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Endothelial cells participate in extracellular ATP release elicited by mechanosensors. To characterize the dynamic interactions between mechanical and chemical factors that modulate ATP secretion by the endothelium, we assessed and compared the mechanisms participating in the spontaneous (basal) and mechanically stimulated secretion using primary cultures of rat mesentery endothelial cells. ATP/metabolites were determined in the cell media prior to (basal) and after cell media displacement or a picospritzer buffer puff used as mechanical stimuli. Mechanical stimulation increased extracellular ATP that peaked within 1 min, and decayed to basal values in 10 min. Interruption of the vesicular transport route consistently blocked the spontaneous ATP secretion. Cells maintained in media lacking external Ca2+ elicited a spontaneous rise of extracellular ATP and adenosine, but failed to elicit a further extracellular ATP secretion following mechanical stimulation. 2-APB, a TRPV agonist, increased the spontaneous ATP secretion, but reduced the mechanical stimulation-induced nucleotide release. Pannexin1 or connexin blockers and gadolinium, a Piezo1 blocker, reduced the mechanically induced ATP release without altering spontaneous nucleotide levels. Moreover, thrombin or related agonists increased extracellular ATP secretion elicited by mechanical stimulation, without modifying spontaneous release. In sum, present results allow inferring that the spontaneous, extracellular nucleotide secretion is essentially mediated by ATP containing vesicles, while the mechanically induced secretion occurs essentially by connexin or pannexin1 hemichannel ATP transport, a finding fully supported by results from Panx1?/? rodents. Only the latter component is modulated by thrombin and related receptor agonists, highlighting a novel endothelium-smooth muscle signaling role of this anticoagulant.  相似文献   

Stimulation of brown adipocytes by their sympathetic innervation plays a major role in body energy homeostasis by regulating the energy- wasting activity of the tissue. The norepinephrine released by sympathetic activity acts on adrenergic receptors to activate a variety of metabolic and membrane responses. Since sympathetic stimulation may also release vesicular ATP, we tested brown fat cells for ATP responses. We find that micromolar concentrations of extracellular ATP initiates profound changes in the membrane trafficking of brown adipocytes. ATP elicited substantial increases in total cell membrane capacitance, averaging approximately 30% over basal levels and occurring on a time scale of seconds to minutes. The membrane capacitance increase showed an agonist sensitivity of 2-methylthio-ATP > or = ATP > ADP > > adenosine, consistent with mediation by a P2r type purinergic receptor. Membrane capacitance increases were not seen when cytosolic calcium was increased by adrenergic stimulation, and capacitance responses to ATP were similar in the presence and absence of extracellular calcium. These results indicate that increases in cytosolic calcium alone do not mediate the membrane response to ATP. Photometric assessment of surface-accessible membrane using the dye FM1- 43 showed that ATP caused an approximate doubling of the amount of membrane actively trafficking with the cell surface. The discrepancy in the magnitudes of the capacitance and fluorescence changes suggests that ATP both activates exocytosis and alters other aspects of membrane handling. These findings suggest that secretion, mobilization of membrane transporters, and/or surface membrane expression of receptors may be regulated in brown adipocytes by P2r purinergic receptor activity.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in both central and peripheral nervous systems. Particularly in the taste bud, a peripheral taste organ, ATP serves as an afferent neurotransmitter. To examine the mechanism that mediates ATP secretion in taste cells, we elaborated an approach for monitoring ATP in an extracellular medium by employing a biosensor, that is, cells responsive to ATP. Two lines of ATP-sensitive cells, HEK-293 and COS-1, which endogenously express P2Y receptors, were employed. In addition, HEK-293 cells transfected with P2X3 receptors were also used. By most relevant parameters (threshold response, inactivation kinetics of ATP responses, and refractory period), COS-1 cells were more suitable as an ATP sensor than HEK-293 cells, both native and transfected. For the HEK-293 cell-based biosensor, one of pitfalls was that they were highly responsive to mechanical disturbances, e.g., solution flux elicited by application of a chemical stimulus, owing to the expression of mechanosensitive Ca2+-permeable cation channels. In COS-1 cells, ATP-dependent Ca2+ transients were generated mostly due to Ca2+ release, the feature allowing one to control the activity of ATP-releasing cells electrophysiologically and to monitor the ATP secretion by Ca2+ responses of the ATP-biosensor. By using this technique, it was demonstrated that individual taste cells of a mouse released ATP in response to membrane depolarization.  相似文献   

Renal epithelial cells release ATP constitutively under basal conditions and release higher quantities of purine nucleotide in response to stimuli. ATP filtered at the glomerulus, secreted by epithelial cells along the nephron, and released serosally by macula densa cells for feedback signaling to afferent arterioles within the glomerulus has important physiological signaling roles within kidneys. In autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) mice and humans, collecting duct epithelial cells lack an apical central cilium or express dysfunctional proteins within that monocilium. Collecting duct principal cells derived from an Oak Ridge polycystic kidney (orpk ( Tg737 ) ) mouse model of ARPKD lack a well-formed apical central cilium, thought to be a sensory organelle. We compared these cells grown as polarized cell monolayers on permeable supports to the same cells where the apical monocilium was genetically rescued with the wild-type Tg737 gene that encodes Polaris, a protein essential to cilia formation. Constitutive ATP release under basal conditions was low and not different in mutant versus rescued monolayers. However, genetically rescued principal cell monolayers released ATP three- to fivefold more robustly in response to ionomycin. Principal cell monolayers with fully formed apical monocilia responded three- to fivefold greater to hypotonicity than mutant monolayers lacking monocilia. In support of the idea that monocilia are sensory organelles, intentionally harsh pipetting of medium directly onto the center of the monolayer induced ATP release in genetically rescued monolayers that possessed apical monocilia. Mechanical stimulation was much less effective, however, on mutant orpk collecting duct principal cell monolayers that lacked apical central monocilia. Our data also show that an increase in cytosolic free Ca(2+) primes the ATP pool that is released in response to mechanical stimuli. It also appears that hypotonic cell swelling and mechanical pipetting stimuli trigger release of a common ATP pool. Cilium-competent monolayers responded to flow with an increase in cell Ca(2+) derived from both extracellular and intracellular stores. This flow-induced Ca(2+) signal was less robust in cilium-deficient monolayers. Flow-induced Ca(2+) signals in both preparations were attenuated by extracellular gadolinium and by extracellular apyrase, an ATPase/ADPase. Taken together, these data suggest that apical monocilia are sensory organelles and that their presence in the apical membrane facilitates the formation of a mature ATP secretion apparatus responsive to chemical, osmotic, and mechanical stimuli. The cilium and autocrine ATP signaling appear to work in concert to control cell Ca(2+). Loss of a cilium-dedicated autocrine purinergic signaling system may be a critical underlying etiology for ARPKD and may lead to disinhibition and/or upregulation of multiple sodium (Na(+)) absorptive mechanisms and a resultant severe hypertensive phenotype in ARPKD and, possibly, other diseases.  相似文献   

Extracellular nucleotides signal via a large group of purinergic receptors. Although much is known about these receptors, the mechanism of nucleotide transport out of the cytoplasm is unknown. We developed a functional screen for ATP release to the extracellular space and identified Mcd4p, a 919-amino acid membrane protein with 14 putative transmembrane domains, as a participant in glucose-dependent ATP release from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This release occurred through the vesicular trafficking pathway initiated by ATP uptake into the Golgi compartment. Both the compartmental uptake and the extracellular release of ATP were regulated by the activity of the vacuolar H+-ATPase. It is likely that the Mcd4p pathway is generally involved in non-mitochondrial ATP movement across membranes, it is essential for Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum function, and its occurrence led to the appearance of P2 purinergic receptors.  相似文献   

ATP in bile is a potent secretogogue, stimulating biliary epithelial cell (BEC) secretion through binding apical purinergic receptors. In response to mechanosensitive stimuli, BECs release ATP into bile, although the cellular basis of ATP release is unknown. The aims of this study in human and mouse BECs were to determine whether ATP release occurs via exocytosis of ATP-enriched vesicles and to elucidate the potential role of the vesicular nucleotide transporter SLC17A9 in purinergic signaling. Dynamic, multiscale, live cell imaging (confocal and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and a luminescence detection system with a high sensitivity charge-coupled device camera) was utilized to detect vesicular ATP release from cell populations, single cells, and the submembrane space of a single cell. In response to increases in cell volume, BECs release ATP, which was dependent on intact microtubules and vesicular trafficking pathways. ATP release occurred as stochastic point source bursts of luminescence consistent with exocytic events. Parallel studies identified ATP-enriched vesicles ranging in size from 0.4 to 1 μm that underwent fusion and release in response to increases in cell volume in a protein kinase C-dependent manner. Present in all models, SLC17A9 contributed to ATP vesicle formation and regulated ATP release. The findings are consistent with the existence of an SLC17A9-dependent ATP-enriched vesicular pool in biliary epithelium that undergoes regulated exocytosis to initiate purinergic signaling.  相似文献   

The soluble form of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (sVEGFR-1/sFlt1) is generated by alternative splicing of the FLT1 gene. Secretion of sFlt1 from endothelial cells plays an important role in blood vessel sprouting and morphogenesis. However, excess sFlt1 secretion is associated with diseases such as preeclampsia and chronic kidney disease. To date, the secretory transport process involved in the secretion of sFlt1 is poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated the itinerary of sFlt1 trafficking along the secretory pathway. To understand the timecourse of sFlt1 secretion, endothelial cells stably expressing sFlt1 were metabolically radiolabeled with [(35)S]-methionine and cysteine. Our results indicate that after initial synthesis the levels of secreted [(35)S]-sFlt1 in the extracellular medium peaks at 8 hours. Treatment with brefeldin A (BFA), a drug which blocks trafficking between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi complex, inhibited extracellular release of sFlt1 suggesting that ER to Golgi and intra-Golgi trafficking of sFlt1 are essential for its secretion. Furthermore, we show that ectopic expression of dominant-negative mutant forms of Arf1, Arf6, and Rab11 as well as siRNA-mediated knockdown of these GTPases block secretion of sFlt1 during normoxic and hypoxic conditions suggesting role for these small GTPases. This work is the first to report role of regulatory proteins involved in sFlt1 trafficking along the secretory pathway and may provide insights and new molecular targets for the modulation of sFlt-1 release during physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

P2X7 receptors (P2X7R) are extracellular ATP‐gated ion channels expressed in the immune effector cells that carry out critical protective responses during the early phases of microbial infection or acute tissue trauma. P2X7R‐positive cells include monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells and T cells. Given its presence in all host and pathogen cell types, ATP can be readily released into extracellular compartments at local sites of tissue damage and microbial invasion. Thus, extracellular ATP and its target receptors on host effector cells can be considered as additional elements of the innate immune system. In this regard, stimulation of P2X7R rapidly triggers a key step of the inflammatory response: induction of NLRP3/caspase‐1 inflammasome signalling complexes that drive the proteolytic maturation and secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) and interleukin‐18 (IL‐18). IL‐1β (and IL‐18) lacks a signal sequence for compartmentation within the Golgi and classical secretory vesicles and the proIL‐1β precursor accumulates within the cytosol following translation on free ribosomes. Thus, ATP‐induced accumulation of the mature IL‐1β cytokine within extracellular compartments requires non‐classical mechanisms of export from the cytosolic compartment. Five proposed mechanisms include: (i) exocytosis of secretory lysosomes that accumulate cytosolic IL‐1β via undefined protein transporters; (ii) release of membrane‐delimited microvesicles derived from plasma membrane blebs formed by evaginationsof the surface membrane that entrap cytosolic IL‐β; (iii) release of membrane‐delimited exosomes secondary to the exocytosis of multivesicular bodies formed by invaginations of recycling endosomes that entrap cytosolic IL‐β; (iv) exocytosis of autophagosomes or autophagolysosomes that accumulate cytosolic IL‐1β via entrapment during formation of the initial autophagic isolation membrane or omegasome and (v) direct release of cytosolic IL‐1β secondary to regulated cell death by pyroptosis or necroptosis. These mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and may represent engagement of parallel or intersecting membrane trafficking responses to P2X7R activation.  相似文献   

A marked resistance to the stimulatory action of insulin on glucose metabolism has previously been shown in guinea pig, compared to rat, adipose tissue and isolated adipocytes. The mechanism of insulin resistance in isolated guinea pig adipocytes has, therefore, been examined by measuring 125I-insulin binding, the stimulatory effect of insulin on 3-0-methylglucose transport and on lipogenesis from [3-3H]glucose, the inhibitory effect of insulin on glucagon-stimulated glycerol release, and the translocation of glucose transporters in response to insulin. The translocation of glucose transporters was assessed by measuring the distribution of specific D-glucose-inhibitable [3H]cytochalasin B binding sites among the plasma, and high and low density microsomal membrane fractions prepared by differential centrifugation from basal and insulin-stimulated cells. At a glucose concentration (0.5 mM) where transport is thought to be rate-limiting for metabolism, insulin stimulates lipogenesis from 30 to 80 fmol/cell/90 min in guinea pig cells and from 25 to 380 fmol/cell/90 min in rat cells with half-maximal effects at approximately 100 pM in both cell types. Insulin similarly stimulates 3-O-methylglucose transport from 0.40 to 0.70 fmol/cell/min and from 0.24 to 3.60 fmol/cell/min in guinea pig and rat fat cells, respectively. Nevertheless, guinea pig cells bind more insulin per cell than rat cells, and insulin fully inhibits glucagon-stimulated glycerol release. In addition, the differences between guinea pig and rat cells in the stimulatory effect of insulin on lipogenesis and 3-O-methylglucose transport cannot be explained by the greater cell size of the former compared to the latter (0.18 and 0.09 micrograms of lipid/cell, respectively). However, the number of glucose transporters in the low density microsomal membrane fraction prepared from basal guinea pig cells is markedly reduced compared to that from rat fat cells (12 and 70 pmol/mg of membrane protein, respectively) and the translocation of intracellular glucose transporters to the plasma membrane fraction in response to insulin is correspondingly reduced. These results suggest that guinea pig adipocytes are markedly resistant to the stimulatory action of insulin on glucose transport and that this resistance is the consequence of a relative depletion in the number of intracellular glucose transporters.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP and other nucleotides function as autocrine and paracrine signaling factors in many tissues. Recent studies suggest that P2 nucleotide receptors and ecto-nucleotidases compete for a limited pool of endogenously released nucleotides within cell surface microenvironments that are functionally segregated from the bulk extracellular compartment. To test this hypothesis, we have used luciferase-based methods to continuously record extracellular ATP levels in monolayers of human 1321N1 astrocytoma cells under resting conditions, during stimulation of Ca2+-mobilizing receptors for thrombin or acetylcholine, and during mechanical stimulation by hypotonic stress. Soluble luciferase was utilized as an indicator of ATP levels within the bulk extracellular compartment, whereas a chimeric protein A-luciferase, adsorbed to antibodies against a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored plasma membrane protein, was used as a spatially localized probe of ATP levels at the immediate extracellular surface. Significant accumulation of ATP in the bulk extracellular compartment, under either resting (1-2 nm ATP) or stimulated (10-80 nm ATP) conditions, was observed only when endogenous ecto-ATPase activity was pharmacologically inhibited by the poorly metabolizable analog, betagamma-methylene ATP. In contrast, accumulation of submicromolar ATP in the cell surface microenvironment was readily measured even in the absence of ecto-ATPase inhibition suggesting that the spatially colocalized luciferase could effectively compete with endogenous ecto-ATPases for released ATP. Other experiments revealed a critical role for elevated cytosolic [Ca2+] in the ATP release mechanism triggered by thrombin or muscarinic receptors but not in basal ATP release or release stimulated by hypotonic stress. These observations suggest that ATP release sites are colocalized with ecto-ATPases at the astrocyte cell surface. This colocalization may act to spatially restrict the actions of released ATP as a paracrine or autocrine mediator of cell-to-cell signaling.  相似文献   

Extracellular nucleotides regulate mucociliary clearance in the airways and surfactant secretion in alveoli. Their release is exquisitely mechanosensitive and may be induced by stretch as well as airflow shear stress acting on lung epithelia. We hypothesized that, in addition, tension forces at the air-liquid interface (ALI) may contribute to mechanosensitive ATP release in the lungs. Local depletion of airway surface liquid, mucins, and surfactants, which normally protect epithelial surfaces, facilitate such release and trigger compensatory mucin and fluid secretion processes. In this study, human bronchial epithelial 16HBE14o(-) and alveolar A549 cells were subjected to tension forces at the ALI by passing an air bubble over the cell monolayer in a flow-through chamber, or by air exposure while tilting the cell culture dish. Such stimulation induced significant ATP release not involving cell lysis, as verified by ethidium bromide staining. Confocal fluorescence microscopy disclosed reversible cell deformation in the monolayer part in contact with the ALI. Fura 2 fluorescence imaging revealed transient intracellular Ca(2+) elevation evoked by the ALI, which did not entail nonspecific Ca(2+) influx from the extracellular space. ATP release was reduced by ~40 to ~90% from cells loaded with the Ca(2+) chelator BAPTA-AM and was completely abolished by N-ethylmalemide (1 mM). These experiments demonstrate that in close proximity to the ALI, surface tension forces are transmitted directly on cells, causing their mechanical deformation and Ca(2+)-dependent exocytotic ATP release. Such a signaling mechanism may contribute to the detection of local deficiency of airway surface liquid and surfactants on the lung surface.  相似文献   

Bao L  Locovei S  Dahl G 《FEBS letters》2004,572(1-3):65-68
Intercellular calcium wave propagation initiated by mechanical stress is a phenomenon found in nearly all cell types. The waves utilize two pathways: transfer of InsP3 directly from cell to cell through gap junction channels and release of ATP onto extracellular purinergic receptors. The conduit for ATP has remained elusive and both a vesicular and a channel mediated release have been considered. Here, we describe the properties of single pannexin 1 channels. They have a wide expression spectrum, they are of large conductance and permeant for ATP, and they are mechanosensitive. Hence, pannexins are candidates for the release of ATP to the extracellular space upon mechanical stress.  相似文献   

It has been long postulated that extracellular purines can modulate the function of the male reproductive system by interacting with different purinergic receptors of Sertoli and germinative cells. Many authors have described the biological changes induced by extracellular ATP and/or adenosine in these cells, and some hypothetical models for paracrine communication mediated by purines were proposed; however, the cellular source(s) of these molecules in seminiferous tubules remains unknown. In this study, we demonstrated for the first time that Sertoli cells are able to release ATP (0.3 nmol/mg protein) and adenosine (0.1 nmol/mg protein) in the extracellular medium, while germinative and myoid peritubular cells are able to secrete adenosine (0.02 and 0.37 nmol/mg protein, respectively). Indeed, all the three types of cells were able to release inosine at significant concentrations (about 0.4 nmol/mg protein). This differential secretion depending on the cellular type suggests that these molecules may be involved in the paracrine regulation and/or control of the maturation processes of these cells.  相似文献   

The Menkes copper-translocating P-type ATPase (ATP7A) is a critical copper transport protein functioning in systemic copper absorption and supply of copper to cuproenzymes in the secretory pathway. Mutations in ATP7A can lead to the usually lethal Menkes disease. ATP7A function is regulated by copper-responsive trafficking between the trans-Golgi Network and the plasma membrane. We have previously reported basal and copper-responsive kinase phosphorylation of ATP7A but the specific phosphorylation sites had not been identified. As copper stimulates both trafficking and phosphorylation of ATP7A we aimed to identify all the specific phosphosites and to determine whether trafficking and phosphorylation are linked. We identified twenty in vivo phosphorylation sites in the human ATP7A and eight in hamster, all clustered within the N- and C-terminal cytosolic domains. Eight sites were copper-responsive and hence candidates for regulating copper-responsive trafficking or catalytic activity. Mutagenesis of the copper-responsive phosphorylation site Serine-1469 resulted in mislocalization of ATP7A in the presence of added copper in both polarized (Madin Darby canine kidney) and non-polarized (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cells, strongly suggesting that phosphorylation of specific serine residues is required for copper-responsive ATP7A trafficking to the plasma membrane. A constitutively phosphorylated site, Serine-1432, when mutated to alanine also resulted in mislocalization in the presence of added copper in polarized Madin Darby kidney cells. These studies demonstrate that phosphorylation of specific serine residues in ATP7A regulates its sub-cellular localization and hence function and will facilitate identification of the kinases and signaling pathways involved in regulating this pivotal copper transporter.  相似文献   

ATP-induced Secretion in PC12 Cells and Photoaffinity Labeling of Receptors   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract— Secretion of catecholamines by rat PC12 cells is strongly stimulated by extracellular ATP via a P2-type pur-inergic receptor. ATP-induced norepinephrine release was inhibited 80% when extracellular Ca2+ was absent. Only four nucleotides, ATP, ATPγS, benzoylbenzoyl ATP (BzATP), and 2-methylthio-ATP, gave substantial stimulation of norepinephrine release from PC12 cells. ATP-induced secretion was inhibited by Mg2+, and this inhibition was overcome by the addition of excess ATP suggesting that ATP4-was the active ligand. ATP-induced secretion of catecholamine release was enhanced by treatment of cells with pertussis toxin or 12- O -tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate. The stimulatory effects of 12- O -tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate and pertussis toxin on norepinephrine release were additive. After brief exposure of intact cells to the photoaffinity analog, [α-32P]BzATP, two major proteins of 44 and 50 kDa and a minor protein of 97 kDa were labeled. An excess of ATP-γS and BzATP but not GTP blocked labeling of the proteins by [32P]BzATP. Labeling of the 50-kDa protein was more sensitive to competition by 2-methylthio-ATP than the other labeled proteins, suggesting that the 50-kDa protein represents the P2 receptor responsible for ATP-stimulated secretion in these cells.  相似文献   

Airway mucin secretion is important pathophysiologically and as a model of polarized epithelial regulated exocytosis. We find the trafficking protein, SNAP23 (23-kDa paralogue of synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa), selectively expressed in secretory cells compared with ciliated and basal cells of airway epithelium by immunohistochemistry and FACS, suggesting that SNAP23 functions in regulated but not constitutive epithelial secretion. Heterozygous SNAP23 deletant mutant mice show spontaneous accumulation of intracellular mucin, indicating a defect in baseline secretion. However mucins are released from perfused tracheas of mutant and wild-type (WT) mice at the same rate, suggesting that increased intracellular stores balance reduced release efficiency to yield a fully compensated baseline steady state. In contrast, acute stimulated release of intracellular mucin from mutant mice is impaired whether measured by a static imaging assay 5 min after exposure to the secretagogue ATP or by kinetic analysis of mucins released from perfused tracheas during the first 10 min of ATP exposure. Together, these data indicate that increased intracellular stores cannot fully compensate for the defect in release efficiency during intense stimulation. The lungs of mutant mice develop normally and clear bacteria and instilled polystyrene beads comparable to WT mice, consistent with these functions depending on baseline secretion that is fully compensated.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence detection of ATP release mechanisms in epithelia   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Autocrine and paracrine release of and extracellular signalingby ATP is a ubiquitous cell biological and physiological process. Despite this knowledge, the mechanisms and physiological roles ofcellular ATP release are unknown. We tested the hypothesis thatepithelia release ATP under basal and stimulated conditions by using anewly designed and highly sensitive assay for bioluminescence detectionof ATP released from polarized epithelial monolayers. Thisbioluminescence assay measures ATP released from cystic fibrosis (CF)and non-CF human epithelial monolayers in a reduced serum mediumthrough catalysis of the luciferase-luciferin reaction, yielding aphoton of light collected by a luminometer. This novel assay measuresATP released into the apical or basolateral medium surroundingepithelia. Of relevance to CF, CF epithelia fail to release ATP acrossthe apical membrane under basal conditions. Moreover, hypotonicity isan extracellular signal that stimulates ATP release into bothcompartments of non-CF epithelia in a reversible manner; the responseto hypotonicity is also lost in CF epithelia. The bioluminescencedetection assay for ATP released from epithelia and other cells will beuseful in the study of extracellular nucleotide signaling inphysiological and pathophysiological paradigms. Taken together, theseresults suggest that extracellular ATP may be a constant regulator ofepithelial cell function under basal conditions and an autocrineregulator of cell volume under hypotonic conditions, two functions thatmay be lost in CF and contribute to CF pathophysiology.


ATP not only represents a key molecule for the intracellular storage and utilization of energy, but also plays a central role in the extracellular milieu, as it both recruits and activates immune cells. The secretion of ATP in the course of immunogenic cell death (ICD), a peculiar type of apoptosis that elicits adaptive immune responses, critically relies on the molecular machinery for autophagy. We have recently demonstrated that autophagy allows for the ICD-associated secretion of ATP as it contributes to the maintenance of lysosomal ATP stores. In addition, we found that ATP release in this setting is mediated by a molecular mechanism that involves lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP1)- and pannexin 1 (PANX1)-dependent lysosomal exocytosis.  相似文献   

JGP study shows that a mechanosensitive complex containing Piezo1 and Pannexin1 couples osmotic pressure to ATP secretion in bile duct cholangiocytes.

Cholangiocytes are epithelial cells that line the bile ducts within the liver and modify the composition of hepatocyte-derived bile. In this issue of JGP, Desplat et al. identify a mechanosensory complex that may help cholangiocytes respond to changes in osmotic pressure (1).Angélique Desplat (left), Patrick Delmas (center), and colleagues identify a mechanosensitive pathway that couples hypotonic stress to calcium influx and ATP release in cholangiocytes. Cell swelling induces calcium influx through the stretch-activated ion channel Piezo, triggering ATP release by Pannexin1 channels. This leads to the activation of P2X4 receptors and further calcium influx. Piezo1 (red) and Pannexin1 (green) colocalize in cells and may interact to form a mechanosensory complex that facilitates the hypotonic stress response.The activity of cholangiocytes can be regulated not only by chemical signals, such as hormones and bile acids, but also by mechanical cues arising from changes in bile composition and flow. “Abnormal mechanical tension is also an aggravating factor in many biliary diseases, including primary sclerosing cholangitis,” explains Patrick Delmas, a Research Director at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/Aix-Marseille-Université. “So, identifying the molecular players in cholangiocyte force sensing could provide a step forward for better management of biliary diseases.”Current models suggest that mechanical cues trigger an influx of calcium into cholangiocytes, leading to the release of ATP, which, by stimulating purinergic receptors at the cell surface, promotes further calcium influx and induces the secretion of anions, water, and HCO3 to modify the tonicity and pH of hepatic bile (2, 3). To identify mechanosensitive proteins that might regulate this pathway, Delmas and colleagues, including first author Angélique Desplat, purified mouse cholangiocytes from intrahepatic bile ducts and subjected them to hypotonic stress (1). The subsequent cell swelling activates calcium influx and ATP release.Desplat et al. found that depleting or inhibiting the stretch-activated ion channel Piezo1 significantly reduced this response to hypotonic stress. This mechanosensitive channel mediates the initial calcium influx into cholangiocytes when activated by cell swelling.The subsequent release of ATP is mediated by a different channel, however. Desplat et al. found that cholangiocytes express high levels of the gap junction family protein Pannexin1, and that pharmacologically inhibiting Pannexin1 channels reduced the amount of ATP released in response to hypotonic stress and Piezo1 activation.Delmas and colleagues suspect that the increase in intracellular calcium mediated by Piezo1 may activate Pannexin1 channels to release ATP, and this activation may be facilitated by a physical association between the two proteins: the researchers found that recombinant versions of the two channel proteins colocalize within the plasma membrane of cholangiocytes and can be coimmunoprecipitated.Finally, the researchers determined that the ATP released through Pannexin1 channels amplifies the signal initiated by hypotonic stress by activating purinergic P2X4 receptors, leading to further increases in intracellular calcium levels. Transfecting Piezo1-deficient HEK293 cells, which usually don’t respond to hypotonic stress, with cDNAs encoding Piezo1, Pannexin1, and P2X4R was sufficient to reconstitute the entire pathway of calcium influx and ATP release.Cholangiocytes express other mechanosensitive channels, including TRPV4, which has previously been implicated in the cells’ response to hypotonic stress (4). The functions of TRPV4 and Piezo1 may therefore be partially redundant, providing some robustness to cholangiocytes mechanical signaling pathways. However, it is also possible that, in vivo, the two channels respond to different stimuli and elicit distinct downstream effects. “Further investigation is warranted to better understand the respective roles of these two molecular players,” says Delmas. “To continue our work, we would like to challenge our model in vivo by testing whether Piezo1 agonists are able to regulate bile acid secretion.”  相似文献   

Annulus cells release ATP in response to vibratory loading in vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mechanical forces regulate the developmental path and phenotype of a variety of tissues and cultured cells. Vibratory loading as a mechanical stimulus occurs in connective tissues due to energy returned from ground reaction forces, as well as a mechanical input from use of motorized tools and vehicles. Structures in the spine may be particularly at risk when exposed to destructive vibratory stimuli. Cells from many tissues respond to mechanical stimuli, such as fluid flow, by increasing intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](ic)) and releasing adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), extracellularly, as a mediator to activate signaling pathways. Therefore, we examined whether ATP is released from rabbit (rAN) and human (hAN) intervertebral disc annulus cells in response to vibratory loading. ATP release from annulus cells by vibratory stimulation as well as in control cells was quantitated using a firefly luciferin-luciferase assay. Cultured hAN and rAN cells had a basal level of extracellular ATP ([ATP](ec)) in the range of 1-1.5 nM. Vibratory loading of hAN cells stimulated ATP release, reaching a net maximum [ATP] within 10 min of continuous vibration, and shortly thereafter, [ATP] declined and returned to below baseline level. [ATP] in the supernatant fluid of hAN cells was significantly reduced compared to the control level when the cells received vibration for longer than 15 min. In rAN cells, [ATP] was increased in response to vibratory loading, attaining a level significantly greater than that of the control after 30 min of continuous vibration. Results of the current study show that resting annulus cells secrete ATP and maintain a basal [ATP](ec). Annulus cells may use this nucleotide as a signaling messenger in an autocrine/paracrine fashion in response to vibratory loading. Rapid degradation of ATP to ADP may alternatively modulate cellular responses. It is hypothesized that exposure to repetitive, complex vibration regimens may activate signaling pathways that regulate matrix destruction in the disc. As in tendon cells, ATP may block subsequent responses to load and modulate the vibration response. Rabbit annulus cells were used as a readily obtainable source of cells in development of an animal model for testing effects of vibration on the disc. Human cells obtained from discarded surgical specimens were used to correlate responses of animal to human cells.  相似文献   

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