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白蜡虫寄生蜂对颜色的选择性及活动规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南省昆明市白汉场白蜡园中采用不同颜色对白蜡虫寄生蜂进行了颜色趋性实验,利用寄生蜂对颜色的趋性进行了红色、黄色、蓝色、蓝绿色、绿色、灰褐色、白色和黑色8种颜色、6:00-9:00am,9:00-12:00am,12:00am-15:00pm和15:00pm-18:00pm4个时段、寄主林树冠上部、中部、下部3个位置高度和东、南、西、北4个方位以及在阴天、雨天和晴天3种天气下的白蜡虫寄生蜂活动规律观察。结果表明,白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂(Microterys ericeri Ishii)、白蜡虫阔柄跳小蜂(Metaphycus ericeri Xu et Jiang)和中华花翅跳小蜂(Microterys sinicus Jiang)3种寄生蜂优势种对黄色有明显的趋向性,对颜色的选择性依次为黄色>蓝色>蓝绿色>绿色>白色>灰褐色>红色>黑色。在白蜡园寄主林,寄主植物中部诱集的白蜡虫寄生蜂数量最多,占52.21%;其次是下部,占39.80%;顶部最少,仅占7.99%。白蜡虫寄生蜂的活动与白蜡虫在寄主植物上的分布密切相关。白蜡虫寄生蜂在不同方向上的活动差异不显著。在一天中的不同时段里,白蜡虫寄生蜂在6:00-9:00am有一个活动高峰期,在15:00-18:00pm出现一个次高峰期。白蜡虫寄生蜂在晴天活动较活跃,在阴天和雨天活动较少。  相似文献   

不同色板对柑橘园蓟马的诱集效果及蓝板的诱捕效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对黄色、蓝色、深蓝色、白色、红色、绿色、紫色、灰色、黑色和粉红色10种不同颜色色板对柑橘园蓟马的诱集效果的比较试验表明,柑橘园蓟马对蓝色和深蓝色色板趋性最大,与其它8种颜色色板之间有着极显著差异(P<0.01)。蓝色色板对蓟马在东南西北4个不同方位中的诱捕作用研究表明,南面方位诱集的蓟马数量最多,与西、北两个方位之间有着显著差异(P<0.05)。当平均株高为220cm时,挂板高度分别为60、120、180和240cm,高度为120cm时诱集的蓟马数量最多,与其它3个高度之间存在显著差异。色板间距分别为2、3、4和5m时,结果表明间距为4m和5m时每板诱集的蓟马数量较多,与其它间距之间有着显著差异。从上午8点到下午6点每间隔2h的5个时间段中,各时间段之间没有显著差异。在蓝色色板的小区防治试验中,在挂板3、6和12d后,诱捕效果分别达到41.5%,53.9%和37.7%。  相似文献   

为探明茶黄蓟马Scirtothirips dorsalis Hood的嗜好颜色并将其用于田间监测,本试验采用RGB颜色模式,将RGB值转换成虚拟波长进行嗜好颜色量化研究,对室内和田间八种颜色进行了筛选,对嗜好颜色粘板在田间应用效果及背景色、形状和网对其影响进行了测定。结果表明:室内茶黄蓟马嗜好颜色为虚拟波长为560 nm[RGB(195,255,0)]黄绿色,显著高于对其他颜色的偏好。田间嗜好颜色也在560 nm附近,同时540 nm绿色和580 nm黄色也有较好诱捕效果。嗜好颜色粘板在田间具有良好的诱集效果,当田间拍打得到种群平均密度为6-11头/花序的较低时,粘板监测到的虫口最高达479头/板/d,并且随着平均密度增大而增加。黑色、白色和蓝色为背景色的粘板诱捕蓟马数量与对照诱捕量无显著差异。圆形色板对茶黄蓟马诱捕效果显著高于其他形状色板,立体诱板和等边三角形、正方形诱板之间对茶黄蓟马的诱捕效果均无显著差异。罩网能有效地保护非靶标生物但茶黄蓟马诱捕量下降。罩于2 mm孔径网和6 mm孔径网的色板诱捕非靶标生物量分别约为无罩网诱捕量的1.5%和15%,但诱捕茶黄蓟马数量分别约为无罩网诱捕量的10%和20%。以上结果为基于颜色的茶黄蓟马的监测和综合治理提供理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

本文通过粘虫板诱捕试验,研究了绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür)成虫在田间的活动规律.结果发现,绿盲蝽成虫主要在棉花顶部附近飞行,在高于棉花顶部20cm处诱捕到的绿盲蝽显著多于50cm和80cm处(P<0.05).在田间飞行时,绿盲蝽成虫没有明确的偏好方向,在东西南北各方位上的成虫诱捕量没有显著差异(P>0.05).在昼夜节律上,绿盲蝽成虫集中在傍晚至凌晨时分活动,其中16:00至翌日4:00之间雌雄成虫的诱捕量分别占全天的100%和92.6%.  相似文献   

油松毛虫是我国辽宁省油松林中的主要害虫,每年都有大面积的发生,给松林生存和生态建设安全造成了严重威胁。为了更好地使用性引诱剂防治,本文在辽宁省建平县通过林间诱捕试验,以油松毛虫性引诱剂为诱芯,比较了不同形状、不同颜色、不同悬挂高度的诱捕器对油松毛虫雄成虫的诱虫量。结果表明,4种形状诱捕器的诱虫量由高到低依次为:大船型诱捕器、三角型诱捕器、小船型诱捕器和桶型诱捕器;大船型与小船型和桶型的差异显著,与三角型的差异不显著。小船型与桶型的差异显著,与三角形的差异不显著。3种颜色诱捕器对油松毛虫雄成虫的诱虫量由高到低依次为:黑色诱捕器、绿色诱捕器、白色诱捕器;黑色诱捕器和白色诱捕器的诱虫量存在显著性差异;而绿色诱捕器与黑色诱捕器和白色诱捕器之间差异性不显著性。3种悬挂高度诱捕器的诱虫量由高到低依次为:悬挂高度为1.7 m的诱捕器,悬挂高度为3.1 m的诱捕器,悬挂高度为2.4 m的诱捕器;悬挂高度为1.7 m的诱捕器诱虫量与其余2种悬挂高度的诱捕器诱虫量差异性显著;悬挂高度为2.4 m的诱捕器诱虫量与悬挂高度3.1 m的诱捕器诱虫量差异性不显著。本文主要对不同诱捕器形状、颜色、悬挂高度3个因素利用正交试验方法进行了组合试验,并比较了组合诱捕器的诱虫量,得出诱虫量最大的是悬挂高度为1.7 m的绿色大船型诱捕器,建议在生产实践中推广该组合。  相似文献   

温度对稻飞虱卵寄生蜂—缨小蜂实验种群的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本根据稻飞虱卵寄生蜂——缨小蜂(稻虱缨小蜂.长管稻虱缨小蜂,担稻虱缨小蜂)实验种群的室内饲养资料,分析了温度对3种缨小蜂实验种群的影响.中测定了缨小蜂实验种群的发育起点温度和有效积温;组建了缨小蜂实验种群发育速度模型:分析了温度对缨小蜂成虫寿命.寄生量和产卵天数的作用.  相似文献   

为完善APF-Ⅰ型松墨天牛引诱剂及诱捕器的林间应用技术,本研究开展了诱捕器不同悬挂高度、不同坡位与不同设置密度诱捕松墨天牛效果的调查。结果表明:诱捕器不同悬挂高度对松墨天牛的诱捕效果影响显著,随着诱捕器布设高度的增加,松墨天牛诱捕量增多,其中4.5 m处诱捕松墨天牛效果最好,诱虫量均值为245.5头/诱捕器。诱捕器不同坡位对松墨天牛的诱捕量无显著影响,其中山顶诱捕量最多,诱虫量均值72.3头/诱捕器。诱捕器设置密度加大,总诱捕量增多,林间死树株率下降,建议每6.67 hm~2(100亩)至少设置6个诱捕器。  相似文献   

诱捕条件对红棕象甲聚集信息素田间效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliver是世界著名的严重危害棕榈植物的毁灭性入侵害虫,现已传入我国长江以南广大地区,对我国棕榈植物的安全生产造成严重威胁。本文比较了聚集信息素来源、诱捕器设置高度、颜色和类型对红棕象甲成虫诱捕效果的影响。结果表明:2种不同来源的红棕象甲聚集信息素诱捕效果无显著差异;诱捕器置于地面诱捕效果最好;红色和黑色诱捕器的诱虫量显著优于白色和黄色诱捕器;诱捕器类型对诱虫量无显著影响。本研究结果可为红棕象甲聚集信息素的监测技术提供指导。  相似文献   

本文利用引诱剂诱捕器,对香蕉假茎象甲Odoiporus longicollis (Oliver)成虫在蕉园中的活动高度、活动方向和活动节律进行研究,旨在明确该虫的田间活动规律,为其防控技术的研究与应用提供科学依据。结果表明,诱捕器的挂置高度对香蕉假茎象甲成虫的诱捕效果有一定影响,距地面160 cm的诱捕器所诱捕的成虫数量最大,而该高度是香蕉叶鞘及叶柄所处位置,说明成虫多在此处活动。而诱捕器的挂置方位对诱捕效果影响不大,挂设在东南西北四个方位的诱捕器的诱虫量差异不显著,说明香蕉假茎象甲成虫在蕉园活动时,对方向没有明显偏好。此外,在活动节律上,香蕉假茎象甲成虫多在傍晚至凌晨时分活动,16:00至翌日4:00的雌、雄虫诱虫量分别占全天雌、雄虫诱虫量的92%和96%。  相似文献   

卷蛾分索赤眼蜂雌蜂的颜色偏好性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定卷蛾分索赤眼蜂Trichogrammatoidea bactrae Nagaraja 雌蜂的颜色偏好性, 在室内通过在培养皿底部黏贴彩纸的方法测定卷蛾分索赤眼蜂雌蜂对红、 黄、 黑、 紫、 绿、 白、 蓝7种颜色的行为趋性反应。结果表明, 卷蛾分索赤眼蜂雌蜂在红、 黄、 紫、 绿和蓝5种颜色上的滞留时间都极显著地高于对照(P<0.01), 在黑和白2种颜色上的滞留时间与对照没有显著差异(P>0.05); 对黄色的首次选择率极显著高于对照(P< 0.01), 对红、 紫、 绿和蓝色的首次选择率均显著高于对照(P<0.05), 对黑色和白色的首次选择率与对照没有显著差异。当雌蜂分别在黄与红、 紫、 绿和蓝两两颜色之间选择时, 雌蜂在黄色彩纸上的滞留时间显著长于其他4种颜色。当雌蜂对红、 紫、 绿、 蓝和黄色5种颜色一起选择时, 在首次选择率、 滞留次数上5种颜色间都没有明显差异(P>0.05); 但在红色和蓝色上的滞留时间显著长于紫色(P<0.05), 在这3种颜色上的滞留时间与在黄色和绿色上的滞留时间均无显著差异(P>0.05)。卷蛾分索赤眼蜂雌蜂在7种颜色卵卡上分别与透明纸(对照)上的米蛾卵的选择寄生时, 在黄色卵卡上的寄生卵量极显著多于对照(P<0.01), 黑色卵卡上的寄生卵量极显著少于对照(P<0.01), 其他5种颜色的卵卡上的寄生卵量与对照没有显著差异(P>0.05)。结果说明, 卷蛾分索赤眼蜂雌蜂对黄色最为偏好, 其次偏好红、 紫、 绿和蓝色, 较不喜好白色和黑色。  相似文献   

The tea leafhopper, Empoasca vitis (Göthe) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is a major pest of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (Theaceae). In this study, the RGB color model was used to describe the colors of sticky traps. The most effective color for attraction of E. vitis was investigated by orthogonal optimization. The selected color was verified in tea gardens and the most effective height for positioning of color sticky traps for capturing tea leafhoppers was investigated. After the determination of the effect of the three color parameters and their interactions by orthogonal optimization, the color gold (RGB: 255, 215, 0) was selected as the most effective color to trap tea leafhoppers. In tea gardens, more leafhoppers were captured using gold sticky traps (RGB: 226, 204, 4) than using commercially available yellow sticky traps. The most effective height of gold sticky traps for trapping leafhoppers was 40–60 cm above the tea canopy. Few lady beetles were captured at this height. We conclude that the orthogonal optimization method is a convenient and efficient method to screen digitally generated colors for attracting and trapping of pests.  相似文献   

Ammonium acetate and protein hydrolysate baited and unbaited green spheres (3.6, 9.0, and 15.6 cm diameter) were evaluated for effectiveness in capturing blueberry maggot flies, Rhagoletis mendax Curran. Early in the season, baited spheres (9.0 cm diameter) captured significantly more R. mendax flies than spheres of 3.6 and 15.6 cm diameter. As the season progressed, the differences in trap captures became less pronounced among the 3.6-, 9.0-, and 15.6-cm-diameter spheres. In other experiments, the effects of trap positions and age on captures of blueberry maggot flies were assessed. Traps were positioned 15 cm above the bush canopy, 15 cm inside the canopy (from top of the bush), and 45 cm from the ground. Traps placed within the canopy captured 2.5 and 1.5 times as many flies compared with traps placed above the canopy and 45 cm from the ground, respectively. When sticky yellow Pherocon AM boards and green sphere traps were allowed to age in field cages, freshly baited (0 d) yellow sticky boards captured significantly more blueberry maggot flies than boards aged for 11, 28, and 40 d, respectively. No significant differences were observed among boards aged for 11, 28, and 40 d. However, when baited 9-cm sticky spheres were aged in field cages, there were no significant differences between freshly baited spheres and spheres aged for 11 and 28 d, respectively. Spheres aged for 40 d differed significantly from freshly baited ones. The study demonstrated that the baited 9-cm-diameter sphere was more effective in capturing blueberry maggot flies than spheres of 3.6 and 15.6 cm diameter. When this trap is deployed in the center of the bush canopy approximately 15 cm from the top of the bush, it is attractive and accessible to R. mendax flies. The data also indicated that a baited 9-cm sphere has a longer effective life span than Pherocon AM boards when deployed under the same field conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of five differently-colored sticky traps in capturing adult Diaphorina citri were evaluated in citrus orchards. Trap catches of D. citri were monitored fortnightly on blue, green, red, white and yellow sticky cards placed on three citrus varieties during D. citri active flight period from April to July in south Texas. Evaluation of mean trap catches of each color by repeated measures analysis of variance produced three separate groups: yellow traps caught significantly more D. citri adults than the other four traps; red and green traps caught significantly more D. citri than blue and white traps, which were not significantly different. Although the number of adult psyllid captured on all trap types significantly increased with time during the trapping period, the performance of traps did not change with time. Trap catches were also significantly influenced by the citrus species; traps placed on lemon trees captured more D. citri than those placed on sweet orange and grapefruit, suggesting that plant preference exhibited by D. citri may influence the performance of traps. The ratio of trap reflectance between the 680 to 700 nm and the 450 nm was significantly correlated with total trap catches in all host species studied. Thus, this index was a good indicator of the attractiveness of adult D. citri to colored traps. Additionally, we compared the reflectance values of young versus mature flush shoots of the three host plants used in this study as related to densities of D. citri recorded in colored traps. We discussed the importance of visual cues in the host finding behavior of adult D. citri.  相似文献   

Potential of yellow sticky traps for lady beetle survey in cotton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 2-yr study was conducted to investigate the potential of using yellow sticky traps to survey lady beetles in cotton and to quantify seasonal activity patterns. The performance of sticky traps was compared with that of a 2-cycle vacuum sampler. The most common lady beetle species captured by sticky traps and vacuum sampler in cotton were Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville and Scymnus loewii Mulsant. Sticky traps captured significantly more of both species of lady beetles, had greater capture efficiency, and more effectively detected lady beetles compared with the vacuum sampler. These data indicate that the sticky trap can be a valuable tool in monitoring lady beetle populations in cotton. In the second part of this study, a year-round survey of lady beetle populations in the periphery of a cotton farm using sticky traps showed that lady beetles remained active throughout the year in the Texas Rolling Plains, but the activity was influenced by winter severity. Over a 2-yr period, H. convergens, S. loewii, Coccinella septempunctata (L.), and Olla v-nigrum (Mulsant) comprised 89.6, 8.2, 1.9, and 0.3% of the specimens, respectively. Sticky trap captures were affected by year, trap height, and cropping season. Traps placed at 0.75 m above ground captured significantly more (80%) lady beetles than traps placed at 1.50 m (20%) above ground; traps at 0.75 m above ground also detected the rarer species while the traps at 1.50 m above ground detected only the abundant species. Trap captures were higher during the noncotton season (November to April) compared with the cotton season (May to October). A significant positive correlation between cotton aphid abundance during the growing season and H. convergens abundance during the following noncotton season was also detected, indicating a significant movement of H. convergens from cotton to the periphery of the farm to seek refuge after cotton termination.  相似文献   

Sticky yellow rectangle traps have been used for many years to capture Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) fruit flies. Traditional sticky yellow traps are coated with a sticky gel (SG) that can leave residues on the hands of users. An alternative to SG on traps are hot melt pressure sensitive adhesives (HMPSAs), which are less messy. The main objective here was to evaluate two rectangle traps of two yellow colors, the Alpha Scents Yellow Card coated with HMPSA (Alpha Scents, West Linn, OR), and the Pherocon AM trap coated with SG (Pherocon; Trécé, Adair, OK), for capturing western cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran. Flies captured on both traps and held in the laboratory and field did not escape their surfaces. Flies caught on HMPSA were damaged when removed from traps without citrus solvent, whereas flies caught on SG could be removed intact without solvent. In field tests, Alpha Scents traps baited with an ammonium bicarbonate lure captured 1.4-2.2 times more R. indifferens than Pherocon traps baited with the same lure. Results of an experiment that eliminated differences in surface sticky material type, overall size, and surface sticky area between Alpha Scents and Pherocon traps suggested, although did not show conclusively, that more flies were caught on the Alpha Scents than Pherocon traps because of their different yellow color and/or lower fluorescence and not the HMPSA. Overall, the Alpha Scents trap is a viable alternative to the Pherocon trap for detecting R. indifferens.  相似文献   

The test on the preference of Thrips palmi to eight color sticky cards was carried out in an eggplant field. The thrip had the strongest preference to blue sticky card (P<0.01), and its preference order to the other 7 color cards was as follows: blue, turguoise, yellow, deep blue, green, orange, red and black. Results on the trapping effect of blue sticky card from east, south, west and north directions show that most thrips were trapped from the north,which existed a significant difference with those from the other three directions (P<0.05). Five blue sticky cards were set up at the heights of 73.9,101.7,129.5,157.3 and 185.1 cm above the ground to trap thrips, when the average height of eggplant was approximately 70 cm. More thrips were trapped of 73.9 and 101.7 cm height, which existed significant difference with those at the other three heights. During 5 continuous 3 hour spans from 5 am to 8 pm, the numbers of female, male and total adult thrips trapped were not significantly different.  相似文献   

Populations of several thrips species were estimated using yellow sticky traps in an orchard planted with mango, Mangifera indica L. during the dry and wet seasons beginning in late 2008-2009 on Penang Island, Malaysia. To determine the efficacy of using sticky traps to monitor thrips populations, we compared weekly population estimates on yellow sticky traps with thrips population sizes that were determined (using a CO(2) method) directly from mango panicles. Dispersal distance and direction of thrips movement out of the orchard also were studied using yellow sticky traps placed at three distances from the edge of the orchard in four cardinal directions facing into the orchard. The number of thrips associated with the mango panicles was found to be correlated with the number of thrips collected using the sticky trap method. The number of thrips captured by the traps decreased with increasing distance from the mango orchard in all directions. Density of thrips leaving the orchard was related to the surrounding vegetation. Our results demonstrate that sticky traps have the potential to satisfactorily estimate thrips populations in mango orchards and thus they can be effectively employed as a useful tactic for sampling thrips.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of yellow sticky traps as an alternative sampling technique for striped, Acalymma vittatum (F.), and spotted, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber, cucumber beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the diurnal beetle activity on muskmelon, Cucumis melo L., near Vincennes, IN, in 2003 and 2004. The experimental design included six replications of seven 20-m-long rows each of muskmelon with 1.5 m between rows. On each sampling date, two yellow sticky traps were placed randomly between rows in each replication. One sticky trap was placed vertically with the lower edge even with the top of the canopy, whereas the other trap was placed horizontally, even with the top of the canopy. After traps were placed in the field, number of beetles on plants was counted in situ from 0800 to 1600 hours at 2-h intervals the next day. After 48 h in the field, the number of cucumber beetles adhering on traps was counted. Analyses of variance and Tukey's multiple comparison procedure were used to compare the densities of beetles among sampling times, and regression analyses were applied to correlate the numbers of beetles on traps and the numbers of in situ counts. Results show that both species of cucumber beetles were most active from 1200 to 1400 hours, and 20 beetles on the vertically positioned sticky trap were equivalent to one beetle per plant in the field. The application of the sampling technique and scouting time for cucumber beetle management are discussed.  相似文献   

Pheromone traps can be used to monitor for adult western bean cutworms, Striacosta albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and for the timing of field scouting. Understanding the effect that different trapping techniques have on adult captures could help corn (Zea mays L.) producers make better pest management decisions. Several approaches to trapping adults were evaluated in 2005 and 2006 by using two different pheromone traps (sticky wing and jug traps) in two different environments (corn or corn/soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] at three different heights (0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 m). There was no significant difference in the trap catches by trap type in either 2005 or 2006. There were significantly more adults captured in traps placed between two cornfields than traps placed between corn/soybean fields during both years. Trap height also was significant, with the traps at 1.2 and 1.8 m catching more moths than traps at 0.6 m during both years. These results show that trapping techniques do affect trap catches and that either trap type placed between two cornfields at either 1.2 or 1.8 m above the ground will maximize trap catches.  相似文献   

Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, are an economic pest of alliums worldwide. In Ontario onion-growing regions, seasonal abundance and population trends of onion thrips are not well known. The objectives of this research were to investigate onion thrips population dynamics by using both white sticky traps and plant counts, to gain insight into flight height, and to determine the genus and sex of thrips fauna present in monitored fields. Adult thrips were captured on white sticky traps placed in two commercial onion fields in the Thedford-Grand Bend Marsh region as early as mid-May in 2001, 2002, and 2003. Thrips were not recorded on onion plants in these fields until late June and early July. A comparison of sticky trap captures to plant counts revealed a strong, positive correlation, indicating that sticky traps, which consistently detected thrips earlier than plant counts, could be used instead of plant counts early in the season to monitor onion thrips populations. Pole traps placed in onion and an adjacent soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., field revealed that regardless of crop type, most thrips were captured 0.7-0.95 m above the soil surface. During this study, 70% of 137,000 thrips captured on sticky traps and 89% of 1,482 thrips captured in pan traps were female onion thrips. No male onion thrips were identified in this study: most of the remaining thrips were Frankliniella spp.  相似文献   

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