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We used electron microscopy, acid hydrolase cytochemistry, and biochemistry to analyze the uptake and metabolism of colloidal gold- and [3H]cholesteryl linoleate-labeled human low density lipoprotein (LDL) by cultured rat granulosa cells. The initial interaction of gold-LDL conjugates with granulosa cells occurred at binding sites diffusely distributed over the plasma membrane. After incubation with ligand in the cold, 99.9% of the conjugates were at the cell surface but less than 4% lay over coated pits. Uptake was specific since it was decreased 93-95% by excess unconjugated LDL and heparin, but only 34-38% by excess unconjugated human high density lipoprotein. LDL uptake was related to granulosa cell differentiation; well-luteinized cells bound 2-3 times as much gold-LDL as did poorly luteinized cells. Ligand internalization was initiated by warming and involved coated pits, coated vesicles, pale multivesicular bodies (MVBs), dense MVBs, and lysosomes. A key event in this process was the translocation of gold-LDL conjugates from the cell periphery to the Golgi zone. This step was carried out by the pale MVB, a prelysosomal compartment that behaves like an endosome. Granulosa cells exposed to LDL labeled with gold and [3H]cholesteryl linoleate converted [3H]sterol to [3H]progestin in a time-dependent manner. This conversion was paralleled by increased gold-labeling of lysosomes and blocked by chloroquine, an inhibitor of lysosomal activity. In brief, granulosa cells deliver LDL to lysosomes by a receptor-mediated mechanism for the hydrolysis of cholesteryl esters. The resulting cholesterol is, in turn, transferred to other cellular compartments, where conversion to steroid occurs. These events comprise the pathway used by steroid-secreting cells to obtain the LDL-cholesterol vital for steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Androgen can directly modulate the induction of steroidogenic enzymes by FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) in ovary granulosa cells. In studies of its mechanism of action, we examined the androgen effect on granulosa cell interaction with lipoproteins, the physiologic source of cholesterol. After granulosa cells were cultured for 48 hours with and without androgen and/or FSH, the cells were incubated for 24 hours with 125I-lipoproteins [human high density lipoprotein (HDL), rat HDL, or human low density lipoprotein (LDL)]. The media were then analyzed for lipoprotein protein coat degradation products (mainly 125I-monoiodotyrosine) and progestin [mainly 20α-dihydroprogesterone (20α-DHP)]. In the absence of FSH and androgen, 2 × 105 granulosa cells degraded basal levels of all three lipoproteins, but produced no measurable 20α-DHP. The addition of 10?7 M androstenedione (A), testosterone (T), or 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) had no effect on lipoprotein protein degradation or 20α-DHP production. FSH alone stimulated lipoprotein protein degradation by 50 to 300% while the addition of androgen synergistically augmented the FSH-stimulated 20α-DHP production as well as protein coat degradation of all three lipoproteins. DHT and T were both effective, indicating that androgens themselves, and not estrogen products, were responsible for the effect on lipoprotein protein degradation and 20α-DHP production. The addition of a 10-fold excess cyproterone acetate (an anti-androgen) inhibited the effect of T, suggesting that the action of T was mediated by the granulosa cell androgen receptor. Androgen and FSH also synergistically stimulated the production of 3H-progestin when the granulosa cells were incubated with either 3H-cholesterol ester core labeled human HDL or similarly labeled human LDL. This report demonstrates that androgen, in combination with FSH, augments the steroidogenic pathway of the granulosa cell from the degradation of lipoprotein and utilization of the cholesterol ester core, to the production of progestin product.  相似文献   

Plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the transfer of cholesteryl esters (CE) between lipoproteins and was reported to also directly mediate the uptake of high density lipoprotein (HDL) CE by human Hep G2 cells and fibroblasts. The present study investigates that uptake and its relationship to a pathway for "selective uptake" of HDL CE that does not require CETP. HDL3 labeled in both the CE and apoprotein moieties was incubated with Hep G2 cells. During 4-h incubations, CE tracer was selectively taken up from doubly labeled HDL3 in excess of apoA-I tracer, and added CETP did not modify that uptake. However, during 18-20-h incubations, CETP stimulated the uptake of CE tracer more than 4-fold without modifying the uptake of apoA-I tracer. This suggested that secreted products, perhaps lipoproteins, might be required for the CETP effect. Four inhibitors of lipoprotein uptake via low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors (heparin, monensin, an antibody against the LDL receptor, and antibodies against the receptor binding domains of apoB and apoE) effectively blocked the CETP stimulation of CE tracer uptake. Heparin caused an increase in CE tracer in a d less than 1.063 g/ml fraction of the medium that more than accounted for the heparin blockade of CETP-stimulated CE uptake. CETP did not affect the uptake of doubly labeled HDL3 by human fibroblasts, even at twice plasma levels of activity, and heparin did not modify uptake of HDL3 tracers. Thus the CETP effect on Hep G2 cells can be accounted for by transfer of HDL CE to secreted lipoproteins which are then retaken up, and there is no evidence for a direct effect of CETP on cellular uptake of HDL CE.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the kinetic parameters of the hepatic uptake of VLDL remnant cholesteryl esters. Rat livers were perfused in situ with a broad range of remnant [3H]cholesteryl ester concentrations of known specific radioactivity. Following exactly 3 min of perfusion, hepatic lipids were extracted and labelled cholesteryl esters were separated by thin-layer chromatography and counted. The rate of cholesteryl ester uptake was a saturable process and the apparent kinetic parameters were determined from the Lineweaver-Burk plot of the data. Km and Vmax were calculated to be 72 microM and 35 nmol cholesteryl ester/min per g liver, respectively. For the purpose of comparison, we have expressed our kinetic parameters in terms of number of particles (Vmax = 0.022 nmol particles/min per g liver and Km = 45 nM) and compared our values with those obtained with chylomicron remnants by another group of investigators (Sherrill, B.C., Innerarity, T.L. and Mahley, R.W. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 1804-1807). We found that the maximal capacity for the removal of VLDL particles was similar to what was observed with rat chylomicron remnants. In contrast, the Km for the uptake process of VLDL remnant particles was approximately four times higher than that of rat chylomicron remnant particles. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that hepatic removal of both chylomicron and VLDL remnants is mediated by the same receptor, but suggest that the affinity of VLDL remnants for the hepatic removal process is substantially lower, possibly due to structural differences between the two remnant particles.  相似文献   

Rat adrenal cortical cells have been prepared by collagenase dissociation of trypsin-treated adrenal tissue. The content and compositions of cholesteryl ester, phospholipid, and triglyceride fatty acids compare favorably with those of undissociated rat adrenal tissue. During 2-hour control incubations of adrenal cortical cells, steroidogenesis was not detected, and the levels of sterol ester, phospholipid, and triglyceride fatty acids were not significantly altered. Incubations with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) resulted in coricosterone production and significant depletions of sterol ester and triglyceride fatty acids, but not of phospholipid fatty acids. Although all fatty acid esters of cholesterol were hydrolyzed under these conditions, the greatest contributions to the net decrease in sterol esters were by oleate, arachidonate, and adrenate. Incubations with dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (0.5 mM) resulted in significantly greater levels of corticosterone production than did ACTH (250 muunits), but the effects on cellular lipids were comparable to those seen with the tropic hormone. This study represents the first demonstration of hormone-induced hydrolysis of sterol esters in an in vitro cell suspension system. The results are discussed with respect to hormone-sensitive sterol ester hydrolase of adrenal cortex, and to the role of endogenous cholesteryl esters in the steroidogenic pathway.  相似文献   

Previous reports attributed cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated HDL cholesteryl ester (CE) selective uptake to the CETP-mediated transfer of CE from HDL to newly secreted apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, which are then internalized by the LDL receptor (LDL-R). CETP has also been implicated in the remodeling of HDL, which renders it a better substrate for selective uptake by scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI). However, CETP-mediated selective uptake of HDL3-derived CE was not diminished in LDL-R null adipocytes, SR-BI null adipocytes, or in the presence of the receptor-associated protein. We found that monensin treatment or energy depletion of the SW872 liposarcoma cells with 2-deoxyglucose and NaN3 had no effect on CETP-mediated selective uptake, demonstrating that endocytosis is not required. This is supported by data indicating that CETP transfers CE into a compartment from which it can be extracted by unlabeled HDL. CETP could also mediate the selective uptake of HDL3-derived triacylglycerol (TG) and phospholipid (PL). The CETP-specific kinetics for TG and CE uptake were similar, and both reached saturation at approximately 5 microg/ml HDL. In contrast, CETP-specific PL uptake did not attain saturation at 5 microg/ml HDL and was approximately 6-fold greater than the uptake of CE. We propose two possible mechanisms to account for the role of CETP in selective uptake.  相似文献   

The mass efflux of free and esterified cholesterol was studied in skin fibroblasts loaded with cholesterol by incubation with low density lipoproteins (LDL) isolated from normal or hypercholesterolemic cynomolgus monkeys. Cells incubated with hypercholesterolemic LDL accumulated 2-3 times more cholesteryl ester than did cells incubated with the same amount of normal LDL. Cholesteryl oleate was the principal cholesteryl ester species to accumulate in cells incubated with both normal and hypercholesterolemic LDL. Efflux of this accumulated cholesterol was absolutely dependent on the presence of a cholesterol acceptor in the culture medium. Lipoprotein-deficient serum (LPDS) was the most potent promoter of cholesterol efflux tested, with maximum efflux occurring at LPDS concentrations greater than 1.5 mg protein/ml. Upon addition of efflux medium containing LPDS, there was a reduction in both the free and esterified cholesterol concentration of the cells. Greater than 90% of the cholesteryl esters that were lost from the cells appeared in the culture medium as free cholesterol, indicating that hydrolysis of cholesteryl esters preceded efflux. Efflux was not inhibited by chloroquine, however, suggesting a mechanism independent of lysosomes. Loss of cellular free cholesterol was maximum by 6 hr and changed very little thereafter up to 72 hr. Cholesteryl ester loss from cells decreased in a log linear fashion for efflux periods of 6-72 hr, with an average half-life for cholesteryl ester efflux of 30 hr, but with a range of 20-50 hr, depending upon the specific cell line. The rate of efflux of cellular cholesteryl esters was similar for cells loaded with normal or hypercholesterolemic LDL. In cells loaded with cholesteryl esters, cholesterol synthesis was suppressed and cholesterol esterification and fatty acid synthesis were enhanced. During efflux, cholesterol synthesis remained maximally suppressed while cholesterol esterification decreased for the first 24 hr of efflux, then plateaued at a level approximately 5-fold higher than control levels, while fatty acid synthesis was slightly stimulated. There was little difference in the rate of efflux of individual cholesteryl ester species. There was, however, the suggestion that reesterification of cholesterol principally to palmitic acid occurred during efflux. Since the rate of cellular cholesteryl ester efflux was similar regardless of whether the cells had been loaded with cholesterol by incubation with normal LDL or hypercholesterolemic LDL, the greater accumulation of cholesterol in cells incubated with hypercholesterolemic LDL cannot be explained by differences in rates of efflux.-St. Clair, R. W., and M. A. Leight. Cholesterol efflux from cells enriched with cholesteryl esters by incubation with hypercholesterolemic monkey low density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The serum decay of rat serum high-density lipoprotein (HD lipoprotein), labelled biosynthetically with 32P in the phospholipid or with 3H in the cholesteryl ester moiety, was measured in rats after partial hepatectomy or sham operation. The serum decay of 3H-labelled HD lipoprotein cholesteryl esters was biexponential. In sham-operated rats the t½ values for the rapid phase and the slow phase were 0.2±0.1h and 4.2±0.4h (means±s.e.m.) respectively. After removal of two-thirds of the liver the t½ value of the rapid phase did not change (0.1±0.1h), whereas the t½ value of the slow phase increased to 5.7±0.8h. Partial hepatectomy hardly changed extrahepatic tissue radioactivities, whereas the percentage of the injected dose recovered in the liver 6h after injection decreased from 34.0±1.9% before to 13.5±1.6% after partial hepatectomy. The 32P-labelled HD lipoprotein phospholipids showed a rapid monoexponential decay from serum with t½ values of 0.71±0.3h and 1.48±0.11h after sham operation or partial hepatectomy respectively. The tissue 32P radioactivities in the shamoperated rats, measured 1h after injection, were 46.0±1.7% (liver), 1.7±0.3% (adipose tissue), 3.7±1.2% (skeletal muscle) and 3.0±0.0% (erythrocytes) of the injected dose. Only the value for liver was affected by partial hepatectomy and decreased to 16.7±3.8%. In a previous publication [Van Tol, Van Gent, Van't Hooft & Vlaspolder (1978) Atherosclerosis 29, 439–448] we showed in a highly comparable experimental setting that the turnover rates of HD apolipoproteins A and C in vivo are not influenced by removal of two-thirds of the liver. From the present study it is clear that the removal rates of radioactive HD lipoprotein cholesteryl esters and HD lipoprotein phospholipids from serum in vivo are decreased by partial hepatectomy. The results indicate the possibility of partly separate metabolic pathways of HD apolipoproteins A and C, HD lipoprotein cholesteryl esters and HD lipoprotein phospholipids. The phospholipids and cholesteryl esters of HD lipoprotein are metabolized predominantly by the liver. Possible mechanisms for the hepatic uptake and metabolism of HD lipoprotein cholesteryl (esters) and phospholipids are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescent cholesteryl esters with chromophores placed either on the acyl chain (cholesteryl-cis-parinarate), the sterol ring system (5,7,9-cholesteryl oleate), or the side chain (naphthylcholenamide oleate) have been incorporated into the core of low density lipoprotein. The temperature dependence of several fluorescence parameters has been evaluated. An analysis of the fluorescence lifetime components of cholesteryl-cis-parinarate reveals coexisting environments whose proportion varies and reflects the thermotropic reorganization of the core of the particle. An analysis of the motion by dynamic depolarization suggests that the motions of the acyl chains in the core of the particle are highly restricted.  相似文献   

Plasma low- and high-density lipoproteins (LDL and HDL) are cleared from the circulation by specific receptors and are either totally degraded or their cholesteryl esters (CE) are selectively delivered to cells by receptors such as the scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI). The aim of the present study was to define the effect of apoC-II and apoC-III on the uptake of LDL and HDL by HepG2 cells. Stable transformants were obtained with sense or antisense strategies that secrete 47-294% the normal level of apoC-II or 60-200% that of apoC-III. Different levels of secreted apoC-II or apoC-III had little effect on LDL and HDL protein degradation by HepG2 cells. However, compared to controls, cells under-expressing apoC-II showed a 160% higher capacity to selectively take up HDL-CE, while cells under-expressing apoC-III demonstrated 70 and 160% higher capacity to take up CE from LDL and HDL, respectively. In experiments conducted with exogenously added apoC-II or apoC-III, no significant effect was observed on lipoprotein-protein association/degradation; however, LDL-CE and HDL-CE selective uptake was significantly reduced in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that apoC-II and apoC-III inhibit CE-selective uptake.  相似文献   

Rat hepatoma cells (Fu5AH) were studied as a model for the net delivery of apoE-free high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol to a cell. Incubating cells with HDL results in 1) a decrease in both media-free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester concentration; 2) decreased cell sterol synthesis; and 3) increased cell cholesteryl ester synthesis. HDL cholesteryl ester uptake is increased when cells are incubated for 18 hr in cholesterol poor media. Coincubation of 3H-cholesteryl ester-labeled low-density lipoprotein (LDL) with 50 microM chloroquine or 25 microM monensin results in a decrease in the cellular free cholesterol/cholesteryl ester (FC/CE) isotope ratio, indicating an inhibition in the conversion of cholesteryl ester to free cholesterol. In contrast, chloroquine and monensin do not alter the cellular FC/CE isotope ratio for 3H-CE HDL. This evidence indicates that acidic lysosomal cholesteryl ester hydrolase does not account for the hydrolysis of HDL-CE. Free cholesterol generated from 3H-cholesteryl ester of both LDL and HDL is reesterified intracellularly. At higher HDL concentrations (above 50 micrograms/ml) HDL cholesteryl ester hydrolysis is sensitive to chloroquine. We propose that an extralysosomal pathway is operating in the metabolism of HDL cholesterol and that at higher HDL concentrations a lysosomal pathway may be functioning in addition to an extralysosomal pathway.  相似文献   

The concept that selective transfer of high density lipoprotein (HDL)-derived cholesteryl esters (CE) does not require lipoprotein internalization has been challenged recently by evidence that implicates HDL recycling during the selective uptake process. This has prompted us to examine the role of the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) in selective uptake. LRP is an endocytic receptor for lipoprotein lipase (LpL) and apolipoprotein E (apoE) ligands that are able to mediate selective uptake. We report that molecules that interfere with ligand binding to LRP, such as the receptor-associated protein (RAP), suramin, alpha(2)-macroglobulin, or lactoferrin, inhibit HDL-CE selective uptake by human primary adipocytes and SW872 liposarcoma cells by 35-50%. This partial inhibition of selective uptake from total HDL was not due to preferential inhibition of the HDL(2) or HDL(3) subfractions. Selective uptake by the scavenger receptor BI was not inhibited by RAP, excluding its involvement. Furthermore, in SW872 cells in which LRP was reduced to 14% of control levels by stable antisense expression, selective uptake was attenuated by at least 33%, confirming a role for LRP in this process. RAP, alpha(2)-macroglobulin, lactoferrin, and suramin (individually or in paired combinations) also attenuated selective uptake of HDL-CE by primary human adipocytes by about 40%. On the other hand, human skin fibroblasts express LRP abundantly but lack the capacity for selective uptake, demonstrating that other molecules are required. In SW872 cells, exogenous apoE or LpL can facilitate selective uptake but only the apoE-enhanced uptake can be inhibited by RAP, implicating apoE as a likely co-mediator. We discuss the possible mechanisms by which the endocytic receptor, LRP, can mediate selective uptake.  相似文献   

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesteryl esters are taken up by fibroblasts via HDL particle uptake and via selective uptake, i.e., cholesteryl ester uptake independent of HDL particle uptake. In the present study we investigated HDL selective uptake and HDL particle uptake by J774 macrophages. HDL3 (d = 1.125-1.21 g/ml) was labeled with intracellularly trapped tracers: 125I-labeled N-methyltyramine-cellobiose-apo A-I (125I-NMTC-apo A-I) to trace apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) and [3H]cholesteryl oleyl ether to trace cholesteryl esters. J774 macrophages, incubated at 37 degrees C in medium containing doubly labeled HDL3, took up 125I-NMTC-apo A-I, indicating HDL3 particle uptake (102.7 ng HDL3 protein/mg cell protein per 4 h at 20 micrograms/ml HDL3 protein). Apparent HDL3 uptake according to the uptake of [3H]cholesteryl oleyl ether (470.4 ng HDL3 protein/mg cell protein per 4 h at 20 micrograms/ml HDL3 protein) was in significant excess on 125I-NMTC-apo A-I uptake, i.e., J774 macrophages demonstrated selective uptake of HDL3 cholesteryl esters. To investigate regulation of HDL3 uptake, cell cholesterol was modified by preincubation with low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or acetylated LDL (acetyl-LDL). Afterwards, uptake of doubly labeled HDL3, LDL (apo B,E) receptor activity or cholesterol mass were determined. Preincubation with LDL or acetyl-LDL increased cell cholesterol up to approx. 3.5-fold over basal levels. Increased cell cholesterol had no effect on HDL3 particle uptake. In contrast, LDL- and acetyl-LDL-loading decreased selective uptake (apparent uptake 606 vs. 366 ng HDL3 protein/mg cell protein per 4 h in unloaded versus acetyl-LDL-loaded cells at 20 micrograms HDL3 protein/ml). In parallel with decreased selective uptake, specific 125I-LDL degradation was down-regulated. Using heparin as well as excess unlabeled LDL, it was shown that HDL3 uptake is independent of LDL (apo B,E) receptors. In summary, J774 macrophages take up HDL3 particles. In addition, J774 cells also selectively take up HDL3-associated cholesteryl esters. HDL3 selective uptake, but not HDL3 particle uptake, can be regulated.  相似文献   

Reconstituted high density lipoprotein has been prepared by sonication and preparative ultracentrifugation of mixtures containing the apoprotein of high density lipoprotein, egg phosphatidylcholine, cholesteryl oleate, and acyl chain deuterated cholesteryl palmitate in aqueous buffer. The resulting structures have a size and chemical composition very similar to native high density lipoprotein. Deuterium NMR spectra and longitudinal relaxation times were obtained at approximately 25 degrees C. The variation of the 2H NMR line width with chain position is consistent with an average conformation such that the ester acyl chain is extended. In addition, 2H NMR line widths and longitudinal relaxation times indicate that the ester acyl chains possess significant mobility.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been established that lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is partly associated with circulating lipoproteins. This report describes the effects of physiological amounts of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-bound LPL on the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated cholesteryl ester transfer (CET) from high density lipoprotein (HDL) to VLDL. Three patients with severe LPL deficiency exhibited a strong decrease in net mass CET that was more than 80% lower than that of common hypertriglyceridemic subjects. Recombination experiments showed that this was due to an abnormal behavior of the VLDL fraction. Replacement of the latter by normal VLDL totally normalized net mass CET. We therefore prepared VLDL containing controlled amounts of bound LPL that we used as CE acceptors in experiments involving unidirectional radioisotopic CET measurements. These were carried out either in the absence or in the presence of inhibitors of LPL lipolytic activity. When LPL-induced lipolysis was totally blocked, the stimulating effect of the enzyme on the CETP-dependent CET was only reduced by about 50%, showing that it did not entirely result from its lipolytic action. These data were dependent upon neither the type of LPL inhibitor (E600 or THL) nor the source of CETP (delipidated plasma or partially purified CETP). Thus, in addition to the well-known stimulating effect of LPL-dependent lipolysis on CET, our work demonstrates that physiological amounts of VLDL-bound LPL may facilitate CET through a mechanism partially independent of its lipolytic activity.  相似文献   

Porcine granulosa cells cultured under serum free conditions responded by increased progesterone secretion to the addition of the leuteotropic hormones, LH, prolactin, and estradiol. Provision of extracellular substrate for steroidogenesis in the form of porcine high density lipoprotein or low density lipoprotein enhanced progesterone accumulation by granulosa cell cultures. Estradiol, LH, and prolactin all greatly increased progesterone accumulation in the presence of either high or low density lipoproteins. Increases in progesterone accumulation following addition of prolactin or LH in combination with estradiol suggested the presence of a synergistic interaction among leuteotropins. Pre-exposure of granulosa cell cultures to estradiol increased the subsequent stimulatory effect of prolactin on lipoprotein utilization. It is concluded that all three leuteotropins function to enhance and may interact in the utilization of extracellular lipoprotein substrate for progesterone synthesis.  相似文献   

Metabolism of doubly-labeled chylomicron cholesteryl esters in the rat   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Chylomicrons labeled in vitro with doubly-labeled cholesteryl esters were injected intravenously into fasted rats, and the tissue distribution and chemical form of each isotope were observed for 24 hr. The use of doubly-labeled cholesteryl esters provided information about the metabolism of both the sterol and the fatty acid moieties. Similar results were obtained with doubly-labeled cholesteryl palmitate, oleate, and linoleate. In each instance, most (80-90%) of the chylomicron cholesteryl ester was removed from the plasma by the liver; small amounts were also taken up by all other tissues examined. There was no hydrolysis during uptake. In the liver the newly absorbed cholesteryl esters underwent slow hydrolysis (60% after 1 hr and 85-90% after 3.5 hr); the rate of reesterification of the liberated cholesterol was still slower. After 24 hr only 20-28% of the labeled cholesterol present in the animal was found in the liver. Labeled fatty acid disappeared from the liver, and was redistributed among other tissues, much more rapidly than the labeled cholesterol. Most of the labeled fatty acid apparently underwent oxidation, since only 15-20% of the injected labeled fatty acid was present in the animal after 24 hr. At this time the three fatty acids were differently distributed between and within the tissues. These differences reflected some known differences of fatty acid concentration and lipid composition in the various tissues.  相似文献   

High density lipoproteins (HDL), doubly labeled with [3H]cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl [14C]oleate, were reinjected to study HDL cholesteryl ester metabolism in African green monkeys. The transfer of labeled HDL cholesteryl ester to low density lipoprotein (LDL) was rapid and equilibration of the [3H]cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl [14C]oleate specific activities in LDL and HDL occurred within 90 min after reinjection. The apparent rates of disappearance from the circulation of the two moieties of the cholesteryl ester were different. In the same four animals, the residence time for the turnover of plasma [3H]cholesterol averaged 6.1 days while the residence time for the removal of cholesteryl [14C]oleate from plasma was approximately 2.1 days. These results suggest that for some lipoprotein cholesteryl esters removed from plasma, the cholesterol moiety subsequently reappeared in plasma. The difference between the rate of decay of the 14C-labeled fatty acid moiety, which represents all of the cholesteryl ester removed from plasma (0.48 pools/day) and the decay of the 3H-labeled cholesterol moiety, which represents the sum of cholesteryl ester removal and cholesterol reappearance (0.16 pools/day), is the fraction of the cholesteryl ester pool recycled per day (0.32 pools/day or 22.5 mg/kg per day). In other words, approximately 68% of the cholesterol moiety that was removed from plasma as cholesteryl oleate reappeared in the plasma cholesterol pool. These studies support the concept that an efficient reutilization cycle for plasma cholesterol occurs, i.e., the cholesteryl ester molecule can exit and the cholesterol moiety can re-enter plasma without effective equilibration of the cholesterol moiety with extravascular cholesterol pools.  相似文献   

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