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The aim of the present study was to test whether serum concentrations of leptin in ewes vary with a daily rhythm. For this purpose, we examined 24 h serum leptin profiles of ewes exposed to natural photoperiodic conditions and subjected to two different feeding schedules (regular feeding and fasting). The results show for the first time the existence of daily rhythm of plasma leptin in regularly fed ewes, with a minimum during the light phase and a peak during the dark phase. Daily rhythms of serum leptin persisted after 50 h of fasting, although fasting shifted the peak of the rhythm to the beginning of the light phase and significantly reduced daily leptin production. To gain a better understanding of the role of leptin in the temporal organization of physiological events related to pregnancy and lactation, we measured serum leptin profiles throughout 24 h in ewes either during pregnancy or lactation. Daily leptin rhythms were found to persist during pregnancy and lactation, but both physiological conditions altered leptin concentrations. Maternal serum leptin concentration rose between early and mid pregnancy, then decreased in the late pregnancy and during lactation. Daily serum leptin concentration was significantly lower in nonpregnant, nonlactating ewes, compared either to lactating or to early pregnant ewes.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that leptin concentrations in obese patients may be altered by weight loss. We examined the effects of a 9-week aerobic exercise program on serum leptin concentrations in overweight women (20-50% above ideal body mass) under conditions of weight stability. Sixteen overweight women, mean (SE) age 42.75 (1.64) years, comprised the exercise group which adhered to a supervised aerobic exercise program. A graded exercise treadmill test was conducted before and after the exercise program to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) using open-circuit spirometry. The women demonstrated improved aerobic fitness (VO2max increased 12.29%), however, body fat and the body mass index did not change significantly [42.27 (1.35)-41.87 (1.33)%]. Fourteen women, age 40.57 (2.80) years, did not exercise over the same time period and served as a control group. Serum leptin levels were not significantly altered for either the exercise [28.00 (2.13)-31.04 (2.71) ng x ml(-1)] or the control group [33.24 (3.78)-34.69 (3.14) ng x mg(-1)]. The data indicate that 9 weeks of aerobic exercise improves aerobic fitness, but does not affect leptin concentrations in overweight women.  相似文献   

Practically every physiological variable exhibits daily rhythmicity. The daily rhythm of body temperature, like that of many other variables, is often weak in newborns and gains strength as the animals grow. Because of the natural association between physiological maturation and gain in body size, these two processes are naturally confounded. To differentiate between the effects of maturation and the effects of body growth, we took advantage of the large variation in body size that exists among different breeds of the domestic dog. We compared the body temperature rhythms of developing puppies of different dog breeds. Puppies of none of the breeds exhibited statistically significant daily rhythmicity for several days after birth. Regardless of breed or sex, rhythmicity matured over several weeks and attained a stable level by 6 weeks after birth. Body size did not seem to be an important element in the development of rhythmicity because the development was similar in three breeds that differed greatly in body size (Basset Hound, Boxer, and Neapolitan Mastiff). On the other hand, the difference in body size associated with the different breeds had a strong impact on the absolute level of body temperature regardless of age: we found a strong inverse correlation between temperature and body size among the puppies and dams of the three breeds and among 115 adult dogs from 19 different breeds ranging from 2-kg Yorkshire Terriers to 80-kg Great Danes.  相似文献   

Leptin is a hormone involved in feeding and body weight regulation in vertebrates, but the relationship between energy status and leptin has not been clearly established in fish. The aim of this study was to investigate in a teleost, the goldfish (Carassius auratus), the tissue expression pattern of two leptins (gLep-aI and gLep-aII) and leptin receptor (gLepR); and the effect of feeding on expression of these genes. Leptin system expression in goldfish was firstly analyzed in fish under overfeeding (2 weeks) or fasting (1 week), and secondly, at different postfeeding times (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 h). Goldfish has two Lep-a paralog genes, gLep-aI was widely expressed in central and peripheral tissues, whereas gLep-aII was preferentially expressed in brain. This different distribution pattern of leptins suggests that they can play different physiological roles in goldfish. The gLepR mRNA was ubiquitous expressed, with the highest expression in the telencephalon and hypothalamus. No significant differences in the leptin system expression were found among control, overfed and fasting groups, suggesting an apparent lack of correlation between nutritional status and leptin system in goldfish. Hepatic expression of gLep-aI significantly increased 9 h after feeding time, while hypothalamic leptin system expression did not change after feeding. In summary, leptin in goldfish could signal short-term changes in food intake, as postprandial satiety, but seems to be independent of fasting/overfeeding conditions in this teleost. The widespread distribution of leptins and leptin receptor in goldfish strongly supports that this hormone may have pleitropic actions in fish.  相似文献   


The relationship between left and right circadian oscillations in the ERG of the crayfishProcambarus bouvieri have been studied in intact animals and in animals with cerebral ganglion damage. Except in split‐brain preparations, the ERG oscillations of both sides were always in phase. Surgical bisection of the cerebral ganglion, also results in a shortening of the period length; this suggests that ERG circadian pacemakers normally receive a bilateral input of light stimulation. The neural connections between the eyestalks at the protocerebrum seem to have the most important role in the synchronization of the ERG oscillations of both sides.  相似文献   

To assess the accuracy of infrared methodologies for daily rhythm monitoring of skin temperature, five clinically healthy Italian Saddle gelding horses, and five not pregnant and not lactating Camosciata goats, were monitored every 4 h over a 48 h period. The horses were housed in individual boxes, while the goats in two indoor pens, under natural photoperiod and natural environmental temperature. In each animal, skin temperature was recorded with the use of a digital infrared camera and a non-contact infrared thermometer, in five regions: neck, shoulder, ribs, flank and croup. Recorded values were compared with the well-established daily rhythm of rectal temperature. Rectal temperature was recorded at the same time by means of a digital thermometer. In horses, a lower value of skin temperature was recorded using the infrared thermometer for the croup region compared to shoulder and flank; a lower value of skin temperature was recorded using thermography for the croup region compared to the shoulder. In goats, a lower value of skin temperature was recorded using the infrared thermometer for the croup region compared to the flank. In both species, higher values of rectal temperature were observed, compared to the temperature recorded at the skin regions using the other two methodologies. Cosinor rhythmometry showed a daily rhythm of rectal and skin temperature recorded using both methodologies in all the examined regions. General linear model (GLM) showed statistically significant effect of breed on all rhythmic parameters; of day of monitoring on amplitude; of site of recording (rectal vs skin regions) on mesor, amplitude and acrophase; and no effect of methodologies used. The results of this study show the differences in rhythmicity of various body regions temperature and their differences in comparison with daily rhythm rectal temperature. The use of infrared methodologies was inaccurate in assessing body core temperature, but its use could be considered for the evaluation of inflammation in the different body sites.  相似文献   

Leptin is a protein hormone synthesized by adipocytes. Its serum concentrations reflect the total body fat content. Serum leptin concentrations are significantly higher in obese than in lean people and in women than in men. However little information about the influence of physical activity on serum leptin concentrations is available. We have compared the body weight, the body mass index (BMI), the body fat content (measured by caliper as skinfold thickness) and the serum concentrations of leptin, triglycerides, total, high density and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in 14 top rugby players and 10 healthy controls. We found that serum leptin, total and LDL cholesterol concentrations were significantly lower in the rugby players group than in the control subjects. The body weight and BMI were significantly higher in the rugby players, while the body fat content was only slightly (non-significantly) higher in the control group. The serum leptin concentrations in both groups positively correlated with the BMI and body fat content and also with LDL concentrations in the control group. The serum leptin concentrations in the rugby players were lower than in the non-sporting subjects despite a similar body fat content in both groups. We would therefore suggest the possibility that regular hard physical training decreases serum leptin concentrations not only by the decrease of total body fat content, but also by a separate mechanism, which is not directly dependent on the changes in the amount of body adipose tissue.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of auricular temperature (AT) recording in the determination of body temperature as well as rectal temperature (RT). For this purpose we compared RT and AT in five clinically healthy horses. Data collections were performed every 3 h over 2 different 24 h photoperiods, 13/11 light/dark cycle and constant darkness. Repeated measures multifactor analysis of variance (MANOVA) was applied to determine a statistical significant effect of time of day, side of temperature collection and photoperiods on AT and RT. Our finding showed a significant effect of time of day on the temperature values recorded and an influence of side of temperature collection. RT values were higher of about 4 °C than the AT values, and the pattern of the two temperatures was not comparable. A daily rhythmicity of rectal temperature was observed. Auricular temperature no showed daily rhythmicity in both periods of monitoring. On the basis of these findings AT does not reflect body temperature as well as RT in horse.  相似文献   

The amplitude of the daily rhythm of body temperature was investigated in 11 species of small mammals. Recording equipment, housing and environmental conditions were identical for all species. Intraperitoneal temperature was measured by telemetry at 6 min intervals for 10 or more days. The results indicate that the amplitude of the body temperature rhythm is a species-specific trait in small mammals. Interspecies differences in amplitude are not a function of surface area (as determined by body size) but seem to relate to diurnality (nocturnal species displaying smaller amplitude than diurnal ones) and habitat (species from temperate habitats displaying smaller amplitude than species from desert and tropical habitats).  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test whether serum concentrations of leptin in ewes vary with a daily rhythm. For this purpose, we examined 24 h serum leptin profiles of ewes exposed to natural photoperiodic conditions and subjected to two different feeding schedules (regular feeding and fasting). The results show for the first time the existence of daily rhythm of plasma leptin in regularly fed ewes, with a minimum during the light phase and a peak during the dark phase. Daily rhythms of serum leptin persisted after 50 h of fasting, although fasting shifted the peak of the rhythm to the beginning of the light phase and significantly reduced daily leptin production. To gain a better understanding of the role of leptin in the temporal organization of physiological events related to pregnancy and lactation, we measured serum leptin profiles throughout 24 h in ewes either during pregnancy or lactation. Daily leptin rhythms were found to persist during pregnancy and lactation, but both physiological conditions altered leptin concentrations. Maternal serum leptin concentration rose between early and mid pregnancy, then decreased in the late pregnancy and during lactation. Daily serum leptin concentration was significantly lower in nonpregnant, nonlactating ewes, compared either to lactating or to early pregnant ewes.  相似文献   

动物行为和生理活动的适应性调节是应对食物资源变化的主要策略。为探讨禁食和重喂食对大绒鼠体重、产热和血清瘦素的影响,测定了禁食和重喂食条件下大绒鼠的体重、体脂重量、静止代谢率、身体组成、血清瘦素含量以及禁食后重喂食期间的摄食量。结果显示:禁食导致大绒鼠体重、体脂重量和静止代谢率显著下降,重喂食后体重和静止代谢率能够恢复到对照组水平,而体脂重量却不能恢复。禁食12 h 后血清瘦素含量快速下降,重喂食后未能恢复到对照水平。此外,大绒鼠在禁食后重喂食期间摄食量没有补偿性增加,血清瘦素含量与体脂重量呈正相关关系。这些结果很可能反映出大绒鼠能调节自身生理状况以适应短期的能量缺乏,主要通过降低体重、血清瘦素含量和代谢活性器官重量以减少能量消耗。禁食后重喂食时大绒鼠没有摄食过量。血清瘦素的下降早于体重和体脂的下降。  相似文献   

The various effects that temperature can exert on biological periodicities are reviewed. Particular consideration is given to the remarkable capability of many rhythms either to respond in a temperature dependent manner, especially in nonsteady-state conditions, or to behave almost independently of temperature (temperature compensated) in the steady state. Therefore, organisms are able both to use temperature changes as synchronization cues and to measure time at different temperatures. Moreover, changes of temperature can induce transients, after-effects, and eventually alterations in the phase response behaviour, sometimes even the rhythmicity itself. Treatment with low temperatures can, at least in some cases, hold the circadian clock, and considerably reduce the sensitivity of rhythms towards certain drugs.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the effect of early weaning on circadian rhythm and the behavioral satiety sequence in adult rats. Male Wistar rat pups were weaned for separation from the mother at 15 (D15), 21 (D21) and 30 (D30) days old. Body weight and food intake was measured every 30 days until pups were 150 days old. At 90 days of age, the circadian rhythm of food intake was evaluated every 4 h for three days. Behavioral satiety was evaluated at 35 and 100 days of age. This work demonstrated that body weight and food intake were not altered, but the behavioral satiety sequence demonstrated that the D15 group delayed satiety compared with the D30 group at 100 days of age. In the circadian rhythm of the food intake study, early weaning (D15) changed food intake in the intermediary period of the light phase and in the intermediary period of the dark phase. In conclusion, our study showed that early weaning may alter the feeding behavior mainly in relation to satiety and the circadian rhythm of feeding. It is possible that the presence of other environmental stimuli during early weaning can cause hyperphagia and deregulate the mechanisms of homeostasis and body weight control. This study supports theories that depict insults during early life as determinants of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to gain further insight into the implication of leptin in the regulation of hypothalamic gene expression during long-term food deprivation with emphasis on phase 3 of fasting (P3, late protein breakdown). Among plasma parameters, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, and insulin levels tended to be decreased by leptin infusion, whilst corticosterone levels remained unchanged. From Northern blot analysis, NPY, AGRP, and MCH mRNA gene expressions were differentially regulated during prolonged fasting in leptin-perfused rats. In comparison with fed animals, NPY, AGRP, and MCH mRNA levels in P3 rats treated with leptin either remained stable or increased slightly. Regarding anorexigenic peptides (CART and POMC) and prepro-OX, fasting with leptin induced only slight changes in gene expression. Similar data have been obtained in leptin-treated fasted rats at various doses within the physiological range. We conclude that leptin and particularly low levels of plasma leptin can reasonably be considered as a constituent of a signal triggering the fasting-induced enhanced drive for refeeding in P3.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the possible circadian dependence of leptin effects on food intake, locomotor activity, glycemia and plasma cortisol levels in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Fish were maintained under 12L:12D photoperiod and subjected to two different feeding schedules, one group fed during photophase (10:00) and the other one during scotophase (22:00). Leptin or saline were intraperitoneally injected at two different times (10:00 or 22:00), coincident or not with the meal time. To eliminate the entraining effect of the light/dark cycle, goldfish maintained under 24 h light (LL) were fed and leptin-injected at 10:00. A reduction in food intake and locomotor activity and an increase in glycemia were found in goldfish fed and leptin-injected at 10:00. No significant changes in circulating cortisol were observed. Those effects were not observed when leptin was administered during the scotophase, regardless the feeding schedule; neither in fish maintained under LL, suggesting that a day/night cycle would be necessary to observe the actions of leptin administered during the photophase. Changes in locomotor activity and glycemia were only observed in goldfish when leptin was injected at daytime, coincident with the feeding schedule, suggesting that these leptin actions could be dependent on the feeding time as zeitgeber. In view of these results it appears that the circadian dependence of leptin actions in goldfish can be determined by the combination of both zeitgebers, light/dark cycle and food. Our results point out the relevance of the administration time when investigating regulatory functions of hormones.  相似文献   

Photoperiod cues play important roles in the regulation of seasonal variations in body mass (BM) and energy balance for many small mammals. The present study was designed to examine the effects of photoperiod acclimation on BM, energy intake, and serum leptin levels in Brandt's voles (Microtus (Lasiopodomys) brandtii). After 4 weeks of acclimation to either long (LD; light:dark, 16:8) or short (SD; 8:16) photoperiod, SD voles had lower BM, body fat mass, and dry mass of liver and kidneys, but higher digestible energy intake in comparison to LD voles. SD voles also showed a lower level of serum leptin than did LD voles. Furthermore, the level of serum leptin was correlated positively with body fat mass and negatively with gross energy intake. Together, these data suggest that Brandt's voles employ a strategy of minimizing body growth, increasing energy intake, and mobilizing fat deposition in response to cues associated with short photoperiod. Furthermore, leptin seems to be involved in the regulation of BM and energy balance mediated by photoperiod.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of fasting and refeeding on the body mass, thermogenesis and serum leptin in Brandt's voles, the changes in body and body fat mass, resting metabolic rate (RMR), mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity in liver and brown adipose tissue (BAT), uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) content of BAT, serum leptin level and post-fasting food intake were monitored and measured.  相似文献   

李兴升  王德华  杨明 《动物学报》2004,50(3):334-340
为研究低温胁迫条件下长爪沙鼠的适应对策及瘦素对体重和能量平衡的调节作用 ,我们将 7只成年雌性长爪沙鼠在 5℃条件下驯化 2 1d ,另选 7只作为对照 ,对体重、血清瘦素含量、体脂含量、摄入能、基础代谢率、非颤抖性产热等进行了测定。结果发现 :1 ) 5℃条件下长爪沙鼠的体重没有明显变化 ;2 ) 5℃条件下长爪沙鼠的血清瘦素浓度和体脂含量均明显低于对照组 ,且瘦素浓度与体脂含量呈显著正相关 ;3) 5℃条件下长爪沙鼠的摄入能、基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热等显著高于对照。这些结果表明 :长爪沙鼠在低温条件下产热能力和自身维持能量消耗都增加 ,能量摄入因此而增加 ;瘦素参与了能量平衡和体重的调节 ,但没有直接参与产热调节  相似文献   

Effects of food supply on daily periodic locomotor activity in the ground beetle Carabus auronitens were recorded in the laboratory with the animals exposed to natural daylight and photoperiod. Inspection of individual actograms exhibits that in most cases feeding leads to strongly reduced and more or less irregularly distributed activity for a period of up to 4 days. In terms of quantitative parameters, the animals respond to food supply by an immediate reduction of mean amounts of daily activity. This is achieved through the reduction of duration (as a consequence of reduced burstlengths instead of burstnumber) and, less distinctly, the reduction of intensity. The initial levels of parameters are reattained after 4 days. Direct comparison by means of standardized (i.e. level-independent) relative parameter functions demonstrates close concordance between the amount and duration of daily activity; however, distinct synchronous change of intensity is apparent as a consequence of food supply only. This means that any variation of activity amounts is due to changing duration rather than to intensity variation. In analogy to the feeding-dependent parameter dynamics, also the proportion of animals with strong synchronization to the natural light/dark cycle is considerably reduced by food supply. The feeding-dependent reduction of activity is paralleled by temporarily reduced activity of proteolytic enzymes in the beetles. It is argued that, for the purpose of energy saving, the animals will remain inactive as long as reduced enzyme activity inhibits further consumption and digestion of food.Abbreviations DD constant darkness - LD light/dark cycle - nLD natural light/dark cycle - endogenous periodlength  相似文献   

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