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In order to study the role of hapten-reactive helper T cells in the induction of autoimmunity in mice, an attempt was made to establish an experimental model for the development of hapten-reactive helper T cells and the termination of immunological tolerance against heterologous proteins. Spleen cells taken from mice which were immunized with hapten-isologous protein conjugates (PAB-MGG) demonstrated helper activity for the anti-DNP antibody response of DNP-primed B cells responding to DNP and PAB-conjugated protein, but spleen cells from hapten-heterologous protein conjugate (PAB-HGG)-primed mice could not respond to PAB-determinant. Thus, hapten-reactive helper T cells can develop in mice by the immunization with hapten-isologous protein conjugate, but not with hapten-heterologous protein conjugate. However, spleen cells from mice which had been rendered tolerant by treatment with 2.5 or 0.2 mg of DHGG and then immunized with PAB-HGG could demonstrate helper activity responding to PAB-determinant. This helper activity was PAB-specific, because these spleen cells did not demonstrate helper activity if PAB-determinant was omitted in the primary and the secondary antigen. This helper activity was abrogated by the treatment of spleen cells with anti-θ serum and complement. Thus, hapten-reactive helper T cells were successfully induced by the challenge with hapten-heterologous protein conjugate in carrier-protein tolerant mice. When mice were treated with 2.5 or 0.2 mg of DHGG, no anti-HGG antibody response was induced by the challenge with HGG or PAB-HGG. However, the termination of HGG-tolerance was demonstrated only when the mice were preimmunized with PAB-MGG to raise PAB-rcactive helper T cells, treated with 0.2 mg of DHGG, and then challenged with PAB-HGG. This termination of immunological tolerance was not observed when the mice were preimmunized with PAB-BαA to raise PAB-specific B cells and anti-PAB antibody, or when the mice were treated with 2.5 mg of DHGG. Thus, if HGG-specific B cells remain intact in mice such as treated with low dose of DHGG, these B cells can be activated by some bypass mechanisms in the presence of PAB-reactive helper T cells through the PAB-determinant even in the absence of HGG-reactive helper T cells. These data clearly showed the role of hapten-reactive helper T cells in the termination of immunological tolerance and provide experimental supports to the hypothesis on the termination mechanism proposed by Weigle. The cellular mechanism for the development of hapten-reactive helper T cells in tolerant animals and the cellular mechanism of autoantibody production were discussed on the basis of T-B cell collaboration.  相似文献   

The maturation of helper T lymphocytes during an immune response was studied with respect to sequential changes in the functional specificity and affinity toward certain antigens. Protein-carrier (BαA)-reactive helper T cells obtained after a relatively long priming period were effectively stimulated by relatively lower doses of antigen than shortly primed helper T lymphocytes. When hapten (PAB)-reactive helper T lymphocytes were utilized as a model of helper T cells, reactivity also increased progressively to smaller concentrations of PAB-conjugates at successive intervals after primary immunization. Concomitantly, the cross-reactivity of PAB-reactive helper T cells to structurally related MAB- or OAB-determinants also decreased. Moreover, the PAB-reactive helper T cells of the relatively longer priming period were very susceptible to tolerance induction upon treatment with PAB-d-GL, whereas the reactivity of those helper T cells of the relatively shorter priming period was not abolished by this treatment. These results clearly indicate that there are qualitative changes in the helper T lymphocyte population during an immune response, and that this represents the sequential development or selection of helper T lymphocytes of higher specificity and apparent affinity to a corresponding antigenic determinant.  相似文献   

Termination of transcription in E. coli   总被引:69,自引:0,他引:69  
W M Holmes  T Platt  M Rosenberg 《Cell》1983,32(4):1029-1032

Spleen cells from mice previously immunized with turkey γ-globulin (TGG) were shown to give a vigorous secondary response in vitro when challenged in Mishell-Dutton cultures with TGG covalently coupled to pig erthrocytes (TGG-PRBC). However, 90–100% of the response could be abrogated by the incorporation of soluble TGG (sTGG) into the culture medium at concentrations greater than 1 mg/ml. Unresponsiveness, as measured by the absence of plaque-forming cells (PFC) in cultures receiving sTGG, was found to be antigen specific in that these cultures were still able to give normal PFC responses to sheep or burro erythrocytes. Spleen cells incubated with sTGG for short periods of time were shown to remain unresponsive after removal of sTGG from the culture and addition of TGG-PRBC. A 1-hr exposure period resulted in greater than 70% Unresponsiveness and a complete unresponsive state required only 8 hr of exposure. In contrast to the continued Unresponsiveness of sTGG-treated cells in vitro, spleen cells incubated with sTGG for 24 hr were fully responsive to an immunogenic challenge with alum-precipitated TGG when they were transferred into irradiated syngeneic mice. These data suggest that the readily induced unresponsive state in cultures of TGG primed cells may involve either a reversible antigen blockade of antigen-sensitive lymphocytes or a peripheral inhibition of reactive cells by suppressor lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Unresponsiveness induced to turkey γ-globulin (TGG) in cultures of TGG-primed spleen cells by incubation with high concentrations of soluble TGG (sTGG) was shown to involve a state of active suppression. Upon transfer to secondary cultures of primed spleen cells stimulated with an optimal dose of TGG-conjugated erythrocytes, such tolerant spleen cells were able to actively inhibit a secondary plaque-forming cell response to TGG in these cultures. Almost complete inhibition was observed with a tolerant cell to primed cell ratio of as low as 0.1. The suppression was antigen specific in that tolerant spleen cells which were suppressive for the secondary TGG response were unable to inhibit a primary response to sheep erythrocytes. T cells were shown to be required for the suppressor effect, in that (i) suppressor activity could be removed by complement-mediated lysis with an anti-Thy 1.2 antiserum and (ii) suppressor activity was retained in the effluent fraction after passage of suppressor spleen cells over a nylon wool column. Induction of the T-cell suppressor activity was found to be associated with a loss of T-cell helper activity within the TGG-pulsed cell population. The presence of adherent cells was not required for induction of suppressor activity. Furthermore, the suppressor effect was found to be resistant to 1000 R of γ irradiation.  相似文献   

We previously reported that pyrroline-5-carboxylate (PC), the intermediate in the interconversions of proline, ornithine and glutamate markedly stimulates hexosemonophosphate-pentose pathway activity in human erythrocytes. The stimulation is mediated by pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase which generates NADP+ accompanying the conversion of pyrroline-5-carboxylate to proline. We now report that the previously demonstrated effect of pyrroline-5-carboxylate on glucose oxidation through the hexose-monophosphate-pentose pathway is accompanied by increased phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate production and increased formation of nucleotides via the salvage pathway. The demonstrated effect of pyrroline-5-carboxylate on purine processing may provide a regulatory link between amino acid and nucleotide metabolism.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes obtained from the spleen of Balb/C mice have been subjected to transformation by LPS in the presence of varying concentrations of Pb2+, Cd2+, or Cr3+. Both DNA and protein turnover were followed. It was found that Pb2+ and Cr3+ are mitogenic over a broad range of concentrations, while Cd2+ is slightly mitogenic at very low (10?6M) concentration and rapidly becomes inhibitory of both [3H]TdR and [3H]ALA uptake. Pb2+ appears to stimulate the action of LPS, while Cr3+ appears to inhibit. Each of the metals protects the lymphocytes from cell death arising from incubation with LPS. The mechanism of the observed changes is as yet obscure.  相似文献   

It is observed that the decrease in the energy charge, increase in Pi, NH4+, and fructose-6-phosphate observed in stimulated frog muscle act synergistically in increasing the activity of rabbit muscle phosphofructokinase 300-fold over its activity observed at the concentrations of above effector substrates found in the muscle at rest.The activity of phosphofructokinase at various concentrations of Mg2+ and various fixed concentrations of NH4+, at levels of energy charge and Pi corresponding to the resting and stimulated muscle were also studied.These results suggest that variations in the concentrations of effectors of phosphofructokinase resulting from contraction of muscle are responsible for the increase in the activity of enzyme in stimulated muscle and that this activation may not necessarily be geared to the contractile process itself as postulated by Karpatkin el al.  相似文献   

Human red blood cells (RBCs), transformed by incubation with the amphiphatic compound lysolecithin from their normal discocyte shape into echinocytes, have increased rates of agglutination in the presence of either poly- -lysine (PLL) or soybean agglutinin (SBA). Removal of lysolecithin by washing caused a reversal of shape back to the discocyte configuration and a lowering of agglutination rates. Methochlorpromazine, another amphiphatic echinocytogenic substance produced a similar increase in agglutination rates, suggesting that increased agglutinability may be a general property of echinocytes. Lysolecithin treatment of RBCs caused a decrease in the binding of cationized ferritin (CF) particles/μm2 of RBC surface. The decrease in CF binding is due to a rearrangement of negative charge bearing molecules on the RBC surface rather than shedding of charged groups. These observations support the hypothesis that integral membrane proteins which bear negative charges and receptors are associated with a cytoskeleton within the red cell. Alterations in cell shape which result in distortion of the cytoskeleton may cause a redistribution of integral membrane proteins which bear charged groups at the RBC surface.  相似文献   

Currently, two major hypotheses dominate thinking about the role of histamine in the regulation of gastric acid secretion. Code has proposed that histamine is the final common mediator of secretagogue action on the parietal cell while Konturek and Grossman have suggested a multi-receptor control of the secretory process. Experimental results derived from the use of recently synthesized histamine H2-receptor antagonists have been used by both groups to support their hypotheses. Paradoxically, these hypotheses depend on the presumed specificity of the H2-antagonists in blocking histamine mediated acid secretion while the apparent lack of such secretagogue specificity of the H2-antagonists is an important basis for the development of the hypotheses. Our review will analyze the experimental evidence which implicates the histamine H2-receptor in the control of hydrogen ion secretion as well as evidence for and against receptor specificity in the gastric mucosa of histamine H2-receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

The tumor-specific transplantation antigen (TSTA) in crude three molar potassium chloride (3M KCl) extracts of a chemically-induced, murine fibrosarcoma was purified by ammonium sulfate salt fraction at 20% saturation (S20S) and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Mice, which had been pretreated with the S20S precipitate, displayed retarded outgrowth of a 100-fold supralethal dose of the corresponding, but not of a non-cross-reactive syngeneic tumor. Analysis of PAGE gels by Coomassie Blue staining revealed at least 30 bands in the crude 3M KCl extract, and only two components (Rf 0.34 and 0.43) in the ammonium sulfate fraction. That these two components bore TSTA activity was demonstrated by the observation that the immunoprotective activity of crude 3M KCl extracts was localized to the Rf 0.25–0.50 region. The two components present in the S20S fraction had isoelectric points of 5.05 and 6.9, and estimated molecular weights of 40,000 and 75,000, thus demonstrating the soluble nature of the active principle. These findings offer the prospect of a chemical dissection of the polymorphic TSTA surface markers on MCA-induced murine tumors.  相似文献   

When measured for weight loss, mortality and degree of physical dependence, 4 strains of mice exhibited widely differing sensitivities to chronically administered morphine. However, no obvious relationship existed between the pharmacological responses to morphine and the steady-state levels of either norepinephrine or dopamine in brain striatal sections of the strains tested. In addition, the injection of naloxone into morphine-dependent mice, which elicits withdrawal jumping, brought about an increase in dopamine levels in the striatal sections of only 1 of the 3 strains tested. Thus, the naloxone-precipitated withdrawal jumping response may not be associated with an elevation of brain dopamine levels.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that activated murine T lymphocytes express intracellular vesicles containing the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen H-2K. Evidence has also been provided that such vesicles may be part of a cellular pathway of spontaneous H-2K antigen internalization and recycling, which is specific to T-lymphoid cells. Dual fluorescence flow cytometry has now been used to establish that H-2K antigen is acidified upon internalization in concanavalin A-stimulated but not lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine splenocytes, thus providing further support that in T lymphoblasts this class I MHC antigen may travel intracellular routes similar to those reported for other cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

Mouse fibroblast (L-929) cells, in culture, synthesized and secreted into the growth medium a vitamin B12-binding substance which was identical to mouse transcobalamin II (TC II) as judged by the following criteria: (i) gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, (ii) ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and CM-cellulose, and (iii) the ability to facilitate cellular B12 uptake by L-929 cells. The secretion of mouse fibroblast binder was blocked by cycloheximide and puromycin; and in both cases the cells' ability to secrete this binder was partially restored when the inhibitor was removed. Within 30 h after the cells were exposed to [57Co]B12 bound to mouse serum TC II (Mr ~ 38,000) the [57Co]B12 was bound to a large molecular weight intracellular binder (Mr ~ 120,000) which was not released into the culture medium. During this same incubation period, the cells released free [57Co]B12 and [57Co]B12 bound to a protein which had the same elution volume as mouse serum TC II on Sephadex G-200.  相似文献   

A NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity was increased upon mitogen stimulation of human lymphocytes. The activity was not inhibited by antimycin A or rotenone but was specifically inhibited by antibodies elicited against rat liver NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase or cytochrome b5. The activity was linear with cellular homogenates up to 5.2 × 106 cells/ml and had abroad pH optimum of 7.7. The presence of 3-methylcholanthrene in mitogen stimulation media had no effect on the NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity but differentially induced the benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase (AHH) activity. The reductase activity was present in nonstimulated cells and appears not to be significantly increased in activity per cell upon mitogen-stimulation of the peripheral lymphocyte.  相似文献   

Infection of chicken embryos with West Nile (WN) virus, a group B togavirus containing structural lipids, caused a rapidly developing hypertriglyceridemia. Changes in the activity of several hepatic regulatory enzymes in glycolytic and lipogenic pathways occurred during infection. Compared to control values in embryos of the same age (16 days), an 8.8-fold increase in the specific activity of ATP-citrate lyase and a 5.6-fold increase in that of hexokinase were observed on the third day of WN virus infection. Hexose monophosphate shunt dehydrogenase specific activities were elevated twofold in virus-infected livers. Activities of malic enzyme and phosphofructokinase were also elevated in WN virus-infected livers. Malate dehydrogenase and NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase levels showed little or no change during infection. The levels of pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase were decreased in virus-infected livers. Hepatic acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity was at least twofold higher in virus-infected embryos; however, following removal of low-molecular-weight compounds, the specific activities of this enzyme from infected and control embryos were virtually identical. The results of mixing experiments suggest that the low levels of carboxylase activity in control embryos may be due to the presence of enzyme inhibitor(s) which can be removed by gel filtration.The incorporation of radiolabeled precursors into cellular lipids by liver minces from virus-infected and uninfected embryos was measured. There was a twofold increase in carbohydrate incorporation in virus-infected liver as compared to uninfected liver; [14C]pyruvic acid was incorporated into lipids to the greatest extent. [1-14C]acetic acid, [U-14C]alanine, and [U-14C]leucine were incorporated very poorly in both infected and control livers. Twice as much [1-14C]oleic acid or [1-14C oleic]triolein was incorporated in WN-infected livers as in control. The relative distribution of neutral and polar lipids formed from each precursor was generally similar in infected and uninfected livers as determined by thin-layer chromatography of radiolabeled lipids. Except for a threefold increase in oxidation of [14C]glucose by virus-infected livers, the oxidations of carbohydrates and fatty acids were similar in infected and uninfected livers. The pentose phosphate pathway appears to be the major pathway utilized in glucose oxidation for both control and virus-infected livers. The results indicate that enhanced flux of metabolites into lipids reflects a virus-induced alteration in embryonic development: The enzyme patterns of infected embryos are more characteristic of older embryos or even newly hatched chicks.  相似文献   

The internalization of plasma membrane components labelled with ConA and peroxidase was investigated in monolayer cultures of rat liver cells. After the labelling procedure, the cells were reincubated with PBS free of both ConA and peroxidase for different time periods between 5 min and 3 h at 37 °C. Ligand-induced redistribution of ConA-binding sites finally resulted in a cap with uropod formation after 2–3 h of reincubation. Simultaneously with redistribution, the cell surface label disappeared through internalization, and a membrane recycling into the Golgi apparatus could be observed. Besides the lamellar Golgi apparatus which exhibited a labelling of the cisternae as a consequence of the membrane recycling, the hypertrophied unlabelled Golgi apparatus could be detected in the same cell. Furthermore, many vesicles formed by the hypertrophied Golgi apparatus were found between them and the plasma membrane and in close proximity to the plasma membrane. Fusion of the vesicles with the plasma membrane could be observed. These morphological findings indicate the possibility that the membrane internalization and the membrane recycling simultaneously effect an enhancement of membrane biogenesis and exocytosis, thus compensating for the membrane removal by internalization.  相似文献   

The 1-hydroxy epimers of chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol formed from the reduction of the respective 1-oxo derivatives with [3H]NaBH4 have been separated preparatively by high-pressure liquid chromatography on a μBondapak C18 column. This separation procedure permits the facile and rapid preparation of the 1-3H-labeled derivatives of chloramphenicol and its analogs.  相似文献   

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