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We have constructed reading frames for the HIV-1 YU-2 minor proteins Vpr, Vpu, Vif and Nef that are codon-optimized for high-level expression in mammalian cells. We show that, in the absence of the Rev/Rev-response element system, these codon-optimized reading frames result in greatly increased levels of expression of the corresponding proteins in cell culture systems when compared with the native reading frame. Northern blot analysis shows that the increase in expression found with the codon-optimized reading frames is largely owing to increased steady-state mRNA levels.  相似文献   

Hypothetical Products from Noncoding Frames (i.e., HyPNoFs) are hypothetical, not-coded proteins, translated from alternate reading frames (i.e., coding+1 and coding+2) of cDNAs. HyPNoFs of CD4, PKC, oncostatin, bcl-2 proto-oncogene, tumor suppressor p53, cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), and tumor necrosis factors a and were searched as query sequences vs the SWISS-PROT data bank. Homology searches carried out revealed that hypothetical products (i.e., HyPNoFs) may share high similarity with real protein products actually coded. Sequence similarity of hypothetical products to real proteins is sometimes very high, suggesting common conformational features, according to the Sander and Schneider cutoff value. This finding supports the hypothesis that eukaryotic DNA, currently considered to be monocistronic, might occasionally have polycistronic regions, carrying different protein messages on overlapping frames. As yet, polycistronic genes have been observed in viral genomes only. The presence of polycistronic regions in eukaryotic genes is likely reminiscent of an ancient strategy, rather than a present feature of the genome in eukaryotes.These data suggest that thorough investigation of HyPNoFs is likely to improve our ability to trace genes' evolution and to investigate structure-function relationships of protein and DNA sequences.  相似文献   

小开放阅读框(small open reading frame, sORF)广泛存在于不同生物基因组中,由于其序列短,以及编码的产物小蛋白(smallprotein,或称微蛋白;microprotein或迷你蛋白miniprotein)检测困难等原因,小开放阅读框长期未得到充分注释和研究。近年来,随着高通量测序、翻译组和质谱分析等技术的不断发展,在不同生物中发现大量新的小开放阅读框,其编码的小蛋白及介导的翻译调控已应用于药物开发及植物抗病机理等研究。但是,目前对微生物的小开放阅读框相关研究和应用还相对有限。本文综述了小开放阅读框编码产物小蛋白的发现和鉴定,以及上游开放阅读框(upstream open reading frame, uORF)对mRNA翻译调控等最新研究进展,重点介绍了微生物基因组中小开放阅读框的鉴定和功能研究进展,为深入认识微生物中小开放阅读框的功能和作用机制,以及植物和动物等高等其他生物的小蛋白和翻译调控相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Cloning of long open reading frames (ORFs) into plant gene expression vectors and transfer of the chimeric expression cassettes into binary vectors is often hampered by the presence of restriction enzyme cleavage sites internal to the open reading frame (ORF) to be expressed. We therefore modified the commonly used expression vector pRT100 [7] and several pGPTV binary vectors [2] by replacing 6 bp restriction sites with 8 bp sequences recognized by rare-cutter restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

小开放阅读框(small open reading frame,sORF)一般指基因组中能够编码长度在100个氨基酸左右或以内短肽的开放阅读框。它们广泛存在于植物基因组,却因编码短肽而常被基因组注释忽视。随着翻译组学和蛋白质组学测序技术的发展,具有翻译活性的sORF被证实广泛存在于植物基因组,且参与植物生长发育等重要过程的调控。该文归纳了近些年来植物领域sORF的一些研究进展,主要包括sORF的来源与分类、信息学预测方法和生物学功能等,并基于此对植物sORF未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The gene encoding the phosphoprotein of the pneumovirus pneumonia virus of mice (PVM) has been cloned and sequenced. The gene is 903 nucleotides in length and contains a long open reading frame (ORF) capable of encoding a polypeptide of 295 amino acid residues. A smaller, second, overlapping ORF encoding a polypeptide 137 amino acids in length was also present. The large ORF directed the synthesis of a 39-kDa polypeptide and four additional polypeptides with masses of 37 kDa, 26 kDa, 23 kDa, and 16 kDa in vitro. The smaller polypeptides were generated by internal initiation on in-frame AUG initiation codons to generate carboxy co-terminal products. Western immunoblot analysis indicated that at least two of these proteins and several other related polypeptides are present in infected cells, and the possible origins of these are discussed. Western blot analysis using antiserum raised against a synthetic peptide and specific for the predicted second ORF product identified a polypeptide of 23 kDa in PVM-infected cells. The pattern of PVM P gene expression is unlike that of the closely related respiratory syncytial virus and is reminiscent of that of paramyxoviruses such as Sendai virus. This is the first example of a pneumovirus encoding multiple polypeptide products from a single mRNA in vivo.  相似文献   

A special methionyl-tRNA (RNAi) is universally required to initiate translation. The conservation of this reactant throughout evolution, as well as its unusual decoding properties, suggested an alternate mechanism for tRNA-mRNA interactions at initiation. We have reported that the sequence of bases neighboring the start codons of many eubacterial genes are complementary not only to the 16S rRNA 3 end and to the anticodon of tRNAi, but, also, have the potential to base-pair the D, T or extended anticodon loops of this tRNAi. The coding properties of tRNAi and mutations that affect translation suggest that these signals may function. This hypothesis explains the observation that unusual triplets can start prokaryotic and mitochondrial genes and predicts the occurrence of other reading frames. Furthermore, it suggests a unifying model of chain initiation based on RNA-RNA contacts and displacements.Here we examine the start domain of 290 eukaryotic genes for their ability to base-pair the tRNAi loops and the 18S rRNA. We observe that both methionine start, and methionine coding regions have the potential to pair with the 18S rRNA, but that the nucleotide distribution about start codons strongly favoured such pairings over that near internal AUGs. The 5 extended anticodon of tRNAi is methylated, and was not represented in the mRNA with high frequency. However, the tetramer AUGg did occur with high frequency in the start domain. A modification of the tRNAi T loop also decreases its base-pairing potential. Interestingly, complementarity to the T loop did not occur with high frequency in the start sites. The early coding region, 10 to 34 nucleotides 3 to the initiator AUG, is complementary to the tRNAi D loop in many cases, while no such affinity is found near internal AUGs.The nucleotides around initiator AUGs were heavily biassed toward the sequence gccaccAUGgcg. No such tendency was noted around internal AUGs. Although the role of this sequence bias is unclear, the sequence gccaccAUGg has been shown by Kozak to promote initiation. Another distinguishing feature was a C-rich tract 7 to 34 nucleotides 5 to the initiator AUGs.Ability to pair with more than eight bases of the start consensus sequence, matching of 6 or 7 nucleotides to the D loop on the 3 side, an C-richness on the 5 side were used as criteria for distinguishing start AUGs. The program successfully identified over 52% of the sequences submitted to it, wrongly identified less than 4% and labelled the rest as uncertain suggesting a promising approach to reliable detection of eukaryote genetic reading frames.  相似文献   

The DNA repair protein RecA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis contains an intein, a self-splicing protein element. We have employed this Mtu recA intein to create a selection system for successful intein splicing by inserting it into a kanamycin-resistance gene so that functional antibiotic resistance can only be restored upon protein splicing. We then proceeded to develop an ORFTRAP, i.e., a selection system for the cloning of open reading frames (ORFs). The ORFTRAP exploits the self-splicing properties of inteins (which depend on full-length in-frame translation of a precursor protein) by allowing protein splicing to occur when DNA fragments encoding ORFs are inserted into the Mtu recA intein, whereas DNA fragments containing non-ORFs are selected against. Regions of the Mtu recA intein that tolerate the insertion of additional amino acids were identified by Bgl II linker scanning mutagenesis, and a respective construct was chosen as the ORFTRAP. To test the maximum insert size that could be cloned into ORFTRAP, DNA fragments of increasing length from the Listeria monocytogenes hly gene as well as a genomic library of Haemophilus influenzae were inserted and it was found that the longest permissive inserts were 425 bp and 251 bp, respectively. The H. influenzae ORFTRAP library also demonstrated the strength (strong selection power) and weakness (insertion of very small fragments) of the system. Further modifications should make the ORFTRAP useful for protein expression, epitope mapping, and antigen screening.  相似文献   

DNA sequences, potentially coding for histidine-rich proteins, were isolated from a P. falciparum genomic library using an oligonucleotide probe consisting of histidine codon repeats. Sequencing revealed that the different DNA fragments contain long repetitive regions very homologous to the probe. One clone was fully sequenced and contains two open reading frames that overlap in the repetitive region but are located on opposite strands. Analysis suggests that both are coding. One frame could code for a small histidine-rich protein, the other for a protein containing many aspartic acid residues. Southern blotting revealed that these sequences are conserved in all three P. falciparum strains studied.  相似文献   

All proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been compared to determine how frequently segments from one protein are present in other proteins. Proteins that are recently evolutionarily related were excluded. The most frequently present protein segments are long, tandem repetitions of a single amino acid. For some of these segments, up to 14% of all proteins in the genome were found to have similar peptides within them. These peptide segments may not be functional protein domains. Although they are the most common shared feature of yeast proteins, their ubiquity and simplicity argue that their probable function may be to simply serve as spacers between other protein motifs.  相似文献   

The short-chain oxidoreductase (SCOR) family of enzymes includes over 6000 members, extending from bacteria and archaea to humans. Nucleic acid sequence analysis reveals that significant numbers of these genes are remarkably free of stopcodons in reading frames other than the coding frame, including those on the antisense strand. The genes from this subset also use almost entirely the GC-rich half of the 64 codons. Analysis of a million hypothetical genes having random nucleotide composition shows that the percentage of SCOR genes having multiple open reading frames exceeds random by a factor of as much as 1 x 10(6). Nevertheless, screening the content of the SWISS-PROT TrEMBL database reveals that 15% of all genes contain multiple open reading frames. The SCOR genes having multiple open reading frames and a GC-rich coding bias exhibit a similar GC bias in the nucleotide triple composition of their DNA. This bias is not correlated with the GC content of the species in which the SCOR genes are found. One possible explanation for the conservation of multiple open reading frames and extreme bias in nucleic acid composition in the family of Rossman folds is that the primordial member of this family was encoded early using only very stable GC-rich DNA and that evolution proceeded with extremely limited introduction of any codons having two or more adenine or thymine nucleotides. These and other data suggest that the SCOR family of enzymes may even have diverged from a common ancestor before most of the AT-rich half of the genetic code was fully defined.  相似文献   

In plant genomes, the function of a substantial percentage of the putative protein-coding open reading frames (ORFs) is unknown. These ORFs have no significant sequence similarity to known proteins, which complicates the task of functional study of these proteins. Efforts are being made to explore methods that are complementary to, or may be used in combination with, sequence alignment and clustering methods. A web-based protein functional class prediction software, SVMProt, has shown some capability for predicting functional class of distantly related proteins. Here the usefulness of SVMProt for functional study of novel plant proteins is evaluated. To test SVMProt, 49 plant proteins (without a sequence homolog in the Swiss-Prot protein database, not in the SVMProt training set, and with functional indications provided in the literature) were selected from a comprehensive search of MEDLINE abstracts and Swiss-Prot databases in 1999-2004. These represent unique proteins the function of which, at present, cannot be confidently predicted by sequence alignment and clustering methods. The predicted functional class of 31 proteins was consistent, and that of four other proteins was weakly consistent, with published functions. Overall, the functional class of 71.4% of these proteins was consistent, or weakly consistent, with functional indications described in the literature. SVMProt shows a certain level of ability to provide useful hints about the functions of novel plant proteins with no similarity to known proteins.  相似文献   

Comprehensive open reading frame (ORF) clone collections, ORFeomes, are key components of functional genomics projects. When recombinational cloning systems are used to capture ORFs in master clones, these DNA sequences can be easily transferred into a variety of expression plasmids, each designed for a specific assay. Depending on downstream applications, an ORF is cloned either with or without a stop codon at its original position, referred to as closed or open configuration, respectively. The former is preferred when the encoded protein is produced in its native form or with an amino-terminal tag; the latter is obligatory when the protein is produced as a fusion with a carboxyl-terminal tag. We developed a streamlined protocol for high-throughput, simultaneous cloning of both open and closed ORF entry clones with the Gateway recombinational cloning system. The protocol is straightforward to set up in large-scale ORF cloning projects, and is cost-effective, because the initial ORF amplification and the cloning in a pDONR vector are performed only once to obtain the two ORF configurations. We illustrated its implementation for the isolation and validation of 346 Arabidopsis ORF entry clones.  相似文献   

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