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Bilateral ablation of the pallidum halves the duration of extinction of conditioned motor food reflexes and contributes to 30 to 50% extinction of the electro-defensive reflexes. Pallidum functional depression by potassium chloride or novacaine leads to a temporary total depression of conditioned motor food reflexes. Depending on the frequency of pallidum stimulation, synchronization or desynchronization of the cortical bioelectrical activity is observed. Ablation of the pallidum in anaesthetized cats results in a high amplitude and low-frequency cortical activity. Injection of large doses of potassium chloride into the pallidum results in a forced running forward which lasts 30 to 40 min. The pallidum is considreed as a structure controlling the cortex activity, which takes part in the mechanisms of sensory information processes in the course of adaptive behaviour.  相似文献   

Ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase can exist in two forms having different kinetic properties. The fraction of enzyme present in each of the two forms is determined by both the absolute and the relative amounts of substrates and other effector molecules in solution with the enzyme. High CO2 levels induce formation of an active CO2 form of the enzyme while high ribulosebisphosphate (RuBP) levels cause formation of a much less active form. The CO2 form is characterized by a high Km(RuBP), low Km(CO2), and relatively high V. The ribulosebisphosphate form has comparatively lower Km(RuBP) and V and higher Km(CO2). CO2 appears to bind before RuBP in the reaction sequence catalyzed by the CO2 form; this catalytic binding order is apparently reversed in the RuBP form. Steady state rates of enzyme reaction reflect the contributions of both these forms. A brief model, based on the cooperative effects of binding at a small number of catalytic or activator sites in the multimeric enzyme, is presented to account for the changes in enzyme activity with varying substrate and effector molecule concentrations.  相似文献   

下丘脑Orexin神经元对呼吸活动的调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu ZB  Shen LL 《生理科学进展》2010,41(3):201-204
半个世纪前,就有报道提示来自下丘脑外侧区的电脉冲可刺激呼吸。近年研究显示,下丘脑对呼吸的调节可能起源于下丘脑的Orexin神经元,其神经纤维投射到有Orexin受体分布的脑干呼吸中枢,微量注射Orexin于脑干呼吸中枢可刺激呼吸。在Orexin基因敲除的小鼠上,CO2引起呼吸增加的反应变弱,且使自发性睡眠呼吸暂停发生的频率增加。更有意义的发现是,下丘脑Orexin神经元能感受细胞外H+和CO2的变化,起到中枢化学感受器的作用而调节呼吸活动。本文简述Orexin的生物学特点,着重对呼吸活动的调节,以及参与相关呼吸系统疾病的病理生理过程作一综述。  相似文献   

The role of aspartic acid-49 (Asp-49) in the active site of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 was studied by recombinant DNA techniques: two mutant proteins were constructed containing either glutamic acid (Glu) or lysine (Lys) at position 49. Enzymatic characterization indicated that the presence of Asp-49 is essential for effective hydrolysis of phospholipids. Conversion of Asp-49 to either Glu or Lys strongly reduces the binding of Ca2+ ions, in particular for the lysine mutant, but the affinity for substrate analogues is hardly affected. Extensive purification of naturally occurring Lys-49 phospholipase A2 from the venom of Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus yielded a protein that was nearly inactive. Inhibition studies showed that this residual activity was due to a small amount of contaminating enzyme and that the Lys-49 homologue itself has no enzymatic activity. Our results indicate that Asp-49 is essential for the catalytic action of phospholipase A2. The importance of Asp-49 was further evaluated by comparison of the primary sequences of 53 phospholipases A2 and phospholipase homologues showing that substitutions at position 49 are accompanied by structural variations of otherwise conserved residues. The occurrence of several nonconserved substitutions appeared to be a general characteristic of nonactive phospholipase A2 homologues.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and the membrane-active protein CTII on the formation of nonbilayer structures in mitochondrial membranes were studied by 31P-NMR. An increase in ATP synthase activity was found for the first time to accompany the formation of nonbilayer packed phospholipids with immobilized molecular mobility in mitochondrial membranes. Computer modeling was additionally employed in studying the interaction of important phospholipids found in mitochondrial membranes with the molecular surface of CTII, which behaves like a dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-binding protein (DCCD-BP) of the F0 group in a lipid phase. Proton permeability toroidal pores were assumed to form in mitochondrial membranes from nonbilayer-packed phospholipids immobilized via interactions with DCCD-BP. Proton transport along a concentration gradient through the transit toroidal permeability pores may induce conformational changes necessary for mediating the catalytic activity of ATP synthase in the subunits of the F0–F1 complex.  相似文献   

Metallo-beta-lactamases (mbetals) are zinc-dependent enzymes that hydrolyze a wide range of beta-lactam antibiotics. The mbetal active site features an invariant Asp-120 that ligates one of the two metal ions (Zn2) and a metal-bridging water/hydroxide (Wat1). Previous studies show that substitutions at Asp-120 dramatically affect mbetal activity, but no consensus exists as to its role in beta-lactam turnover. Here we present crystal structures of the Asn and Cys mutants of Asp-120 of the L1 mbetal from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Both mutants retain a dinuclear zinc center with Wat1 present. In the essentially inactive Cys enzyme Zn2 is displaced to a more buried position relative to that in the wild-type enzyme. In the catalytically impaired Asn enzyme the coordination of Zn2 is altered, neither it nor Wat1 is coordinated by Asn-120, and the N-terminal 19 amino acids, important to cooperative interactions between subunits in the wild-type enzyme, are disordered. Comparison with the structure of L1 complexed with the hydrolyzed oxacephem moxalactam suggests that in the Cys mutant Zn2 can no longer make stabilizing interactions with anionic nitrogen species formed in the hydrolytic reaction. The diminished activity of the Asn mutant arises from a combination of loss of intersubunit interactions and impaired proton transfer to, and reduced interaction of Zn2 with, the substrate amide nitrogen. We conclude that, while interactions of Asp-120 with active site water molecules are important to proton transfer and possibly nucleophilic attack by Wat1, its primary role is to optimally position Zn2 for catalytically important interactions with the charged amide nitrogen of substrate.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin (EPO) is an essential growth factor that regulates erythrocyte production in mammals. In this study, we demonstrate a novel role of EPO in regulating angiogenesis in vivo. Epo and Epo receptor (EpoR) are expressed in the vasculature during embryogenesis. Deletion of Epo or EpoR leads to angiogenic defects starting at E10.5, 2 days before ventricular hypoplasia and 3 days before the onset of the embryonic lethal phenotype. Overall, angiogenesis was severely affected in the mutant embryos: vascular anomalies included decreased complexity of the vessel networks. However, de novo vasculogenesis remained intact, consistent with the differential expression of Epo and EpoR during the early stages of embryonic development. The aforementioned angiogenesis defect can be partially rescued by expressing human EPO during embryogenesis. Moreover, Ang-1 expression is regulated by EPO/EPOR under normoxic conditions. Taken together, our results suggest important roles of EPO and EPOR in angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Asp-120 locates Zn2 for optimal metallo-beta-lactamase activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metallo-beta-lactamases are zinc-dependent hydrolases that inactivate beta-lactam antibiotics, rendering bacteria resistant to them. Asp-120 is fully conserved in all metallo-beta-lactamases and is central to catalysis. Several roles have been proposed for Asp-120, but so far there is no agreed consensus. We generated four site-specifically substituted variants of the enzyme BcII from Bacillus cereus as follows: D120N, D120E, D120Q, and D120S. Replacement of Asp-120 by other residues with very different metal ligating capabilities severely impairs the lactamase activity without abolishing metal binding to the mutated site. A kinetic study of these mutants indicates that Asp-120 is not the proton donor, nor does it play an essential role in nucleophilic activation. Spectroscopic and crystallographic analysis of D120S BcII, the least active mutant bearing the weakest metal ligand in the series, reveals that this enzyme is able to accommodate a dinuclear center and that perturbations in the active site are limited to the Zn2 site. It is proposed that the role of Asp-120 is to act as a strong Zn2 ligand, locating this ion optimally for substrate binding, stabilization of the development of a partial negative charge in the beta-lactam nitrogen, and protonation of this atom by a zinc-bound water molecule.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the mechanisms of cell regulation have demonstrated that the reactions occurring with participation of secondary messengers, i.e., cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP), Ca2+, 2',5'-oligoadenylate (oligoA), etc., are closely interrelated and the secondary messengers involved therein can thus be regarded as components of the integral regulatory system of the cell. The interaction between these components occurs via at least two pathways. Firstly, some reactions, that are vital for the cell, are under a simultaneous control of several messengers. Secondly, any changes in the intracellular level of one of the messengers inevitably affects the concentrations of other messengers.  相似文献   

In experiments on 3-day rat puppies, studies have been made of the effect of a stimulator of noradrenaline receptors--clonidine, and a stimulator of dopamine receptors--apomorphine on autogenic motor activity. It was shown that clonidine injections result in a significant increase of this activity, whereas apomorphine slightly decreases the latter. The data obtained in the present work together with those described earlier for l-DOPA effects, suggest that double regulation of autogenic activity is realized at early stages of ontogenesis. This regulation includes excitatory noradrenergic mechanisms and inhibitory influences which are mediated presumably by dopaminergic systems of the brain.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase Akt is an upstream positive regulator of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). However, the mechanism by which Akt activates mTOR is not fully understood. The known pathway by which Akt activates mTOR is via direct phosphorylation and inhibition of tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2), which is a negative regulator of mTOR. Here we establish an additional pathway by which Akt inhibits TSC2 and activates mTOR. We provide for the first time genetic evidence that Akt regulates intracellular ATP level and demonstrate that Akt is a negative regulator of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is an activator of TSC2. We show that in Akt1/Akt2 DKO cells AMP/ATP ratio is markedly elevated with concomitant increase in AMPK activity, whereas in cells expressing activated Akt there is a dramatic decrease in AMP/ATP ratio and a decline in AMPK activity. Currently, the Akt-mediated phosphorylation of TSC2 and the inhibition of AMPK-mediated phosphorylation of TSC2 are viewed as two separate pathways, which activate mTOR. Our results demonstrate that Akt lies upstream of these two pathways and induces full inhibition of TSC2 and activation of mTOR both through direct phosphorylation and by inhibition of AMPK-mediated phosphorylation of TSC2. We propose that the activation of mTOR by Akt-mediated cellular energy and inhibition of AMPK is the predominant pathway by which Akt activates mTOR in vivo.  相似文献   

The present studies were designed to determine the role that homophilic E-cadherin binding plays in preventing apoptosis of spontaneously immortalized granulosa cells (SIGCs). Although the levels of E-cadherin were similar to serum control levels, the amount of E-cadherin at the plasma membrane was dramatically reduced by 5 h after serum withdrawal. To determine whether disrupting homophilic E-cadherin binding leads to apoptosis, SIGCs were cultured in serum in the presence of either EGTA or an E-cadherin antibody. Treatment with either EGTA, which disrupts all calcium-dependent contacts, or E-cadherin antibody, induced apoptosis. Exposure to EGTA reduced MEK and Akt kinase activity, whereas E-cadherin antibody only attenuated Akt kinase activity. Because Akt kinase controls caspase-3 activity, an important activator of apoptosis, caspase-3 activity was monitored. Caspase-3 activity increased after serum depletion, or EGTA or E-cadherin antibody treatment. Time-series analysis of caspase-3 activity within single cells revealed that during apoptosis cell contact was disrupted then caspase-3 activity was detected. Finally, the caspase inhibitor, Z-VAD-FMK, blocked apoptosis. These data taken together are consistent with the concept that E-cadherin-mediated cell contact, either directly or indirectly, promotes Akt kinase activity, which in turn, inhibits caspase-3 activation and thereby maintains SIGC viability.  相似文献   

The potential role of Akt phosphorylation in human cancers   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) is a serine/threonine kinase which is implicated in mediating a variety of biological responses including cell growth, proliferation and survival. Akt is activated by phosphorylation on two critical residues, namely threonine 308 (Thr308) and serine 473 (Ser473). Several studies have found Akt2 to be amplified or overexpressed at the mRNA level in various tumor cell lines and in a number of human malignancies such as colon, pancreatic and breast cancers. Nevertheless, activation of Akt isoforms by phosphorylation appears to be more clinically significant than Akt2 amplification or overexpression. Many studies in the past 4-5 years have revealed a prognostic and/or predictive role of Akt phosphorylation in breast, prostate and non-small cell lung cancer. Several publications suggest a role of phosphorylated Akt also in endometrial, pancreatic, gastric, tongue and renal cancer. However, different types of assays were used in these studies. Before assessment of P-Akt can be incorporated into routine clinical practice, all aspects of the assay methodology will have to be standardized.  相似文献   

The role of parasites in regulating host abundance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It has been 11 years since Anderson and May demonstrated the theoretical ability of helminth parasites to regulate host population abundance. In this review we consider how their work has advanced our understanding of the role of parasites in host populations. In particular Marilyn Scott and Andy Dobson consider three questions. What is meant by regulation? Is there empirical evidence that parasites can regulate host population abundance? Is it possible to predict the sort of host parasite association where one is most likely to be able to detect parasites as a major regulatory force?  相似文献   

The Akt family of kinases are activated by growth factors and regulate pleiotropic cellular activities. In this study, we provide evidence for isoform-specific positive and negative roles for Akt1 and -2 in regulating growth factor-stimulated phenotypes in breast epithelial cells. Insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR) hyperstimulation induced hyperproliferation and antiapoptotic activities that were reversed by Akt2 down-regulation. In contrast, Akt1 down-regulation in IGF-IR-stimulated cells promoted dramatic neomorphic effects characteristic of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and enhanced cell migration induced by IGF-I or EGF stimulation. The phenotypic effects of Akt1 down-regulation were accompanied by enhanced extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) activation, which contributed to the induction of migration and EMT. Interestingly, down-regulation of Akt2 suppressed the EMT-like morphological conversion induced by Akt1 down-regulation in IGF-IR-overexpressing cells and inhibited migration in EGF-stimulated cells. These results highlight the distinct functions of Akt isoforms in regulating growth factor-stimulated EMT and cell migration, as well as the importance of Akt1 in cross-regulating the ERK signaling pathway.  相似文献   

We have examined the role that smooth muscle plays during prostatic organogenesis and propose that differentiation of a smooth muscle layer regulates prostatic induction by controlling mesenchymal/epithelial interactions. During development of the rat reproductive tract, an area of condensed mesenchyme involved in prostatic organogenesis is formed. This mesenchyme (the ventral mesenchymal pad, VMP) is found in both males and females, yet only males develop a prostate. We demonstrate that a layer of smooth muscle differentiates between the VMP and the urethral epithelium, and that there is a sexually dimorphic difference in the development of this layer. Serial section reconstruction showed that the layer formed at approximately embryonic day 20.5 in females, but did not form in males. In cultures of female reproductive tracts, testosterone was able to regulate the thickness of this layer resulting in a 2.4-fold reduction in thickness. We observed that prostatic buds were present in some female reproductive tracts, and determined that testosterone was able to stimulate prostatic organogenesis, depending upon the bud position relative to the smooth muscle layer. In vitro recombination experiments demonstrated that direct contact with the VMP led to the induction of very few epithelial buds, and that androgens dramatically increased bud development. Taken together, our data suggest that differentiation of a smooth muscle layer regulates signalling between mesenchyme and epithelium, and comprises part of the mechanism regulating prostatic induction.  相似文献   

The role of PAS kinase in regulating energy metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hao HX  Rutter J 《IUBMB life》2008,60(4):204-209

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