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Adhesion between the tendon and tendon sheath after primary flexor tendon repair is seen frequently, and postoperative finger function is occasionally unsatisfactory. A reduction of the friction may facilitate tendon mobilization, which in turn may reduce the risk of the adhesion and restriction of range of motion. We considered the possibility of utilizing the hyaluronic acid (HA) as a lubricant. To evaluate the effect of HA, the gliding resistance between the canine flexor digitorum profundus tendon repaired by a modified Kessler suture technique with running epitendinous suture and the annular pulley located on the proximal phalanx (corresponding to the A2 pulley in humans) was evaluated and compared before and after administration of HA. The HA solution measurement groups were identified as follows; intact tendon as a control; repaired tendon; tendon soaked in 0.1, 1, and 10 mg/ml HA. The resistance increased after repairing, then it decreased after soaking in 10 mg/ml HA solution. The results of this study revealed that HA diminishes the excursion resistance after flexor tendon repair. We believe that some style of administration of the HA might reduce the excursion resistance and prevent adhesion until the synovial surface is fully developed.  相似文献   

A numerical optimization procedure was used to determine finger positions that minimize and maximize finger tendon and joint force objective functions during piano play. A biomechanical finger model for sagittal plane motion, based on finger anatomy, was used to investigate finger tendon tensions and joint reaction forces for finger positions used in playing the piano. For commonly used piano key strike positions, flexor and intrinsic muscle tendon tensions ranged from 0.7 to 3.2 times the fingertip key strike force, while resultant inter-joint compressive forces ranged from 2 to 7 times the magnitude of the fingertip force. In general, use of a curved finger position, with a large metacarpophalangeal joint flexion angle and a small proximal interphalangeal joint flexion angle, reduces flexor tendon tension and resultant finger joint force.  相似文献   

A method was developed to indirectly measure friction between the flexor tendons and pulleys of the middle and ring finger in vivo. An isokinetic movement device to determine maximum force of wrist flexion, interphalangeal joint flexion (rolling in and out) and isolated proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint flexion was built. Eccentric and concentric maximum force of these three different movements where gliding of the flexor tendon sheath was involved differently (least in wrist flexion) was measured and compared. Fifty-one hands in 26 male subjects were evaluated. The greatest difference between eccentric and concentric maximum force (29.9%) was found in flexion of the PIP joint. Differences in the rolling in and out movement (26.8%) and in wrist flexion (14.5%) were significantly smaller. The force of friction between flexor tendons and pulleys can be determined by the greater difference between eccentric and concentric maximum force provided by the same muscles in overcoming an external force during flexion of the interphalangeal joints and suggests the presence of a non-muscular force, such as friction. It constitutes of 9% of the eccentric flexion force in the PIP joint and therefore questions the low friction hypothesis at high loads.  相似文献   

Trigger finger has long been a common disorder in hand orthopedics. To clarify the unknown causative factors regarding the disease, numerous experiments were done on human cadavers, including tendon forces, tendon moment arm, mechanical properties of the pulley, gliding resistance, etc. However, most of these studies were conducted on normal fingers. As the etiology of trigger finger is still controversial on whether it is an outcome of tendon nodule or pulley scarring, in this study, a trigger finger model was built combining both the nodule created by silicone gel injection and pulley constriction by external compression. Indentation and gliding resistance tests were performed on cadaveric specimens to verify the model. Results showed that after silicone gel injection into the tendon, a significant increase in thickness was found. In addition, no significant difference was found in the toe region compressive modulus of the tendon after injection. Moreover, maximum, drop of gliding resistance and work of extension were all found to be significantly larger as the severity of triggering increased. Our results indicated we have developed a feasible cadaver model simulating trigger finger nodule which could be utilized for further experiments to elucidate other causative factors and biomechanical features of trigger finger in the future.  相似文献   

The human finger contains tendon/ligament mechanisms essential for proper control. One mechanism couples the movements of the interphalangeal joints when the (unloaded) finger is flexed with active deep flexor. This study’s aim was to accurately determine in a large finger sample the kinematics and variability of the coupled interphalangeal joint motions, for potential clinical and finger model validation applications. The data could also be applied to humanoid robotic hands. Sixty-eight fingers were measured in seventeen hands in nine subjects. Fingers exhibited great joint mobility variability, with passive proximal interphalangeal hyperextension ranging from zero to almost fifty degrees. Increased measurement accuracy was obtained by using marker frames to amplify finger segment motions. Gravitational forces on the marker frames were not found to invalidate measurements. The recorded interphalangeal joint trajectories were highly consistent, demonstrating the underlying coupling mechanism. The increased accuracy and large sample size allowed for evaluation of detailed trajectory variability, systematic differences between flexion and extension trajectories, and three trigger types, distinct from flexor tendon triggers, involving initial flexion deficits in either proximal or distal interphalangeal joint. The experimental methods, data and analysis should advance insight into normal and pathological finger biomechanics (e.g., swanneck deformities), and could help improve clinical differential diagnostics of trigger finger causes. The marker frame measuring method may be useful to quantify interphalangeal joints trajectories in surgical/rehabilitative outcome studies. The data as a whole provide the most comprehensive collection of interphalangeal joint trajectories for clinical reference and model validation known to us to date.  相似文献   

In the human hand, independent movement control of individual fingers is limited. One potential cause for this is mechanical connections between the tendons and muscle bellies corresponding to the different fingers. The aim of this study was to determine the tendon displacement of the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) of both the instructed and the neighboring, non-instructed fingers during single finger flexion movements. In nine healthy subjects (age 22–29 years), instructed and non-instructed FDS finger tendon displacement of the index, middle and ring finger was measured using 2D ultrasound analyzed with speckle tracking software in two conditions: active flexion of all finger joints with all fingers free to move and active flexion while the non-instructed fingers were restricted. Our results of the free movement protocol showed an average tendon displacement of 27 mm for index finger flexion, 21 mm for middle finger flexion and 17 mm for ring finger flexion. Displacements of the non-instructed finger tendons (≈12 mm) were higher than expected based of the amount of non-instructed finger movement. In the restricted protocol, we found that, despite minimal joint movements, substantial non-instructed finger tendon displacement (≈9 mm) was still observed, which was interpreted as a result of tendon strain. When this strain component was subtracted from the tendon displacement of the non-instructed fingers during the free movement condition, the relationship between finger movement and tendon displacement of the instructed and non-instructed finger became comparable. Thus, when studying non-instructed finger tendon displacement it is important to take tendon strain into consideration.  相似文献   

Rock climbers are often using the unique crimp grip position to hold small ledges. Thereby the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints are flexed about 90 degrees and the distal interphalangeal joints are hyperextended maximally. During this position of the finger joints bowstringing of the flexor tendon is applying very high load to the flexor tendon pulleys and can cause injuries and overuse syndromes. The objective of this study was to investigate bowstringing and forces during crimp grip position. Two devices were built to measure the force and the distance of bowstringing and one device to measure forces at the fingertip. All measurements of 16 fingers of four subjects were made in vivo. The largest amount of bowstringing was caused by the flexor digitorum profundus tendon in the crimp grip position being less using slope grip position (PIP joint extended). During a warm-up, the distance of bowstringing over the distal edge of the A2 pulley increased by 0.6mm (30%) and was loaded about 3 times the force applied at the fingertip during crimp grip position. Load up to 116N was measured over the A2 pulley. Increase of force in one finger holds by the quadriga effect was shown using crimp and slope grip position.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of a preceding flexion or extension movement on the static interaction of human finger flexor tendons and pulleys concerning flexion torque being generated. Six human fresh frozen cadaver long fingers were mounted in an isokinetic movement device for the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. During flexion and extension movement both flexor tendons were equally loaded with 40 N while the generated moment was depicted simultaneously at the fingertip. The movement was stopped at various positions of the proximal interphalangeal joint to record dynamic and static torque. The static torque was always greater after a preceding extension movement compared to a preceding flexion movement in the corresponding same position of the joint. This applied for the whole arc of movement of 0–105°. The difference between static extension and flexion torque was maximal 11% in average at about 83° of flexion. Static torque was always smaller than dynamic torque during extension movement and always greater than dynamic torque during flexion movement. The kind of preceding movement therefore showed an influence to the torque being generated in the proximal interphalangeal joint. The effect could be simulated on a mechanical finger device.  相似文献   

Formation of restrictive adhesions is one of the main obstacles in rehabilitation following hand surgery. Most experimental work, however, involves only a macroscopic and/or histologic evaluation of the amount of adhesions, and their functional characteristics are poorly described. The aim of this study was to develop an experimental technique for characterization of the biomechanical properties of the finger-tendon unit. An instrument was developed for continuous and simultaneous recording of tensile load, tendon excursion and angular rotation in the distal interphalangeal joint of rabbit digits. Utilizing this instrument, it was revealed that the first 50 degrees of flexion required virtually no tensile load either in unoperated digits or immediately after tenorrhaphy. Thereafter, the load required to obtain further flexion was progressively increased. The strength of adhesions, determined 2 weeks after tenorrhaphy, was best expressed as the maximum tensile load recorded before 50 degrees of flexion was reached. This measurement could also be used to register the strength of the tendon repair and to detect partial tendon rupture during the measurement. The technique allows both adequate measurements of the strength of the adhesions and of the tendon gliding ability after flexor tendon surgery.  相似文献   

At the transitional zone from the forearm to the hand the insertion tendon of the m.flexor carpi radialis (FCR) glides on a fibrous and fatty cushion, which is connected dorsally with the joint capsule of the radiocarpal articulation. The tendon distally crosses the palmar side of the scaphoid tubercle and enters the dorsally curved rim of the trapezoid tubercle. At the level of the wrist joint the narrow tendon sheath begins, which extends to the insertion at the metacarpus. Immediately after entering the gliding tunnel the tendon branches off radially as a rule with an accessory fibre strand 8 mm in width to the scaphoid, trapezium and the joint capsule between these two bones. The insertion tendon regularly is attached to the palmar and radial surfaces of the second and third metacarpal bones. The wall of the osteofibrous gliding tunnel can be prominent following trauma, inflammation or arthrosis deformans in the trapezio-scaphoideal joint and may irritate the tendon (tendovaginosis stenosans). Against resistance forces pain will occur in the wrist joint during palmar flexion. The typical point of tenderness is situated at the entering of the tendon in the thenar region. Operative decompression will be effective by opening the radial wall of the tendon sheath from the carpal tunnel.  相似文献   

The loss of a hand can greatly affect quality of life. A prosthetic device that can mimic normal hand function is very important to physical and mental recuperation after hand amputation, but the currently available prosthetics do not fully meet the needs of the amputee community. Most prosthetic hands are not dexterous enough to grasp a variety of shaped objects, and those that are tend to be heavy, leading to discomfort while wearing the device. In order to attempt to better simulate human hand function, a dexterous hand was developed that uses an over-actuated mechanism to form grasp shape using intrinsic joint mounted motors in addition to a finger tendon to produce large flexion force for a tight grip. This novel actuation method allows the hand to use small actuators for grip shape formation, and the tendon to produce high grip strength. The hand was capable of producing fingertip flexion force suitable for most activities of daily living. In addition, it was able to produce a range of grasp shapes with natural, independent finger motion, and appearance similar to that of a human hand. The hand also had a mass distribution more similar to a natural forearm and hand compared to contemporary prosthetics due to the more proximal location of the heavier components of the system. This paper describes the design of the hand and controller, as well as the test results.  相似文献   

The characteristic pathological finding in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is non-inflammatory fibrosis of the subsynovial connective tissue (SSCT), which lies between the flexor tendons and the visceral synovium (VS). How this fibrosis might affect tendon function is unknown. To better understand the normal function of the SSCT, the relative motion of the middle finger flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS III) tendon and VS was observed during finger flexion in patients with CTS and cadavers with a history of CTS and compared to normal cadavers. A digital camcorder was used to monitor the gliding motion of the FDS III tendon and SSCT in eight patients with idiopathic CTS undergoing carpal tunnel release surgery (CTR), in eight cadavers with an antemortem history of CTS and compared these with eight cadaver controls. There were no significant differences noted in the total movement of the SSCT relative to the FDS III. However, the pattern of SSCT movement relative to the FDS III in the CTS patients and cadavers with an antemortem history of CTS differed from the controls in one of two patterns, reflecting either increased SSCT adherence to FDS III or increased SSCT dissociation from FDS III. In CTS, the gliding characteristics of the SSCT are qualitatively altered. These changes may be the result of increased fibrosis within the SSCT, which in some cases has ruptured, resulting in SSCT-tendon dissociation. Similar changes are also identified postmortem in the CTS patient.  相似文献   

BackgroundVarious surgical techniques for treating avulsions of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon at the distal phalanx have been published but no ideal technique has emerged. We introduce a new all-internal 4-anchor flexor tendon repair technique and evaluate outcomes in three clinical cases.MethodsIn this retrospective case series, we reviewed three patients that sustained an avulsion of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon at the distal phalanx. All patients were surgically treated with the four-anchor repair technique. Two titanium anchors were inserted into the distal phalanx and two all-suture anchors were inserted distal to the first set of anchors. The tendon was then attached to these four anchors using a Krackow stitch pattern and the anchors were sown to each other. Active flexion and extension of the proximal and distal interphalangeal joint were measured at 3-month, 12-month, and 5-year follow-up. Postoperative complications were documented.ResultsAll patients achieved excellent clinical outcomes according to assessment criteria. At 3-month follow-up, all patients regained full flexion; two patients had full extension, while one patient was 3 degrees short of full extension. At 12-month follow-up, all patients had full flexion and extension. Five-year follow-up demonstrated the same results with no loss of function, sensation or grip strength. The repairs healed without rupture, and no complications were reported.ConclusionThe 4-anchor flexor tendon repair is a viable surgical technique for zone 1 flexor digitorum profundus tendon repair or reconstruction. Further studies are needed to replicate these promising results and biomechanically validate this technique.Level of Evidence: IV  相似文献   

The role of the intrinsic finger flexor muscles was investigated during finger flexion tasks. A suspension system was used to measure isometric finger forces when the point of force application varied along fingers in a distal-proximal direction. Two biomechanical models, with consideration of extensor mechanism Extensor Mechanism Model (EMM) and without consideration of extensor mechanism Flexor Model (FM), were used to calculate forces of extrinsic and intrinsic finger flexors. When the point of force application was at the distal phalanx, the extrinsic flexor muscles flexor digitorum profundus, FDP, and flexor digitorum superficialis, FDS, accounted for over 80% of the summed force of all flexors, and therefore were the major contributors to the joint flexion at the distal interphalangeal (DIP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints. When the point of force application was at the DIP joint, the FDS accounted for more than 70% of the total force of all flexors, and was the major contributor to the PIP and MCP joint flexion. When the force of application was at the PIP joint, the intrinsic muscle group was the major contributor for MCP flexion, accounting for more than 70% of the combined force of all flexors. The results suggest that the effects of the extensor mechanism on the flexors are relatively small when the location of force application is distal to the PIP joint. When the external force is applied proximally to the PIP joint, the extensor mechanism has large influence on force production of all flexors. The current study provides an experimental protocol and biomechanical models that allow estimation of the effects of extensor mechanism on both the extrinsic and intrinsic flexors in various loading conditions, as well as differentiating the contribution of the intrinsic and extrinsic finger flexors during isometric flexion.  相似文献   

Supraspinatus tendon tears are common and often propagate into larger tears that include the infraspinatus tendon, resulting in loss of function and increased pain. Previously, we showed that the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons mechanically interact through a range of rotation angles, potentially shielding the torn supraspinatus tendon from further injury while subjecting the infraspinatus tendon to increased risk of injury. Surgical repair of torn supraspinatus tendons is common, yet the effect of the repair on the infraspinatus tendon is unknown. Since we have established a relationship between strain in the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons the success of a supraspinatus tendon repair depends on its effect on the loading environment in the infraspinatus tendon. More specifically, the effect of transosseous supraspinatus tendon repair in comparison to one that utilizes suture anchors, as is commonly done with arthroscopic repairs, on this interaction through these joint positions will be evaluated. We hypothesize that at all joint positions evaluated, both repairs will restore the interaction between the two tendons. For both repairs, (1) increasing supraspinatus tendon load will increase infraspinatus tendon strain and (2) altering the rotation angle from internal to external will increase strain in the infraspinatus tendon. Strains were measured in the infraspinatus tendon insertion through a range of joint rotation angles and supraspinatus tendon loads, for the intact, transosseous, and suture anchor repaired supraspinatus tendons. Images corresponding to specific supraspinatus tendon loads were isolated for the infraspinatus tendon insertion for analysis. The effect of supraspinatus tendon repair on infraspinatus tendon strain differed with joint position. Altering the joint rotation did not change strain in the infraspinatus tendon for any supraspinatus tendon condition. Finally, increasing supraspinatus tendon load resulted in an increase in average maximum and decrease in average minimum principal strain in the infraspinatus tendon. There is a significant difference in infraspinatus tendon strain between the intact and arthroscopically (but not transosseous) repaired supraspinatus tendons that increases with greater loads. Results suggest that at low loads neither supraspinatus tendon repair technique subjects the infraspinatus tendon to potentially detrimental loads; however, at high loads, transosseous repairs may be more advantageous over arthroscopic repairs for the health of the infraspinatus tendon. Results emphasize the importance of limiting loading of the repaired supraspinatus tendon and that at low loads, both repair techniques restore the interaction to the intact supraspinatus tendon case.  相似文献   

A dynamic model for finger interphalangeal coordination   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
In this paper a dynamic model to investigate interphalangeal coordination in the human finger is proposed. Suitable models which describe the relationship between the tendon displacement and the joint angles have been chosen and incorporated into the skeletal dynamic model. A kinematic and kinetic model for interphalangeal coordination is suggested. Digital computer simulations are carried out to study interphalangeal (IP) flexion. Moreover, the effect of two different optimization methods is contrasted. The two optimization algorithms are employed to obtain a set of feasible values for the forces in the tendons or muscles of the finger.  相似文献   

The force and excursion within the canine digital flexor tendons were measured during passive joint manipulations that simulate those used during rehabilitation after flexor tendon repair and during active muscle contraction, simulating the active rehabilitation protocol. Tendon force was measured using a small buckle placed upon the tendon while excursion was measured using a suture marker and video analysis method. Passive finger motion imposed with the wrist flexed resulted in dramatically lower tendon force (approximately 5 N) compared to passive motion imposed with the wrist extended (approximately 17 N). Lower excursions were seen at the level of the proximal interphalangeal joint with the wrist flexed (approximately 1.5 mm) while high excursion was observed when the wrist was extended or when synergistic finger and wrist motion were imposed (approximately 3.5 mm). Bivariate discriminant analysis of both force and excursion data revealed a natural clustering of the data into three general mechanical paradigms. With the wrist extended and with either one finger or four fingers manipulated, tendons experienced high loads of approximately 1500 g and high excursions of approximately 3.5 mm. In contrast, the same manipulations performed with the wrist flexed resulted in low tendon forces (4-8 N) and low tendon excursions of approximately 1.5 mm. Synergistic wrist and finger manipulation provided the third paradigm where tendon force was relatively low (approximately 4 N) but excursion was as high as those seen in the groups which were manipulated with the wrist extended. Active muscle contraction produced a modest tendon excursion (approximately 1 mm) and high or low tendon force with the wrist extended or flexed, respectively. These data provide the basis for experimentally testable hypotheses with regard to the factors that most significantly affect functional recovery after digital flexor tendon injury and define the normal mechanical operating characteristics of these tendons.  相似文献   

Functional tissue engineering (FTE) approaches have shown promise in healing an injured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the knee. Nevertheless, additional mechanical augmentation is needed to maintain joint stability and appropriate loading of the joint while the ACL heals. The objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate how mechanical augmentation using sutures restores the joint kinematics as well as the distribution of loading among the ACL, medial collateral ligament, and medial meniscus (MM) in response to externally applied loads. Eight goat stifle joints were tested on a robotic/universal force-moment sensor testing system under two loading conditions: (1) a 67N anterior tibial load (ATL) and (2) a 67N ATL with 100N axial compression. For each joint, four experimental conditions were tested at 30°, 60°, and 90° of flexion: the (1) intact and (2) ACL-deficient joint, as well as following (3) suture repair of the transected ACL, and (4) augmentation using sutures passed from the femur to the tibia. Under the 67N ATL, suture augmentation could restore the anterior tibial translation (ATT) to within 3mm of the intact joint (p>0.05), representing a 54-76% improvement over suture repair (p<0.05). With the additional axial compression, the ATT and in-situ forces of the sutures following suture augmentation remained 2-3 times closer to normal (p<0.05). Also, the in-situ forces in the MM were 58-73% lower (p<0.05). Thus, suture augmentation may be helpful in combination with FTE approaches for ACL healing by providing the needed initial joint stability while lowering the loads on the MM.  相似文献   

As integral components of the musculoskeletal system, the primary function is transmission of muscle forces to the skeletal system. Proper excursion and gliding of the tendon determine the efficiency of this function. Studies of the tendon excursion and gliding based on two simple mechanical concepts have resulted in several significant clinical implications.  相似文献   

An investigation of maximal isometric cylindrical grasping actions of the hand is reported. A dynamometer is described which allows simultaneous measurement of both the normal forces and the tangential shear forces imposed by each of the three phalangeal segments of a finger during a test. Seventeen subjects were tested, grasping cylinders 31–116 mm in diameter. Normal grasp forces decreased significantly as cylinder size increased, while with large diameters, shear forces moved the skin towards the finger tip. In all cases the distal segments of the fingers imposed forces significantly larger than those of the middle and proximal segments. The mean contributions of fingers from index to little were: 30, 30, 22 and 18%, proportions that did not vary significantly for the range of grasp diameters. Forces acting during grasping activities are reported in greater detail, for a wider range of hand gripping postures, than previously available. These data are useful in the design of hand operated controls or in the prediction of tendon and joint forces in vivo for the design of implants.  相似文献   

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