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A highly sensitive neutron-induced prompt γ-ray analysis (PGA) system, usable at both cold and thermal neutron beam guides of JRR-3M, has been constructed. The system was designed to achieve the lowest γ-ray background by using lithium fluoride tiles as neutron shielding, by placing the samples in a He atmosphere and by using a Ge-bismuth germanate detector system for Compton suppression. The γ-ray spectrometer can acquire three modes of spectra simultaneously: single, Compton suppression, and pair modes. Because of the low-energy guided neutron beams and the low-background system, analytical sensitivities and detection limits better than those in usual PGA systems have been achieved. Boron and multielemental determination by a comparative standardization have been investigated, and accuracy, precision, and detection limits for the elements in various materials were evaluated. The system has been applied to the determination of B and multielements in samples of various fields such as medical, environmental, and geological sciences.  相似文献   

A new murine monoclonal antibody (2C-8) was prepared by immunizing mice ip with CEA producing human pancreatic cancer cell line, AsPC-1.SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis showed that 2C-8 monoclonal antibody recognized CEA and NCA. This anti-CEA monoclonal antibody was conjugated with large multilamellar liposomes incorporated 10B compound (Cs2 10B12H11SH). This immunoliposomes applicated to boron neutron capture therapy. AsPC-1 cells were incubated with the 10B-Lip-MoAb(CEA) for 8 hours. After the irradiation with thermal neutron (1 x 10(11)-1 x 10(13) n/cm2), boronated AsPC-1 cells were showed decreasing uptake of 3H-TdR compared with control group. The numbers of 10B atoms in liposomes bound to an antibody were in proportion to the dose of 10B compounds added and maximum number of 10B atoms was approximatory 1.2 x 10(4)/Ab. These data indicated that the immunoliposomes could deliver highly amount of 10B atoms to the tumor cells and exert cytotoxic effect by thermal neutron. BNCT with immunoliposome may be useful to the non resectable malignant tumors in clinical application.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cold neutron radiography was applied to directly observe embolism in conduits of liana stems with the aim to evaluate the suitability of this method for studying embolism formation and repair. Potential advantages of this method are a principally non-invasive imaging approach with low energy dose compared with synchrotron X-ray radiation, a good spatial and temporal resolution, and the possibility to observe the entire volume of stem portions with a length of several centimetres at one time.


Complete and cut stems of Adenia lobata, Aristolochia macrophylla and Parthenocissus tricuspidata were radiographed at the neutron imaging facility CONRAD at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, with each measurement cycle lasting several hours. Low attenuation gas spaces were separated from the high attenuation (water-containing) plant tissue using image processing.

Key results

Severe cuts into the stem were necessary to induce embolism. The formation and temporal course of an embolism event could then be successfully observed in individual conduits. It was found that complete emptying of a vessel with a diameter of 100 µm required a time interval of 4 min. Furthermore, dehydration of the whole stem section could be monitored via decreasing attenuation of the neutrons.


The results suggest that cold neutron radiography represents a useful tool for studying water relations in plant stems that has the potential to complement other non-invasive methods.  相似文献   

Using Greene's melanoma transplanted into Syrian (golden) hamsters, we determined the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of thermal neutron capture therapy (TNCT) using 10B-paraboronophenylalanine (10B-BPA) in comparison with a 9-MeV electron beam. We also obtained the RBE of the 10B(n, alpha)7 Li reaction by calculation based on summed dose data from TNCT. Throughout this study, the Kyoto University Research Reactor was used as the source for thermal neutrons; the reactor was specially altered to attain a low contamination level both for gamma-rays and fast neutrons. 10B-BPA was administered 8 hours before thermal neutron irradiation to the hamsters with melanoma. The tumor was then irradiated at 5 MW for 90 minutes. The absorbed dose from this TNCT was calculated by the method of Fairchild and Goodman (Phys. Med. Biol. 1966; 2:15-30). The RBEs of the TNCT and the 10B(n, alpha)7 Li reaction obtained by the tumor growth delay time (TGDT) method were 2.22 and 2.51, respectively, at 10.5 days of TGDT. These RBE values varied with TGDT and the absorbed dose. The RBE value of TNCT had a peak at 7.0 days of TGDT; that of the 10B(n, alpha)7Li reaction was higher at a low absorbed dose level and lower at a high absorbed dose level.  相似文献   

Although several studies have compared thermal sensitivity between body segments, little is known on regional variations within body segments. Furthermore, the effects of exercise on the thermal sensation resulting from a cold stimulus remain unclear. The current experiment therefore aimed to explore inter- and intra-segmental differences in thermal sensitivity to cold, at rest and during light exercise. Fourteen male participants (22.3±3.1 years; 181.6±6.2 cm; 73.7±10.3 kg) were tested at rest and whilst cycling at 30% VO2 max. Sixteen body sites (front torso=6; back=6; arms=4) were stimulated in a balanced order, using a 20 °C thermal probe (25 cm2) applied onto the skin. Thermal sensations resulting from the stimuli were assessed using an 11-point cold sensation scale (0=not cold; 10=extremely cold). Variations were found within body segments, particularly at the abdomen and mid-back where the lateral regions were significantly more sensitive than the medial areas. Furthermore, thermal sensations were significantly colder at rest compared to exercise in 12 of the 16 body sites tested. Neural and hormonal factors were considered as potential mechanisms behind this reduction in thermal sensitivity. Interestingly, the distribution of cold sensations was more homogenous during exercise. The present data provides evidence that thermal sensitivity to cold varies within body segments, and it is significantly reduced in most areas during exercise.  相似文献   

Human melanoma regression by single thermal neutron capture therapy (NCT) using melanoma-seeking 10B compounds has been achieved. Since 1972, the aim of my team has been to synthesize tumor-seeking 10B-compounds possessing selective affinity for specific metabolic activity of the target cancer cells. Once the melanoma takes up these 10B compounds, thermal neutrons, which cause insignificant cell damage, are easily absorbed by nonradioactive 10B, inducing the 10B(n, alpha)7Li reaction and releasing the high LET particles to 14 mu melanoma cell diameter, destroying the tumor without damaging surrounding tissue. Radiobiological and preclinical studies culminated in the first successful human NCT treatment, with no recurrence of the treated melanoma since July, 1987.  相似文献   



Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a binary hadrontherapy which exploits the neutron capture reaction in boron, together with a selective uptake of boronated substances by the neoplastic tissue. There is increasing evidence that future improvements in clinical BNCT will be triggered by the discovery of new boronated compounds, with higher selectivity for the tumor with respect to clinically used sodium borocaptate (BSH) and boronophenylalanine (BPA).


Therefore, a 10B quantification technique for biological samples is needed in order to evaluate the performance of new boronated formulations.

Materials and methods

This article describes an improved neutron autoradiography set-up employing radiation sensitive films where the latent tracks are made visible by proper etching conditions.


Calibration curves for both liquid and tissue samples were obtained.


The obtained calibration curves were adopted to set-up a mechanism to point out boron concentration in the whole sample.  相似文献   

Summary The skipjack tuna maintains its red skeletal musculature well above ambient temperatures while the temperature of the heart is within 1°C of that of the water. These two tissues exhibit tissue specific forms of pyruvate kinase. The red muscle has one form while the heart has two.TheK m(PEP) of the red muscle enzymes rises with temperature, within the normal temperature range of the tissue. The affinity of the major form of the heart enzyme for phosphoenolpyruvate is relatively independent of temperature over the physiological temperature range.K m(ADP) values are temperature independent for both enzymes.Inhibition by alanine of both enzymes is temperature dependent and rises with temperature. The same is true of ATP inhibition of the heart enzyme, but ATP inhibition of the red muscle enzyme is temperature independent. Fructose diphosphate reverses alanine and ATP inhibition at all temperatures.With both enzymes, temperature affects substrate affinities and the sensitivity of the enzyme to metabolite effectors. These effects can be rationalized in terms of physiological significance only in the case of the red muscle enzyme.List of abbreviations ADP adenosine diphosphate - ATP adenosine triphosphate - EDTA ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid - FDP fructose 1,6 diphosphate - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - NADH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced) - NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (oxidized) - PEP phosphoenol pyruvate  相似文献   

The RBE of a thermal neutron beam and the 10B(n, alpha)7Li reaction were determined in cultured B-16 melanoma cells. The Kyoto University Research Reactor (KUR) was used as a thermal neutron source which had a very low contamination of gamma-rays and fast neutrons. The cells were irradiated with the beam in the presence or absence of 10B-boric acid. The absorbed dose from the neutron capture reaction to the cells was calculated by a method of Kitao (1975). Survival curves in both conditions had no shoulder and Do values were 0.506 or 0.604 Gy in the presence or absence of 5 micrograms 10B/ml-medium, respectively. The Do value of the 10B(n, alpha)7Li reaction was also estimated at 0.466 Gy, assuming each component of radiation was additive. The RBEs of the KUR thermal neutron beam and the 10B(n, alpha)7Li reaction relative to 60Co gamma-rays were estimated as 4.62 and 6.01 at 0.1 surviving fraction, respectively. Using these results, we calculated the absorbed dose from the 10B-compound and estimated the specific accumulation in the cultured cells of 10B-compounds which we have previously reported but not quantified (Nakanishi et al. 1980, Ichihashi et al. 1982).  相似文献   

Fitter J 《Biophysical journal》2003,84(6):3924-3930
Thermal unfolding of proteins at high temperatures is caused by a strong increase of the entropy change which lowers Gibbs free energy change of the unfolding transition (DeltaG(unf) = DeltaH - TDeltaS). The main contributions to entropy are the conformational entropy of the polypeptide chain itself and ordering of water molecules around hydrophobic side chains of the protein. To elucidate the role of conformational entropy upon thermal unfolding in more detail, conformational dynamics in the time regime of picoseconds was investigated with neutron spectroscopy. Confined internal structural fluctuations were analyzed for alpha-amylase in the folded and the unfolded state as a function of temperature. A strong difference in structural fluctuations between the folded and the unfolded state was observed at 30 degrees C, which increased even more with rising temperatures. A simple analytical model was used to quantify the differences of the conformational space explored by the observed protein dynamics for the folded and unfolded state. Conformational entropy changes, calculated on the basis of the applied model, show a significant increase upon heating. In contrast to indirect estimates, which proposed a temperature independent conformational entropy change, the measurements presented here, demonstrated that the conformational entropy change increases with rising temperature and therefore contributes to thermal unfolding.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase distribution and concentration in human organs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentration of basic, near-neutral and acid GSH S-transferase was measured in 18 organs from each of 9 male human subjects using radial immunodiffusion. Basic transferases were detectable in all tissues studied. Highest concentrations were found in liver, testis, kidney, adrenal and jejunum while low levels were found in bladder, muscle and thyroid. The concentration in liver was 230 times higher than that in thyroid. Near-neutral GSH S-transferase were absent in all tissues in 5 of the 9 individuals studied. When present they were widely distributed, highest concentrations being found in liver, testis, muscle, adrenal and brain and lowest levels in thyroid, lung, duodenum, stomach, heart and kidney. Acid GSH S-transferases were present in every individual studied although they were undetectable in the liver of a single subject. Highest concentrations were present in colon, jejunum, ileum, bladder, spleen and lung while low concentrations were found in liver. Our study provides conclusive evidence of marked inter-individual and inter-organ variation of the three groups of human GSH S-transferase.  相似文献   

Most biological beams bend and twist relatively easily compared to human-made structures. This paper investigates flexibility in 57 diverse biological beams in an effort to identify common patterns in the relationship between flexural stiffness and torsional stiffness. The patterns are investigated by mapping both ideal and biological beams into a mechanospace defined by flexural and torsional stiffness. The distribution of biological beams is not random, but is generally limited to particular regions of the mechanospace. Biological beams that are stiff in bending are stiff in torsion, while those that bend easily also twist easily. Unoccupied regions of the mechanospace represent rare combinations of mechanical properties, without proving that they are impossible. The mechanical properties of biological beams closely resemble theoretical expectations for ideal beams. Both distributions are potentially being driven by the interdependence of the material and structural properties determining stiffness. The mechanospace can be used as a broadly comparative tool to highlight systems that fall outside the general pattern observed in this study. These outlying beams may be of particular interest to both biologists and engineers due to either material or structural innovations.  相似文献   

The report presented in the 7th ONU's Conference (USA, 2001) about climatic changes that took place at the end of 2001 informs that, in less than 50 years, more than 45% of the world population will be suffering from lack of water. This fact occurs by the absence of management on water resources, mainly, in agriculture. As the excess as the lack of humidity in soil can change the harvest quality, causing physiologic anomalies in food and promoting soil diseases incidence caused by bacteria and fungus. In order to establish a larger control in the food quality, a study has been performed, through the neutron radiographic technique, that proposes the optimization of agricultural harvests in relation to the minimum quantity of water necessary for the plant to develop and, also, of the soil compactness. Thus, neutron radiographic images of the system root-soil can be produced so that each root will be evaluated for its ability to penetrate in the soil layers, having the advantage of not interfering in this system what it is not possible through the usual techniques yet. The initial tests using bean roots showed that the soil thickness, which involved the roots, resulted in low contrast images, what impeded their visualization with enough clearness so that their grow could not be observed. For this reason, it was opted to the gadolinium as a contrast agent so that we have been studying its transport through the roots.  相似文献   

Acclimation to environmental change can impose both costs and benefits to organisms. In this study we explored to what extent locomotor behaviour of Drosophila melanogaster is influenced by developmental temperature and adult temperature in both the laboratory and the field. Following development at 15, 25, or 31 °C, adult flies were tested for locomotor activity at all developmental temperatures in the laboratory before and after exposure to a cold shock and in the field for their ability to locate resources after a cold shock. Both test (15, 25, and 31 °C) and developmental temperatures strongly affected locomoter activity, with flies developed at 25 °C having the highest activity at all three test temperatures before the cold shock. After the cold shock flies developed at 15 °C had higher activity compared with flies developed at 25 and 31 °C when tested at 15 and 25 °C, and flies developed at 25 °C had the highest activity when tested at 31 °C. Furthermore, flies developed at 31 °C showed longer recovery times following the cold shock at test temperatures of 15 and 25 °C. However, flies acclimated at 15 °C during development did not recover faster at 15 and 25 °C compared with flies developed at 25 °C. There were no significant correlations between recovery time and locomotor activity at any of the test temperatures. Flies developed at 15 °C and exposed to a cold shock before release in the field were much more successful in locating a resource at low field temperatures compared with flies developed at 25 and 31 °C. Our results provide support for both the beneficial acclimation hypothesis and the optimal developmental temperature hypothesis, but the results are highly context dependent and change with the temperature experienced by the individual during its lifetime.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern and the number of tumor cells arrested in the liver were studied in mouse livers. Mice were perfused intravascularly with a suspension of B16F10 melanoma cells. The animals were sacrificed at 0, 1, 5, and 20 min after tumor cell perfusion. The pattern of tumor cell distribution was studied by morphological methods, and by a combined method of fluorescent-tumor cell labelling and histochemical succinate dehydrogenase activity on frozen sections, in order to define the localization of tumor cells arrested in the liver lobule. The results show that the tumor cells have an exclusive distribution in the periportal regions of the liver lobule (identified as the high succinate dehydrogenase activity areas), and that the cells are not arrested in the pericentral regions (identified as the low succinate dehydrogenase activity areas). In addition, indomethacin treatment (2 mg/kg/day) induced an increase in the number of melanoma cells arrested in the liver, but a different distribution with respect to controls was not observed. These results show that periportal regions of the liver lobule constitute a particular domain in which the B16F10 melanoma cells present a special retention ability that can be modulated by indomethacin treatment.  相似文献   

In this study, Monte Carlo codes, Geant4 and MCNP6, were used to characterize the fast neutron therapeutic beam produced at iThemba LABS in South Africa. Experimental and simulation results were compared using the latest generation of Silicon on Insulator (SOI) microdosimeters from the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP). Geant4 and MCNP6 were able to successfully model the neutron gantry and simulate the expected neutron energy spectrum produced from the reaction by protons bombarding a 9Be target. The neutron beam was simulated in a water phantom and its characteristics recorded by the silicon microdosimeters; bare and covered by a 10B enriched boron carbide converter, at different positions. The microdosimetric quantities calculated using Geant4 and MCNP6 are in agreement with experimental measurements. The thermal neutron sensitivity and production of 10B capture products in the p+ boron-implanted dopant regions of the Bridge microdosimeter is investigated. The obtained results are useful for the future development of dedicated SOI microdosimeters for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). This paper provides a benchmark comparison of Geant4 and MCNP6 capabilities in the context of further applications of these codes for neutron microdosimetry.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the distribution of uranium (uranyl nitrate hexahydrate, UN) in muscle and organs (kidney, liver, and brain) of broilers, after a 7-day contamination with UN and administration of two different adsorbents (organobentonite and organozeolite). The birds were contaminated during 7 days with 25 mg/UN per day. Adsorbents were given via gastric tube, immediately after contamination with UN. In group 1 that did not receive any adsorbents, histopathological changes in the contaminated broilers were observed in small intestine, liver, and kidney in the form of necrosis of intestinal villi, oedema and cytoplasmic vacuolation of hepatocytes, and dystrophic changes in the kidney tubules epithelium. Organobentonite administered via gastric tube (group 2) reduced uranium distribution by 66 % in kidney, 81 % in liver, and 34 % in brain. In group 3, administration of organozeolite reduced uranium distribution by 67 % in kidney, 68 % in liver, and 49 % in brain. In groups 2 and 3, where the broilers received adsorbents immediately after the UN contamination, no histopathological lesions were observed.  相似文献   

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