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42份武夷名丛茶树资源生化成分多样性分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对武夷山茶区42份武夷名丛茶树资源的主要生化成分进行了评价鉴定和遗传多样性分析。结果发现,武夷山茶树资源的生化成分存在丰富的多样性和变异,平均遗传多样性指数达到2.06%,平均变异系数达到22.01%。通过多变量的主成分分析,前3个主成分代表了茶树生化成分多样性的89.02%的信息。基于生化成分,把42份武夷名丛聚类划分为3个类群。3个类群除了咖啡碱含量差异不显著外,其他各生化成分均存在显著差异。第Ⅰ、Ⅱ类群大部分为适制乌龙茶的资源,第Ⅲ类群大部分为适制绿茶的资源。并从中筛选出一批生化成分特异的资源。 相似文献
光对茶树儿茶素代谢的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
光对茶树儿茶素代谢的影响黄雨初(中国科学技术大学生物系,合肥230026)汪东风,陈为均,王传友,萧伟祥(安徽农业大学茶业系,合肥230036)Effectoflightoncatechinmetabolismotteatree.¥HuangYuch... 相似文献
大血藤叶片生化成分的动态变化 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对自然条件下大血藤叶片生化成分的动态变化进行了研究。结果表明;大血藤叶片可溶性糖,淀粉和总糖含量的动态变化有相同的趋势。在叶片生长季节早期含量较低。随着叶片的生长发育,其含量逐渐上升。至8月达到最大值后逐渐下降,叶片总糖含量与日均净光合速率的季节变化呈极显著的正相关,在整个生长季节中,可溶性糖含量比淀粉高,大血藤叶片总蛋白含量季节性变化呈单峰曲线,在展叶初期含量较低;随后迅速上升,至8月达到最大值后逐渐下降,叶片总糖含量与日均净光合速率的季节变化呈极显著的正相关。在整个生长季节中,可溶性糖含量比淀粉高。大血藤叶片总蛋白含量季节性变化呈单峰曲线,在展叶初期含量较低;随后迅速上升,在6月初达到最大值后逐渐下降,落叶前降至最低占,可溶性蛋白质含量的季节性变化曲线与总蛋白含量基本相似,DNA含量在叶生长初期大幅度上升,至6月达到高峰后迅速下降,以后基本趋向稳定,RNA在叶生长初期有所上升,峰值也出现在6月,以后缓慢下降,到9月降至最低值,在落叶前又有所回升,总核酸含量的季节变化与RNA变化相似,RNA/DNA比值在生长季节中出现3次高峰,大血藤叶片总黄酮含量季节性变化呈“双峰”型,第1高峰期在开花期的5月。第2高峰期在秋季的9月份。 相似文献
广西茶树资源生化成份多样性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对国家种质杭州茶树圃保存的来源于广西的98份茶树资源主要生化成分进行了评价鉴定和遗传多样性分析。结果发现,广西地方茶树资源的生化成分存在丰富的多样性和变异,平均遗传多样性指数达到1.90,平均变异系数达到25.8%。通过多变量的主成分分析,前7个主成分代表了茶树生化成分多样性的86.75%的信息。基于生化成分,把98份资源聚类划分为3个类群。第1类群大部分为红绿茶兼制的资源,第2类群大部分为适制红茶的资源,第3类群大部分为适制绿茶的资源。并从中筛选出一批生化成分特异的资源。 相似文献
为探讨自然越冬条件下茶树〔Camellia sinensis(Linn.)O.Ktze.〕叶片的生理生化指标和解剖结构变化,以种植于南京的茶树品种'龙井长叶'('Longjingchangye')的10年生植株为研究对象,对自然越冬期间(2012年11月15日至2013年3月31日)其叶片的叶绿素、可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸和丙二醛(MDA)含量,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性,以及上表皮、下表皮、栅栏组织和海绵组织厚度及上表皮厚度与海绵组织厚度的比值进行了比较分析.结果表明:自然越冬期间,叶片的叶绿素含量随时间推移呈现先降低后升高的变化趋势,而叶片的可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸和MDA含量以及SOD、CAT和POD活性则总体上呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,并且均在2013年1月15日达到其各自的最低值或最高值.与入冬前相比,越冬后叶片的叶绿素和可溶性糖含量显著降低,MDA含量略降低,可溶性蛋白质含量显著升高,游离脯氨酸含量及SOD、CAT和POD活性均略升高.自然越冬期间,叶片的上表皮、下表皮、栅栏组织和海绵组织厚度随时间推移总体上呈现先降低后升高的变化趋势,上表皮和栅栏组织厚度在2013年2月15日达到最低值,而下表皮和海绵组织厚度则在2013年1月30日达到最低值;上表皮厚度与海绵组织厚度的比值呈波动变化趋势.与入冬前相比,入冬后叶片的上表皮、下表皮、栅栏组织和海绵组织厚度均显著降低,而上表皮厚度与海绵组织厚度的比值略降低.研究结果显示:自然越冬条件下,茶树具有一定的耐寒能力,为了减轻低温对其机体的伤害可通过增加可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖和游离脯氨酸合成及提高相关抗氧化酶活性来调解越冬期间的代谢平衡. 相似文献
贵州野生茶树种质资源生化多样性分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
为了发掘茶树新的种质资源,对贵州省25个县(市)境内53份树龄约100年以上的野生茶树资源的主要生化成分进行了测定评价和遗传多样性分析。结果表明53份野生茶树资源的生化成分变异幅度大,存在丰富的多样性。53份资源的氨基酸、茶多酚、咖啡碱含量及酚氨比平均变异系数为27.55%,遗传多样性指数(H’)变幅为1.88~2.08、均值为2.00。53份资源中的28份资源儿茶素组分的平均变异系数和平均遗传多样性指数分别为37.10%、1.82。有13份资源的酚氨比小于8,28份资源的酚氨比在8~15之间,12份资源的酚氨比大于15。聚类分析发现,当欧氏距离为17时,53份资源聚类可分为3大类复合组,无独立组存在。并从中初步筛选出高茶多酚资源5份、潜在优良种质资源1份及其他特殊资源20份。 相似文献
不同颜色遮阳网遮光对丘陵茶园夏秋茶和春茶产量及主要生化成分的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为研究不同颜色遮阳网遮光对夏秋茶与春茶产量和品质的影响,在中国科学院桃源农业生态试验站以“碧香早”茶树为试验材料,选用不遮光和中度遮光(遮光率(50?4)%)的黑色、绿色、银灰色遮阳网开展遮光试验。结果表明:不同季节使用黑色遮阳网能显著增加氨基酸和咖啡碱含量,降低茶多酚含量和酚氨比,与对照茶园比较,夏季、秋季、春季茶叶氨基酸含量分别增加了14.22%、17.07%、6.23%,茶多酚含量分别降低了4.40%、6.43%、27.66%,咖啡碱含量分别增加了9.48%、8.10%、7.28%。夏秋季银灰色遮阳网效果最差,绿色遮阳网效果介于黑色和对照之间,春季三种颜色遮阳网效果均优于对照;茶树遮光后品质明显优于对照,夏秋茶经遮光可达到制高档茶的要求,春茶遮光可达到制名优茶的要求。 相似文献
松茶间作茶树叶片的解剖构造和气孔活动 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文利用光镜技术和MK-3型自动气孔计对松茶间作和单作茶园茶树叶片的解剖构造和气孔传导力进行了比较研究。研究表明,间作茶园茶树叶片的上表皮、栅拦组织和全叶均比单作茶树薄,分别为单作茶树的82.7%,78.2%和67.2%,叶质柔嫩。叶片气孔传导力比单作茶园低。嫩叶传导力>老叶;1芽5叶新梢按叶序3叶>2、4叶>1、5叶;按树冠垂直分布,冠上叶(0—5cm)>冠中叶(10—15cm)>冠下叶(30cm左右)。说明气孔传导力不仅受生态条件影响,与自身的叶龄、叶位等生理机能也有密切关系。 相似文献
A double EPSPS gene mutation endowing glyphosate resistance shows a remarkably high resistance cost 下载免费PDF全文
Heping Han Martin M. Vila‐Aiub Adam Jalaludin Qin Yu Stephen B. Powles 《Plant, cell & environment》2017,40(12):3031-3042
A novel glyphosate resistance double point mutation (T102I/P106S, TIPS) in the 5‐enolpyruvylshikimate‐3‐phosphate synthase (EPSPS) gene has been recently identified for the first time only in the weed species Eleusine indica. Quantification of plant resistance cost associated with the TIPS and the often reported glyphosate resistance single P106S mutation was performed. A significant resistance cost (50% in seed number currency) associated with the homozygous TIPS but not the homozygous P106S EPSPS variant was identified in E. indica plants. The resistance cost associated with the TIPS mutation escalated to 85% in plants under resource competition with rice crops. The resistance cost was not detected in nonhomozygous TIPS plants denoting the recessive nature of the cost associated with the TIPS allele. An excess of 11‐fold more shikimate and sixfold more quinate in the shikimate pathway was detected in TIPS plants in the absence of glyphosate treatment compared to wild type, whereas no changes in these compounds were observed in P106S plants when compared to wild type. TIPS plants show altered metabolite levels in several other metabolic pathways that may account for the expression of the observed resistance cost. 相似文献
该研究采用氨基酸自动分析仪、分光光度法等对金花茶花蕾、开放花和初谢花的营养成分进行了比较分析。结果表明:金花茶茶花中主要营养成分是碳水化合物,含有丰富的水溶性糖和粗纤维。茶花中的脂肪、粗纤维和水溶性糖含量随花蕾至开放的形成过程呈增加趋势,谢花后其含量呈下降趋势。开放花中总黄酮、皂甙、儿茶素、VE含量比花蕾和谢花中含量高。金花茶花蕾、开放花和初谢花三个阶段中氨基酸总量分别是7.44、5.14、5.00 g·100 g~(-1)。金花茶茶花含有丰富的氨基酸,花蕾内氨基酸含量尤为丰富。综合表明,金花茶茶花具较高的开发利用价值。该研究结果为了解金花茶花朵不同采收期的营养组成以及金花茶花朵的开发及采收利用提供了科学依据。 相似文献
《Journal of Plant Interactions》2013,8(3):169-174
Abstract A psychrotolerant, halotolerant and alkalophilic yeast was isolated from fermented leaves of Camellia sinensis Kuntze, the tea plant. The yeast strain, named Tea-Y1, was both phenotypically and genotypically identified as belonging to the species Debaryomyces hansenii. This assignment was confirmed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The analysis of growth curves demonstrated the ability this yeast strain to grow in a temperature range between 4°C and 28°C, with an optimum of 23°C. The ecology of this yeast in the C. sinensis phyllosphere, as well as its possible role in tea fermentation and storage, with particular reference to iced tea, are discussed. 相似文献
Detection of cross reactive antigens between Pestalotiopsis theae and tea leaves and their cellular location 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
B. N. CHAKRABORTY P. BASU R. DAS A. SAHA U. CHAKRABORTY 《The Annals of applied biology》1995,127(1):11-21
Among the 12 varieties of tea tested against three isolates of Pestalotiopsis theae, causal agent of grey blight disease, Teen Ali-17/1/54 and TV-23 were found to be highly susceptible while CP-1 and TV-26 were resistant under identical conditions. Leaf antigens were prepared from all the tea varieties, three isolates of P. theae and a non-pathogen of tea (Bipolaris tetramera). Polyclonal antisera were raised against mycelial suspensions of P. theae (isolate Pt-2) and leaf antigens of Teen Ali-17/1/54 and CP-1. These were compared an immunodiffusion test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect cross reactive antigens (CRA) shared the host and the parasite. CRA were found among the susceptible varieties and isolates of P. theae (Pt-1, 2 and 3). Such antigens were not detected between isolates of P. theae and resistant varieties, B. tetramera and tea varieties or isolates of P. theae. Indirect staining of antibodies using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) indicated that in cross sections of tea leaves, the CRA was concentrated in the epidermal cells and mesophyll tissues. CRA was present in the young hyphal tips of the mycelia and on the setulae and appendages of the conidia of P. theae. 相似文献
Misako Kato Tomomi Kanehara Hisayo Shimizu Takeo Suzuki Fiona M. Gillies Alan Crozier Hiroshi Ashihara 《Physiologia plantarum》1996,98(3):629-636
The aim of this study was to investigate the S -adenosylmethionine dependent N -methyltransferase(s) (NMT) associated with the three methylation steps in the caffeine biosynthesis pathway in tea ( Camellia sinensis L.). NMT activity in cell-free preparations from young leaves was purified by anion-exchange and gel-filtration column chromatography. In both systems, a single zone of NMT activity, with broad substrate specificity was detected. The N-3 position of dimethylxanthine and monomethylxanthines was methylated more readily than N-1 while comparatively little substitution occurred at the N-7 locus. When xanthosine was used as a substrate only the N-7 position was methylated. These results indicate that a single NMT may participate in the conversion of xanthosine to caffeine. The apparent Mr of the NMT, estimated by gel filtration chromatography, was 61 000. The substrate specificity of the NMT is compatible with the operation of a xanthosine → 7-methylxanthosine → 7-methylxanthine → theobromine → caffeine pathway as the main biosynthetic route to caffeine in young tea leaves. The data also indicate that the conversion of 7-methylxanthine → paraxanthine → caffeine may function as one of a number of minor pathways that also contribute to the production of caffeine. 相似文献
Misako Kato Tomomi Kanehara Hisayo Shimizu Takeo Suzuki Fiona M. Gillies Alan Crozier Hiroshi Ashihara 《Physiologia plantarum》1996,98(2):629-636
The aim of this study was to investigate the S -adenosylmethionine dependent N -methyltransferase(s) (NMT) associated with the three methylation steps in the caffeine biosynthesis pathway in tea ( Camellia sinensis L.). NMT activity in cell-free preparations from young leaves was purified by anion-exchange and gel-filtration column chromatography. In both systems, a single zone of NMT activity, with broad substrate specificity was detected. The N-3 position of dimethylxanthine and monomethylxanthines was methylated more readily than N-1 while comparatively little substitution occurred at the N-7 locus. When xanthosine was used as a substrate only the N-7 position was methylated. These results indicate that a single NMT may participate in the conversion of xanthosine to caffeine. The apparent Mr of the NMT, estimated by gel filtration chromatography, was 61 000. The substrate specificity of the NMT is compatible with the operation of a xanthosine → 7-methylxanthosine → 7-methylxanthine → theobromine → caffeine pathway as the main biosynthetic route to caffeine in young tea leaves. The data also indicate that the conversion of 7-methylxanthine → paraxanthine → caffeine may function as one of a number of minor pathways that also contribute to the production of caffeine. 相似文献