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Synopsis A comparison of a suite of morphometric measurements and meristic counts of individuals of two landlocked lacustrine and two diadromous riverine populations of Galaxias truttaceus was carried out utilising both univariate and canonical variate analyses. Lacustrine fish had fewer dorsal and anal fin rays than did riverine fish. Differences were not as clear for gill rakers and vertebrae. Comparisons of serial counts were made with two derived lacustrine species, G. auratus and G. tanycephalus, also from Tasmania. Lacustrine G. truttaceus varied in the same direction as the derived species, relative to riverine G. truttaceus. From an analysis of 12 body measurements, the first canonical variate clearly separated lacustrine fish from riverine fish largely based on measurements associated with fins (pre-anal fin length, length of anal base, pre-dorsal fin length, maximum length of dorsal fin and inter-orbital width). An overall value for the correct classification of fish into groups based on locality was 84%. The percentage of fish classified into the wrong habitat (lake or stream) was much less than the percentage classified between localities within habitats. Overall morphological variation was greater between than within habitats. It is suggested that the differences in water movement and food type may in part account for the differences shown and that selective pressures peculiar to the lacustrine environment may be causing the lake populations to diverge from the riverine populations.  相似文献   

Morphometric data collected from 118 male and 169 female savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) aged between birth and 5.5 years were analyzed to describe the morphology and physical growth of this species. Measurements included weight, crown-rump length, triceps circumference, and skinfolds at the neck, subscapular, suprailiac, and triceps anatomical sites. Principal components analyses were applied to the data to provide multivariate assessments of morphological patterning among the variables. These analyses resulted in the extraction of two unrotated orthogonal components that accounted for 88% of the overall sample variation. The first component accounted for 77% of the variation and represents an axis of overall body size. The second component represents an axis of shape variation that contrasts body size with fat patterning, and was interpreted as a measure of body leanness. Individual component scores were computed for determining age, gender, and age-by-gender interaction effects. Both components were found to be age dependent for both genders. Males and females shared similar age patterning along the two components; however, gender differences did occur in patterning along the two components; however, gender differences did occur in respect to leanness. The multivariate measure of overall body size increased for both genders similarly with advancing age. Age patterning along the leanness component was described as a decrease from birth to 1 year, followed by an increase in leanness in older ages. Females had a delayed and significantly less intense increase in leanness relative to males.  相似文献   

Life-history theory suggests that optimal timing of metamorphosis should depend on growth conditions and time constraints under which individuals develop. Current models cannot make reliable predictions for species in ephemeral habitats where individuals often face an increasing mortality risk over time because these models assume time-invariant mortality rates (i.e., daily mortality rates remain constant) and fixed seasons. We examined the plasticity of growth, development, and body mass at metamorphosis in tadpoles of the tree-hole breeding frog Phrynobatrachus guineensis in relation to an unpredictable time constraint in the field and in controlled experiments along a fixed density and food gradient. Mean mass and age at metamorphosis of sibships were positively correlated with per capita food level. Based on our results, we developed a simple model of the optimal timing of metamorphosis under time-dependent mortality rates showing that development rates are not only adjusted to growth conditions but also to time-variant mortality rates. The increasing mortality rate represents a time constraint that favors a reduced larval period, but because it is based on probabilities of survival it allows a trade-off between development time and mass. We extend this model to different types of time constraints and show that it can predict the range of documented reaction norms. Differences between species in␣the correlation of age and mass at metamorphosis may have evolved due to differences in their time-variant mortality rates.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to (1) document changes in partial, reverse diel vertical migrations (DVM) patterns of cisco Coregonus artedi in Ten Mile Lake, MN, U.S.A., throughout the year and (2) evaluate the mechanisms that may cause shifts in migration behaviour. Results indicated that C. artedi vertical distributions remained deep in the water column during the day and night of the spring and autumn, which was related to a low risk, low reward strategy. During summer, a partial migration occurred where a portion of the population remained deeper according to the low risk, low reward strategy, while the other portion performed a more extensive high risk, high reward reverse DVM. In winter, C. artedi did not migrate because there were only low risk, low reward conditions present at all depths. The extensive partial, reverse DVM during summer probably increased the growth potential of C. artedi, helping individuals survive in a lake with low zooplankton prey resources.  相似文献   

Synopsis The bloater, Coregonus hoyi, deposits its eggs on deep sediments (70–100 m in Lake Michigan), where its eggs and embryos can be exposed to epibenthic predators. We investigated the vulnerability of early life intervals of bloaters to predation by mysids, Mysis relicta, which are mostly epibenthic by day and planktonic at night. Bloaters were raised from spawn in the laboratory and presented to field-collected mysids in laboratory predation trials. Eggs were not ingested by the mysids. Embryonic bloaters were vulnerable to predation by mysids only during the interval between hatching and swim up, usually 1–24 h under laboratory conditions. The mysids required about a day of exposure to this novel prey before they were able to kill significant numbers of the bloater embryos by making successive attacks with their thoracic legs. In experiments with experienced (2 and 3 days with bloater embryos) mysids, a functional response between embryo density and mysid predation rates was apparent. Temperature and the presence of alternative prey (zooplankton) did not alter the ‘kill rate’ (about 2.5 embryos mysid-1d-1) of experienced mysids at high bloater densities (>4 bloaters/mysid). However, more embryos were partially, rather than completely, ingested at 4 versus 9° C and in the presence of zooplankton.  相似文献   

Synopsis Recent sampling programs conducted in the estuaries of the Eastmain and La Grande rivers (James Bay) and the Great Whale, Little Whale, Innuksuac and Povungnituk rivers (Hudson Bay) revealed patterns of coregonine fish distribution that differ from previous observations. The relative abundance of cisco, Coregonus artedii, and lake whitefish, C. clupeaformis, varied among rivers but did not reveal a latitudinal cline. Previous sampling programs underestimated the abundance of cisco in the Little Whale River. In addition, cisco was the third most abundant species captured in the Povungnituk River, situated 200 km to the north of the previously proposed northern limit at Innuksuac River. As such, the low abundances of cisco in the Great Whale and Innuksuac rivers cannot be attributed to a physiological inability to cope with a reduced growing season. Immature cisco were almost totally absent from the estuaries of the Hudson Bay rivers following spring breakup whereas immature lake whitefish made up 100% of the catch in the Innuksuac River at the same time of year. Species-specific migration patterns in Hudson Bay that differ from those observed in James Bay and the existence of unique juvenile overwintering rivers are 2 hypotheses proposed to explain the discontinuous age-class distribution of cisco and lake whitefish observed in Hudson Bay.Contribution to the program of GIROQ (Groupe Interuniversitaire de Recherche Océanographique du Québec).  相似文献   

Starvation resistance is an important trait related to survival in many species and often involves dramatic changes in physiology and homeostasis. The tropical African butterfly Bicyclus anynana lives in two seasonal environments and has evolved phenotypic plasticity. The contrasting demands of the favourable, wet season and the harsh, dry season have shaped a remarkable life history, which makes this species particularly interesting for investigating the relationship between starvation resistance, metabolism, and its environmental modulation. This study reports on two laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of pre-adult and adult temperatures that mimic the seasonal environments, on starvation resistance and resting metabolic rate (RMR) in adult B. anynana. In addition, we investigate starvation resistance in wet and dry seasonal form genotypes; artificial selection on eyespot size has yielded lines that only produce one or the other of the seasonal forms across all rearing environments. As expected, the results show a large effect of adult temperature. More relevant, we show here that both pre-adult temperature and genetic background also influence adult starvation resistance, showing that phenotypic plasticity in this species includes starvation resistance. The dry season form genotype has a higher starvation resistance when developed at dry season temperatures, indicating a genetic modulation of starvation resistance in relation to temperature. Paradoxically, dry season pre-adult temperatures reduce starvation resistance and raise RMR. The high overall association of RMR and starvation resistance in our experiments suggests that energy expenditure and survival are linked, but that they may counteract each other in their influence on fitness in the dry season. We hypothesize that metabolism is moderating a trade-off between pre-adult (larval) survival and adult survival in the dry season.  相似文献   

Synopsis Examination of more than 2,000 alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus) and blueback herring (A. aestivalis) from various areas in the Saint John River, N.B., showed differences in their morphometric and meristic characters. They differed also in length and age, compositions, spawning time, length and age at maturity, back-calculated lengths, and growth parameters. Within each species, between-area comparisons showed significant differences in some of their meristic characteristics.To test a homing hypothesis for alewives, a multivariate analysis was performed on eight meristic characters. Two discriminant function programs, discriminant analysis for two groups and a multiple group stepwise discriminant analyses were used. Values of the generalized Mahalanobis D2 and percent overlap in frequency distributions of meristic characters suggest that considerable straying of fish, especially between adjacent areas occurs during upstream spawning migration.This article is one of several papers presented at the Second European Ichthyological Congress, Paris, 8–15 September 1976, to be published in Environmental Biology of Fishes.  相似文献   

Hassall M  Helden A  Benton T 《Oecologia》2003,137(1):85-89
The hypothesis that the balance of trade-offs between survivorship, growth and reproductive allocation in the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare will change when resource input is increased has been investigated experimentally. When the quality of food available was increased, by adding a mixture of litter from herbaceous dicotyledonous plants to a background low-quality food of dead grasses, survivorship was found to be the most phenotypically plastic trait, increasing by 168%. Growth rates increased by 99% but reproductive allocation by only 21%. In the field, members of a population from a site with more high-quality food grew more than twice as fast as those from a site where less high-quality food was available. The population from the site with higher food availability, contrary to predictions from the laboratory study, did not survive as well as that from the site with less available high-quality food. This may be because the site that is more favourable for growth has a more stressful physical environment due to much bigger temperature fluctuations, which are known to be an important cause of mortality in this species. When individuals from both populations were reared under controlled laboratory conditions, both the parental and F1 generations from the poor growth environment survived better than those from the good growth habitat. However, even when given an excess of high-quality food those from the poor growth environment continued to grow more slowly and had a lower reproductive allocation than those from the site with higher food availability. We conclude that microevolutionary changes may have occurred in the balance of resource allocation between survivorship, growth and reproductive allocation, to favour higher survivorship during the longer prereproductive period at the site where growth to the threshold size for reproduction takes longer.  相似文献   

Life history traits within species often vary among different habitats. We measured female fecundity in mollies (Poecilia mexicana) from a H2S-rich cave and from a neighbouring surface habitat, as well as in laboratory-reared individuals of both populations raised in either light or continuous darkness. Compared to conspecifics from surface habitats, cave-dwelling P. mexicana had reduced fecundity (adjusted for size) in the field. In the laboratory, the fecundity of surface mollies was higher in light than in darkness, whereas fecundity in the cave mollies was almost unaffected by the ambient light conditions. Our results suggest a heritable component to the reduction in fecundity in female cave mollies. Moreover, the reduced plasticity in fecundity of cave mollies in response to light conditions might be an example of genetic assimilation or channelling of a life history trait in a population invading a new environment.  相似文献   

The microsporidium Octosporea bayeri can infect its host, the planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna, vertically and horizontally. The two routes differ greatly in the way the parasite leaves the harbouring host (transmission) and in the way it enters a new, susceptible host (infection). Infections resulting from each route may thus vary in the way they affect host and parasite life-histories and, subsequently, host and parasite fitness. We conducted a life-table experiment to compare D. magna infected with O. bayeri either horizontally or vertically, using three different parasite isolates. Both the infection route and the parasite isolate had significant effects on host life-history. Hosts matured at different ages depending on the parasite isolate, and at a size that varied with infection route. The frequency of host sterility and the host's life-time reproductive success were affected by both the infection route and the parasite isolate. The infection route also affected parasite life-history. The production of parasite spores was much higher in vertically than in horizontally infected hosts. We found a trade-off between the production of spores (the parasite's horizontal fitness component) and the production of infected host offspring (the parasite's vertical fitness component). This study shows that hosts and parasites can react plastically to different routes of infection, suggesting that ecological factors that may influence the relative importance of horizontal and vertical transmission can shape the evolution of host and parasite life histories, and, consequently, the evolution of virulence.  相似文献   

A large sample of hip bones of known sex coming from one modern population is studied morphologically and by multivariate analysis to investigate sexual dimorphism patterns. A principal component analysis of raw data shows that a large amount of the hip bone sexual dimorphism is accounted for by size differences, but that sex-linked shape variation is also very conspicuous and cannot be considered an allometric consequence of differences in body size between the sexes. The PCA of transformed (“shape”) variables indicates that the female hip bones are different in those traits associated with a relatively larger pelvic inlet (longer pubic bones, a greater degree of curvature of the iliopectineal line, and a more posterior position of the auricular surface), as well as a broader sciatic notch. The analysis of nonmetric traits also shows marked sexual dimorphism in the position of the sacroiliac joint in the iliac bone, in the shape of the sciatic notch, in pubic morphology, and in the presence of the pre-auricular sulcus in females. When the australopithecine AL 288-1 and Sts 14 hip bones are included in the multivariate analysis, they appear as “ultra-females.” In particular these early hominids exhibit extraordinarily long pubic bones and iliopectineal lines, which cannot be explained by allometry. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence that natural selection can favour phenotypic plasticity as a mechanism to maximize fitness in animals. Here, we aim to investigate phenotypic plasticity of a cooperative trait in bacteria – the production of an iron‐scavenging molecule (pyoverdin) by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pyoverdin production is metabolically costly to the individual cell, but provides a benefit to the local group and can potentially be exploited by nonpyoverdin‐producing cheats. Here, we subject bacteria to changes in the social environment in media with different iron availabilities and test whether cells can adjust pyoverdin production in response to these changes. We found that pyoverdin production per cell significantly decreased at higher cell densities and increased in the presence of cheats. This phenotypic plasticity significantly influenced the costs and benefits of cooperation. Specifically, the investment of resources into pyoverdin production was reduced in iron‐rich environments and at high cell densities, but increased under iron limitation, and when pyoverdin was exploited by cheats. Our study demonstrates that phenotypic plasticity in a cooperative trait as a response to changes in the environment occurs in even the simplest of organisms, a bacterium.  相似文献   

Population density is an ecological variable that is hypothesized to be a major agent of selection on offspring size. In high-density populations, high levels of intraspecific competition are expected to favor the production of larger offspring. In contrast, lower levels of intraspecific competition and selection for large offspring should be weaker and more easily overridden by direct selection for increased fecundity in low-density populations. Some studies have found associations between population density and offspring size consistent with this hypothesis. However, their interpretations are often clouded by a number of issues. Here, we use data from a 10-year study of nine populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, to describe the associations of offspring size with habitat type, population density, and predation risk. We found that females from spring populations generally produced larger offspring than females from ponds; however, the magnitude of this difference varied among years. Across all populations, larger offspring were associated with higher densities and lower risks of predation. Interestingly, the associations between the two ecological variables (density and predation risk) and offspring size were largely independent of one another. Our results suggest that previously described genetic differences in offspring size are due to density-dependent natural selection.  相似文献   

The community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was investigated in roots of four different plant species (Inula salicina, Medicago sativa, Origanum vulgare, and Bromus erectus) sampled in (1) a plant species-rich calcareous grassland, (2) a bait plant bioassay conducted directly in that grassland, and (3) a greenhouse trap experiment using soil and a transplanted whole plant from that grassland as inoculum. Roots were analyzed by AMF-specific nested polymerase chain reaction, restriction fragment length polymorphism screening, and sequence analyses of rDNA small subunit and internal transcribed spacer regions. The AMF sequences were analyzed phylogenetically and used to define monophyletic phylotypes. Overall, 16 phylotypes from several lineages of AMF were detected. The community composition was strongly influenced by the experimental approach, with additional influence of cultivation duration, substrate, and host plant species in some experiments. Some fungal phylotypes, e.g., GLOM-A3 (Glomus mosseae) and several members of Glomus group B, appeared predominantly in the greenhouse experiment or in bait plants. Thus, these phylotypes can be considered r strategists, rapidly colonizing uncolonized ruderal habitats in early successional stages of the fungal community. In the greenhouse experiment, for instance, G. mosseae was abundant after 3 months, but could not be detected anymore after 10 months. In contrast, other phylotypes as GLOM-A17 (G. badium) and GLOM-A16 were detected almost exclusively in roots sampled from plants naturally growing in the grassland or from bait plants exposed in the field, indicating that they preferentially occur in late successional stages of fungal communities and thus represent the K strategy. The only phylotype found with high frequency in all three experimental approaches was GLOM A-1 (G. intraradices), which is known to be a generalist. These results indicate that, in greenhouse trap experiments, it is difficult to establish a root-colonizing AMF community reflecting the diversity of these fungi in the field roots because fungal succession in such artificial systems may bias the results. However, the field bait plant approach might be a convenient way to study the influence of different environmental factors on AMF community composition directly under the field conditions. For a better understanding of the dynamics of AMF communities, it will be necessary to classify AMF phylotypes and species according to their life history strategies.  相似文献   

Population size structure and maximum size of managed sportfish populations are dictated by abiotic, biotic, ecosystem, and anthropogenic influences. In their native ranges of northern Wisconsin, muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) and cisco (Coregonus artedi) are co-adapted cool- and cold-water species where cisco presence may influence population size structure and maximum size of muskellunge. We tested whether muskellunge size structure indices (length-frequency distributions, proportional size distribution), mean length, and mean maximum length of muskellunge differed when cisco were present or absent in Ceded Territory of Wisconsin (CTWI) lakes during 2015–2018. Cisco presence had a positive influence on size structure and mean length of individual muskellunge within populations. In contrast, cisco presence had no influence on the mean maximum length of muskellunge observed in CTWI populations suggesting that other factors may be better predictors of this metric than cisco presence. In cisco lakes, mean muskellunge length was negatively correlated with mean cisco length suggesting that gape limitation may be a factor influencing population size structure and individual growth rates. Therefore, cisco populations with primarily large individuals may be unavailable to muskellunge as forage. Our results suggest that cisco are an important forage species for some aspects of muskellunge population ecology; however, other factors may also contribute to muskellunge population size structure and maximum size outcomes. As such, conservation of remaining cisco populations in Wisconsin is critical because they influence muskellunge population ecology in lakes where the species coexist. Future research is needed to better understand the interactions of cisco, abiotic and biotic factors, and anthropogenic influences on muskellunge growth dynamics.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the capability of a genotype to produce different phenotypes in different environments. Previous studies have indicated phenotypic variability in asexual, male, and female reproduction in Botryllus schlosseri, a hermaphroditic, colonial ascidian, but not explicitly tested for genotype by environment interactions that indicate genetic variation in plastic responses. Consequently, clones derived from an estuarine population were deployed at their native site and a warmer, higher productivity site 10 km up-river. Male reproduction was assayed by testis size, female reproduction by the number of eggs produced, and asexual reproduction by colony growth rate. To test for ontogenetic effects, data were collected from two different generations of zooids born in the field. Analyses of variance indicated plasticity in asexual and female reproduction during the first zooid generation and plasticity in all three traits during the third zooid generation. Reaction norms varied significantly among genotypes in direction and magnitude for asexual reproduction at both times, implying that selection on asexual reproduction is weak. Sperm production during the third zooid generation was significantly lower at the nonnative site, but there was no genotype by environment interaction. The reaction norms for female reproduction varied significantly among genotypes in direction and magnitude during the first zooid generation, but only varied in magnitude during the third generation, with egg production being higher in all genotypes at the nonnative site. Comparisons of weighted frequency distributions between sites demonstrated that differences in egg production in the third generation were due to increases in the proportion of reproductive zooids within a colony. The greater emphasis on female reproduction at a site associated with higher food availability and temperature, and the greater emphasis on male reproduction at a colder, food-limited site, supports predictions from sex allocation theory.  相似文献   

  • 1 Seasonal polyphenism is studied in a community of five African butterflies of the genus Bicyclus at the transition between a wet and a dry season from May to July.
  • 2 Butterflies characterized by large eyespots and, especially in B.sufitza (Hewitson), a pale band (the wet season form) are replaced over this period by butterflies lacking conspicuous wing markings (the dry season form, dsf). The latter butterflies also tend to be larger, but more variable in size. Butterflies of an intermediate phenotype are recruited over a comparatively short interim period.
  • 3 This turnover coincides with a period of declining temperature and drying of the habitat, including the grasses on which larvae feed. Butterflies are progressively more likely to rest on brown leaf litter rather than on green herbage.
  • 4 A relationship with temperature is supported by laboratory experiments with B.saJitza and B.anynana (Butler) showing that increasingly extreme dsf butterflies develop with decreasing rearing temperature in the final larval instar.
  • 5 Some differences in behaviour and activity were observed between the seasonal forms. Butterflies of the dsf develop ovarian dormancy and fat bodies. They can survive to reproduce at the beginning of the rains in November.
  • 6 Capture-recapture experiments showed that the adult butterflies have a comparatively long life expectancy and are quite sedentary.
  • 7 The results are discussed in relation to a hypothesis linking the polyphenism to seasonal changes in resting background and selection for crypsis.

An individual's or a population's fitness is the result of a large number of interacting life history traits and the environment. Little information is available on the phenotypic correlations among fitness components and fitness itself, especially outside of Drosophila melanogaster. We also lack detailed information on trade-offs among life history traits. Here we present the relationship between adult progeny production and eight components of fitness, as well as some observed trade-offs between life history traits in the housefly (Musca domestica). We briefly discuss some of the ramifications of these relationships.  相似文献   

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