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《The New phytologist》1982,92(3):471-472
Book Reviewed in this article:
Pigments in Plants . Ed. by F. C zygan .
Nitrogen and Carbon Metabolism . Ed. by J. D erek B ewley .
Advances in Biochemical Engineering . Vol. 18, Plant Cell Cultures II . Managing Editor: A. F iechter .
The Botany of Auckland . By L ucy M. C ranwell .
Photosynthesis . By D. O. H all and K. K. R ao .
Plants and Mineral Salts . By J. F. S utcliffe and D. A. B aker .
The Archives of the Peat Bogs . By S ir H arry G odwin .
The Biology of Mosses . By D. H. S. R ichardson .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1976,77(1):289-299
Book Reviwed in this article:
The History of the British Flora. By Sir H arry G odwin .
The Euphorbiaceae of Borneo. By H. K. A iry S haw .
Ecology of Plants in the Tropics. (Studies in Biology No. 58, Institute of Biology.) By D aniel H. J anzen .
Pacific Plant Areas. Volume 3. Ed. by M. M. van B algooy .
The Liverworts of New Zealand. By K. W. A llison and J ohn C hild .
Paleoecology of Terrestrial Plants. Basic principles and techniques. By V. A. K rasilov .
Plant Propagation , 3rd edn. By H udson T. H artmann and D ale E. K ester .
The Lytic Compartment of Plant Cells. By PH. M atile .
Plant Pathogenesis. By H. W heeler .
Phytotronics in Agricultural and Horticultural Research. Ed. by P. C houard and N. de B ilderling .
Phytoplankton. By A. D. B oney .
Krankheiten und Schädlinge an Getreide und Mais. By C. B uhl .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(6):1245-1251
Book Reviewed in this article:
Ecology of Soil Fungi. By D. M. G riffin .
Ecology of Tropical and Subtropical Vegetation. By H. W alter .
Shoot Organization in Vascular Plants. By K. J. D ormer .
The Biology and Chemistry of the Umbelliferae. Ed. by V. H. H eywood .
Chloroplasts and Mitochondria. By M. A. T ribe and P. A. W hittaker .
Plant Metabolism. By H. E. S treet and W. C ockburn .
L'thylene Metabolisme et Activite Metabolique. By C hon -T on P han .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(4):763-771
Books reviewed in this article:
Plant Anatomy: Experiment and Interpretation , Part II, Organs. By E lizabeth G. C utter .
Genetics. By D. J. C ove .
The Structure and Life of Bryophytes. By E. V. W atson .
Underwater Science. Ed. by J. D. W oods and J. J. L ythgoe .
8ème Symposium Européen sur les Maladies à Virus des Arbres Fruitiers.
Evolution and Plants of the Past. By H. P. B anks .
Project Aqua. A Source Book of Inland Waters Proposed for Conservation. IBP Handbook No. 21. By H. L uther and J. R zóska .
Variation and Adaptation in Plant Species. By D. A. J ones and D. A. W ilkins .
Flora of Lesotho (Basutoland). By A my J acot G uillarmod .
Introduction to Biogeography. By B rian S eddon .
Trees: Structure and Function. By M. H. Z immerman and C. L. B rown ;
Flora of New Zealand , Volume II. By L. B. M oore and E. E dgar .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1950,49(3):421-429
Book reviewed in this article:
Plant and Soil Water Relationships. By P aul J. K ramer .
Vegetable Gums and Resins. By F. N. H owes .
Principles of Human Genetics. By C urt S tern .
Experimental Studies on the Nature of Species. III. Environmental Responses of Climatic Races of Achillea. By J. C lausen , D. D. K eck , W. H. H iesey .
Mountains and Moorlands. By W. H. P earsall .
Spät-und nacheiszeitliche Waldgeschichte Mitteleuropas nördlich der Alpen. Erster Band: Allgemeine Waldgeschichte. By F ranz F irbas .
Biology. An Introduction to Medical and other Studies. By P. D. F. M urray , M.A., D.Sc.
The Fig. By I ra J. C ondit . Foreword by W alter T. S wingle .
American Wild Flowers. By H arold N. M oldenke .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1947,46(2):286-296
Les Associations Végétales de la Vallée Moyenne du Niger. By G. R oberty .
Botany, Principles and Problems. By E dmund W. S innott .
A Textbook of Systematic Botany. By D eane B. S wingle .
Botany by Observation: A Text-Book for Australian Schools. By G ladys C arey
A Botanical Bibliography of the Islands of the Pacific. By E lmer D. M errill ; and a Subject Index to the same, by E. H. W alker .
Advances in Genetics. Vol. i. Edited by M. DEMEREC.
Woodland Mosses. By H. W atson .
The Evolution of Gossypium and the Differentiation of the Cultivated Cottons. By J. B. H utchinson , R. A. S ilow and S. G. S tephens .
Ancient Plants and the World They Live in. By H enry N. A ndrews .
The Arboretums and Botanical Gardens of North America. By D onald W yman .
Practical Plant Anatomy . By A driance S. F oster .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(4):1245-1255
Book reviewed in this article:
Plant Cells . By F. A. L. C lowes and B. E. J uniper .
The History of British Vegetation . By W inifred P ennington . Modern Biology: General Editor J. E. W ebb .
Flora Europaea , Vol. II. Rosaceae to Umbelliferae . Ed. by T. G. T utin , V. H. H eywood , N. A. B urges , D. M. M oore , D. H. V alentine , S. M. W alters and D. A. W ebb .
Desert Wild Flowers . By E dmund J aeger .
British Mosses and Liverworts . By E. V. W atson .
Anatomy of the Monocotyledons , Vol. III. Commelinales—Zingiberales . By P. B. T omlinson . General Editor C. R. M etcalfe .
Biological Science—The Web of Life . Supervising Editor, D. M organ .
Plant Chimeras . By W. N eilson -J ones .
The Potatoes of Argentine, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, a Biosystematic Study . By J. G. H awkes and J. P. H jerting .
Towards an Understanding of the Mechanism of Heredity . By H. L. K. W hitehouse .
Viruses in Plant Hosts; Form, Distribution and Pathologic Effects . By K atherine E sau .
An Introduction to Industrial Mycology . By G eorge S mith .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1936,35(1):94-100
Books Review in this article:
Forest Trees and Timbers of the British Empire. Part I. Some East African Coniferae and Leguminosae. By L. C halk , M.A., D.Phil., J. B urtt D avy , M.A., Ph.D. and H. E. D esch , B.SC.
Part II. Twenty West African Timber Trees. By L. C halk , M.A., D.Phil., J. B urtt D avy , M.A., Ph.D., H. E. D esch , B.SC, M.A. and A. C. H oyle , B.Sc, M.A.
Part III. Fifteen South African High Forest Timber Trees. By L. C halk , M.A., D.Phil., M. M. C hattaway , B.SC, M.A., J. B urtt D avy , M.A., Ph.D., F. S. L aughton , B.SC. and M. H. S cott , B.SC.
Colloids in Agriculture. By C. E. M arshall .
Flore Laurentienne. By F rère M arie -V ictorin , D.SC.
Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith .
Plant Life: A Text-book of Botany. By D. B. S wingle .
Gardening in East Africa: A Practical Handbook. Edited by A. J. J ex -B lake , with a foreword by Sir A rthur W. H ill .
British Stem- and Leaf-Fungi (Coelomycetes). Vol. I. Sphaeropsidales. By W. B. G rove , M.A.  相似文献   

Wood Pulp. By J ulius G rant .
Manual for the Determination of Seed-Borne Diseases. By L. C. D oyer .
Fungi of India. Supplement I. By B. B. M undkur .
The Vegetables of New York. Vol. I. By U. P. H edrick .
Cotton: History, Species, Varieties, Morphology, Breeding, Culture, Diseases, Marketing, and Uses. By H. B. B rown .
The Longevity of Plants. By H. M olisch . Translated into English by E. H. Fulling.
Plant Physiology. By N. A. M aximov . Edited by R. B. H abvey and A. E. M urneek .
Science in Agriculture. By J. W. P aterson .
Report on Agricultural Research in Great Britain: a Survey of its Scope, Administrative Structure and Finance, and of the Methods of making its Results known to Farmers, with Proposals for Future Development.
An Introduction to Botany. By A. W. H aupt .
Form and Causality in Early Development. By A. M. D alcq .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(2):601-605
Book Reviewed in this article:
The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. By A. J. E. S mith .
Atlas of Ferm of the British Isles. Ed. by A. C. J ermy , H. R. A rnold , L ynne F arrell and F. H. P erring .
Barley. By D. E. B riggs .
The Potato Crop: the Scientific Basis for Improvement. Ed. by P. M. H arris .
Plant Anatomy. Part I. Cells and Tissues. 2nd Edition. By E lizabeth G. C utter . Edward Arnold:
Isolation of Plant Growth Substances. Ed. by J. R. H illman .
The Selenastrum capricornutum Printz Algal Assay Bottle Test: Experimental Design, Application, and Data Interpretation Protocol. By W illiam E. M iller , J oseph C G reene and T amotsu S hiroyama .
Algen: Einführung in die Phykologie. By C hristiaan van D en H oek  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1985,99(4):623-629
Nature's Second Kingdom. By F. D elaporte . Translated by Arthur Goldhammer.
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology , New Series, Volume 10. Hormonal regulation of development II. The functions of hormones from the level of the cell to the whole plant. Edited by T. K. S cott .
Cell Culture and Somatic Cell Genetics of Plants , Volume 1. Laboratory procedures and their applications. Edited by I. K. V asil .
Databases in Systematics. Edited by R. A llkin and F. A. B isby .
Plant Chemosystematics. By J. B. H arborne and B. L. T urner .
Current Concepts in Plant Taxonomy. Edited by V. H. H eywood and D. M. M oore .
Introduction to Principles of Plant Taxonomy. By V. V. S ivarajan .
Our Green and Living World: The Wisdom to Save It. By E. S. A yensu , V. H. H eywood , G.L. L ucas and R. A. D efillips .
Lipids in Plants and Microbes. By J. L. H arwood and N. J. R ussell .
The Role of Terrestrial Vegetation in the Global Carbon Cycle: Measurement by Remote Sensing. Edited by G. M. W oodwell .
Chromosomes Today , Volume 8. Edited by M. D. B ennett , A. G ropp and U. W olf .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1960,59(1):116-128
Review in this article:
Protoplasmatologia—Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung . Band II, CI. The Viscosity of Protoplasm. By L. V. H eilbrunn .
Trace Element Problems in Nature . A Symposium in the Botany Department, University of Cape Town. Edited by D r . K. H. S chütte .
Cell, Organism and Milieu. (Seventeenth Growth Symposium). Edited by D orothea R udnick .
Subcellular Particles . Edited by T. H ayashi .
Plant Growth Substances . By L. J. A udus .
Uredineana. Receuil d': études systematiques et biologiques sur les Urédinées du Globe . Tome 5. By A. L. G uyot .
A Textbook of General Physiology . By H. D avson .
Protoplasmatologia . Vol. Ill AI. Le Chondriome de la Cellule Végétale: Morphologie du Chondriome; by P. D angeard .
Analytical Cytology . Edited by R obert C. M ellors .
Blakeslee: The Genus Datura . By A. G. A very , S. S atina and J. R ietsema .
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Past and Present . By W. B. T urrill .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XIII. Umbelliferae (2), Araliaceae, Cornaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
Physiology of Fungi. By V incent W. C ochrane .
Illustrated Moss Flora of Fennoscandia . Vol. II. Musci. Fasc. III. By E lsa N yholm .
An Outline of General Plant Geography . By W. S zafer .
Protoplasmatologia. Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung . Ed. L. V. Heilbrunn and F. Weber. Vol. VIII; 9a. Polaritút und Inäquale Teilung des pflanzlichen Protoplasten . By Erwin Bünning, Tübingen.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1986,104(1):155-160
Book reviewed in this article:
A Manual on Methods for the Assessment of Secondary Productivity in Fresh Waters. IBP Handbook 17. Ed. By J ohn A. D owining and F rank H. R igler .
Biochemistry of Plant Cell Walls. Ed. By C. T. B rett and J. R. H illman .
Gene Structure and Expression. By J. D. H awkins .
A Dictionary of Genetic Engineering. By S. G. O liver and J. M. W ard .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1967,66(2):315-323
Book review in this article
Biosynthesis of Aromatic Compounds . Ed. by G. B illek .
Incompatibility in Fungi—A Symposium held at the 10th International Congress of Botany in Edinburgh, August 1964. Ed. by K arl E sser and J ohn R. R aper .
Cyclitols and Phospho-inositides . Ed. by H. K indl .
Spores, Their Dormancy and Germination . By A lfred S. S ussman and H arlyn O. H alverson .
About Plants: Topics in Plant Biology . By F. C. S teward with A. D. K rikorian and R. D. H olsten .
The Chromosomes of the Algae . Seven authors, Ed. by M. B. E. G odward .
La Végétation Forestière du Québec méridional . By M iroslav M. G randtner .
The Power of Movement in Plants . By C harles D arwin assisted by F rancis D arwin , with a preface by B arbara G illespie P ickard .
California Mountain Wildflowers . By P. A. M unz .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Recent Advances in Cytology. By C. D. D arlington .
Order and Life. By J oseph N eedham .
The Plant Diseases of Great Britain: A Bibliography. Compiled and annotated by G. C. A insworth .
Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr O. A ppel .
Three Thousand Mycological Terms. By W. H. S nell .
The Pests of Fruits and Hops. By A. M. M assee .
Yearbook of Agriculture , 1936.  相似文献   

A Textbook of Plant Virm Diseases . By K enneth M. S mith .
Economic Botany: A Textbook of Useful Plalzts and Plant Products . By A. F. H ill .
Practical Plant Breeding . By W. J. C. L awrence .
British Stem- and Leaf-Fungi ( Coeolomycetes ). Vol. II. Sphaeropsidales and Melanconiales . By W. B. G rove .
Plant Ecology . By H ilda D rabble .
The Properties and Functions of Membranes, Natural and Artificial .
Perspectives in Biochemistry . Edited by J oseph N eedham and D avid E. G reen .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(1):285-295
Book Reviewed in This Article:
Tropische Nutzpflanzen. By H einz B rücher .
The Molecular Biology of Plant Cells. Ed. by H. S mith .
Plant Metabolism. By H. D. K umar and H. N. S ing h.
The Ribonucleic Acids. Ed. by P. R. S tewart and D. S. L etham .
Transport Phenomena in Plants. By D. A. B aker .
Transport of Ions and Water in Animals. Ed. by B. L. G upta , R. B. M oreton , J. L. O scham and B. J. W all .
Water in Plants Bibliography. Ed. by J. P ospisilova and J. S olarova .
Advances in Botanical Research. Vol. 4. Ed. by R. D. P reston and H. W. W oolhouse .
Progress in Botany: Morphology: Physiology: Genetics: Taxonomy: Geobotany. Ed. by H einz E llenerg , K arl E sser , H ermann M erxmuller , E berhard S chnepf and H ubert Z eigler .
Progress in Botany – Morphology, Physiology, Genetics, Taxonomy, Geobotany. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmüller , E. S chnepf and H. Z iegler .
Plant Root Systems. By R. S cott R ussell .
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Edited by K enneth S. N orris .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1995,129(1):165-166
Books reviewed in this article:
Photosynthesis. By D. O. H all and K. K. R ao .
Management of Mycorrhizas in Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry. Edited by A. D. R obson , L.K. A bbott & N. M alajczuk .
Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland. Volume 3. Mosses (Diplolepidene). By M. O. H ill . C. D. Preston & A. J. E. S mith
Shikimic Acid: Metabolism and Metabolites. By E dwin H aslam .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1977,78(1):245-254
Book Reviewed in this article:
Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry. By G. P. Berlyn and J. P. Miksche.
Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Ed. by W. R. Briggs.
Mechanical Design in Organisms. By S. A. Wainwright, W. D. Biggs, J. D. Currey & J. M. Gosline.
Uptake of Ions by Plant Roots. By D. J. F. Bowling.
Phytochrome and Photomorphogenesis. By Harry Smith.
Water and Plants. By Hans Meidner and D. W. Sheriff.
Physiological Aspects of Dryland Farming. Edited by U. S. Gupta.
Pollen: Biology, Biochemistry, Management. By R. G. Stanley and H. F. Linskens.
The Evolutionary Significance of the Exine. Ed. by I. K. Ferguson and J. Muller.
Cell Division in Higher Plants. Ed. by M. M. Yeoman.
Intercellular Communication in Plants: Studies on Plasmodesmata Ed. by B. E. S. Gunning & A. W. Robards.
Methods in Plant Ecology. Ed. by S. B. Chapman
Ökologie DER Pflazen By Walter Larcher.
Progress in Botany. Vol. 37. Ed. by H. Ellenberg, K. Esser, H. Merxmüller, E. Schnepf & H. Ziegler.
British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. By Blanche Henrey.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1989,113(3):423-430
The Flavonoids. Advances in Research since 1980. Ed. by J. B. H arborne .
Hungry crops : a guide to nutrient deficiencies in field crops By N. J. G rundon .
Microbial ecology: organisms, habitats, activities. By H einz S tolp .
Evolutionary Biology of the Fungi. Ed. by A. D. M. R ayner , C. M. B rasier and D. M oore .
Micro-algal Biotechnology . Edited by M.A. B orowitzka and L. J. B orowitzka and L. J. B orowitzka .
Experimental Phycology: A laboratory manual Edited by C hristopher S. L obban , D avid J. C hapman , and B runo P. K remer .
100 Families of Flowering Plants. By M. H ickey and C. K ing .
Differentiation Patterns in Higher Plants. Edited by K. M. U rbanska .
The Living Tundra. By Yu. I. C hernov , Translated by D. L öve .
North American Terrestrial Vegetation. Edited by M. G. B arbour & W. D. B illings .
Biogeography and Quaternary History in Tropical Latin America. By T. C. W hitmore and G. T. P rance (Editors).
Biogeographical Evolution of the Malay Archipelago . By T. C. W hitmore (Editor).
Postglacial Vegetation of Canada. By J. C. R ichie .  相似文献   

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