (KW12) and cultivar Koseh with lesion lengths of 10.01 and 15.51?mm on roots and 45.60 and 18.00% live seedlings, respectively. The most resistant genotype to F. solani was identified as pure line KW11 with a lesion length of 9.31?mm on roots as well 62.80% live seedlings. The most susceptible genotypes were identified as cultivar Koseh and pure lines KW2 and KW3 with lesion lengths of 13.29, 12.72 and 12.13?mm on roots and 25.60, 28.40 and 28.40% live seedlings, respectively. The most resistant genotypes to both P. drechsleri and F. solani were identified as pure lines KW15 and KW9 with a 55.40% live seedlings. The most susceptible genotypes were cultivars Koseh, Goldasht and pure lines KW6, KW3 and KW2 with 35.40, 35.40, 35.40, 37.60 and 37.60% live seedlings in greenhouse, respectively.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani isolates used in this investigation were identified as anastomosis-4 (AG-40), collected from different localities from Assiut governorate in Egypt. Pathogenicity test of seven isolates of R. solani was evaluated on soybean Giza 111 cultivar under greenhouse conditions. All tested isolates were able to infect soybean plants causing root rot with different degrees of severities, isolate No. 1, 2 and 3 showed significantly highest root rot severity, while isolate No. 5 gave the lowest percentage of root rot rating. The sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis patterns were used to compare three isolates of R. solani. There are no variations among R. solani isolates except a few exceptions according to their protein patterns. DNA markers obtained from all isolates showed genetic similarity among different isolates obtained from different geographical regions barring few exceptions. Correlation between DNA patterns of R. solani isolates and their virulence was detected, but no correlation with anastomosis groups (AG).  相似文献   

A Frankia strain ISU 0224887 was isolated from spore negative root nodules of Gymnostoma sumatranum and was grown in pure culture. It was infective and effective for Gymnostoma species but failed to nodulate Allocasuarina and Casuarina seedlings. Light and scanning electron microscopy of it in nitrogen free medium revealed a filamentous mat of septate and branched hyphae bearing sporangia and vesicles capable of fixing nitrogen. The strain also produced an orange pigment after 2 weeks culture. The strain utilized only TWEEN 80 and propionate as sole carbon sources. The different antibiotics used showed varying effects on its growth.  相似文献   

Wang  D.  Kurle  J.E.  Estevez de Jensen  C.  Percich  J.A. 《Plant and Soil》2004,258(1):319-331
Soybean root rot, caused primarily by Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli in a complex with F. oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani, has become an increasing problem for soybeans, dry beans, and other rotation crops in central Minnesota due to soil conditions associated with reduced tillage. This study was conducted, in two field sites in central Minnesota located near Staples and Verndale, to develop methods for nondestructive assessment of root rot severity using plant radiometric properties. Soybean canopy reflectance was measured with a hand-held multi-spectral radiometer. Prior to the radiometer measurements, attempts were made to create differing root rot situations with moldboard or chisel tillage, and with or without a biological seed treatment. Root rot severity was estimated using a visual disease severity scale. Colony-forming units (CFU) were determined to estimate soil populations of pathogenic F. solani and F. oxysporum. Results from the Verndale site consistently showed significant treatment effects in the measured canopy radiometric parameters, and in the visual disease rating and yield (significant for seed treatment). Values of a simple ratio vegetation index from this site exhibited negative relationships with disease rating and F. oxysporum CFU, and a positive linear relationship with yield. Treatment effects were generally not significant at the Staples site because of low initial F. oxysporum populations. The results indicate that remote sensing is potentially a rapid, nondestructive means for assessment of root rot diseases in soybean.  相似文献   

The effect of root temperature on growth and yield of rockwool-grown tomato plants infected with Phytophthora cryptogea was investigated. Measurements of shoot and root growth were taken at high (25oC) and low (15oC) root temperatures during the generative phase of growth. The growth of roots of healthy and P. cryptogea-infected tomato plants in rockwool blocks was higher in plants grown with roots at 25oC than at 15oC after 60 days and a similar effect was found in slabs after 98 days. Under sub-optimal conditions for growth the disease became severe when root temperatures were low. Growth of roots was greatest when roots were maintained at a high temperature in combination with an ambient air temperature of c. 15oC and the response was greater in cv. Counter than cvs Calypso and Marathon. Water-soluble carbohydrates of roots were higher in those produced in blocks than slabs and were reduced by infection compared to healthy plants with roots at 15oC and 25oC. Reduced transpiration rates were found 17 days after inoculation in symptomless plants grown at a root temperature of 25oC. Infection, regardless of the temperature of the roots or cultivar, led to reduced stem growth. The plants grown at 25oC were taller than those with a root temperature of 15oC. After 9 wk of harvest, the cumulative fruit yields in infected cvs Counter and Calypso grown at 25oC were comparable to that in healthy plants grown at either temperature and cumulative fruit numbers followed a similar pattern. High root temperatures led to delayed fruit ripening between weeks 3–10 and a larger number of unripe fruit. The weight of unripe fruit from infected plants grown at 25oC at the terminal harvest was higher than from healthy plants with roots maintained at 15oC.  相似文献   

Phytophthora root and crown rot (Phytophthora cryptogea) on gerbera is difficult to manage because most gerbera cultivars are susceptible to P. cryptogea. This study was conducted in order to determine the in vivo (pot experiment) efficacy of some fungicides and biofungicides. In pot experiments, fungicides were applied 7 days after inoculation with P. cryptogea, while biofungicide was applied 7 days before inoculation. In this study, soil drenches of five fungicides were tested. “Ametoctradin+dimethomorph (100 ml/day),” “mandipropamid+difenoconazole (60 ml/day),” “propamocarb+fosetyl‐Al (200 ml/day),” “mancozeb+metalaxyl‐M (250 g/day)” and “azoxystrobin+difenoconazole (100 ml/day)” active substances were used. Similarly, one biofungicide Bacillus amyloliquefaciens syn. MBI 600 (50 g/100 L) was applied by soil drenching. Efficacy of treatments was assessed according to the percentage of the root system which was visibly rotten at the end of the experiment. Root and crown rot severity was rated on a scale of 0 = 0% root system necrotic, 1 = 1%‐25% necrotic, 2 = 26%‐50% necrotic, 3 = 51%‐75% necrotic and 4 = 76%‐100% necrotic from 12 to 21 days. In this experiment, “azoxystrobin 200 g/L + difenoconazole 125 g/L” exhibited the highest efficacy against P. cryptogea with a ratio of 43.75%. The other fungicides and biofungicides ametoctradin 300 g/L + dimethomorph 225 g/L, mandipropamid 250 g/L + difenoconazole 250 g/L, propamocarb 530 g/L + fosety‐Al 310 g/L, mancozeb 64%+metalaxyl‐M 4% and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens syn. MBI 600 11% were ineffective. Importance should be given to management strategies of P. cryptogea of and more experiments should be carried out for a better understanding of the use of registered fungicides and biofungicides.  相似文献   

Several antioxidants namely ascorbic acid, salicylic acid, sodium benzoates, thiouria and catechol were used as seed treatment and foliar spraying to reduce the incidence of root and pod rot diseases of peanut caused by (Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani and Fusarium moniliforme) as well as to determine of phenolic compounds and oxidative enzymes in the treated plants. Each antioxidant was used at different concentrations (2, 4, 6 and 8 mM) against tested pathogenic fungi in vitro. All antioxidants at 8 mM showed the greatest reduction of mycelial growth of the pathogens. In greenhouse experiments, treated seeds (Giza 5 cv.) or foliar spraying of peanut plants after 30 and 60 days from planting date with each antioxidant at 8 mM reduced severity of both diseases. The treated plants with antioxidants increased accumulation of phenolic compounds and activity levels of oxidative enzymes (catalase, peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase) in infected plants compared to healthy plants.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:AF539C90-4B38-4BFE-B77B-5F2A5D764D7A  相似文献   


Phytophthora root rot is one of the most important diseases in almost all hydrangeas of nursery production. In this study, the efficacy of fungicides and biocontrol products against Phytophthora root rot of hydrangea was assessed in greenhouse and field experiments. Treatments used in field or greenhouse experiments were RootShield PLUS+, MBI110, IT-5103, Grotab, OxiPhos, TerraClean 5.0?+?TerraGrow program, Segovis, Pageant Intrinsic, Empress Intrinsic and Subdue Maxx. Pots/plots were inoculated with Phytophthora nicotianae grown on rice grains, sterilised rice grains were used for negative controls. After the trials, plant growth data (total plant weight, root weight, plant height, plant width) were recorded, and roots were assessed for disease severity using a scale of 0–100%. The treatments most effective in reducing Phytophthora root rot severity were Segovis, Empress Intrinsic, Subdue Maxx, TerraClean 5.0?+?TerraGrow program in both greenhouse and field experiments. This study will help nursery producers make proper management decisions by using recommended fungicides and biocontrol products of this study in a rotation or alone to manage Phytophthora root rot of hydrangea.  相似文献   

Vermicompost-based bioformulations of bacterial and fungal biocontrol agents were examined against sugarbeet root rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. The result showed that the Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Pf1 in combination with either Trichoderma asperellum strain TTH1 or Bacillus subtilis strain EPCO-16 performed better in reducing disease next to the chemical difenoconazole. Similarly, enhanced yield was observed in the same combination treatments under both pot and field conditions.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal colonisation of tomato plants by Phytophthora cryptogea was studied in rockwool nutrient culture. Root growth and the distribution and progress of infection were measured on dissected root fragments obtained from a detailed destructive sampling of the substrate. Dissected fragments of root or roots and fibres were plated on BNPRA agar, a selective Phytophthora medium. Roots colonised all parts of the rockwool substrate 60 days after planting with the exception of surface marginal and central areas of the slab which had a lower solution content. Most root biomass occurred in and immediately beneath the original growing block. The distribution of P. cryptogea closely followed the pattern of root colonisation. An alternative, novel method for root analysis involved the dissolution of the mineral fibre and its formate bonding resin by digestion in 1 m H3PO4 for 45 min. Comparative recoveries of P. cryptogea from plated fragments of dissected root and fibre or comminuted samples of acid-released or dissected root showed that the acid treatment initially reduced the number of Phytophthora colonies in block and slab roots by 67% and 61% respectively. After 28 days, colony recovery from acid-released roots in the rockwool slab increased and was between 4% and 13% lower than from other plating methods. Since 1 m H3PO4 was lethal to zoospores and surface sporangia, the colonies recovered were interpreted as originating exclusively from root lesions. Root fresh weight of healthy and inoculated plants declined during the initial period of fruit formation. P. cryptogea infection led to a progressive reduction in root weight in the growing block and main slab and 28 days after inoculation, was approximately 50% of the controls. The acid digestion of rockwool fibre is proposed as a new approach to the problem of root and pathogen analysis in this substrate.  相似文献   

Medicago sativa L. is the most important forage legume in China. Reducing production losses caused by disease is an essential aspect of maximising alfalfa production. In the current study a Fusarium semitectum isolate collected from alfalfa roots exhibiting symptoms of root rot was proven to infect alfalfa by fulfilling Koch's postulates. A bacterial strain, MB29, also collected from alfalfa roots, was evaluated as a potential biocontrol agent against F. semitectum and a range of other alfalfa pathogens using in vitro tests. It was found that MB29 reduced the mycelia growth of all the pathogens assessed, and in the case of F. semitectum by as much as 84.47%. Furthermore, in vivo test showed that MB29 reduced the severity of rot symptoms in alfalfa seedlings resulting from F. semitectum infection. Strain MB29 was subsequently classified as Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii using the Biolog MicroLog microbial identification system and sequence analysis of its 16S rDNA gene. Taken together these results indicate that B. subtilis subsp. spizizenii MB29 has great potential for the control of root rot diseases in alfalfa.  相似文献   

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